LAKE GOUNTTY INDEPEN,-DENT, FRIDAY, MARCHI 22, 1912. Now the local union as well as Foth- ami vife te se6 6li666 ( . [oh rodIlàandlw fe to Wm. , RANY M NTERSer Lakes county'union, having express- a rt la Kohlerrto -rébsUarmber, NNRCEVoTHREATEN TO STRIKE cd a wilnagness to accept te offer . Rel Estte Tras.ers •1" ai],at %V o1) $1W. FOR6 ES7HAN raise instead of strike, must abide by %»egefurnishedBym.aunn nd t .g.n.I$. 26CNSthe decision 0 itho carpenters in Cook Hlrd. Mrh1,11 Gog ete n Lake and Cook CountyUnion county who scalp determined rupon de- aake ounyTitle & Trust, Q.aCres i ýo ,na iet oti å::,10ars AbstracsofTtl.Titleés Guaranteed rkeganistownshipFreQ.eC., 5n FOR+ 's ALu-7-roFom-houle and barn, i Mon Ask 65C an Hour claring a strike unless the 5 cent Masonic Temrple Bldgi. %aukegan, ilt N. F. Lux and wife et i to Hielen Iln . n aFeon on FOR20180.Centralily loated. Terme . ....urise il-romised. .Jt sGURNEF~ Peterson. lot 4, Block 1ship ýu , M Wy . aD, $16,09e&ro ocf b.AdrssBo 84 LbrtiFlfteen thousand carpenters In Lake Accordingt t.the local mani, another AMarch 12, 191.--Herman i Helfter Wardsworth, W. D., $1 1,x-b, lMa1-RAMsallne o Shelon chooellr + isI ..Il.. i I .I .lt.p452 and Cook countial, fixe hundredl of reason that the carpenters threaten to an toJohD., $hneider, 2 lots, W. BR Walrath and wife to E. C. R. t5 vn !r uRceelr POR ALE-Lske county farcis, nd FOR BALE-2 cuit dresser@ and writing them residing inthis county have vot- go out on April 1 Je that the contrac- Ella 1. Sharpe'and husbadt u-Ptrolt20Sassbi eto J. W. Ranstead to C. R. Dowell, 84 in ioten, Texas ad fld6 deek. oure rug«and other furiture. ed to strike April 1 fer an Increase ln tors have not provided for Increas e st Hallberg, lot 3, Washington Park, 35, W. Antioch township. W. D. $100 arsltscin 3ad2,Wuod DrMO*éba Umw. -22 tiIsé of A. C. MbouaY, Cook Ave., wages providing their terme have not pay for overtime, their offer being Waukegan, W. D., $1.WJ.hteadwftoHteAaceinstos13nd2,acnd PO I.E-White Busian Mdeedas ,le e p2- been accepted by the Chicago Contrac- merely to pay 62% cents an hour for terson, not 30a st of the south 85 Chinn, lots 4 and 5, block 1, Chlnne townhiL.\\attS4a00.husbandIltî F ar r-lene ndtrdd, FOR SA -_Èstra good Bicek Lang. tar's. association, before that time. straight time instead of paying time fe fWs 1 ee flt4 se-additiont nic.W .30. N euesuhat artonlc Ireset salu fol and weed d anddis sud a Indian Rounner The result of the réferendum vote re, and a half for regular overtime and Dors sub of the southeast quarter of Axel Johnson oand wife to Alfred erpltIigwoWD.$140 estra3evy. Primehél4o a busha. PaasKdu"k. 0.00emch. Ma. L. V. Lune, cently taken, the huilreturns on double time for Banday work. lHe in section 28, Waukegan, W. D.,300-Johnson, lot 10, block 1. Hutchinsc's Mearsilat., ghwooW. D.,$1,400 BoMm, PraleView, . -hn288W2Graye 11. -26-1 Iwhich Were made yesterday, showed of the opinion. that the contracter C ra a own8,29and wife towNll Ryck-& Cos. sub. Waukç . W. D 1.lot 1 FaneJ. Ge o .W . Kinnuf, P POWS'ALE-Bètweep four and hie tours that the offer of the contractors toe will grant thé r" êinstead of allow. Wukegan,.- W. D,110. Charles Tucker to P. Hohenadel, Jr., D., $ 1. FOR AL-1brodmre, weig of lmixe bay; slso one good work tesam. Paty a scal Of 62½4 Cents an hour ing a strike to be declared. Neil Ryckman to F. C. Brown, lot 5 80 acres in south east one-fourth sec-.AA W. Hlunter and wife to K. F 1I00 pounds; 1 brown mare, weg t'ltan ire M.GUEm, Libertyville,1. liehd been -rejected by an overwhelm- Block 1,CUMM ng and Co.'s add to tion 32, Avon township IW. D. $8,000. M. Bristol, lot 2?, block 44. Lake Bluffý a a b rdo ing majority. Te"hl' efr"mvmn a .J 'el n iet .L at W. H. Pestera and wife to P. Ho- W.D. ,0. e-26.ti FOR SAtt-C.ow % short horn. At a meetilg of the Carpentet.'sCon- challenged thnattetion or thoughtful fto onoth325 feetFofe south 75|he0AvnadeowJ.,h1p0acreI nsection 32, Huin-ng arrit t hA. Spauldn t all to h- --- -------- u ersey,6 Years old, %#» resh inuDW. tractors oass lation In the afternoon peopfleeverywhloer. lMothersarenatural- feBofklotf8,Lake ForesttW. . 10mAon township ecton , e- uthningqparteof hecouthhafthe FOS SL --.ood wrk mae, weght 0xlent a 1QeoMw.aso utel the contractors unanimously voted not supporters and WMI iUnd in Foley's Bradle, lot 7,I GeenFory stt e ottwsi.W .$%0, .suhetqatro eto 8 a Ia eof .10 8 Önsa W", i, banrchhateJm.p.Gay . .to grant the increase asked for by the Il leaald.Cuflntrato Lake Forest, S. W. D., $10.5.W.BemtNoeCrnaltkgntwshpW.D,$2 - C~~I. aZIE, ofthFit teJAB. G0. -ijuremno t eeefrmtep-uceceled to , bonchtsad March 14, 1912-Fredk Schrumpf & 100 Ravinia. W. D. $21,000. George Wagner and. Wife to C. H. p-tin6tey ave taken. While neg- pneumonfa Yild.qmiek to i the healing wife to Amy Hill, lots 13, 14 and 15, ,J-1 T. Tait and wife to F M.%. DaePtron12aceinston2,r FO AESakofw a.a ORut 1 ,eq omfail le W ucon< tiatIons have not beeon termainateld soTnahing rqualifie@ 0oFoley'sHorney block 6, WInthrop Harbor, W. D., $225. part lots 5 and 6, block 76, Highalnd mont township, W. D., $9,500. 10 tous. lnucire of HEýNRY PILtaxa, powler gaoline engine, crusher and and a meeting of the arbitration coin- Druggists mpo rs l Hattie E. Bradley to Mrs. J. T.PakW.D$1-m.chrrtAnaKnot1 Libersyville, li. p-26-2 ioder. Mill doing gond busiiness. mittee representing both aides will be Spear lots 31 and 32 in block 3, Lake A D). Jackman and wife to Annie Evans' sut of block "E" Highland Park trdt eil at one on acrunt fldeat of hield next week, the opinion was; free-Buf . . 70 Newberry, part lot 1, sub of lot 50,WD,$50 FO oSLE--Nearly emo e r e my hbzand. M"nsDonA Ei, s y expressed yesrterday and today that 1 Jfunig ;nwrto Harriet Lake Forest. WV.D 1). Eiaeh Siht .F ar f2200. hionthbly paymlents i detsiredi. + FR R N there, would be a istrike. .S aulding, part of lot, assessor-s R W a l n if tox south sevfen eiht!is of lot ?,T.3 M"OND & A 9sFT.- -24-tf i FR R N The scale paid the carpenter now suit in the northwest quarter of sec. E41efson, lots 2112 and,]: Shaw's sub.iSmith's sub Iin the, northwest quarter FOR-------RENT-seven irooin hueob ssit t nour, and1t e aetion 21,.Waukegan), \W.D., $50. In section .35, %W. AnNioch township- lof section 12, West Antioch township. IFOR SALE-.New modern, up-to-date asked forondM65icentsvifor-the, next threeI uH. J. Duinning and wife Io W. IL W. D. $100. inc ain Av,.% n tél, rF n 120-2 yag The average scale paid the oth- -MESDAMES THOMPSON HUNT ANDSalig >r flt9 sesrssb OoReeudviet un lxne urcm iet le Il ureofGE. & BreLieryrt .***.V***1 in************erbuidigstrde isu6arntearD noorhwstquate o scton 1,Kin,3 ltsins io 7,Alnm .-ixo, ouhhefet te orh 1.e-tfFARMS FOR RENT. lhour, somte of the union men receiv- BOSWE.L HAVE JOINT BIRTH - Wauikegan township, W. D., $1,500. s.hilt W. D. $,0 feet of lots 5 and ;, Park add, Wau- 1 have a few very goed farme for Ing as h!gh as 75 cents an hour. DAY PARTY THURSDAY.keaWD. 1 FOR SALE-60AS9 ls bêlu su nd ren fr1912 running from 70 acres In the rnegotiations the. carpentejr. ..--Edward Da1 t : a tokn.2 ist an )() t umbéImSw llllsle (t 0 acres and 111 close e statons. asked the eiinat;ion fromt the agréé RAýHERt INTERESTING AND UN. acres in theli e art anarter of See- ØstLLRokefllr, lL cr2tf ureeUL 61-i.D&. rent of a elausae whiéhl prchbitits t h, USUAL CELEBRATION H ELD 119 tion anaod oau le -- ----- Grnis, ]L 6-tf ')W'!restriction of any manufactured ma THE W. R. C. tHALL.J F t FoR SALE-FuIl lfloded and - ter O ET neoh1nth cae terias excpep prIson·miade. Th,, John Austinu otJ PolndChna oPrad-g sto t ildN See em tetase h.s laen i allcontrcts;igntin, west 108.F',teet of 10! lu. Coujntv brýýding and individualit PrtFced tol -28-tf Er.zumru senti 1ed asince the lockoutt of 19011 and the i site o-nietlta he lrs u iotvle W ,$0 sell Litæerty Villa St.k Frm.H Jeiint members of the Woman's Relief C'orps AKN A. J. Austin and wIfe to Itose AlkiC PoiLE,-fo)rernan. N. E.Grr,%T FR RET-H in hç o'nedth csfarn t hn.of Waukegan have birthdays within a B N (P fer, west 108.6 feet of Ilotsif, aadIl q1(uireofi PAIý,t:LMAc >m, tLiberýty i le materJal mnanufactured by no-week of each other yet 'uchis the The wonder of bak County Clerk's suoLn ey:le W. il. FOR SALE--Holýtein bulls full b1l'oodWA TEDio""'°e"'® case as it developed Tusa when 'é ngpowders--Calumnet. $2,sot0. and registered at farmr's price. %257 WANTEDsIl is not genierally known in Wau- lthec Corps celebrated there birth. Wonderful in its raising - C. A .Nw\VJ. . Lut and up, front lstanldard bred tire. and offambaginIays al]liat once. The guests of honoer pwr t nfriy os2 m 5 ým 15NrhC4 outdot Wel bred high p) cing dam«.'anywhere between C'hicago and Mlil. .keg-an thrat the local Carpenter's unior. were •oesisuiriy os24ad2,bok15NrhC Some ready for sewrviceý, dsoeyoungslters w a ukee io list) samei with me. 1 can andi in fact al Carpenters' uanions in i it.never failing resuits, its cago, deed $150. ao'ourlat promnis- Rememry rthe buiil i" gtyurslsi o eal att aeCut long to the Chicago fed- Mrs. Mary Thompsion, aged 74 purity. T. H. Durst Fand wife leoYJ. EMe al yurhed.Liery iia tok eleration, but such ls the cs.Tni cas, on March 14th. Wonderful in its economy, Shane. rart riofilts -; andf 7, Berna(ein Et G RT, H. r7 rma.J.l s neGree il. , 1t.D&.teCicgcee atinmoes. trk Mrs. Boswell, agecg 76, a week It costs less than the high-price and Durnt' aini:ckT11 ,,,,,,,,!-,.. on Aril 1, It will mean thrat the fIe agio. trust brands, but it is worth as 3rd aIdd 1,,cgan, W. D., $2,f000. 'RSALE-9 room houge, aill modert1 THE MOLLAR BARBER COLLEGE of hundred carpenters in Lake couinty. Mrso. Hunt, aged 64 last Tues- much. It cosa tri fle inore than of seCction , Waikezfan towns'h!p. ýW m oeetAnd- lot. [fqire W,.1.14thitca U. I1, want rmen tle r barb.-Ir two hundred of whom reside in Wau.- day. the cheap and big can kinds-- D. drNiE ,,F it tttw a roadiway l. ýv F fý ie lri dID kegarn'anid North Chicago, will be cul!- The womnen are alt amiong l best -t is worth more. But proves its City or e Perepst t-ý,e elIa a7 _21l-1tifr- a beauitiful etnlone an ak i ailced out. Iknown members of the lodlge anid they ra cnm m:ebkn.Nef,, jeFor-t, W. D. Our r'adeto I. sýéenti for iii -26.2 A loal carpenter in dliscussing the are among the hardest worka ýfor the Ue LMT-h oea4,)-(.$ FOR SALE-Good (]ho)rse. luireo *****************lateiotysadta e hnsi uplift of the veteran's wives. Follow. akm Powder. FasD M>Iàononou, Libertyvill, lit WANTED--Manto w)ovýrk _j far m aie to - ha i ti i ein, the regular meeting in t!a,.GM au wi fe toJohn t aLc r f o r c N o e o h r t h a n1 is o s s i b l e t h a t s m e a r r a n g e m e n t s % it ! A t-1 r c r .G r i ff i t ; i t ' _ 7 L F o r s t , W . 2-d7-2ninu irsninn apý" e ad efreArin1sutatt e o, the ladios remnained for a iocial AwadAt loLnonE FOR SALE-Nice 4-vr-old d river:. wl nur ocnw awr iet arpenters will not lbe called out. hFalreck hvn enpe old Pre-bert 20 atr tiritent!iF,,th eqarter brkndoubl. Ail -.i uxW ti oré-3-yr- viihey flnt .F, -ke64 ' -Car viously boughit to celebrate thre thréee old, both oui of Ladfy Hlanromn*******m - 1H ay htteLk onyer birthdays. Tea was madie and the wo- Epsto notd ired; airé,o someEarly Victo WANTEO-Cood rid fo r lgth ue-enters, togetheàr with the carpenters mnhi ut ieo t xmn iý , ptatoes andsoe ,11oie je étatles;Fwrk. Inquire at thIs ofhe.. 23 i okcut higttMte e hdqieatm fi.EaieY oP 8so Snl o bBo nLýIghorn e ..F:oldhv 6 sa1ou utd- And then, aftier a social h1ýOIIhv . fFr nIor )i e our, NMrs. - -- -Every one is for , - r toio plain of for settmglz .1. for ]5 tgg». i illayournel" MISELLANEOUS , cares that when thé, contra o1 f Thompson, -one of the youngest dthe prejudices that its!adother men ly -,&IlrFi -ee me lgr writll. C. J.LOST-Silver nmesIhubi taiji.,:fered twomen" inhthe city, rendered a re or partiesIasthf hetwere free, and had Liberty0il,.Ji K1). L2 ridé- railr,ad ticke aond r y Losét at t i h ifeec n : itaion which would have done credlt nn fhso n hsb. ojce p-"-4 Ilw St.Pi eo. l'hnwultrtv leIa raise of 2½ eý ents and te mattecr to) a high sachool iss \Mrs. Bos- on all sides, It is agreed f 1it is a 22--.;il6-1 was prit Fupto a referendum vote, that falt and a hindranicv e t nweg K AL-rwo %%,arG itthe Lake Coumty carpienters votedfinl, o n fhryeri loaWhat now is the ûeme? ;No 'ther but Liwr le Il. ie nurnc.hos rnincoe- fvro t h otatr f Cook remarkably Weill presered woman. this, that every mani hoii'!ilet alone -r 5- i, o[lants ng u tlby D & ontho evr vtd ganI tand The tri-birthday - oeet proved one others' prejudices a! .nd !ine his FOR SALE-Good , 7room h1.. u ous nd 1. Iitwas turned down decisively, he ofl the Most delighitful affairs of the on h nywyt oeti hlbomt etw lgh; loo TO EXCHANGE-10 ri orrbard, 4 says. kind the Relief Corps has ever hal.gracusofgnre aerrot hou ý, and htra 2, 3 2 lot. 1a , easo ,iiGad a . oord.of the world Is for' every or a tial "I P-"Fi ery %% il 00 a d ea . at n. -----¯¯¯1-1---ly to examiiino hmE - . h vwat-rin pr ln 1 & pron wr or uaall fram. sceeI. Iliw Wis on in ilHow Cold Causes Kidnty Disease - Partly by driving bond, m ifir and Tank Company's surface an cong-éscyng un, e ar anl - ponuti Folev Kidnli,.l tre fing Stave Silo's WWrS OUe " "a theOn Te Male b. de.11e reto atin R O SE C OM BBes nTe aitCOnO ver Piano The coniover RHODE ISLAND REDS >Pjano jg one tblt p.1,nflorrthand ift héllilof the world's greatest instruments. YFEaTILITY GUARCANTEED R. 8. TRIGG8 WANTED--Homesië for I-h idren, especil- For years it hias been a favorite among critical m usician Phone 146L Ubertyvviue, fiH. ynAp )v to t lin > sbi dren« and its reputation isso well establishied that anyone Who Ilearborn Street, hio buys a Conover is assured Of complete satisfaction. SINGLE COMB BILACK That eluzlYe boarding house whichI o ata ntuet htyuwl epodt O R P I NG T ON S youa have determined to End SOME so o orfins ontfi olo noteIei8o The grandest "AU Purpose" fou!Hi DAY may be advertised today. 1a alvro ilwgvn steteCnvr o a e ta eldsotaonce to-day. Egges from mr, y peunl'iiaie eedii n eal n of prise Winneor", 15 fur $5,111.00.etheUie SaéiSeaos Satisaction Guaranteed àdrcvoe lotuiofntan a 's uriueS rLb ry il. J.,P.ALLEMAN n h nt punst, 2nd. pe lospeolalDrsbboneonhoen, ATPA7lNGUARANTECED T h euIm oeao S. C. Kinmball W ol lolk ohv o eLk oay arenosred for for Laeanduety,. pwedalso have to mde yofe Cer Coaanfead Mntettingsod of sitin efrotmt oorg0 en of Par tre Lm Si ,e&Coifynbrevrlmnfcue' rte urnes thdergrfrtergtéad Lbrve, •er•d • Ininois e,4 .'Md. .Whie lrp m. ndWie0Oan ulii uest oaI. ."tooffe afero,«am o «e ýtisli uto need, rpiring or otherwise. Weà