eb. The *FIýRSIT SLE -DAY CON~DUCTED BY Libertns In the Vil<e1"Lbet.il SALE TOr COMMENCE AT 10:00 O'CLOC K A, M. SHARP The. Following Property highest and lias best Been Listed and wiIl 1-be $old, to the bidder without reserve. IUH~11f t I!~ I ...Libertlle Buffet... la,. Pro». BLACKSMIT1IS Uberyvile, -Illinois Ubcrtyville Lumber Co. LUMBER, COAL .... FEED ETC.... Libertyvie, M- linois PETER PETGES Thf~e Standard Libertyville, - Illinois 2Oth Century C ash Store E. W. PARKIIURST, Prop. Libertyvil le, H,.B. H ARD Libertyville, - - Illinois Eger WARE S . 0 Illinois JW. BROWN Buffet I hIInoIs 25 :ýHEAD 0F HORSES 2 FulrBlood Hlstein Btdls,. 20 head of Iligh Grade Cattle 7 Polaod China. Boar Pigs -ready [or service 20 Polaod China Shoats 150 to 200 pounds 15~ Polao China Pigs 2 months old 1.5 Pofand China Sows and Gits, fu blood and registered 2 disc Ilarrows, fiew, 2 sulkyj Cultivators, new 6-roli Kegstone Ilusker, good order, 2 sulky Plowi 4 Mik Wagons, goodcondition, 3 sets Bob Sleiohs 4 sets team Ilarness, 1 McCormick Mower Quantitq of Docks, Geese and Chickeos. ENTRIES FOR CONSIGNMENT CLOSE AT 9:00 0'CLOCI< A. M. ON DAY Of SALE- TIERMS CASH UNLESS OTII!RWISE ARRANGED WITII CONSUIGNOR 0F GOODS N.E~Gatzert GENERAL MANAGER He. Je Poile, Auctioneer. GEORGE QUENTIN, Clerk ThnReomSor MmoeithFlower and WgetâbIe Co. GRfENIousUs Paul Wrinkler, Prop. Libertyuviile, m Ilinois je EiTriggs Grocery and Market Libertgville Ilhinois lH7A S. H. KA ISIR I-ARNESS SIOP Libertqville. Iionois Home Lumber Co. Lumber, Coal Feed etc. Libertgville a Illinois WM. WALROND ,1IEATS and GROÇERIES Libertgy'ille Illinois Schanck Brosi HARDWARE Libertyville uIlilinois George -Boehm BUFFET. 'I Co. i.'- 'm Umm&, a6mL ,qmow IL-