IýemDAY 89410 orSTAYE As- àZ OCIt^«ioN TO SE' 1E1.O AT f EW NERO 0OF THE PLANS NOFABLE SPEAK~ERS -ARE PWOtA. is5o sI -Tois LAKE couNTY LAW.ONOER SEC*KITABY. Mr. Thiom"a R. Qusie of Lake Fe'r et vu la Bloomhngtou yestorda>' ln tb. interest of the cornlng convention la Ifanà n utet Cty'of theemuies 'Vige.a clet>. Has 'ommg nia the itsÉIDMtimton tht Bloomlngton W4« to bave îucb a con' ratIon. The. llgolu vigiance '.ni in Iansor- ialiaumonfor the Iurimome ef ltgitiu emois'llized vice of ail indi. Itu isaéquaiterm l~a nChcagoadit va. Ce o f the iencles whlch nompelei the publigsbed report on vice la that àt>'vhlch crete bcaanbatîr la -that clÉ>' uni nhi rwu threatea.4 nltb ejetion fronthe. all. The seclet>' lmu & strong orunlzatleu.. 4%eh convention nt Blcouxnton vli lIt fr tro iayc. BIomluaon cli- - v iii ho e mpent ta isi a t*e er holding tueh e hhtm a"i -6"" *&Wfu. ut«uuitainfr -a biet amdor eme et *05km uaoat io@PbIe aisme ýate' ieadirmmes caier tlimaUle, tuer. viiib. uoilu npmotffl troutue cit>'la tue ra>' cf taduoneata for th. couve11tla, àwimg lie mmiiipiomimont àpeal- t» vio vilii hobere ta upke a94. *,Mm w iii ho UlmiJane Aduuii hkL 8Mai>' H@& Pr Prffle. mai edlmmW. b ave Mate ati tut of Iere viii ho ntai epeciibl> @u n asti mmor ovomen àm lu-oui theue hectu iuseum ýW*b pcugc1te te mce& , heet the. objecta et the coavon- -,tà in te sumtnqlto botlmnt lu fa- Io bmc<to". la t-he. imwmhetvi ;,a SiMmu Vis preopo sila the lai .,ýý«*#l et tie giflraimmembi>'. but e ý mte a voe.-Biloominglcu BY P»&»,so LEONMRD HEGNAUERk Clag ci Avicultue UnWeirty ci 36*o PBOVEOR RGSDi a tda m iiti la 0.6 rot from 1M(0to aa udsiliat in e.UU. [Srn e et latotim 0h. as eemu.lOd us Il 4ms.smest t coiees tto. la liS-lb hiag fumere gof WMenir. WMiuc aiOis Wsui. la the fan of 1u ho lnn, eio mvm=i etU»be OiIel u efmor et crop jnulo a10u*5, a11'mm ce la cmup produtig tiie'mxpi aeti' UIWG the last few yemrua D ood desi ham been sai con- tarnlng the. needs et tentiLg1 tiioroaglily for germinatiOn1 every ear et coru befmeot t a t. b. Oued for bed. Evea tiiough much1 has heen mcaïd'upon ttis sabject, yet1 liere are atmli mny farmen wno ame wllIlugto plant corn just au it;mmel trois1 the fiel, regarimu au to Its e* talty. t inay therofore flot b ont of place lao ephanLshe, gain and agt the. great necil of eed con testing, To get rid of the. OndemIrable ln corn la urnc etider than t la ln auîncèt nuy other knd of sbei grain, beCaume the eer ofconom ny b. cousldered ln nrnny respecte tii. nuit cf production.1 A single ear repreets a large nuem-1 ber of Indviduell»antii uext geadma- tion. If. tbon, tii,. ear b. properly e- lectei adteted that single operatioca miay mon numch to the. sacceedtug crop.' In makln.tg a proper selection andi thea horoughly tetlng th.es,.ruoue. oaght to b. ahie la Umm opretty vroi à geai crp, t leut ln o far es the. d #URET *IOTATIONS omwm Cawha i wt»UoMl hia. Che. Muc 4 isS-N& a2 mi 8re& 103~ 1às,8àroi, *le@Lu% No 3 bardws.i Aq-',LUaLd8.t N. 8 but ru ter, r' $*SU; Ne. 1 Mrteasi'elai . $LM SL@LI2;imoý 32Sottesspmlmg 2psN. 114044%c; No, 83white.e 0 ria Ney=3 ioU e nég. O"o Um 8vhté. $m'O ..N. 3anlt. , UUL@B%e; mimmci.U3*S3ýs ChommuwUe "MWef no-amoim. am... O cmai-meuata18,000. Qotatloo »Ami BetPAM 8W Prime dt»Meq %1U6.Mg ohel.'te Prieat dboat 4oins. S5.3Stuma"dte ehoo. hou* OWe, p.@6u moleetoi el. 84» *U »55ti to ansi tOik«%u$7.7650 4M.55pwoite clervoal cMv"& et5 82U-5 1-6 cou.. te prlwu 7~muta0 p.mosao .<ute oboles rethoo. OJSOUStaitte oes Cke--m er>',tehl., 3O; PHRaU, 82%-. extis Bts, 3ne; trots. 28c; taiutez. @Lmre fc;diotu, 24e. p-sctlstock. 28c. Live Pesat,>. -Tuekei, par lb. 14c; chicke2à, tonte. 14c; motote, Isc; 'prIums 14%8c; mcii. Ic;.*geste, se. 1 Wisconmiln$1.1001.15 per bu; Uini,1 EMut ul Lve Simei. aBu Ifialo.N. Y., Match . DURAnIS & BtevoýU> ie Stock Com MW«a Meria.Mua, ot Buffalo, N. y, eut*sai tlloru: cattbe-i«tecl 4 oar; umarktt loW. bo-R«oclpte là bais; mrket ituai>'; heai', $6.80 »M0; Toor-% $6.8004.90; plgs %.3. SieP-ftecetpti il cars; mae bit tuhi>r;top Iambe, 87.26; res. tfogo. 4.0004M5; Welters, 15.2505,60; st,$4.605.00. Cave. $5.0009.50. ~ MUS UNWSIÎTEt. LAW t '1011 oueesThefit ofChîchone qu %vmuWiSisaier. -*ii.. li..Marh $.-Oui Tucher. a ~Wbo~<c8si fer trh& itte Cnlt n o eli the.court ho '~iSh*lchaa tue lieM to i 55qB Vm m 10à,tbe itstteraw * PM hm", 91 1' Te mate a hiie bleht ofeu ah U diiw am soi rlo eî nepmaile s:, pentue.MMm>' fn aie umv idienb mnmi ctutig Mda"mithat Utemm onu ame thoe m me@ m » tct ot- liate". -W. UMi o.the, noubotInMeg dlfeoot tids t aPParetusmo'gWMM <o do thia va«1, vhlch laa m mi are oxeedungi>' va*bie, but oima ippliaucis Immeci cheape vi uer.' cluit. ài vIL. Anuceiiar>' mimim»MeSbsp teint7tu" nclm&ba.. spitma m a wme oandt hm tmus 4@0» iii te swft over>' purpom Tb&box MeMno b. 10 nuied ioler i uo r -wdvnet and It mate, tue tonm" or IL agenS ceed toutou.,If sa" lh uueïl tiie oug face ina>' be laid'la siaml mmtiou of an lucii or an ltM a a"hit quare lu ech of theme ietlom put àm er olve ternelsftrous au atte b. tè'sti0. The. vara mi>'thon b. Plcl ltu di- uit ordeç on a tabl or abuL Thé kemolu fron tue IUMMIvie» eM Mi to be tatou train tic difermt reltiff of tue nea90tuaStueO M 1087b. GERMUNATOft WITH SAWDUST FILLING. wed atoe.eau bo held remponsible, for more reprea"u"tve. Tie MMmini a iaUtluactor, brvet. The. meiears be roll moltaei.but net M" oitvit hoqui, ot courue, Le reil melcted water. lu crier la Ulve -the coca à from the field and carmfully cared for fair chance la gror ne muit b. mu Uumlugthti alu d rinwo. But evea titthteiproper -simouns et -mobtmrs thcugh preper car. blinbeen g1velà the proper temîpoetur. a" iaba them, there are lairYs thomo hlch 0lwaYi preïmnt. Aftethe mmmi box le show « reaumo la vitality. nhlch OuWed wrth tl unplaceIt nezi the eook may bo due te immatiultY. laelue- Stove or nemi the. furmaSIc uthe fur- ,banlcal injurie. doe ote te ear or tla aie room, rhuesthe. tempeatum he earl freezing before the norD lu tior- fail nuiformn, and ye wMlva thBee ougbly dry. Ail tieu. etrc muat be coaditions fmirly matitetory. aought out by a thorough germia- .11 case on.' shouli mot e lateM tion toitad tiieniecarded. TiieY amte emmdthe.box nm" bu dlii riw» unet for eei and oaght neyer la, be gooi mariait, properly umitmmi.À a*&. Many (humes a nevere freealng cloth of mone ftixiy bmvy sutteral such as ne b.d early lant November rnîy hbe a~ over thme sainit, eqo. throughout maay m9ctioam of thus itato nhich nmy bh offimdthe squares uc ni>' b. thé cause of machi iamage, to the. kerneli cfeacmau. The cor seed cora. whlch at that tUme vii muet thon be no~ot4lrite à ieest tIlt la the AMi. Wbeu mcii a tulng clotb, andi If deilumd'tie box uight be incuru t lu ejxtremel' Important that cuvorol wlth gCmusThi e etI uumi eanh Individuel ear mhouid b. testei, lu net mo importaut The. iupct ba. a*mmlO tmaidte "hl a Dmort he; MM Kte 1 bStat o r.Up prcmiucuonm tample la taken from, a curetai tosting o»m ni b. ab.ml"y iange Luit. wnl neyer rrue he real 1Im ot st a* f «-mcetauS ferf«.» fakt. is . r e e vu eU smshio=able 1 tieietm mfo 16. CORN PLAC ED UN SECTIONS fsND COVERES WJTN G0 te tati ont thoio ea tbtare di. talî>'et omoi co a >uat. à fectîro by Ach a metiuod. ' Iportant that tii.- c o ue lt bas bee mand by smrnet t thY 1bl11lt hieS 1h usM gay t-ct tliat mlght h maie lu mnur Test jour sMmile >'qg cther way thaun ander raii ibid cai- bh o ot'rncod tisÉ ott, hie I, no wouid not revomi tie tsii eek- rsl ropehiiti mn"ml - ' qi neu# la vitalît>' cf the eau. It -lu Ar- mnd tIn o quiroi.TMe 4M guet thut nm o m ii rht glrwumiort tiieua aood stand t"Il à V the more Ideal conditios vhiaobt*W mernu>'lthese omue om lu our crd isary muethodi etoio»M teut. ad amtubrs. lng. but woald not arwne, Placti uder the cevereit test te nhich hlm volé..f 8S oIS fl mime cora viii Le mabmttto rhum piste- la sareport ta tomdi ed la the 0.1<1. WbUe tbls luanqu- mkpoeser IIMa. Wey, tlouably true. yet LttmlaporfoctI>' evomt tb«- 0f moitufi i0" tbat when seed refuse@ tugron undor th .u camer' m&y@teapoart the, coadtioucof the ieod boz It voali -n»imi mmreyi i c alajoet eertitlnly falitte gerhu wm sa- .~'u mm'ris f îoe<i te iuueertalntlei of tho elloti o« LaMii. M ý lor Therefure a prelliiuar>' tffl uould sI- d4eiptCifUoD f WU mf* teM wvays e tude la order tu, bet ont 'mnd a direct coPosIeM eu 1eltilate tîjome earc that areomo u or ~ l.aiieiu. lisp 6rowth ai weli au those nom. ruait>' bu expmi Of glamm la enirely gone. Lt la alinot nemi lmU ptn8eu$vto&Ilb portant to get rdt ofltheslow groae-pI&amai le oohbim as It La le) dlscenilthune wblcb are dead. cmts ilgr mocDm m r balowgrovisit lu au Indication of wvoi t- ulue leSbave im , ow l; e. No corn choutd lie put la the luaugumtad lu otior booM Mdbi tnlest, Ihe test shows Btrous aiiu *M. glkThar Ove ill ilgortue grovuL of botb item and room< mntoe la demliag wvtiu eus for ouI>' muri eiil asthfié may lbe d.- nismai viii r*O 0«4»me« pendeiVonwel t munt cepsenîtjthme lblie maie ofhiesuli. Ir F mcertarnitien ot clîmuatu and senti. hle AbishM Meai 50q&% Tis.e.are loIn>' cLallesetof filime un. more ipeeotin imLag b15*a ionufaret C m." la pudble. iue te etu M mm" IN ebW8 5cou""£*a Ir PoqmRTY VALUS lTEqaiu* iUr uftgs olvm .OU?ý BY ?4~ ~TW UDITOR RU-e A tO4"1 Iai i'ythe audtor of publie *peesto t Bpnmgfd leidIi mico â tkt VOe4 outy 1.tue rlchos couat>' stlb u the ti.tate. Tme an« Dimtt mu er capita et 8$ ada a ul Vilet<ie42,7rper ewpIa. Iroquois ouems t>'vliia parempila Of P3U ou thse loilauommnt, la meo#ta Buj ermon Comme>. la titrE riti #2.297. Cootcunty Us fan dora 1.4e* colint>'le aime far dow'la tihe lînt, beluq'ls fotM'position lu tii. pr capitsa mu"motivaluation.Lae couam- t>'. rlth 1rd population Of 55,058. hu e, tUtal oquallisi value ln 1911 of $30,- loua a4 u Meiedivaluation onthieý averfflo ethoetf$365.11; par cMM&t foi valm 84491.,;pct popoulatlmo f vmips *omlp mmemi ofiffl. 1II aiu li' Ut Erly Satana>' Ciiçop1 ParttkOi.-ProIdeUotTafti te te tmve à'obiaua Thu> ferCflg. fme rU 1 hes O., his>' afunnoos ami up;c m onoresru»afru rpeissct oule. H. K borse ari>' Saturdu>' mo:ulai admirer$ haveaut a otrq~eq~6 âr hlm rith recul>- dopa, i >o Mi the flicu. ine preud oist l nmn la Çhicfflmutl NEW'âi,-l ME FOR IWNOIS CoMPerq--WUN Soillila Nuneoci Comty MWl Aie latenu. eauvte «unit o teMtes motni Tmct <>hmm>' etNew Jerme>'. m tnmnt"mia. tqu emi" mmctus 453. voNt « I pnt cent Sdns nstsla ilari 4.Ise& OWt O tor e butté tbe. dmt itler- mub-lima tee.roqffh Lee couat>', la, asti M" d < Ut>,Li.Charles Il. Pent4, 41 Bt. Paul. la preliat et the AuèttuON SALE. W. vIIili el t pule aucIou at $osityCl>, iieer f fth itreet moi C-. & N. W. alromi, ne"old pis- lat 010, CU Weinddai', 'Marh 13. 1913. iBobo eiat b1o0,"ke harp 20 mio« 'e'houmis 1b&-Ysyelon&i 4yumsm à)&, qilt 130.,i pi' iMue, 4 jyoium dd.'we IM; 180; aa> piM- bIra. 4 rom ied. reloU 1300; 1 bii paqs4, iiri» ivoit 130t 1 bisai gsilding, 6 Y'om *Id. noih ,- ,,44; 1b imit nMa19refl oanm ci ngst 125 I hl -home. 12 1uimii. e1Ib. negt1800; 1 bimot houai, 10 7yms li, relçhÉ 1200; 1 bluet bonse, 12 'eary.M o, niighf 1150. 1 ba mdri M hormes, 5 ysmcit Weit' l10001 noe, 1& aicl. mlot 90e; 1Ilpht S ehetautnom 8 Sy«el&misi, eot te tu vu>' 966.1 W thk mus. 4 juan li. nuShÉ WWM mau1106; 1 bay irlvtc- houe, fia6l>' h O.be»e 7 v tt,-au 00 j" nI wmS.m b" won ~Z, 00vmDYb iu>'e. #adll momIe,; 8 top bai*ia oe0aMte*11 vteet i1s»t imub hm .w: o llttl laOU mugis;tom dnm& 1 h4sv «PYeii M siyir à,me i aire . oxrees~i~ m e pi sMoi- i 1~aTsMo.i8tmu È e* ansbO u ~ i~ilm' ~ spulgv illevoSITU m's ~ 5e-il mui6,t~, A~tivt5r lp i r L. soi; eRacè M n . .......... t ' 4~' -"4 - Gr é5çu.d$AO From~er Res0etdoFermer 1h Soune Locllfty 0614 i.. Si John Bock Who travl. nadir mun i lkh Up b>' the nemerou% sie aliumea and wno cuverai yer&s o ug bits. obtalneti *1,005for Hmmry WMegoIt la rather a pocullar fmt tht o Orand'avoacloon afsue mnor sover chungu .1. ý&t«eddad M eof t. rst ut lahlm pebis mr la severai diffèrent ports cf t» oaut. Reift. Tbe Pima b>' Wbeh Ib.4 rit where b. has îucoufulllr rorked e Mr. Wedg, cf Waukugan lu tise bic confidence- 'gures. nay bar plaood urne that ho hum carrted eut la other la custodY la t ho nemi future Ift antîi. ovu mer tbeory on which deteotivek are It lu wrkei eut au toliowi: workiag. pans eut the. wB>'they> thlnk The ewîndlor conei te a tu« pu. IP I Lt vil. Tise liteit theor>' lu that îng au a fariner Who desire. tu pur. Bock lu living smenbel'.aua ru- Chice a farm. Ho [u Wel verbei lu pr abl 'tnrsdthttrahdi farmlng and crop conditions le seu- nieai la ble te asishl real mode eral and glvei every appearante of of living. beiug a reli-to-do farmner. Afler a few The following dlmpmtch froni Macn, daYm Of looklmg around b. ofori sme lllmour., oil cftii 11W tecr m feramer a goui prie for hbai. be what lu lu nWo' ben oiartkid n. >y prie& lmeamuail> blgh emoqffito make mae dotUtIs. _ th i ommoraecept. Tii. tumaerem. e* ee MAu>mbý7 MNO. marehu . ?-ývIde nature la ohtalned on s power of tt. lenalmlndm11>'to-the lUtNctW tor»ny dra*W 'p SiiW»-moibntiT. - tt TitI.- s nd veetfl ent »lnmY e the ongomi.o mone eaotte other placei as Weil ma la Maaonub, examine the title cf the. land mnd drmw noe b.obtalned $U.N00frffl the 'Up the deed. Ulieoia sksfor s ant ffe ortCBttCoempany on a bu'&" ed the land te Malte mosIngeove - .dm. Ti. man gcee under mu may meni. Ai the fartelu ample mmurift. ifereult 1Uei au places la whkh he the Brui la wrllimg te ute K. Me thes Opaqatea. Hila faclity for avoilng de- takéem .deed, procuabi>' to got ~ j. tection iu the moot remranabla thing tii.fermer@ signature, lua ev î m da" , about his exPloits. Bverirthullà e icoi sbock with thi e etied pOii> k»»r about hsmonthod of dig ulE bai mlgansd vlth a mtar>'. m"mit-i. uesm. but nothlmg *bout hbmsva> cf flxd. Theoban lite m0ti"th* muP- humEn hlmself. 1 poueopurchamor doparts wnus the mon0ý The mont libol>' theOrY la ugmoted e>'. The. Ohm ila lt te liud ont 1llt> b>' a detectîve nov vortini ou the'thie sature andtàI mmbaye been fors- came, mi h t at iomnnhweo In d.i %îumoart, Illnoi Or 1lors, Miller live. itoars amountnlanlaail tu ovor L under a diffreut nâao u a reputmiil*S40,W0 have been offorsi la difeorot fariner sud lu no videl> kuovu sud parts of the. country for the. amot * 1i5 cf mach au apparenlt hlgi character and convictIon of the. man, bUt 1ho that pe o i s inelghboihod vould lu mc lover test up ta the. prei.t ruceut the.ides thut heo uli be re- tino he hie nmnaged te keep hb ion. eu motel>' coanected l wth mn>' CrachdYa ste amcret. scheme. lHe oulti. vithult ttreating attention. lbave boue.for a w«IL eor Of COIINTV SIJRVEY4RVle teit daim, rslh la mIl 41 tin h Ume 1 mamommco mimmdiacy for e"d t te btain moueY msd thon -. 1Count' Srvaear. ubjoct tu the de- tam mand restune bls farmimgoeis cu.1b1.eofthe Bepublican prinah« ut~ tioni, theuesOt in-nit lOOini mm o n uApril th, 191. Tour mu» eewn in the commuait>'. If hb. oDon chport vili b. ver>' much appremolAted base, but lust xaOvod frOm P- ma.L RUSSl' place, h. eu ucMot certalu> OfSia-> fyal c JURY Q MUNi IL1M) I~uRuOw,0s Umes uip i s-M r , is ou M hpressvS9 CIt lanot toa s&ly.to b.thtuklnq"abolst orgpfu suit, for, as a matter of f#ct, East&r je only wep away. Ther<d le always a pleasure in look in g 4 if* gur- mente as soon as they arrive and we want yS0,1 piijq that pleuure at the Globe to-morrow.; I - The Igst ftw days have witnessed thé 'a4y~1 of -a vast number of new modola for aprinÈg3, nigl display that le thoroughly complete and é wUt prove a souree of great interest to ever mnp W - kegan." Every faney wMl find expressoion MM' lection of model-a condition whieh woluýd b ble in a showing of leeser . mandv-aÎuty - -There are suits of riehnoVejty natW# -pWn fabriés as well; one, two' nd thr" butoi0Y t with ide effeet; bxnd tailored in a tas»gor, m the higheet of ieredit; gret that wifl p ~ y service and price. r You are invited to vIew thèue& prtty mIqnr row at your leisr uprice seal l mod4~~j t $M.0A .5-, 1~ 1, Âttor1 Stue con' 1J.pu'ty, thi eati Who ram Leon b lna vend ber deat, bÏllet y, fron a r on Diaf, cnt rau comment b.be i<1 Cooaty < Ing murx (:;I>' laI. tt in1( the liai Wb, to folIo, ers lju moay aý hring amn cmiuse iA viiome h ed. Cty 1 la the bi It as hlm lug bull' crantai the base ley'selui one dis( the post Mnm hum5bani lng tipi tlat for the lIna stacnce f "Shor' daï Me room i w ng up cihe vas went ba shoti; Thînkln 'At t ayîng 'Iie t they Cm head of 0 ' on the tom ot 1 lug for' dogn le the lite tve laN sud he b1tan d( imit» dt,' j' lm O- tmgeh