Ce !NOEUAIDis IFEDESAS1ea~woy neotber Q i a e wdleseatb4 nulm e vNO ( F wTB 2510 Obl WUeealýneaer.a le ber" of the u.w iwdlnanoee m oe bon IlenFEftueDIES ASe .erasjZpinLoe cout>', 17, lp ton, l; çÇart0l TO BE SPEAKER AT as Ilhe ries tearning his vo-e liiWh îî ber ofPethed ity om-PltaIseg os ody IIS3; SEod.34 SNgmOl,37M ARMORY TON I6lT to'na arnedhl wie: (lIAS BEEN DR AFTED ua uue a0eo hi lfbrti 1 eui.DIPLOMA SCBOOLS .Wlude prlaMa i Fi gin Jsylliii nd, a i _______"'o___ lias prepared an ordinance whib fi xes ___________-t hie n oheof Ar:e adea netafii eJîiîng f h, efeit li jthe salGoon icense ut $1,000 per year.j Ciricagoan FOunJd a Suicide. Iten denfmt eof l c e f t e u per- wll ]~~This ordînance wilIt b.praeImtea at Milflf8,MicIL, Aprn)2.-Frljgbt. DCtOA RS ULTNa-légrieo ýmt ueitd $10r ElLLY .L10 br iORtTHIS loolile 0F) ILo WILLtASKthe next meeting of tua cty counicil. fully decayed frota weekr of e I EDU C AISEONAK.PESS ULT FOR ttii. servicTbteo! isât mnperls &1 RLLVN WLAN NE O S CiOt 'iî iy .MMISSIONERS TO PASO OR- lti peaklng of the_ ordlnacce %tis the body of Clark ..,rdlnal. abouit 1IMPIOVEMENTS 0F LATE. wlth theun. TbeiWll. iait, ffl £&NGWECORESDINANCE AT NIEXT MEETING. nornlnt, the comiunlaloner at whose twêity-eIBtit 'eArof agç,alil te b. aorley iau, MAN CNDIDTE C MES.itws rrteil dVtlJiJ attie \'Il- Instanîce t was drafted aald "I for on.e remdent of Chilcago, waa dWacvered: I t h u treyns g ~ all theii, De î(JJ' IiJJ IJJ JrJ. o POTE1! auke a mi! PatCb oWoods near Carney Cnlt WI I i ilî MthoJitia litadrd, moi. The liJdporJ -ilt tire J 'i 7?oi I:PEOPLE WANT A WET CrTy gan want a WET cIty. 1 dont be- by John Holman. Il la belleved h iredplom Cina cIo, toila.,It Ihoaseo! *i Seve that tbey laver an OPEN elty, seenteen. The tierrase lu efficinery GEORGE 0. HAIGIIT ALSO I: e_________ owever, and 1 amn confident that a iîîdbme!.M.îot~lu u ub. ço<î f as out1 _____________majorlty o! the, votQrs of teh rn-e ad front eaor toe ar andi in bita right bsten Pub aied ýhnhmuof i de super. THOS. E. ý;PAHAN1. CMISOE EIVSTEcpit bo lbe îea aebn a rîdarrrc verdisiuon of T. Arthuîr Silioîî, county 0 i I'I:, 1,11 J . r W C E: INOTR BE OPESTION. Wiait fixes a t he r ic en se 1$tUOan,!r u d i, utî-r stCirilprsM 91Alet 8 INTERESTING DISCUSSION 0F THE ]S tj". l'iJlf'IiJ OER TNDFRTMPER- taken tbelibrty teodroit enordlaalue Wtt blood. ariperittendint or ei'hooli. C CONGRESSIONAL STA0NJ.1J'"J'.JJJJ IiIWl wsn~ti rîac ttIse John Ni. Sîmpsnu a ploaeer retildeut of the qstate yet two iontin emain, %label A. Held( Menton.l JJpf r , 'SJJIJJ JùIx"t mieetlig of the corniniffllon, Per- of I.ake conut la crltlcmlly 11lit ilbleto ta sart tl iiiiiiiîier i(iilii for John 1 Uy. 3e6 PROMSEOFORTONIHT.IJI I Ir . ~J ~sontitty t bele.thie Ietter clasof borne on Firat atreet. HMi son 'T. Ar. 1coiuiy ,provein(-nt,i.There ure 110w Hakrrlet à$6zelo ........2 ~iJL JIt C -'Jl ' -irr , r r 11!-! \ow thit teliesreîotIoofa Dry ori ,atoonkeepers" favor the bîgiier liq- thur Simapson, la county auperiiîtend torty-one counties wtîletî have beau Auo .H. ur.§nW e. àillwaekee 27 Tis ,evenlng at 8 oock in iithe ruri n7 tfl la et \Wairkeg;in îJ.ts lecn 0ived for at uor lîcenafi. t do net tbînk thiI or- inet of! eciionla. vtated by 'the atate auhieror ol Jennle Ith, .B .............. 21 tory, George t. Engethard, canidaJte for congresa front ibIs distriet, nid7 George D. Haigbt. wbo was a eni ___________________________________________ date but deciled lter to waitlrra and heli eleet Eengelhard. are siiieau $a::i7iii: ::t:t,. 1 Vote for gated the piayfraudq lniChicago 10<r (7ariea bMenrtina ansd is a ialkei; o! aaaî abillty. à1r. Engellard Is 51.0 a moal lnteresttng seleaier ndi G I 0(1 P ALI rteemen are sure to niaie tiiigs O I -iEW'PUL; j»Wq1taga odlnariîy are lLather taille, la tl ae li t là sai!da el nr iiid,Heiht bavese ulne restîîîg (a edrian C n id t o ta whtich ttiev tell! eiterq rs ifl 1 Weil Worth whilieto listi-j to tiino e u l n Ca dd t o Ençelbards randldary, hi i;feUit hal be «Ill b. greeted iy a mualrszeijor s pull iîpteth tegener ckofda epresentative in Con...s 1laterest la cam1aign meetings. j hil sncb towns as L.ake Forest. High- 1 Wood anu& Highland Park, le sbouîld *1 e by a bilg crrwd bore. lau Teiith CongressionaI District Mlî .ibeen more thon pleascd ith the attendance t lthe meetings, siiowîng PrIms.ry Day, Tuesday, April 9th, 191i2 that tberC ta a 1,een lne-rest lu the coaros;oîaî attr.Polas opeà from 6 a.. m. to 5 p. m. AVRORA MARKET PROMISINC- M.ow City Schame In E-ff.t-Bad George W. Pauili, Republican Candidate. for Conpess, Tenth District, bâaiben active Ii ma- Reede «MeepUsy Pra o Away. cantile and ublie atalin Chicago frover Twenty-uve y sars. . AlthoU h educated M ag la" Aurre.ID, Ari s-aiicontansd amtted to the bar of this SOtate, he mlected mercantile business à& s fild of endeavoraM SÀuIe M., vene a!ril ra rouyboss ce e ta1in JsI' lselas a leading Fur Importer and manufacturer. la 19W6 hoewua M Plikb produce to the new Inn-5 *Icted Trutoes of the. aniàery District of Chicago, on a platform of " e Komuat.E ne wu r jukt, wbkcb otseed las. but eewoln Manha eeda hhmothcmâuS mb« aéu 61* UA alarge attendame. t town r4etdl O u a w. otmosya himi ftec m 5Ia~l a 1111l" u he asmct* rl.anomisea to a member of thie ChicaggCharter Convention; for tmn years a director of the Evast.on Pish 4 il 'S ,oîeltar nietuon. ry;h served on mauy Important ci-vlc committees and always bas been an uoarmau o ore' He!ii.wr. n0 vcoseiaetly ol tyim support on his public and private record. AI 212. lot~ He is an Active Not a Passive Man cOt. O hst.rBW. Chu e eto18Avntnhm. W.lce epegahmsl oa cnmclad fiin diitain Th cnddcyofar huchfo ecetry if naeis baed ner the teorly He, ].is nieeds aenr Dal]llinsoe f the ar tn h uie s of theatefgcernea nd d touhyat the eublcaprty nuh ee aon ofthMeRndton is longtextik et. The present Secretary-Rose--hLas had four teirms or 16 ycars, and it would seem b t time for a change