Paie~~LÀ Por A COUNTY SUEME COURT HUARD LORD-REID CASE MONDAYII Tb* Saproulo court of the state of Ilinotis yesterday recei',ed the co-i pieo records of the fanjous Lord-Reed case and wiil returu a deciston ttsat wili once an for ail dvcide the cIse that bas been ln the limeigbt iu Wau- kegan for vo long.. Whau (the case trert was tried be- toma the mater in chancery here a d- cision was retururd iu lavor of lirs Lord. An alîposi 'rastaken FO orce and the case 'ras beard beforo Circuit Judge C'harles Whitney who sustain- ed the decîsion of the master. Attor- iieys fer Mise Reed then prayed for an apeai W (tho Supreme court. ettoruoya for Mrs. Lord entered a, motiJon asltlng (he Supreme court to disinise (his eppeal. This the court qolIn»ed Wo do and as a resuit Mtise Rosi will have au uprtunlty today of )romtlng her case te the highest tri- bunasl i the state. The case tg oue of the mosîtamous 'euztrid lu Lake countY. William' F. * ,goso fri irght agent for tise Wsconsin Central rilroad gave es a preâeut to Miss Reed a tarinralined at neyraj th»usapid del" locat94ln the wetern part of Lakeè cointy: mr. Lord died ln 1906 sud his iidow nt once sftarted action 10 regain the Inoperty. claimulug tisat it had heen gigan t esa Reed while Mr. Lord .viis iilr ,a speil wricb it ta ciaimed iîeb ad thrown over im. r. Lord charges that MNiss Reed was nierely an afQnity of herlier busban4i snd that through sedutive maous she induced bus to give her the valuahie tarin. Mrs. George Simnis of Bg Rock, Ill., miltted suicide by banging berseli ffroms the toi) bar of a window ln ber roos' lui the Elgin Stale hospital Tue@- '-s.'- f ~-5' A¶t le',' M VALEigICTORIAN- 0F SJ4ENIEMVSFR fiR# CLÀSS 0F 1912 IS TR0O' E 4f $an Francisco, Fei. 20-Dr. Ber. AMMftIINC~flTû ~Ajtram ti.Aiden, e eturgeon of a 10- T E A L R3D L1ÂNOUNCEDTO4UA Y,,al 'hospit i suas doueADY _______________ d tu ho an inpossible teat. H" bas- successtuliy operatod upon biniseli MISS MAJORIE 4AWTHORNE 18 tu reniove hie appendix.1 REPORT SAY$ TMAT ORDER W AWAROED HIGiIEST HONORS "I coutild ave compioted ithe uPerai ECIVDYKSTERDAV TO Ru. 0F THE YEARI 8 CI.ASS. î1on singie-handed, 1 ams sure, Il aid MAIN IN RIDINE*fS. D r. A ld e n to d a y . l I in Je c te d th e s i),n a l , e o d n o r p r s r c l e r l anseethesia myseif and i made ail the! codn orun eovdfo AWARDED ON CHOLARSHIPpreliminsry incoisnwtbout thles Fort Sheridan. tiiq officiaia the PMOU ditlculty. ln tact. 1 laid. bar@ thle have received isrcin otel tolia o!f lesh unili1 iladreached the readinens.te move on a mnfnot oice. CLASS TO SELECT HI$-TORIÀN Iiifismed organ. i would have finished Thie ia bolleved ý4o ho due te, the &Nnnircrns4nnRg- I£)_ as i hegmn, witicut any aid, but tgeiftlreatefld trofle with, Meiec ad (lie scalpel sud comnsanded tue to, I sitop, tbrcatenlug 10 leave me If i per- 'ta slstîýd i ncounpletlng the oîîeratiOii' The Ililgh school tsculty today ait i nouuced the scholarshilp honore for tht ARHRIUKEWM. F. wnm graduatipg ciasa of 1912, as tollows: SH OWER F OR A 1 SauaoranEdar Rseblm. LAKE ZURICH MISS Oraor-Catherine Spoor. IMALPI4 OAD. Orator-Ida Hadleilman. l TI4REE AVOWED CANDIDATES FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR THE NOMINATION Th, ooewr coa i h'Ou Wednesday evenlur, Foi. 14, a _______________________ taculty entlrely tron a gcbolarshipniseanosshwrwsiv ath standpoint;'the aillier honors, suh iashume of Miss E. Schaffer iu honor of CthW L ~ T1 1e counil st nIght Ibal the cm SIGN FALLS; HITS hisorin, pet, song-wrjter, etc., wîîî tus. tMaiet Prussla. ona f 15k. Su- iiîî-sioners have heid a meeting with ihe Waiegan Ililli Producers ' BENIEIIC1 ON HIEAD levtdo i (acaaltr rlck's moet popular Young ladies, alo ,.iaioi reativ taresricionstha fil I the matter of two retors chosen, kîîown to many readars of 1h. - t MI N ON E S N iywl akatrte riac i-thecustoni ls to show the onme select- - -. c to ecîe whch îsiss 1 nrlean The aitair vras arranged very lîret- MANY POINTE S ritenWl:1sedkatrth.rlan is The wind -at i lipiety Wallis tod:y ess4ay or whicii wlll prevare an Ors- tliY; the racilu being 9festooned wîth MILK ORDINÂNCE t ist the big dlu îloat'.1es hd, ;iscaosed mauy persans tensstafin b îlîtenmsol rrngvi e largond bruî.la l tbheete the__________ restrictionîs (bey Impose fais l the business district. Anm ligalreubel nwihtc Si) îlat the ordnarce wbîcfl aiPe- ber Of wousen were auîoog the victlmrs. Tite ca$ honore as aelecled by the tifts were placd. urerdiscîsOîoli-oil iait gan draws wii'l have the saine. After One woînsn feil near the Wooiworth facilty willi he ttatvered7lit tthocom-A Afler helng enlerlaintd l>y musaic 1 hlch the -commissiioîîers ;ti) toalpas,; thforîinance is lrsfled and hetore l ive-cent store, and bad 10 hi bellped i îeuceuî exorcises which willibc smi song (ho bride to-lie was seated 1regu4aîng the conidtionîs undpr sbhi il i it l lte v,în-for att lotoastore by two iien. becld in (lie -igh echool. I lider the uimr<tlla which wasa ham iiti anotiecr meetîig of the liryme)i Àaudrew -leliedlct, the resi estate- tiîîii ud dIhe gftis !lowereq lu ber rerm u lk inHt b st lîow il iere , i aiOs "beetenau a ! th s ci y a n Ii s mol mle besuii td lvr, iasIei commtliierst'cv ilîlibc clled nt îîîau, hapenod 1talie lu lhe îmtb of VOTERS ATTENTION. lat hroved t h e cofer wil <sliie ftte b', itu 1 siion o leîalyîeîJustice Bais' slgn iv heu Il lroke front lolin i... ditore i. th. irut ianus Cams e re Ihen llayed and at bse un (u onerdli one f il I e ouglît for the iev ileassîres. iýsfa8trniuîgs o1,(lie Berry building lta annoince is candidacy for ai i 1 130a lîrelîs'lv»hihras aerved atter largo daries sîîch as the Dowinaiicor.-. 1Iland fell to tie ground. lMr. lenedict tant superviser lu the lown o!r Wîal liî t î'c gî. lesta departad, wlsbing r 'ist th kid o iiiii thy wli v- IlterNaua o ths ctI nd îs îslcd a bail bruite ou the lîead. legai. fi-lisformai anîîuncement ai, hiîr frîcJil ma brIglî and ihappy future. *eit îîao11 îd fiîl icysi i ayiuuc Hauser, o! Wbdsdeverlb, 'ere bIneig talion tatDr. Tiruels office ilears In anorher cotama. le I s ecrf. Th' gts vcrc înauy snd heautitul d"te itmarag Te îa orning 1 lere bis lîutrs werv diressed. le will tary of the Mili Prodvîcers of Wtuie-ii I l kn wthue charing lady COmnssioner Aterlîery i-elw.I-teîl at Il ot'iock lu the iii1 Creek churcb lic laid uti for a t",w days. gan township. .111'Bash ie lit odeeerving or thons. 100.1t'ft Alserge assortment of extra qualty 15.0 3a.9 PRIROF.S SLIPS 4 Ni HTU An extra fine soft prices en.39 jc , i:, 1.50vExmflà l.Q9c vlue$ .08vi ue ut Dressçs Whte Pique Dresses *F very -attra&ctive de- -alun, wlth Suller Col- lurs andi everything thaât goes to inake up........ a very ncat dfls. Our g regulur, 8.oo value ut 3,e98 -1 Wool Dresses of the latcst type. The greut- est barguins that uee or anyone else ever offered the trade. Ail sIzes uni muny colors te select f rom. A 1lo.oo garment ut onîy 4.o48 Last -l'A!, prwo> ThnkRoasoR, and Invostigato!!a!ul Have you ever stopped to think, reason out, or investigate why this store is always busy.- We don't know what t means flot to be busy-WHY, becauseof our unequalled power in value glvlng. Where is there another cluak aind suit house in this county that buys and seils the, amount of merchandise that we do. This means something. We seil our merchandise at the price others pay for theirs. The prices below should seil every wintcr article Ieft In the store. IM..iay ori.g, 10 O t.11 500 percale, Glngham and Madras1 D)resses, as shown ln Our reulr .0,1 69&1.75?89C values, *at Only ........." Brassiors Made of an extra good quaI ty cam- bric, our regular prîce for them Is 50c, to-morrow 25 only .......25 Last COAi Calli You'll buy if you see them. Corne and corne quick!1 'Wintercoats, ladies' and miss- es', in alrnost any shade'or ma- terial, that yôu have ever seen, are to be found here in values from $10 to $15, A and will be closed out <J9 Ail $20 and $25 models will be sacrificed at the s very low pric of ... $1 I~c I.shOats O ur Plush Coats are dif- ferent. They ppsess that i distinctive, stylish appear- ance flot found in otber ' coats. $2500 garmehfts, nwat 13.Mil V ~ iAt your aOwn $2 Tbrows, 49o $ 10 Muf., 2.98j $5-muffs,1.98-$,lesurfs 2.SS8 $0 4189 3.U 3 SS 3 *suimy lAfleruo., 2 Io 3 300 Misses' walklng sklrts, made upof flnestrlped brillllni tUne, lcngths to 37 only,J every one w@rth fully $3, 0 Laat SUIT Cali If you have a haif dozen on hand now, you'11 buy another if you sec themn at the price we are asking. Corne quick while the picking is good. $15 suits at 5.98, or in other words at 25 ' ý% less than what we pay for them. Corne and5 8 and get oea -...5 9 20.00 Suits ut 7.98. Everythlng of the best to be feund In these suits In the way of workmagshIp, mu. 70l tell, etc., only............. 9 INflUO MVUEI Lest Cali Sahrday, luiay &Ii.pdai SEIITS SaUTS E ey 1.00 end 1.m sacques.59 WIthauetudp Perslon raf.69 fie, Worth69 The Elaborate, extra or. dinary swell Suits must go with the rest. It hurts us to 'tell you how we have cut the prlceo these $30.00 values, at..10 0 Chlldren 'à Diea LHave yous ever heard of anythiig ~ iethis befo:e. .Children's buit Sgrade percale, gingham arid gai- atta dresses, sizes up to ~-14 Irs. 3.00 values at... '9c prohabiy wil llie the. flrsttoi lhe sent to tho front. The tact that soldiers have bMu 'orbidden lieuses @nablisfl themi to r. main sway troS-tbè Mbt overiibt would Indicate tiat there te tsiitb th th1e report that the olicers do Bot wlub to have their mon allaeftt troin the post aay longer thèn abeolltOly sa nçceBssry. There was a report a short tiâe ago that Fort Sheridan éoidlers could ezpect to lhe colied am tlu ae qt bostilies and IL. la Ciaied't#4t ordr nover' was romclnded an# the order which it le Ii wie eled yesteay Is ait sdditloêl OoW dWatches l 20 yUAm OUA*AwmTE. il ffltt. MFVOt MEOMIE OUMW P<CIES FE IÀtSE£PMI 7.00 Sitrta noe 2.98 10.00 Skts nw 4.98 Blm ad eta &pet. tlcoats,$ IA value, at t... Ladies high grade but-.«~ ton end lace shoes l, patent Leather, Tan Gu. Metal. Ail strict. band mde Shoes worth 3.5o te 4.oo, tomorrow ' et ..........2.45, A speclal lot of Lade'. 2.50 end 3.00 5h..., to. chiliren'. Ht61 h gru4e Shau, btte.a endlace Patent Pàteqe~Leqthçr & <ian MMta, worth 2.00 end to.-norrow et..1le35 A speclal l.t of smal& Chlldreuis Shoes, but ton and lacte, weutm. .5. ami2.0o, 85c cI~II îAI1hWI~jp vo* TO DRAI N) VERP 0 IVASME LIE VI Sland lu -wlieu a territor) No 2. trkt 1file thi. vE polnted oy of 1 Deerfiehl ertyville In ail land In weatertî notheri lireIent dis5trict water. drainagi entalled dltch %s Snireyo The territor' and amîl tom atol to the The th1e dis are 'In s> rento tub k t1 f-l thi 1 re >0 The i di,, b i part of '.-WC doîre b: 111e pur ORDEI J L DG E CAS r.OL TIO l a g, le e (t I.-. thi, pr-j'I1 derref litigat lut il Disi ti@n c s-Il' t The '0 'Me 'rrno-t ho )r> ir ln b( that L st Cali ,Saturlay, Muuay & Tussdmay Wai.è. DIfer-et f rom othors Wais a Méanlsh taliored shirt wasts. ln gray and nu"y blatflao4antasd other fancy79 stripedmterl~is eler 2.00 valuesat Bïeautlfu l lngrftidmuqufsette wlsts, everv. one a 5.00 waist or more, to-morrow 29 we a" o1y .............................. .....9 OMBINATION lSUTl ti muPriseos cffectjg umbftna drossera a.11hlefonnmewed corset ceverrn.JU a.200 valse, vory *poo$u et ...............1,0 à i - 'm e , i 1