CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 1

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~AKE OOUNTY INDE >PENDENT WAUKEGAN WELYSUN____ VOL. 20.-NO. 28. 11!1UENPAG LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE RCOUNTY, LLNISMDAY, APRIIZ 5,1912. ONE TO EIGHT si. ro PER YEAR iN ADVANCZ. Ilum the show ho pots UP but - hS'ist, la AU o;t«. they emL «Cbh er «"WbY L a o a t o w u a o tk a h . a u > Sdoue, uhat 1bbos to do. eta.inatesd w. u a.1.m sme coiored viewm &Bd hm nuotig &but Ewbat we w"s dia- emamq. . expuct.dhi. (p nwer soo te l. tatemnts md by cama didat. EICU*Ibard but ho studioumYI IrHlgCANDIDATS FOR COI4ORESS hieeUng Mr Wednesdmy. ai Mr. Magaharda o hod abig rallY ABAINSi FossellEING WELL ln the armory, Wauikegm n mWed- ô aegday eveniog andi fhle greeted RmEGIVED ovîm COIJNTY. wM thtise smi excellent crowdm wblch have turned ont la the. varions howus of! Laiescouuly, Il wili be "'nm$n IS tHE PRIITERns' FRIBIl) tleetigA" TO LUST YEAR BANNER INTERESTINO GATHERING HELO IMPROVEMENI*YEAR TH AT CONGRESSIONAL RALLV IN NEARLY EVERY CITY IN COUNTV TH E OPIRA HOUSE. REPORTS INCREASE NORTH - CHICAGO LEADS "afre ta wiat lie l.iffhlaand Park Press The- last >ear. bas been a great one W. Saye et George Rugehards carnlSIig fori, rovernts tbrougbosut the ouin Ar, for conjtrelis r clat iie<til cof tihetU. Tie recorýâ et lie office ut touu-tb couult: mtan Metfie. Trea8urer (tari WVesterfitetdshow "Englelsard e alietng. tat dornne lie tantl ar tiere asilr r. ir "M. nglebard ba., putl n a serY .1toast 54) pler cent more Irnîrore- co bus> weet- lu lake couitY- A raiiy ment. tirougisout tic cournî tijan lu tri wu@ heid le ils uuerestl a it igivood, leh neediug year. Theie me-smoti for 0n W.dne»d&y evening lu Iis cl fisleot the - cies tat ittie short outr Friday evenlue anai aI teriYvilie Oais ptIcOnenai. Satrda evulu. AaI pontsbis lli e clty uf Northi Chicago tiere il raillieshave been targeiy atîeuded sud -sk e imsa mn îsca ' uuge muchIniulessf18larntilested ln hOià u ikite trecedîing yeVm, tndIcaling ihal o speeches. He la planning 10 speatSti the ansount of îpublic Imîroveuts sleverat cler Points ite conntywaetn ar as100pr c, durin the ooming week- more than the ireceslung year. This, t FoliowIug ia a portion Of lMr. Eni-ILiis due te flue fac, ciel North Chi-i&ar gleharde espeech ah HigiWOd: cagopulnaareum rofsesth "'.W. muat do ait Ihat May b--eneand 1,tleris. areumerci swr men in asikrttng our right aud _eciit- lu Waahogan t he ncrease us-or tîb"îgel lng the eleclion of meu.wio w111 rap-i precedlng year was about 5 li er cent, l rasatand nut mIsrelîresenl us n lie Thita ISdue, lu a large partItutahle IY' teglilatune, MunicilpaIl, Ista sudndna- large Noth Wo.t Kddt-sellier logebier iof tionai. We muet demandlthe eliminal- witi lie rnany water mains, scewera, Il$ ion cf graft- W mut annîiliate lie sldewalkst. ou Tiere were twonîy cal party boss save asbet lie luî1-t- more warrana&a han uurlug lie preced I ne meut of the wli cf tise party. Wr mlut tmîg yan. r demand auci legllatllnanse 'iii give Tien- 'ere six speclal awesamentis' tise people su otsortunity treely tu fronu Zion City snd there wlll b fka in express thelr preference! ta, elet thlie 1 more as soon as tiey are confirnsed. rigil meu and then tai recaIltihe- If Thislathle irsI lime ln lie iltory of su f bey prove to h untrue: te demand Zîcu Cty ual terne have been special 81 thi. rIgh ltegistfon sud lun1the eveul 1assesezuenla tror n aCiltyliaItiere As of a re"u ataIsetleinlitiative and! have Ieen speciai assenarment.from tfi ensclt the legisIatiols ournelves;-*ot Zion City snd thase 'mia were lustru- Ih, Sguard gaiuit Iaw purchsead wti lie mentlinlugoting theim luht lrougi Pl SIhhty lucre o %cole« corprtion>s- are uaturelIY verY Juiilant as liey as- but 'should sncb laws, nvrteessert that Il lmenuslise betinnng of a un Sund a place on our statuts bocks, tire euI'ci more ua-a-.itectY. - Sînce hin letthie referendum beolusut-rd aud, the citY tirait waa buit iv Join Ai,- to jet lie solied tpagecs beoat ram thir 1 ader Doisle Il stood 'mlisout chanuge tr eovers; te detuand direct prirnartes,! or improvernent. Duriug fie lest year ce glvtng the votera or lie parties a troepi everai siecta assosamounts for ce.-i sndud nrmelled Opporlunlty f0 ex-i ment sidesait-. have paseed sud mare th pre" their prefrfefces."'i are 10 o îpssesd a itle later on. As co George P. Engird, tise man w'mis sai a Possible an effort ta 10 b. ti. expecîrd la eucceed Co"-re"M"l-n mad -laiut aîacomplote syster ut $2 Fos lu congrema fr00 Iis dstit a bvesir.Plans are made wihj a fnlt-leged pnînten and. baving slart- 1ths end lu vlew snd tiose wio are de- 14 ed fromi lhe botîlsisansd wort-ei bis, irionîs cf tlei rrovemenîs are bond, way lireugi tie tradtebils request for iag every effort lu fiat direction, ti lie support of tise workingmina cornes lui Hghland Part-,[at-e Bluff sud 'mti a grade because If la tb ra i u 5Htgiwuod tee ee mar-ed lu- A tetiow-workingIiis asking heip sund crease% lu tie amonurt of umlprave- votls tram men lio cousîders is mInaI monta passed durtue fhe iast s-ar sud g -Meu whomhoc wiii always greet sud the iPeople lu liose Places tlais to saao- their band as wanmiy wheu I put fhroîsgb more as socrn as possible. $3 ult ruunulng for office as mb-n l Inju Liberl'.iie sud Lat-e Forestthle camupalgu- rl amani af irnpraýements durtng lie $5 Mr. Engeliard tm ut Grman-Frencdi ash bear were aboilt the sarne as lui-y îîarentg. H its boYbood was passed 'mre ln tbe Prrceujîjue ean.$ lu Wsconsin. At Bîxheen ho sas ai)- This 56 lier cent increase masde iii proutioed as as jrter, lien laugit un lie anoilit ut tmprovernts lunthe local publice chocis for tbroo >enrsi. cOuntY ithjue lasI Yean msansas great At ninteon isecame ta Chicago, finit- deuil more illouci f0i ho cOitected andud lng enspoymneis as s pinler. thesuc- 515(5momre siork tlabchi-andied. This ce8slvely as proo-reader. toremauan sd mlii give fie couuty Ireasurer sud lits editor. Tiree years alter he atiended, staff ot assistants muci mare liais tise aId University of Chicago, îaYlng Iusnsliy le alotted ta hem. bils way ouI of ils edîtoniai earutngs. Il-18,9he began huîines. lon ils uaR fSUCESW BE accoonlas a apublsherorftIrashe li-RI SUCE ,W B R A nais sud bock.sud for the pist thurf y A S"E O OFC yeans bas heen iresident cfthie 'eti- À S fINC. OFC kuo'mu fln of G. P. Engetiard sud calan.YOUNG MAN WHO MAS RFpRE- i He bas at'mtys been active luntiat- SENTED YEAST Co. WILL ics on tise aide ufthle people. Ha AID IN RUSH PERIOOS.- 'as lie tiret McKinley delegate eecl- , ed tram Illinuoiso te national Re- AUDITOR, WHO RESIGNED BY RE- publcan conventions lu 1896. Ho made QUEST ACCEPTO POSITION tise Ilgt against Pose for congresp, a IN LAKE FOREST. year sutýI a bai! ago, on a insurgent Republiiesuupiatform. winnlng s ptur- CstnRt ,awxet conat ailty 1n lie clly 'ards, but losuug lunba beenappoinîrd o fili e vacancy A L.aitse cuînty. lu the eerical staff lu lthe Laite counhy For aser liirty years ho lias been tressue office Wmilci bas ellstied À maklng a figt for a peuples' gavera- Ince tise resignation et E. C. WebeS. ment- 14e Io bouud t10 ,hflnbhil s 5- lMr. Rutt. mccrdlng ho present plansA et figt sud ast-s for your supot- wll work witb Tremsurer Cai P. your vote. Wterfleid durlng the rush semions 'This la TOUR figt-A flbig for the. of the yemr. Rutt la eu expert acconilt. People. Vote for ENGEILHÂRD. sut, sd ud haied several yeawe'ex- Au EngeIbard ratly was bhetd at perleftee on tise t, books. Hea Mjoit- the Grayalake Opera House. Mond&ed Colletor RobertI Mutm* durlug hie evening. This bouse waa wel fillted terni0<or ffice at tas coliector. 'itis progressive Rapublîcan voters-- Carl p. VW.uterfel4, couty tres- and enthumisamntwua mown. Hou G90- urmin anauInterview wtt.a fSUN reg. - 1. Haigit of Chcago wvs. tbeprinci. romat±iaOtoday, %ad. .*.Rutt. uil pal speaker. 1Mr. HalgIt at1 the pro- work duing thse rash %0»»nso! the greselve ReçubiUcs3i wha wtisdrew lu yearu. Hue witt reqelve oosipmeun fayo o!flMr. Kugelliard mc liaI lthe ouly tor- work acoornpiahed. Sud ill vliole progressive vote lni the@ Tentili ual e on h pay rotl evesi ve.k o! eocgremelenal district migisl b. cou- the year. 1 expeo tuho ct dovu" tae centrated on Mr. Ougehisard. Othier office eXPeuMIes$500 a reer by emi- speakers were Major A. V. initIa of ploylag Mr. Nut. Waukean sud Alderman Martn Kimi- RuttIbhem rWegued hie positios ble et Hlgbiand Park. local agent Worthe p'leicbmsn Toast & Engethard rallies will b. held lu oompany. Robert Mtaw, toun col- Antiodi on Thuraday, Hlgliwood ou lector, bas been assed e. hlm mue- Bshrdsy and Deerfield on Mondai tisseur. Pour youug tganssd thre. eveuna. siensie ssimg la the voft o! Col. l Congreseman ltes bas been shlri-OS lectIig tise taxes et the couty tres. - ta actlvlhy by the wvlrwiud campslgunIMet"office.à muad. by Engelisard lu ths counîr. He (e IIvlng sheroPtW Ioo etures on the Mise Kalierine McCann of Mitburu ggval station lu toWu1e where flsgei wbo isas heen IIl liste isospitm fort hard rallies bave beau lield. lIn a four veeke totowtng n ops-ticufo campalgu wlti vital Issues before the appeaidictls, wus rensove t10 hr home peuple, Mr. Foum le very erel tu, todas'. %Ir condition le verauch 4 avold sisowimg wbere h. stands or tu lmprov.d.c dseuse is oogrealoîItý 0ret Intestd lh. ehowa thée vote* * mn Tise put meti was th. e utet prett pltures, telle them a few etov- Mitoi as Wen a. eueof tise slorrlest1 W114 - hvae.Oanouami,AImad, la lk e hltory o« the <liclago veetiser1 ttise t% the luehi staig. ee Voto ehr ea, whieh d4t"sb.-ckt. o18. 1 A prii 1, 1911Cah on baud stteretiulo *- « * -$ Apnit 7. 1911-J. 9. Has. flues----------- ---- .ugumt 12. 1911, -PrdW Scisulîz, fines......... September 26, 1911, - John Mattbe.m fluas .. Janumry. 29 1912, - G. M it'ch, flues........... February 29, 1912 - C. A Besvick infles...... . mii 14, 1912 - R.J Daslr, shale's atîr fines.. Marcb 16, 1912 - Alez Tweed, flues ........... Marci 28, 1912 - On. Mill Tax ........ ........... 21». 40.0ý 25.01 46.01 . s 13.313.3 Total ..................$18,171M( Tue ~tlowing Jttem report Is fines colecteS: G. N. Paadetoup, Cia.. W. Kohli, (C. Bckii, J. H. Sillih, X£ Sciswl man, J. W. Butler, ElMiree, J. W Brldzeman, A. C. lues. A. A. Moi. Mi-emI Gall, D. A. -Holmem, D A. Hel mes, G. E. Phllipe. R. S. Bateford. M. Lund, G. H. Wsner J. M. Weter field. Other justices lian those sbOî9 have not reported. Teeterdar 'mas tise lant de> of trie dom for chieken. ln Ansors.Th, chieken ordinance become effecti', today. Ovuereo! peuits- wtio1aUn tlem 10 osauxout e!theMr ovayan batween no, sud Noveauber 1 ar Mebl. to arreet sud proeieon. ePT. 0F 80140018 BENDS PRO-1 RATA AMOUNT 0F FUND TO TOWNSHIP TREASURERS rOTAL TRIS TEAR 118,171-08 rMIS MEAIIS ElOfiTY-SEVEN AND ONE-TENTH CENTS FOR EACM MINOR IN CO. County Sfuperintendent of Sciaals T. ýr-tur Simpson bas belt comp1etedý le wurt-ot seniîdng tao vcry Incas- tonr lu fie varlouis toua usils et ta-eý alunI>. hheir pro rata share ot the dis- ributable tuud ton echoot purPoses ir tise bt-an endîîtg Iarcl i 1.l, E,2.' roui lie reports fiat h lssent out lô1. mouu tiat lie clty utfVatut-egan ,ets $5,()42.7i as ifshsano whitie tii! mwn ut Watîtegau gela $1,334.16. Tic distnibualte scbool fond cames rnm lie fiues coliected by liete 5116 ttorney sud lhe sanieus justices ut se liosce tirougiout lie caunhy. lu- suter 'miti the stafe awarrautsi i)d ia the One ill Tax received oaci Var tnom tie state Tise total arnoont ifuoney ýu the tnnd lis year was, 118,171.13 eut wbici ami-ont $17,313.31 lme tramt lie one Enlii1laxt 'mule lie next. lau-geaI amoant. S676.85 carne 'ota lie state's attorney Thse amounts clIeeted la> lue justices 'mas von' smalt. Il lis hecudeternined lîy a ceu- sus fiat tiere are lu the cont> 20. 16 tpeople under lise âge cf 21 yeres. As tiere ia bot 11111e over $18,000 lIn te dlstrihutable fond It mens liai liera la 87.2 cents fcr ech iofthle peo- ple uder 21 l is te conct>. Tise nuber utfIseole lu each lown uder 21 years o!ee Je tisesu determ- sInP sud thseofigtires9'049i'e 1d iu de- os-ihsiug mitIpart of the elire dms- nilutalae -fnnd oaci fown sinil re- The toilo'miug arnaunts 'more giron hi lue vaniaus la'mu treasurers ln the ountyr O. W. Fanley-fawn ot Boulon- -. A. Hoffrnan- Town o! Newport - 413.23. E. B. Williarps - Town ut Est Au- lioch - -$65u9.23. ciaries Tiompsun -Townu ut West Autiori 11423 W. F. WandeI Town ot Wanke- rail --$1334.16. -. F. Sciryver - Town utfIVarren - $312.17. i. J. Lobujeli - Town of Avais - $514.48. G E. Sîsuford -Town ut Grantl WV .1 Stecie - Town ot Shields - $'71.72. W. C. Trtggs- Town of L.iberty. ville - $927.81. Auna Wirtz - Town ut Freont - J.S Hiuas- Town of Waneonda - D). A- IoeirnesTown utf)Deerlteli $2186.10. tG. M setier - Tovn ot Vernon - $424.66. F. J. Bergisoru -Town of Ela - $529.30. F'. i. Walèrrnan- Town ut Cuba - $463.90. Johi Griffithi-City ut Lut-e Forest -$1158-89. T. H. Durat- City af Waut-egan - $5042.77. Tise foltawlug la fie source frocr ich thse dIsîthutable tond 'mas de pooi of Woodtocl with a 'Gcd bles yi'"libre.u ln? Asirfihe blessed wos*sru la tiat oclety for the tacts. But 1 wIfl ot carry this subject further. The people of Woodstock kme, that the. staternents above nmade are true. and that 1 have mot begun t umet lbeait and I really fel ta vrym . waman and cblld la or city has reaped henefts frani the wcrks et Seator Oison the past four years and that thse vote for hlm should be practicaily unanhrnous, for il le*not a malter cf polities, but an expression of appreciatlon on the part of the people ln behaif cf a capable, wide-awake. and genercus public ser- vant. the lîke of whom w. have flot seen ln the Eigbtb district during the more or less thrty pears of mv wark lu the editoriai harnegseln Ntc'Henry cuunty. A great vote for Senator Oison wtt) be niost gratifying tu nie, and news of his sucress wtt) corne with as great heaiing as do the sunshine ani the atrnosî,here ot Coorado. 1 beteve t arn gain crmow1y. anîd hoi)e 10 soon hae permission ti se- INSURANCF COMMISSIONER ECK. ERN SENDS OUT PAMPHLET EXPLAINING CONDITIONS. INCREASE 15 NECESSA.RY MOBILE LAW, ME SAYS, DEMAf4D6 THAT FRATERNAL SOCIETIES IN WIS. RAISE RATES. v. Àcr4 Nomm iIs umm DI MRS. CHAS, POItLUN 0110SUDIl OKENLV LUAIII IIIIIIIT AT PIN. .~ L O NOYER Ow^NTARIUM,FR AJIM POUND DrLA0719nÎRmo mvNURSE AT SAtITAU M AT 7 OCLOCKt Tif VMORNING.t FORMER EDITOR OF WOOOSTOCK Word w. gecelvod heore on Tues- day of thse ,udden d«eata Kenosha, PAPER GIVES BIDE LIGHTFS ON e Ws... cf Mrne. Lndonda Hunlînglon Phillilpe, eovd wfle cf Charles Ph.l OLSONS CHARACTER. lips, on. of thoi eialthy pioneers of Libertyvitietoumhlp. tratet t whPno b a enitaktng H'S THE PEGPL'S FRIBND tn Kenodia tOw e he st (fighfeenc menths, retlred early Monday night. Apparently ehle was enjoying good1 beath 1 MOST INTER ESTING LETTER CON.- At 7 o'ctock thisl morning wheu 0one'TIIGINIE CT1aE of te nurses of lhe Institution enter- j N NIE AT OE ed the ward ta cail) Mms, Pbflt1s for FRO M COL.ORADO. breakfast, slle dhécovered ihat the ange-l of death bal pal the-usîll- "Il, a v isit durlng the siasfil hou's of 11.1 nigbt. Mms.*<tInt!. î i-.l . One ut the strongemi appeals te demi serhape three bour' lien found ' voters made in be4,alf of the re- by the nurse. eloction of Senalor Oison appeare Aiîhough 77 years ofa.i e. rs.Phil ~1.cretisen h od lipîs basimadle bake cuîîn's hrre home1intecrn sueothWod forose stty oaL iiCi<ho,! oo stock Republican ever the name daIs v.ere passedt on ber f jh's faîtIll of C. A. Lemmers. formerly edi- neiar ililer. Il. for of that paper, who, se-veral She teaves te maurn . j-demise Imenthes agô -hait le g--o -C-oTi-r ber beiosed bushand, chrîries Phillii1, a weaithy land cwuer of tilO rounîî do for hie health. In t, Mr. tLem- and two daugilers, Mre. (fartsChee- mers cites tmre of the mnany im- ver, wtfe cf Waukegan's i osîterous portant things Mr. Oison ha* dons feed merchant, aud 2Mrs. i. Wr.Froc- for hie home town, for hie district tor-ü tluertyvtlle. g-for i hie country. Themlatter ls As'cording to preseuf ara -fornens, the remains will be fa;d at test ln mot interesting and centaine Fairfield cesnetery, Gi! mer, 111. The many revelations of Mr. Oison,% fanerai wiIt bee held Thurday. Char- resi oicitude for hie friende for les (' heever of Waukegar sluent lthe tepol fhedsrcec day In Kenosha compietinu, arrange- tepol fhedsrcec ments te hriug the body 10 1Lake coun- Peôple who remd it and think of ly for hurl. Mr. (harles Philllps thoa. thingt, cannot haip but ad- makes hier home withbhi. daughter, mire the senator and compmre WesraofhUetv te ft ti mls what ho ha. dons for the district et fLeryte.and for hi* people with that *hiclt litrO. PhIIIips was tak-ent o he fleu- 1.mnwose adsîc noyer Sanituum a year oa,,, ast Oct- helmon have Ce dos. hele ober. She was wIliîopn \ ast-e.1 ifer: nt on.Te t gan were he debr orefo I. W. A. Sanatorium, Colorado rnauy ears.Springs, Colo. Marci 20.-Dear Re- publican Readers: Altbough confined tEN4iELHUKD IVES here ln lhe mountamns cf Colorado pÀtA ÀBOUT F Se 1elng tho h estolred le heait1 DAT AOU FSScannot refiralmns intraining my gune - - thse great prtmary hatl) thal la agi- c- rELIS HOW F088 MAS STOOD FOR tatlag the Vbters 'oi! Illinois. aud ae§- BOSS AND TRUST RULE EVER peclally ot my beioved home .cty- ansd tisaIôone shot I want te lirein be.- $INCE HE MELO SEAT. bat! Of MY good friend, and your good 0 INERESING ATA RESETE rfrlend, aud the friend of the people, iNTEESTNG ATA RES TESeTnatOTÂA. j.Oison, prince of good IN CIRC4JLAR ISSUED BV THE tellows efficient and poputar legie- PROGRI98SIV E CANDIDATE. Iator and lihe man Whso doem thîngs Theuand of ersns his eekjeworth while, for 1 really feel tiatitI cful n a ersu thsGere Pt-.would bea aîamity if ho sbauld be - celhardbucadintdaefrorn gresP urned down and the people this de- Enei. r. anidte t r onres o f bie Invaluable services. against George Edrnsnd Poss andt tey1 Wie 1 arn inhereshed mare or less coitain orne riteresting farts andinl the success of Cengresaman Copley 'information. Orte feature of the dir- i to i atgnrst;t culr Ontanssom fatsabot Cn-Woodstock and McHenry county, ai gresmau Fo-ss, fats ishici are reai- the samne tîme I do net feel Ibat hie iy se gond tbat we reprint that par- defeat wouid be anywhere user the tienionf lhe cîrcufar. toms taeor people as would liaI ai RECORD 0F aiR. F088. I Senator Oison for Copley's Intereaf - Hie Vote on Every Question Fpr Trust.lmoeIth utrnndfte Rule. Xmrel_ 1oher n o h - e district, whlle Oisons bas te do wth Tise foliowing is a chronologicas] Our a0 ore od leies hw - lumtheary-ft be 9re-o1)i of tr Fssbas been repeatedly biessed by bis tlo tisraxt this 00lt uge benefaclions. fat-eon a liii ilesoutthe offIiai As Goda gioriaus sunshine and ach inai oi d orblessed ozone are magnllicentiy dis- Msrb 1 Veed or auton for peuseil smtd the glorles cf t.he Colo- -speaker. rada mouintaIns, restoring the plnk te March 15 V<iîed for C'annon organ- wan cieeks aud briuging beati sut -izatlon rides a i pt tih-ough by a loy hte eInvsiid even se, lhough In comiginatlon of i aunon regniarsanad ailesser degree, are the many kindit Dexocrats. . Inistrations of Senafor Oison, dis- Veted agatuet r-soIution fa redis- pne atý epeo Wasoke - tict the comntttce appioting power peciaiiyteas e p iso f Waos of es- of anetrf'Henry, 1Lake sud faune counties gen- bih teailrsthe A hPan aifferîIIy for lu the distribution of bis billet al stges.boun'ties hie bas flot lt bis right band April 9-Voted agatnst putting iîîm- kuow wiat bis ieft was doing. ber ou tbe free list. Have our readors torgalten bow 3t AprIl 9-Voted for increase un duly jSonator Otson betped fhe Oliver em- ou bartey mal plcyes ta cash their psy checkts lu the, - April 9-Voted agairist frec ides. Isertp day during the slriugerucy of ApMi 9-Voti-i againat countervait- 1907?. Apridtyopt 9- oe gfusîptt.tut Have fbey forgotten bow ho belpes e- Aril9-Vted gaist attig tustmany a man f0 build bis cernent side- coutrotledi roducis ou tie free liait. waîk In lie Summer ut 1009-or 1910? Aprl 9-Vted gajat rcomm1t Have they forgoîten bow ho gener- ý7 ting tariff bill for arndment and 1Ouffîy went dawn Ittuhie Jeans and Vôted for Rts pasbage. was tbe main factor In briuging te )0 Voted against thoetection cf tise Wcodtock anotier factary, thbt the mites committee sy the bouse witis man Whoo tahors wiub bis bands migit » the speaker exciuded train member- ho a tree Arnerican citizen sud exer- ahip. cloe bis franchise accordito 1thei )o 62nd Congrea-Firet Session. dîclales of bis own coueclencé. witt AprII 5, 1911-No vote on tlitiug cut danger cf Iostng bis Job, or if. hi o0 power of the speaker. shculd, wllb lie reasonable certafaty I May 8-Voted agaluat bill puttIng hIat tioes would be lu, WOOdt"ck a 0pcuttural Impternents on tise froc pace wbere hie coutd obtain emplcy- 1151. Mont, thug maintaining both bis man- orderlng investigation O! engmr trust. sice a lessing tc bundreds of DO Jue 20-Voted agaiut bill ta Ve- homes? If Yeu doiibt il 55k Heun'y duce dutios on woot and rrauufsctur- Eddy, W. H. 1Ü,iscot, Thac. Blngbant siof wool. C. H. Conger sud dozemof cfithae.s -duet 3-Voted againet redncing loc, employed In tise Enierson 61109p1 o ueson manufacturera of cotton. They lino, botter than I do the Worth IO Augusl 18-Voted against passage of the service doue tileul isY the generm of tree lilt bill over veto -< r sitolhcf Senahor 018cu. Sdent. o rs Have or readers torgotten hOî t i ho seen f bah Mr. ros voted Senator Oison secured au aPPropr* wý1 aitfulysud conssteuhlY ho raime ation cf $15000 for lb. erection of sn m. tuther hîgicot'o! ilIvIng and te -aroy luWaodatoct- atter Shurtleff ai- fasten upon the Arerioaconsumera sud tlis Lorimer bath-rooln boym had P- stîll More aecurety tbe oppressive bur. given us the cold sisculder? r den cf tariff-fosfered trust Prices. tlsvethey forgotten how persistent ,y aud euecesgtully Senahor Oison Te fought 1cr the intereots cf tbe dairy TO THE DAIRY PFAUMER formera, wbile Shurtjeff sud thse LOr« mer.McxleY crwd were ervlug lis e. Remd the Shurtieff ltter tu 1h. dary butterlnelinterestm? Reed tise record 'le fer'mr tu lbe fôund ln part two o!in s thia l linte binllite sentor expounded, iss.. t cntans anvnîeeetngand then hOnOmlY e"Y whethr r ot uId facta end much useful Informton may blle t of llatio t Springfield. baW indi. m - prue.Loot- Have Yeus forgotten ho, SemaIsf be ginedita aréui flusOleion tuned over %im ld.rluauice.a ferlitand foodIIt. àry to *0 Puaymite societyand tl twenty-fine votera sud presented bere - on Marci 9, the ho'mu truaheesimet TWO 0F MER DAIJGMTERS ,WORK bere lods> sud gratri the petitlon,. N WAUKEGAN AND ARE WELL- tiereiy creating a no'm subool distictr KNOWN IN THIS CITY. norlt fWsut-egan. t1- It 'milI ie recalleul that somne lifili' lime ago lie people tivinsg norti uf tIrs. Edwsnuj Jaunson. 51 rearo sU bere liai a sînilar petition acted ui>oiîtue nmotion of lie Misses lside Job wiWcheauseS tiheaoxsclritdation 0f tàu ofuttie- HeIn store sud job*- ihie eia<stollisicts imb sai'onsolfi son of the tefoî,b'nnffce> a resios - dated scliaoi district. Tiose ilsîrldts utfGîrnee ton over thisity eros, . l, 'mono 59, 60 and 5. aI lier homo Tisuraday, .U&lrcIa 21 e Messrs. James sud Ed'mard Blanch- pneumnensd beart trouble et wb ard Jerry Bunrîs sud W. J. B tint, filied sai d beeu 11ifothle lutI thff,. objections ta lie creallon ufthfle 'eeka.1' sobool district chrgiug thal tisere lis. Johnson 'meuh te Guru.. tr.W were lrrc'guianhles. 'Tlis matter vas Mnllneapohis, in.. Iilrly yrofs s tougit cutlnlutlie courts and re.ulted sud mannled a year lter. Since W lu a vlctorY for lie objectors. Tise tîme aie sud ber busand bave ivl Seoilon 'mas reudered ooiy two or cn a farta et Gnraee eve Mnce..Tfl* Ibrea 'eeke ago sud th. consolidated 'eeka ago aie contractei peuNISc eciool district still exista, sud titi later developed lateaIl l Thae now district for vilc lie p.- case of iseart trouble. Por mi htion vas filed aud acted wpon taise days bser condition b», hqen eWIMN lu practicallr tue %&me disatricts as and lier rocovery deszmreI lioe named lu le ie t petition, the of. change beiug ouly sufficienst to mae BeasIdes ber busisand. Mrs. TY~, Il legs]. Itlal reporteS liaI the. sme leaves lie folowing dinghIes-s: -Mum objectbrs vl) appeart-ibs lime sud Willata Délaiel cf Wausiiegaa; igia file tiseir objectlins Leray Laie 0f RockefeI1erý lMm. LSs-e Dempite thlm tact l aIMdliat a Hock o!, <mmes. In t lossle Joàupm_ ne, consolidatld seool bouse, moS sud lUase emie -.Jobzàm bo* OU arn la aIl respecte. probabli vItI be wisom live ai home but wokla n* eretd ln utle conter of the ew.,dil- kegan. ticlt some lime dunlng tise comi Summer. The majortr of resideute of lie district are emld ta laver tlis W1Y IaitWaukeffn Saturday1 erection ofthlie propse.d concolidated Rebpreentatives cf Latemi e* district. ln Waukegan atualrdar sud reulel thé > armory fon s meehing le b. hi1 M Â t oe'~u B the ie ntereel of lie guberntorWal 0- Accept ra rs S idal.née R aturdar aftei'ioOS. ' At a special meeting o! the coonli 'lb.e engagement la of Intereet Ouf bcard cf aupervicors lie new bond Importance because Mfr. Ssm511iI1 presented by tise reaeursr wonacse-accompé.uba SlénatOr WU$ cePted. Tise bond le sigued by relj#- Loimer, Who whl*110 Owna ble Wsmqkegebsiness mon. 'This fui place et Pox Lake, bU-as u >A viii moïie te bond burden mucis a traquenat viator ta, Wekepq lighter, au a bond romn a bodaînl Lortmoeecaudidta compsau la sisicet prohibitive. Cesi sud the meeting wtlI bu P. Weeterfield hem psoven lime.)! a l i emmumplgu whe si esiod treosorer and bus tis.coufideme candidate lb es lbça of tise pbi.- Tile'imes, liee cl-.V.- - i- -P mockly .deserilirive fetter, roneeriiIrsc j lu s rodent RAddess, iH. I.. Ekern, Colorado aseti ts great intituition be-1IWisconsin sîalo Insurance commis- mng ntaIiîeîlhere b ie trI .'rs sionmr, dOscnuied fie condition 0f lie- Wood ienouof AAroica, ,thîe ,--r at st iModernoWoasumeu ot Ar.tricsR..Il bas fraterual lustrauce organizat rua 1,,si-en îriîted lunpamuphleltforaisud il the wortd. 1 s eow tieiiig sent ta tise memnbres of- SNtcsnwbite huîrrah for Trd, a: ii-orle u Wtisconsin. lin. Et-arn, m9& tirs,-e heers aud a tiger' for S'-nmit-iy« i eport on lise sobject of ator Oison, ta whum tpidt1iclite lît'urac ofai veykinîltlikeza compliments nf th 1 01ofrinStic st-w ut the Woedmau silo,- -U Sigitiy dos-n, butl ot out, alois. C. A. LEMttERS Tii- insurnace cammissioner saye. -- that tihelNtodernu Ioodmen wore afr' COUNTY CARPENTERS rte Te Nobjeb tla t. tste1- - (ther titates tian Wisconsin. wagioie NOT AFFECTE» BY STRIKEhaecrpie topemd ai* Iserve. cmeîdI apohea5. DESPTE T<E SRUKEReerve Fund Necseary. DSI CHICAGO KIEDÉCLARED Tise bilîlas eîd lnWjsutaesle INO.HICAGO TAFELAE requtred tisaI everysoclety sliould ftmg C.1 T-AFE eD ut ho, mtmis eserve IL ougut toi, LOCAL CONTRACTORS ACREE TO hl'o nd li sieîy. ste jj PAY 65 CENTS AN HOUR ConTof thed Sociedyhm du l bs NO STRIKE HERE. This bairu Woad e d fie tu bo -- 's vlia bave readthie reports or the ~ There will lbe no i> etntcolie Waa- euietv hava been able tue .oua kegan or Lakte doîii cartwnters, wuue &ly a qVestlin outlime J*tore It deapîte the etrîke tiatlwss derlaredwoitgoiewyu tiRya j wuldgotheW& ofth RoalAde&. ln Cot- coonly hîy the tî!aOor-i' !.the Uited 1V9okmen sud otU'nr,' ganization tfay. iTius fa a rodîihtof societies whici iavs falîrd s10 - t#o lie compliance on the part oi lie asslroualy. sccordiîug le Mr. UacucoI, Wuukegau coisîractons t10 liS>the He asys. acate o! sisty-flve cenls an bout de- "Tise Modern Wooduseu bas as ' mandeS iy tise canptentcrs. hmrtsts ne.-reIa The Waukegau sud Lake couuuly thlu 190iesud e imsneThen I&M carpentera' union beogs ta lie Cii- wsl 93adslc h 'b cage organistiou and l'as ge.ral- :henhm eehav t is pe li . - lu as cz r nd, O~lin1 hiey wculdlb. cal iiedce so. Thiss .î9ri'eee vould bave been doue bsd nusathlo- wt t fe reased unautbl ~l cal contractera mseocatîon agrerlu omeneMinpesina 1911 pm(,X lie raised sasie. Inalructboi tram t il t ot utfor iâ tise iead officers of tise Chicago ho tis Ee y ongesebers Veat e 4M unions lu Wsokegan sud Lakse countr u-y ~ u nosla ue~ 'more for ail lhe bat-e routs caruon- li te sacirty ate paylng Minois ter@stb iay off Work t0day sud await tisu their lueurance omtis sInd tsîrIke orders. This wus don. sud le made up et lie ronager soin tiers vas net a union carpenter ai socief y faceS the problea o! ,1 'morkt- oday. Ih vas ascerted tesiay. Ibis condition gel 'mos-me sd icwever, hiss l alof liese caspenter uhtilthtie young mien vionlG*- ' e 3 bore wîîî refurn te vont tomorro,. c9!50 lu sud liose lli e aocleU', F lu Chicago ail cf tha carpenters w'.m drap ouI anmi he aid men -wouMi >remaîn ont ,asthe coutraetors orgeni- lofttIu10par Ieir evu luanuace.. Ot r zaîlon bas denied tbe ralae Iu scele. tat-ing balS af tifs nov. hetpi'i 8Il la saiS liati ndividual contracture the men b> a amaîl bordeau1s e, may bine union carpesilers as fasIas ed over thieYOunger memabera -& ,ftiey agree ho lie raised scale. using fie moenhOw cou aud. t There 'ers many wvio feared liatIn!g ta 1$4.00 or 15.00 a membge, à~ efthi. local carpentere 'e.calied ut ulouI thome aid membera. This lt.j hbuilding oeretions bers aud hhese waa adopteS 'miha aplan oet-pntua hpeople 'mill h. glau cf tise adjusstmeml sodlety i n suddequalecoet itI migbl bave a Ieudeucy b lie up ac<'ordllg tf0thie drsthm wh1isla ZJ, liaI bas heen made. ripenienced lu thisant-h s- ISEEK TO CREATE NEW DISTRICT MRS. . JOHNSONDI$ AT HOME IN GN0 BECAUSE OF OPPOSITION TO- y LAST DISTRICT SELIEVED -HAD BEEN A RESIDENT 0F 141*. MORE WILL SE FEIT. NEE FOR OVÈRTHIRTY YtAiaS -,- ,---------- AND WAS WELL KNOWM.

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