CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Mar 1912, p. 9

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NDE PENDENT WAUKIEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIBErrtILEILL. PRTAYMA3MH 8,1912. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOE. JIU* mgu aitenoPtg av 67 ~ a.lagalla JeÏ3,09 store lie- ý 4 afuesbueau onf Information l f u IMa ureaubars ba ho 1 s nàbsatforacjutio..utu a. a. 90 @Om sadguemat U mst 1 - la ta. Vinaia&.Pi.Ro~Cs Ulie Mdnuéttallae abuvipg a eouela t Lde" Inuit Soudant, Oumautêsoeo. bAu. boks. 1 Niao ew To* MdemMoak balle " t ue$cf Cllcago-tal book «ainti» astathse..v u M l bumsboe.. Il tie of placeso amumee"t Imublic buiengsud ai- tredous. sleai ddepots. location$aof açils bok ae ~Paspalcitisa aM-" etimsmaa ~otanu NadWans&& îdBuiCuba. ., atm. ety. tvsl neb. hm"Iltatur. fr0m <lbe IaS- tag bota~sit su ad excursion bu- tomas. chufo eouulugcoming sM. ta~lBaamaipubliceavant* of a&l iaisI.Waehsga aujvlcnltY. CoMget uemvatcr thm". Il bs rqutheb.propritors of iséstre ta devaIs .ouslisrabla tUm teMaxima, aul ta. da te r tbelr in, fos'mstlobureau Md it le the htto loIo& Mur atveftures. antdepart- mosam tb» tas10time. It la eabaalsd that il the lu, formtta- u.te le gifen ira@ and ao feou voiiiacepte&. Thm aoyons who issiru may enter the store, stop op tote tasrmation bureau soecurs tAe dgaflr.infomation the Ssasas * initiadla ive.cont ln certain lu- formtffl beft la lre Cls. 1t;lnlei ,tba5thé. mev bureaun orWdmosaVe b.svoir aeoept. le tew sosilto. Tbay Ma" ln, qi wblut rendi a ta tke la but"g Q;i Woulor muflb. vhlisam son. iisersdtheletboat la an certain of nols.tueMd la met. My Information tbu oy deaim lai hothev ohm» 1biSsuteo. *bu viill e a great plate a tri>thi. u e ida msioma ube u a u mmer rosotl6,9Orif tW "a11039ua Ing sas mgioutI vIe a.boat lies >vwb uor the Ucil prelsemble. ths Usai People ame Bât Wv etuaut- Samy - 0, tion lIer May dsir. lulasqib9esçt taecunt imsoea» b e eL 5 am aeou ya ev verlaW vitlck tbebureau viii PiOr #9TeOSTAY The repqrt jibatTort Ibrian la 10 le ebaideii as42an auyrpet usa" I. N2see 1vhsS' et Wr.msan 51011d m l oto.eftash posta la a tsq u I. rier cf àasn Thea smaittle outba . *toW f le Loe T BOASOF, !M TO HAVE TiHS *YIIRTIIKPREIUSLY Waukgant. Have Three Additions, Benton, * Shicd m Deedftpl Oe-Coité«S Seing Wagcd Throughàéb the Couanty For The Varlo-us Nommlations Blov Raeshovu the aupervllors ,netloned as keir candidates, but in at také atY uhoseterme elpir Boyp loins avouai nos yet. TIcs. ville the preaint sesion of the suPet meBoaded are: J. 0. Brown, William vhsorao: Stratton, . A. Hows"t George Stan. Cobl. rai Alrochuqi. airston. tord, Hamy Lowry JMnDalel. Décloiold, H. M. Prior HRimid Park. la lu bartyviiie noloir an yet ont Me. " iA. Pie Lake Zurich. aganat' M oni ser. 0910at; Thom" £-O. G , bl138111410- lu Warren Supervisai Chfttendon a« -HOWl&..laur-. "' k&e<t- rot bas no avowed oppostisa lut te- Port has It that Former Sapervisor Vuruc,'41f red .MVetler, Prarie' Preeman Clow may enter tbr race. Viel. jNobody hau yt lecoine s candidate Wsuksga. SoIert D. Wynn. Waulke- fer Boutons nvewlycreated position. 41211l 1lunWanconda ibhere la asBolyt no op- WutaJohn . Deonret Wsii. position ta Superrilor Brooks. kspu. 1 ln DeerfieId. Supervieor Prior snd W4rren, RalpI W. Chttenden. Our- WUilSueeuey comprise one tAchai. DO&. chUle aint the. for the. tva posi. W aeonda, rne t W . Brooks, W a l- t ,.cuunder tas nec apportm e t ar West DsrUld. Mathias Horonbot- hus asitnsprvorii [ier, Desrboel. cae fr asitnrt supar o ton. rour malabars wdo are mreting are llk.W Nonthe rit part of town not p fr r.namnstlu. cu the pisslent Supervisor James e«barger, of Weet D«reloli. welv J 5g. 'rasIdes ia ta lot Nota Chi- y«m mffberof the bord la retir tant have the uCu Position cfsi o lax vlontu d plana takius t1 easy fsr a tia. tuI« o flottda anud Lats Porest bang a e tht other pacese vhM 'sb a u lêesti; SU OU <im iy0. D.cloe eIl t Iloru eba. et Grnt candidte ,u nteOY v adkea for sotate repeutatir. and W o et fon the Bnov position In Shields. election seSus assureit. la ual up for lu West Deenfeld to succeod Mr. re.aomlstlon; - John Damorest. Wau- Horenlorgor. aro 1h55. mn u bo viii boessi, la not a candidate dells euh: ta. nomination: G. W. P5ttl5, ta eKppear In the fidt talaYser ar s aHtchinson. George Rockenbach, IL 1 Wym, W o WmegmThomas Carson and W. H. Otolfena. la no. Win.ilso eeo reWsufour I'r.e laas yet no formai opposi. mon vI areow novoutheoboard WviiitlaataFred Kirchner of Cuba. sorely net I. soean uere neit Yser. The baidovor members of the bard in counectios ulth the coming pri- are: mani« tlrouogbottlb. cnty. to le Antlocb. Ernest L Simone Autlorh. bell Maîta lith, six mure membera Avon. Henry C. Edwariis, Graysakab. Mr the board vili b. îmoinatad taan Bontog, Hiramn W. Ferry, Jr.. lion have sered belote foi, nnder the nov Cty. re.appotioum.nt. Waukeganla to have thre. more assistants tais Yiear aui leàM. O. bieldsansd Bonton vii «ech bave ou. additioteai ropreseula- tve om the board taaajn Pest ponts la Ma a srep la ou for auporvisot Fmlcka job leraSmall hein out aStat the Prenant supervisar.1 lu Gant. Tbomsa Graham, retiring.. leevas aopen field cita masi ames p No LONGER A"IiUAROPLO. CAL COURT OFFUCUAL ASKËD H118'»T 1TO. TELL DAECLAREs SURIOT WAN?,TO KAUFp NOTTo aG AMDD. Thé thing te dteamile l: Jeu> vIe, 4mie theChicago bride emiu- ô.saeméan, County CWIÇ indenaisor Dspaty Ciset John mUsllektOr doe s oh«0W51 jiy morse .or Mi"se Us owealsWVt Thatère the quastlonwi Amr raujinu what the Chloage Reo4f I mrt disnbnioulg <it = l. t < oe et% 1hl. ost iqle the abeve satlmai lasN lharmy th Immsue 1 vI uoe %' outliiii"Sa 1 fl mi1 mOeél><luini66" «Minê~ Deerfield. Theodore M. Clark, 11gh- iand Park. Fremont. Heonny C. W. Meyer, Fre- mont. Nevport, James G. Welsl, Russell. Ohielda James F. King. Laite Forest. Waukogan, Eduard Conrad, Wauke- gan. Waukegan, Henny Doaeon. Wauke- gan. the sigle te accemeda. luxions lovra s»king lile~e; they go tu, ailserts e« .xtr.emeties trying te ho gecd. Ami, te le csiied 'reai meun aid thinga" la 100 muoh 1 i Hres vîhat the Reeord-Herald sait taday:1 "The aurest vsy ta bave sverylody1 knov about your vedding ls e tt tas marriage liflms eclerk taelaY notaing about . Ibo ebovo la a <notation front Uts. Samuol Raimusson, Ssturday morning she vas Misa iCthryn Daim, living at 3632 Wliton avenue. Later lu the day sho vont vith ber svdetheart tAi Wambagau vbere ta. eY e marled. 'I Iîesged tbst usm net ta asy any- tains about oui g90#us thi esilse.O' teid UtMW.Dsmussentlasi ult, "but bthe msau aid <bing vont sud tord damo Iou., andithtat somé.eoe. ld e reporter and nov everyboiti vin knov qbout 1. i ttick lie la mmu>sa geandit Iveut ta koep h quiet for CavIlle."' Uts. 1R4smusaen iii not ,1tellber famlly about bàr moe ntimras. terdsy at dinner sud 1100 onu bSeua aie lmenothtey h bont uIabout Iltbru noepapar. Oule ita bor explanation t ta bei'huy wqt deauolalions 0f the gerrQu Ouslius mur , imb te e- bosiuth box vu zm5 IN CIT TER1 iUTTIN PARDON MAN WHO MAVAD SEVIRAL VEARS IN JOI4*l FOR DOUBLE MURDER, NOW A FRAI MAN AIE 6ffffl4, IIERE TODAY EVIDINCE ON CAMAWAS PURELY CIRCUMOrANYI§At AND AID- ED ON BATTINO PARDON. -George reusrthe. Lke conntyj men who srvad toveral years in tbe state penet.Otlh et Joiet for tu. murder of hie yul, Bertha Kreuger. and his motaer4u-15W Mrs. Vose, le s free in&m ais bot DnLake caun- ty again. Me Wpu"'j Waakegan today and took llnet aone of tiielocal retâursatç. e GeorgM # Itla ricalied. aloI'- aud killed hiseita sd inotbor In law, Mrg. Vasa, &t ILonGrove. about i19W. K(roer claimsi aterwards lIat ho vag uaga by hie fothor-ln-iaw but h. neyer made sitahalofis laguilt. The evideuce vab ail circumatantlal and th e 5Opsuiqeed vide intereat. The. couple va lld and It vu. some dayp atterwardu that Coroner Kuight sud 1)r. Iey exlnmed the, badies lt the Me !.cometcry t Long Grave and beld à Pont marten whlcI causad Krueer'sarrent. Re vas cbargedWvîhtheUicdouble murder aud &fter a bord fngh? use Put up c. iB.ydecker tlilsu aithe stateas attorny. He vis aetd ly Attor. »eY Ben Smith « f fl.cnlw bo la -DOv a fuit t*.' 1" ge altala- ed his anuoeeca jury 1.14 hlm gullty. Thc Krenger t-îM& ifonbt the case hard sud the e-6wsNdq e lemoa$ scusatlonai thé« à"-- Belhuinlthe eonnty tu maîn y , rougcr's re- jo ouetllousigood 4bahvior sud au ecUive egot oM the pantof relatives ta et hMm pericned. 'ey cven se- cured8algtrsa of saule Of the Juronl Who g« «outhau ansd aioeUigai nature et Mr. Hcydeckcr vho pros8. cult Mm P ,t. Louis. III..Marck .-Anl- owoelug a burry clil police tound Ps- trolusa MeCai holding et boy a crovd et severa undred auffl mnuand vouas4vbo ere thro.tenlug ta lynel litg" aalsi. OSaiskl.t -leaai- laout. atack.éa thitses-yqarcd girL sua au fatalcondition gelais lu tis viclahy among fermers, boise, .some forti fâne anImais ban Issu touaidoad ln their stalIs viii, eut "ravious sicitues. Ul Pulls Tsam Ove,' Bankt. Lydoa. IliI, March 6.-A log vileb Muersy'Hardy vas havt us draggei elipWetfrom an enilankment pulfti bors. s auddriver along. Nohody vs wuured. OLE 1 Ili TO' s mii To the volts of *the**lh affltoa1 Ditrit: About foui years ago, 4 became a candidate for the office of State Senator, and (luring the'caiipaign whieli preeeded the primary cer- tain persons, who were then and now are opposed to me politieally, eaused many vie- ious and false staternents about mie to be published ~ and eirculated throughout' this district iV the hope of ae'eomplishing mr defeat. z- v I was ealled "a grafter" "a bad man" aiid "an unfit person to ))ecome a State Seuator." To those with ~ whom 1 was acquainted, these stateinents hurt the authors thereof nmore than they did me and in 8pite of such vilificatiori. I was nom- inated and eleeted and have servcd this district nearly one full terni and arn now asking to be re-elected. As to the truth or falsit of such statemeiits, Ilae the voters of this district to judge, believing tliat m5 rec- ord in the State Senate for the last four ycars succeas- fully refutes such charges. Has niy name ever been eonnected with any graft BENÂTOR >. or jaek-pot scandai which htm'rcdsow»It would refleet discredit upon hateydcor ydsos Iý or disgrae the district tliat ,heave oforh niy distre I represent i Where does my 1Bwr ftena h record declare that I am a' cries 'Stop Thief!'Il -bad man"; docs not my If I aux re-elected, I sin-1 record at Springfield in the eerely believe I can add intercst of this district dem- much to what I have alrcady1 .onstrate that I *as not only aceornplished for this dis- jqualified but capable of rcp- triet as I no'v have certain 1resenting and obtaining, sol matters of importance underq ,far as the Senate was cou- way wvhieh could not bc con-i scerned, wvhat niy district suminatcd during niy first1 needcd and was entitled toi terniaiin office, auxd I regret Judging fromn the past, the that certain measures, which saine taetics may be indulg- I attemptcd, to obtain for c d in before the end of the this district, aüd %Vhieh sue-1 : present campaign and I re- cessfully passed the Senate,i gspectfully requcat, if such were defeated ini the lowcr should be the case, that 1 house. nîay bc fairly judgeil, not by Muëh is being said about the false an;d vieious state- an old tume custoni of not re- 'Iments of those who may seek turning a Senator froma thisj 9my defeat and who are district for two sucessive 1adepts at mud slinging, but ternis. Let me ask this ques- rather by what 1 ara and'tion. Why should suchi a cus- LUE - IGU ol rDis ~J. 'OLSON. toma now prevail onIy s,» Senator 1 Was flot suck'e$br tom. established under, tIË reghne of old turne rnaebi*8 polities, and before tbý f ent primary a9t, a ad6ptÏd votera the right ,toe epom, whoin they woiild eleet cre- eleet to any politieal omW whether it be State Senàti, Representative or any ot4" State office. During any first te= â»a y'our State Senator, 1- have.' tried to represent, youin i sueh a manner as to rnéit your confidence and apprev- al and if. I have suceeeded in' so doing, 1, as a candidte, for re-election, respectffly solicit your support in the eoming primary, to be hel& April 9, 1912. A. J. OLSON.. A nnouncement by F. C. SLIDL «.COO ",The House of Better Clotiies" We thank the public for the extraordinary response to our season end clçaring sale of the lait mionth. An mvent which flot only established new sale records for the store, but which ' WC feel sure has made hundreds of new and permanent friends for the dcpendable.,quality of our clothing and furnishings. This Ito r for men, dinçtive and reliable, conducted for the service of mm o aw ac dllr.Evmi gannent that cornes Into this store la perfecln every detuil ln darnaMW$ced to neu at tire 1owest Possible price, consistent wftkdi dsumdal.srvice a l~me Our "ln a i s tatMy mrd give you at aIL, times the very best valu possbe for your rnOae. îS aa in daily, nobby, clMs gopds that vil mSake you glad ta know thre houscf FlteHme l-BoterClatks and Boetter Service" - P6b#I.

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