lLAKEB OOUNTY -LND ENlENT, F'RAY, -MARCIl 1, 1912. Our Customers find they can get better Grocerles, better prices, better service than else- where. If you want. Fine Fresh - Groceries you should deai waîh us. Try our canned gooda, Soupe, Vegetables, Meats, Fruits, etc. They are the best that money wiil buy. We maIoe a specialty of TEÂ AND COF'FE and wili guarantee every pleae you. pound you buy here will Je 12h Triggs Are You in the Swim Are you goimg to the Houssè That PRICE Built to get measured for YOUR Laster suit? .- d WE' are' representing 5 the Ed. V. Price & Co. Tailoring House and would be plea"e to have YOU oeil and inspect thiu book of saiples, there ame overS 50 for you to chooée froin, and ail the very latest styles and fabrica for Spring and Sumaner. Corne eauly while the clioos- ing islIGOOD. Let us have your order NOW. W. GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTIONO 'r or nDo sae. P HONE 14_ J. B. MORSE & CO. EVERYTHING FOR MEN « . illinois i i -i-t--_ _______ Y-j ~ s-e~ - - A' . -~ ~ - I Shur-on E.YEGLÂSSES Are Corrctly Fitted by Beswick We use no Drugs to niake an examination and we guarantee ail of our SPECTACLFS AND E YEGL ABS WO RK. C. A. Beswick, OPTIAN> UIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS WIIAT A RELIEF It isto be able to look out and see the ground and know yuu wili soon be getting it ready to work. lVe Enjoy It='-D on' tYou? Thlnk over you seed proposition and Corne in and see us, onîy Reliable Seeds and 'you can depend on it. LiJertyvil!e Lumber Co. FI R E 1NSURAN-CE f Don't hestte; have your furniture and home LI insured .ui 1 -beat coanpany, THE -NEW HAMPSHMI E, R; NSLJRANCECMPN ChaeIèD, Proctor., Agent LOCAL AND PERSONALN Nx __________________________ @Frank 8tisîrer siaus a Chisnsc. is1 laNt wesk. iL E B R I E F S M r. andsit Mn. E. (, Nisskoiuy o oi G, 0i . v ici ted t41sei-tl vit[l011su t au i lai. Missl 'iFuiirisi 5tz retîtrîs ilhnsur' wsrh tii ilf-- is 'ut 'isintes i vh t NAENTiON FORTHE'cElKsi-.,,1Trans,.is s ýtris itîg relativsic n,'il Il iste s si uicîs. 84,'expersustoi E. %1sl)onaid tratscaît.-s i n- il>s ,S 'uist è slssi psin - - n-or1CuIrs., i'hiesgrsTsresday. e.b- .- is- l manssk i li- ifutre htun. A j . Auatin wRus suI î, soi. I %W' sre s, r-s'ijr' f ta cari] tri ri "W iciii W s ed.i.M1.1 lu lias 1islr li srris' t Ii iissu ( i iiu 4-fa nd srI s i' n d uri Mr. arsd Mmi. 11.E. Mlp irrriofli (>lslsaKois pe.nt Sssi-ýtas sit lr. ansd tiu i.seis s . 5uu' iilt Cr (j .tridley.itiie Warren iciolus'p a ii ufftleoiof dnys tise latter psart of -t isitbc Market Day a Succets i-lativses Bt Austili, 111 Ilre. Harrison IPriuîs , i ks t welsss tir au ezterided %s r,.r suislisl-r ssrits.s', M Ire. .'Willams au es t Suis llsnii,, Te. . Gsu i slf 'aisusa, itr sverulwr-km' Crs-st asis rlkt ire and frien(ils jrs ssii n s 5 lire.,C. P? Wrighst Tu-as- ' rv hast th.-' inifitortune tri, slip al515 1 sul faril -. vsrel, k liriar ber ift csirii'. 'srtisse il wlsssrg to press ch.-50r. i i'l i su Iseen t. Mr.H W. FoIlettcs itr si i- a ton Sarin Dieo, Cal.., hiscls1iliipiinr Msr Fsolette. Tire,'sisSti tislke tîssîr fruture bsrne ira or ntsisrt-i.r swissM sr. k",il.tte wîli etop sIIsu sfsf si.inl. foîr a week'il vieil wiîsîs l-r 0-n5 s'sii Tuêoday everîing si' s id l ii- 1i sl it very plerseant eleriiriisI- is ii iisîsitm huwit and tjuigr untr s uruiin55 s.h "h thoy italijies r,l I Il, s' .-tij. , ii t auîitire boui tkiey l.-rs1,iî-li, lurart0 I* w on iueirsel@ corînectesi %Viti t tIsetis ttilae pomsilsîn Muontana rai esitars trojfct. Jatnes (olotd bas reeigned re ppunitionr a@ dslivsery boy at Walrosrd's groco-ry and market anrdcsmtmplatesemrptirig an printer'. ripprenitce on tirs Waakegars Uiazsttsn. F. M. Bond ram Newt Yorkr City, N. Y., is visiting nt tirs home offtise late Lafayetteslt-sd or.t1ivisoon street. Fie la enrouth ta San Fmasierc, Cal , utiere ire expecte wo meet a sors, uho le returru- îasg frous a trip ta Chirsa. Tire iliutratsd leture to tic delirered (ni Friday eveing of tins ws-ek ,tiy the 1kv. W. L Wiipple will ha ou "Our Pîtilipiiio Cousirs." Doors aré opeisod ut oevoi3-tiirty and leture begiras pramptjy at eigbht o'Ciock. Onu accounit of tise poar atteradance at scisool Monday ruorisir due ta ttc ses-orsesow starns, tire «Sies ues» ui"mieed for tiselas- et nouas. Thes B. F. Meredithr Irosîs s'sur-sesîls..l'us , le riitirg hii son, J. E.Mr'r.lrtis, is tis ci ty. He eexperte ta, rersai iitiI aboîut tire tiret oi April. lMr. àIens-ittile tise 1 nr ithe iamflsug Fu-eirjiars mines. the largest ini Pselvasisa. Feedepar bing nsed in the manssiavtr risfutiisues, tales teetir, etc. tir. VMs'eitli lailq ea&" bis mines teJ. E. Meredithi for rsney- nire years ons airouut ofî lise rtireme8nt tram active utork Hic ssn, Jý E. MAerediti ra, juet rompis-tes tise Meredîtir !sfiing and Mling Co , um Iisis sottpany sl orurate tire saine irsurîsNIiansu Is t, %gIr. J. E. Meredithi beirniz prsedert aud goiterai manager. Tiroir weteru tirarcir willlu litLbertyvile Ths. iteutsom- pany will mansufacture Irdiths Chieei ioteanaid lcriditir l'ert ilszi'las uteil as tire rogular mlning dimees nl.Nereditir leq goiug t4i take estonal Lilersyville bocys ta Peluseylvania ors April tiret ta work Inthtis mines. storm oi Sunday nigcit and Monday Tise Neut Eoglanit supper se-ved biy tuorning uas es-en serre tiraisthat ai tise mens Club of the M. E. isareirlast ladt week W0 ed neiday. Thutseay eseniair was, very cocu Susa verairsua partyoiifis-e Lilserty- patronîset ansi profitarsîs Tisecliai vr siuna es.shasrsre iyMsieislpaid their expenmes and turisisit userts vil on enoyed ape oe WIar-gasthse Ladies' Aîd cissietu ol tit.hurs'h ths imissrrv, noedatrip ts soga, us ol $95 5<1 .Etili ours usmi I)t Is-usg iclieru' t4ey tooIs su thse p*trfrinan., t rcis aBt - u-twthamov rpn tise Barrisois thoat re Laten, wlu ule tiss'Ireiemta tisiuofaithe. is su hilaeMsr.Ui To ineure publication in the Indepen- dent, copv must hbein the office no later thon Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisera. especi.slIy. are asked ta take particular notice ta t bis effecq. Wê. lE. luisis wsuca 4 iriagîs l.. is mci vimitor Tuseàday. Ilise Blanchse1. ue Elv .tsst siig sfit,' <laye tisis rvs-k wsrh lrienrds ut Iii Chicago. Id;-, i Ilf,it atndi 'ies (;rass' l'ils of Warsscnda, mrià5t Sîrnilay a sh relatives bore. Wm. Suydarîuretururîed ast w--k oil Caiiornia, wLere ho atoéera ajsssssdsssg tire wigter itisiths. The Laillies' Aid of tiro M. E. elhssr-h wiili iroid ticeir rogular hosminemsrasets, Tuemday, Mareir 5, in kles-urcls penîîrs Me5 are peaLd wo report thst Mrss 0. C. <,riiev le" aliià,mt rsîttr.- recov.-red iroinu a es-el.- attria iiio pieuriby. [nsuss Perry movod this week fria tire. W'amhturn bungalow orn South, Park avenue tu the LareasIer lutiasnt lioradîut. 54r. arud lire (iu.sîroe A. Wrigist, Mr. and lire. Paul G. Reaj sd ire. Jam"s. 0. $won cotnprised a tîseatre parry tsi Ch(llîergo %%edusday. Attornesy tPaul gssiulr pesutt he a rre waitiiig for tise var onu theur relir ernuinr, u il, nl jr trip. orsi.of tlle parte suas the Viutisi oa Hidduir ansiliere ,i-Ietra ottertairseit resbyerian Services fig, jcsle p.-petrustedIry isMr. Lurrislerry. 1thicutisîsut tis-r, .'sntc Tise rmille 5-rni-cas kcau lortssrr servie Aath soi oe, heyorz ar 'uquarter r-riiuuisssd iif Iesefrs. !%tutidss,, 15:30(; sljet P ter' Dial." 'setie trsygoestis'rossi isu] usKitahail, linsosausi M-Clairs reustered Eveiuig service; âubject, Iehal thtie lastion eteîuîssd lutos tIse errv vilgar sel-eturîs ii i' Sils, srassM.BIlH. M ii.-" dblt iitm ew Miller, sîsîu ssuilftise pr....ra tu rosa- tistwsors usrtr,-o t. ndlsi.rrriry, . 11 it l tisuraphusptsorse a m tsstattsu lssitiePeio tsr8ri sizithrsg stilortoitiy. made iilint Iisled i tlIse.si s'i>u riss-tetuouiirrts 'o s-hisse wabsare fsot ecits-ted wairis auys nsts a nes-nv ous rsau caust ar-t,it lethe evolaiiisge ' sjiýilsttri uec sUtursure"1tiseh"local lshirnstie-eare heartiiy srvitod fead. i tilIrislie t[ tii, uttirs itPsues.r meais- n sg , Ws'itiss-slay eversisig ,'ari ailî suer îîsîsîsu-irg su ist i l unr Catislu-su. tfi,,, ls ,cnrasn Ti.e-csusb r Ise ubtject a îlis.4 : -"Pilate r,', a iurg arst lssctrnise sar- isu. t ns is pnss'.dci sr'r.rla . isit epar't wcis-b iseHaîsfscAlwau s andrg is stise ru -rfitn it h,, li-ilin tni.e wamssevs- %il cu irs - i sansi goistos-sen 'tiUrm in ta tis r.sri ceue, fi. oi A nos:P ijv;uplc est li' *, 'rs-szodpo i s M. E. Chuirch Services, tli ,w u yfieW Y ,ire *I.~ , u rsit ut tIr-ii- ' il thr- ecsî irst îasls ors th rorce asuris> utdd] 1 11 s posiiisofE, sli),irs aswrus.fotGlassq 'mp il s1-stsauc Itou. J. B. gratnIsatsr'g Iiifis,11 ti ris - lt s.s t sirru- U,,dMflite'vs.lar!isl' uier sin whuels i' lanstil lii îus i 'li.r se r tr. vuii- It sus ous i lis ni.ia us Prea,-Iit suug lIe. V s'W 1 &rcuesîstIsl)it lsiels usli t hisu lisIs1 gusoitsrgss z isu.Isas-h "sitrs ii nf1f s-is ii %Slijrer. 'ufiuise rs- s .- ti atfull re li.r'tissru iiit1w fi,. - s r. lu ii,- liro r s i' Il i ,11 thes- es- cý W ruse'2 l .. Ilil, ulrs aI l aire c is ui-s irnit sss.r nîsuss Icbuîsrs'r1..u.. lisi iAItt liii.u l lsr ier alid ESu tus ul.gss- (Îi. Ai1. 'Id. litIsuofsisl,-rsurs s' Put i in tIhe poweer of your f.mrity a ssut --il li 5 '- ' " t> tss'ioItus.-____ l'___________ say that in the carfare of lifeyou aon- tilassili-ti rsh iLooks Fair- weon tileai camfor white yrsu live d andyu Iý oi adIItýfaý left them plenty whera you di oet. N- P li ssfi,, i .fo us-ilis-rg 'surisli-si ' i'ul is' i I uvt- ittue sk f s lt - li.jus ii 'i f i urin lusrue iluti - cilIe.U S- Ys F litr . 1ii si i siis i. r isrins-i' F~or Tax Coflector u 2 AuN .i- ulîO Reurauii Stis 'li .crsiisIusisili.s-srN us-s-e ut LiiitS\:i .ý 1 t t > i of 2:41)1,il. id i -ir, lue 'sh . st 3:40. ufi.1 s. Office PETERs lis s.o '%o stfia Just and Liberal Treatment to ail customers alike, in stric-t conformsty to the Best Barsking Practices is the high standard of this Bank. We invite your attention to and investigation of the methods and facilities of our Institution and on their High Standard we solicit yotîr account and business. 30' INTEREST NID ON SAVINGS AND CERTIFICATES TEFilRST NATIONAL BANK 0F, LIIERTYVILLE IJMITJ~ OTTS8 e.PO8êTtOPRPOSTAL SAVINGIS FUNOS Pasrts mis-i ui;sis i. > uilliikes cro imis- ' il - iss . ltss.iviî' piîsir miant [ iris-e rviviit.-r ni Plita r su sIisîru. It risusitiri-ct vîsî. s-21-tf For Tax Collector i ssi t i niuriisi i e ys iuisi .iî's i tlî'di itix resiiietisr liii toii od s ilss e, tonsssI.-et te)ts chs ai, irc(Vsal ii lt-îiaiilis au vioterri at tiî,* saietit o 1w lie-loirst tise Liiert.v vijîie is wtnisaîèl. "A Negro'Pt i the Wood- piler, Wutc tispace? A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX, Is a Necessity--Not a Luxury-. More than 200 business men, pro- fessional men, farinera, laborers, widows and working women find our boxes useful for storing wilis, deeds, abstracts, contracta, mort- gages, insurance policies, bonds notes, stock cèertificates and othier vakiable papers, the loas of whicb by fire and thef t would be annoying and costly for the owners. The cost is only about 4 cents a week-- surely a sall amount when the service is considered. ILake. County National Bank When you want coffee that h"a that fine smooth flavor buy CHÂLSE & SÂNBORN9S SVALT BRÂND Gorlett and Piredericks Tise ttiret issui-t iasus .-ii' s "s,.!,21, isy ths, .ic (t cii- sies. l..i I Nu Sllsc Gsi a issu tiis-,sssusriit- W..,. Thse srti.,lem oosiicliass sere in ïr i l jijw urs itr-lt asrth iliiliisia namnI -i 1 ilr a fuir 1sii', p es rsg iiitI i l,. bu li a msif sele r. Tise stouls enresd wa, fisr, csis" 01 iisg hîgishiurtieir cluandsurs t eî -iii lsw co(nt4islerirsir tirsir qusuliV.Thr Pe ftii his)od andri .iters'd Polisait <'tinsu i.rs-à anuit gîte ussifisgtiesl ttise Liberty-Villa S4toek rFurise old av.aYbelow thir varlu,, rer'iisrg aisi indlvidsrclity cors. cisienoit. andct isarsia farmner got higli cl oursuaristock and a starr lns the rîglitreîsctsssrs forlegsc msoritir tais ho l'as, lies-rt ayirig for grades Routes-r, airter.,a tou sales la whiCh regiotrered sitocrk l se ned itr.tarîmers wili pre- etati' che isppirttirity gsvi.a ttem andi utili puy !Etrilpropos tiors. It le ta ho ,iretted that a nusshr ot cout.rigîsorsoil horeosressrcmrei tri bi-bidisslsg or fiad standing bidls on thiri as sîsssle. [but trus wilIsissveilre as qiacicli as poib51le as it il; tise itenitlin iii th.e managemeunt tu ssii stosk st the iigiree outsilde bd and nor hav e an upetarsdirug bld oi riay animal. lfiho markeut day sales are ta Iseome a gumrefaul formter@' tiittution there muet prevail a spirit ai cu-opration, ai fair dualing andtot attain sluriran end vvs mueft barstire g.uod will.and support of ss-ery farmser tiu Lake caunty. Tiffe compaui utaa etarted as a larmera' cornpany iu th ie idea andt purpase of oupplving tire farmners uitl a local trading market or rleuring house. Ail that ie asked ai tIse farmers le tirat tirey enter tireir articles and stock, flot w luh. sold ut si prohbiltve prce but at their fair vatue. You yaurseli would flot pay 50% mare than au animal la utortir and You muet flot expect other farinera ta, buy ou an iliated price. 1nvrytring Lonstdered, bowever, tire iret sale utas eagrest sucres. and eacir sucessmive sais promises tui grow tas proportion. Sa, tarmers il jon vutish ta consigir Your articles ta tises sales taire salit at thisr truc vains dro so, but do iot expect tu ho eailoutedtotapractice ts-biddiug ta tise itispes otcatching a "huekor>'ais we lîttendsrtasîslig aIl ucir tîractice. Our nesit sale wsll ticbeeli tire 30tir day of Marcliassîtwe isspe tsi have a bigertri l-tf. VUtch tlirel i N PENIiE.NT for psrtis'slatrfi. LIBERTYVILLE, lu A LOBS PAI Promptly aund vithout trouble oud Insurance 01 double vaine. Il jow b apolicy in any of our Reliable CompouteS you are suie of a prompt Mud eettlet>*ft. ~ lie repreoent ouly rellabloe oniffl wieh have made reputau.a Iaýs dealoie and uarqueetoned solitenqL- Schnaebele & Wheeler&t CTG Luce Building LIBERTYVILLE, Iq Tools you will soon need Chatham Fanning Mils Van Brunt and Hoosier Drills and Seeders Deere and JanesviliePlows Bud long Disc Harrows SUICK BRUS. If ususulire grsirg ta nIe ses- us nuis for saRrlsIN dlivery. isisut pricFs. Wycsî tile rus.- tIi- ust.Suilionlytiy tire ltîiFsnî'- s i est LiNit su, Do. 1C-L222 Puoie, thes nptodateaiietisnseeër, seante su, issu>,'your sale tiis priag. l'hssis- 278%V1l ton terme, C-20) ti Il yssu roriterusishste isuilÉuilis cirné and -,rs 55serani h4,11, irus ltistise plans nitd practisal Idem.s- lurr nisiderirsî- vesiimn-rt liiteesi Bt tntsewvouuea ailtrri ts-ttr tiar&eut. 1.irEluTYsILLns l,n'ctsEiR l'o. -22 Poile maires a specialty of farm and stsock sales and guaranteun satisaction. &eo hlm or phoine Libei clle 278Wl. C49041 Ilou About tihe Liîna Pences We are gettinur un us isg lot of Csda< - pisite. bohusiwshite anrurI e iIl rizes5 ail[ prices. Yourrrutri'tlsuy cu orso. oq up yuurus-si isritirsriem i.800 oua,' CaUn't8agUtateitrtTst ELM~ Go. cJ2 Primary Election Notice Ther Villagse 'nuisary Elettions sel MI isold st tise tuwti tiail, tLslserty'vlie. , on1 Ttisrday, %lasch 12, 1912r Thre.O of tire halisute'sl ticas t Pesspile 'arty, white; Citizen's$ yeilow; iteputilicara Paesg,À Démocratie Party. greers; Party, salman; 8Seali"ft Phone 30 à - à Imibertyville,