CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Mar 1912, p. 8

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News ôÜf. EXPOSURE' FiNE KELLY WHO LAUNCHEO »ARqDWARE FOUIeDRY CO., AT NIORTHE CHICAGO is DEAD.v PlED-UP SY POLICEMAN AF- V M $ AD SlLEPT OUT OF 50SAU. N 10147LONG. J80es Kely, e-Ioee rne eo! lb. ààM gu me- mut influeliWl mon lu *çh bfloagO ied Thurs. moreliget 1~ Qdoukaslte renult or beinE ex- =U O«dt he .colou TuesIe-? ulgbt. iras rondllyle-g bealle the Bide- *M astreet. bolveen pu!- F ureeth teesNot à", thel inui-leeS er. t heh bla hosâ,lyns lier.e-Ilu igbt. POemElvard Lei ef Nort Chil- t vua the eue Who fround Kelly. go Wu ve-Ikinielong is beat eerly nhlogdgff morale-g sien ho notlued lie »pWsUly ltelesbody oetae--ma Y- % tuhle sîloe-lIk. Ho recegniZaS goa Kelly and aise toundS tiat ha * lIlI, alite. Securing e- sheel- pp«1trou & nearli? hanse ho PlaceS »oee-idOiùsud llrnp !rm e! t la tean sd raiealhie- i t =on evesteenili sîrootendSPirk , .joliey wvassumoudel sud Ile , Md.tht tl ie violu bai sulfrel ,o &e b.severel ;exP-flet ee 441 t 411uy man se-c-d.- UoqF*ItiS pommblé vads a.for &«*e -Ictlanubut bhW viole body tOSsOIorlllihly cbulldni hetit vws lmpcihle tu Pr- lemarese Kelly Mo tet chbloagefIm h. ety o! Ch& »0 lie rla tlaIte4bav eau v tor e- t batlise-e"aV" sil " eS a, xolspou lb l.l0?5 £Id- lu e regmdel -M * tl oueKelly s e lie iei >e reture-ci ta Ciofore ivoomt e .bave lent him busf e5fUtk %by iIt bIs fo' et os beove- 1(011edid net ha', omare MissesHelen sud Goi wom. 8troux of Waukagan, .&god 0eBMn lEitng Sine Sturdsy Waukegau's second uYehery ta de- velop vlthiu. the paut tvo laye, vas nade kuevu 8e-turday evealng, *hen the report beesme cuoeent os the 1treets tiiet William etrong. a tired fermer, eighty yesrs el. sud resld- ing for many years et 211 lBoull Utice- streal. vaudered asy frm lhis home At about 6 o'cleck Seturday eveulng sud bas ual been heard ftromisÉlu. deopite, tb. faut that the poIce Ot both boresuad at other uerth Shore place. have been aldeil by searChlu parties, Who have scoured &bd couutry for miles round Aud are Bull engage lu tihe sesrcu. The aged man bail sulffreil several limes duriug the. Ffansd Winter from vbat appeared ta b.o ulight strekes. whicb wbute net rendering him belp- less, seemed. te no canfuse hlm lie-t he couid net recognhze bise ou vesti- dence. Trhis belng the case. It ta fear- ed by me-ny that be vandered out catl ene or tbe plers al the lako front and vas drowued. Ws cnSpring Street. je-mes Gauuaîh, a fisherman, resldInI e-t 1103 Wsshington Street be-s report ed havlng seen the lost me-n valkini nortb on Spring Street, near the Hote bEdmond. sertly e-fIer 6 e'clackast taurde-y evenIPg. wvih la the iast trac 3 tet ha beon sutureS- W&AsCleaut'g Pufteo. r lu an interview vlth Mu-. Stroul rmecured Ibis morulng by e- SUN roi àroseulAve. it vas les±ued lie-t th > ld gUtemm an albeen vorbîng Î th. elOU"saturdsy afleriiomi. remdl lug the -&bos, Siiortly sfter 650 0106 S. e caoSf apetWr. sud selug hat bl -sidrmile valer was itaiing am'O lbthele-vu.remarbel liaI It va. deub 4fnj viieir hg coul iste .asi 4.uto the back yard unlil lb. vater vu le divertail. te -1am q g u U te eCorner rt IJtka ansd We-ter streets,'h. e ale- et se sit le the cause o! se mucb w as ter mrme-tieghis v-. sa 4 lie-ur wvIa erly ready. b.ouw th tld t b. hobail botter lot lhe vu go ne-tiI Monlii. but h. persisteil. e- taàinlg of lié malter tode-y. MI et. x trsa eid: No Goal or MitIns. '-Au he bail been verklng lu t bemment ail Ibe aterucon, ho bail on n.e vercitl eor nittena. sud ve erpeel h se-nId bfle nsbut a etry fev mIane-les.1mysel! MW hlm go ta lie corner sud them lb aretul mu8 tbes».elug w-sut i 1e-ldo te divurI lie astret of aler vbich vwu feelding lh. yard. lu e- few mnetee. ISmn velri- hat ocuppiel hlm ao long. 1loIokel ont sud he vanet te ho I-Nothlug vas deue lmrneialeIy. hobeer, uas h hsdblted thal b. Pre il WELL I. TTEKMOD D VLAIECOUWé TV OUN"y 0lOtliOFFICA-4 $PEAKERS UROSE IMPORTANGE 0F MAKINO ILESUWSMORE Désigts yelid-3's torm., a goodly CioWI *v.P mmt at th Ie LoabOColn- ty Su nIa Scbol IÎiUttetobeld 'lu the FIrst -BaptIst ohurc1, under the. aus- pieu t lb. IlIluol s lada choi ee . a soelàlon. Wednesdy atterucon aud Tho e-nsttut* beld bero Iii Wauke- »U , mlordU la one of tweiity baba bl li se "ay cilleez of Imola hav. !AR a pope-ades etof mte m umsid or more. T1he touring 0.117 consista ot a "ae quartaIcf etigera e&M Pune-y socio expert». beared by Prof. Alvin Roper, the famoua piaulet. The abject ef lb. tour lo tu croate luterest lu the etablishment ef tee-ch- er tra-iing clusses throughaut the Bue-day echoolseof dfferont denomina- tiens; the promotion ef Bible classes for men; the organisation cfetinda, school athlottc clurbs, and the provioi- OU On cliruh circl" o fr more features -of etertailument wblcb ibelitendt keep young peuple lu lunch vithth cburch doinga. *- Begluning il Eastet B. Louis ou Feh. ,ruary il, lie tour la plann11d tue n- braco tventy Ilinoeis cit ies 1h Qulfr cey, Sprinugfield. Doe-lEtur, Dautlle, El- gu. Peoris, CGalesburg. Freeport, etc., .endIe-g on Mrci 4, vlth Chicago. ke A Most InterebtlUg sud beiPtul Pro. [a grrsiu vaurendel ase bibis: v- 3:30 Music-Prof. R04,er sud the * mele quaret n- 4:00 Bunday sobool mansgement sa wth relation lu the Advauced< Mev.. t- met-Hugh Cork. es 4:40 Premaet-Day Dentnidiof the U Sue-day Schaol TeeschSr-Rey. 1 W. of 5-.29 Tbe Purpese sud-Progre-m of d the Organlzeil Bible Cla-W. B. e- Wilson. 4:00 Supper. 6: :30 Au Agreaave gundsy,,Scho rkc Plicy Fer This Cfty Outllued. lui 7*3)Gunday Icheel Muaie Bien rs IPllfl-Pref. Roper sud Quartet. 8,00 Tbe Men cff IlUe-cieFor TFb mm ioet allÇ-W. B. Wialo. the 8:20 Th. Tescher's Opportult? auc e I S:40-offr%-g--MUOIC by lie QUar- 8..50 The RosI Purpose e! lie Suu- day Sciool.-Huigh Cork. ' 9:10 ConeeegaostaServIce. 9:30 BemejUhua. In lie eveauing liore vers about 150 Sue-day .hool mperte«denta sud leacbers prenent. tram aU 'Part£ O! the cotant?, ae- e-lrpmeeulig very de- eomIsetIen. vhlch be-ae- ue-de-y oon oetow ept Bugy migit sgoe-p. tte ietemeler trnI- doc at 104 Sontit UtIca treet. te Hi -T»»s are extremol? bus? dais for telb vth <lommîsalouer Dietmor ro- & o tov colcter's offce as people le-ite te te-Ie-g cane ofthle ats,& hatsaluste psy their taxes. Mr. Mu- tsalwe rnuger as aeareinpro e u aemebonte- menti lete ilu .- ortryse-ta hr vse te-yrl S51tiug lie boobs titis .Year oviiste or lie n *e etut-t Ib ey coulé no e .Irel lm eturen e' cmene Loie lu hie-i netiilie toi rate lie-Ite feel anîteus. sud e-t length Idaidd, ~p-deterrnlued by lie stetes. Des- te maka itiqulies. Wheu it develeped pN*liu tat b oxecl tehav co- lie- . e-ilnet beau ut Dielmeers el P"othil t75.000exby litehaeMscbe notIfiaI te police. Bearuhes lit ,160 te$7lie0 beteithUrnefie emou-thave beau out over Ince, but te Only Il - Il tethepreenttim th amuattblug vo have beard 1li ht e-t oas s oft moeey lurnedI n tu the collecter le seen on Bprlng sîreet." ta aboUtt km memeeliet Il bas beau lu cc ,'pat. yers eand Iis shows te-tthle FeucthCatie.l saM.Volume o! businesoad, be-Ihobc- William Streng be-ereeiloe-î 211 di àysemecWindlua ufiuh bOet rperil dSentitUtice- treet fer a numiter of ci et1 lima. This bas oti ntaxai the C- years. end vas oeeoftWaukegans t] paety o the offce e-us bas caue-nthla eluhtgbly respectaSdfluons. 91 olarba te put lu me-ny more heure StrîctI? lemIierate lu bis habita. he oi tIsa unei in me-ny Inole-ucea, nover eot a itevg used lobe-uo In ey li The we-y the mouoy Io blug turneS forte. is disappearsuf e ta acceunleil x 16 e-ev ter appears e u e every reéa- for omiy by te fact thal ho becarnei mo u tblhnb Ibal Il wît! be lu ette confused sitortiy atter reachlng lie a e-mail ime. Tite uacollected taxes canser te wich ho intenSeS gelng, sud wMil thon le uruai over ta the uounty in enîseavoring te reaci bis houme« treasuror anSdefer Aprîl 15 thero silI ain wane-Sewbn thaerd lie le-be. lie e- penalty chargd for tite thAt Beaides him vIte sud Ibrea eagitera, «»a net pei. Minute, Jennlo sud Fre-cîs, reslding ______________ et home, ho be-e 150 sons, William, t-e- sdlng lu lova, enIdRIe-rd, vie lites, Tor Ase-t Supervisior lu Northt Dakota.* 1 Tieo- H. Moye, te florlatt ody 51c. trong stetelliats merulug lie-t *aSeeuitîced bis ue-iidîacy for assist be bes b e-Isvral abot ate-cIC o! *àt maPervlsor troumWatalegani love--sente knd sbldh renderedv,'li miable ielx Ho us the second mou In lie te reeognize bas surroundings. te ruI Mon ahelather being John Ce-lmone, trouble- of tbis kindlaShevlng baeneDo- bti:ur easstanet superviaora are te ha liceS ee-îy luet Faîl. vbeu bovaplor- oire ldibis year leste a o! twvaiau c arotaul lie block for several boues b"s beau the eu nproviens yoara'. bekoro b.lug notîcol. Upon otrlng 7%@ lue-sleclieti giviu5 the townuhip h bause, b. bau sinue lie-t lime fr0- à .ug a agrepreseuite-iotin b.heboard. Iuenly beau unable ta dMerminsO 3M00 Bs . Flood, fOrnierîY ettPloyel whlch reom hb. sInil. but bal aise-fl atth lie rein,, ode-y aenauncoil be langited filoff vili the remarb *6goals -vse aàcandidaetofor lsOuslulP c-lecter au hc oneshîmmal! gain, that Il vas of Wme-e-ga. ut anoîber Jok. on bitm. lu chut-ch Bude-gy mreleg Plier rIhe lumbo, belug fl-en outonte be0evin asaed al ct is PariahOpers te -l S1 fchwartz bulding en Soutb Gene- loin lnute earcli for lie àssIMm.u s'«»street Io bins beuelby tee-m te Wltbrop Earber vflIt wIl vli a ddal et ý1e a P by e- #tore -tfthé-e n@d- mm -U. le-Prp.-m, Isever vwu ma55«M 5by ltihe ll0 s ha evs tesc losur-T a.m - --1etto ~va -a vis-m lbe mmat i mà-w tw Cetaety Premîdeut F. D. Everet, et lighlsnd Park vssd present sud gave v~ylulorestIug talln tu hlu b. 01055lte eed o! more ergan- 4eefrta Lu, he Standay echoole. Fiete-givon hy eue of tihe spesi- ébhow tbatinlutle Sue-day sciteols ltb i steoo!fIlliuois lods?. liasee ke ote men for every IvO oflae .uem. Ibis tact geing te shov lie ?oelleut progroas vblcb bas miree-dy sen me-de lurlus lie paut -150 or ire. years. ln gettlng Men luta Ibhe e-nde-y asoees. "Men,' se-d Becre- nay llugh <Cerk, ln bis aildress. "are orntlig mare sud mare lu apprecie-te te vaiue of the Bible from an evory- e-y living stue-ipeitt;asd te enlarge ur men's cîstases It le Ouly nocessar? te-t se ha-ulle evork il u elli- ouIt, lnetrstlng vway, atreugthee-ing ur appeal for nes member. sitit real- ]y entertainlng fMatures wvicb vIl! VOLIVA AND 1MIS FOLLOWERS DE CLARES AÀI4OLIDAY FOR FRI. DAV 0F TU-IS WEEK. IIEXT FRIOAY MARKS FIRST AI NIVERSARV OF THSE PUR- CmASE OF 7THE ZION ESTATE. Naît FiSe-y Iliehe l-t ulverBua of the purchaseetflie Zien CitY estat by wlibur Glenn Votive- mnd arraulg ments are balug me-de lu celebre-te th de-y ln uscb a se-y bat It wsîl behon rernombered. Follovîne- are seme o! thé ws1 vblch the de-y vil ho ceobrat 'ed: The large bell vhlch Volîva partý aseddsmre lItlole ag v90 lib. ru" auI de-y; flqveg povertul stee-m vblBtloes t blov e-t short lutermIe-leurlng tI Itw Bttla t..A tor Pph Da*ty won au- otber 'Cctory Set. uVenint vbon ludge iteckhow fet pdmr4 eveî-ruw ed motions for ssw tde sla the e05505 of JoaWi~u'la ocker* , the pic es 0e-~ ulit'of vtIns Illegal- )y lu icaon tu oetecd 0Jal lu addtion to xi.yln sbee-vy fiue. -At- toreys Mr thé defeadants prayed au appeal., Wuiker w«as ives a fia. of$250 sud contaea«i ugRIepdooSto fifleen day. la- Joli whUle »qoIý* *tu, fned $250 sud colite la adton tu beag sitmit îd tu ten day" lunjel. *AtteouereB&ah... Fld and Fol-bT for thé. dofbdmua. ln arguing Mo- tions for ne-e trias nsintained that ln gvng lits Istructions to the Jury that Indge Reckhow bad omittei cer- tain important thluga. on this and cther thlinîs tbey ba9ed the argument that' the t1vo men sbould be granted new trials. It wili b. recalled that Walker once roaided in Zion City, but that he llfter- yard moveS te a farm sautb cf ZMon City?-snd even addliitted votlng et a Wsnlcogan township lectian. He railsedth.expont tbat lie had a>wiau cladmed Mion Cty as hie reldence. Biechor admltted living lnu Cbleagc where he engaged lu the tallorIng bual- nses. He la a brother of AlderBMo Beckero f ZMon City and ee-Id that hie brother bad asked lm ltu ce-t hie vote iu Zion CIty, ueytag due-t If ho vould daim thet CltY as bis e rsISe-ce for inety days prier to the electien las tApril that lie veuld be qndlified tu 1- vote lier.Me tld of -«kleg rIait, ta Zmon sud added lie-t h. bad evezl 6 bad is ahie rt vasheil leraeune.. The *jury wheh tIed ie l case beld thai this did uot mare blma a ualifiait votei of tho clty. Up lu the promleut Élmebut Ibreo of the 190 ce-es of aleged ilelgsl vot lug hbe been trIeS. The. 1w0 men tieneil raulted lu convictions uhilà Il the ther th. dofeudanut vus oun< n glty. )ng In iii vlie Every faie-n lie uty; boli groat and urneIl, whlub number ebout 10,000 viii liediplayeS; A pecil-l olide-y vii b. Ideced lnt eil lie ZMOUIntitution. o Ibs e-Il mdy celebrale; Thous viii b. lbreo upecial meet- Ing uing the Se-y ln tia ZiOn Home auditorium. inle fat lie de-y prernîcea Wab.eue e! te tory blgge.t lu lie hstarY Of lhe clty. Il sîlI hoe-a holiday fer et. D. R. JOSLYN OUT FO RE..ELECIION IN MkENRY STATE'S ATTORNEY 0F NCHENRY WHO l8 WELL KNOWN HERE. IN CAMPAIGN FOR ELECTION. JOSLYN l8 KNOWN IIERE BY FIe- ACTIVE AiD IN HELPING IN. The fI1G CLASe-. iu cnection vilu lteopcnn ect lt.e Lake cetunty figit for ste-tes e-htor- ney, Lae-ko unly people wilU ho inter- eshei laI hearupqg of lte var whic ia ues ste-rIeSlul te siliinleS counuly-Mc- Henry-f or lie- same afflue. As lu Lake culy iMte preseut a'. tanney, DaviS R. Joslyn, la a candi- datte fer ne-elion. Mr, Jemiyu lu wli and favorably kfiown ln this ceunît nake a e-tue ei insu ha as Dot 0111Y et7 monito the Crrata n ati sitwere ho bas appeared in several ne le-reed semethîng e! talus, but be- Apootellu ciaurub e-nI net à- vbeel con. table trie-la. Il la roe-îlleS tuet ho cen- aloe enjoyed bimself." *troeb y Volive- iii toýrd durlug tbe ducted lte prosecution tagelier si?' _____________ de-y.1 st&e atoe-îrney Daduy against Lewis ________At the specl meetings lie-t are le c, Prime, ex-ussIstant coutantIreauîrer b. be ll prayers sifi hée ffoed lte-t chargeS sîtit omieziémeut and luit Y -' .» v-iA.N$ t~ Il bas beau possible t0e -ieOea -ily atletwr uleculzo n monta tode-tee-ni l>oeme-de lie-t e-llapparent me-sten>'ofa!nerto! uritainai et ia noeeynecessart-?lumeot aIl pnesecuioe-. tegethor sli t le br!Yl future apynients viii b.ho tlWo tom . but reme-nkebly powerful argument The .plan lule ooId 'an a SMverM y viii net b. seen orgotten. of!tlie blîl evenY .-jr until Voliva lHe bas beau lu titekofche! lfght ane-Ihlie mmbera etfbia cbur ha b at, smt Voîbva in thé Moîborill case cemplotel paying for fie estete nsd the loce-I attorneys vîîlingîY aiare - s~Ilb him the cr0511 for lie big 24, ECnglehard Vie 1POtitiOfl 000 verdict in lie second trial as soul A* dispe-tch trouS pringâeld atateu as8lte $11,000 'verdict obtaicol e-i titat 'George P. Bglahbard OfEtnsu- WOodstocb le-st SPai-le ton, buafi5eil bis pýetIceta liee-a ce-- Ouail Mc. Jasl>'n'ma apee-rances bu -- ditiete fer the RopubUcm neomination court bers, e- treat lu tie va>' a e-rÛ ~ ~ fis ~.fer Cotigrees luin p ltçte Telithis, meut e-nI court rcom te-olica bas beeli u&e-~AJU@U AAA~Vtrial. Tisaplaceshlm lu lb. racue oked fer liy loue-l lawyers. Atlernays ut- oas ud ~aalle-.bare utato lite-tho must lie 'SOMtE" .x8.Ay Can ~E-ungîebaerî vas FPos-oppouent îse ete-le's eattorey lune-hien- Os e-aiae-uu sc lare os out.Mocornelaie yean e-go e-nil neatly lfettel lit'- tueorsae.sretelrersecolfle ois5, manu> ielîevle- liaI,.bal he FOR COUN T'! SIAVEVOR. oliaflo. Ws sinS ou, ovne- ussu ma me ur béaunluIlite race &e- w eeksealegrlt, Ibereby e-enouae-Cmry csu -didey fbr owafssuel~tI artiear ll-05. haould bae-vo van. idllreports voe-ety Burveyon subject lu tie prir-- y e-s 10 sbhelbr Be-glsh tw d v iw u t iti- 1 J~~s~ . Yeom an agalo liey, rss turl utle eof ithe Pubicme- part>.prl. e *,A CY1JIINO EIPflCAN Ingo! b is f petile a e- priligflelti »IL - 'Prives lie-t bo la e-ov la hie race fer ..MORTIMBE il. JILLEhI. W~C~AN.. LINIS4crtin to thecontrary is a rare bird. One of the large facto hammered ot by their experience Î@ tlîat if an avrage bouse ie without electric light, it'el because it deen 't bappen to be equipÎied for It. 'l'bis. company nîcets that ituation by a plan of wiring otises at coet and spreadit)g the mntlîly payment#3 over a period of two y sars. .' Au important function of our bouse wiring departmeîît is to, atcertain ways to reduce the cost of wiring. Because it's to the interest of ail concerned that it be as lowas P ssible. We've gîît resuits from that depaîtment of o*.The expose of wirinqga ouse ha. been brougbt dowul where it is ow. Aiad that statement refeira to ~lttIe bou-es as well as large oneti. 'lhe 'xj ne~ ofm irinu sd the ost of ;hý- servie, in . .t, ae a h > o lw that àt woi-d bu difficit to ay ji.àt whe-t incarn e old mot afford boib or either. We d n't gesu t that. WVe dig the fat ot of some huanui8 of cuoter' bills reudered mnontbiy. Il the. uhject iptere-ts yoi)-aîid we',e very ure it. . ilI if our boue -% n.t wired-e- telephonu ceil on *ir office q'r . postai cail i ill brng in respon-- a rtpresu.t. tive Who wil ostimae the ceaI to wiring a.ý give you f. lI detaile cf the- pIon. leA it ft4oe: A%' old houaes in ird ju ^#4 «: neUp as e s Oe. Yo < eos5sjscc t e .oc m»>anto 't e 1. 1T OBSERVE Hig OIA WSIIO 1,11Y THE CITY OIImuNiOATIOt4 TC IRE SUN IEX. * MV104 VNWNEIfae oM PbLAINS &ULANT Dis TOWN. TItAN WUONESDAVIS. ocaow.,ié ee rlu COMMSSIO4ER MUtE A Si.D Whll tl~u hlampOn* Wedemda ' wu ksiteWm eliet vaa DOMS AfD O"^X " ' sê o elog ffl M'the Pli V -ega= COLLETION LAST.,.~ hit the ooummst ue-da"y aiglt sdoeleeI. wsig tu>'if COLLIecullaneet Mou.- a'. R.s fibtImmIngabout 10 eloet Billor Thé SUN: ohSlSttOfi5l. usure mm 0W tusud -Thé deedu The lmpreelM u a «» te, prevaila S liêvier vIe-i prevlllsg vIlb he h.peopleo the a bg Stiget cars voro #ed mort ta TONY TONt apdé flijsaeffl flic tova oilecten'Sato-ry aIt8slow Parr 046s blisu lie-e- las Weddaîr b"dt 1COiidr 4r yéey laé.a sies las. Thîs statuts vas b*e- th* e-ev drttfialkm.The Tetjrd pssed e-o.- bsuIveulyess ac. b im«e. ves ber tlits Mare-tus h sm' sud dirs, t colletrYolu ga. vflt5 - ey rveslm bsWiu- FIIAIK SAORAffll3'_ Row le, Mr, ad iet thma colllecltoruera er ateytroint-- hs Alibler 1hesP4tuiq* ouà.Mhead. lths cent?, *te cepl 2%, sud h.olan1'11gb Drift&.'~fS# OhUfdeii to, reata 2% cf eaIl Olletelnetil the Huo drifi voesseen aul about ais et l1500 le reoielvillu teesk, t tho ea. On he- bSontaIileet ofs««» DOMINIOK SUIFA. hsudo and f aee ho 8RAlLL tarishebaelanice If uny shot lula patlOulgr ltshe-ev vasu M évey, hé net talit>;wae lu th. towship treasury. 'plied Op eo that store keepera for lte able e 40 hO Ot *att.,hesd w»a lied lu Decentbe1907, the supreme court fOralt Ure Ibls Winter. hsd te shovetàa UP hy Dr- SeuileY. paseS on Ibis stetuts lu 231 lu.. 478 path tubo thelr pie-ces. luit Southi of 1feveiner, lnjure but lu the cese o! Colle tor Parker lu ae- Cîsyton stree and runnins othelb lightIy. Net ISitOn 1 heepal, The. suit hreught by the tevn sudlting cern- posteffice vas a drift e-liut Ibre. foot men Who WCIte iut vais on the mille. and uses the foilowlug langui-igi which covred the entlre side. floo, whlch caved in. age: 'The statute ales. the collector wvke-I xcepting aebout a !ood-wide a commission of 2% e-nd express]ly d1 spece riglIt next te the huildlugs. jus, The accident w«a due toe l oi recIs hlm te turu lu lie eces ofebout euiaugli te permît a person te Ilaps Of A faOor wlich hold e large $1500 te the tavn treasnry.' waIk el@tg. FTue drlft vas alto aInicet amOiq ltt egr. il lae .151.5 lie-thle "Thora la ne doubtfui cilito sot- -s hlgb lu lie tva blouks ta the Beoth. beame wWhhheld il hai rotted. sow- tle. the love- buas iit a; thtre SîmetCars TIcS yp. 'ne the. hévy w.lghl tg mokg 1 cave. la ne preteof e t euese, noueecenlS Whiolu InWodneada's Storm, lb. The iman tWho was kblglsiws.on th. h. maie. Tb. collectur admîta lieut Street can.9f tbe C. & SI. ver.e-hible mini 500e belote ad the sagaand b. r"dteiI.excessIve aieunt- sdiednie most a! lie limne. hosae mprisoned hlm beasalh, oth@r munIcIpal -corporatioe- blo its pro>Monde-y lie7 ver, nkuekilont lu bal workmtn I5huiigta hl@ roe» asbut ortY4-n Ire-ml aud its unde ce-n ha usel shape. Evon lhe six 'cbock limitait 100 it*te a »me.hlm.lMe Ws» adi> oely for corporate pnrpoes. Titey canu- bsn tram Milwaueebo.iI net get in eut anS brltled. a net ho deverted for privete use. Fb.he otiI 8:30. Tb, cars on lie me-uain ntThé e dMaoi lestesasW11. and 9meuicpal authorities c-neot valve the saImÉh an the norlb shore Sers ab"echlldese la th. .15 £ouftry. Inquiet 0rigabfth !lb e sn," sud -oustdaîuiî eSup sud unaete beep cedule. et 7 oclocit Saturday oeailué. il judgemont for the aie-uet'emtiledO. The tOI.PhOe-e cOmPany enconlered ________ ýr The collecter oethle ity ef We-uk». vos? 11111.trouble. Fh. vire ohlif It gan ef 1910, cailectel $161,88.04, ihoièe-ld: It I.8lie*vesî sud Onsai vnî ThemarrIffe of 11»MIes e thlh r@Wuieil$3,227.76. ha ove. the. tovuvbich bolier. Oug rvice. Th@. orti Ilavene. Saugiter et Dr. snd Mmi.Ai ef We-ukogan $1,727.36, sud e-ey pre- vinSsldom brlngs uta trouble. W, fred tItecs of ILake Permet, le eRav. Ioulaie releame tri voîî. bail about s dezen phonos eut of- ordet' Walter C. Jones, i. i taire pi=lac eruy 10 The.coliector et 1909 oves ebout today but lie-t le e-oh uenîual l lu nJoune, In the. presenu. et theii.I- kt 1.250.tprm oa! Ib i lu." r The colloctor et 1908 oves ebout Tolegre-pli vre, vers nettrlretd mediale fsinuly enide- fv intirnale $1,150. --- t a eny unusual exsut. trIondS. >e Lest year theo bsn collecter o!fian-___W_______u-______ t- kegan collected $60.000 lets.titan the i- yesr bofore. a nu Leat yean lie towu collecte-r refusei il lu clleet taxes e-fter ho bai earaed Ifgkd t i e * n t lu porsonal property Isaxes, white the ceunI? treamuren -chasged 2% sud thie le o* Mok d n meney vent tb lie boueftt lte ceux'- t e es ethod of' ýy ty et largo sud lbhetMx payera o! ite Cty et Wankegan 10.1 more Ihan $2, LE A tbsn colloctor abouti! collect ail L gh ng a Iô e, Y u the taxes, espcally thoue ofqý1d te or îr- eply of Couise WuId Be M. uoi tr e uldrfse t orfe-y al uriter ewdrvis fe te b-S ernoil ute servuiceaver hobal er, vo BV m crc I ft les eu h o vti ercanybis i-lu f. erE e ti -ý 'Y six eh iti t uthe yr tla e te si oLM fth ear V h oîrtn omais al ro ht ie-B-E OV ha- T1hey unertnd the pneson wh o wuldhat 1'. ý .1 met

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