CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Mar 1912, p. 7

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Lt' I. ~ i. ut rît Mu 5'r as.- M - yis St I.. -i- t,44Teims udaw F08 SAE-I bsod Mar le- Pro:*AML-Now imodernl.i .0,, ffbe huma.. lot 5: Lisoo At.q. Wii ssiion pu 1gf.of 03o. S. Du, L FORSAIE-4_40_1 t, ter- bUbe F-0 4 peà 0 ' 0s .00000atN FOA ALE-GO hnlelsbMuei Wh.Maud 9M0 bushelm Swed )»M eIneffrom ait boum O"aLL Rocefller, 111. :eASLEIlbode Island Red 'Oui.Libertlville. i>bos FOR BAL E-Foulblooded endi Polénd China ows and gilts breedln r sudlivdviduehty. sel. Là YVilla tCek Fa& PoLlfbinan. N. E. OAtSUI FOR S.^LE- -Blotoîn bulea sud rgiiated St farmu' psid 8 4u p. from standard brd .: ofniwsIl bftd bigliproduel some . ndy fort ervice, ptoeyý 0 _rut promine. Ruemmber t bal!youo tbord. Lbrty YV Farus. l. .J. POIL£. foremai GÂTZER?. Phone a78W1. "rOR SALE-9 ohuQ., ImnProvtmsto, sud lot. luqui MUdosas. irttrset brtsereuIA FO'R 8LL atain 24<i eubaistand br*odet Nen Pries 015.00. Ray Furaiti Llbertvvllls ~ FOR 80' OR ENT-4;a.b 34 sCiesdalri and chia-on f, 14 eowo and large tolw i sx*Xetra for truckiiuSitat ion Luis, ternie WiIIdivitle. Rosett. Liljwrtyvilis. 111, NOTICE. Tq tbe tas payera ot «Warre be RL Bracbera store on 'W Iu Gurnee, an9 1iul's store. M cn Saturdet to, colleet taxes E. F lt wkly. ~POULTR ROSI. COMI IRIIODE ISAND ira' fut hatc-hw fe traisWuk # bei, tiri ci nliet sud iRacine liat thiad p.Il .fou ur ad f»heu, VERTILITY OUARÂINTE IL EL TRIGGS Phione 14L Li berty LORP ING.TO of prime vinues. 18 $5.0 Sadactios GuwsMet J . L LLEMÂI IRote Comib Rhode Islia Et£$frotin so&ina. WIs . wn pufflm. 2u& . ape si ribiaur SATESFAOTI N UUARAD S . C. Kimbal Singe CoMb White L St t rebOSEfer 51,5 sud effl ve te oifer a ton te L. lIAI AITTACI ALuSTATE (iOOD MINNERS ANI LAWS'0F PAST 25 -YEARS I IIu TIIEPHON - t 0,DA~EClE FÀS[Pione0r S.ll w rDies at the 25 CENT ____ dvanoed Âgeof 84 Years LAKE COUNTY TOWN ITO SE 1THE lis-s. lba-sins.lseo.ue i-iiea . . . . +. . ail . 11K E E0F 910 .OLLIFICATION wuborniss SauIsn. Ges-îasny, li.-pf. 7, + FRAST OF AUTOISTO. 1827. lu th. yeal 1844. et thse agi-.1- + 1 Poil NT + ++ + + + + Ï4 - .+A+.+.+.+.CHICAGO AND MÎLWAUKEE AUTO. ik fil New Toil fut.about a ar -nwoheua emis-cie to Lake teautv. Ili, wîere Wme lndpQ Rttoaliaa rn" a he - 15ik 1SibMUET TOOAV TO ýPLAN tsr atltt>Jung -lu 184S. s- I loa-d. bulilding. OeW tst..TENWHGWY a ntdl uiraet rdre -22-tl tsmSa .- - Musiner »d téo".luiuons etlt clildren' _________________________ Action wIl L e taken today ln Mil. we5tS ba. o! vbiets oud reelailaurd sas. swsifflit FOwN-letanbarndsn uai.. hicis ulli decide poslvsiy Ieaving tbe sOibw tu ber ra-siuisg Years flîb e ti., 6 * tOlon. 015 part it-sntîs ton thse route thrattubaLetaken Up by wi nyOi5~.Feeii Ise-u C.283.i (: (k 91k aai b itbea, anlfouwdatagbier. Ms-a Cas-ouste eaMblOsi 4wheresuv'#là- tai2 W teCtgebiwueeG onea-%agiers- o l hes. -'ler busarind moaseu nuiliut mors cffas bà sasned. [Dvsoema socltiM ,back of wiich are thse Chi- Lîaving depoeîq4iadbis lite s.ou -pt. 16, uptoat. sui. -2t cago Automobile club, the Milwaukee 1871 Thr*g eWVnf,, twuî boy@ lard 127b. SIIaue #w'. Automobile club ansd the it ilwaukee osa-girl dhsdla 1.fc M las-y, wifs of Ailaru Wamwrdisd Auat. 2, 1888; M3 eusF615RgRE -.%etore building wlth BuinassMens lagile. - Wibeiýia i wl o o. OUiaaul. died Ibtvllfiat abore Flue loitation for upto-date The tentative route, wnlch bes-eta- April 28, 19t01ii a-bamlut, wîfe of Jolie. 0454! bo AddtuaoE. 0. PAYais, fore bas booms kept millet cover, was FIas-, a61o04e raid, dia'd Fa-b 8. 1908. 5515,5i,55,, I las dpeahof lier jonsagaet daught.-r, a.~gve hase Vout<mtoday. Ite cfownI5lg lOY le Mrss Witlbmt.* Obensut. wil l e Sawuow, FOR NINT-Beuoe on Sebooi is-rit & itrtih tweuty.eight rmiles lu lengtl retsmmdby asmne oftltuesaddomt p.28.1Irlquirs of PAtiL NÀWcQtrno, Liberty ville, fromt Millwaukee to a point Immediate. days ut ber cavm eleqem-aa i atdrd on Le III. ~e-11.tti y west of KenoSha. This rond ' ton, tILd a n.sertoi yai]luharblié. beIu id nrnas. la.sdeclereil ta Le a boulevard 00 far 1ber mothuernnaitllaixconupsariton. fier floe. li..+++ +++ .+s.++as urfce t co~essme. coss seael sbrblefor ajile but . ... lle.l ..4+ usrfc l ofrne. @iebs ad thit fhIî bat anly a d-voaut c-28-tt * WÂNTK+ on tht. twsity-slht %ale. streteisChritian meubÀearr> iîg ber troublesi 0.8il +tises-sare tbs-e towas--iUlbcufavllé, t afilm uwo .41tsM'and tray itg or ~ê *', +++++ +++++Thompsovllle and Bylvafi. The state theh wltswe1 i.eaicuds s" ant 5 WANTO-25 buheIbsisarl-y. O<isaî crosiet Russeil. whlçh meano '4 li-hwoM~ "0 uotseee. porhristb 5!A= t BMif UBL£T. btestyrilli 11i. R 1. Box 23. that that town ulhi belthe sceas of lfs- p@esi-sI :r suad aiuor t-lra-a c-2. Pnîohlone 2721tRI. -c-23-tf the barbecue uhici tise Milwaukee Au.- Illiuuthm 09ulo us ws takejuwîs- uaIa tonobîlle club propose ut qou n lusilpad tg) lie ait ilausi t fiai- t-lo, stam moead WANTE-To isuy susei tas-m o! the way of cellebraton Martrs Olieiau.etian (ir a ai-r ilai s-le-t roi 30t-a50 cre, lli pay -une-isalf Passing htuessell, thse motolists next thse loving caris which b c iridleed thean ap -~ (" ~ cash. Mlut Le gond soi. Address C. trike Gurnse. lÀbertyville ipakes one 'siuesîL bua'gSt thisa- ofiai e rang - .M Haenýn fie. 4 a]ametIsil teet iitea. lia Nlonday-cnrniniz. li-L 19. 1912 ut ctsa-&:ta-imt la an easy rmn tismugisal! y.Ii.40.1 acbt-eiilel riei-rtde~ il eakemimwieelng and Niies until Mlwukee - ut sfturuDg asad Passer] î,iacebaal into a.HtlyWANTED-(loid exp@rkoaa'r d <itiig avenue let strucit. thse laidukown, det-la-ati lrdang la-, re 141.. roüuuigis-I (diaaid -eg-.palul Apply nt _________t -rIs n8110 waitiaugto go. sue wus as c-222 Nw-,at-ilotd-. L1Ils.tyrille. a inna.a't fathli nseuairr au!tihe-Cuîhuliu- - _____-----------_____ À A REAT JISCOVERY attiuiiamsdiuaiylblesm t y-al Sda rfgislst4 O Mani. 'wbIte la sn mtary'. 0. Dent of WANTEO TO REfIT-Skix or sa-van -alue 'ihcsaswsa tua Pria-id to , m o tie e.t-trgllvkaatut-il, ,,IrlaCes-bain Jngs-adievte Thot Reili Pro- supporter. sn, H. J, modern Imprnarmît, ha, liai-i tirtit. moio Hair Orowtls whem, Propes-ly To koow OribdFWaMusai-r wals tuo love <7.1 aitur tIseiNDiui rNeaT Offiice, hmind i-r undI[lot alie eil -lui- by e-18-1 2(-tf Cmhne er s-eaalulng cblld"ue oty-six grand - Lhi-rasiand totty.two greisi grand WAOTED-Csogtl i-pa-ria-ncad tarin aisid; ResutCiiS U Olnue<iil h@ aontst letive tabilui-n. Lut a8so0isholeIluthhy crail- faill bloind t-o wpçm-t(osadaisr trinwhî, auiaae gerta destroyers or eacver4 i Lynusity wbers b,ban -asida-i fias-çvar ai. $25 uos-k hp theIir. rCul!I irai s-as iues, assaIus aobiisttlou i t-bBale t-ô ra -ats 8h. as la-nd litspros- tIi-es Und INIoîPEMt»oeCNT ffirs c-29) fi iNpthiÂ, wLieh inl bua ges-mimicaiS arla i raarit sudaidves-dty,e era-s ab rights .ng dan- + +1+ ~aa-4ýuob.atioLil eiatisii-d!thi, moruinar. iisddirag iL.- lat ii-tao Vua -be+fd t-~ît-ogiai t.rt)b love suad affectioionsunt laur. T<berj he botull s Itbetaî-ir ta éastrarasi nuaas-sebmnt and duty %vast jytai sallIe niahîr lleit ber lia Nb uk + II EL AiO & ao raset-aelalassasui, ealtby consdit-iois plat.- in ail 'ho reltions utof Ileshowa .. . - .+.+.+ . ... . . . .+ . . ut tise scalp, whia-it î,tvveat. Lialedeveloli- a «u-'îîmeitlsamm ewbich Dmu c.16-f sri tt ml15555.gerui-ai. Il religion an ail ahbaig jrini cpi-, STO LOAN-Prirate parti bas monett Piloas-t,iutliougb onut a eolotisg lunes-aI ses-vueneise wre Pi-(jtaiî-ad hv %jl modesi ueo out on Lake cutty ltrin literpli Jmaltat- as- d>a, lu a iel-ktiuwis aie- Rt-r. Franche SeblldgeniioetSq Mary'e ~ w.j 5%, nsght a-ar, tuit e .~,- ~ 1 i duat-fui retîornsg the tsnaturasiahlic rburHb of Fra-maut Cent-es, lidri.J f .,tima (l lsîl [ti utar5% OA1- sculoi. isa-n ut-te los- toi tiri bal t-rn Tlssss-dasîusriqi îtl0os-u-.Liug Brada f,( n Ulv ces-s aitMP.Oies 23 iii. r"s aea.d Ly a diseuse alit thLe acalp. argaly atteded isy relatis-jie euut nldd 13R, 1-t lc.Wukgn i .22 Tise augîrsiacits lis hmoiasr ao sbina fru i Wlsoiu, 'Chicagos. fN auka-gasa cý2.t plre Wak-gan [l. '2"2 t-lu, *itl a al, uhtoladded oues stîiuleut sud,'as-ions otlior'aserisv ta%%sno.s. uluaw- ail1fus- aé tesli-deflned nauriahiisg llit- tirbhighoeaesmln alsiaL tise du-easeai 0 elge lu- raperria s, [es-les-t porbapu tihe as&etwas belil. brIs- law Fus-e munrasuce. bogeiiiim l-.tin.rsig. l mSaitite a ir act b tuoujs or Peacruletueau, atra e u),l ms-s stos-e,.1 t-lia gaeila-hty Dïysua-o 'euall andbau tîoubile. Saur uraais yeusn e ri ous p120.4 jAsiastaN. e- %- .!.-have a rrwa-dy a iacs sjelulWfy 1 ges..e, -t rasadianth r u rta oe-t ~~~~~~ ~~~cosiapofteu01 l tareigiesiwate, a i Sn- 11 l5i ssiit-lauur or shatéa-, Dont t s-pt t-des.. Iyls. Ts-ipp bittais-. i ie autu. %u go t àute-xs-i e Invailtu, fara uit-h vimu bave yous- pnring letip g Drdon.ia' assidauialarse l Koase t u ofThanks tii-h land. 1lH anits a ra-outoilea-a-na- Tirait iala-iti parti vacause dendreli. sud t-agrow et~~~~~~~~~~~~~ brsn.Ahonevt-s is o -a îe-atnsa ttthasagir ;ta-- salp t L loas we taté this. ineaiouî ot theniurg tIse iÏgo F.'MoIn aîudtalsuer-50e- v-s-baur Plai.tne as-e 0i (tais-,IfL i cia-a uy Vialty iM .u1 a-ed1sd1slgsos ioi toit- an tiretouteI. a il î i oesil-ely rts - LàdlY eaîsltteit Us.lui. the ilineanasud a--28-tl 134L îu-23-1 b"duae», as-seo %it l seuu.1 sour ilioun,-,-.ilestis 0f ont ls.andlinueritutgread- Il tils swalp hea t6 isza-i, h'ta'y ailjîueul nisa-nr. Oi" as'.rÀ FAssit., PeindoEnvers Wife a Cook. as pi, tbaLeiuasO «.1 li me.Ail Kui lien, wtt-e or the 'tauîaerabaldtrse eSmaulubia. 0013; IARSiIDRUOS ,u l Portions charge d'affaira, auo uam Il aant- evli-ne asstroubla-t aIlla I nzdyrMise Bresil oS Boston, la tirseLest cook scalp duoi a- lnofaituais- ta t-sy Bs>asi tulnsdyathse diplomatic corps. This tact la -91'Ji"Hais-TointeIfit a-dues saut culas K531wCathr-' s Tend to X&uegn, ttstllibytheShh f Praa, eledantdruti anti grow héas-r tu tise catIS- a.4c ~'akegnattstel my is Shh o Pral. lfattiouis ai[le uses-.wu wîll witlaut Canas Inury to the Bowela as a testimonial of ber ionnewlfely qt&u rqintrtr vr et F.RY ' virtuesa.bas contes-s-d on ber t-Le Or- pi as-fo Iqte ritatuns aiicrt colletbs. der of tise "Lion sud t-be Saun'"andl uavert Lot-tla- iit-base effra-Leai - -If yossasisuis-ut tua rtepatiou. sase b.tise fis-st womau tises hostos-d. Ipositive a-ue aaiÎ)31.0 ol casre ibri- yono soold avil -toaugdrugsasnd Mme. AIl Kali Khan Lan earned ber Pott-o I a i ueii ta-t *iiatbSttie. Thi-y untuiv- gae t-Leiureprr titl cilèfi thongi th l'e-aln ~an Il-.93", ilis-tua c ni ea-t-îueiy -ali4abasathems-ri-as-tjýirutuus înssl sud tiesle bslens-nei t-a ath e rIn c ai- j sta,,s-. ede i iti,iisa-try pstaail otiissmore auufuNil -s'-On- mrig.Other glftt confarred on , ---rtla u -îtgaii i aîusute-pto.Tssuuiî a-aS-t mas-nae, ti,t-Le pus-pumesfor sibiensitas saraui [ua. cuis-sauîd thair tî-îîuiîu-% Io o akrlen bes- offlclally by t-Le Persaua goveru- i%%u urge :uit-ut-sY tbtre prrpanetuauu the. alrsady st-i-e ra' laen withis vsii meut are a turquoise ring aeut a golil at oua t f ii t esri(îîly uor iu,.w tisou cainsein ilitw t melatsttsddfd %vlla dismonds glvi'u uer u of o tt-rrîuusnaiert Idgave %u o. Wr hani-1151-ht' tiu,-lu-u-hu'.i e as Pessia'e delegate Lote iInternat-ion- iWtuetai-sssr 3ou eauoutrat ittalumlesu- tise brut t tiulntuu n tr-aunaýit îves- aaitles-' cogrest-t s va-snt dia-s in Liberty viule 051v et-our stoh.- uluviard. Ouîr fili la il it- ugosstruang meeting hem. Mme Ait-yi Kisan bansre tieitri t.l e. Dgu-Ka-al-& BU'N.irer t @ t-1 ilii (t n isu rlr-guas-aîîr.- SLbestyviiie. 111.lisatitil-beili ufir-'s IhfluelPerla cenit 13 adopted tiseils-es of ber hushand'a 1u. if t-duea flot gis- i-sise satisfaction R.EDS country. Sise bas ase atot-tlbis Cour-t Dooket Out sdcml-e>u.uiuîrseiahs rassis lt-rt fa- elIgion, Ihbalm.-N York T4ypartoii _jýlt auukaB.Amin-u. Tise cira-uit court dos-ket for the i a-Op art, pufu r X,t l l.lOsdat- iii Ia-%faies--btes-m w-aitus-na-iloser to(les-k iostofféfie util-li-TIo ro s-.mairi f.Grhb, e. 6112 - sockwasy Ly the SUN Mna or ntcpluar-îsu .uia-aeT-sfsiss ryvllis11 Grbe, Tl 6.2 R- 1 ughe, y. Tel. 58 -oten-s.alay, Masch 4tIî, or- nexa-o efu clas- au - ',Iu,- ii aî l' lontl uiîg estahîilee - 2 ee ": fotuai-tsr uesfultiegl- iun tihe tresuineutio Grabbe & augnery Tise docket shows nineteen peuple", conrstipation, t luiins ailtrialet hci CKEXPERIENCED AIJCTIONEERtS cases. Thse comimon law, aid casa-.s, a-'" tst t- 'h« ,l ia- tai i eap t any tine. u iu--day aoa1 ight-. ) N S Lie Sok n Sals -u rom oane tu, 146, the Des-.-cases wilbuut- flaa i ceuainir env in' flinfon17ta 174; tise chanci- ss , --0"9e, ugirias uiluTiaeradoTluot teisîl at f-nus 47 caes. eiPpvruiie-, loiiru, s- Tey do taus s My peu a Specialty. aid, sun tim aio.e t-o 134, anil tise few au-r witlait eaauu,ii.. ii pain as- ex lpiieloealfass-hfui, u.we du-the sot fOltR.-PERENCE COM!T OUT AND IIEAR iUS ftir135 ta 1-81'ara- lsuia-ifor ua fIrwels Tlua-î, _______________ ________________asd Uast- eoaple. as Wiuas - tis or t-emut- haaisyfis-n Wtasis ~Ts-avel. Tisa-y autuisin' lu tileepskgu No lase titan $f2.000.000 les 0mw palit 12 tableîaé. 1i)- - ta O ahete,25Setî, anuabiy by t-be Aines-ban gaves-f- 80 tbLlets. 50) a-a-t-a Redi ment for tise tr-uveing exPeuses Oflits Itsinpisbe-. 'ualou lu ('i Olit-auhLm unI d RedsoMlais itiste saes-ai Ls-a-bces. datou torelsTh.R, uallstor@ E Oslci uwr. fit.& BusaN, Libei-tyviili-.fil. u ni.u is' NTE EDReport of the Condition of The rrst National Bank. ilIllni Libertgvi le, Illinois, ________Af the close of Business Tuesdsy, Fersuary 20, 1912. 'q'..Rirqq1LoasiSa sifau i lu5 Si S44 C&iilt5t uulWc*k ueidii ........uun, eghorns P-nai-sa u a - sû .. 96.30uNostios] Biuank 4,p -- - - 0 a. Wr jase WE'LL I'ELP YOU THROUGH pntusaias-a s5irases--------5 1Diue toauesud pBria i-te nntssud - uth ¶tua-s. ous- tire trouhlie, as u-s. boap a full lina-lis a-keus liTrt us OPrIand Tnd Seua ls i----------5711 led- ofttires We do ail linds o-f up-to-dats. Savitns Basî,------------------i.tas nsD=àliSisaiirlIisteg 1 ortt......a1,964 atOefs-nus seproeraiRsetreAgents... -351m5<A Oeatifleuil chiks . nuit..... N à ......... 44.47 L > repalrinirmof cas-s an eamauner tbai Oeerassud thar Cash items------172112 iu aiBlailii-is-tlit-j I faet utalier Sstisnai Bosndi - ay17ons0 Pist&lSl sliîcitar ssts ...u..l... Illiaol alay sivtes lies-fa-at sasisactioni. Ons-i Ftseonsi Palier uasrecy. NIckeb s 2.- ieara-ri for tares.... .... .......K, on po»&gps-lee tirse lois, onîr wor, manu )piatpfs5- Lawful MoneuReereenia.- "21i1- el@. 1ele ... i n t -... . .. f *50" 1.3 U. 8. 51500 - ___ -m- Laycock 1 92 t os-----------iie5 ]Report cf Conudition of thse LR[OUN1YNAiIoNRLAN At Liii-stysiilslain theIsitait iminisl,.ut thel iis u uuu..Feb-fuaay 2u. 1912. Luua, s ian i-un l1u ---.- ...... .te 44 uauirdrslts. seulureul aud uuiuui-ura-d - 564 l U. 8f. Botuiibh- auls-îr--itus...40.000Z5 0ttusi-Bondus t-o -cors ti. Steisits- .00ac00 iianda,. 8c-efItit. Sen --......- -- tl1ei 13 boi uela-lis.tuirsituitr ana fSatura-i 10.1w:00 î--lu sa atIs-.i-lIem.. . s-sma Frac-tlionna) Palet Cui-s-iîus-. NIa-Selsa ai-cia-. ...... ....... . . .... «u3s7C L.uf -ca.eiull-r -t-a-. i-taktetmas Ni-dem stiuîu lia-i t alu .T-8i- ait- es-Iaarvt s- f u -r-uituu a-ta-i--- a i---------------.. 1 O Luss didul it., la-su gapeoes aid Tares sld -.. --..... 1 .605Sf Ntationalit-Bank Ni-6 t-s uut&nSd«... 40.500te luivIdual di-uita, rolleet t-o iha-rt.. -' 51.ta7 41 tleusand qetuit- n i efariit .... 2.512:40 Unitedi Stiten s Ta .......--.. . ste Toatsi".20 Site astIllinis. coutus01ut ke.sM. 1.. . r ighit, Cs5"lst 11 theabe nasued ai isSde slenly essetet leBlC v Êîstem enu i trua Ot ilsMusas MYii utkOwledgee a..s boe . 0. F. WRIGHT, Casher. Sulea-ribed 5and suas-n tueot-e merflius 2s day .af CeLraBst.1912. CLORA A. STAPtaE6. Notss-y Publie. tlosrect-A5tOil li. 5WGM OWT 9. ARiGioT. Dirilcicits. )NE Reni Estat. ra"È 1 1si suîuf uia T rustnn RULES 0F TELEPHONE POLITE 1 ë4-iut'ul- rtu-GI5l NESS ISSUED 8V THE CHICAGO lesurî . iuu llii. uaaaagas1p AND NORTH--WESTERN. - 1,1ÇtlZlapu- liitaicE, = e~~law Ts-eia. kta 35antI' 5, otsW SUGGESTIONS OFFERED TO EM' kegan in blackt 86. W,.1) $1à. PLOVES WHICH OTHER EM- Ha-mien Boba-ne aud ulfe tei* PLOVES MAY PROFIT 0V. gi-irite Ksaftîeter, pas-t of bloek l - ~ 'Pirut adldition to Port Cliatoja,la Prompt-nemi, givirg a potite qaiuta- las-iPark. W. D. $350. tien spakig I a l!eaanttou f;LOuis Anterson qgu ife t. L t-In, peauîg l uslua-rsasai toe <t~A, aut JohnuR. Filton, lot 22.,1*".' voice sud'glving the i-ast possîie an- 1, Kirk & Puaira addition#*wa noYsoce Or inconveulenre fa patrons gauu W.' . $1.. .are urge by tise Nosti-Wegtes-n Road (tius-art Wý. Usew aud i isteLe lu a communnicatilon tb ail employa- es t te-imn 0'c-e -i~ on "Gocil lananere antiTise Tele- 1 e-ut anc fouirtis andl souti-wst phsone" fous-iL, section 24, Cube t-ownÎhlI, i In connectlon wilL lt-e coourteuy DO $6,000. camîaaign" the compeuy ennounces t Tiseodore W. Smnitis and wlf* .1 isilI mIns upon lise use ot tiese me Thsomas IH. Hill, lot- R7, in 3. L b- ilsgrec of politenese la telepLone con- sus-dilailon (n section 18, AvO1i b vessations as is Oxpecteil wLen ail- hip. W. D. $100. ilsens.pets-uns tare ta face. It aimo Wiliiam H. F'absy, and i site Le X, place% tse ban upon "hello' ubicis tel B. snd Elizabeth A. Cnt-les-,W. Jý bas haen eiminlateil trom t-be tele-.00 o ,bok8,-InCY1 110 phone5 lexîcon ot a numbsr of 0f ber tion '15. rallroad s. STAT S UýPREME COURT RA18ES POINTS Wl-ICH MAY CAUSE UPHEAVAL IN -THE STATE. SENSATIONAL CONDITIO0N 0F AF- FAIR& SENT OUT FRON TH4E CAPITAL ON FRIDAY. Ail Cblcgao papers Bat. morniang car- rled the astonishina ofateinent to the efiect that pracîically every Important law sirittea on the Illinois statute books in thse pas, tweiaiy-ilhe years was placed in jecliardy yesterday when the stete supr»e court handed down an opinion knocking out the ap- propriation of $60.000 for the Ilino'a, unlversity medical achool. The hlgh court held the appropriat. loiu volfi because In the passage of the omnibus bill in the lest genersi, assembly It was submaitted to Loh bouses as a conference report, wblcn confereaee report was flot prlnted lie- fors It was placed on its passage. The constitution or 1871 epecificaliy provîdes that ail conférence reporte in thse geceral assembiy shah Lhe pnlnted botore telcg luit -f t he roll call calea- dur. The hiais court hol 's that in falhing to observe strictl), this ruie of the cuniitutlon in tiue univcrÀîty case thie appîropiation lisinviîalid. Ail Laws arc Affected. VIrtisally ail of thse Important laws enacted since tle new constitution was adopted' may bai successlully a4Ç saiied If theliltigation le inatitutea nd If proof can be susteined that the con- fes-ence reports. by whicb route these -laws reached the final stage In the ici- la4lative Isopper, were flot prnted lie- fore belng placed on their passage. mong the Laws In jeopardy. accord- lng te the Springfield dîspatebes. lit thse commission law unde- whîch Wau- kegan is operatîng, also thé mile and an elgbt law pertalning to goves-nuett roservatlons like F'ort Sheridan and the Naval training station. Whle thse telegramns fromn Sprlag-- field are s-aller senestional as to tise possibllUe&-arlsing f rom developments in thse supreniw cous-t, h leaflot generai- ly feu tbtat It would Le probable that laws enacted for so. long e pes-lot would be wbpcd oIf thse books. It 1-i reported that there may bie politics in thse sensation from the capitol. Todey's pepers state that Governor Deneen bas calied the special session of the legislature for Wednesday ot next wesk. ACCEPIf ONE OUT 0f FillE APUCANTfS ADMIRAI. ROSS MAKES RATI4ER STARTLINO STATEMENT 0F PROPORTION ~REJECTED. IN ONE YEAR 14,000 ONLY WERE ACCEPTED OUT 0F 90,000 APPLICANTS. About one out of every Oive boys wbo appiy for service in the U. S. Navy le rejected by the authos-ities. In a certain yea- recentix. accord-, ing te Admirai Rose s«ho mine tisé statement receniiy t10 head master, Lewis of tise Laike Forest academy. out of 90,000 young men hwo applled for places in thse navy, Lut 14,000 were accepted. Tisttends to show thet the young men. of tbe nation are net, wbat tisey suhould Lbe and proved thai the goves-nmesît 4s accepting none' Lut thse 1est men for tihe navý. Tis eires show tisat out of fi'.e, oniy one Sl'accepucd. a seemlîîgty rat-ber iîuîropoîtionat- ratio yet It ir hacitedi up Lv Admirnai Ross' positive statement. Laura E. Sps-agtue. e issu,~ Kncdîtr s-nancr-se l southwst *oW.. foui-tb section 16, Vemnn Lwueiip.? WV. D. $1.00. Wilieimna Miau lwidow) t-o f# andi Auna P-as, 5.23 a-rua ln Ves. fier ePl wst fus-long asie-fourt-bh section 11, !snhoa-h t-own2hip. W. U.- tteos-gaiM. Sargent eutdisîfe ta Cîeca- .H,.aeut WillIam II. Sas-gent, lot U Chicah&o Titie andi Trusfet ornsalnys re-. subdiviglon of part bina-k Ï2. Hiliad Pas-k. Q. C, SI Chrietopiser Lattus <wdù) to V041*i,. Dotales-, 122 at-s-s in sections 5 sa4.ý 8. Fs-inaont township. W. D. 810,StILt Jobn Spencer tindil Ie t-o-C. IL , Y- lord, lot 1, blockt 2 E. S. Bruce'. dIvision lu norts wee ans-fourbis thon 20, Ela township. W. 1). 0i8 Swsan J. Suaeoif snd wlSs to le P. Hanna. lot 2, Gos-iman'. a ul divisilon of pas-t Lenox subivisiona, l_ Waukegan. W. D. $2,000. Fred B. Harper, «trustes e Yss*»li. Totsyan, nos-lb one-baît lot 6, bloCk'fleIý_, Boouptis Wauiuegan. Oeil 125.- .%aster lu Cisencery of Lakse eou,$ - t» Tics F. iteaubisu, lobs Il.a&- ' blockt 10, Laid & Georges' additlin Mr Wuokegan. Oued $441. Notice lui-d ksit u-11- i 40iflia u iwttîla l'et '27.1912 fij- a-ls-uiOI a-ne! 111,us flialtisaitJ8K. Mi-ra-iail. tUne. Néasvî Clastie-iu Ssi-aI. ctfa-i-folii' t.-ilSilF' >par Jmf . ibiS. hie rpnai F 'yt.vlblnsg eil tus5 W'%î;wTOIqà,.as. Iiii-a-cîoei Sorre Rues as-e Gis-en, Rtla-s for tirt>anita oaseitise wls-e,1 which are chass(iied laitis ar-srenit Ia- sie of the Nort-flWe~sti-sn NMagazine, as t-le temançts anti rot tIsa- isises os- luggestionls Ofthie Iian-i-grmi-ut of thse s-aed, incluta- tise frlIowiug- Au-o-s- ail teýluiphous sails lromptlY; Ih lenoft Eod mannes L eelsa- a sailes- waîtiiug Drap oneasend for ail theibeIL POlite meanîngsansd Offtru tri- tat-ing belia." Tises-e as-e a do7en j ýPliesng and Inoffensive suhaf 1- tutes. Be. pastlcuhasly caeful of tLe tane of tise solce ln sebîcisyou speai aveus-tise telephons. l D u aneueng a oeil for the coin- peny oves- any of Use compLnysa telepisones malte lit s point Le ses lisat tise persen ape»klcg gta tise Infor'mation he w&« ies tIbots lesat- possible laconvenience for b imeelt. Alwsys avoll asklng ilsectly tise Dame of tise pes-mon calln. A lit- île dlplomacy may, Bave tise cail- or Irritation andl you tise charge ot being rude. ComopaniyExpecta Courstoay. "Tise aompany Invites and expea-le," Bays thé anuncensént, -'t-be fulleet co-opes-atian froni ail of -its eosployes ln t-hIe endeavor to ramoeeb tele- Phsone fron tise dom&bu tof Irritation, rildeassa andI neffilency aud ta place It i-ntirely wititn tise province of satý- isfaction. poileneees andl efflcicys Appropriai. A couple o! Washington tuen dés-s dlscusslug t-h. repos-ted plan ef Sec- setrY, of Agriculture Wilson te0 seb Ps-ellent TafttLe transfes- Dr. Wlei and bIs bureau ot chemistry ta soins otises- depas-taent on t-be grounil thst tisoy do not-ps-opes-iy feu dwitbm tise ceurof ato-p aslng sud Inseot In- vestlgstlsg. "Wilson dunla ta put hlm lu t-be depas-fmeub o! commerce and labos-" reinres-e one. "Pes-bsps be doeseLelong there." "Not St ail." reJoluei tise oliser. "Wlley ought to Le t-satstes-sed to tise depastmeut of tise lint-r r"I1 don't sile Loi Le ébuîd fit-ln tises-e." "Tou dont? WhY.1 lfa. Dr .c knows mare about tise ý%SIteil Sttes' Interlor andthe tisff title fs-tl LtuaIhanauy minuln lise country. Hi-e. ut tabeamade secs- tas-y." -L Roiiicuua B-. Cars-ile, i!ae,, WIlliamn Fritschs, Sisoboygain- Des-t-la Zuibueisi, sanie----------. John Sr-akras.,Waukegan ..-..... LeisîlSovetisJoliet-... ilust Lake, Wraukegan----------.. Ethel Koake, sanie................ bs-s Gas-dnser, Dis-th Trée. lIa . Khatieripe V. HoIe. Da-erfletil... Nothlng Te IL(Cbas-les Bniknieyer. NMilseausie.,... Patience-Tisapapers- as that tise Mars- jtlles, bains-........ ..... Fs-encb lunguage le more suliable tls-i ose ca-n teiephaning t-ban t-be Erg- c ________ Ilshis uahien llecovereilda-ne L.ondton hit afi-f lcwa l-ots-Pets-owle snd Paris t-os-e inkel Ly fela-phone ('si-hil, l. uI uîi t hasIi5~ Patrlce-..ihy, thais sBiiuiousn; itiflue fiaii faîr ultifa-sues. 8ai nIs batl a Fs-eiisnau tehepisoneonue da-. lt-a- uuiuu alis thlit a-a- la . ltuEivfL. anil J couidnt usessanil usword bLe t'sugcCir-22 s3aitf-Ynnkera Steteemn. Wisconsin Silo and Tank Company's Stave Silo's, Best On The a Mrke<e W. S. IIAWTrIORNË =A a N Tý Libertyvi-le, -Illinois Long Distance Phone- R rames Phon1e-rylae Elhanan W.- Colby,' IIBERTYVILLE, ILL. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR States Attornt OF LAKE- COUNTY sniajaat tii th" 10-111 oftbet 'r 9w' i ait tise prlnssths., Tuesday, p. *- Fi-lu 27. 1912 MIARRIAGE LICENSES. Ir

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