fu»gmm ýAPRiL 9. The E*t WBY TI-UT TAX MATrER Wixs, w mSour! A,lSqvc7reu«Mon- "~ ~svreI*"'is amaso ý) ý "m xo3b m~ve da ws wS&o f m o madi ms , Tbe pUxpobe o of"Çd ism woe E lecnu*hl0i "à*I c âugtue tirme Of cmne<udclo. W"ouldmesa LAàýéConnty of. ... ........... $21 504.94 liitiil1 mel..<, Cqu yof ............... 1 78ï89I .9 LJ » Dso=c<ouiy d- ............... 87,894.73ai rd' ~vpOlias lma otitfS these bMle. They have beiu î4%mivs$umau ansd at e cdi me bave bemp~ $ ~4~i~he~otve Hua.of Vinl"di 4v. yasr teacMmlîe iough ai it w? vugàiai FOR TIIE.OAIRY INTERE&TO MWa. Sb t il luu#tas- èlIs!lJ. Oleufimau4 si 10 peigfled by tlb otr l.i oieW- Ugflm otloi Ditrit, tie dairy luteroute viii b. ablea to pmas. llaaomm'a et bit a lls"e iq, r latait la lb. coiaig jenus o!the. statue.it two «IIU.4a olf«Mm lale etob eiarmm l wbýo rephemnhs b. stock w ,ba la be lwootw- !Iqo oie wil %by b unbletopau mamy lb.pau pet1 À ùe An%.TuhsnaIa 5$bi« . %passeiai t b.butmmeusiiafor thb lb betb tu* Omb leisb vii th »elanirabbwngreprma.tatiL tbe ii rm ilna 610U us o4aId à e lllý be quelw bsi ilaommttee. l wblcb ho U8tue =n msber, la the f lm tiq promise Wb pas 15hlei and nabe Il a>av1 lut TWh0 ~%Wnt upprtaI b. nt4ilsnolu tet 1v.For thie ntale bua W i dûve aud4it il doir: 4lWtallo umiabto"Uepot h l rturned tOpl$ed a.o. i. MabotoMe vlebae eospac#ovre dtry ad stilb binle pesstedin lavasbutafe b bokuele ofh.re alentlaltom * 0h.dblrlatereeb. la the lmtbim t te 'Ibb dlibatebbet ton ota. a in *& 1iàtam .Bs»" et thélie as m e m (Sheo dsa"slo . m Sldly ae m: oau igmlulo woaèng «e» uule me i f ùnd uspaS..&t.10*MbK to lsh o<le vii- th#.Mo* sU i ai b éprSbaasnalualusaie s* ab fl ue , *» lie - lUrselavguitg voté m elolidl.adluacr le Ualeulboi4 la h.irltovw ovaammir Tf a esi ot'iro sir upalhg and cd veogasoos$0a orne apfohmOl«aI»i bcaluSâm $ M-tieOdot leS. * ,ss ,l resiam lussui il bh.aaeuedoss p iy md*"ààmlelsbsle mipqnfibor leak owerd, wailoihisa OisL.... là% »Mul ba bau blo* tu th.eeh' bsash. Il vdW4 M seisà&#i ýsU im*b of . upuionaof the dalvy hd, per0ep9osseia*a ~f*o e ElebdkAIda lbbesoadsrns.IThe oImmOl bâl " Oba U* lavutt uS.a .enlOetê.as.a. huc l*i" la u.0vo n**fld~ MW useeu.~omsaer ippmê OOMo Its sustmm ctwd «tg$ saiim aol ohhsseea" i Pmiseé IrontnOY4g iehesil euflhi Ilptovhisd ibuau ail w» bw rotlmoe f beelietru lb. i <tehou ai1' rowNey liwiàw Slgcatl maidnt meluho te dwwAlIy hls#A Meu ftis dehynoa, ead qvsn iioir huaio squs0<Ml ROsisI.eslna4.buas nuimblm..aslypovsal9l dsl b IW*iba whtbft tbqd b~ te to Oh ta MMtoapufalObl mmai*vo ustuoa"i ?tfi -O ta lio Po* 01OÇ his latemd namI nns adifop ~ji Kuihe.. b" bas pmvii amqilMr<1 tee Fle vegOwIWW L», le boum *himmai cifor fli uml woek -es o i;o-o bi»rtauIb vltm-5 villae .1.*. Pile w ~ p~eSith vlitad rnlailvea m.. natil5Ip.pla. the Mie 07. Muae~I$*rn.a rid bere "fer- Mr Di Chicago, spent n-aday di I saa ana Cida. lRe tu Dur, vHwiaq. 1U1 5go ilb ni ecty traamted boisinuet à hita a ae uoirtialOde ify il Miou Cty lest Tbncrsday *ex i I hunaut»eolc ,18e et atbatUas. AeMWrailroad le tua~ ~ ~~o twe amnolno ve lles, but,.mg station has bt* bve bu a erios lmbeabuilt jet. >eayat 19:16 p. Mi . l . the *»OIOWtiO Cona l b. 4 lve rr'y ba «0dePsto Coyl buldig e tb eou lu Cicago aMd vwiMahodUhie atherfi s Io *"*I& -er dàu w ho l arber #bop la lb. faume Wii bail beu lenha mOdra e *84,bavlng OinIêb2, 0 ffletestiglraieni l h a Vaite, ater p0<Ieêih IBti~~ lt1 R.A. KPOPl yaa s brivlllspalier bmatohao ie ,01. Sirde encla Z)wdw I dubeile'l ir. anCnvy l,,buidren of dwlaaif ton i ai btoRodost~, pet Eiad iwth ber t n eg bcraed. SuaP-t, U. i ire. s.e. Dock. broe u. tlt bhho lva 9 . Xmsod sd m s.a. hice leus juva e lIWb Albreh vers Wêieob S »mr 4èorkelerr an oboiolikt -,0Osrrseloto vlefor lest wstkjeu_ da. , antb gï*i m iUme Bby Uliid. ai uRl., vlelted ,ua.ieei pOd-with ber eàcoi, M'l it"lte St10cii wom i W11b te*lS 1u$vei rIBe id 1*111SlW ma~jack fUI "au e eg*holors part of __ lb. veqk viti lUt. M)& Mm e. .coon mIaOf ba, Or.,id MMe aUras tlPkihta I Ut d t. .OdItaoal e.8l uoe w«»%, nt..feda pbýiL rtoast Mr.M e Y . e, Wagner 01 Wa paové Md as modae bow voiiIt MIbib* rie bafoi ore day lu&t lieu. Cboe. tar. a ofPrairie Vew. 2r«% **u&az lest sivlit M. and o.a MdWuuier. sosnVeaqd ofJqbaeborg. la vWetias beot lie, lire.WIIinamun. mns iet.,hijdP1w . Wom Whl aiir ea Rebod A ...oS hleap, gs bar. ue!, àwm.. m wit albasinethe only lating, sanitary and economicai waU coating. It.. ich velvety tint@ which do not cbsnge color or fade willi add greatly* to the, bea uti of you home. By ce&tud chooslug you eau make your walis bar. mouise wth yourpiaturesanad f uriehingo. Alabaitine lathie only wall cover- 14g that le albolutely eanitari. Itlei.Bot atuck 09, with animal glue a@ are various kaWamiee or with vegetable pute *@ae ave us. pa.pera, tapeutrieu -or 'tbarcoteriup.., but lu applied with a brush and goos' through a proceus of oetting and ceeenta ho and becomes part of the wall This leavea nothing te 4and.4nn plme for gerni laden dust ho cellect and your walle are alwaya ln m.1..an, hesihhfnl condition. Its eeçononly cannot be questioned asit goes faither ,"-à lasta longer than any other Walî covcrlng. Baal to appty by following the' directonson the pa4kage. Do yon halfe trouble gotlg, off the old paint or vkrmiah prepiratory ho potIu SÔu bth imow 1Tho'n u .Taxite, thoebeot plaInsd ,vplsh roover on t*. iuar»jt. Just btuh om. .eoét of T"'ie1.watt ilev 'minute. 1112111the old 0 vsorýaruIàh 1beo* u ot $beu aorýpe 1$ of f Ieu wapd l. uthe w*b j4M IBe, ai et oor aW*nlslsdtb »b Id oo.J240y, lm% hiti À94 ~~utftai l a t e halýUtedo« ne1201 hretehe hands, damuge W0or,-o eO1%S glue.' I w$u"4 IiSo t o lo Ow of eF 1*nosi4até a" ig u~t~tWée *airo'Ith the drybImgor dunbilitof sutiseflM Pot nusi»rlroquniesoo umdaeUl t .OWi1~Y 55555 I1s~usp w as ~veper fWést. f, te Npubllsea pas liO*TI~*. ns' n fi p, vlpov.spsal. Ileby On. Tnaeg as Ms ~io~ V rie yIsv Is i. - W. #b@ liai lb. Viable *rlîeg hon ~Iao& eavimp. * Sos Ooliaotor - e>,, êJ.. .. ..e O. F~ Bu5 <talwEg . PSYVe. Son . eif@re. . TVIgs .f.Cse TI1«OcsTy .4kλ BeteA ICOOM I Maike Y Our; Home A ttractive* cak c: Iien deke. M.,t m" Lbake1 Tlec spen terh sand o! ah The I MM. ý , w pub- M bil ces