CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Mar 1912, p. 15

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eeops That Whole City lias Been oneQver with Fine Toothed Comb yr Secret Emissaries Who do Not 'tmow Whom They are Working or-"Drys" Reported Back of it Lnd Deciared to Have Raised normous Fut-id for Spring Fight 'W.,tt Start Ralslng Fund Todayi ST. PÀÂtI>LIMITEI> SEVEAL INJUIED ipreadtng Rails Cause Wreck noar Milwaukee. TUIRT PASSENGERS INJURER one or TWO May Dia-4Us CouaBut feet eOf extreme lnterOst and lm- lng il a point fot ta miss a single! Two Louve Truck and Are PuiUed »Meo le thart. wthout public an- houat ln the city. "autant and wthout the.roai pur- It la stated vlth seemingauhoi- Dawn Tw.nty-Pive-Foot. Emf baugUnOw, a Canvanu of the ty that the canvaas made by the local, bankment by Locomotive. i. dy hal jut been oompleted option people athough the men whot lothe canvassra have .ougit have been dolng the work do flot know sa.e.yvoter n thie cty and ut hom they have heen working tUn ter #Matres n connect- for. It la admitted that S. H. Ken. Milwauikee, Wlm. .March j.. - Ps mM1t votera e ii.cty. iiedy paid them for their services but1 seliger train No. 22 of the Chicago, in "i the canvama hap ben made whomlie represents le not kaown for Mlîwaukee and St. Paul a-ro was «A. Pro1tlbitn forces, although certain. rke at Oakvood. Wln., near tilla m» efflied n the work do flot1 It la a noticeable fèAure of the "t ie*pedngtor"C"cg r* h Jiy vere doing t for or matter that inone of the men ho have Thiy pssengtrs vereUnjure. I.U.ruti e~elu. i henivorklng will l dacume the vork hrypsegswr iue. asmuan a furtiier air and Mr. Kennedy laeqenally reticent Borne of thorarnortally. The etjgIne Iytry W l: I becemea U nown ta thtm. le! t the. truck andOvent down an ait- »Wlt canvotmra Who hava juat Hav, a Big Fund? bsiikment tventy-fIvsfet, pullInS OIWtir work are about te gtart ý It la stated on the treeta by per-. very car exctpt the parior and dia. aucmondt canvae eofthe i~ecty sono who have heard of thetrater Ing car after IL. tbey are t. s.k new Inter- that tht 'dirys" have an enarmaci!AÀmong the. injured, vere, Mrs. 9. hem the. mrenmen they aw fond ta, prenante their campaigu this Woodward. Portage. Wln.. hUp and riIad about battre n Ithe firt year to declare this city and tavn a kboen, taken ta hosptal t Mil. 1, ~~prohibition. ln tact, one man sai he ck ri &,14. IC8NNEDY PAYS THEM. heard they liad $100000 ta une lu -auiten, viiere it l i sit me vili die; la statti tht . H Kennedy has tIis effort. Thisauausatsm out of 0. J. Hampton. hadly bruimed and be- Ilmi issu for the ten daye' vork posaubulties. but It ia sai hy orne lleved ta he iatornally Injured.takn y va airesdy don. and Is engag- vha dlaim ta knav that the fund la ta Mlwaukee hospîtai; J. MtcCaan. IcOr the, aubeeqiient canvame. aimoat unlimited and that a "barrel" fractured miull. taken ta hompita> ai ;hp ave battu angaged ltuith bas bean provlded for and the hepul Milwaukee; Mrs. Garrett GerfIngs. kAt tavsmang, tote each yard bas already been stave in Pittsburg; George Hetci. a. imlwa reoetved $2560 aday for their "W.ta" Cet Busy? man, scalp vouni; .Jasper MliCe,. Hud- litla sai thy vili continue At the. mre tUrne that the report of srinvIlle, Mch; Harry Van De 1Llnd. ~ tbeue arrangement for the the big fund came ont today, it vas re- brulqed head and mionders; f7bUna- *~va.Thua $260 bas aready pored that the "wets" today were aima - tu1 the vont. taking teps ta rais. a big fund ta man. leg hurt; 3. E. Ligbt. Miweulee, tN 11wvas unable lta get the. continue the battel which seenia ta ebu bdy eut and bruispd; Annis l<noecke, oc AUl the, canvassera but they pending for they bave been tli vhat Miwaukee. hp briseed; foregner, un- *Be. Armstong, Ira F'ergu- the. ather ide la doing. dntified, badiy hurt about the. bock; Payne. William Tonigan. ---upseof hlonin? Arnold Celin. New York. bau legs ln, 5514 t i, canvaeahv aI- Wul i.prmtr a ured; G. Goon, 314 Clark treet, Ctei qemttiaalat the varions are very retîcent as ta their purpome. caga. bath legs cut; A. F. Renningel'. It la figured out that about the onîy Kansasville, Wl... lega brulsed; Mma 14ev many voteraflve hers? thing tht canvas. ould bring ta the BElIiott, Chicago, houlder vrenched; -410Nw maliy are rarried and way of Informfationi, would b. tht pro- Mirs P. tieldon, of St. Francis, Win., Altare single? vision of a comaplete Polling list of lriiisecd an leit arn and lady; Mia. >4ev many ate ope tii.thecty whereby the Porhibs could Albért Kosact, .583 Ilaple mreet, Mil- challenge ail votera t the electiali vanîte. leit liand frlgbtfuily eut; -llnaome and addresses. vhaîa theY foit vet nt lega'l.voter John Van De Wall, Hudeanvllle, lch.. asggnai te a ah var their helief being that many Iliegal turc hu h-esadbd tail aiton the varions voters voted tva years aga for the jrIedtrain. whli l ancda!thtday t slug thevans tha mt "wt' utst aperatUng betwter Chicago and 'il ilsauket. vas traveling at the rate rAEELK' ~ ~ UJcf ;orty nuIts an loua- ehen ii eftthe FÀ14O S TOSEER EIW À'S treck ten milet out frram bere. 0F IAVIUI3 TOS EK1~A relief train, loadcd down vîti pby. AN ar; nd nurses., vas ent out froin "ILLINOIS" IN60O0DROADS PLN Micwaukes te au o b we t7 Part o! the train vas ying n the A IAf ('d IANdItch alongalde the track wvien the À LAIE CA. N DELEGATES AT CONVENTUON OR- rescuera arrived. Tii.nin hd ____________GANUZE TO FUONT FOR MOD. tiirned turtle. ERN UIGHWAY METHOD8. Tht InJurti vert taken from, the à M TEIRE OFHIGH^NDcoaches hy their feiov passengers, PPAU 519DS IST.0FSOIETYANDho perfected an emergency hospital 44ANDWRITTEN COPV. Hapes of Ilinois and Iowa cities for on a nearhy farta. _______________ a defiite and officiai routlnx of the When the relief train arrived t proposti lake-to-the-Mtsaisslppi auta- founi the inJured Persoan iiis im- jg-~mobile igivay yetorday vanish ln pravlas.d hoaptal. Many of them vert ÇA Giff ITS ARCHIVES the. dut of a generai good rands pro- groaning and suffering Intense pain. ______________ ed. Tht train ia believedte tahave bean Mare than 500 delegates tram up- vrocited hecas, af pradng raila. OP 1NE 0FTU 1 111SO N sNTu tateansid downstate arrived Tuesday The. pammngers ver. hualed frainthabir V L ASW WRTUNO WU l, n Chicago, primed vlth forenuic pyra- fatsad Piied la lisaem about the. ; ALIJUUE ADDITION. teciiaicm ta, pres thela-caimsn at a fon SaBone of the le"e seriously ln- rendm convention hli lu tie Hotel jrdbg ero.eohr rn h 'o. ~~~Shermuan, ndter tease f t he dfflebgnt eu ohr rmt Chicago Automobile and Chicago Mo- dh's Rieulary Robrt M. Ingaestin0f thetatr clubs. Thos. In the. smoker. vhlch vas the. tyHitau-cal ociety ta- Tii. convention declined ta name bru-t passaiger coaach behind the, en- buling laws aud thet stem nov in vert thsgreteet ufftnenm viieuitheîr *giurt malectotainecl ~ .leto th isa n tii: aprmaentrd-in.eeeitevrmtlt.Te Ï e outy Pltriy.gazthe n ighfarea pem aandT eengins, amoken and everal of gaîaint iltfra new iaw soi the cars Immeiateiy hehîni vent inta, Se'sgav*d fran Thomas M. Stete anvmehi the dtch. There vws a vild scraiabie Uý1 oi Park, author af thetfoam- Offlee Are Eiocted. af pasentens t<«.Capethtrougb the M .%ato sang. "Illnois" a copy of At the. banquet ln tht evening, at vnoa rciai i ivihvr 4Wgla the bsudvriting af tht au- whicb 600 goad rand disciples gather- onos rcial l rwihwr p. t ima flt be.n generally tiiavn ed, th organisation vas aoii; lsmab.. e~ Ifata Laité couti mnuin the an- cliltened "The Illinoim Hlghway lin-Atr the grat shock a pac enauti 0).r « tc famaus sang but Mr. Steele Provemtent associatiaon" sni thetfol- andO men, vouesad chidren fougblt 0* wanvb vrtt Ut and iie han lowing officer vert titcted: ta e«cape. They ver, pennei ln and gtsa refludent af the clty ta tht Paeient-W. G. Eiens, Chicaga. Il vas nflountil the, cooler persanm Un Fint Vice Presîdent-il. E. Brait, the. varions .oaachea got contrai ai the. *qistoi" lasconé ai the bout stat, De Kail. situation that the lnarei vert taken MM la the uion aid Can. ai the mot Scn Vc resident--C. A. Kiler, on l~it la inteneting ta knov '-"empign.i jus anthon . ceie the ti Third Vice President-C. 0. Miller, la ma etI idreaqi avaluahie Cala-O. SM te tihe hltorical soc tyte FaurtIt Vice President-Mayar P~. 'bis lanivrltten copy ai the song Garner, %dalncy. rot, vbich bas tirred multitudes Treasurer-Tiiomas Sudiath, ofi mUaltniicant and parta-lotlc words.. Sprngfield.10 WW hstoricai ocieties af the Secretaay-R. J. Finnegan, Chilgo (»ave asted Mr. Stetie for copies Directare-W. E. Hul, Peoria; 0. kln, a bsovuthandvrfinglW. Hait. Gnesea; J. B. Maguire, E.a = it la fitttng that Laite Pt.Lus hli Preiler, Elgn; M.* L. Wsa sctty shauid have suci a Odea. La Salle; Charles George. Rock s Isiand; Rugene Punkt, Biaomlngtan:, H. G. Heaget. Pektn; H. Paciman, ai C'hicago. ~A Prlghtaui Thought. M. L Oden snd R. J. Pinnegan-vas st.WsiAct (On fret oceaii 1'7- nainci to draft a good ranis bill ani welbu l ut heind a m-im sa present t ta the tate legisiature forl ~Saboat eus pt up on en coriideration ai the Ciiig session. O b. buffei tiuw the Wasing- Maarch 30 vas named as the next date fannt. If theyre Coing ta, for a meeting of tht organîzation and Diita ite that v. better ge Chicago vas selected as'tle place ai ~ o~~-'~Ct.convention.- Man Sua-ns te Death Un Wrcoi. Rocheater. M. Y., Mart.h 11-Elivard Leanard of Syracume, a freUgt conduc- tor. vas itting ln hum. caboome vIten an eat-bound troigbt collied vith hile train an a curva. The. caboos. vas mett on fire andO Leonard vas bua-ami # death. Famous Matera 01 Rues. la the cita sof MarIt asid Ira se sevtal &rine engamge>. la -tht minafactaur. i utis 0 f t15 bait traite mai queealt. Ilusvas tlia are »00 kffls, vitb about 1M00 p&kalvat. aid la Iarput about. oa.4iri that numbea 0f orllus mliiopratves. Nearly ail1-the output of, the.Siisa lama la sold lauEurope.ville the output of the Iliarput blornsa Us mblp Simpicty lent Audenema.W L Ce~-. Spatai Os*t Teit 1Mat ILln eeing tle simple If!e Yoî Mcst dga. I» femandifli a cnliuull cat off the aatilciaities of lii., but Home of@thti. fuby. al ascouairel. Tii. Priam vou neti flot abandon Its efinements Raby mines af the ,Maotvaflay fa:"Uta, 1 aumote as bW *-aTiiene Us nothuig rompiez or campli- art tuova ta bave bc.n voa-ei gtOum Ma a your bouoe--" Itare Ittc eaiitg shout culture. A stable MssILatht y- r1400.1 Japt boy <OU t4 «teOPei but fIaal aditi- boiluoouma-eé nat nerentiy linpat- mines are niefly nova. fer tb« *pýte> Se."-"Pqt younvords ible-Fýrea Tbe. Wecer Lita," bi W. bave picduçnoMi UatlalY I&U 5M mu ltSej'itr, D. he.-rubiaa of auant mai intie m m be Cowbe-T#norrew and- ,See the LovelyN, Sprng oats O'utsând Drese -' NIOW On DÎ9ia It. wiII -do you a world of good to see these handsome new garments that, are now on exhibit here. If you are one of the many who a re in doubt-as to what to buy in the way of spring apparel this display wiII provide you with an aburid- ance of information regarding the correct i new modes. Our Garments were Chosen from the mest Auhentic, Style Sources of America They were selected with thbe utmost care and dis- crimination, and with the wants of our customers ln view. The styles, while in no way extreme, have a sufficient touch of individuality to make them distinctive and extremnely smait and natty. Expert tailoring is manifest in every gar- ment. while the materials consist of the newest anid most serviceable fabrics. We iike Alterations Free of Ch arge Let Us Show You the Smart New Styles ini Coats .Such a variety of coats you have never seen before. They are fresh f rom the best tailor ShOps In the counitry. Beautifully tailored of carefully chosen matenials, induding serges, whip-cords, and 'e*Mf new novelties. Descriptions would scarcely do justice; yuMust see. $10 $1 ,$ 0 ta 22.50 thei to appreciate their beauty. Special values .........$1 9 15) 2 Apid You Should Looli at the Nobby Suits, Too Youll b an deligbted at aur sbowing of tailored suits, for there is flot one garment in our stock but wbat is a l4auty.ïn style. You have an unlimited variety of models to choose from ain every Popular matefial and color- a<.M ini. Woriby of special mention is'our hme priced at .... .............. ....................*8e'W D resses That Youll Instantly Pronounce Beau«ifl You May look oui' entire seiection of di-esses overi wîth the îîîost üareitil seriitiny andi yoU will fail to find one garinenlt that isîn't a perfeet dream nii style. Dresses ai $L.98 A ver.% s>Cial valtie iii offered ini serge dresses, tan, Nueîcaiîd hlaek, side effects of con- trasting eolor, triliiC(l with buttons', low 598 priced at----------------- ........ 5,9 Girls' Dres New Spring models in gils' dresses, made of -percales and ginghams in a wide rane of patterns and color, ages 2 to 14, at 9#c Taller Made Waists Womn's tailor made waists of linen and linon, daintily einboid- ered and tucked fronts, stifi collar and cuffo. splendid values ai 1L98 Dresses ai $1500 Elegaiîtly inade of Freni,î serge in navy, hlaek and leather c<lor, a vhannng variety ofstyles, triîîîîwd ini a beeconîg îîannîer,150 Spei)CQHl tt.........................1 0 Musira Vnd'rw',r Wemes . 4s9Made from a very flnq quelity nainsook in. V. slip-over and high neçjc stylés, beautifully emobroidered and lace timvned, special priçe 989 Pstktlo .Fins quality cambria, 6'inch embroidery flotnce at bottom ......... 47c Weem sDr4wm sExoep- tianally fie cambric, finiahad at bottom u'ith a vide eab'roidery ruffle ..... . . - . . 39C Saturday-Shoe'Bardaiis That Are. Hard ToRe,4t -T, H-ere is a lot of men's shoes t-bat we are determined to tum into money tomnorrow. lnduded are 2.50 and 3.00'values in gun-metal leather, button and blucher styles, Goodyear*I welt soles; good practical models, and qualiies t-bt- can___ be relied upoin for durablity, pair............... lois' ShnosRegular 2.00 val- ues, made ofaat-in caîf leather, in sizes 2 to521, lceIk ýed button styles, Pair 1.397 New Prtnted Voiles 36 inch printed výies, white ground witl- dots in the leading colors with rich florail borders. Fine sheer quality. rerlck- able Valu et. Womea7s Shoes A largo msort.~ ment of broken lots in gun-metal and jatent- lethers otband taIt tops, 3.00 va lue, .1 pair................. Fine Iri*Lmsol .e A beautiful new 191v$-in hith favor for sprint, possipaes t-he sbeernes of' PoMbIne awn end bas a lineo 1gr4dstiped rnnd ftoral desigtale r N S c ei ii bel are ma ina .h vii sel to ii an( ed Wor bu ta mi te a an le hi' ur ail si; lu T' r A Great eçial!1 150 Haadsome SUlk la - Pettlcoats en sale WqI tomoTrow a, choice By purchasing this entire lot of.peticoats we secured them, at an enormous concession in price. They are elegantly made of peau-de-cygne silk in every de- sired color. Positive 3.00 petticoats on sale tomor- row at, choice 1.98 '* N.> 1

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