a - -' - - - LÂKE COJJNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLYII1 SUN LIBERTYVrLLE, MLL., PRIDÂY, FEBRUARY 23, 1912. POUR PAGES - $1,50 PER YEAR IN ADVà VYIJLA1113 0F IilYSLAKE3IN= TO FACTIONS; FOR AN» (I AOA1NSTMCEL, TwoT*cers haveReined=d nTheir lies. igaUo Mke Ideite Car.Agulnst- t4e Stperintendent-MaIe Meoihbers of Board Defend the School Mead. 111e selden resignation lu tha mld-: l. oet the térin of tvo teachers ln thei Grayalake sebool, the direct charge1 ln the. frina roignatlons [ba the managemeoi f the scbools lo declded-4 iy fsulty sud thb, itaternent 01 board1 mem»es bt the. reslgnatlons amre - d u uss.Ip t h. lsdackutInterent sud diltclinatiom af [he teacuers ta cou- [mue tetêeîng boeause they coutld fot rua [iadis ln tb. soool-thesle con- situte feitares of a sensation wblcb bua stlrnu Ofayslak.as It bas fot beqa etiredlnb a loung turne The. 16v. la divided. Haîf the popace favor the. [vo [sachons, bal i"e lu *Iltb Lb. superlutendent sud tbae icOM board. The board la divld- 0&. [vo sasit n@eu-tva favoriig the iuperlntoudet and on. favoring the - mmtobers. The. inchers vbo regud a: Misa olive Coleman. lisas Katharine Taylo. The.icbool board members viio baok-ep Ithe suparnteudent. C. B. geolsIlamas: M. B. Nevlle. pre5Iý ismi. 0f te boe S"d 1- y- Gyks. rseutvely vlc.pe -det ad pr-e S demi of th. eaislake bsak; support, tmg tbe teaeboesta Mr. J. M. Pal- 'mer, clerk 0of tbmord vif'e of a prom- Imm tpbjt.IsIL Thms, [vo board meinhors bock U& Clellnd. o»e bocke the teachers. Bu- p.TIIteudht ofCouty BobooleS Bmp- sam bocks Moellad lnthe stro«get [sein anaebaracterizes hlm as one et tibe t tmecers ln the cOun[y- Au ides aof the.position of the Ivo teocbsi la given by their letter of resig»"siOli, preseuted TuasdaY nigbt. vblch la a mont interesting epistle. as Graystake. 111, Feb. 19, 1912. Mrs. IMary B. Palmier,. Clerk. fchool Board. Miy Dear Mrs- Pamer:- W.e e [oteband yoo brewitb our1 re.bgntloos te tako offecc[Mardis gui,1 or at any eariler date vbbcb MAY bet- ter suit [he convenlefldsO f tb. board.1 VJImUe vo f1uly reatîze tlie import-1 ance or [be Commt[oblIgatIons va as-1 mont. [has, obligations ver.unudor-1 taken upon the. assomption [bat th@. gonsilt§OM"2 wvue sncb [t t vItouid he possible te do ProWerY [ha vok ter vhlch vo vore emplayod- We fud tisaithofl conditions do net cxiit, but tbat, on the Onn[rary, il la imposible fer us te continue, vl[h gay ressonable dege. cf fidelty to Lb.nsds ef your 9chool, or the ethica of teaching- W.froi Jus[lfied lu endlng aur ser- vies bfore the close of our engage- inits, becaulse tbeae conditions are beyod our contrai- The executive directon provides nonsupport sud aur effS ort tgecuro tho co-pratan Of tii. hoUrdbave fnt beau SuCce3sful. As it là lmpoukllOte maintain the standards, tevbich [the peole Of (le5gsale are astitled. ve are nlt vIll- ms te> b.further ldentified vItl vork vhich 1isDot credltable to us, as t0aCb- us,. or profitable teOour popils. There cgS-ho ne suCcus lu teachbug vitbOot thorongh barrny and accord ln tha tesbolung forces sud vitI [ha authOrl- tien 1>801 of -[em- Ou best offerts to bring shoot such h&rSaoy bave fatiid and [ho situation { la Iiepoleely Opposite to [bat vhlcli ve «ougt te bave. W. do nt couluder It neceasarY te continue tua aservice vblch, as ve tave nMd,.u«h. ai of ovalue te the peope yqu represent, sud vbldb, un- der sncb conditions, cao net be credi- table te os. Tours Truly, OIVE COLUDMAN, KATHIM NETAYLOR, Tisose vho Insst tbat superloten- dem MeCIIaitula»st mtklug g00d la tbe vllligsend [hu defend tii. - --- Iad~uf pit «. thse boorS mcm- eâo" - *tmdtb.O "i Nevlle admt [bat tbey hiave not. They defend thetuselves by declarlng tbsîr fatb in McCleland. The charge la lande aganst M0fClelland [bat ha sent nose of Uhc Kapple boys Ilo thle reeî- tation rucu of the hesemeut and kept hlm aeparted trom thb.clais for [rue veeks, dnrng vhlch bc ie nsed saine classes: [bal. wiien bis motber tnquir- ut of [ho soperintendent wbst the boy mad doue, befinally fallsd te r,- meuiber vbat tihe trouble vas. Tht princîpsis suporters oxplain this feston. 1ke thîs: Thet tha Kappie boy reaily sboold have been kept there six niontha. instead o! tbree W"e t [bat tlie basémeut roomn la not Iki cellar, but It used for ractatîos ad la just like au upper mous. The apposition diaims that McCIelI- snd bas not reguler bours for looping schoal. that ln Suminor ho malutains no recesa,, viîle lu zero veather ha Élues. The defeuders cf tb. principal scoff at [bIs stateinu, deceiag tbey have utinost fata pmoClilled, [bat [bey 1.0v he 1.095reces. leeps reg- niar boums.Mec. The oppostion daims tbat teaChra are 3twS perlodiesl voatonesud thst bîgb uchool studente [ake [heIn places, durug wbicli Ume pupils stand On seetsud bave a fine Umne generally ie defeuder assoit Iis la su cilS- geration and cWÀ.th Le vliole troubla ts that the one voman teachor deared tu &et ouf requoiitly sud vas refus- ed. it le chargod against [he board [bat [bey merely accePted the teacliera' resigimlons vîthoot investigSU4g. Mrs. Paumer saya abe f avored invt& tigatîng, but [he othars declined. The cbarges [bat tihe scbocl is non vIthott regard to regulatksnL are ans wered by the [va maie members of [he hoard witb thé statonsent that [bey believe .%lcCleland lu thraughly competeut and rely on hlm to bave propar regu- latiolia. Tise chargea made by [he opposi- tion [o McCeiland ax-o about as co0n, plate as are usually beard vben a scrsp o! [is kind ariss. TbeY InelildO fallure ta properly mark exauslnatian papers, O! lmpropeiiy promUotllg pu-1 pila, failure taoboherve the Courtse 0 s[udy, the comibnatioii of classes. oe. slmpson Dfonde MrCellafld. ..- Whemt asked about bis Idees 05 the Mattor. Couuty Superlntendent et Scboois T. Arthuor 8SimpOa Made tIi Interesting stateusent to thîs paper [o- day: "I regard Mr. McCleland as ose ort[ho best teachers lu Lake oountty. He bas been lp Grayalake four pars anS [is la the. dret campbRlut Mad againat hlm. It items [haro la Rvo> inuteaclier [here vlio bhenone dlasatîsed sud decided [o quit, re»tîs a ruiupus ln 00 dalng. MoClelland vould flot bave heen lept If b. vas lu. campeteot for [lie memhiers of [he board are keen businees mon. It la s case vbere a vonsan onuldn't gel aloug, found a gievance, nducad an- ollier to join bar--sud quît. 1 bava not tlie sllghtest complaînt agaînat Mc- Cielland, for, from wlist i cao learu ha conducte bis sobool ln a mot et cleii[ mane! If tbey desîre. Tbey trintibis conten-uI~tug tw< tio a Jokie. N IliEI D11S 3 LENTEN SEASON Prlincipal CoCleland la sali 10 have falled ta report 'on a Ilbrary fond col-IfWI 1 lected frous ctizens lest ,year snd a YW IdKS JIV4ILUV IfU A RRV kikla made au the vay books are let l N S C TYB L ou n tb. sehool. vîthout systerin, etc. D U iIE ' etate [bat [bey are moat efficient lu- structors, Mise Taylor, tbe assistant la the bigb scbool, lasa graduate Of MOTHER DIES &HORTLY AFTER ARRIVAI. 0F AStI WEONESDAY Wisconsin University and stodied a DAUCHTER WHO SACRIFICED BRINGS STOP TO SOCIAL AC- gear abros*i; came lgbly recommend- LIFE TO CARE FOR HER. TIVITY THROUGHOUT CITY. ced> by Prof. Tresslar of Wisconsin. _________ ýjlsqK Coleman, s graduate of Cortand iolego, N. Y., and for tour yeara sbe SHOCK WAS TOI) GREAT CRURCHES HOLD SERVICES taogh[ the firth grade lu Arlington. N. __________________ J, ln a systeus of elght scbools in vblch tescees are obosen for each AFTER MR&. NORDLING DIED, MO- CLUBS SUSPEND THEIR ACTIVI- lpte>to teocb the Mt. Claire stodents. THER LOST ALI. FURTI-ER IN- TIES AND PEOPLE PLAN OU3- 1h. vas ons of tventY cboacn last TEREST IN LIVING. SERVIO 40 DAY PERIOD. yser. The. teachors declîne [a diseuse [bOîr situation, but admît [bey plan romadin n theLb village for sait ne.ni lre. Amanda A. Weler .3 years Wed. vas Asti Wednesdsy the open- The dlaim la made [bat lst year Mn. old died Ibis Inoring at 7 oclOck et Iug day o! the Leuten season and ,st MeClelland sud bh iewf. bath [augbt tbe home af ber eon-o-aw, E. A. Nord- social activities in the city yl hae lu htgh sebool, excbanglng classes on ing, proprietor of the Central Drug done avay vith for tbe next forty alternate daya; that tley frequentiy store, ber degth haviîîg beau bastened dsys. The opening day of tbe [Anten mâd boa[ed arguments ln front Of tbe by the deatb of ber deaugiter, Mre. seanon vas§ properly obuerved ln WSo- puplîs, vbîcb brooght forth dissatlsfac- Nordlng. on Peb. 1 kegan churchesansd spectil services lIon~~~ aMo ois ire. Welter lsiaiived wth her tarted early. This moruingansd datly The opposition decýare oetsiders, agtree ic e arae e services wii be held outil Easter tiMfe. consider Lthe[rsyslake asetolai aJoke odauh[ueofever subscefber CityniageBuFor Mrn. Sykes t,, a reporter said over the the lat year she bail been quite i oto b cuso b ctiiIss long-dItance phione today: *>%IcClell-ý suffering of a hardening of tbe arter- pend thel, meeting during the Leuten g lan lua ligbgrae Isu.TIctwOles. During ail [bistine tbe daugbter 8saso and peopîle who bave been aCt-1 lanc ela a g re mn.;Te tlias devoted to tbe mother aud aa tee iu soclety will be given a long 10ne dîta hersporecy of tey thol ad re&oît of ber coutant attendance at rest. There wil l e tbe usual roles1 lotdicateth polerof heacho! ndber mothers bedeide Sbe suffered a for the sesafi obaerved in [he Catho- [ha board aud ve dîdn't let tem- complete breakdowu ln bealtb about ie and Episcopal chorches and the1 snd tbcy quit. Thaîr cbargeý, are r.is ix veeks ego. The tax upon ber badl nîher cburcb organizatiouia of tbe city1 dzfbr-ite--tbeY generalîze and mY f be soevr [ats iaso va wilI hold spacIal services ou al of the ing specifle against anybory Ud ' I, i b o bttrea veeks ago aud friandg s-~utbefsiaso b eld @Sinltffln. tlhe county sai ixt'n tendent s Rules For Romaniste. j ert that ale actualir vacriloed ber hsrueiud bAcbltPi lie know!t -, Mr SlrnPOis vieiss lire inaefoti aeermte. Qgeywr edinWugnCth 0-en aI cve. MNirNeviý.o cuîrressCdlfenanefrtasebemtor Tisenesised bAcbibp himielf sîmiliariy ta lîIr. Sykes. The dea[b of tbe daîîgter vas a oiQuigere readabWtukpegaui Cdtr- Mrs. palmer vas vcny plain in ber keen shock to the mother sud inarkedolchrbeSudy[oreilu- defese ! Oe vmef teebes. a change for the vorse lu ber condi- lng the Lenten perlod: he ad ofthe woaI ea sg t ion. She grev verse rapldly and dld Lent. vbieb begins on Aab Wednea- Siteadmtte alie hd sugh tonot item ta bhave any turtbar desira to day, thlis year. fallu on Feb. 21i Aprîl lav-e an investigation of the charges. lîve. She welcomed deaib vlîch ,e- 7 vili ho Kastor Sunday. The inart as heymad thm. ut e srs.Ne-uufted ber vltli ber daughtar [bis fier of ascertainilng tht data of Master vil n lks-oe e on h moronng. Suuiday la hy Lb. isot ths.t It le the féels the. sceool are not la a state of rirai: Suaday afler tha fullmoOno fol- harsnony and somethîng sbould 'be lirs. Waller was weil kuovu i loviug the vernal eqoînox. If the Susce Gb. dosnt regard Mir. Nic- Waukegan baving come bore thir[y- full moun comas on Sunday. Eaetar Cielland as [he min for tit lob. The one years ago froin Wisconsin. She day la the Bunday atter. matule niers do. ThIe other tva lived bers severai years at that time Terglto nPr Olws IsaCheya lu tha sebool are [lie Misses sud [ban moved ta -Le Forestu lt - ThereuaioLnt frt Afoliova: IîIle sud Eda Darby, nether of vbom tie aven a year ago ber «augtera'Al a ys e.21 o L efrm Aa Wcnes- plans resigning; both seain satlsgled buaband. lMr. Nordliug, ,urcbased thed(e 7 u. 21) xtaEdateasdayspi and ncomplaints are beard against Central Drus store In Waukegau an ofuoblygatioeplteaefat dayswh them. Tha wholo fight seains to te [bey ail moved tiers. haoblIatindfor aIt[entfltul v for or against MoCelas.d The ueraI yl be bled iomorrovJ sud are fot othenvise iawfully dis- înorulug aI 10:30 ociock aithte home esd aller vbicb the body wiîî lie taken ta esd 'ct sd Feeble Exempted. Elmhurst foi Intermeut. Ira. Weller '-Th. sick. [ ha vory pour, those MUETS DEATII AT leavesa s son 1ln ElmiiOrst. nuraing Infante. and ln geuersil LAKE BLUF BEFORE - stîtutlose or adlaor. ca lot fas- L EBL F E O EObltuary. vithoot detrimeut tu their health are À AS'T E P E S Mrs. Aimnda Weller pasBed avay exompted f roin fastlug. Those ex- et tih, bomne of ber son-i-lav lMr. E.. empted frous faotlng are not restrîcted TOWER MAN 0F NORTHWESTERN -IN SURPRISING FATALITY NEAR WI4ERE HE WORKEO WAS JUIl GOING TO WORK MIS DUTIES WERE TO DIRECT THE PASSAGE 0F TRAINSON TH4E TWO DIVISIONS. Wednesday aterncon the 3:42 train at Lake Bluff rau dovu aend killed J. G. Brioe, once of the Nortb-vestera tovor mou at [bat place, aged 50 yeaas. He vas just going [o vork, bis bouma heiug froin 4 ta il oclock. Juet boy b, vas oaugb[ an the racle la noDt kucyn. Ha ieaves a vîfe sud dsugliter. The romains vere taken ta Wankogau. Brice sbould bave beealiaiir vitb [ha trains passIng tlie point h.- cause ho lad vorked lu the tovor for soin. veeke, bis doties belua ta direct [be traîna over the [vo diviions wblcl merg, t Lake Bluff lover. Truth Mîxed WIth lloyIe. Truti oes te ns frocs the tIUs soiS is vsahed trom theasonstains ut Vera Nevada. lu minute but oreceueis -Opposition le MOClelland and de tle- ; sud ' ; te"& ed viZ. ;; 1t l1;n ilt 1 fendons of tha yOeuesas>'he[le al. ib. th. Sbrs cf centures.-uoe mepilereshsbuld vitth[e. -mai00)Oc- -. elonsl>'. but Supt. Smpson ansvers tlie charge vl[h: IlHw ev ulnneas Dey of the Hlgh Top mul. 'men membans af the Waugegan board tu a Nev York stars tiers isag or otliera viit the aclicols Su[mg uai-ol*& pture of Dom Pedro of razll r.- oelvlg a delegton of citisens at naasboeur? Tue>'an, buiess M" 51Philaeslphîia on the day vhen ho olk sud aloek sf[er the buinss end 0f tblpart lia b.eloebng ceremonlesrof the seboole, leavlng the educatIenal wor# 0.ntesnial expositioni. Neaul>' &il the [o men [bey lIre." so lnthe gronp wvans hbtop batS. Tii. oposition dalm [bathe b.slooli have hocousa demorallzed proved by ~Aîways s chance. the tact [bat Dr. Palnier, D. G. Wbltt Tbsre tg nometbng las every »nabc and Joepeh Tonner, have sent [beli r ethéba ar for the avoruge tMaI. la obtîdren saa>'teoechoci. Thi.e &sveet" ise mmer ho cau rock th» boat, lu Li msade by tho detieuders that people the@l4119gogu"nninglt the. vites' skate th dOulelIWM ile vine tser,', e41s- M MIbs 10eand 4s thse aprbug MUI A. Nordling of 436 GenfeeaStreet thîs 10 [he ose of meat ou days vban It le morniug. at 7 oclock after au Ilîness alîoved by dlepensation ot [be pnin- ar about s >ear. M-r_ Welior came cipal Meai. ta Waukegau to make ber home vlth '-Those obliged la fast arc reetrlcted hon daoghter. M n. E. A. Nordling, lu te aue fu meal lu [he day vhich January, of Iast nyeax- 5h. vas taken abould flot ordiuarily' ha talon before i11 aoon alter and has. been conftned tu Ooon, aud 10 a collation flot exceedlng ber bed inot o! the, tipis since. She tbe fourth part of an ordinary meal vas lovîng and lenderiy csred for by lu [hae evening. Ibough [he une of somne ber daugîter util ahoot six veeks ago varus drink, such as ta, coffes or vhen lira. Nordliug vas talon senlous- chocolats, vltb a sinall place of bread iy Ili and atter tbnee vueks o! Intense In the morniug le auiusorized. sutpering abe passed away. "Abstinence frein flsb est IMPIl- The case is oua cf pacultar saduesà cd in Ibis preoept of faetîng 1le. lu thîs as [ho busbaiid bas bsen ieft witb a diocese, diapcused vlth on Suudays fainlly of four cblidren tlie eldeat. vîthout restriction, aud at the prin- Melville Nordliug, fifteen yaars old, cipal meal ou ail ather days. ozcept Gertrude, [veive years nid; Doris. ton Weduesdays and Fridaysansd tha 8mb yesns oid, aud Ernest. lgît yeans.of rasIEmewekndHlwe. lirs. Weiler vas one o! a famiiy a. "dThe usemor veek an H ly eek.l nine cblidren. ail of vbom have pre "'leoeo elv[fllinetu ceded ber ta the Better Land ex- forhididen at the same nical even un cept one brother. lMr. O. C. LaBar ot Sundays lu Lent. Lansing, minu Lard, the lat rendened troin any lins. Wailen was the outy einaning aunt of ins.-C. J. Jost, vlo fatle ber las. keeni>. Aimuda Aun LeBar asa boru lu Rockport. Perinu - May 25tb. 1838. Sho cama vlth ber fathera faml>' [o Ban- lin. Wia.. lu 1855, vhera [hey rasîdod for a nomber o! yeara. Sha vas marnlad [o Dwlgît Walaer at Lanaiiig. Milnu. Mr. Weller dled lu 1882. leaving ber vith [vo chjîdren, William Sterling Wller. vIa nov ne- aidas at Elinhur8t. Ill., sud Hattie Wallon Nordling. vbait tuerai vas beld at the famlly rasidence [Ira. vaeks ago. 'Ph. sorraving fieuda bava [he daep sympatb>' o! tha coinuunit>' lu [bis double hanaaveulami[. Tii. funeral service viilha beld at' [ha Nordling home~, tominorov usorniug at 10:30. Rev. J. B. Richard- sou aoflie Fit Congregatianal cdurci afficiatiug. lulerMnt ut EBinuuit. Illinois. Na swItuePiStd for HIm. -DIS you Include Bvterland ln Forotintryas? "No-, I alvays vas go afrald otflllug Sovu a cravat."-Dai- diam»e pMOuboo. Ing tood on ail days during Lent anS au aIl days o! fest and abstinence throoghout [he year. "Tlie aboîa dispeusations fraus lb. ganeral lava van, grauteil by an in- doIt e! [be apoetoiic sec. Aug 3. 1887, suboquentl> ren.ved. bispensation for Wok.rs. ',Yoo vilI pleasae eplabu t0 yaur people tha dîspeusation aise froni the lav o! abstinence lu layon o! vork- iugmen, grantcd lu au Indult o! the holy se. liarcb 15, 1895. sud ne- neved Fcb. 25, 1905. --y >'virtua of -[is induit working- in anS thoîr familles are pontuItted le use fisb moat once a day ou aIl fas;t days sud abstinence days [brough- out [ha yer, excapt ffldays. Asb Weduesday. Wedueedays. aud Satun- daye in tlia Hol>' veek. sud the vigIl o! Chistas. 'Wonllugnsen sud tbeir familles avilîiog tbemsov«of o! [is Induit ara neot alloved te use Ssii and Sihmeat at [he smmaiesaI. and Ibis la esar- est doine of ha holy ses and ours as vol). that [bey penforu toine otiser .act «imostcation sncb as abetaing froOi Istomio&at lilqore"1t WORST BLIZZARD OiI4j WINTER STRUCK WAUKEIÇ< hiAN AND COUNTY WII SNOWANDWINDRA,, Northeaster Swceps Down and Holds CIy County ln ts Gra»p.Fvom Tuesday Ig Absence of The Extremne Cold MaJkft.ý Blizzard Less Harmful. By far the morst blizzard of the The tlphn ompany's W41P t. Winter raged tbroughot auk nrepotd ta the storin did oba aud 1*ie county ail tbrogh Vd.e.- their service tea ay extent du sm day. absence of aleet. The tellUzIW" An old-fasliioned nort ester bit the uninterrupted. The same -woe city dorna the niglit and coutlnued1wlth the telegraph vires. wlth unabated fury ail day. the dov9,11 Street Cars HM ei. a] of snow flot beiug as îiucb a s o n 1 Te street cars ver. bu fl saine prelous days of th ii,,Wnte but more than any other servICQeýit the bitlng wlnd biew hat di d fali ln-jcity sud d oWb the s or e-.. 1 't to drifts until some were seen higher, drifted te sucb an extent that~ than at auy time this Winter. cars could flot make their W Th'e day resemflled lu generai ap- 1vlth grestest dlfficolty. I pearance the day and uight on wbicb one place the track woulà e the ill-fated tug Anspatch, vent dovu as clean as. la Summer, wtlw ahlIe tryîng te make WVaukegan bar- minute it would ho covèeot. lier Qa 1ew years ago. The wlnd biew fon of anow-. The cars ra a gale l on, the uortbeaut and blew the norfh and wet std t at suet a "ate t bat many persons were kept golng teck and ot U tlpped off their Pins-" 10 vaa almOat notclng uchedule, la a un te _ Impo sbe te make headway Zoiflg the track passabe. ËV -If north wbiie It was flot at ail necessary bail great dlfficulty. ta exert one'amuscIes of plsi5on ame f l 1 n golng soolli hecause he wld did Tbe SUN clletf 1»l& the vork for anyhody wbo could stick iv«s ln varions upartse 0f ron their feet. Thie paltîng snow whlch and foii0f that the *m bdastied Ioto peopleas faces made It etr eat n bard for deliverym en. uevsboys and s econ & the djou ffl eu ,k 4 W9 others to m ake thelr vaY forth. t Th. ne featuti,46 . ': R .*,411 vas noticemble tbat everybody vio, absence ef .t ~rM,1_4I could, rode on the cars golng north 1thewîi vas volTbltlag ta but decided ta take a wind-trlp by rai oee about-28atO~t valking soutb. Had it been zero, wmae~r. Th'e storin vas vary severe at the would bave been unbhearabe e 3lake but no damage vas done there of the terifis vinfd _"q.mv. )because the wind ca mne n aucb a di- Farinera hrrisd to Mtst bo&h i rrection that It dld not se mt e w0 ork up into the barns wh n [beY r "li a big sea despite Its general severitY. vbat a severe blzzsrd ba< tkbe g The Hill steamer made thbe trip t ty lnulis grasp. Waukegan Tuesday night ad eut on The fact that tbe Winter bas lm te Kenonha but remslued tbere ln-, marked by the abs.... of,-J1«ý stead of trylng to make tbe returo or !trins las bit the ca.uwr [rip te Chîcago. the captain reaiing'makea o thearIa c b bI; 1tbat It vas temptîug fate [a try te go a lîttie more noticeabbe. - tdovn the laite today. von. ven zmpousqf I- METCALF BOY WIHO BECAME VJCT1M 0f LOCKJAW SUCCUMBSI FLOYD METCALF 0F GURNEE PASSE AWAV AT MCALISTER HOSPITAL TUESDAY NIONT. LOST HAND IN SHREODER tACCIDENT OÇCUltE.D AT QSJRNEE LAST WEEK-LOC<JAW DE- VELOPEI9 ON MONDAV. - Floayd Metesîf. tha tt-year-old Con-1 uee boy vho iost bis rigbî baud ln a coan shredd.r Tuesay. Fob. 13, died at the Jane licAlister hospitai Tuesday niglit o! tetaue o f v-bld ha had beau su-ffaning sInce Monday. The meibos of bis faunlly had been lu tb, hospital ail day. raallzing bis seri- ans condition, aud ver. at bis bed- aide visen ho passeditaa. Thle case le on. of the saddest to ocor lun[lie conumunlty in some [lina. r ong letcalf vas feedlog s corn- isbnedder at the time tb. aoccident bai> penel. lunsaine va>'bie rlghî hanS vas dravu luta [he machine and vas turncff et the vnlst lu addition to wblchbobth bunes lubis niglt anus vere broen: He vas rusbed [o [h. Jane lIcAlis- tan bospital lu Dr. Joliey's utamo- bile at once sud cvery[blng passible vwas doue ta cave bis lits. At flret hoe aeemed ta b. letton and some hope wasentebrtined for bis rocover'. lHe appeared to ho qoîte cbeertul and saIS 3ha vas gleS Ihat ha lad lbat bis nigbt eband Instead of lIs lof t, because lie twas naturally lef[-banded. H. saiS b-eh thouglit [bat le vauld be alla te a earo [o get along vithout bis nigbt rbaud. Ou, DaMonda> cf [biswveal bovever, thoeawva a decided change for- the. veloped. Anti-tetanub mrlis jected ut once but [he cala vue j secin to bave auy effect. HIoJ~ flrmly locked on Mouday a~p snd remanlod [bat vay ulMh11* Ho vas unable ta evgllow go that It vas nimposstle tfU b e glven suy selle! aelulebkt Ha soffened cansbderably 7~u but remaiued consolo n i tib aveu up to theumoinent îvboa dea*âý ieved bis sufferIng. His father lu diatuesaig th<_,_-I Tuesda>' said be didt! se.a eau. could have developdb su ,kaielin [ha cornasbreddefbo" t. b. dleaan sd brigh[. Fabulous Pîffe W UOO& 1.- Thc.gh orchîda frequsstlp .0tii-t imake the posur *M ger. [h.ebbiteat prios for. a gavwer vas glveu tfor & luMp eterdam hy an sathui" Ami $250,000 fan IL Flylng -Tee MON. «De man dat almi vant.e de q an' de moit ut evesthfag niduma Ehen. "làis batqs.PI*kup ako% su, overlook de tilybG~ AT O094« .i GIRLS FOR AlFN&CW tj