~AJ mi2 iOU&-NTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN- WEEKLY SUN V04, XZL-NO.'24. PART %WO. LIBE]RTY VILE, IL., FRmDAY, MAIRMJ 15, 1912. EIGKET PAGES $ 1.50 PER YEAR IN ABVANOL qm2ÂIs WHWPî<I 0F W!TY VILLE LIBIERTYVILLE OI-bOL BOARD CALAS SPgCIAI. utTINS TO TAKE UP TItI MATTER. DeyS FAINER MOT ANGEREI PARINTUWAS PISENT AT TIi e OND EITINO AND SAY$ PRINCIPAL ACTED %WISELY. Tise SUN and Independent la pleai- tot to plat the foloving formai statei "et front the LIbertyvIllie choot Seeré. be&rlas on à receut uevs oa le lihiishet! la thèse coumue: Si1ataent Sy Board. '1lre ePatrons af the Lbrtyvil "At lie rigolar monthi>' meeting cf têtbemd of 1Stucation of Scbool DI& trit N, 0ell bitFrits>'evening Marc -' *'i Pot. Pught, us base-.the 1rsguc'otons gase a report on cont tens adhappenings et the achatl bol" idm nceiar lmstmeeting and eau" astaaotioo ta tise publlclty givei the punbinaemtmllatared to ont of the pplis, ranb Haven, lu the Wsnbsgp Daiiy SUN of Marcb 1. 191l The Sert. be.levIg tie mattiz shild ho thoraugbli> investigateil. calt et a spetiai meeting tar the purposi on Uatuts3r ening. Marcb 9tb. AI this Betiu baides the board then wu phsmut Mr, . D. Haven, Frars Haves, Prof. C. R. Pugh aut Mii LiMMi Webb. Tiic foloing actsiveire brans! iist That the. matter band nemi be. hrouait to a ttntion of ti btWl r levestlgstlm b>' elthe =i :d.th That Mr:0 . O. Hvona tcUieteponsbmct vs. Inilt Uiauissrct-vl Plmipai pugb aM h imwmf that the same vi aifdvbeli ho oit Prof. Puogi os.preumot the Incitent vas cko et. Thist. Tisat Mr. 0. D. Have or hl son. Pracb. bat! ntig to do lnu a va>' vith the. novapaper or ctbe pubhli>'t thst bas beau given the mi ter. Fotn. That thse board nt havi] b een aketotaInvestgat tooak no Sa ion la tise matter untîl it came up1 the regisiar order ut business ando cccunit of the publicit>' givon f. that Uic public ver. entitiedt ta the. tacts, vhich are as foliova: lrst. Thot the Boy, Frank Havi vas net punishot! prmariy fur eai bls lunch ln a room ter than ib aneasiguet! far that PurPaso. buta ter bein roprimandet for brealdi 1Ui1srue by the teacher lu chargei Lhes chool that noce, became lusoli ut!dvasreferrodtutotho principal. Second. The priacipal taikot! klu ltult! hlihobat! donc vrong amut! a punishmcut gave hlm outil the Me teymrnlng uloivng ta »e tI teachor at! expiain tualber that leho meant nu dlrespect. Third. Blefre the timo bat!e pîret! for hlm Itas the teacher1 cailet! t Prof. Puhs office andt himle had donc nothing vrang ai vas - Dt galug ta apologe taI tauciser. Tise principal triedIntah£l hlis ieerorandut!ihobecamo lamaie again ta tise principal and vas pun!a et. Fourtb. This punishment consist of a vbipplug serons e ibac bol den atd lmbe vith a vhip. IL eau no abralsions of the sbia nether i it bave n>' bruises mut! vas bept1 oui>' until tbe pupli at! pramisot! bobavo. it la untortunate that tise mat bas heen given sncb, publlitya ve make this statemert ut tactsi that th. scboi, the principal, mudt parent may lie et aright heoaro genérl public. Discipline muet maintainet lu ordor ta givc am l tbuItr.u the fuil benefit of the toni se@' efforts and! vo holeve the patro . tthe achool are vltb us nnt :'point. Wheuover anytiing happons In1 @ehool again tisat you do not I ponne remember tht Justice eau bat!b>' repartlng. It tlrtctly to1 people in charge, tho board ai et! tien, vho viii Inveatlgate the mut gPte yen- the factoandsut!sc at y * nlgts are taben care of, We Oint that Mr Doeber Who 91 tice informastion s t b. tatc*'a s WU,. iu a represatattve et teIi.l HibM @ftSoici>' su thaït the rat vasmad by bien on compiaint of cor« tain, persona Who roprosontod t*aiN W Lfl S E tiiey ver mcqualntod vltb the facto ln W LIiT SIE tihe cas and vas simply done ln i ci- ON C I E B T E CaâF.IiJ. H. T. Maen,SLYRSLTR Auguta . Loell B.H. Miller , . L R9 ET E W. Bulkley, W. C. Sanborn, dth S. Warren, Mombers of the buard of odu- 1APPAAIENITLY JEALOUS RAGE WA8 > cs~in.NOT SACK 0F TERRI LE 1 have reat! tho fegolng statement CRIME 0F MONDAY of the board of education and approvo of the »ame. 0. D. HAVEN. F ROSECUTOR CALLED OFF. LETTER CIVES THE CAUSE It sa rocaliet! that tbe sensation vas __________ producteil vhon Henry floebior filet! E compislint vltb Stat' Attornoy Dst!y STOMACI4 OF TIE MURDERER anud sed that Principal Pugb ho EEN SET TO CHICAGO FOR promeutet! hecause of bis ti-atnntl CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. of tbo pupile. Mr. Dady etated that __________ day ho vouit! tako ui) the matter but, i.- when asiiet tot!ay what bait been don. The letter fount la tihe pocket of e. oxplalnoed that Inter Mr. Doobior ad Chares George after bis doatIs. vas ci calot! hlm hy phono and told hlm the ret! at the toquet boid ln the Conrad Lr- controveroy hat booli adjusted andi & Hart undertaking rooma Tuostay af- auggosted that the matter bo trovped. ternoon and threv an entirely tif- frent ligbt on tho vboi. affair and 0000000000 Q Q~ ave the murderer a cause. other thon 0 tiit of jealous rage for havlng killet! of 0 WaU]kefga LIXca18 0 citeby avallowing poison. ln i Jot- .h a 00 terewbich vas transiatod a the lu- le QQQQQ queut. George declaret that ho ,haà Il Attorna"y Claire Edvar dele'a hi-illet! Bhbila ratiicrthon have hlmi 01 cago business vsîtor toujay. continue hi, alioged sbamnefui rela- d HuyAvtr0 hsct tions vlth a man uf is acqualntance. n.n herydtay ui f ti <,,t buoînss- Tvaletters vere tound ln George's e Mitr. Charles Âmes of Idabo iUpringa îotket; one of them, apparentiy vrlt- et Colorado,.in visitng ber <er-l-law, ton on Sunday attornuon, toit! of bis is. Annie Effinger of 213 Fourth! havlng advlsed Bliilan ta let an 12 mirent. honorable lite and of being repulset! or àl. This ovenlng at 106 South berdan by the youngstor. lu this letter ho sarond ail ridera of motorcycies ln the sait that ho had decidet! tu bill Blbi- SCity are requestet! ta ho present to lhan and thon take lis uvu lite. The At form an association. ittior vas addressed ta, "Ail Arment- ireanan lui easre ath bi The employes of the Globe storean.mtinthossre tato sg vers entertaluedtanmt evenîng et the alune vas tu hiame and that nu one home of M isson Nora and! vers Spuait!- ese mould ho blamed. lh ng an South Park avenue. The other ietter ebavod that George Rescnding lis action of a mçatb 580 muet have beeu a man of Iran norve erthieJoiet it , olbor retrd for the. epistie vws vritten Immedia- Atdenletdeuntsepremassli on ntinue telytsitaftr hebat! Urottfled ie boy b. Inspection of publie Sohoopille. victint and hlt!ten bis body unter tns tr Ms. Albert Miler cf Chentant large babe aven. »e reltteratet! the etreet, Whobu as nEfenly undergoe atements cantaîned ln bi% firat lot- et an opomtion at eland, McAllister cpinta esae et- bospital. le much Improvedl, and! vas ter wtbtihe elcpinta .sae ,d removred tu ber homo tatay. thst ho bat! Just illet Biîbillanu ad vas about to end bis ovu existence. agi Miouday mterinuin the Woodi5afl Prior ta, the reading out tIi.,.lettons il, hall et Gumuce the M. W. A. of that tebje rvleta h oeo on- Cty viii 'boi t eir anta i masquer- tebje rvle httolv ado. Brandatettora orchestra of Gur- a Chicago girl, named Mary Eretza ne. *111 fbrnlsb the music. vas tu blâme for the double trsgedY. Tosmove n nt iat wtuvshown that George bat! gottoz i7Mtbodst cburcb a beneit enteilu Bilbilsun to write sei lettons for or ment viii ho beit! for the Y. M. C. A. hlm to Miss Kretz and ln thonse lot- at- under the. auspices of the. Young Pea- tarafitvau charged that Bhîblla a pieus' sIety of the church. presset bis ovu suit, Thiis 'Miles Ing Tomorro v ening at, the Oddt!Peo- Standisb aourtsip vasbolevedtu wt- lowva bail thé' Royal Areaulum viii have heen thse Inceutivo for tsecrime. ln haIt! a social and business meeting. oi h etrl ub elvd un Retrosbments Witt ho servot!. teNov for eltherime at anho en-o ret 3. M. Stimpeon, an oid voir voter"i, tlreîy doeerent on.. ail the fatiier of County Superiteadont aof gchoats Simpson la suit very 111j st Deputy Coroner Bdvart! Conrat! pre- bis home on Firu st rent, bis contition sidet! t the Inquest ln the absence af ,n. bing about the ame. Coroner Taylor. The first vitnuatu Ing ho German Lutheran cburch Lentes be pîscot on the stand vas Louis Huth services tonigbt: nubeou sermon: the clerk athte Edmunt!buht. Huth af "Christ and the Uiiiust Pi1lai" toid af reutlng a monm to George. Eai- 0fThe Fortnightiy club cf the Pros- Iy Sunday moruing hosaid! that other bytarlsn ciiurcb vas pieaantiy enter- guesta lu tb. hotel calot! hlm upatairs ont tainedtanlet evening athtie hume of mter thoy bat! been arousot! by the d-Mise Lyona an Sheridan road.- siaunt of groans coming £ramn George's The I*tlos' Ait! socl.ty ai Christ room. theo mad ex-t o tise ov leu t gtet! oul- iset! dit! up 1ta Lttor atd the tue the scb- tuas tise Ilke i.be the. luca- Mer. mour- gave Lttor- inoi eburclil boI a meeting lu the Parlmh bouse liiattearncu vbcb va. lang. .1>' atteitet!. A lange number attendet! the local option meeting boi!last. oveulng la the armoandmu!greati>' onjoye thie speech af Fabher Gavin. The St. Margaret'. Guli af Christ cburch vili boit a meeting tamrrav arttrnoan t 2 o'clock lu the Parlsh bouse. Mina Ailes Payne entartainedthetsoOn s0880 girls ast evenlng at ber homo an Grand avenue. The ovoning vas dlilgiitfully @penttmat! refreshnet vore servet!. Tue Whlzzer Girls vono pioanti>' entartainet! lut evenlug at tii bomne of Miss Bla Needham on Soulh Char- el ptreet. Mn.' loba Harbmuer ls exibltbng may pleces of extremel>' doser faiicy varb lu the vlndav of the Hom Pur- niture cumpan>' store. The Matha societ>' of the Svot!lsb Lutheran caureis menelth e Palors1 of the oburcis tamorr-wav sterno9 at1 2:30. The execoUtve ecommittee ofi the oclet>' viii egtertain.1 Logisiatian probibiting trepsssiil an raliroat proper-t>' vîli hoenactet!ln varions Western etatea. accordbng te informations recelvet b>' taristlile, 1 president af tise Burlingtan Roat, lai letters from governars0for tale tbrougbout that section et1Lthe coun-, Tbe article printet! ln ast nigbt'a Issue ln regardto thie part>' beit At tise homeoaf Mn. aud Mns. -Charles Crapo ammttet! nome ummes. Thiose prenant ver-e: Mr. W. D Morfond, Mr. aut Ms.eWhlluey Morfond. Mm, sut Ui. Tippanle r Meiolit Marshall Mm sut! Mri.Walter Mor-ford, MUrat! kr.. Charlea Crapor, .Mary M. Crffe. Oa", 2da, 'M er. lane at! Efova Cgrapo.-Coilbnu*& Mie enteredthle room thrangh a ite toor- and!soa sho fount! George ilg proue au theo faon. Ho vas isn!t!ed op as If ln pain mut! vas graaning rather loudi>'. Hutb's first Impression vas tisat tise feiiav vas aufferig ut nome sort of a lit ant! ho dasiset nome vater au is faco ansbd it. Ho sait! ho asbet! George vbat alled hlm mut! vase toIt! that ho bat! tabou somne mediclu. vhboh bat! msdiobhlm scb ta bis tamach. Hoeasbod ton vater mut! vas given mii ho vautet!. Hul waa nul satisfiet! ithbius oxplanatian giv- on b>' George and praceotot ta cmii a poicemn and a ductar. Attr tise ar- rivai af the pisysicimu lhe vlctim vas remvedtelatise haupItai. Robert P. Alexander, a Lieatrecal man vbo la appoarnig et the Barri- sou theaton testifiedt tis be bat!ce- cuplet! the noom jut seronssthe bal trami George. Ho says be vas avaben- et! b>' tisesount! of i (Georgeas) grogand mut! flret tbaugbt that ho vas suoriug. He listenot a tev minutes at! then hocamo convincet! that somte- aise lu the oam acrmee tram hlm vas oithor lutoxicatet! or vas ver>'Ill. Be steppet! into the hall mut! cliladt theb mau Inside tise rocm. tellng hlm ta open lhe t!or. Ho says tisat George tt lm that ho cousît net get up. It vss ihen that tise cher-b of the botel vas notifiet. Dr. Kalovabi tait af attanding tise man atd amitthat jut!giug iram George's symptoms lhat he vas lis- elcinedt t 1mb tiat be badt eaihovot a quanit>' of pruslc acit on bytr-oey- aube ait! Insteat! of arsenic as vas tiret hlievet! ta ho the case. ..Bt bocauso Ibere - vas -Somoee Ohics.o, March là. à roted, c81O% No. 2 ba.ýd vin. Ler, 0 9i2%@1.U6%; 1No. 3 isard wnliter. $1 (001.04; No. 1 nortbern rpi!iic, *1.1(01.123; No. S2liorti siîiîes, 11.0901.11; 2No. 1 spiug. 92c6ýtIl t. Cam-No. 3, 67%@6?4lc: No. i white. 67f L% OgeNo. 3àyclov. 061tM968e Oate -No. à wvIii.,54%0&4tc; No. 3 %,bite. 5396k~; cit!ard. 53f41154*40 Ohuesgel.lvostock. Hog.--lételpta 30000. Quctatlans mngs t c1 7.00@7.10 beavy brisera, $7«007.« lgt butchors. $6.900 7.00 beavy peobins, sat! $5.6006-40 goadt t choIes pige. Cattie-Recelpts 13,500. Qutatians raget ai 18.3008.85 prime teers, $6.1500.50 chutcs ta prime tot! be ovs. 88.306.20 goo te tachaîco boit- crs. 8$L7506.40 selectet! leaers, $ 4.501 00* fur ta saut! stockers. $7.60 .00 MWote t choie voi calves. Sbeop--Recelpts 24000. Quotatiana ruge et 87.3607.50 cholce tu primo Iambo, $5.7506.80 gund te choIýe. 7yeaitblg, $5.4005.56guet taobolce vots.$t46.00fair te goot! oves. Live Poultr>. Tricys. par Mb. 14c; chiabens, fovis. 16%c- ooten. 10c. sprlngs 15.e ucbi, 16c; gee, ]1Oc. Potatoeu. Wisconain. $1.1901.23 par bu; Mlob- $gs 1.2201.23. Butter. Creamery. per lb. 29c; prnts, 31',%e; extra frsts. 28c; fines, 27e:. dairbe. extra, 27c; firats. 25c; packlug stock. tir, Étast Buffalo, N. Y., Marcis 13. Duning & Stevens, Live Stock Com- n.lssloa Marchants, LasI Etuffalo. N. Y.. quoteasm foiiavs: Cattle-Rocelptu 3 cars market dli. Hago--Rocelpts 20 car; market hlghen; hbeandmu Tankers. 87.1007.16; pige. $4.2506.40. Oheep-Receipts 10 car4; marbet etrog; top 'amb%, 87.50, yearing%. S5.75011.25; vethors, $5.6506.85, oes.j 85.0005.d0. Caives, 15.0009.50. D .ENEEN ANSWERS SUAL Dispute Over Printing of Mares ou thse Prîmar Balo. Springfeld. Ill. Mrcb 13.-Secre- tar>' of state Rose mut! Goveruor De- teon flet! temurrers ta the Manda mus procoodInga recordd lent veeb b>' Ais Siml of Kankakoe, Republi- eau candidate farnnomirLtli mU gov- emnon. fimali began suit in an effort 10 bave bie name placet! OrsI on the state prl- mary ballot. Ruse mut! fln&Oon M, sert the tocimnatlon flet b>' Saalil l lusufficient. Rame aus b al the &a.- sortions lu the bill. vhicbbint7gtt reud in the maunror tflins petitions, ho axpungot! fs-arntise record. Geor-ge Hertel bas 'trantorredt! t Joseph Turner a tract ai baud ut 160 acre. lu llremont township, thse cou- iderelilin - belug$16,000; Typaiold Foyer. Tise repart ahovs that Labo Count>' vlth 33 typhoit! doaths, dtuirng lhe year 1910, bamit!hie mont deaths tram thiv cause ofmn>' caîunt>'lu Ilinuois, Cook couint>'. nat lnclut!lng Chicago, bolur next on the llst vush a record of ZDON WARD PLAN MAY BE DECLARE» ILLEIIAL; JNDI3PINDENTS AND VOL, IVA IIOLDCONFERENCES- SensationaI Turn in Zion Affairs Due to W.0- covery That Ordlniance is In Quéstion-in- dependents Admit It Sufficlently to. En- ter Conference WIth Voliva. meut of toubt sta vhether George really diot! of poison at! If m0, mat LM E [ ui'NTY LEAI) vhat bînt!, it vas tlded to porform anatpy i* atomnaeb as re- I Y H i)D A U moyed nd wusent ta a large aomi-INT P O D EÀ H cal laboraiomy lu Chicago wbere tho contents vIiil be anyzet!. Se tar as RI Q U 11 knovn no criminai action against any DU IG IL K 11 one la contamplated, but this viii do- pend iargely upoea the resuit of the ORETPODDAK NT report that la made b> thse chemista MOE TYH ATI-IS ITHIS who examine tih@ stomach. IN THE SITATE. The caroner's jury ban decîdedte t withholt! its verdict until after thse chemista mako their report.MAV 1M2 LAIîfO PACKERS LOSE THEIR PIED PuMONIA AND TUDERCULOBIS Judge Carpets Ref"sesto Gîvi Or- NCLAIM HEAVIES? TOLL IN der for Def$fdauts Diacharge. ALL COUNTIES. chilcago, Marcb 1S.-Unitet! States Jut!ge George A. Capnter refused ta Stattatici fnrnished by thseIlîlinuis lnstruct the. 4b@ef trust" jury to re- State Board of Health Indicate that turn a verdict 6f n0t guiltY galnst duriug thse year 1910 there vere 80 the ton meat pàsrs on thse grount! mare deaths in Labe count>' than for tl'at the govemment bat! net proved thse precet!lng year. thse total for 1910 au>' violation ai the Sherman anti- belng 586. trust lav. 1Thse deatise for the same tva years At the same time tise Jurtat threw i ln citios of Lake caunty were as fol- dovn thse bars an4 s.dmuitted au, e i laws: douce al ets of the packers sish.ovn Cty 1909 1910 ta, bave happulet prier ta ept.12 Highland Park.......... 39 28 190, heHmt o te sattoy prid.Labe F orest .............. 39 35 190, ii lmi c te satto>'peia~.Norths Chicagoa............ 49 50 IWaubegan ... .......213 263 DLSCUSS PITNEY NOMINATION Zion Cty .................S50 67 Dnring tise year 1910. 140 maie S.u,.ter Agi. it -s attrs ~~t!eatbs we.sL reparted lu the it>' of Wankogdaf une. 0f tht, 'number the vote Tiie Aternoon. muti of Aprîl climet! the hlgheut - score wth 18- maie deatisa. July ant! 1 Washlngtoamarch12-Tbe soate, Octaber came uoxt wlth 16 each sudi ln exfftive session. again disenmsod t!urlng December tisere vere 14 maie the nomnation af Maisian D. PitneyIt!eaths lu the city. 1emale death. for' ofNev Jersey taete asouciate justice Wankegau dnring thse year, amountet of th urm cut eoea.ta 113. 0f ihis number. 18 occurrot! 0f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i tiesxviecut Bfr d nMa>' and! 17 iuJune. these tva journment lit va sagreot! that a Vote moutis, beiug high. shonît! ho tsken nt 4 o'ciock thîs after- InT the rural districts of Lako Coun- noan vithout frtier debateI ty, there were 79 maie deathgrepart- It la bellevedtheii nomination wili et! turlng tise year. The largeit num- be confirmet altbongh certain labor ber ofthtsee ta accur ln any oue leaders vho have beon about the cap- moth il 1, the reord for May, SIai trylus ta Influence senatars 1910. 0f female deatssu nlutheo same atainst confirmationsa>' that tise nom- terrltory. tisere were 71, Octaber eat!. suation vousit gv« er ocovrniei. Ing vith a record of 14. Mucli Luug Trouble. Altbougb Labe cOunty campares m i uu very tavorab>' vlth other countios of L I11IA S I ri ung dlseaises, there vers t!nrlng the year many mare deathe ln the caunt>' duo ta lung dtseas than B SB E UP E tram an>' athor cause. 58 Labe caun- t>' deatha tram tirberculamls vere re- T si portet! and tise tvaforme ot pneumo- flIUf§LAND PARI ia carie! off 44, malnîg a total of 102 t!eaths lu tise county dturlng the RCAD KRHEGR 0 year, causet! hy iung diseases. RIH APARD KRK PAYS AO Goneral.HGLN AR AO$ 27 deatis acetrret!, attnibutedt! t TON FOR THE SOI. dtseasos of tise heant. Thene vore 4 _________ suicides. FR - D BAISTOW PROMOTES EARLY GROWTH RETURNING HiOMEIAs RESUIT LOCAL PEOPLE MAY sui FTLt v ESnIL&@-p Mr. mut! Hrs. Fred Baîratov aud sens. Raymaondmut! Paul, viii ho hacb home lu Wukegau lunmisat a veeb. The>' closet! their temporar>' residenee lu Grant! Jonction, Cola., visemo th5y bave been living for tise past t«o years. Tise taml>' weut West lu hope, of bettonbng Mn. Baintu's iseitis but ho bas nat Improvot! as ho bat! hopet! ta bence ho bas decidet! ta roture ta bie home bore visero ho bas 5nomay friendsanmut!bas been sncb a promîn- eut business mans fon man>' years. Mr. Balrstow's condition romains about tise same tisat It bas been for same tîme andth ie decision ta rturn vas made vhiso t vas tounu t at tise cli- mate lu tise West soomet! nu botter for hbm tissu viat ho mlght expect bore. DEDICATE GREAT ORGAN APRIL 24 Zian Cit>' vîli soan ho hemrng on. of tbe largent pipe organe ln tise vorid Tise Instrument ba nov beins Instalied lu Shillb tabernacle antd viii be dedi- catet! on Aprib 24, When William Mid.- teiscisunte, pipe ongaist of Thomas' orchestra wîli perform. ut viii require a 10-boise power motar ta suppi>' pow- on for tise argan mudthie echo ongan viii ho equippet! vltb a 1 1-2 banse- paver matar. The main ongan vili bave 5,000 pipes mut. 190 diffrent reg- Isters. One combination vili imitale 30 carnets, wvilo tise thers viii give orchestral mut! band! effecte. COAL STRIKE TO AFFECT THE CITY? Commisaloner Orvs vent ta Chic&- ga lhie noan ta tabo up il ththe coal compan>' viici saupplea theo cty vater vurbe vitis coam, tise matter of gtting coai at the local plant inncase the peuding coal striko develapi. Be teela that tisere is grave danger henco ls trying ta masure the ctys suppi>' lu case tise emorgone>' arises. It ho- gins ta look as If the jinai strihi yl became a mont serions aise balaie mais>' voks. lu Chicago mn at!vance of 50 cents a tan vas repartet! effect Ive yestort!ay as s resuit outhtie peut!. iug trouble. RAISED IN COUNTV. MT F, STAI MISS KINO CHICASO AI1~$~V, DELIVERS SRILLIAWP TAI.~ BEPOS! SUFFRABI SUDS. SAYS A FPORT Witt W DECLARES WOMEN'S 00,810? li SEEKINQ THEI BALLOT iMT70 PURIFY CONDITION& > Waubegau peaple vho have been lin_________ the habit ut bsuylng oariy prlug vege- taOeS and! lovers grownui lunisians mot! other tan Sautisora states woan IMiessFlorence King, a Chlc .t viii ho able tu bu>' sncb luxunles ne>' vho bas heen pronou Cmi grovu Is Lake Count>' lu Loulsimna tise mast succonssiniattornagain lu ie. si. A 'Highlandt!Parb, hortlcubtunîat ha, maàt orderet! a car bat! of b.ouWe United! States, delivoreti a logleal lana top soli tram p. Sewton of Schin- mat comprehonsivo talb on' dean. nean Nov Orleans, for wh h ej Suffrage" hoforo tise DMai utf viii pa>' prababi>' tise iigisest price club of Waubegau lu tise T'peiaSIe over pat!tanorarm Iland, $6 a tan. Bd-Tep.Th metn awn' munt! T. Perkius, acting président otTml.Tfmetn s ei.* tise National Drainage Congres@. un- tent!et! ant! al present teclèrie, t- ganîzet! lu Chicago last December dresasvas the beat evor givesi on i mut ta oit!l its next meeting lu Nev snbject lu Waukegau. Orner April 10-13. bas jii5L 5cet>'Od Miss King demit vith ber 5ub»eq tisis Infanmnallon tramn New Orboans. trnm a legal stant!point. She.mafh Richard S. Klrchbenmr <of Hlghhaut! - Park le tise purchasen of thse higis up the presout situation tolilUU ' pricet! sali. Ho purcisaset! a s'ample hearers just what their chaans pg t tbe ad show twa yeara ago aut! tom recoilg te ballot. Siev1 experlmouts vîtis it saoedthat, it clinet ta be optimlst. PolAiittIsle usaturet! rdisee. lettuce and! the jILetisat tva etatealareaty aliov emnier than othor sali mut! producet! the privilege of franchIse. viii better plants. both lu vegetablesansd agitation lhat bas hseen Tas"i I, Iloyers. Tise virgîn sali from reclim- or states, sh gasys, la surIn ot! swamp mut! overiiaw lande lu the other states atopting lhe'IA lover Mississippi valie>' bas been val-, She tbinbs that tbe cha.lO Omet!b>' experts at $6 lier tan for coin- suffrage hi Illlois are V«7y monciai fertiliser. oxpreeset! the opinion ibsi il yU ho ver>' bang hofors ticVfrW$.i voting la glven te vemIne SM AIL VOTE AT pha:tzodthe Point, boeevs'.tit ti vîittuewli not-insisMe 0111ceM'e HIGHLAND PAReai"uuingree!tam teQO senthat wvaidoenMt séek the.1- lot lust fth e ssake aiconuuethait 1 Tise city prîmarles boit! at Highlaud hecanse tse>' 5rmeaeetiy cuteevc- Park on Honda>' von. mono or les, lus 10 Imprave exillus Conditions At of a fizie as but ver>' tev votes vert bhat le>' bave tecitedt! lt the oMi> oet. This la saidt! t bave recuite va>' this m eauoueon la ta isve a.b tram tise imot tisat tisere vas practicai- on anuotaual chance ta vote viitise6 0iy no cotest tor an>' ut the offices anc mon. tbe votera of the ct it' ît! u tabi The talb vas -a very tor-eful cee. telivcee lu. a mast MYOvicing IMWi nugb Interet lu tbe Issue ta turu er. MM* follaing extract tfrofl i ont mut vote. Chicago Tribune tOscribitig 5Va i rasevon tlero buat tesetlies ber MENASHA KEEPS COUNCIL. it>' tu present a stibject tu lia talai Meuaba. Wis., Marcb 12. - Afler ppeaiing iigbt: a, vatchIng the aperation of the commis , bts King bas van the niaitbi- il - oaofutgaver-mment lu Appeon liant legal battel ever touilit bY' y eeemiles distant. 688 vuters of Ibid vamnan ** * *ishe maahslhc heo« 1 cît>' decited that tise oait midocal gumonts as a genenOt tdm.bis om 1syatem vwas btter than the plan vuot- aud ber lUneorai teoio, hat vii a et! for b>' 88 dvocates of b art! r-ie. the man> M u lth' ot ciSftiU a aThis la the biggest majorlty piliot!UP vas ImPregneble, sandsic00 ýagainst the neotuinof goverumeut blggest iegsl omaii'l IW- ln lhestate. Ever>' yard lur-not!chronIelet! lu lb. Umitsigles. I'r against thc plan. Is the vorlt." 1 Ater all the tusslng sand trouble iti ted that the ardinance vas llepi. ZVon City' uver thie crostion of lise Valiva bas demandot! that thb. dec- wsrýda for the flut tîme in the citys tion ho eldt!iuer theolad plan aud histor>' (fcr In taie past vating sîways hosamys ho viii campei them te do *rogroessct lInfoecentrtalIpoliing place sa. He aya he la asblng and gesnt- -It la ncw sdmlttsd tissi the ward lng vhat the lmw Providesj'no more,ý plan may b. dlscsrded as a resuit cf nu less, The ludepenUdenta bave n@ni bcbg teoclared Ilîbegai. Inatet! thoir full clty ticket. but tien ln otlser words, ovon thse Indepen- admit It may ho neceesar>' te oUel c dents admit that taie legality of taie action uft loir priîmar>' Tuedm2'iei ordlnance creatîng tahe wards la in and! go on the ballot b>' peUt4qU 1 seto nd, for the fAnst lime on su>' Ber. are the aldermen the ilepès ioinyesrs, thee ndependeflts and dents placet! lu theofied!uiiWc i the. VoIfv& peop tart e rcsly zonfdmlng Word lFD& 5t5>'" a imi OoI-i ln an effort te get "togethor" on tais HB Sayrs. F. E. Woiton, L .it, Oves. Important controversy. C. C. Mînot. Na mayor la aMesf o0 electedt! tuaSprlng VoIIVS =0 Imaglne It! Voliva's represeuta- titiet ofai adermen bas nu et «bol tivos and! the ludepeudents canton- named-bo intendet right a0111t te ring! Yet Itha s at they're do- put tbm on the ballot b>' petUMt*a log. cause the comnclirefusa e q»~Batc tTise ontcame wll ilnterestlng but bis petition amblng that a Éserl clip te Voliva people ideclare the Inde- primmmy ho boi!l Iclcordane viii peudents have about cancludet! that punt practices- - . the ordinanco la no goot! at! thse yard NAttE TOWM rléiçar. plan viil lebehoabandonot! mut!the The Intcent!ients of- Rolte ai- tit>' eiection boit! by piacing the eau- ship beit a canons TueOSr la didates on the ticket by petitionandt C. C. C. church. Mion. nomnatliiilt under the plan foliavet! lu the past, ticket: of iaving onue centrai votiug place. Assistant Supervir-Mr. Thojutal Just vhat featuros af the ordinance ut Wluthrap - R&rbdr. " - - are douuhttu, la net buavu but Vo- Cierk--Gilbort Roula, ZIonClip, liva's kilcb vas tisat ho vas gerry- Asiesor - W. L. T4mhdUh. i madorod and! he pramises t totsbethe Cty. motter loto court If nocessar>'. The Collectr-loba Uash. - villiugues of the Indepeudents ta dis-- Cou>"s"oer-4obba»rfw cuss the. motter àos or Irmn- of stin. < ~ ~ ,ty adthe passibiiity Ibat the yard Truste. Of SebnlaD ,plan ma>' ho killet!. One promineut Precinet CommIIc~,s - f.Indepeudent la saidt!etahave adit- W. E. Becaibel& - fi.