LihE Wvdat the Fostofflçe C. sd Weekly. [TV INDEPI >APER OF LAKE COUNTV. ty Editrs Ieaidence Telep )ertyville Exehunge. I.Ibertyollle, Ill., as Second Ai4ertisiII t lttes Mftde Knoý %,UirSCRtIPTION PRICE. $150 PER YEAR sTrRicTLY . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . m i.. H SR D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . j1RLDAY. FEB1WÀIRY 16i, 1 With an assured salary of $5,000 a year, de4r that aspirants for the State'Is Attorney, 0yaileus te gt it. Theonly wonder is the pian who boel that their friends vant thez .iz.e. Vive thousand a year is BOXE JOB. Evidently Mr. Shurtieff believea that th do> in toe ready te drop viienever-the droppý tb*.' why he's having petitions circulated u tyfoyte Senate and Houso..And ther 1ÏshouM ho clamed that Bd didn't knowt tftions were bing circulatodl clas ofpecipl bite cen~,iu2Ity t~a.y.auoe~or ren" 9 -Ythake region oea"W the 0CoistO f h change in hé» to# à àothe' à a Irsingoft SROoItCEN tos Il hela rz s"àwi.tejikgowih plendi l ~ glso eod rontoaca. WAUiweAfAorO WOLJO SENS. o t Lacntl epe e» ce Ituolb athet vI4'. OH LPicaio T e taw le t T WtO akenet oter etWaukgaIfThIo kq.nth ra ta d it wîî kega» bsae uniry ob« sigNE n ao dî oMor WtIbUtaW SUKan tuWut11 1 -onîymeantt r thewoi ait b. a ramore'suOd tt a. ebtoo ae f - the STJ c ro u te at Iben m e lo a~ vow em n rm Ciao a.~ lf .c Nowtlî the pvlanpoveulaig out j-ch et.d. TwIho fs NSle13110 tII, Yu Ed tor president. toO -the front iatter. o r omtisCahicgontl lok% sa Ifeanthpar cesbeadraymr epewl nag artro odrïs gFTId fror Cîca As Ao L aIt. Bl ff in the l brlcongmucpeopl n eyingt-oe M On h ud ata i iyEia teses idtov spiedtedat filws:riseilytbOugH WuE R an ta lt e d t e uîy foaddition t e popllzlng A re CicagPAnidýW» In Waukegan- . ta teln l ab.alaltioft he a unimerresofro t There are Atheof ent rea etue g ovsds )w nAflctoq T t................ f. 107 of aukho aedche offcondtrcLae eouxp e ansi- at e otyre in he Bume r l oti.Thesariett aii15 -1ad let................ 13 obueata oLaite ta W' UNad h ta reif thbev aagd reo hiao to uead Optii efl. Ne ob es I, itANE- t ene on-tWukegathely.___________________profit___le_______profit___________ job are decld- me weekl pprbth.ed expressions etifcutlyas»Uath ebolvrFoLkendheaergi, weDhew ouvr&bveou th teN ha e tm nt e s f iows t llote tb ate raove w em etm. Roose.I-CM1W herMlt h S n*ae ltlecm aualy hsWIpov ra a ei st hcgowl e«mr vetiment int, asorefsad lu iti oRowsevel tbrpee.l h elfo aywobv ueett hcg uooiigpr Ta.t.sco.d.or.1eMmnnageo*eve>v, 46; ?af, 16Hiao w toLak MBluffandti I itt Ie Muc ony otFotes ho BuityE watressinandthe totaset thed ont et lko, it isseen that A WukegN oteheW AunDBInEddtintoWouaY 0F si A imeSifPnih dooevet Theerg20 maPa popl wnt ouLife Option DiveanPstle'l7avolmesofhoe n~~~~h toov texpretasionf canIOI Mrcb votMetra in theranc Cmof r, it is n won-LaukeFoll18 5mRLJT s The. Democrats tried te make boliove they had a scrap *a at their (3onty Çsntral Commnitte meeting here Mon- ýè .Whyi oft-course, they juat bad t aeI perUe scpag, w.for, without a Uttie proos-ageut matter of a whole ifouldn't believo that thona »Mi toaaây notblng et a lusty polltlcal ucrap. IM uor abselutely notblng doing in politics pro- lb h* fihIng o et.itio ne lUt wek-"lce thon, candi- bav beianV ashori èe . sending eut lIteatore the, f ova' unag up thelr fonces and getting olgn tue 'lgh v a li, as near righl as Ifia lofe..thon.L Anaftérer ilaaid and donse, 11w volter wM bavelte full say, he'Il have the. iat say. Itbgn lookMa fas»p hm beenmade, that is, Okqflef ollwer hveo "pïomlsed" te support th~e -onymua for lt.eBanale If is adiiorouls imite to Id lu otier words, it êkaas if eM7y Ootuty aoeap, wkkhi la lte moat bitter founi lg ho lte, hma beeomusrTed iteLake Oouty, ~l a'opdmay provolte 'Waterloo et one or the Mce C ounty faction. The question îa: WHICH? M DOEN DMCING. The SUN'S agitation te the effet that the new style would brlag trouble tet e nes who tried te intro- titem here, provod productive of resuits and met ap- vUl et an _rootors et dances. UDs officero e t.seciety which held the dance Satur- «~'OUMIg vere just as anons that the porpetrators ho t"f6 the oo as the guests. STho public us wlflng te stand for censidorable but Iomo people exhauso their sense et. endurance. lomo nov-style dances camot h permittod and have 4e&cesprove uccesaul an4l Polar Star Society did much lom'&'d upholding the standard et the amusement in the etty by causmng the arreat, et the ofnesStrday. Buch danceo bring ne expressions et approciation frem gpouttors, thoretoro why do a tew persons try te introduce It is nov foît that a summary blow te such stunts bas Sbeen dealt and that persona vhe have desired te execute th.estops have been biding their chance, wili deem it wise te abandon their plans entirely. . I is well t.hat it i8se. THE GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT The Goed RoadË Convention held in Chicago Monday vas an important event for Illinois, one whose importance Mnay net o f elt ah once but whie~h vili be shown laher when legisiation is asked for and obtained in SpÉkPlgField. Many akers feit that Illinois is far .behind other states in the read movement and they aiso realiEed that, while every person in Illinois favors geod roads, the lack et interestand enthusiasm has been due moshly te the con- dition vhich prevails-that what la everybody's business, la nobedy's. Nov, however, vîth a tangible plan in mnd, Width an erganizatien perfeched te promote the impreve- Mont of reads by asldig State aid througheut the State, lt ia quito apparent that illimeis is te join in the nation-vide movement for bettering road conditions. The advent et the auto and auto truck makos hard miadanocessary, it makes it necessary also te provideroads ome stronger than gravel reada. Autos tear up good ravol roada, thorefore somehhing more substantial must -~otimd, and Ihat somehhing experts are net yet ready to rpfq upon.t ~!eNational Association passed a reselution asking 84Ueainlutii.movoment and lt 18 fet that, with the ce- »peatimof ethte vomen of Illineis and with te aid eft he psWa, icit viflho solicited te boom the mevement, an im- P*uawillbéeg'n tue important project vhich at once in- 'brodaov.ry resideut oethte state. Good roada mean bel. t* sud mon~ traveling, btter prices for f arma, resideuces gSd .Produot. Titoy mean btter, social intercomre in gsmtry districts, lbey meau an improvemeut ail along lthe 14Maocially, la a business way, andilways brig a'ralca To The Republican Voters of LakeCounty, Boonoaaâ = U Cnaia sveas bymytrieda amit ac-quutintanees.un L.ake CoiiutY, to beco«Me a eandidate for tho.. au aanomnation W r BaIs e dtor, I hereby asi c. açI-voUe luthe. PlIuay Election te b. Prev*ilâ that the State Senator ini our Ire le a second moauoosvs torM, and tha in eider t hé tire. ceuntios. the largeat la population; te mot bu- - ami cmR S gqdu~ton oftChaa, vh3h asha te fienator during lte paat four years, recgub u lbe Lake Oounty sud have pl,3dged me. their unaauimua. supiport My whole b#iuand politlua career bas boon spent in. Lake Coui4y. lever success 1 have attained-in busi- ness, ba s 1on wlth theoco-pntlon of the farming ani n- dustrial latoreti oflisaCol;nltv. Iknovr soniethingofet ti needa pt tbe. tarmer, te workng man, the business man,, the profosuional man and fraternal societies. I pileg ou, if nonitnatod and ejected, te work for the interesta etao that té peopleofethUe County and Dis- trict uilli ho protscted Iu.teéir righta and the legitimate1 pruit eft hhir caUling. To the political organizations et' l.district, I promise to-adhere te and vork for the Ropubj Uican principles wblch ham causeo&us te occupy the pesi- tien et "The. Banner Rgpublican Counly of Illinois." Lake County 18 entitled te the Senator, butyuras- tance in neerled. I have net the means nor the inclination te make a "rdoney Spending Campaig," which would iu any way violate the lava etftthe Stato or effend the veters eft tus District, but feel confident that your support, coupled with the work bolug doue by my friends tbreugheut the district, new actively engaged in promoting ouri nterests, will give vour Ceunty the next member in tue State Sonate. d&w-t PAUL MAC GUFFIN. 4 (t 1 I 'iliI BROKEN RINGI, BROKE.N WATCHES, lu tact we fix sve<thing lu connection with thej.rweiry business, except brokn engaeens. We commet guaramoots.t do tha,hbut a aft dieue ofeurs$"Orb dlamnonda h.a ven-ual elte You in sucl an euegency. I le .worth the Our Nesw Prçcms of d.smainc &il muna ot Jewslvy mnokssIl lok Me s nw. Lmi us shw. yoc wha A.HUSS. Jeweler Special lebruary Sale-Ladies Undermuslins Commencinq Thursdaq, february 1. 1912, a verp special of[ering of new Muslij Underwear and greatIy reduced prices on mang other items* Plain muai, in, corset covers, ecdi . - - 12 12 llan< one lace and atnbroidery trirnred Corset oovcrs, each - - .25e and 50e Corset cover and Drawers eoenbinatiou 50c and $1.00 Corseît over and Skit cornbination - . 8e Corset caver and Draw-ers combuations made of erepe cloth never need ironing eaeb - - $1.50 Crepe Night Gowns - - - - 1.00 Well made Branierea eaeh - - 25o and boc Musîjut Nig ht t4owns, handeome styles special *- at - 0e, 75c, $1.00 and $1.75 Futl lcngth whie Skirt eaeh - - - 2be Fuil lengtb Skirt Embroidery trimmed at -50c, $1.00, S1.40 Muglins DIM-aers - - - - 20C., 25e, 50e Ladies ciroular Druvers, embroidery and lace trimaxed at - 50c Princes Slip $ 1.00 and SI.25 1-adieii flousa l)regmes aach -$1 S.00 C'blîdren'. iDresses . - - 500, 75c, $1.0t, Children's Roînpers each b Ladies Fleeced ljndertWear, per garment - - - 280 Print Aprous, light or dark, each - - - 250 Weil inade Gingham Aprons, each - - - - 250 ('hildren'a Wool Ilos. 300 and 35c vaiues reduced ta - 25(3 Ladies Fleeoed liose, 15o to 36o gooda for 100, 180, 250 Box Hosmiery, Big Four, four pair for - 45o Burson six pair for-----------------1.30 Endurance'six pair for$10 Pure Silk Boot Hose six pair for Flunnelette Night Gowns reduced ta 75a W* W.O C'A 41L & SNS GO., .A Twenty Year Savings Fund Policy 1118 ISplan takes rare of teanual savings and converi.. themin tto a postive Iguaraut". fond for the protection of your family aud yourself. It in the saviflgs banit and insurance prntection eombined in ae onvenct, attractive and praCtical arrangement. if yùu coun ave but a @maillnom annuully, it -À ii1 ereate nt onLe an etate of thousanda of dollar,-, payable im~mediately ineucae of vour tieath tot yonr baeoeay, .although you May have madie but one annual deposit, thus providing for thons whom you desire to proteet. lu thes avent that you survive and maito your annual aeponsits for the îwenty year pet-id, you vili Dot otily bave erested sud fttUy paid for an s.iate for the support of your benellciary, but lnstead, if yon prefer, there wil be returned to you aethâat time, in a lump sum, ail of your »coumulât dJ savwpsz or Jeposits vithaut any deductions what- ever. 131 thet évent your protection during the entire tweety yetre bas ocat )ou nothing, the aggregaio of yor auenasainge hsving ail beeu retorued t0 700. At a,e of 30 a savinge deposit of $1100.00 a year wil create an estate of $2,896.87 At the end of the tw.niieth year, baving made your depouits oait yeur, you wili bave an estatts f illy î,aid up for this;sum (S2,896. R7) and besiden you will receiTe in oucashte adtional sum of $52i.81i, or if you prefer, you esn sas above stated, witbdraw in ca.h vour total deponitsamrounting te $2,000.00. If, m h. i 10 s -4rm o' n.-evo, W1<.i,eî $Sio C in a isainiz st atnsd shoultd IL, - .' u ..k, l [%(i a,,N fr 6, Iorihtarv or emtute %aouid rective but oaa lîundred dollars, with a f.w iollar'a added interen@t. If, on the othar band, yon deposit the same amwîut with the Olti Michigan Mutuai Life Insuranee Co. on this sav. iiugs fupd plan, y-,Pr beneflciary or egtate wouid in the avent of your desth racoive the.nmi of $2,896.87. Wbiriî is the inoît prudent and bueailcial for Yeu? The great boeoîts te b. d.rived f rom tItis plan mnuât b apparent to every oue. It in undoiiltiy the bit forut of policy for the inured ever issued bq apy compaamy. WIuynot -<mimen-e nt once to create an immeuiate e8tate in this practical, pravi. tient W*yVYuon ow boiter tItan we do huw muech yoli can save e&t h year out af your income. Yna name the amou.nt you eau deposit. WVe wii do the rest. The. 01< Michigzan Mutîtal Life Insurance Company wts foundied in 18607, aud uow bas asseta of uaarly $12.u00,ooo.0(i. It in one of te turdieit andi trongent financial inatitutions of the inddle states. It wilI carry out axuy agreemsent or otAivtation it entera ini0 Wrjîe 1teith und.rsigmoui giviîîg vîîur âge at nenret birthday, and you wil] receive the details of titis ideal savings f and plan of inssurartte. Yours truly, John Hodge, District Manager. Any Other Business Can Better Afford to Wait. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW. (Se. next week's ad--more to follow> v g,