hei-e, vareiriwpg gthoenas belop fi=a hotiii w trtire wntMari, us-ne.i tmtb koatras *, veapoit, bad e g Start Iwm o«i i~~& co proven .9 ,rui an'som ITire Wemt situation ivue heau ean p. k"lansai-figures betigg gfl ~4~Ii#V00 UNs THE COUN for tire imaicie airllvatrqtng .ta ____________ ,W 9 S LV BUT-100 VIARS virat arn sa**$l egreethetira t cl q C T9OLLVEf. bua.tht.-qoontry ln ine sgrasp. ratrC t*«Ivie ta, l ays ina4irurry. - ______________ YJga*Stad thot le ir et becoo 14,hésnly posileinetlg t"af, mcai-it f,7ioawmseuof tire trutir lait Augum t h t ri fllds, taulit prevent 'ier 1 to preveni the àne M burajlng voulitlbe a stale et SITIsIXAM ES S HISORY eatio n. h. cisurcir andMloinUt ______________ f0 the crosslire vas confgoted it > tta aey iariers viicirboit breu -11 >t Onuelofthere oatributory' cause@ tu, itbeett 'a oveméotte oïï ber potiaiat4te of binin aa hmn-y D"Ic clqellMUOI-rau Mautai nte tirai01tira oo lfIa *t»sire dota@mne maire opirur md DIMINISi4BD OR THÉI COUN. 1 'Tan tram belng a matter of per- oualthLie lat possible rotnite. Tirat TRY WIlL PERISfr. r mani spleen" ire nid, "MY Csagm90 wbvy It vu m otountilher iruahanit lagiait tire salcen la sarly thé e tait lad pasireil haci iris chair firn tire 1 #et ~au wn utwic xperitaced b ' kfat table fiat aire auddeniy ex- limat " v« l, t vas fl*<i.58 t '4t.ge vrage person *ho iras never ebuIse: "l' thnkvwe'li go down to Dgt Fte Gavina tlkélment, bas no conception or ita pov- wedig toda, &fiter au. Thé train « SAM'ul' Um" Tâtera ver. jir- oer for evU. leavea at Il oclock ait ve'll gel tu quit lfftatlU « one t»&the ao- GetGvmtEpneimmin u l« lnty of time ta iest aitdireas, îp~rlielmtm~aitlee trin tia met- rea Ocveraent~pest. for -thre editing la mot tilU eigirt 11M 8 varezinterruptei Tiresaloon friantire tandpolat ai 'clock" ain md againb> tire appianasirwici tire goveroment vas teiticusaed. "Ail rlgbt," sait hbner uabanit. fuel> aifeir.~ irit, It wvs heun tirat accariting tu ago- -You'it btter drive dowu la tire eiec- - ~ ~ ttoétlc sidielsi reporte avef 0»% trio iadt pick meiop athtireoffice,.lril than ledng Ip t, its ubject,Va crasng year b>' year, te an aarm- car et tie tatica sd take O ore." taor- leuooLlnaft. i a eatuit. is In-of tébGaeve otrmti rom tce bget tire Omla gav hi-M tre lu cext, nt. slasi.due wholly tu, lnree a-e rm iuioa ecae.tolug blà i-t beooem am-tire literdeanon. Tire necessit>' for wsur pleut>'cf trme ad ithtirtret belle ofails aii~mty il velg-~ marc and larger aayiumm for tire tare suit case blocbling up ail tire Interlor tire tact that rbunitreds of genera- of thirnene iras boeome a ver>' li- of tire eltctric tirat aire diii fot oc- ilias.Put, tirhsnmbol ira buta hulit prlat item In tire nations economni- bp ei-self. T'l'oie sure,&aire irada sacreit above every i* or dut>'. Points cal rrobient. anditétire iopevi' ty oflwerIP>'cha topn h la mastai->' ert citait. ahowtng hou temperate peuple la taxei tet provida euertaniastplgaIie ultir few exceptionts, tire Mot srons care toc those vira have bast tieir millînr'. for ber latest hat, gettiitg vars ait otirur for-ms ai mu-lie brd mincis as a resoit of.tire drink habit. a bracelet aitihe jeweier'as ait picking StOPpeishrt et deaeciating tire cr-osa Lirulor Weaith. ont some flovers ta vear tisai igirt, Tira dovataili of coantrles and pet>- Faiher (lavin stated ititire Most but aire mevw that ire could do these Pl" Wo tu tirePut iaieegarrded coti>'mansian lu thre e oi> f Wash. errandsOa a amcc>'Wben oh@ireariveit tire crioss utien toucheit upan. - ingon la Owncrî b>' a saloon man, thst, brhmadaofielewaJs Babylon, rtece ad Roe ert gît- tespîte tiré fa 'i tirai eaci year 100, ai e rsrn fieievsju tuas n zmpies a! tire Othti'r55 vicir 000 ieatha ln tire UnIteci Sates are ahi. ta set thetrip ai hec noce ahove fell ea retaui t ftbW isoabdlence causeit b>'al ohol. , tire luggage anithtie boxta beonlirh or auglut of oelgoum ituties. la closing Father (avin saisit vircir aie was apparentl>' buried. / "10 Yoam te Liais. -go long una human nature la hu- 'TDi-ly on!" ire orderei. "l'il toit P'romn sautent bustor>'. atier (lavin mua nature, lirere viii af a suret>' be a treet car. Wiry iidn't yau hrlng jumped teta oitera Amreiaand oldalotcoiol laves. We cannot hope ta along a tukta caaiu t trisuf W«m fft l'a i tbis tirftg ailt-agelirrbut It --.t.itrucktuf? "Jitgag y ne!eiu intisilas.SMlua ur dut>' L do ail se can tf arad camipeng b til t Iiction s, ande deCreasing I. 1 grant tuat peopee (lenevieve est I-fncereit ber car ta>'ioa> bie onti onfti. ic vipiara>'gf-i-ulnwog a tir rougir tire leriiontus' f0tetiereiail- have la tire pat falon go, aréuni of th furus a rotialt: adt tere la no raid station and tirere vaiteit for ber Internat vice soit corruption. îîi la Y itoubi but tirai vien (Gabriel bloa'm boshanit. As tire big ock polnted opinion iioa. t ibis contV, ot iis birn tirere viii ire mea and womentaont minute pazi train time ire came more tihan 100 years ta live.' go irunir tirai tire>'vii mot iear hoi rushing up, ced andi hceatiless. His Dewciaii e till instimu-ioan. Butthe ire icotire oy iiraitcar irait een blackeit. Tht>' Tire isrysO et Asericar, as90 Wanhegan vu citins b ave an appor hait, ladeet. muaeed tire train. laio. Tire %tocyofailadIscaven>' usa tuait>' ta do aursarie.' Tt vas a sait ride home. Oentvleve'a O %ushai irai tot go along tuo drive the car, la conaéquence of Geneyievea ire- - - otg dissolveit la tears avec lire fiasco. Cul Oui t5'hIr COU On ddbewensoro r ilg tire 2 to shov off her nev eveatng govo. làWiea aire grew tii-ciio! teliing irer i~~~~ý * U f E N Wb~' ushard tisai l vm s fult, ire to!d r *V UIUU VUU ~ VV.W ~ ber thit h as irr. until aise grec e esteit andt cauli césoume tiretheme. CSepon-of Coniiecutive I)atem i Ff>'hetire ne Genevieve ruaciret 1 - home aire iad reviveit aoseuiat. Vr!il pItitie.ffln to one of the p Fl ushing ta tetéléphone, sire caltit up tiret calirosit offices, cent tva tele- i NATONAL AOBIU OLU NERSgianus anti got Springfild on tire long MÀÜM L V ÔUUM OM '%ER'S 1 distance pirone. Thon, just as hec advrtse i tii isu iumbansi reaciresihie office, aire advetipe in his muephoneit hlm. au ____________________________________________ "Therea, a train on a dffèrent rosit -' - going at 2-30.'-aire infocud it hm, "byve pironed foc ticketa ta be ruait> and have roade ail arrangements. Ail you ve golt t do l-' 1'l wont!" her iruabanit iterrupteit ELE TZ C LIG ffo lnthie loin determined tome tbst men - - i e regoiug ta gve ln.'1vunt TH E H EA LgoU L LIouT ait that agon>' sd fusil ___________________________________"And___1__11_ meet yau rigirt hy tire big gate,-- Genevieve enitti as calmiY as (Ailligt ii ohaind bvhcaiîî soîie ub- thougirlire hait not apoken. Cîll lgli isobtine 1)* vheaingsoiie su* Btoi-" yelled ber iruabanci. staîiee tii sont(- degree ofi jîeandeseenee. Not "Andt If vu misa tire weddtng we'l. - - ir there la turne fur there eception." even the 8h11 s ami exceion1<1 to tlîîs universal adodesi Genevleve, sveeti>'. "0,aodby. 1'lIt. dite.At 2:15. rernember! " "u-" roaruit ber irrabaud asnsire EIXVlîeîîtlie oo1,îîatjon îis prifuîrîileil <mie or jts at huasup tire reccivei-. tenîdanit î'î'ults is a nitore or les» î-ap'id etii- Genevieve'§a ban ab o t here on iiiiil1iO t i f oxy'gei, I ' 11ti' sk y 18 the rooftof Uime, and ano vas Genevieve. vîti tire -tiret suit cases, tire irai, ire floyers the selie, this is tof, iliitlIl llS'iitî'i ait tripmph at resu>' gitting off after ail. Bren ber irrîsansi meiteit unitt Citt ir the iglit i4i aI rlist'd roloin the stoi'v is liri-cireerfuineÉs. differeîit. Redmietitnoittf ux%'gt-li lutansî iawt Allert ie>' iat] rolleit aiong for an iraur ire admitted tirai a ie test and the air lieeonies ýi'itated-ttîat il-, ooili'r f change tramt tht office was a gocit it ost iprat ilt%.thlag and that b. 'remit>' should ncolo> its inportaît qiîlity.tire vesits ait aeeing ail thisl- <liYou wouldni't if you realized it a nd could tlves. Thie Gentyteve got ot somq - it ~carde ad tire>'playesi penucir le. Tirei avoid itdeibcrately abuse yu lungs by forcing tierei-ait a stoa nd biait dnner. 'rie them to feed on impure air. "n vas ~due air 7:t45, Geovieve said. strange in, a aon lime. 'l'ie> EIYet thse open liglit ini a 4-Iosed moontl los jtîst urhet out oftht car vith ailt hiri that. ibandt uggage suit i-an for a ccir. that."W. coun maie tire bouse lten6f likeever oter atifiial Minutes snud get dreaseit ln tvent>'.. [The Electric Liglit lk vr teratfca eovieve saait. "Wu-my>' oaaei.- igbts produced by licatiug sointhing. Arhur y-"shapndt, h liO Sbt grairbei a paaang . aate, But t Sbp W5 R!eAiOfl iS vrformed "*IsWt ibis Sprinaelit?" sire shrek*- "lennum," lires mit,ln utib5rk. hiaoin uxl . 49, -e1 t dC forL«"Springfieldit is. Springfield, lIod." a eheloal proce4o to liii usue the air Poeibiy nfleted E£thuslasim. An entirugia@stin feMbfihr i lb under Quescrcunutancs. toitacco part y as lateai a-e. aur ai a honontuhtie uppur Wat aite rucenil>'. vere liré mloweit a courge. tago ittumo red wvitehoeir 41ise Electx'ie Light is a bit of sunshine'in a bot- #puk i tirte "tobeeca nulmanqa." con- tle-espeeixîlly if its a (Madza> tungsten ight. éluoitlg byaaYoight hooiroed tist tire> coulit do ne more, te refrain freon TireMost imoci'late income cau afford eleotrlo UgiI. amakiag in publie plageus aidlth ie t' a 't i p p a FRAN -X M., RYA N.' ~ Mi WT~ I1ict~tI n In bauheoa ConspeekIy Cases. FHuMCU L Siliff Th ugestion of tah ng a traw votd, on thre bridge eatter iii fan ia one worthy of cons deration because It would not only aid thé O suon anthir bridge-viaduet deliberations, but would emphasize t*4 Cantractors CaIie Upa for parent desire to do the best thing at the right tome. ltsavy AUvaDOS Doiveries. a The hospital murst flot be allowed to get into au'ih traitaithat * sucir a disgra ce to core on thre cîty and cou nty. The good WOmnefl gving1 HU E PIC ISDE M Utime an'd efforts n hoidînillir hospitai togetirer, must be backed u>. Il theor thing anyr-rire thon ,t's o, Reree atve of MIne Wcrkers a Gti- Perhaps the ma, i .Io .as r 'erurd at tire lake a few day. ago MWd « tre t Victoria Hotet ln New York 1led away witiour tio a ori l t i '-s rescuers. eealiy wiahed ta fiord atn ta Receive NegatIve Repi>' of r grave and ho rvay ha- o-, e i th e men fuir net ietting him 11O6' Operators to Their Demande. Surel>' that miutb- thre e îuuI r tinlfr-r couldn't have ireero tuci antJi that ho wi ou' roct t î' (,rase iie reaily feeP glad hoe was + Wanhington, '4arc'h IlF- The coal If Stev6ns remv , l ' ."'a'tm-r'n to his shortagu a strikle lni England and iti roetpe, beitef tirat he could s ýrçot ori i , ei m te r revent trouble0.? I co'~i rk riteho niteridratonen flured wrong-stranr . s e irn the business ta A pril ti îr e aiorrrIndr-aia irVîî rothe kindness tûaaiyb,. iî. r o 'ryLody iretps theri Amerli'an nams. errors.TIir-'tt r2', 'ee help thel As a rearrlt thre navy deparnr han other o.î ' îiile ion !taicoal C.111raitr fr i paîvadr'trceriir'irs to!f fue,--._ _- . il rn.1 ,tri Le met with rthe demandithat i,,ii -elT the :1 pmk'e in tir e *xtilg otrico i'hr+............vK'iFhv el (attîaoedfront $211$2.7<ict-e j.. iI'r airle ii SII1PS COLLUBE IN F Tdes Il tu ncl, aRt Noz tlyrfl i ' ,.:.:iu' tpt eîerywberel C OO Trs tr r- r of ctrtheNv .Iyrna'ci"i-- .t.a'.î,n.îîrere la cY feriri'e ith a'odetegafion of aei é h+ il, * ~the' , 'rit oft Vonton a wayi, C ity et Savannah and Navahoel repreaentattr m of lthe West Virginlo itMr. 1i, 1. , , ;j(. -ra(joto ri%%ays foid ..l.helqs ci oeraorsby li Ip fi jiý i' ,01,jl' rorirI St. Patricke eve, oer W Moot in Narrows. irecr dal the rtavy contracesfor of il' ,'! i , 1" ", ! ut alil trie irsL dr-r 'hicir wili haira . New Riv er acrit' Pocahontas coaL 1tteiiat tlfe bir i. 0f thre gooi Tri ~i4. - iî,r'iv,4- lnhotigbîheî e are quite a naw Sear cI r n ' r it'nd r rthings cornrng off, thre Ben a.e Paisengers and Crew Are Not Hui READY TO HEAR REPLY - 'rrv .' ii.;or' ns btirird.,ttri ie noaking the bitggest prem and Navahoe Geta to Th____ Iie ciiild l.ir. tIrritt j n v 1 or glving tireir membersaa Dock Unaided. comltt of Minoeata Ment Opes-. possible r-ni viii , rtikcn tirat Edf?. t3reen has purchai no ont e .'l fie orrseiýr te wiîo tcam.lie iras solc tise ont h _______tar' omittet This .Aftern .ocn. iight Le Iiir'ir. tI t r' rtt'rttrre urrchaaed thre present pair Wi New York, itîrr I1-lTirc Savan'1 New York. Mai-hir13. - Tht e MiIi vi' 10 hi tiýnt;eavie$rk.u ah otr. nair liner (City of ta'.nnnah, 'tiocir bers of tire comaitteeaofthe nt a titgmtrfini taon ok muhesi trôm her ' idu t oti for-Savan' cite mina. workera %Jll met. tht -com. e-,..ýŽ- nair,coollded dirinti a tiîre fog in tire mittee of thre anthracite, opuratora - Narrowm with t,<'lyrte lils.freightrer tht. afternoeuto thIear thet ieiiti Navahrot. repi>' of tire operatora ta thre mine 'i1ne Navairoc ii the. it('ty of Sa- vorkera' demanda. vannah iramat 'stîrrre onr0 hc ow" ThreVictoria bhiaiaitbu the hom- Tire port bow of rire \'rairone crrom- tuarttrs of tire cornanataWhle i* pied againat there strore.el- s ti members are ln tava. Tirey consilat of tire iasseotter to.,t rrd for a mo- of thre principal officers of thet trre~ ment lit lookeci to hotu caîîtatf Pari:- anthracite districts. No. 1. 7 and Sel er of bit Navahue andoaitaiortrn Dreyer lire anthracite mine vorkers. andt JoIÈ of lire C-ity'o! Parai iIi vif Iheir P White, preasident of tht Unitait Mine rcoromanda mad rucet-io îanishrleî. Woriera. vira iu chairman oftht coi. There were onlnI cw ahin pas- minteu andi also chairman of tire COIn- verigers airoard h tir" if Saaonah mittet of hitumious minera ubicir ailir none waa iîrrt, vili conter viti tire ituminous opus'- Tire airila currg In i'Ii oliner aitîrstars la Cleveland a veeje tram tonyi 1ire (oiiion for nii ori" Fo, PO ; 0h antitire demanda of tire hituminoum 11%e Navahce ti o.rnt i orade hP miera. ey to fier dort. " ' Proaldent White wornls not toir on thie probable romit of the refumul ot ___________tire mine workera' demande. aaylog: , "I«Jwiii bu botter able ta samy ometling on that point when vu have thtetpoi from tire aperators" u-.L.kv-.ir.- ~ s.. Hopefui Outiook In £ngland. London (Via (flace Bay), %Marcirlà. -Foiioving tire Joint conférence e o Premier Asquithr andt membura 0f tirel; governinent wils tire mine owntsmand minera tire outiook vas regardit'a moelopelîri, aithougi tire oMeicIl m aaternent ahicir waa Iaaued wam col- orleas.i I arn a candidate for the Repubican nomination for the office of State's Attorney of Lake County. WI,0 'Ir. M lu &me" Sins Oni>'teBoginning. ,i lnasatonialrtng !row soon tirewviole eonscrIe' -botins tnt nnranci. If a mIn- gît stitci r cops: ontelittscin la- date-id ln makeoo a houe yoti coulit put yrour beri tismoîgir ('harles "ttObt~ Continuous Performance. 'Our baby girv ni, conaldecahie trouble.'t'elsu' i.itC5 ie iras hi i oa amy ' Ors, tout'.anyhow. Tou dont knuiw abat tr obint" Simple Wiry ta Make Sites. t Thre 'i"n f.rfrli: tn ns of thtl Sorîir Se.îa rilv. toînd tirerntelves otite iun oi -rSitocf Ea vîrlnt of sbir'- iîr'rt itfmee.ig sîîiairie, rz 'thet l ie n a f thii n toes tr ilft tht airoca ru tercuer hIvuras feccvvtiry Mtnrirî'r mÜi illiî. ritiriiduî' for! rI un - 'iii. n i. 't. i-i i iutiru for t Ii r' t i iz in initri lNeari sx jj tùi uceii ris ni Sir r> cr andi draiinage- arnd .Muinicipali Engineer. wtly. lu RALPH J. bAbY .tat*s attrney candidat*, for rt-tii-c- ttafl, 'it Fe C. SEIDEL& CO. "The House of Better Clothes." A Blue Serge is the PrOPer Ihing for Now. You know the helmerts Clothes. Clothes that have the class and style. Clothes perfect in tailorlng and de4 Clothes that you, con be proud to wcor. Clothes that will give you service and. aw look rlghti W. stad b#ekoefvery go et~u that louves the store. Our unconditional gOser bac ofevry uit Kip~IMé 6t b sI i. -Yotar noney back If every suit neot us repveeàente better. =~ over the hailâome Blue Serges we ore shooirng this week. We ýwant: you to pags lm nment on thèse Setter Clôthes. They're the best yoU ever. "'W at $1.0to $5O flposented. Ail the new Sprin og oi Hats, tvery Style ana d M Î -sud blocks uwalt your seiectlon, $1.00Ote $5.1 flUt . boys. See Our Boys' $L.OO Blue, Serge Suits, they're wei jConfirmation OIutiLt 7è.0. Style, reliubillty and service In every suit. 119 CGenesee Street 'Phone 135Z