E LU1 T Y INT OFFICIAIL PAeER OF LAKE COIJNTY. j,%IcejWl,1 c.nc' No. i, City Edtr's Resdence TelePhone No. 145-L. Libertyville eIu. ýW*rd atIleTh t soM1(,eatI.:bertyvile, IlU..as Seco nd la4. Mal) matter- k46om ekdAdrI~ Rates Made Knogsn on A4plioallon. .SUUSCRiPTION PRICE. $150 PER 'TEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANOU.- W.J. SMITH ........ ........ ....................EdItoe 13MM ý ... ... ................ ........ ....... Manage L UB8A3RO .................. ................. yEditor FRII)AY,'. M.XCIJ 8, 1912. DO WB WA"~ IT? ASK ANiYBODY. And 1ROW nme of thie fellows op oIn Senator Oison *tryug10make ILake Oounty peonle b. eve tbiAý after b% toug tbenewstate asyluni should b. located ~W8Uh.Waukofflreafly doun't wamt itl. ly pupl reged ator GIoWn aoiv lnl te lud tà yu fr rLake Ooutly sud lbeyr.a the votera hw iîtlala bargu l bis iaot fS a ruwtuu prlngfel t ýfiit bismlulu- M M la le exerted there lu bebaitctt û. aaylum'a I<ow, fit order to contersot fint argument for m.of, the Oppostion are tyn 0mli. eopl0b- 1~7w@ Iat r«afy11k.ta.ayI m If "Mr 41 gt balie. W.1Iwith rproetsof *3,00,00 m u my klnd et an, nsbtuUlu lu.Waukegaù- Pultem1#ary, atockyar4l, or, »e malter wbat-The Iug otake the cbandeot laking t we're wIIiag teabnwhatit M =-togoe sncban. Ans wlick tUempoya thfland or mioeporionud ihueulbepOMUOelb"CM b rL 6 id intis lo- wson ase O~1gaul18*nta -Woikdrg ' , itSI mw *.. * aaynm la Rot ag Il 1% MW be"tOat for I b.0 tarni - thesu.la tact, lb tbtnmsylglathOesn bas ."yh1armeaêund vok In an1 --and I* fuerakuov AtICi ~~preJudo thelb.contrary represent lime vaffted WILIAM IL DODGE. lu lie sddenat ehi Of William ]EL D odge, Waukegan rpeedbusiness man, vho, vile he but ~,U~lrthonorable and polit., hoe ad the qualit4es i:ý'1bWd d mredwold, bave mnabbeid hlm la acqutre "laI bn others sesi but vhib b lid d ot long for.' wa. ensdardeoe of lhe cily's stable me n d Il in bid tooebadlia bisdeatii bad t l ovhbisariva afev I#40l Arluona, vbere h. expetdosedbsn ~Agdays..Mr. Dodgs referredtobiprospeclive de- prtrour Wauegan vlthh aid heart sud vel eyes sud m&a nov recafl Iat he dld ual seoem much enlbused over pros clve change h. contemplated, but whici vas m bétfor the sake of bis famfly's healti,, future, - X. Dodge, viien he I.ft here, expected ho returu in sprlug. lu li Olson-Shurtleff -MacGuMn campaigu, th. real Ls lot the Daily SUN as some would make it appear, t la vhether the votera want Oloon returned ho the e Sonate to finish laudable work ho bas begun and car- à veil along or wheher they wlsh te experiment witi Igood fellow"l and send hdm down just becaus. of liat mraceslic. Waukegan, ti its comimission form of gov- Oaeùt move observed thie " good fellow" argment li se- Ung mome officers and nov il la real.zed -mut il ceut $ laine-bas passed when "'good fellow"l characterislics id swing votera. ]Parmer C. S. Small of Rockefeller in certaWny fair- udd*uen ha% tells of heng against SessIon Olsonfour an4, sd of being converted to bis standard, jusI b.- p. b. m»W theSenator vonred for the intereste of lie. bkâs dis district generally, causing hlm to b. ont 9 instead of AGAINST Oison liais year. Thomo of votes liaI count. IVM brf Gerges in the Coaagrssaional race- Paullin and Geoge Engebard-ti. " ton on front aimes, but m_# aa&a..Ilanllil . v 1hIUa oorm is maY *aaaaly; ilt ù* usum i 4t etbai ways folow #ter. WMWURe, uof Ual Vgllva baulabommýUpoduçe $Me7 te î6 yar to put mto a ..;& dMe t li JIA tbprow1higboqesIO>1ttiac. If on. b.rm 0f iioeat1 5ole"t s"d , ve srvic to bAs district diàqueliffilentwrA for r.-.l tion bow mazy tou= 000 s tom todfialifya State Repreunative 1ke Leoo Wuil E4ou #.arMy of his AUed4 assoclates? Mayb. Shurtief knova th. auWwer. L91M CouMy is teullh Alx b. ut#.4lu Permetage f ÙnéacicéethdlffÎimoe wbu ttdmougi 1h. 1wo couixties. But, valla MUII- w tIog* t0 abo a JMnP;, tovard the top l ini attew l une~ya Didilt<er ooq totW*obma»M b1 a potat là a bssfahbi1ta Did t oever,ôM oathe isvoteu6 liMaior A. J. Olsqu- secured tbesP~ Of DIII Sonh Iate, uBohwlab o uni Kod X«elqad t* 9V'won hlm ilb of bis conviction:, »id ilever occiw o.you Iiow soUtIons Shurtleif As of LabeOCounty An regard tW Senahor? W«d« w hy bis sane lalereutbas nr u.ipplied la Lake Oounty Repre*ets- Word trom Bbe OoUUV i-t b. hevolera tiers m ShurUt Mfaidictalorin 1h. e atl In aun~ to ddN Oion At aU OOciii. 'fler,11 a* e outy, l'e votersauare onto d." nid t eve o < eth atIR wopit ~#bpA4. amyh 1sehi oE UP0RMAL MESTI N lBCIIJA PARMEUS O OP OMO50 0«ST. ADOPT REOLI10448 PLACE TNft PAOTS BEoNE aTHX PU*LIC 194 @Fli R uV» TH4E REAL. CONDITION.À The Milk- Produm of tbte Chicag 4tatriet mat la Cblcago Wednedarv And4 adoptuaithe foiWIg Important rSo0Ilon ob5iiOlfg.wEt a' very lor prfies la pald fermea fer .11k. et bol- lns worka. Set dalrteu.etc., daspite th. tact that the, consumer aven rlght hems la Waukegaa bhm beampaying seS and etght cents ln Sammer for m11k: Whereaa the prie pela for milli Io praaucers for the Soummer perlodi durlug the year 1911 at the. bottling . plante averageai for the six umtbe» periçai 2-"4 cents per quart. while the consumer lu the Cty Of Chicago w!as 8 cents per quarta. and - .Wn7eres. t, là becoming more dif- fieuit --bproduce Summer .11k sacit yesr andi the cost te prodruce .11k lia- sed on thé actuel experlence of the puc-e pal4 rto e retail deaer by the milk producers tu the Chicago datry district durlagt the Pau t o Sommera wu, ta excese of the inu of 2 5S40ats per quart. the arnoant reeelved. and Whereas tbere Is a deuuand for sa Iflcreased production ef milk ln the. Summer uason wblch can auly lie suD> pliea by leeding the dalry herds tu the lnrger part of the Susmer seseon t.t saine lau inWioter. whfrh imeans ligO priceai feeds Therofore Resolreai liaI the .11kî producers of the Chicago dailry dUI- trict, côûmpujairie portions of illiuOI14 Wisconsinr udand mda. hereby is th the connauming public te know p«Iaul.. )y* the condition urounodingt thepro-! ductJoiu of .11k, nhM t Ila Impossible; re prodpce .11k 0ft the.1lMadquatd! price of 2 ý;-S cents par qeait duftug the Sommer peffl nest w. appew 1 teah el" Ic sw t t uhie alatrtietOr for a living pi-ce fer " i. adispuseble food prodo&L IteolliatIt la tahle bafllaof th* .11k produere of lb. (1kcs dàb7i ditrlet that m.11k for the eau$gg 8C5ge. mer partod of Ux moulu inbdua 1 APril lit, 1912. caurotbe. pr4uoWeiý *Iwltoue bus 1the .1k prooitsloi a eeie lkas lisa 314 f<miu pweft at met lu th producur.ý1 11soîved, tkst a egoff e e mm u lateus b enutt l lmthe «wspaees th ity l Of Chicago fmai te ü» sleeu do an sd wa*ly pepfflousos th* china. dairy iauSII bo wm - E msbiT BROKEN 11246, BROKEN 1 1WATCHES, Ifa« we f& everptbbu uin encm whaejuve4 y 1mI..., ept e. entateetL W*,cmmie smte te die sk butaa f MM eta Mr mfflb diae.uddaweM elda sarmaS blp to Yom in ma m su nease. hs W"eh Our New Proces. ofcemmù u VU&mdsof Jewaky .kus S look & W. wLmt me sh.w vu wlast we eau o.. A. HUSS Jeweler uyv~uu~ q~Iu feie br.u ti t ta m ae. taxe lrtb*vt ~OU4<y <IA~ I#G4~ im Oiahuut i prOY44 andd te per ce atiw TIAT~UPLg 00OPl Lal Coautî seata tnti a 450 819 54.41 relative, 0te e malter 0t Improvea J 11 8 2,83 Ils-, pmn~1e ~ ~ Suea.......1lui 491 31.01 IltafMil OfieO ulcraicreiit 1111*feKalb........loge4 415 t wm ****IU 410 26.72 ~nUe of l>vd oaisont'i a f51 Winab<o.:...931 408 48.22 -tau Laité, ..a. ....ed>m m311 ...... Pfl$ lt8 pfflCOtAie of Improvotnents Knai....530 271 '61.13 titi Ulàçi gi'attat lu the otate or Boone ........... b10 249 49.82 Obok oouxtpL lead Intu ffllarges an itsheuan soldiers am t'O go tq Silubet oC MIS"01 o ya fTqB4 .teta.* Wls-'404an tMs -Oummner for bn~4. peceutsu tuer '.m eohm iUlem;aneuvers la wblch 6,50e m. IL LOOICEF4 Pruddu - MichganMutul Lfe IsurneCO.' TIONF. ClODOS, Camse ept. of Au"," DETROPT, MICH,, arch 'lat, 1912. John Hodge,' Distriot. Manager', -Rokef èllê'r, Ili. Dear Bir:- Iamn soie than pleae.d at. th. fine showing of businnes yeou ha#e given the Companiy during February. I want. to congratulate you on your exeellent work. 1 remtamb4r your'telli-me if I vould b. patient .nd give you a ehance you would eurprise i» with thernecuit. I am not no very sueh atrpeteed , f or , f rom the moment va f in- ally ease to an agreement 1 vas convinced you Ilid th. ability and the miii to build up a finIe Agenay and I am nom Uratified in soeing you maka good. You are saking an excellent start. for the'year and I amn sat.isfied that you intend to continue th. good work to the -mutual satisfaction of yours.lf and aur Company. Yours v ory truly, (signed) T. F. Giddings General Supt. of Ageneles. 11lb-*ah of fret lttai xpbkslns suew. Ii i.with priA. t"at IUmmue.te My msaY friand. ath 1 ave wil&iaM algevuleun.Of hehuussdae â abs put eumenths, laeludlug »m f lb lrga §wuesa" i . mie braam s partof th.ee.atry oulsidae e lu. Thssllg d»s gamma !puuse for snup0sa" ss easee, 1I e Yours truly, JOHN HODGE, DISTRICT MANAGER. (Watch tIbs Sace na and uoeeding weeks. A live messag e ver;y issue.> LIBERTYVILLE, - ILL S p Some Ite ms 0f Speciïal Interest For Then Lenten Seasn Our Ln of Drems inauus hould interest you now. It'sa' good tixue toeznake up the wMoh tbings for warm, weather.- The New EgPýM "Tin issueu-aye m hadsome a -lot as you ever oe.w. We have the i pab coor tisyear Ua i cheoks, stripes,4 etc., anc they are alat Ôolors, youoau't best the=i for colonr. Price 25C a yd.ý We've a vývy ,%r.1y showlngotToile 1 t.1'"loeu dres, goods too we have 126" inech Meuaaline a Ilice fan" du Nord&' aléo, aU styles rmp.e ellenl values la show you, of shades beantfful f[nish Mmeol irtibWwMt a Y& ýethm oer ùe yrd Linen flnlsw b.xsons, lI plain. tTabl.llnpn, bandsome patterais la per yard... . .Md nd . haye a=$ prolp edq U Otu us4~eO ê i I I I Fn The. guùxa»eCourI obI 80 stop a"y eow froua hlcklag., or nmr yelmtb, me emo sud gst l y« mon.y back. Oanbu et, ionMdOI4atnm mieta.Forsae tat @ *oty FIV" t AL . V. 5005EsE*flIf 1*tI Indien and Co b-oy play suite for .Our 'spoclalprlcm , n, muiu udaCIOrweM./- bcSiery etc., col1llile&4 p r 1V 'c *1 lqOI ,4x