CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Mar 1912, p. 9

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.- - ... .. :~-. Y INDEPEÉNDENT ___ AUK.EGANWiWEEKLY SUN VOL WX-NO. 22. PIR O.LB!RYVgE ILL., -FRItý, MÀMiIP 1, 1912. rouit PAGEls $1.50 PER YEAR IN~ ADVMN 0..,Amsfo*"omis hlaret Sm Mmot t utI WIth Ce. Trms.Fr ast Yur's Cell*ulwse TREAMSU-OFFICE AD- ITS NE WAS REFUSES 118 ELEASE I1ECEIPT *ulew lea tmw Sanye H Odino$-à$ a" Sit- abil. ft-Somea- tdo. le bhv.ood The communication lu the SUN on Taeoda evealag froua Commissioner Ovis, togoter vill th.pulistae. la- tu-dmw a & 31&UNammbai vltb Tovn- wbip Collecta. Robiert Mutavs buitir- roi uap a bornta a nl! ilbuipro- elpllaed os. of th. bigget sense. tioMla Su tical ciice. thel liasOmo ap I%,uaaia Udansd, homesoIl hap. Pm ete o oeon the ove ofthtlove. Mbp pduumaawbihleb ccures aturda ment. it la vftali important andIinter- Tehees a" ddenlais t a"e, s1ohe 11MUgiMrerel . Oi e. Sm susemauneaeM m tet Celloutou Um m ss m Yer yfuee a %Rtw. <cetlle., slImmf .iCeusitpTreser. WeobastIad. (A& stiga.tes, sliP 1 a raelp im the lb.trossasr tousas te eeltes'm ishewlaugtimo' ht tha imweueesuopil w»tthe Isw andth le ~euy Iressurer la satiefisi they h-0e lssmaodoe. al thé mon" toth 1e coun- ty tise le oemlfg e alt) B«U»mneof the importance of Ibisl asafllionof Mr. Ou-vi., île SUTN toek up the.attor i'th Mr. Mutav Mnd!thb.treasurora office. Mr. Muav, scié chat hoe i..!th.efmua.mort of a 9 cpt from Tressurer Waterfili tbat ho bai tram Former Treasurer Amas, sud thouglit il caverai ail thie collections. Denled et lie Office0. in«quury aet1the tmeurr'i office de. veieped tiat lie saliatiet li1P nove WM sm"fe aMr. Meté- .Depuly T Mlr eHphui w»sa rhhr lacis usari oèat talking li absencee ofMr. estsrlelbut 4dmtloi- ha*t laIt Yser en e Usl'i , Mr. -, Watsie rusaita e . te idutsus the mtie. selIp Whbsos@Oho blilvtd that MMtw lbairstaied ashile salory more thms 1the 01600allowed by law fer col- lectine thietassa.. ThUS, ho satelc, lh@ Otidlitieoslip la tîliinIruthe troasur- arasflo suMd net in Mr. Mulsw's peeseisuias ho sIstea. . .Ia substace,.theadmission at thse tresuregg cofic Ilat Mr. Mulav dose Bm osoas« lie satisfaction slip means th"atheb. outy a! l anba»Dt eally a5l« W ittl hlmfor lat bars colledt- lous on lhe greadeis Ial lie relaine.! a Pester percealage of the taxes col holsiththe la evpermits. Orvie' Cisrg@06 Mr. Orvia' Coihmualcation today toi- Editor 'MeO SUN:- 1Egses Tfva cofloctor Robert MatAv iontésaho refuse.! toi ccespt taxe. lait yeur, but dome ualdeuiy b.hlias $,' 773.80of taypsor's money. Mutav bas S. IStiuiptiS lislip rom rrmer COoUntpTresw«Arrasne.s, lovlPg lie ove. the ta% payera of WcubogsnIlsr 773L84 for' 110. I do Dot knov iov ma& ha q«« for lutt par as WeSter- j fiel.! retHe.! ta give hum a aaisfacton slip. Wotereli vas different Ilian 1 aim 9 pUblico olicer, sud as a dutl ms on f»te vsfor M7 clients, the taxpa o r e Wukega, I1viii net vont outil tbe to"lSlp elo'tor dome aul the voS' Md ereb s the auât aflove.! hI&lW. II sivap vastrledW v»tim6uta pas. BAsLt7iu.ttiho vii pSy bieh le 8110mi à& 0VO. I VI vola f2W hlm; lthe aMOo f voak cli su fw#.f oemaivet:e lla aol Se hitb.ohlltfab MURET QUOIAIIOIIS Chkfes me Cssh rainQuelloMq Ohicage, lob. 3S& Wbffl-No, 2 moi,.»0801.42%, Ne. a roi, $07*81.00 o. 3. àbaud lter. I1.001.06; No 3 lard vintur, Ouc 01.48; N&. 1 aorlhern "Mu'a& $.12. LIS; No6 2 mariberusprlug, $100 111 Ne 8 aprln& ticOlO?. Ce- Na . 803%eo;N. 83wvile, 0*%* 840; 14b. 3apIosv, S1%@14%o.Oms -No. , 611c; No. à vilt% , SÙo; No. a vhite, 61052%c; ,ataadar 62052%. Chicago Live tos. 11g-Eac.lte 2332»& Quolttou raon Et $A00 b5 eiy pptug, $4.404.6 liglt bpl $sW0 beavypapcklag, ami $6.4006.165 gpito ehoice pigs. C&O-Roeilpts 18.000. Qoaiu raagdet aI$8400à.85 Pri1 qe p 16.0 oclico 10 prie 9 lq cous. 84.W905.85 ga06 taoblsg or%5 I&U@6.85 electo e .Wsr 94.815 <ir taeg9009lou p1 S»8 cmo ta ohlce voal toives semis.! at SUS@7.U clilotepIIe ternIs, 85.005.85 gooi te o« >issalngl4 $4.»0@4."0 go..! e 018916 iiethors.8.7604.30 tair to flge ep if lUnosha Igit proaoteradeDoot match Huga Kelly snd bMe0orti tise7 pla matoblng MoPiiand .!CMé Bdet w Yorktgipa bout mm, etituting foi'r uahsems Lu sie lO aI Mise IUllie 1ariy Wvbu lasbeea r.. qudebsi tva or hre limes duriug the Wintor t a at rI unerala. Sahe ! fai permission te attend escli lme vieli1Igave lier. ,Idi nat count as objections tram evea the MuuortY Of the boaud under suais conditions. Arepart froni the tbry fond vas maie ta lb. sclia boanrd laut peur aI lbe isobool meeting en AprilI 151h. An, allier vin b. subaittO.! eth.aliaci meeting Ibis peur. If an# one Iter- ested viabes InformaetiOn beffltoota lime lb. sane may b. bai iy aalllug aI Myp residenco. As ta tb. system by whieb the books are el' Out aet bhk lîbrary, thal i e a Mto InspeotiOn aI- no. The card i tM tla use.!: lb. UamaeaOfItheborrover, ilubeof th le ýook, date takou sud date retund being recordai. Thia bos alvaYs been lu charge of th isej1%"plOol asaIsl. sut tor th. upper igradsu.! Miss II- lie D)arby for lbe lover grades. If suber bave talle.! t. keeptràck af ,,thé books thep have peglectti.tlieIr iuty but I do nolt isuiilî chat *&theu' a ftlienihave. For the bonefit of *ose outsiders vho cousider the Ofapliabe sobol a job. i yl aBay Iliat vithm th lbuts tIre. pemear aglit more aivsce acliocis, IncluilaiArmour ttItala 0f tecbgologp sud the lUniversity o.1'ait- - Is ba cepbi aul mudits pi-oent. in M R. SMALL MO RTUie<iloiiT atromies. rlb ARGE INCU A O As a dairynian of Lake county, 1 feel. OLS N OUR YE RS tbae farmers oawe .to Senator Oison JS NOW F R RI and thauglilfu rerfýeeutation of aur A4iIntrnatW FORe ezbasbeen ur tm 2L CAeÂN I stands vithant a blot or staîn, and re- PROMINENT ROCKEFELLER MANlecîs great credit upan the district SURNETT AND DOOLITTLE O EXPAIN HO OLONSMA that ha reWgesetm. Haelias always HAVE MACtilNE BIG ENOUSNj CORD A E HW L A - RE. lied the courhemy to calintp consul. STF. CORD ^DE IM A RIEND. tation nienilers of bis couitituieucy 10T ATSY obtain the wish or desîre thereot lie. Zor casting bis vote on measures et- FARMERSOWEHIM GRATITUDE fecting anY ofthe great nteres etofCAPACITY 0F 4,MW£0 hi itit ebsbe nardent _________ *worker for leglsletion that vould aid PREOIDENT 0F LAKCE COUNTY and Iniprave tbe conditions and Inlia. 1,4M0 EU l YA ED DY END 0 MILK PRODUCERS ASON. IN bitants of bis district, and 1 tbink WEEK. W1LL Do CUSTOM 1 IMPORTANT STATEMEfNT. 1 cen ay that Lake county bas neyer S9ATCHINC. bail a rprst .iv tihbe ,ta,,tee-_________ isature who bas acconiplialied no Tih. Paumers of ILake Couty Wili Re, niucbln thie interest of lb. dairy farm- Walai ad ta b. lb. larigt tVe psy lhe Loyality of Seujtor A. or as genator A. J1. Oison. Hlm loyal. bator Ibis aide oftfla hmnaj J. oison. ty saved the dalry Inherests of thia been purcliaed sud plud aco 040ie ln lb, Intereat of Senetor A. j.district froni lbe Injurions cannequen- lien by Meuars. H. C. Burmatt &J take a amali permutai tax. but at ne 'în "0EUIA~I ett;ho liai lb. booki thon. % n e MLCLELLÀNDI Mtaw dsatlsed 1 lirauglithe pa. Per tht bis books bad been retura. 44d-bfre lie tunfed Ibeni ln tadis- MSa.ÀNM E couses people comimg over to pay. Motw ef»drol sttetaes TO THE TEÀClIIRS frow]Uwfl rbbut ancepted a isuait £tnm oforperàonala on the nosaneday. 'p Mukv refused rosi Baestate froua John Carry vhuilie yet biad 1hP RINCIPAL 0P OCHOOL WHO WAS boo>ks. INSINUATED ABAIMUT UV WO- WoMtav told nie February lot: Ét MEN MA$ STATEMENT. if 1 dtd net stop bolhering lita »* Ve¶Id colle only enougli ta pali-bis ààlai'1. ,If 1 voiild lot bim clonee SUd AI SCHOWIS 110 JOKE houp uap nase ouI of bis affaira is___ho____ eould amtofnUpsy." Matav sent a prominent MUa, a IRCLARES IT 18 ACCREDITED IW. particutar friend o! mine, vlio tld MANY MORE TECHNiCAL me 1 vould not save thie tai payera SCMOOLé TUAN $£FORE auylhing. as Mutaw vould only collect enougli ho pay bism aalary; Ibis Ias ln l"ebruary. -Tb4 publication lu these coînnins It wu Curret talk on thie treet lut vsek of a sensation produoed e th" tIbisasuvbat lhe vouid do. 111gb. ke ebool aquablile resulting land Park collector did the smre tb»i L ý ummary remîgnation lu thse Thoro edwi rslovea mou te miliu201!lbtherm- of Ivutteacliers vbl e N atiEetdt h, a e ume dai vusi tori l hsUes ta the board ail ere reeod t lb 5suC ii~ aalaV'A~ip1 MeCleliand created ~ togent praufof allasesaio hrougliout the s.uav Oleme 86,00 ls, ai yer ion b.ia< rous Principal MeCieUand. Iban lb ay~ esleors. Expiain tlI eer bia signature la lnteresting: Aay porson eau lea.iither" fae.cto. by cailiag up any of the above parties l. . or masuy others.1t e.2,'. bfutav busonot ma"e a publie d~ Editor SUN-Indepedet:- ration th"t le 'woud awePtt the &o As se mueli bah been laid ta pre- tme, but tatedinla ulutauco , îtas, judIce lthe publie mind sgatnst the propor for hlm fo charge $3.000 Orsyslake gchool. 1 feel Il uiy duîy ta E. V. oRvis. clate a fev facts and deny a few mutaw'estSatemuent. -chargea. la order to b. fair. la the matter, la view of the tact tht lb. tva lb. @UN iatorvioed Mr. Mutaw lie. teachera vlio bave roigusi are sbon fore priating the above communication, ta drop ouI o! scbool Ile 1 vili lot Hlo laid 1h51 ho nover lisi reîused tu, Iheir reuîgnationa pas ith the coni. socept taxes froni Curry. Erli, or aniy- mont that 1 bave alvays aupported the one orns; that lie kept lb. books opea teachera under me la the pasî sMd langer thon th. 1ev oompelled bu ta; ahall cotinue to do nouln the turqa Ibat a annoter of i triends dld nol If thosIvo toit Ibat they ver. abusai psy t»e aI bis office aller ho ha or mstroaled. 1h01r- services o! no coiélo nobs o agel bis $1500 le- value, ete. wyshouuild hia reelgnas cuse fb0« reseldh. oe. naistic. mte-e .q wwo- Iiwi.he. bov boht0g1F -hepaymt amie .1 t"ldo n out alty to uose lb.momnom tei b aiSt alan' use 0« uap mak- a rectal of îb.U te tliey couli psy et the court bouses. tault nou 1 viii say aothiag more on He sld that the $65.000 discrpsscy lb. subjcet 1preent. lut eoleetbma lait year over the pie- Theciargo et keoping Ruaseil Kap- viens year vas due ta lhe fat * pie soparated fromn bis classes ia true. luit er b. di! not gel qçudi 1 resson for dong nouvas my et- ontil Peli. Illi adIlie pro ta, support Miss Coleman lu ber Il vas about a mentI earller. slmp a ilaanore ai sya Mu. uta ba no. to kid vf4sMat If ho vas removed front the room 10 say of Commi.stode Orv75 ls, eta sh vould bave na trouble villi the tbet lie didn't mIni vhat ln tl. 1 discipline as lie vas tbeo itgleadar of lie said. tlie bunci. Sble ment hlm in me for What the. Law Says. @Ume offeune vhtcl Iif 1 ever knev i The lav goverang the tovnship do net reeinlioer nov sud 1 gavea hlm collecteos asalary, toliova: a seat vliere lie vouliehoalone. Ths '"Each lova or district collectur vas done for sonoral disturbance. Ac- saeal oaloved a commission o! tva cordîng ta tie arrangements niade par cent on ail moneys colleeg by btias Coeman vas ta bave kept hlm lut hlm to b. psitt ont of lb. respective tormoed as bo lesson assignients and tuais collected, and, pravlded. that 511 Iliose lessons vhlch haolied 001 recitedl $1500 luf couaties anlb tomraI sud urlng lb. day ver. ta be heard af- oni daln soudaesoo ufni ndcteruschaol.Thbe ordar lu the roan i ii of the third clansashalihoi pasillimp- ltmle-al bipo the lova, or district tiessu r vii. lu reterence ta tie regularlty of! ed, liovevor, that the lovna or« ot achoal houri 1 viii say Iliat achool iu auditors of any lova may. prior tu, calle. every'di a t 9 a. mnisd or- the electifor 0ftovn collectgr, fx rangements iaie for five and one-hlsi 1he maximum amount et a lasser SCm tours of actual scbooi vork ln the than provide. hoein." bigli acliol sai dîbe grades except the Another secton of Ibis sanie gv ireansd second. Pupils ln these tva miade: "Thie tavu asseosor shah ,.. pradea are dismlssed earliar than tb. «Ilve for hi. servicee as fas«5O, fgqo aIlers. Ail grades baby Ibte elgîlli dollarSsud fifty cents par doy." b, ave Ivo ftfteea minute rocespar- Tlhe" lavsam arapart O! Hou». Ioes. aci day. No. 51, vhicli vas approvai Joue 7 h, Tbe reniark about teachers bavlng 1911. vacations and ihli clool pupils sub- ed by pnu l rom tlie higb school. Alao thoe. pupiae ranked weililn tlieir respot4ive elasses ln the varlous scbooli attmadod. These facta can b. asa.rtalned b ysny one Interested by lnquiry of the beada or the different schlosMad I wiii furnlsb namea Pl pupila sud achoots attended ta any one who viaert lb.Information. Puplis whe bave lt t leue froni tbe grade. vho liad osrried thelr work while lieue. were alvajU able ta carry the sanie or more advaae.d vork ln anotber achool. Wle igio éscutaemins bore froni other achoala .à*dtng those o! tlie clty, bave often %o been up ta the standard of our achécl snd have had ta drop hack à grade. Bath of these facts bave beau re- peatediy demonstrated. As we see II, rssuits are wbat te11llith tale, let the outsiders Job. If they wiab. As to the cchages c&ncerning last year, let the tatenient given below« speak for lisoit. We. tb. uuderslgned, atudents ln the1 Grsyalaake lgh achsool during the year 1910-11, do hereby deciare thal the atatemeat that tr. and Mns. MClel- land xcbmsd classes o nalternata days ami, requently lied beated argu- ments ln front -of the pupila whiéôh brouglit forth dissauistaction aniont pupils là, tulthe bout of our knovledge, ahmolutely taise and without founda- tien. (Slgned). MarkE. Neville, Clemett whiltmore, Lloyd MacMillan, irvin Brandstetter, Everettb ockol.Murieta Meade, Marte Whiite, Nina Dayle, Rager McKay, Car. mon Nevillo. Etble ierg,.Niable Mur. rie, Mlizabeth Kueliker. Veronie Sul- livan, Harry Borenson, Elmer E. Èurge. 1 liardiy thought that the apposition vauid resort tu the publication of atatemente vithout regard to thirl trutli. vitli lb. au of injuriasgthe tandIng et tir ischoal and my ovaý *.motive fot fumim dovu lt.hedOWW lathat tliey May lave Ibo gliory of building il up, iile thte attack an myuefla le vth the atm of forcing a chiange. Trhe fair ueana of doiag 1he latter la by controlilg the acbooi electiona, by poaessing a nia- jorlty bad failing in tliis the appasi- tion should have enougli or the spirit of the truie Amerîcan ta abide by the réeults. Wlien Iliose clainiing ta bave thie Interest in the animal soop 10 the methods of the "cbeap politiciens" 1 muat aay they are settlng a fine o«ample for our young boys and girls. I' viii say ln cloging Ilial wlille I amrnefo planning on remning next pear I do not lntend to resigu until my contrant lias exPired. Fror tb. benefit of thune trangera te Grayalake who niay read tht. 1 vlsb tu aay the village poaseases onlY a tev mtliool knockers but tliey gre rallier aggreasive. J have found the nmjostty of the Peuple verY reamon. aile pleasant ho wark villi snd ready tu co-operate. Tbey bave a good "eboni spirit wliicl vas aboya last year hy their subecribiag aveu $350 for tlie benefit of the sebool library of vhlch ail but $600 vau paid. 1 anm vtlllng tb leeve' iltatu bhejudgnient of the county superialendent and the unprejudiced patrons vbetlier niY vork bore bas been aucceastul or Ohh- ort-ise, sud i do nolt fer Ilisir verdict. C. H. M'OLNLLAND, PrIncipa'.. Cea tlat vauid bave ensuod If tlb. Humphrey Billor Bull Na. 540 b.Ld ever1 become a lav of Ibis sigtte. 1 1, therefore, recommeai b mail my rtbis Iiat tb.y giva hura their full and hearty support as bis loyalty lu aur behaif surey warrante Our dolng su, regardlesi of vho may lie aspirlng1 to lie saune office. C. S. MAIL R.ocke!ellar, 11. 4250INTEREST PAID BY VOLIVA ON ZION ESTATE JUST TO SHOW A LITTLE SUM LIKE THAT DIDN'T BOTHER l-IM A LITTLE A^HEAD. Friday ls lie first eniversary ot the, PÜrcu~ee ofthIe ZIon estate by Over- meer Wlbur Glenn Vqliva for a Con. aideration o! $950,000, andi. Juat ta show that the big obligation dii not boîher blm a great deal, Overseer Vous va lodsY. lu Chicago, paid ta the Clii. cago Tille andi Trust Company, $42,, 500, wblcb reprasenhs tbe InteretaI 5 per cent on a balance due the bond- boliers, for. during tbe pasl year, Vo- Uiva pal.! off an the prinnîple epproxi- malely $135,000. The balance nov due ts about$815000. ,l'h. interest tell die on Fiay but Voliva %ad arrengei for the nioney, lieucedecided ho pabr il lu advanceansd heving nothtu.g ho intenter. vilth h big célébration etcf iet rsI verý er'Y vhicb la piannai for friday net. fichoas and business places are to close, belle sud uhistles viilb. aound. ad sud the viole Volva faction uil Jli un a mouiter celebratlon oft he oc> cision. Union bricklayers and carpenters in the cIpy are voiciug proteste aItvliat tliey deami la unfair conduel on the Part of the gai CompanyIluthie irng o! elleged non-union labor on the aflu $100.000 gas plant vliicli la being erea, Od on tbé fiais norîl of Ithe city. Tie repotet soea Iat-guaudi bave heen esteblislied to prevent a possible cils. la deated ly ollors. hnorcblp. 'hue .amotb mabb&Sp 51el lb.the esemmt of the La Yaver atone Da Nora otOn r**ls la earnpoeed of Iveive ecRon S bra a dapaeitp ot 4'»Q0 sus. Euhlisection CoUtains foui'r s~ holdig 100 efgs apioeo A bot u syslesu. auIouaially rotaisl or È itbermotat, imaures unfa S mi or hestiag. The sectiong «sý ed la tvo o v.,noA bouve Thoeo .rovu of seetoq, 0 the application of best la fora vo nts. Thse tour m oaci section uaap b. raised oIv levq by turaing a orauk. Tiis rateint s&d lovorlng Osa range of tront oue ta tvo iàgsup teniporature. Thun: vie. aoo la flrai MWthe btrsai, msiee unit, ar emakud ta lhe top 19 bi ton, visera lbth m su. a10. lie eus hegbattu oshow I tbay give obui pOO$* animalishat, vw Mh Iliat lb. aireb.ha atriO. Irays are thon loverai Mat910 sirai tomlieraturo. ta 55wo& a" Ibis way. vithout altering lb.'o the section Ilsoîf, euhlisotling t~ la given juil the riglil Coamdi.uud lng theeanlire Ibre. veeks. Custom Uatthlng. s- Iu outlinuug tlisir plan of opeiý8p Mr. Burnoît sad: ',Whitlé ev.s1$ prepared- during the Sprnuam fuu'alsb Rhode Isani Rod sr4 niaulliRock. White Iegô'nmP.~ dalla. White Rock sud Eak hon chichi. Do amati .part <orii tenhion ylb.halO! oth le lietching, vhicb liasproves s9 ular to timers vIa issire to cliiens but havent'thl. e leoN neceasary thelb ucostul OPeestâ of -an Incubator. At therae cen Ouote for customi ha"chtsjý villi tbe bigli perceutage of e SC%* lié scured, 1 amn comduit thW7 fereae ln rosulta obtalsed. vil listcliing charge.." opeus oth le Publie. Six liuudred agga are la procaes0 hatdliung ai thlainis, suad 1.00 m are ta b. atarted Sshuudip. '"By îSalU*." sai-Mr. NOU01t5 cwo llm hou s a 1sniMmtdoewr sud isl Offgie ibave avrypuse s in teeted la soeins lb. mate. operation. ,psy un a visit." Fe C.S m amiU LAST WEEK 0F OUJR SEASON END CLEARING SALE, Juta few of those Good Overcoats left at Not &Hl izes now but If wtt can fit you, YOU SAVE HALF.......p $106W You neyer saw more real quality at $98â5 to $&5 than wtt art ofering ln Men's Suite. Yotu'li find Blue and Black serge&, Unaheared Wortds, Fine Cheviots, Homespuns and Tweeds. Here art Heavy, Medium and Light weight Suits, good fpr nSw, for uqpdrng, for next fafU. The money savlng and value gettlng are unusual. Better look them over at ...........................................$9.85 to $1 8.85- SPECIAL FOR NEXI WEEK $1.5W & $1.00 Caps at 73c. 50c Caps at 37c. Spring Suits, Hats Shirts, Neckwear, Ready, March lst. 119 Genems St. Waukegan .C tbd So m i.,.-. Oison, wbo ta seekIng ta b. re-elected to thie state Banale trotu thîs district, i desire ta say Ibal vhen b. rl b. came a candidate for the offloe ta vhich lie vas elenled, ha was practi- ally e mranger la- s large majorlty of the people and especially 901tb te fanmera o! this counly. At thel lime i worked bard ageinst hi sund solicit- ed niy fanmer friands 10 do Ilkevîsa; ual because 1 knav of any objection 10 %Ir. Oison, but toi the reasons thal Stàte Senator Prom This District, AI. so a Candidate for Re-Election, Whom, C. G. Umeil, President of the. Lake County Mllk Producera' Ab- sociation, Pais.. For Mis Work ln Behlf of Fermera end Whoie Dis- trict. lie waa a stranger and at the tire ws badl a candidate froni this county sooli- ing the sanie office with wboni 1 had been acquainted for years. After Senetor Oison waa eiected. 1 beceme acquainted with hlm bath as a citizen and as a publie officiai and 1 wish ta say without healtatton that 1 have been happlly aurprised ln both acquaintancemblpm. As a citizen I have alwalm fomnd the Senator te lie cordial to al and loyal to hlm frienda and bis word as good as hi. bond. As ai) officiai lie bas neyer lietrayed a public trust, lhas the courage ot hi. convictions, 18 feerleas of erltlclsni, an ardent worker, lionest, respectful 0f the riglils of othera and courageous lu the representalion o! lita conaltuency and la always eager tu moult thoir non-

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