CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 13

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IMM RCOXT!I"NTIIP'M>UWY'Ž WIliMA V A 13P1T, .( j Vi mu m w .et th@. expensa Of th* mflk producer? Planning o! Meè'àrs. Oison, YPellow. 'luter ln Lb.rtyvfle--tiiat "the datry- How long wtll the MiIk Producers' and Lumley together, the. use of the man con lbe 'buffalo.d' Into believIng 4 M Y D M Y M A N SH O U , Asociation test If run in ibis klnd honest apparing littie shoot, "The that white in black and vice vertsa." £ E Y AimKIMAie OfHOULD lI News" Indorsg ie:g oe 00col p eebr8,11,teUie _________dealer ln teIt aito cwd Mr. Crier out of the office of Sacre- gembled at Chicago, pssaed the fol- or@' Itary of the. Association and plant Mr. lowtng resolutIon: eatMen of th i HAw1long19w.uld the MAilk.Producers' Lumley ln bis @toad, or was If In ad- "WHEREAS the. legislature of the Coocrnm th L iiatve roamontof ii. MuI outed and Mr. Luiley lected get me," aie the whole clique and backwards wttii refoernce ta the wo- Quetion and ThonThbey WiIIKnow Why It Secretary ln big place? bandOf them have threatened ta do? iroi of tuberculotis in that alrsrc IfOelsoei an, tTis Uey L Md 1y, ouea t ithedairymen ta decide. lions have been removred, thug permit- hon Maie Pliica Fotbll 'Corne Ini For Thils Fat Roke.Offt Houat Bill 54O"-Read Hie Written faux>uthe State trainwithout, and ,FACTS ARE STATE BY MIL SHURTLEFF Pot, î.îd ? Jon . Mrua ros- Ths f th e hn PegW t h een H.atewtbnteisead a e ___________ti rer, are Items: Breeders of Illinois? moyed restrictions on the importation E. J. Fejlows, salai'y, 1911 ..300.00 1 l>rlnt Home 8111 640 in full and an. of tuberculous cattie tram other The "uMI News" -dtor and Hia Double-Cross Dealings -Bill1E. 3. lPe1lown, expenise account. 20000 tira. Read It. Mr. Darytoan, ànd see states, tus footering a disea pro- V. . 1LumleY. «Colont rlly *hat fit in Atter Yeu have rea if i, ducing cnter which muettlia a con- NO I Substmno Was Reoornendod by Oison Over His Writ- meetings................... 358.60 thon refer'to pages 39 and 79 of the tant source of danger for surrouniding ton SlnatUr-Later (Oon Nad Bill 5MO KIed and for This What were theme for? Report of the. lnveutigatlng Commit- statag; therefore, hafit resolveil by BOBaMOf Qood F&lt the DairymeaWl Later on Se the You palit this, Mr. Dairyman,an tee, whlcii la as follows: ibis Association that we deplore mnt what do lau get lu return-PolIics or, "Ta the Preaident of the Sonate. and sincerely the. attitude of the state of Roalu i urer, as It ivos the EneMIesOf the Milk Producers Milk eeft-which? the Speaker of the. flouse of the Illinois regardlng Tuberculin Test." a Ooo Excuse to Reopen the Entire Onstin-Present Fight Are you paylng M r. V. 8. Lumley F'rty-Seventii General Assernhly. 1*1er. ln ianuairy. 1912, the H-olstein Strodb lson and filt by the Mareng Man-Somethîlg aitmathencase o esai orAllyeOisn "And your committee would furtiier Illinois pazsed resolutions condemning Abott tho B~ t QueltiMn Md Ase SUnk Butteine Bis- ln.bis political csrnpaign? recomm.nd that ail daJry and breed- the Legilature fer flot passing Homme You Wl FInd SOMe FaCti Worth KnoWb lf You Take Time If so, by chat right do you do It? fir cattie .blpped Iuto the State of Bill 540. to ea te Fllwlg tatmet f r. huilifAttorney LurnlysCosin ThatuBill Illinos fromn toreign States sud catin. Haute Bill 640 miy not have beau to Red th Faowy stt»Ontof M. Shutlef "0 Wuld nerta Pri* of lik. trie outade o spe tlaiofyIlinoiesaaryllforcethe fr dth rdal didis 1But ta coine back ta Houe. BIU 640: bie required ta bear cith theru, tupob trict. If If hadl curtalled ta noms ex- Marengo,. l MWehi 27, 1912, COMPELLIED TO CANCEL A NUM. At Libertyville, In JanIUary, Mr. entrance Inte, the State Of Illinois, cer. ent the buytng Of Wisconsin, MIne' ".hi Mu kPrducr,' Assocatlon B*EROFSPEAKINO DATES WmoCM Lumiey sad-1 quote again: f Ilcates that thet ara free troai lset&, Iocwa ad Indiana cows fron tthe adU I1alryni. HAVE IIIN MADE, AND $HALL "Lumley declared Representative contagious and Infections diseases. ln- cow dealers at lity dollars per bad, »Outlsum, THEREPORE ATTEMp'T TO REACH Shurtleff backed Bill 640, and charac- cludlug the disease of tuherculoeâ. iIkiug thora for six mouLui. chen OWINQ TO SICNESS IN MY THE DAIRYMEN AND VOTERS ON ierlzed Lb. bill ai one wbicb coutl *'And your Commlttee would for- three-fourtiis of uiem prove taJiure. FAMILV AND THE SPECIAL SES- THIS WAY, UPON THE OAIRY make everY cow ocoor ln the state ther retornnend tuat aIl dairy and and go as caniners ln Chicago at fit- MION OF THE LEQISLATURE, i1 AU QUESTION. give uP tn dlsgust and despaîr and breeding catte shiped trom the taon dollars per head; if coulfi bave The 'Mlk Nwa"fortheAprl Isuewhih r&ch Ye abut he ume rush the prlce of butter and talli t tUnon Stock Yard@ al (ChicagoStock lujureil lu nu cay the actuel, bon& fide h 1111k Nees"dfo ti. april issulegl , Pies.e ouaotth ae a mtotprohibitive rate." Yards ai l'amis and the Stock Yards dairyman, and slmply lesiened a few -n. hat tus dNews" la pb deved blar. . y rePlcoa. . Cares HMusst Bill 640, than, could Fast St. Louis ta any point uithn profita ta Mr. Elmer J. Felloce and "The 11 (11 k Na1 ae a t d pbaed by l r. a . J. deal a a! St. hieas. the price of butter and mlik! This la the StaLe of Illinois, lbe lneected un.ifmen of bis clasae WO. -blo a sIhv stayâûýbtebeue , al e ele n sipj s true hecauseLuniley gays so. Shurt- derithe auhoty of the iBoard of Live- If tlhaitdodns .usi chat Mr. Loim- Aehi seaaryra a bsbesm&nUiteretted in deahing lua cows for, loir supporteil It; Oison cas against stock Comisionersof the Biats of loy, ai Libertyville, sald It could'have WhY la "Mil Newe In Poiticar ft.Shurtleff, hn oe araiesethehIlinois, and lbe certifleil as free frain ail dane--"rushod the. price of butter and *Tk. lth yl e pba" and H e'U Potalte mer fte price of butter and rmilke, and Oison coritaglousastd nfetious disesas, In- mk"-It could have butin only chat Nea" u pblh.daa cicual* WLii mrnbrsut he voled agaluet it. cluding the. diseuse o! tuberculaéis. MnY friand Mr. Lurnley h basee UMli Producern' Association. aI ith. expeulseor the MII Desalers' Ange-' WhY, that la just what the. mllk pro- Rsctuy submltied, ecreaminu ta have doa for the. lat "hatdos Ad l'h lox News . nPatnducers ha". boom lrying te do for (Signedi tan BhOUh e NU"TiiP111dk ea eng atioUtoies' ca Ogniajo? yeasm-to rais. the prIse of uter and "Edward D. Shurtiaif, lFor tweve years I have supportai! lafto oteii ti rodues focao .apalia rgnzto mllkl That te the abject af yoursa- "J. W. A.lison, M. D., and helped pais tirough the. boune an Whs ifaoiMthce l aneatonr rllw'"lk ea eot er saoition. "C. 9.g an.appropriation for 112,500 for the hane- Why f lioafl ti Arl issu hune of i. FeIlw MikNc" eo er And Lumiey salud at Libertyvilie "Alexander Lane, NM D. fit of the Bairymens AmsSciation ln Blo!ia shepac IseorTedi n i.uNdes'slnv ags2ed.? low p (ses "Waukegan Dally Sun," Thurs- 'e- C. Pernherton, compillng, pubisabing aid distibuting la ii M tc is ue of "T e M ii N e ., on pa e , fr. Fe lo s ri ted day , January 2 , 1912) that l'H ouat -A . J. O L SO N , lit rep rts and at er nec osary ex- afollov. l in.heShit coluoes a Ppears ii.low et theIeI. theathird Bill 540 wouid rush the price of but- "Flani W. Shopherd. penses. This la a regular appropria- culum0 00antediioll for Sanaier A. J. Oison, as appearu hlow st the right: for and mik to s most prohibitive «"Guy L. Bush, lion, and t doubt if I or Senatar Oison WiiI Yeu Stand For Thise Unfair Deal? rata." "John C. MeKenzle, could stop fi if ce set oui ta do no. *'Many friands o! e-SPeaker Shuri- Speaklng of Senatar Oison: That le chat everybody wante. and "Thom NasTppi ' A tac lears ago, 1I natltuted an ap- 1eR sad S..", rA- .J Oison were "YýWe aise rornember hbaclhe prompt- according ta Mr. Lumiey, le hlgh Neow, Mr. Dalyymau, pleaee compare propriatlon of $1.000 for the Illinois Dèmese" chea if as learned that ly quelched illI 540. This was the. prises, and if a Ilttie of 640 wouid the". recomnrendations to Ilouse Bil State Mllk Producoas Inatitute, chlcii théee two gentlemen cauld not lie bill that cas calculated ta put us at raiese butter tan cents a pouud sud 540), and determnu for yourself who a isbasbeau appropriated at every e.u -adid"Le for the Rmre omeie. Rap- the Mercy o! th"t lousy, Iying buncb milii a dollar a hundreil, you coulil riglt and cho lu crang.ion since anddlbait my support ln the. veeea*ig as uiiY do the lai-geet dary O! Deneens, cho oeezed aur cattle lu get more mouey than Yeu Make nou. Does Mouse. Bill540 caver those ree- Hause. This is now a regular appro- 'district In Illinois.,aMd understandlng Chicago, February 3, 1911, and refuseil and anly milki haîf the cowe' ommendatîos fairly and !ully and flot priation. utie neéd O! theirconsltueucy, there ta lot us Bea them laugbiered. aub- WbY, certainly, accordlnq ta Mr. _____ la rke.ougb ad glory enough for stiutlng dimsseil parts of other ant- Lumlay, Housa Di1115Se w»s à piic. Hout Biil5Q0 Wu@ a Breeder. Pro- Butterine Bunk. btu laProtcng the"e louerost» ai mais for ours. Brother Bairymen, stay raieer. à feed gaver, a dair>'man o cnn.w-tildN oneto r Gog .Wlakr erir !Sqnfii"hy Your friands. Yeu havent Milrcher, ad the. golden fleeca tue!! I Whatever WIth the Tuberculin of!tha National Dairy Union at Wauii- many doco ai Springfield cho muew Truly. Ui should have been patenteil' Test for Milk Supply. Ington, B. C., pleaaiing ta maintain the. the rigbieousnegso! your cause, and n Vour Honest Opinion, Whlch Side If no. auy person that telle you tuai lefir cent toit upen colored Oleomargor- Yeu can net pford la luge.ana, sespt- len the Bunco, Bluff and Blonter House Bill1 640 ln any v.ay requlred mne, bass ibis to gay: ciaily oue cho ha the courage ta Game? Shurileff Wllling ta Louve the tuberculin test upan auy dairy "Wben ta naturel oleipargerin., 1 stand up and flght for yeu.-fil ta Yeu. bord or cow ln the State of!Illinois ia HAVtNG A LPIGITIMATE PiLACE IN .But ln tMr. Lurleys IÀberlyvillIo trying ta "buffalo" you and "tryiug ta COMMERCE, THERE 18 ADDED la the. loft-band eco.umn 1Mr.FelIoca lng cf bards and pieventeil the uiiip- 'speech, lha said samathlng e», cbîcb make îou belleve thnt white t lacle COLORING MATTER WHICH MAKES ls appeaing a"nY n'er n the district pîug ta C'hicago o! mllk tura iltle Yeu cau reail lu thai saine "Waukegart andl vce versa." IT RESEMBLE TABLE BUTTER, IT dwo may -be a friand o!f1Mr. Sburt- whleb lbailOi beeu testeil for tuber- Dally Sun.' January 25th: Bouse BiII 540 affecta no dalcy rue LOSES ITS BISTINCTVE CHARAC- lait cubaIls." "He iLumiey lliustrated hte ln the State o! Illinois. IL ouly geai TERAND BECOMESAN IMITATION la Lh. rigbt-had nf oumnaMr. Fel- 16 ihat taternant true? frimers are'bunceed by Lue tliuff aid ta the question of coca sippedin l OR A COUNTEIU'EIT. loas. dairymai d caw deier. lgai5- Would Hloug Bilii 640 have !VguIred blusgter o! big officiais, hoie hocail bac Do you favor the shlpping of dis "The reatn for the. ton cent tax ont tadkfag the Iniegrlty and ioalty of the tuharculin teat on any animal they are 'buffaloed' loto beiieving oased dalry aid breedlug stock juta Iitation hutter-cot on genuine oie. Mr. Shurti.ff ta the. dalry district. owued lnluthe State o! Illiloie? that black le white aid vice versa, the State o!Ilîlinois' omargerine-a iis: If thare cere nc Which doas ha Met Mr. Dairytoan. rend Bouse Bill540 when anie suate or big cîty offIciai Do you beileve lu the ehipplug lino restrictive legisilation, oleomargerine Wiier dld 1Mr. Fellows stand In --every cord of la prlntod ln tries to drive a point home'" the ate of tIlinois of dairy aud could lie soid dichouentîy ln many, Match asaLe 1Mr. Sburtieff'a cause? ful ud attacheil ta uibIe sheotBos Mr. Lumnley mtas that' breeding stock cbIcb t he great mass aven muet, Instances, ta the. Inury o! Wu hé fer Mfr. hurtleff or againsi Judge for yourself boa Mr. Oisun le that true' et publiceopinion. lncludhng the meurs- the consumer and tue dîscauragement Mrt. Ohurtiaf 7 Wu& lh.expresslug lhe and 1Mr. Luinley have boou usiug Lue Mr. Diryman, i amn preventei f rom paparsbelleve contains dlsaned o! houmét business. This statemneut cboice of tue mliii producer or thînk-, Miii Producers' Association. making speeches by b.lng calleilta stock? ls proven by the hstory of clearnar- lut o! the. profits of a Cour dealer? NO. & t ha Legîieature. and 1 arn trylng ta Houa.tlii 540 Ia n Force by the. gerlua. At the daLe of criting ibis. WImy Wu& Shuriieff i nld saienring Why Permit a Cow Dealer e Boss give Yeu eometbing that Yau can study IUutid States Govertmnt d by fair grade. o! table botter can bu et LibertyvUlIe? the. ReaU Dirymen? over, punder upen and welgh. In Lis Thiétythree Stie..rm bouillt by dealers et about thirty ta At a meeting of the Mliii Producers' Take an sccuraie meaurement of methoil o! educatlon, you can be sure Ton ask 'Who' i anscer ou ibis thlrty-Sive cents par Pound and ra- Association a Libertyvlle. reported Hr. Elmer J. Feilows o! St. Charmes, 1 amnmntL buffalolug' yau. If i arn, IL question o! Bouse Bill 640, the UnIteil ialleuiaW about thlrty-fIve ta foty ln the. "Wa&kegai Sun,',lanuary 25, your President, and agit yourseif: jele lu hnlack and chite. over my signa- Statet goverument a"kg forfi, Insiste cents 'HMfesL aleomargerlua cao fhe 1t2, 1Mr. Lumiey o! Wooiltock anddlha an actual dalryman aid mik pro- ture, and you cilîl fSd nue oui. upon t, andl uses It arounil the United bought at ir 'n tweîve ta nîneteen Senator Oison cars preseut Mr. duoer, or l ae a dealer lu coca? Us But couid IL ha possible that Sena- sites« bounilary hue. Thirty-hrea cents and ret.i'"ýd au elghiete t Lumley sald: h oe uing thie Mik Producers' Associe- ter Oison andl Mr. Lurniey might haie uatou In the Union haveoif. IfIs Lue twentY-tiva cents. liere, Luen, tg an "Luimiey dectirad Representativo tien for the. benéfit of riik or te pro- 'buffalang" you-mlsrapresentlng tbe lacr tuat thirty l>nee other atates r.- article chlch the 'ionomlcally lu- Shurlef bached illI 640, snd cbarac tact hilstrotte? actuel tacts ta you-presumling, ta quire o! us Ir ce shlp any of aur sol- clueilcon use, If ibey -loh. as a sub- ieriaed tue bili asuone wblch coulil Read bis "Mlk News," Aprîl Nom- siaj't euh, ibat ail homnt dairy-een malstW them. In Wisconsin on. tarni-stitute for table butter, withl no lnjury make eveuT ccc caner lu the litote ber. and judge 1fr, Faliows for)ouet outslde o! Lue coc shîpper sudcoea er cannatoeil a daii'y cowa tobis tea ny ont, and et a savlng o olf M give up ln dlsgust and deapair sud clha h se dealer are Idiots and ciii drink ln ueighbbor acros e L.treat aithout fifteen Cents par Pound.- rush the prie of butter sud milii ta a Do Yeu fSud hlm an acLual bons f1e iheir bluff aid blueter as 60 much suCh a cartificate. Tisat je trua aIl But hae fins on tea"sa that If there muet prohbibtve rate.'*1 mliti producer? tact? over the Staté a! Wisconsin. If lhe cere no aleomnargerine Ilas ruch of Mfr. LurnI.y furtiier gald: Or,.Islae a coc deaer and poli- Such good meu! Sa rnuch ta Bay trius tW seilIher aid abe dca et u pas thîs could lie colored aid counter- ."Oison'. Bill 56 made passible chai clan? about thelr nelghhor's record aid musta, If sho Is dîaeased, If sbe rnay feiied for true butter. 640 wouid have preventedl bbc ship- Do you caros Mr. Dairynian, that oui standing! Certaluly they muat iehaW ha dse.asad, halie s eilI ber ta au 'The Prairie l'armer," under date ping taoCCilcago oa imliiifront cattie o! your annual dues *"The Miii Necs" Yeu ahsoiuteiy irue. therwise eulO ioios cour de"lr. andl ah. cones La Match i,1912, page t2, says: chich baut net beau iested for tuber-'éhali hie run for polilice? cauid not have iurned uver t he 111k Illinois by public Invitation. "The pressai. aisea lac cas frameil culuels." islal 3eing run for poltuicz? Producers' Association ta the" e gn- I bave fiai satil that aiy disesseil ta prevont thse sale of a cboaper and Wu& the M lii Producers' Asocia Do You Belee n Throttling Pe tlemen, Ltaite the presldeucy and Lthe cocudocometa Illinois. I say Luey uInerior product as butter, tberehy rie- tien far lu permltting Mfr. LundeYi Speech? Do You Cati This A generai management o! your organisa- mayr comte ta Illinois, aid tuereby the ducing the pris o! the real product. aid Senatar Oisou ta mie euch talse'ý Square Del Rend of ithe At- tien andl run l, outside o! the Secre- public mind is inflamed. The news- The lac bas boon difficuli ta enteao, utaiemnnanad Malims aid not give tampted Unfair Treaiment t! tari- Ppers protest, and thaegreau cattie andl ibore has been much evasion. Mr. Shurileif a chance ta reply? Shurtief! by Olon's ManntaiPoair For Shamo! Shame! Shame! Sais. industry of! limas u u.braelg "ARMN AE PR'CL Wera Ihese sttements irue? Grave, How Do Yeu LII. li? atar Oison and Mr, Lumley' , fines le ln constant fear aid just ex- WIi..ING TU HAVE THE TAX ON ^Il Concede That Shurtheff Drew, Ou March lSth. several daîrymen ai W'hy do You cry "Stop ihi4_" aid sctiy this puble Inflammation Ua whgt OLEO REDUCED. THEY DO NOT Shopard BiII 55, and Vet Oson'Poplar Grave, hrougb Mr. William tel] the daîrymen and fanmer hoc led tg the raids ten yeusaileo, and lu WISH 'THE POOR MANS BUTTER' CUime li. Dormais, Shanif! of Boane County, ln- they ean ha 'buffalaad" iote belleving whet lad toeithe pasage o! the Chii- TAXED FOR THEIR BENEF'IT. le tuereanay dairîman lu northerni viteil Mr. Shurileif ta Paper Grave ta thai cbite la black and vice vers, acsp ordinance. four yearseglie ONE THINO THEY DO FIRMLY IN- lilnotu cho dus etuaL macand la uaL diacuas aid explain Bouse Bill 640. sied thon tink ibat lau are proceed- Roc much more aifl dosestue dalry SIST ON. HOWEVEIt, AND THAT 15 sisfled cho drew, passed sund puti Could hae tali? Wa& iehapermited lng ta do thai saine tbing ta ihem! district vent? TItAT OLEO MUST NOT BE COI- tbrough Houe. Blîl656and killeil the ta peai? ShurtUeit Dld Net Bagin Prenant ltow mucii more of It cam tise dairy ORILD IN IMITATION 0F BUTTER. Chilcago ordinaicas? No. Thse Prasident ai Papiar Grave FigOt-Olson Stirted the. Trouble district stand? SUCH A COLOR BOMS NOT ADO If tuer. in aiy on0e ho dues mot, cas for 1fr. Oison, and valy endeav- and New Lt Hlmn Finish It-ShurtillIUe 540 and 55 Wert Compsnian TO ITS FOOD VALUE. A LAW kisca, let hlm asIc any member o! the'ored, b, telephsuue. ta geL Mr. Oigou left Net the. One Whio Ua CryUng Hassures and Wouid Have Settied THAT PITS A NOMINAL TAX ON legliature, a memdier of the luvez- or Mr. Lumiey, or bath, ai Papar Enougi,, WhoI. Hi Question In Illinois- UNCOLOEtED OLEO AND ABSO- tiglgatt C onmitee-eacept A. J." 01- Grave on that day. Failiug lu titat, Certain nocapapars have asiied ln The Defeet of 540 Wge ta Keep LUTELY PROHIBITS COLOEJNG IT son-Ray persan cho bas beau cou- lho deuled Mr. Shturtieff the rtght ta the lait ceek why I cas figting Son- Mliii ln Politlc-Olson New Using YELLOW WILL DIVE THE POOR versantct tte dalry subjeci. Lai speak at th ise l1k Producera' meeting star Oison. Why I attacked hia rec- MIIk In Polltiu Just as Me MAN A SUBSTITUTE FOR BUTTER hlm &sii J. P. Ctrier, SecraiarY of iheou thai day, outil the milk producars ord. Ponneil, AT A REASONADLE PRICE AT Mli Producers' Association, or evon 'bocama aunraged, and lty resolution Dfore I aiscer thai, let Senatar Of- Bouse Bill 640, If ht haut pasmeil, t - THE SAME TIME IT WILL PRO- the. "Chicago Tribune." ipublily paie.di, asied for 1fr. 8hurt- siont aid Mr. Luiey hll chy hey et- geibler db B ouse DiII 56, chich dîd TECT THE BAIRYMAN AGAINST If Bill 95 cas Senatar Omins bil, 'leif ta addresm thera; and afier tise taciied me un tae "MdleUrY CountY pvue, couîd have hacu aken as If FRAUDULENT COMPETITION." cby cas IL Iniroducad in tae louse meeting cas over, even the Preeldent ltepublicanu," July, 1911? cas taien aid agreail ta by the Coin- i quelsthie above ta sItuw thqt and nel ihe Senate? 'a! tae Mili Producers' Assotiation ait "Aler Sisurthef had lîpped ona mittee, made up a! men flrom aIl avar neither the National Dajry Union non WiiI Sanatar OIuon !alrly look Loy Popiar Grava puhllcly nimitteil that aoier by passlug In Houa. BiII No. 640, Illinois. ai a full aid compote seile- ',TIte Prairie Fermer" ara lu faver o! man lu tb. face sid saY It cas bis bie bellaveil House. Bil 540 cas ail chich gava the Board o! Lîveatocii ment of the choie question. giving tha biacimallung ho"tus n aid restau- 5111' l'ght; tbat lho bai bai aisother aid Commlsalunersabahaaute Central O! aIl dairy distrIct-chat IL csnt.d4aiso giv- rante tor the purposa o1f Sctitiouely Wby abouli Seltator Oison aud Mr. dîffereut bill furuisheil hlm, chiai dalry cocu uf the state," Ing the consumer ln the city cuat h.e raising Lb. price of tIhe dalry product. Lu 1,at.gail - vecrdit t. Mn. 01-! th. trueilou. Dit40 Wy ldSeaorOionai M. uugt . aned id abeoiut-a.Ay pro-- "Te1 raiie-'rme" 1ud -ha5c but Pork"-so as Wo drive acay cer- tain efssiaro nationalîties aid raie. tise pris o! bef. Taie a glaice et Secator Olson'gs a- clamai great Dutterîne BII-Sensta Dill 478. Psseed by Sonate et EU.venih Hour Wiien Too Lota for Hous Action, Even WUIth Rapid WorIc. This DiII cas lntradnced lu the Son- ate upon Aprii 28, 1911. Tise BilI paased Lue sonate upon May 17, 1911, forty-eigbt hours hafore adjourumeul. IL came ta Lue bouse, cas reterreil ta a Commta.e, tise Commîltee met aid acteil upon 11, reportIng It back ho tue Houe. tavorably. IL passe.d second readlmtg In Lue bouse, an id d thre hundréd otiier bUis, cas on thîrd reai- Ing the lait nigbt of thé e esion. It di not rean a raoecl. My attention cas neyer calleil ta the BiIIlunaiy cay. SENATE BILL 478 WAS AS FOL- LOWS. "ThatIt hsiall be unlawful for any persan. 0 0 0 lu any hatel, Inn, boardIng bouse, sain«s bouse, restau- rant or othar places chere mesas are sarved. to serve or cause ta b.e.rved, or sailian offer aiy article o!tood chich la ADULTERATED waubIn thé meaiîng of the provisions of an Act entitisi, 'An &ct ta prevent tfrend la the sals o! dsfry productA, etiser lui. talions or substtuts,tW prohibît and Ps'event Use manufacture anmd sae of unbealtii!ul, aduîieratei or miabraftd- ed food, liquors or datry produots, ta Provide for Lu. appoluirnent o! a Stai. Foad Commlssioner and bis assistants. ta dofiué Lueir pocersaid doutes, ta repeal acta reiating ta thse production. manufacture aid sale a! dalry prod- ucts andlquors inlu onfict tu«ewectb, aPitrovai MsY 14, 1907, lu farce .IttY 1. 1907.' and acesaueniaiory tuere> Wa."-NOR OHALL ANT SIJÇH OWN- ER OR KEEPEIR OR MANAGER USE ANY ADULTERATED COU- POUNKD IN COOKINGOKOR PARA- TION OF'RSID ARTICLES OF FOOD. SECTION 2-lIn any dluing-roosn or esilngroom abe.adulterai dfood la used or choe oleomargenine or renovatai butter or process butter are la use, tue 1511 o! fare @hall sa" the tacto lu the smre aised type, aid If no bill o!ftate la usai, printed no- tices shail ha postadint a oonspicuoua piacelis said diningraoom, etc, "o as Wa b, easlly sea," etr., "lu ciich natices saoil hastatei lu large letiers THE TACT TILAT ADULTERATED FOODS AND DRINKS ARE BEINO jSED POR POOD OR F001) AND DRINK." SECTION 6-Provle a penalty la case o! vioinion-s fine of $100. This lu averYUis in luthe billastu oleomargerine. SECTION 1-MaieslI, tiret, uniaa- fui for any caner, keaper or manager ta use aiy aduittefio coospounds or aiy adulLersted article lu the coaking or preparaticas o! mald articles o! food. SECTION 6-Provides a fine for any sucb persan ciii usesaiy sucb amil- tarated food. SECTION 2-Requtree a botel ke.p- or to put on hi. billa!oftate the tact tuai he a husIug adulteratad food, or la effect THAT ME 10 VIOLATING TE LAW. REAB SECTION 2:- "If oleomargerine or renovated but- ter ia uneil, tha bill o!f tre muet so etaie. If noabili a! tare launued. Lus Inukeeper muet pont up, in large type, the tact- "THAT ADULTERATRO F0005% AND DRINKS ARE DING USED FOR F0OR OUOOD AND DRINKC" -Nortblng mape. It do.m iot recuirethé lunkeeper ta Post U uat be usas olornargorne. Pleas e raer ibis Wtailn youug man siudying a, snd luquire chat this means. ht did nat die in commîttea. Why shouli Seaiar Manny from docu lu tue corn coutiry iniraduoe aucli a bill? If thero cas a groat public deznand for tieI bill, chy watt untIl April 28tu to introduce t lu Lue fienate? SSN&TE BILL 479 bas beont siVd to b. ai attempt, wiLb a lead penctli.t Incorporats Lue Provisions o! ai 01.0' margarine Bill1, Introducei by Con- gregaman Fuliar, li t hé Illnois Siate Senate In 1878, aid maka IL fi Jute tue present Dairy sud' Pure Tod ILac. I DO NOT KNOW MfR. MOXLET NOR ANY DUTTERIhIE INTEREST. Please examine the titis af Lue BilI amnided lu Section 1;,~- "An Act ta prevant iraud in the sale of dalry productà 0* *ap- proveil May 14. 1907, in force Jul 1, 1.907." Tisent examine SESSION LAWS. 1911, PAGE 519 (House.Bill No. 152, approved June 6, 1911.) It cili ha ound tat ai Act cas WNAT A JOKER. , TRIS BILL TIRET CAME TO Ž BOUSE ONLI FORTT.U ET HOUE PRIOR TO VINAL AN JOURMEN. ITWASNO? Ine. FORM, U'NCONSTITtITIONAL, AM!> IF WANTED SEOULD RAVE MM INCORPORATED IN TEE DAIET AND PURE FOOD LAW THÂT HA» ' PIEVIOUSLT PASBMD 1E&TE HOUBES. RDUT1ERINE IN A MOTECL Ont. RESTAURANT 18 TAKEN TRE IIY A POLICEMAN MlON T»E UNITED STATES GOVERNUMT. TRERE 15 ALSO A POLICUMA FROM THIE STATE GOVEEMNT GOES ALONO WITM IT TO TIE ROTEL AND RESTAURANT. 1? . PAYS A TAX TO TE OVMN- MENT 0F TFIN CENTS PER P'OU»D WHEN COLORED, UNDER TES FEDERAL LAW, BEFORE THE PASSAGE 0F THIS FSIDERAL LAW- THERE 1S NO CONVICTION ON RE- CORD, NO? EVEN A JUSTICE COURT tNDER THE STATE LAW. CHARLES H. WAYNE 0F ELOlI! WAS EMPLOYED BYTE 4UrTE INT2IRJSTS AND TRIE16 CASES POR MONTHS UNDER THE S'IM OLEOMARDERINE LAW A14D NEVER SECUREI) A CONVICTION. AND THE DAIRYMEN NEVER MAD ANT PROTECTION FROM OLSO- MARLGARINE UNTIL TEE PASSAGE. 0F THIS PEDER5.L LAW, WHICH IS BEINO IINFORCED. Witu tue corkIng ueono! Lawrence, Mass, aM their chili-en bobog obsi-ged 5ve cents s ceai for drink" Iug caler out o! s milI posd, ltla more tisa Ihiely tisaI the Bai-y Inter- ets cUl netote'tor' acotuer yeea'. for the reaS t héit KUTHEm TU HOUSE or THE SUlfATE saw lt le lIscrporate tItis la sd makietI*-il part cf the il- sMd1Prefcad ZA1wî , - And it aould locokas ilssighi9W' aie BIU 478, au attdouglst Sii- duood la the clo.Ing aff of thbe soe uai s. amIntroduod for political pur- pcotsunir Do Vou Now Wonder Whyl CAN ANT DAIRYMAN IN LAKU, MIIENRY OR BOONE COUNY HAVE ANY DOIJET IN 1115 MN AS TO WHY I AU AGAIN à OANI>1- DATE FOR THE LlEGISLATUtJEt OR CAN HE DOUBT BUT TH"? -, HAVE BREN COMPULLRD TO l A CANDIDATE? AND D 1 ITA" WONDER THAT I AN FOR TUE HON. PAUL MAOGUI'TIN Or U> ERTYVILLE, IN LAXE COIJNTY, FOR A STATE SENATOL FOR TI$l N3IXT FOUR TMARS? AND IF TOU ARE A DELIRVER IN A SQUARE DRAL TOU WILL OBE FOR HlM, EDWAR1D D. SHURTLEFP. r47th G. A. MOU«E BILL NO 540- 1911 1 Iiti-odooei Ity Coamitte, oe Ltv. Stock anmd Dafrylng, Manh 28, 1911. 2. Reci a Sitzt me, ordered piftaI. ed aid tW a second resding. AILL t ar ai Act. W srnend un Act. entiflel. "An Act tW revis. thbela la inréladlR- Wo tue suppression and preveatimof 5 the apresd o! contagions sand Wla. ioousdigses.among dccs.gflca*i Mal*." appruved Jqne 14. 1909, là for"e July 1, 1909. SECTION 1. Be il .nsoted by the 4People of the litate cf sllnels, repre. sented Unlthe clonerelaiseemb#Y. 3Thot an Act eittid, "AusesotaWri- vie. Lue lac lu relation Wtu te u.- pression aid prevention o! t-he spreeS o! coniaglous and Infetous diseehuM ramont domeuio abial." apmuwVS June 14. 1909. ln foi-o. July 1. ISl xb. amended and revluei by add4Iib~U maid Adctvfiectiuons, W be IDOràasM Sections 13, 14, 15. 16 aimd 17. Section 13. It shall be unlsal lo i y ralîroafi oornpany, ralwar 01111 pany, SteanhoaL conspazy Sp tlon, persan or persons U up ver, tranispor't leail. drive os M 1ti).tute Stat,. o!f 11umis f&Mis&W ailier StaLe or countr-y 5ny dals'or- )or breediug anima o! the cale )kind, except suai dalry or bresdng animal b. accompaiedby sasertiS cote lusueil end graisteiunder aid bi 3vintue of ltse authorllY of the 81.0e ior toreigu country trom abiok #M animal la sbîppedl brougitt or ph>. euuied, certi!ylag onder tie aafhodti aid salo! the saMi Siate tual; MU 1dairy or bredlnt animai la fise troua ail oastaglous diseeses, Indlngt e ebei-culoaIs: Provîdéd, ioweve, fiat animale of the caille klad. ocu, bu*! ors aid bulse, mai b. sbpéd. trocs Statas aid countis culaiS, cof th Stata o! Illinois te ithe Union Stosi Yaris ai Chicago, Lb, st0ck rat« at5 Peorta aid ithe stock Yards ait Ram I U sLouis or any public stock Yards la t*e e tate o! inois, for fth. purpclée et s elhing for slaugiiter aidbec!, ail $ pointsiIlilnois for f eedIng poZoe aniy, in wcbi case the rail-ced M o! ladins- ! of sh punt étaul ain, "FTor teedint purpoae on»'," or te, aar 1international Liv. stock show. or t8 IAUve Stock Showa or BiaIs Flr tu wc f Illinois hi- exbilic Durposas, cithout said certficat*, but for no atbe-porpue. Sec. 14. I It aoli b. olawfui for aMy cornpsny, corporation. pae'sos or pet" >sons. cilfully aid knoclagly. tW bqi. seil or traite aiy dat-y or breedla animal, oaa bol!ter or hulltshlPiied convoyed or brougiit tram ooide ot th. State of Mlinoiu teto tise &814 teo Illinois for'dairy or bre.dlng pwtrPoes »except and unios soidsalumailule 4 bcampeuied by a certificat.s «atad bY Ipassed, chich la uo'w a lac,-Houe Bill 152,-wchspassei Use Hon., May 10, 1911. and chlch peaaed the SanaLe May 18, 1911 (senate Journal. 1463, 1464). chich arnend.ed aid r.- vIsai the choIe Dé,iry aid fluoiLac, aud of chich SeaisaL Bill 478 abouid have become a part, by suendmant Lor oLberwlse, If Its mvers iesired Il L ha b a constitutIonal lac. Houa. DiII 162. bavlng peaseiltLe Mails. betore, psssed the Senata Mai le, 1911, aid then cent W Lb.e Go- ernor sud cas aigued hI hlm. Do tisat Banate BiUl 478 cas an attempt ta amend a lac chiaica uLotin ex. 1iltence. SECTION 2:- "Thea batlanad Inn muet etate, on their 'bill af fate If oleomargermna or reuovatei botter or process butter AM' ed." The adi covers two subJecth-Adui- Leraied Fonds aud fi-i tlutterine. "Wl-tIll TH' i- IS NO BILL OF' FAItE, NOTICi! SiLALL DBE POST- RD, IN LARDE LE22TERS, STATING THE FACT 'CHAT ADULTERATED F0008S AND DRINKS ARE BEINO USRD." etc. It do., NOT reqitre the. poatli idc OLSONABR1UNE. ........... J( 1 :

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