OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY. Office Teie.-hone No. 1. City EdItors Residence Telèphone No. 145-L. lIÀberi.yvIIIe Exchange. ftered ait the Postoffice at l.ibertyville, lit., as second ('lais Mail Matter. Imued Weehli. Advertising Rates Madle Known on AppllcteOfl. SUBSSRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVAJfCW. 'W. J. SMITH ........................................... ....... Edtr Ir. 0. SMITH ................ ..........,.................... manager RAY L HUSSARD ...................................... ..CIty Editor FRIDAY, MARCII là, 1912. WHO DELIVERED TE.E COUNTY? The dlaim is made that the "shrewd" politicîons who M! run ng the MacGumIl stato senatorial compin took r 4%autago O e .Obuo-Siiutlefquarrel t«o n6, p. "-or f the. Siurtiff cro'n for MaeGuln. 0f course etf came to the, club dinner beG a. h. had te, and, *ofe course, ho promised Lake Oounty help and dld t »mk Luythuig for himself. "lLike Kelly dld.' W. have a ,gIrïmed piture of Bd dolng that. The. tact romains that seven, men from Lake County »M at that club dinner and somowhe between courses, LsedIake County off, delivered us to the triumvirats l.fftk-OoveyMacGulffn. 'By wbat riglit did these men '~4V«rus .Iiewed up" te any particular combination? Tiat ltt e m used to work, but it won'tgo now! The 11,:%Ï 0ft l olci convention - sstom arr past 'and gone and -1wvotrs avethe say, flot te boues l And wbo vere the, mouwhe>mado the "ahrewd" deal Ive for tii elloe of deteatitg a mmi for w=haoe .àu Meuad~t be bus excellent roc- thi e ly r.ssoeifor viiose dofoat. le that kot9wéemstýi. me mebers et the eopib- a ~bave om"satly for Lako Oounty cau. W* u têl smatter or, *baWlt.dssmnmk - . COGEESINALBI¶XYTION. P. gëàdoZ lyaou W Ç -* à gWaoe la sqt te b. lookod ipe c ~ve e t eri, oi» ir v lras wudef=rto t luit !Mu g vtesa ud vage the.-orgauaion lier. "As wtloms and PanUfini t si are mm te aplit the. vote vb" i os lot hw ,t4 i Oh end o e i.ditotric beauer ~bom oteame fictIeI. ThIus WU l rulat"Vo Posi011io .vas tvo years Y'bTop and P&MÙ» askng support aMonglux mIcb~ ~ ~ ~~~~h lbeatsppto ost1 sitai on1 le et a ratiior iutertn aspect, the. outcome0 Ml be shoim only on priary day. Itis rathon hard le fi"ureout ust vbat T ueotbas te do vii tie abiurtZoaf-macGud Sntrcampalgu. Press agent4 fer Shuri Aalmmet eery public itterance, regari mem te b. vorktug in Teddy as a pai Aslocal campaign. Votori tail to, sfe Tedy's aU right-f ev heroabeuts doubt W'a t sha e edo vithi Birtleiffsud IM ?Aetey tryngto dodge-the issues au, lnaixuman Thomas Graham oet (rà fwevell noeo by the suponvisors for 1 um4 bis vork as a member ofett. Who oiecasgo back te lie boar êmêi4bave kopt on golng back eoe oft t dac tepubli oeaarl. W ltnymd is*%à w2ien they hw earti.caempà Wblulng bac* a f ew C OÊ_ nd,ÙÙthe>,Ï thi say: Irl The. movenent of ttqýni", on Whitney, te do' sometbuugtlote rce bringue ma"y children b.l4r 9W right direction. That 'wer.op wodwliienthey're edieu.'Iiie ozen f good such a mvmn a i lu of crmm-sa-s [as, ni dthorà to eof ,et tii. about. The sixnllarit in charges againat former treasuror Ames and Ex-Coleetor Stevona ol.cèn e,- pntion te two cases, butthe chief difforeo 'w t tvens, con- tended front the. atart that ho WUas Iwiaient and remals.4 te face the. situation whil ms itanï n the saine ting deparbod for parts unknown snd as y«,,s undiiscovered. ItIt strange that ait tuiaabSustleff-meo ufno'40wbv alk art Gomas from the. sanie mail quertef. Wa hear vfry isi. ma the Aian who do the *ioting, Altelr going overso hates' ison-a record". 'ha fine.toothed comb, ail hie opponenta can find in chat racord t; put égainst hila test he votait for un administration meature that dld fnot pasn. ,Wolff WellX. If Shurtteff, for la, stance. shouWç hava chargait egainst hlih it the votlisg ha had roglatred for measures which did not pose, ha weuildns look Lake County people in, Pte face. An.d the b.ttle-Cry against Oison le that ha vo>ed for oe administriton meoasure which did net pass. Too bat they cannot fini one meneurs WI4ICH BECAME A LAW for' whlch he votsd which could be clased at undeairable logiaintion, lmn't lit IF THEY COULDTHEV WOUL.wouldn't they? The sirniiarity of editoriais printed In varices Lake County and à a ws kegan paper in proof conciosivi that the. managera of the. Maceuffin sanatorial 4ampaign have arranged te controI thos clumne during the oampaign. Roi. toriala whIch appear In our columna are-net sont out froni ànybody's-headquar. aerc-we write theni ourselvea and atand *0ck of tiienL, MEAD COUNSEL. 0f WOOOM&Et4IS- SUES LETTES WARN 1140' MEM.- BERS AGAINST REVOLT. $AY$ H'EAD CAMP WILL REVOKE CHARTER OR CANCEL TE IN- DIVIDUAL INSURANCE. Head Cotansel A. R. Taibet of the moitemaWooitien cf Amue&cabai le- Luis demi suait a latter warning anl the inaur- sests o e ilt. ietiier cher bu COnPSe or lnivituala,tbat If tiier laic la trylng tueleset organisai oppoal. tientte olncraaaadit nsurance rateu Clfl rterait bý the has camp aI lta eau- aio la Chicage. chey m* forfait chair chb d ,aarter or their halvldval Iaurance Vpolclaesla ch. acetI. SThe revocatioa camplu charter or -tha concellatioa of the lsdtlslual lu- sane oler et sny member cast b. usieataclveby a vote oftch. boardt iwà 'b. of dinacteru and axacutive couspil i o the. uociety. "'U' Tiacstion o hePart of the basit »it, "d81 uaIl 1. ne surprise, te on. oet bm more eouaervat*ve Wooditm members or the local camp. Among them la At-1 Î Q. W BUma C T. HaIedkar. vhobu con- twaej nlgit. aleng tbat ,notlalng la te b me ytal tIlneugancy or u»4 .uaOa sandt hat tiare are for botter .y5Po WaYs tei ngthe itearire euts. Wheztbetalkof eceganisd the ec4gsaaenof ea tata camp kit came up 1fr. Herdocker varnei the mamberu eoftthe local comp' agasést taktug sMW draatie h. salit lieca- la ca55elC action vus tase chat tie huai camp moet pesltvelr *Oumvonlit iphîaatii. camp vblcb viola- iStted the. ruile of he eder wbieb pro- m vida igabuat inch lnturgel. Thot ha'»asrght h le w een troan tiÀ,t*.seMIratle i 1r. Talbot Mad le- cil touchera se vel ai Woodn aal ' o DB7 ver tii. couaiy are congratulatlng .111 havi* chensivea chat ier ver. net minoei D r U o &D uy iasty action as they reahisa iii.:8& at cAt the hasd camp la dite la il* t 130 Md molee ho ralaontt haetvOltUtu a a'm]ý prusg up lia Woao lmgc pa la dit- ii foent parti of tbe eeuatry. rO o m yO$J Ileltoit hntemt"ta view of the. bave alY iteclaratlea made1 by Iff. Tallett that nglebard the stata moeing eti Waoodmen chat wga u eaffl for lu lhn Sn the. iar a ocs luail11probabllty 1Ur. Tahltaestte- SISUfhiS ant iII baven» effeot lapon theIi.tae of WWich CousiWootmen' pwoIac<le o catioe w vh wvaformai bore recut- ly et anl campasltuhilg eeMyrnaithe Intention 0etche oruabtlou la Dot tu 'heodore sacate, but te ft, If poaablnoisem e 0 M méos iof gettlns he laitcamp te lu sona lever ch. natee ct h bae astab. efM c Ilsbei. 'No'-itrasitu netesla plissa andg -i.atne fier l aet.tned chah hbe tramnuunt hastcamp voudIt is a ffe st tie Ule con- Action chat miatt ha tir the or duiy membara of the ormaimstioa d tryIn acks Grzp aud'Plee Pred Veimar. propietlo f a bar bershep. ln Hilghlandt p4qaipciad - is grlP vlth toels Mdi 010"ae.aMd mut, vWas tdalas . mplotu asbt h. vus geins hJus or von e 14e Tork for a fov d&is. isf't ie board for ebop Tes. Sinca thoen hie acît bu '11l" foMr epa rltn i vomit 1k1 Il1W fhrs ert vrs wouta. Buveri ".d Tom baaslesi atac ario ns MPo ffes ty t filtebarber&hop. mt for MOUBNS ENTEISRACE FOI LEIISLATVRE FORMER LIbiLATrORffROM THIS COUNTV FIL"S misPETITION AT SPRINGFIELD. GiUsO#S TH4IS OPPOSES GRAHIAM M'I4ENRy "As THREE CAN. DiDAiltS-LAKE TWO. BStsrday wau the.luit day on vhlck pettions esied a 1tefr thaprlng prljarle ÂeS th and «0 o mamure crsti a col wvastb hEur W*» the £lgnagïatWom at Sgdagl.Rd hi peauls QOlofe vuett. Lake ocau- tyý adektag * npasiicuas minority Mfr. 015h waui t. e ptaneaon TiiuraiW têgUt fii ba lom w« aff tb fett t g 1rld Ths moaée tvo *Xe omuty D"eiorata aaeking tha D»Qute nonwmetiS E'a bo8s% i'i lso.aathe total %bw «fupihh ie eln thasdistrict. Wibbh>liawua lemoorstlc repree» tatIve ta the biAie tour rs' rIF vesThomas IF. BUT»i.w bua Mt reely irteappearait andi *hs eydor rle la are trylng ho wui hl.vs lea lea ucced ithm. mon.' Lake Toreat, Probuitionlst, »w maxbihm an opioent tu Tbgmaa Giraham of fltsn't#wuahp, UeL anocu- tY. Who up te tbb panat time. hmi beau the mîly -Laie'otMty Candi- 'IU. Caiddat«'l the. distrIct b.- ales Grahsam md G<bons are: Charlea ay = « vad johnay 10 IL Wedtok .lesepb reansi Meflasry. Theinia . gurna ta nea candidate. It la thugasean that lie coanty bai tWo andi McHnry thea. candidates. Unanwmre . "George," siteaak*4.'If eva vrê botb rotinsa"ns limomagita ouhit Feu want me te l yer ve?" "Nov, my dear." he abse »bmtndaitty repliai "wbat the Mu.etftrylmE toe tart a tluarre! mat as wa bave settled down te enJOY s qdlet eveulng?"-Cblcago Record.-terald. forymer.wo tbsh.eir4lma ataîipotîloto Ihair MokibX e-dau tnd et-or hapr Luitsill ean.oiln.eie fe!i wibna i .1f pou vimh tOI~<4 Wb e' Q be arv r.tlbe .00c os e*)t Outat aimoilaa L , Àtlgse.-,- ANP4' oJf4u U USg "Po pper box» pe iaoSeýýèî 4a" In Chf 1!4n,~a~su<s Lake coIlh t 51011.wnUOvantth*é ea'Or, "04 viii b. ha kus top et tba lus e lb Ut abovlng the.04dcm awarrant etaUa;'hsrwu til 1* aulubas or mn5edoh .lmpuva4 bigla' murder 0<or ait40 ,T.' - ltbw a tai- We.ya heJet.ntp.aven connu 1es orthae.ronit employaw,vi d t -Uier bon»e stata, ~ j'5~~ omip<eby %I5s Et TWtv'plnt,mir tto thuc,.i Ùla 11rom,%èjr luproerem. heirdiaciir tablea o;mu whglo.*neét Thm ftiiOM r pOUty wlth l iBId te buif* beanthe É,adlut& Of sil imllea 01et aot. ansi £r&varouwis. ahu. Tus. fa 37.25 >par ése ot* Abo, ýga Tbe auditeu, iacisîcanethe ~atoeuniTh' rondt mileaa. 0efrbl e<aU 4Ues'<a te prias thachargaet or nr ltricon- tO Ae the ate. uvuy avahave nluorted fl»aton Wth the damia et Dtaentte mue the completion 01 lm»prvvolruais to camne Mos asuigeii, the. 0000 e e puiblic rone, la Waeb-. portei on ïahout ofiahg* ti te bout 5:bs= .q , as 'eaIglnall 19b bave ten par, ce O r ut hm oia4m-remideaca uhtîl"fnohDo__ rondes lnprovedl. lU'el boln, about tii. tour6Met oin 'ara iaie ma o nrt tsh aiOt tr roada Inuproeai. Icaau lty usdo, at tbe baud et the 11.4 vitb. i800tmile« ef Ils 971 utilet of. tmaila lnropved. Thia Id more thgu etgbtY-two Ver ce-t. Ta>>3syOýu«wI5A 800 blrCHeury 5MM tinFage countias are , _______ COutY fe01OW1w h68r ent andChaham Faii Kendail wltb Si per cent lx _________ln th ia.Laec::nty ILlu iiiiIth V n B u ta Twéay-»vn ofthe eventy-seven a IIl t ceunties reportait on bave mfusa liaur to alesof rond i iprovement, tii. DruIlS and- l*in 0v a e tto>eaho.'~ 1 par cent etrtthe total sâiage Oet the cousUies,.It la qut* s.rprlelng t,.e note tbat BangainuoeuatX la vhlcaDem e tciJ the. statoe pital la locatet ud1am *___Km«___ sudt Cbauflgn connu«e, bu"at <0 their edacasnienl sUtttm4sare, In. B do gD s Cluited ln tlq beacWd groUp. Sangs' mes eunmtr bai but threa misa of rosit Improvament. Ai tiiere &are 102 coustlas in the stata lt ahIl b. eaonuttthereSareIF IT S tvaatrive countes Imam vhlch tiar ne DOePorta. This voum iaMe,.1. . PO ttthe. bave Utile or lm rositlum- ~ '4 ~ P ' Mai sIt Wa in Reome. I' Jn theie gode n geof300 peacefUlo romuta mier Imp iLRom. criemea- zmnt endai. Gibon, m« mm coulit escae *juffalctce 0e9 Borna, ter Rotit" vas the vie vontd. rb. Humas. Ccv gobblo %e 9ufùýUfCOv flubbiei»teed etop aiY' 0wfrocé -&Minlg, or 701 o t tua ie ian. d suit to lur wÀé bek. Cabeýpuima au<laa àt. For aal aithe Couatyv Fava bp aMount ort ipathe or m*55 Wou i the Csli*aDunuad aaht* et ac Po oat ody t, M6lit. id Hoosier seedera S, I riIw Plows' ' Iarrows Are You Inté., ted? To Tau Pu4: t4tandard Old Lino Lite Ineuranco ha.boss mtoted ln lt.ei* osveré achool et adverity, " aud It bas given abundant proot ot eudurlng qualities. No man, uup mabe uttele uuiaonned on carrent àa1rand uderiulauly fnance, wilito-day questionthe gouadu.u. ud -priopleiripou I lh ch I nsurance la based and. the. abeoluto soaurttythey afford tii. lnoured. The i4tegrity sud prlnéiples ot legal roerve ilits lmsuraae bu, in tiie lasI tae ars, bçee n b$ètod te the cloaet ucrutlny and mooet earchiug in- vestigation et Courtsud Leglaaturea,"aldod by the. beet legal talent that the. Uovernimnt could com"xànd,, sud the. result. have empbindIs~ the tact tbat lite hInerance la not ouly sound aIt the cor.,'but la a veritable Glbralter ln the. troubled s"s of finance. A great agd rapid growing neceselty for strong, aggreo.ive oid' lite in- eue*ancecu»4»Uy Agenoise in the conter ofeIle insurance démand, han givene bfrth te my-Ag.ucy in Nortiieru mlinois. lu'1 -euterlng, the competitive arens, ve do se wlth a reallzatien that the goal ef tuotne@a eau only be sttalued by close adherattce te the higiiest standard ot business charact9r, and by au ever-present censciouaness liaI lhe ideulAgency. shonld b. au exemplificatioof et atjustice. DniinÉ the paat four menths 1. have iitten alag perseusi business, sud have bad the. plesure et closlug. @moefet9t6elarge caever vrltten iln, thiý part oft he country outalde oe ii.oty o et(uage On. e rn of PolIcy whieh la attiracting. my eue inauting £oi the purpçeo; ot macrin -tybi bnela iated omnipayable aï Ial eme h oe. -~~~a t~ ~e~ea hat tiseý-sud lu addition therto* o s ceetoe b.pgid t e i beo"cpr mo ll~rat r bie polioq A puste ail claose sud' bihusY camSs herftthe Iusured. eeka te assure.bis$vite s cemfotiebo ivinjg it e hls dosti, Iis po1icy, effers a proposition that'is deuireable 'sud moe iiAutot. AsY -4,9,01MI ..Ca* Boter foed tir Wak lie.Ti t rmi Nv 'Y«»oUWstu~ re Ilseuimia M'mu tei . ,~1 NM. 'M 2 z 'I k 4 i I 3 1-I z- lu'