'i. i T cotsilgnif y tiat mei é wfflgu lu am alq- rfit ore la tbip CIAm Xor Auwp4tier »"y peupla. howevqr. vitboutetk- POLICE SAY r»C ngcnws A«. lug tho trelible te look !Rte the lit. of **V$ MIS, 11149011)REAUED THE 1111110 1 1M w csi ~ ~ LINÙ POif« ?Ahlâ, *MAT HE Y O 111MR "STATION. P044g fr adL-"p COULO NOT RESST. SAI HEY WERE "MOK e hat ruaily do thbairra. INOUEST IN THE MGR NINQ - "To l~~170ilustrat. tua point. jet us com._________ aidOr the question of tbe officiei pay ZION CITY MAN AR>ESTEO 5Y Fe W»% blo'iieh ows thepy allowed tfp MjTO"V wNULe TOSAy; DAN. %.»*- "A TA«%OM lWm OAIRe htintdieront lin.. et work. A mer FORTH MAY TAKE THE STAND Vèol mis bpl4Akàtft. dasé et the pay table wouid lem éo C TOUO11*11O1W AT HRARING ta supos thât thé men recelve but _________ littie incitai, In their several cam'.cltles. Teo of tihe rpms eUt theLbnaval The. trutb of tho. motter la, however, 1.emou Dasftorth. tii. eolored porter stoa sWOM Pb" 71illId Biflit by that this publiaed table does eut vho trMer1ywonsemployed lu the. t4 i - NP for ~S u 10 show suy of the extra%, aliowed. Thépe 1. tranr barber ubot, and vbo bas ad- bgna moe0 b-1sipeople. Tbq é»a ~adosen vays l in ii afman Io imtted the kiing of bis common-iaw )a* ae ee Dg4 OMd visité ge.mtted to enchance hi% luconi,. f0fl w$% uluWea%- wasr.moved tu s ëete5 hesla MiY and o tbInsance. à mun duvlng a traight so.I outJulfn t aeNcls b~ W iO' Atyot $70 par mnth. s a rmis e utzak ter hospita lust lgbt bU solf.Ioflct-. bea0iuSU~$ »Ii~it S Vsts sout $100. Hei@f oti a &pS 4y v ound iiav Iag bien found tu b. te f j~ t u on. Ti dd lot* bot* a petty ofleer, for boe lut momcly a scalp vouni trots vbieh ho USe 1b111théetif l». f Wu5 115 1%, 'itgmltio give mtamuel trana lms- wMvr over. tacti ca. ouî e, le los extr puy for « esi ' lanfotit do.. lot tant very maîch. Ai mrii.the feltova asked for merely eultmnt. and lu ways toc numeroue 1but in the. Conversations ohan baad a dJm., bot th.y $ouemd It 'oeasy ta to Mention he hanan excellent euIOr- vith Sheriff Green tuday declared thst g* thio, *qult UW ibela te s»k tuasity to alnost double his publlshed wite io van sorry for vitat boi haP- foi' aàiluarwu, saWI8*tiat the01iront.rate. pened that bbe ailbecone no e lrageil e1 ta bh i»'snieto>acc. The. police "Nov. the parent endeavors to en, that hl% bloc falrily bolie.d He de- ii he,# («e pa gond lecture sonder s apirit of .iscontout lu hi* ciron that he ov0ai nuWesver andi &M finaly sllo*d 4thora ta return u ta mlted son, kbov. notblug of tht.. that rutiier thon loue ber that ho bati the station vltb Me wvarung tuat tiiey Hoe tiier does flot know. or do..sfot lcdi htb oiimi e woolO cltea& gsao mUy. if tiiey wve @ top ta eonsider that bis son là105>11- dtie kili hoself. I-t tl bter-n cvi, esuit deing the . me ttng li4wthe, traie of bis choiee. andl over- nrible dacbe as vould bc perfectly agalît1 ioa#s the. faFt that the, boy la maklng mnaturai &fier the. shock n.celved fromn Amest lin M»i. moe uctue) money. la badinga scIe.,-en tekb h ule rn i or lifs and luaviiere be cabave more bii t*lkb i.'ultto i One the sus ev*Mig the. police arnrsi ubmnttan l ie ,r wold e-0on aun. Tbis makos it ElScuit for rete. a-u. qle el &à ldes inai nlothent Lyof£ýCivlisan. - hilmta cllect hlm thougits b.os1s, go Zioa City. tuIr"Dzt-y1toé h là iretlètent about .. I Doig' corner Md >1bad ,n.s -t.rt-5.a "Show me the civila of average In* ha gs sure 0f just whgt hb.gas. Mis tek b* ie o 04 -lie soy. t«gIWMe and sbility. vho Caoie6rea poutte lu gocd and b. Rte a beatty nii. X Wi*ku W flatb" IW SAs tradbon a saiary'. vork at Il thIrtY hbreakfast and l aner today. beg se met- *etUiot le Yw OS s ud e hab.retire. on a5hfe TheInln.t vos tu avae.been held lusd b.ouerase lahi@eM ovo- ue g« -r andrav $100 per mouth. tits muing t 10 oclock et tii. Con- bed tt ,Md ad'*rte tedrllb Chiot Petty Officor Quin. viio ha' rad & Hart undertskting mares but Wb" .the palicmon tan &Menae hm. Jntbie tra "fe w- becaue ail of the. four muets vhich He iras umh mPi~ wo n holm> b tfour Yisns hoviii bave %eenhail truck the. body of the, murdere'1 eanie »ber end b.sv ubat he hd la thé. usrvvce thity ygors 'Madlonay OMaji. bad tailed te Conne ontI kWva bout 17115In to.nàr«iire On & aspesion Of 1100 Per desireil to knwe.aetly viiot lia ________m estit fr lige. He viii b consider- «u be destb. Tb.autopsy that vas aMp u0der Sfty Yomfarsot01. iioid tada> hDr. Ftley vau hoid vit 1KM M. .2 ~ "Tiis la bynon maes to bc consid- an object to îocating the course 0f IIUuE8T~UaU~t . an ezooptional Case, but outoide oaci ballet. No tmntmony vas takeu CA~AîNF$JL>MTAL* o. he ~service tiers Is'tat vli of lita thi nint. CAAPAIN ULL TAL4 ONTHEthat I mcvw of. viiere a maof the NAVY Filon STNSOINT 'CF average sblity Caosest as uuch pbj- The. vomk *or takin, teutmouy villi ENLIé~I MCM. lcoly. mentaUly, morujir and inonl5l- hOo t*rted tarnrrov omnuing at 10 Cluy.'clftk. IL bu lot beut determined clavol tser.' vr ie w ether or lot au effort Winio ad porteti u JuvbWe< t brotight loto ta lUt DalifOrti tetetIfy. If ho does the Naval Teillâte tts OMThersid.ny. .AD.TUDGE WON" nont teotîI' In persan the, corner viii uSé lu a tat lik SCatslWilliam . SAn1027IL. ueek ta gelt a uvordepouilin f rom DIam, on the. sbloo4 t d ieyshipa ttâthi" vhlchi viii bu introduceil in eV> tâta luaeauqsai tàug, daes.ruINTERESTi§NC CASE IN CHIiCAGO dence. troinvarlons stbu*fIp sMd otier liin *I8IP AlOPw* J. K. OR- The otbet vi teu Wsho vin l lseut "an u hlw m g w ho"i b r. c. vis *AS MINfEMUi 0. pfit on ti tanmd*Ii itell, l tesbe Iis hothé,linearcetetta- - legd, of threat1lt tDontortii tiGe viier. a tUSOQuMa bo llmed. lu ardir te reove a Coud trolen 5gahuu0t the litseoftUms ever. Cince the âlalisu. thail ev- tii. tto 1au S.em, faxli ta l3er _____ .a.a llial & II.. '.Alîcé . ""5M. sisty A quarrel ut t arted ait the ecet salé 40ft uiFolain. *"Just a shr i" ~ tire. year s*d.1816 BAuvan@ "tmet. Modelu W0codmemROf AM a ema oner. ugo irs mcmvet cepumei ,ner Utpot dJudged insane in the.Cool euce..regarding the lurme.nluil. b"," br «t th mbt>&McourtinFeb. 1i,.1,1169.apjtsared iurance ret.8 Culinintetiyesterday in lt devoloped ihat tiey bail deseted belore Jodge Owens lu the. coufty a&fnet ligbt at Elgin bolveea S. V. fftow Saeu t ê«W uattera ma a arder obseau, i. vusw«a delogate, to the. ouais mrtTlaqD bld. restorub ist e tôlegal tcstu nsma sa U tsig. and Ciarico Abbott, au at. '% f ots tiue tic revgard fer ttWbOn WU enterai by the. court. tornsy. Bath vers arrb.ted. S 111le 401.6 kuk i ~le.aMMe. *alm nova vidO. . Kr. Sheai' charges thatAboit i>.oaUu .~ ï aseabocS 5>Urue. n ebS tUUS sbaed in. 'lai e* , % bW*~ver ers not.Iiyd. lsM tu te c iie A dlapatch tram Rock Island s# qps i~ as mong pu- an&A bosueif. faru later vas soid it la prbbiaiiethst at lth.meeting ce nie os 5>Igxtà d, I4eté ia * ldl ti UEu *1 i fthe 1Wbadmen ta, be Cie. àl donii 55 li Uumi n"' 5*tcr arch 14 e*sniion ot moql theretore e cng.se glitit altheii.pieu. ber %bars In the. property ver. des- ber& vii. have lien astive In seeklnew @t tlznc the.govfflýMent pffl » il" d râ,, ijn iooemalden ta defeât the. revîsion ofthtei.rates viin the. spprehênas of a deerter s 4d b . wuvas ter b, considereti. $2, aforasaor. tseodlu f u indIblu mthougl _________ Vffmat 'ere.aurcomitted ltau ansayum. Neard.e N. ». al. 2.-The ae -. Wien ua sabsnt rammxi M Atrey03.F)L i. ofbrateilride the gmt» suit viliib.c J Petiof dutyt. ohi ts fSer tre ona ecal ituip .K rva ldedI n the. Clvit court ha r ltg dmys, a stragor., Allenten days he Waukegaa. represouting il'ieaiD. Ci e' na oro v.dy..on> bcom«s a deutter, andl the serios- vey. a nurery prprietor f HiShd telno lu olive aN. J n sALs asl ndco l le a ta Iieerty frum John Sellg, the.prenant avfl- th000odm WuMh& tf . trstbt the revard la o5iidfor hic capture ~~ i osend~fIdenivin mttin. Me sitUB91 as soan ne b. hue een classed otas n*e h uIftae.HeMdtM deuerter." record ofthte Mtat thmt lra. Haimu bld the initiation resolveti Itsocif lius Thi abiNrrecelved. ber share viien it vas soiti Thl SSlOW ooerd. uomething a littie short of au assasi Captala FPpls^ VqS om el" aked 'for d"tu. * hal UaUon satlis da# *Mtter of 6)ser '40k dmCl ai edto Clavey, rlen$ Tii. mont anaeilhg tes;ttifteof t»i tbf. tatiltuu le satou o arau»' ldlSIiet the mwgit have In tb> e 'eny, Sccouibg te Ilàtel, w. bas a e nom flord. property, but It was toundthth5 b s i imsik ahena "*To vhat de ;IrggsalI'bute this Con- order adjudgna.her Insane vu~ a bar vhich vas a bbnk* csntmige. HO, dîtin?" e We.,sis4ami iai4. ~ vi bav ~ tlaime b.ovasnbUt en bard that liii "Wion, 11ts bard $o pqai." repîleil tic t .cartrldge exploiled. Captant. "Tbeii- qustlon af derertlou 4«0 I' f1110Dicton la vey sai eo, ni, svue ~. r. N. N. Offleu, 3597 Nofth Rock- Wh5i'e thc e M OMewu son. bll.vesthat o enlistail u-de-vwon strtet. tbgitâÏd that hé belluved amth5 UnitB-tef45 ie BotaS serti o bec 14ue hq l eiteilton bard, . SiHM WU mu55Jt prêtnt. «the. vri&. iZ butero t Ï; or boeauft 'otW iatue orfai- t lu Ail a a itbke tsIbM vasWUad*- un se.thoum iso e Se Uerai ti..statomé lle hiebm»diu"tlfiod. 'jtdged insane,' ira. lHam déclared igltubuu is hetaoloi If't Nouli.couigi #farther tron tihe ven ithe took ths stand. "r nVAoi it eanraiî *at -- tmtth sei W- ai' Sicernu 'thé candI.W5utta aMPuubut vent bonim 'o f vg .dedtIo lion.e #* éW à %vi Cmms# Ith 0»' oothst atter 1 weat tac, Oi fVer upon tbb> Mo".iteS .aril m q uuWomi.Clatiat day.Y lino.-Hammt 10 maie.i toom IlInoo h otm 60 1 '1 deu't attrliqte r goati record ta rend or write. ooii j th, con t* ,- no natter Juitie Oeni eitred theoder ofDyII !Ir iers y,' 5ONa4li hpe nrestoratlon mter lstentng ta Uic teati- Yte frdua the navy; lu th* vexions uta- mini tiens, yod1 Wini the Conditions utTh ta 0lu valves, i ouSetpideule. and We IViiime rgrl, ishord0<tieooi_ i r MI*I# q.twc$UNT la CAUSED 'w~*~ U~O*T IDT OR 1W WAO IN GRAVE DANGER. A steamer. bheeved to be the Icorw M. Hill. Wh"ciplies. btweeo ('blcag; Wsnkegan und Kenoaba. was discoverj cd IMPIsotied tIntt e u botit seeti mi]"socf lsArê Foret Buntiay mcmi Ing. Labo Poret police appealedil t Waukegan authorlies for suggestion and ald, but as tbe steamer showe no lM ,et dites.. matioffthe sorti shore lité saers ver. sent tuoDeIlsad; Tih. HIi carrne, elgimîen mon, Capt4 floiteg suiay and Suuday uigbt. people lteve the boat wiicb vw« Imprlsoneil tu be the 11111, but thîs mornlng k édeveiomed Ibat the blk vas in CbIca50 burbor, that It ventur. eti out Qt port Sahmrday alght, but~ gettlng ne ftas th. breakveter. if1 founti the e 14to thlck andi il returned ta poft vIée t la stili belng bel ponuding 1, 11, -np af thetle. oi ahifling u« hp. vImd. No effort viii bi ni. tu maie. lie trip ta Wcukegai4 until tii. lsklà set.. Thuls b%Îtg reports hati it tbat tw% boat tu vu'.ene tttk Ilithie ice ollt Liii. 91« or I1510 Faest up to 9! 'cioek Su.day alt. ln atct here were &Il sorts of couictlngg reports, but the umaiumnamber eaiy seen' vas tva. PuaI boaim tbey vere,. flot léuovn, WicIt i i. al4 luChicago; the. levaandmail cne vers likely the. unes. At ane s noboascoulil lie seen id the. tee, 'c th* tiolumton ts tat t". steaicm rlcibkbsesmotitu b. fghtlng, all Bndai. sAt hat broke tu vay~ turougi the lms mmd contqmi tmrtp. tàelHd.aIb4b"eOtt ma âmeta te tboer. -1Ardlpha e the *mu" nir 1"hOSý 160 . io "a 0 hsS f#wobaw lieàf* l esse. < St-b~u ee<g o tw bi oul boume Là!xsgy I la i.. The. iitbigeildssaok@lthemont stl ig e that arte uade--<, Hewy CirSg Uoiaç*u-wbib oust 91480 cb. Thons, ano vappcd W gold lent a" éPadisil in lInimAi coer vool cubinets, Sois!l ine Only the . *.lnning. itlAsastonbhiiuiboy 1-000 tbe*viol couBlmee bogies te unrivel. Il a siu- g. stitch drops; one litttie sila. duigà)il In mais a bol@ 100 coId uput Pour bond t*rougi.--cbarlee Rustém 1~ utLawyer en Wemie. Uutn~eb. bu n la bard .01 505>31. Wb ème ual tu hlm tuataacertain ta* aebieve- jIM -vithe s uut 0 of Sféet. h ienda f: *Noascusel Taon le, M *& ldrap Uic Ori*ot abhaieto 4»c **xiad n epel; In, aiup th* SPEC tftwIbo 04 leWC u 4w JItIStsrj......m.... M'a vupofts~@ Steak ...... ... Se................ 0 ..... ....... .......1.1k0 bof ~.ade, ............ti LambCho.............Id *"f.... ...... A......... d'au" «ENSus ISUREAU SNOWS O114^rS ONOWTte OF CITY AND tEN VIRONS IN DECADIE. IScEASS 28.7 PER'CENT METROPOLITAN AREA, WHICH IN- tLIbfl M.JURSS, GAINÉ AT 82.1 RATE. <$pemclai to the BSiN Wagbiugton, D. C.. Marcb -5. Tie popolattan o! Chicago andI iL envi- Ma ts lvb pi'actIcallY are a part of ieOcK dlait eorly 2,500,000, accordlng ta a bulletin Issueil by Lb. census :bue.au, tuay. Pille tbe papelation of Cicago prêter la 1910 vas 2,116,288, lhe lu. cbitàtaof lUN iSOtropoItamil disrIct lait*m 2.46,.921. Ti.e resc ni epipIlation glne 1900 vas 29.7 for tiéÉ 6fl anti 331 for the. uetropoltan île' ,Il thutgcs havstg tat tue suhunho &I* grovlng more rapldily than the or> hers tahtltry. Thei»babubet more tuan 5,000 pop. 0105>5 Imsélud n tbe Cicago metie rboUfs district are: ,Etistcim. 24,978.; Q&. lPai 1,444;-.Cierao, 14,651; CDI. dl >kYvod. .013; Harvey, 7,217, Foreét Park. 6504; Bervyn, 5,861; La mrnillsa wi4ate domuieme. *10 die ça odltm tu nt he. Te . ui o'Ibice ijout l ILOMon tire d f ue h omthuége - umio blt sptate as MW wW mre t eW e e.taUth theheitsfit atr vua u te& morebur0.titir of e n,,oflih ~esjssotIé.n begy. Ut hepho Id ont 8e ga u ter oetroely. rexco advéJsU ooSd Mlm y." Beiglé tiuraiLtoiarbdvshl lng id eil ! ivo un.o is eeuuun.'ni eayuta.Wbsalé, "lm" aIASl iyt mi tan a pupis.,ano feuture couslslé or démon- ltatngad wonuhug out twehtV'four dMldcat pmblemuansd Lbe pupês t d nmably vell. iemonitiandaiF atuve vorklng tixeneout an the aVeruge of ou. oaci seven Minutos. Soine of the probbeau vogiil taggr the avera toumher fer a tome moment& boheei vork of thle pupilia va consldermé very i. Titume chtlitreti-lek- partin le A Pé B iffUl WT1 om re *o. wet bbb»to t eII é ail, A Ftot prisitl Teg mSe MM5hs1 79»*s- homm Ihti txsbat vldalk put u o iié @it v e tcer ton te. -wuboii4i Enis tbe..Ulge iUIn tla ic - US b*u1 *0.b vlaitioelkbus.beivw vU 0" MM fo.Wa OI$#O5* "v * Ltu Nflà"éeseiclm" fit egier, 4M* sali lis b _";l i g , la 1 h . ýýý, t- :: .s...... ... ... ... E70 sud r .oIAL- 'r <f £~b5~r 1 .. h ..............au PoatSlastd...........~..... Fenoy s ton* .......... Ne i hIs ....a..........l ~IImquirt. Yu........... hupsemSa I........... .............ti .... ...... . . Pillage teaibers hell Saturday ait-the . 5 theS but U~ Ief mb w .hatProved a vy $tictainable at cso ml ~alond 01profitable satherloz Tic attonilance vas v.»' gooti and ail me- ported an etoeiient day, ectilby andi frq!Ome t tadpôtnt o! galning Ides.pp hit teadhlug. At nocftth l adies of the. Temcher'. and Lladies' association er P yoed butchean ln the country club bou"e. The iptoning prograui couisted of 1~ demontrations by Uie grade pupila, U11 coiuprieiug ail the. puPtl. of the. four grades of Lbe sciiol. The. Wark vw» exceptionaliy veil donc andti eiteti bearty appreclation. ln th. ai temeôon the upper grattes Sa«orh QeBegt-ULý gave a-ilramitautian et mOies Btn a' Pri t., 1748 #81îeI d", hi. h w uii is i tedl eee ftheis North Ica. bout rendittona »M ulu tleua utY ln, 01 ethe fumenos . rMA Besides. Mm mBiof the. Puke. W .- gan Northt achooli lare a t1*1k blé I i. M caln'e ciiul5od mai ittXI" OtI. a "op.ning e r cs e.' M, ibles bura exAls erclnuteacher, agie a VIE.xq White cf Waubesgau gave a necitatibln la the denouetralonim Lcthé ZM=* Alway.s tù,,the ..........