CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Mar 1912, p. 5

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LAKECOTTTY N1YEPE1NDENT, F'RIDAY. MARCIi 29, 1912. -Our Customers find they can get better Groceries, better prices, better service than else- where. If you want. Groceries >you should deai with us. Try our canned goodaS, Soup1, Vegetables, eats, Fruits, etc. They are the best that money wiUl buy. We make a sPeÀaty of TEA AND oOFFE and wiII guarantee every pound you buy here will pleane you. Je 1311 Tfriggs Rubber Goods The season of SLU8H an& 'kU>BBER FOOT WEAR Is here, are YOU prepared? We carry the (love brand cf (Goodyear rubbers, and the (Iood- year and Mishawaka rnbber boots in both short and long Iengths. We have roduced the price on A LL rubber boots for a few days, do you want te take advantage of it? If so corne in and S~t us lit you out. The latest things ini Spriîîg fatp atîd Negli- gee shirts are now ini. EVER yTHING FOIR MEN J, B, Morse & Co, - PHONE 14 ý L Iibertyville, illinois. Shur-on t EYEGLASSES Are Correctly Fitted by We use no Drugs to niake an examination and we guarantee all of _-' ur SPEMCTÂLES AND C. A. Beswick, ORPTI~CANT LIBERTYVILL, - ILLINOIS Yu*Mr. FarmerI YouAreGoing To Bc Very Busy Soon Look up what you want in seeds right ncw. Owing te 1gh Prices, stocks to select from wili be light. Make yo.ur selection early. Get first choice. Only good seed carried. PHONE' 47 LibertyviI1e Lumber Co. DON'TRUN ANY RISK Have yeuir furniture iusured in THE NEW IIAMPSHIRE'FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Char)..J) Procetor, Agent -U -R i, PbI*a14 .114. ILIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI LOCAL AND PERSONALMENON ORTHEWEEK1 To nsure publication in the Indepen- dent, copyr must be in tha office no latar than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisera. especially, are aaked to take particular notice ta tii. affect. W- B. Smiths of Wauksgan, transacted business la Our City Tuesdav. P., JR.Meyer tram Ieerfield was a Llbetvlille busess viator Saturda>'. Stove lsugrth isard wôod St LIBERTY- VILLR Luimnsa Co. e-26-2 A. B. Anderson tram Chicago, called on thre Libertyviii. mrcant. Monay. G. asolo tram Indianapolis, lad., traouacted buasin O ur City Monday. Fertiisr for &Bi purpowe sta Lin majry. viLLE Lassama Co. C-26-2 A. L. Câtral tram Elgin, w«s a business viaitor la our Cty Mondai. &. 8. Pauset trou Malon, lad., tran- sacted bocusie la tbis place Tueaday. James OConnor tramt Desrlleld, tran- aacted busines la aur clty Monday. Fertiliser for ail purpoase et LIBEIITY- viLLE LuiMBz Co. c-26-A Mdonday, F. J. klexton tramt Medison, Wls., irausaeeted buainega la Liberty ville. Me.,. E. A. Dean tramtiRockefeller, celleul on frlends bore Tuesday. Ifion are golag fa du'any fsncing thue spl Ina. lbotter look alter posta uow ai I.,RYVLL ne-Dr..I. .. -28. t R. S. McQuu fram %Iiliwaui[ee, wass a LiberiYvllle businessi visîfor Tuesdey. Stove Ieagrth isard wvod et LICEiîrr- VILLE LUMBEritou. c-26-2 Frank Skinner transecteul busineqssla Chiclago on. day lapt wr-rk. Mie Orm S mith and Mise Filson were Chicago visitore Monday. T. K. sd F. 1. Neison froni Chicego, were buzinesse visitars lu Lîbertyville Monay. Seed coru, seed oats. eeerd beniey, clover, timotisy and aialfat, very beat et Linînrryvsaa.u LUMbERz Co. e-26-2 George Qnsatin moveul Tuesdey train tise Delissys bouseou Lincoln avenus ta tise raidene. ownsd hy H. H. Pegeiow on stoeartavenue. Sarviinet aIIls.Eplecapai sisurcirevery suaday as toflwe: Ohurcis services et 2:40 p. M. aMW Sunday scisolalt 8:40. Rev. A. C. Iiards. Betor. Tise nexi regelar busInme meeting of tire LaiSseAI ocieiy ai tire M. E. chancis wM buSeliset he tirschisparla r nexi Tuesdag, Apuil 2. Use NoRob aosp chips. better an,. cisper tisa& bar soap. Mekea tire latisewitseanditise wurk lîgiri. Aak JoUr glacer for tisen. Menutactured only by BIgli National Soap Go. Fix up tise aId chair iry applying a coat of Caapbel'so Varnisir Siain. You '-ill ne ssiprlssd and delighted wlth tus effect yoe aproduce. Tirsutiteonly a trille and It lna epleasure to do tire rer yaarself. Aqk F. B. Lus Ei,. Co. for colon cerd. LABETTYLLI LUI1,111 u. e2(t2>D. John Flirher fruai Ihicago. an aid Mr. and MrM W. C. Brumni museu finie rpedentof LlIhrt3 ville andl mnny lest Wesk ta Racine, w lssirere tbey ymare egaprincipl of ti--l- ,iryVil expecita armaire tîîr futurseirume. scîroole, w«s lutowîrn iModav. tring called hec. ta attenmi RIl. J. P. Davis, Mr. andl Mre. H. J. àMeyers went tlu scinil IIet tise mne 4t iis motrer, Ciicago ira Wed, esîlay tu attend tire W. E. Davis. fanerai utfire. John 1ieyer'. Min. Profine ennouirces lier epriar Thre Lailiem' Aid societV outhtie M. E. fullinery apeung 1-rîday 'i%, arcli 2tti. Ujunsuâl r-are bas 1-11'i- xi-rreul tri cirîrcb a ilI i lld a tee dinth shower et pruvide an aittractive ansd thîîruugily tireir iexti lreetisig Taesdiîy, April 2. up-tu-date ins ut spniirr iiilliiiicry whirci Statem' Attorney Dad.y and Sîreriti r'Vuuare cordiall.v irruir-il lu(-ail and tirer-n î,t Wnulregaîî weres ru own on iset "tn tire Rondi to o- :ltv rea business Tur-edayvTraelog in iturre s, %iMii li ,-s' . W L. Il 3rru arr- going tir dio any feuiug thtieWilîsplr-'esuljeet on tîrise ru culng ut sprng. hettre looik alte poste nriw ai thii week. Fine plctiiriî.s u ili i tlrown tLABEiTI VSILE I i 511E lit(,'. e-t21; mpon tIre cauvass. 11 'li. i ilre W iii WiV. '.Jack«on Irouiîrlugleelde, îuwn bezin et sigiri riclirci iiilireNI. E. elerk outhtie tour-hip rît Grant. , uae v ch. Barsutlunirie,'l buýine" vsietur ir ounr city AMonday. irofiV.aC.ngarri@of as i'uiile intir Fwsd cocu, eeed uatsesed barey, L.iberiyviile icsireliai othre icusa elrver, tîgîrotlir' and alla, very tient et jeer. Mr. Burrie taugt liriiing tire twrr LlîrEîRrvlLLE LuNiuEit Co. ec-t1l-2 wcekm,'absence ut prof Whîi sio was celled ta Wenclseee, N. V -.1îy tire ferions Mdr. and Mr@. Hermen Gesit ram iasemutfiris fase. Chicago, are speuding e tew daya et tire Wn..f>reutCuas.epeea ironisai Me. and IMes. H. N. Mazireni. tire Cit trs Fre fSclig Machion Ca. Tire isses erce anul Ethel Wlrrreler wes lu town Tuiesdav andlmials arrange._ a.nd fessie Builer are epsadinàg a wes. î meute wiîir Paul G. Raiey. trl oi-el vacairi trtîrtirir dtic etLrealhrerpeeetativs. toreau advetisiiiz dem- Vacaionfroi teirdutim e Dea elpan. ,tIre iret of tire @.cric" ti alinl Noin nilet thirîrhomesrer e. tire weei'sissue. Lookri, trie nir G W.Prat reove bistio»ebciijaiotirrpage.. efflt. t ii Iankegau iîrnrluy lr-e, To el Cntrucion C ompny o 1uf wil yl 'il. i-Ie relias sengrlinrucrntreet for tire 'r irtionriorrta tire s.liotesule wieus rinesse re-intoreul onereî bridge 1I50ufeertlrrng ienieniler Jasý P. G.ray selle, trerles, tu be buiît river thýrcasvire onu St. Jortrs rente aird repaire all lunuleof ut avenue, HinîrleidPark. Tire otret mîachur-s. Tire pnulic is wswruc tr ctre nc-irrir1ii)nvih h inepect hir itock ai any tume.c -.-t t o cu entrer'tiirg trris, tIret o tire local flrm being lire losresî Iid sulitteul. Nits.A. H. Churchrill and Nlrm. (harles§ The total eîîîrunî of tire hir wae Cher-ver einteinrid tin-rubere ut tire Z420.O0. Alphra clb anul their hu§hmrurluî lest Tirs fore part ufttins week A. R. Tirur@der evsuinig, et tirs home utfScirn&eebel & ui. ciruseu a deal wisereby Mrgs Cîeever. L. V. Diver rfut ire. Mont., sold ta Horace Bnliir-y tire praperty knuwa as I am ready foula any kînul ut turniturs BateI Brownu itueteduer tirs olul St. work, nîanuuarturrîrg endl repairing; Paut deput. Tire conideration wu@ meking winrirw and ultor tiere euad $2.550,00. JuAt wlref Mr. Bailkley ru tact ceepsîrter wurk of ay kinu l Al intends ta do wîtî tIrs propeci! we are wîîrk guarenteed. H. W. Bovvv. l'irouens nat a eposition t taes, but It le 164W. ru 27o-2 uuderstood ire wiii continue ta, leese if Tire Trnneeseaue" thirlestrruiber tor hotel purpases. orf tireiigir ectool lyeeurî courese wes George 1P. Etugeiherd, progressive presutedapthe ownrepuhuir-an cerrirdat fr- orCongresiiiau preeutd jrte orsnhal.- est Fridey tram tuns dist tîrut rrdrsssd tire roture evr-ning. A large arudiernc e r-eltire of Litreryville et tire V.'odnia Irall pertornirreandl judgiug trrai tire lest Satneririy iit. Derpistirte fait apîsieu@e acuruleultir-m tIr e nn.,î'in- h meeting was nuiat s odutil Saturle ttertrîsura ulte a goo ment wae irîgiriy apprecciateu.l h waspe maraton a ,nq o g th terureultire beatt nuailer futhtie suffire candidate amui îudgirrg fran tire en- course. tisusiamm Mirusî iitire meeting Mn. ___________________________________Engelirerit s il] redeise coruisderatîl, supprtrin tuu- il Look in the glatis and letarn if yoo can Tire 5tilstrel wluîw given luy tir,-L.. H look yourseif squarely lu the eye IfS- wu$e truiauî 'rBes uals.-a3S. yuhavesa famiiy, but no insueancee. This sucires iimur atiriils buter! trr tire 1~~00, interest wlrc usiwrHeios.' by tlîe s.'ole think you will not like the reflection. communi, andîi -sjuciaiiy tire reriere ____________ ut the Fresîririr. Sruîuioirors andl Junior 1:' ~ dalla- golu lu-cre a iicir was attenëd iy S E B U Y tirsSeniours iru tire cleamswhich eboulul sIl thre greateeit nurîner of tickets. Crin- RNsîdereble nias sîpiri was show lu fuIs District Manager seliag l1ti tickets Tire Frestimrnîtuold O Colony Life tasurnca Campauy eertaiuly rare trr bru cougretulatedul ion Off.i eaono»Office their activitv. t'R 1'tiilriiii.rirrct wir..initri d.ati t A iis liiicr, liii, i ji j.i, ri valur îîJ Iti,i ut lun1 ka: iis.1ije. at hi %%n ii0 i .1i,-,e, aî ici Tiiiry riîieiuriz atii ' ii u,,rafttea rongilicir Ti~l, uiwralrîri ci s îr-ar-n rirl ii'i'l (iver thle rerireinm e '-il neiedrn iiirinig et e~seiri ockinid re esirterrr i wth Mamsiirîlu- lrînrîe 1ev. A . V.11rce, pas-. tur (if tirs %Itliîor.,t clnrîli et tIrat ý 18ce e'Ouruucted tihe services. Tire mserine. twiii-lî urule hg wam a promu- Dntmenîber. attended lu a body. Mer. Pagir wae titt wo tsars nid. He la survis'ed iv a widuw rd twu sans. Re wae a leading r itizfn oft ti,, euruuruity, and we. cloesly idantrflld witir erery- tln8 tiret pretalned tu tire murel and industrIllprogeseoft ilj country. fne watt aoted for hie mauy kinul aeta and *&à.' alweys laidingi iis neigirbora la every way possible. Nu man iras dleu la D)ae encunty tiretiras heen murîeed more tran M,.Pugir will ire. He conductu-ul& generel marchandise starseand wae on. 0f tise t ah asdearlera secte r Nons Ceroina. andl leaves an efets eof 880,0w0. Presbyterian Services MOrning airaIn. 10:80; aubject, "Thse PisY»"alAnguliof Chrit,"Ilfui word on the cross K9vsuing service 7:30. "Thea Cry ot Trînnipi,' six lsword on tise cross. Parenté ara remladed ai tise short cildr«e'aermion betors thse regnier sermon Waetisa paper for apeclal announc. ment@ next week. Everybody especiaily tisais fot con- nected wîh e.Y oftibe local chireces are invlted. Youre lu thse Mester'a service, A. VAN DE[L MEER. IL R C hurch Services. 10:00 aL tu. Cna m eeting. 1ev. J. B. MdacOuffil. 10:80 a. Li. Secrenient ut the Lords@ Supper. 1J ni. Bible Scirool. Review ofthtie- Quarter. -6:45 p. mi. Epwurth Leegne. 7:80 p. nM. Pr@achiný, Bey. W. L. Whipple. Huj jTirres Canddates", 7:30, TeaeeerTraiinïglas Wedneadey, 7:30 Prayeréervice, Raliy. Notice of Election Notice e bherehy given tiret on Tuesday tire ltir day ut Aplun A. 1). 19,12 et Turwn Hall lu tire viliage ut Libertyvîlls ini th.- couaty ut Lake and Stats ut Illinois, tiret un slectrî,n willlibc ireld for tirs lollowrng uerrredotfilcere, to-wit. Tirret Trusîses Uins irueiee, iOas yeer to 1111 vtcancy uins Village Lienk Oins Police Megiotniste t%lricir election willirbe openu et 7:00 o'clockiniitirs morning aud continne ou n ntil 5:00 Lu'clock in tire attetuoon of rai day. l)ared ai Libertsille tues 28th day ut Marc inruths yearutofur LorJ une tirouéand mueusindrsd and twolve. E. H. LORLETT, Village Làsrk. c-27-1 Annual Town Meeting Notice ie irerehy given tu tirs citizens, legal vuter8 ot trie towu utf1.rbertyville ia tire counsty ut Lake and 8tats ut Illinois, tint tire anumal town meeting snd electlî,n lure aid isscw î ll lis irld as tirsTorsnkBail, Liber tyvîlis, Ilîrne, r tire Firet 'rcrriict ut C. Gotti & Cu. store, Lîb.-etyvuie, lirîurois, for tire Second Precirut rn said tossuhallu Trresdejy tire nd .lay ot Apîli next, bing tire tiret Tuesdrsy insasd mua tir luertirs purpose uf electiug. tins Supervisrr Oue Town L'erk tins Aseesor tins Lolector Une Wommiosion of Higbiways, central district tines tciool Trustes, doutir district tins Justice ut Pence ta 1111 vacancy Tirs annuel town meeting will be ireld ai tirs Tuwn hall, Liberty ville, Ili., ai tirs hour ut 2 u'cluck p. ni. ou tirs aliove named riay andl date, tor tire trurpose utfirearing tire reporte ufthfie towa otfiler., and tu trausaci eny ot4isr business tirati ay lsgally lis presee»td. PoilIs open ai ô O*clock a. Ms. and muet close ai 5 o'cloek P. nr. Given under nry baud et Liliertyville, Ili. , ti 23rcd day oi Marcir, A. 1). 1912.q E. 1). Hti ulrtr), Town Ienk. Spray Yaur Trees, Save Vaur Cropa tuer -,0libmre fruit and tuliy 1001, îurprorrenient in qruality liy sîreying. Ocet a Iroi, oun erl>rj g ai IlLi'KLii à BON,ui4-.i RHIODE ISLAND RED-S rItt ïCrMii EXUUSIVeî.Y) My re do are heautiem, lireul tor egg production as wr-l ad show birds. Eggs. $1.50, $2.50 and $6 per 15 Pieuse Place Your Order lni Adurîre JNO. DOLLENMAIER pHoir: 13 . 11 -r Libertyvifle, III. M __________________________ a a, Wlien You "Let" Your Money - h is importanit lu)kiiow tire usent ot your Iiivrsiitmt rami four distinct puins -SECURITY, LEGALITY, CON. VERTABILITY and RATE 0F INTEREST. We mîake a spccialty ot selecting e c j desirsirie iuve-,iîîrcts for piviite investors, fîrrîishiîîg ouI>-tire * . BRS'T in sev eaIclasses of Bonds sud bnRtg.rgcS. Wc invite tire inqruiry of firose s.'io bave uîumîcy tri baansd elso of trace aira desire ta irorrow on goad secny. TIU FIRSTNATIONAL ANK 0F LIBERTYVILLE UNITIDP STATES DERPOIrt>ORv FOR POSTAL SAVINGS PUND8 -I Easter Lillies 75c to $ 1.50 Each ALL KINDS 0F OTHER BEAIJTIFUL F10 WERS FOR THE OCCASION Easter Baskets arranged at low figuros-Telephone your ordor we wiil rosrve a dandy for you. MER EDITHI Success is Yours e (uîve lig1îtnt-Hs to your heart, freedom to yoUî. thought, comion seILse to yotr whirns, caution to every day lite, and that which toIlowo nmust be saccess. ¶CAUTION iii earuing some, spendlng lem~, having a batik accoant, keeping a check on expenditures, aBking the. bankers' advice In doubtful busine tranaactions-This bank can so serve yen. Lake County National BanIk When you want coffee that hae, that fine smooth flavor buy CRASE & SA2NBORN'S SElP ATBRÂ&ND Codleùît dPrdrk Phono 30 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLU rJUST TO REMIND YOU Insurance on stock and. bu1g s part of oxies annual 14esa~ ha~ should be to reduce s tem.I par lmor*- than the lowest possible rate, snd we =av ~ able ' to make suggestions regarding equlpment which will redue your rate 1lmor 20 per cent.. We trust you wi ive us at loadS a part of your insurance, beoause neariy Everybody's Doi' it Now and you will find that it pays. A.ND REMEMBE1R, we also buy, seil aigd ercae ail kinds of real estate in Lake County, ooileot renta,-manage pr hande god irst mortysees on real ebta as lfe, accident, healtb, livestock, automobile, plates glass, etc. Give us à calli A. R. Schnaebele & Comnpany PHONE 13 LIBERTYVILLE, LUJCE BUILDING March Speci*als, During this month,- we off or tome v.ry Special Bargains in widely varied inosi Full size Suit ( 'ascel, inake ot strew matting or raille with brase M and catehee; tîrese gouda have been advertised at$...4. Ou r special prie, . ........................... Ail osver (iiugham A proue, caver tire entire dress, tuit aiseS, good qutelîîy ,tingiam. Speciel et ........................ SI Handeouioe Msaline Peticoate, pretty line ut colore, exeelle<oulk am we il made.s Tires are $200 values. Wlrlle tisey leit .................»........................... I.~ Intent'mIlouhléib eîbl5lnketp, white with plnk or bIne bordmr; made ot aices, iravy, twilled lannet ai pair ........S C Wesb Pinlstîing liralds, a bl&r essorient of tirefs brakls in white ani colore, 4 and (; Yard boite, marry regular 10e pleces la the lot. Yirurchoicefor .......................................2... ....... C Full widtb Corset Cuver Embrolderis, good imaterial.- ricely worlred. per var<j....... .................................... C Cotton Battuansd Com!ort lKaterials I. W5. CARROLL & SONS GO. TWO SToRE r!VeRYBODYS A DOIN' Il. DOIN IT. DOM DOIN, WlAT? SUB5CRilBNG Ro THE INDtNDEN4T. OMM ) ,, 1

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