"Uauepu Ieetiv $Sin Dld t w e o éth67ýét of 1m1* omOtIEI »Wi tdltat the naineof SoatrA. J. Ol8on u n bas M , is aaso&Ia10dwM hthe Lee. Q'NeR »rowuand LorImer ycitI- mal dispaçe. There an Mmre mmu Who ane trong omouo tg doex 4i uty from the stadard of honor lnstoad ôta I WAMPONIX, Adu FR11 I¶3UMNI;CEIT ti .m MD(001 IEALà W]IlIam H. Doige one of Waulco-i gin'a best-kuoWn aid mst-blubly ie.& spected buplosesme n .dliedTueaiay igit. Foi. 7th, ai Phoenix Arizon~a. trcm pueumoaila Word reached Bd vard Sargeant Iis muirml Ag lë etele- gram i re. William Page sou-ln-iaw of lMrDodpe. 'Tie message merey "Mr Dojigedied tonlgh fo1 pppumnonla. Wilmntva Chicago on taon'oleek train, Saturday,,s Tf. news um Se~a abock b Waii. houan gi~êO or 1fr. Dodge, faf bore the la t IOtoc, -la lu.k«lead m looitW fow t is, lm evhomo ou tho ontsklret P booslx. iloe ho Maibis tggflyImmweta eamaniturcanmd laie ibip .a. lus suiden desth thecombeut tb.> city. For few mues 'VOete %tMd lu iiier regard lu Wauke. Son lAie.o Dld Thora. l ta itble eoiunildeut that Doigs, atioccurrul la thei - uePl%"e upore bIs OuIsou. rsi- elk. iiiibot e c « ago. Tie pie mmUalboi 4»» Wet te ta"e a pouliolasce eabie lua afiLMake wu* Ukm fow w» doavItyphlimd 1Mr. 040, ~thea4m' a trp to Calltorla, ulei -baihsuSe W ho itiL ~luu*'hO. ~p.r7u"y e waa get- as we u lcpui ilir. Doue uapteclUstoiai m~Suaday ove- $-~ 41s4b ~ zà»jwaped l"d fel lbtb"ih kbfl Uatimhe cmaOd the tgtbw o t dclite refove tri>' Wau- iqea te 1belý4 wveehliie Ikdthe. .' tLée ml5b.ai 1bu» 4ssu*ho" 00 ce utire se qul*y stter hi. ar, rival, zooms one 0f tbose unaccouht- able co-lucideuts. Another Cgsimident. Another co-lacident la connecUcun wtth hi. death la the tact, thât bo la tie third man who terved many year!m as irestryman of Christ chureb. Wau- kogaa, to die withisi the past two yoar. Mr. Dodge eerved ms vestryrnsn for a maet rny,,years, but,' bat ipring. when ho plaa"od eaving thiD clty, he did mo tmai; rewcmctoa.Two Othe 5.$riea iAOu witblv.tbe tuai UalSandnmoyer. It wa a rather haportant cburch event at the tdîne outbr« ee ordt- tions, W. B. Dodge. W. H. Dedge AM &ederlck Doise. ver. contrmed la the local Eptaoowalcburch sit the "me tAme, former Biebop MeLamn.of- ficiating. A Prominsfit Citizen. Mr. Dodge's lite vau r8thor uneveat- fui, Ise quiet manner easigg bliste ho tafluentml asn a citizen, but nover eouslUcuous as a politIcai leader or aggresalve mover ln publie thingu. Mr. Doise vas bora la the old W. B. Dodgqe bouse, where John Gamuab uow lveo, Sherida roti, juat south cf BtraqkIt street Re atteeded thé l-In Wa sohools laciudlag thb. oh acadeiuy.i Vàeu pe youag man bis father tock him Imwtiith hardware store and ho worked there ma"s years, later becn'. ing a member of tie Brut. 151*? the Watroua famlly became luterested la theefirm snd it vas kuowa for years me Bodge & W*trous. Whatroul tamlly r«Iing and startla g iy tbemi selves lu later yearu. W. Bi. floge and bis son. W. H.. then vent West and conducteda sheel) 5rach for a Urne. retuining In a fl .years. The. son tien purciasai fron' bJ. P. Powell, the residento at the fbot of Frmnklin atreet ou 8herid preai, whlch vas the Boise bhomne u=lltbey kpills.Ydoes eLab Garni I sie~ amneetua my repaildisy, fer -aieoffice or, tate At»#i'Oy su. let tu th wiii of th. R4OumIioanvo. tors as the ure shailho exprusaci at th Primai-e. of April lit¶ 1»1i Thme duties of my office as Corporm- tien Co»Meci ofWoukegan will pi-. vent mu froflP po 00ai>rvisiting as mammy as à could wlah. 'Of cour"se iall s0e amany of you as 1 con, but 1 have à st-ong notion *semhow thhIupeople of Lake 00w'- ty have.pused bcyond thie button-hoi. Inp kind of poltics. The S$t*'@ At- torney campalon of tour years ago ac- quainted the peopleo f the Couhty with both my personaity end princi. PIl« The yeare i have ived hors have affondd iyau ample oppoi-tu.mty toebie- terna my qualiicatonms in point of lntognty end ability. If ail of this hm. aonvinced you ihal i *ni a mon wth the disposition end abiity te do mty fuit duity as your $ttale. Attorney jarly, houutly and eonsitentiy, I s"ah ho nominated. Il it ham o- wJij811atlbil andsliskie nle . oiid WliI ot similise te moite me a good foc- 31f11111Ya1u1 W5W" .VW.S7%W Ulm, the eier Doiee u d tesed bu i. è U so5n, ue i hwat £w u'a, o lt. is1-sssa lu seti. wbI4, ho dibsedetaie ishrdae li.DpIsde aelisa itým aater i rtira from t4reipde, uniitolie. ¶bO West that . r.fod» enterod thé -bard- hdJkr«.qLI**M. *0 0 * W Whii »M are m buime. v IR~bi T esu MUos0540Sd 15 fl mrntg aMi Yr Doige contwalm t u Umtbsoghy owb ettesa ye aime; or mmfili t*iibl d Mai., 'è.l susWorth S1.MO. . Dodý athr othedcedent. xtJ J.-PU'ac. Sw*tqq wama70r for sevorhitermeaI b c.; r.. î ýowl*a n.Wi have boom vIeI waultgaami dmade cou0filme lsaet' bDodge home la Pbhaiti mauo"etbocity ever bai, ln taCt ho slt»èe 4mis. . il9w liouls to es o *TÉ9 eay. Pms of tbeoity.-* The mon never àbopircé fe ucTui. POfltlmw.** ua *0w yma'o, friomiS tuilat lis. m porsodel Us boom, a a adidat . fer 7Ma.or- but W. IL Buliock but hlm fSi t4b flUatlonbut PesMp whs -lti àtOQ' The 14esYem Impii#t~u c WaUkeam, iM., 2/24/'12. Mr-. William omreM, Globovl blo. l e ieIIuS b.it _m w a m dw abotit. muraco .iùd thought of the 1 don>t tblaak piuà o i. itmie . onyen abou your vü"olo ?m's eipe2'»" ta n other Mot Of' Limte Insuiûe" and rmy o'wt la 1h. Up-to-Date About 80 yoa=s am, iw e wer. bath30 yemOaald vi decided to take- a tbousand.dolla3s of Lfit buascté10pirotoci -1, rVives and babies. Tom.sailiho was golng té tesa. Old lin. polioy on -th. owhdlu ie phaà aI a $s o 2m.5 ethou- sand. I 1X aiâbëd a i hmm ad mid 1liatI wvasgolng iniotohiie aIaplitte* hlofrvoulonly coul me $14p tiuadIbaeai,4>yes,$0 addbi*eunoâblflgtio o Ilmdn tova year o! a~stayiil bavegato*y $0 per tou. aad. ~4thé4oan cau' 11w theg111.Soety vin it , for the youg and utroug1 keitby feflowa, vont stand for th.erais. and Viii geufan d bel- ter insursuc e lethýi cam. Tt iii musaae *gresluIi b% 4 death rate, laut hW a ilsplitters andit ita" to go to piece u fov yuars 1k. As I niid bofore Tom'# pé1lioyo cooit$2335 to stirt villand 1.11 yan iesthlrkWetlpayme.l at 60 yrm Of NM *vas oaly$U-40 ~u tuyear il will b. lui w enaale ab ermdv ho là about 10 y@"nid f h. liva4%sw.s't be psy. ing anytiu.. Tom bau paid in lhiy years a total of $089, viaflo1 bave puIIjâ*0 »Misl.uif Tom i.ils coz mpanyviigv MItçua 47 age là gogg 1* -coot me $40 per y*ar Iaauead of yPar. Tab* ny adul. io%,=ad tMWc.apdbkin layou Uncle Tomrompmny. P.Sa, 1 long o etef on m 1h. gt«tuw.m- panyyou VacloTom- loch bàsI~~wl. the lb.iUNW .NTzL If euàmN <ham" Ago'for Labo Go., mdl e titUyouho taou ar second, aMst4. tItp Whon ho tu" 1« aalng O*T1*bDO A Di»ptdy Featre 1ùý w4s-b-Yau SIMM&at i*vlg*y i ~Sr 'a humo aid tIi n.*ýpislt fr gt p Ç ïtisu mqueioqably the. large« and handuoNbwIp4 of m~ .vr aoya la e W fauloado wlts thi & Oardt ÇTiielin"Ofaicoats dmsrvinr of spectalmu*piçe Salle of bsles I"-rSh» Tu safe hidrena s shudm p rov là Itt'emr1"«IL' j the saving hbol mmr than ordinary iluance. thehes *eWb *buto, guaranteed msoUd tbrougb- ait out; omappy styl«.esort vm fetwith high toe.,-leln me.9t134, 1 .75 valqe.o1 pair 4 (irl'é plain worated, dresses in handsome coinhiflation colors, in _f si'zes 6 to 14 years, formerly sold at $2.00, to $3.0anlil.4& I.ý ially price.o modeo'!ofsoftI, highly 4lnished Glowsege idHyderae in a .ntu»jber, o!veryit- tractive styles, siteclal. ,..... Were puacier on sale foî to.wva ap.m hne.u gowns Md pettkoats, offWln"tt n at- à aascaulwI a I way aiepomv.- Tha P.tUeuots'are hand- 'The Owaa r ai sohielyinade from an ecp eo ie, r pnlaozk tionally fine quality o1 Cam-' ut, anq>lyfflimda 4ie brie; înany' different styles V, low , eek apd fvoer. to ecooe froin, inctudlng ttyles, smre wop4it both embroidery and J&Me embroidery,. ot - *witb trimunedspe1 lpriçe . o.ce, yery s *at TeMother's ?rrend ffiouge legen4rally concedêd tas beât 'e aèý mother eau buy her son. Our complete-line for apring is now ýh e anId the tyls ad paters ae unonuonl attactlv t Moth, Feud Bheoutyes afi tterntysldare ucmdmol . tstra tII.'Mot I M' depêÈdàble grtadeà of madras and percale...........JVV~ J~ 0 S.. One of the new aiBf1ar oàldsÎ o r' ae in n vy, Mbue il j fgure and dots sp ig. We - howing a beiutiful of wnte hal rih permanent silk ine ati9;crei na lue ! finih, lw pied ata 9 feets, handome finish, a yard............ard ................ - .A& calices LidI fa ark ty, aiu ucu 43Cor Ia "0A0LîTZ CNeCTIconqIRy cou- PAIIY 0F OlICi4GO WILL NOV Eloy MATS 18L A SU$TAN!ALCGIceRN CO4TRACT PROViO ST149YVJîU. P *cm, .PAOS INID Vagl 'u lm an lec fectiouryoM7 iMY nov mbocat 10 ~sOmfeea a boom bujimsa se. jt' 1014 Weat Couréesbwtee. Cubae, le; deolarobi i l4osltaI s -. oocltof spImlteputatoiou adtfa iUoeii W*tà* V. o o.m -The edemoatlontL,4t a1a rocl mu. adMti. ev.mgu Uls «f o» story sud a bamumucul, 194 tiFliStalMe.Tic Mme. aul bae. '13feet. 4,000 mques u"0ffor s i* paen onhei tract et la"d tOst weut i1vAt 6elrP.- of the Olbéoý piam t L onM r o e u.Te, ooh46.m Thie cotracl salis for the compie *d4fr dion of the buItding.t'PM ay' lm at i tubol the Plla it e > mckgtlbilê i tzo meut veck.Azbtect W*ruta*-- vas ln cblaudo oda>' mailngus ua d*daw oiaaa 0*et ie buildiugsth s veil ma ut merlt. eontraatiDg te a-bomays*>'lamOthà4 it1 ai ns. f etvua«,yoiaaidv M Tb*, r0maI'Malo irty êe »ÎY. ti4v eue m *.*Ci"@" )W.' M«la UAl la 1i* iÏmy P,3u es .M»ap1u »Mi4 ohoot , ni periâ- -1 I -10 te ta' bu * tc ba * Do Kr. tht loi ahi roi bai bis b fui pe et. pe Do Co