CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 14

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.-~. ~ SIIOULD KNOW ;t'ontiniied l-rOni Page lie 7ytdsila ?sira or aithte stock yards et Rot St. Louis. or amy public stock yard lathe ataof Illinois, ta .0Il ibrgain, trade, shlp, transiter, 1,5.4, fivive or take anY antimAlof the cattIe i kind, eow, heter or bull. for dalry or breeding purposes. ai eltiior or asofa saUi stock yards, or tram said stock yards, tuanay point aithis the Stat. of Illinois, ezcept and enjess sald aDi- mal or animal, shail b. lsspected p and uni-r the suthortty of theBarl .~ ot LivO stock Cqualaioners o! the1 Stae of Ilinois, touad and certlfled by the said board,.lis agent or dep-1 uty, to b. fre tram ail conagious au# Infectons diasea. Including the~ dsoue.o! toberculols: Provide,(a helfesuand cows may b r-shlPPed tu , pol.nt lnaIlîlinois for !mding IluPPOMe onW, lan wblch case the. rallroad bill or ladiug shahl state, "For feedîna g purpooma oly." And any Peraca Or persoéns. corporatiofl or company boy lng, selling, or wlMully and knowingly tranaportlflg, carrylug, drivilig or bandliag any such animal ln violation of thii Act and cotrary ta the provi- ane heroîn. shall b. deemled ta bave eio)ated the provisîor4 of this sec- Bec. 16. For the purpose o en!orc- ing the provision of Ibis Act the St*te Bosrd of Liv. stock ComInl5- bionera are hereby autiiariaed ela- powered in make aU roasonable ILnd neeaaary ruleasad reguatlnsi. Sec. 17. Any rallroad coMPsnY. stock yards Company. corporatIon, per- san or persons violaUng anY Provi- ions of Iis Act shail b. deemed gulty o! a mnsduneamlr and punlahed 1 by s fise nt .aeeedlng one touSaad (11,000) dollars. or by ,imprl&onvâeflt su te contyjail st oxeedlngsi Mnoths, or by 1oth, lnithe diacretIOn ., et hecourt. c Malte caunty people are interested 10, tho candldacy of J. George 13e.- bWeier for- theatLe Iboard of equa- 114u0111m tram this. the. tenth district IIr.Aebraoiier la quit. voilknowfl "]= .Lb ounty 4finj a man uho la kietiy qualibed tuAli thUe postion. As'h leta thé aiy cididate for- the OI.wol nown toanay exteat ltu = = oou tItseeme sure that lie 7wl se11gt a fic. vote ln Iis section. muete O Illinois. Caunty o! Lake. as. To Mebel Idaxian and Ail Whoin Il Itlk flOfl on the lut dyof Apyti A. Di. 1912 a petîtion waa 51.4d bY !Wltas van .der .Wprf -= L1u elmk c 1cr- W. ii tkt 'Cs iÏT 1W,4 wbon liabel I IEuniony ià1 show eau M41. tao oxtwtod. lemI of the Circuit Court Candidate for Re-Election RepubIlcan Primaries AprIl 9, 1912 HUS RECORD Flrst Elected to Office November, 1900 coUDint fAr 1the, ~Opion Number of Documenta recorded to date............................. 00380 e full sne la unksow1 the. mnOtier Of .5.18 .1111Nuisar of Casseln Court ......................................5017 [Asaou. Naturalizatlon Papers iasued (Firat) .................................10m Yeu agpear wthls twoli- Naturalization Papers lssumd (Second)..............................- 543 ise da"etnits no ice Total Sarnînge of the office ta lait Annual Settlement ............. $80029 60 Uos 511*1 ho takes os Total Expenses .............................................. 61,594 72 a deeffl of adoption LEW A. ENDBE, Savlng te, Tax Payera....... ................................ $18432 78 È112Cheik. Al of the above facts wlil be gadil' verIfied by the records. a>~seu ~m)ru Qu.. asua BEEF. 2cneleas Butchèr's Roast....... loc fWf Tenderloins ............. lu 1gcy.INative Steer Rib Roast 10e te 8c î81«t t Porter Bouse sta...- 12/5c ,rIe n Steak ...............12VIc " Steak..............S 9oaoleus Rump Corn Beef-------.9..eO Vlatiw Steer Pot RoasI.....e W o6c -Béef 'onguos. ............. lec SMOKED KEATS. Cottage Ramas --.-13e IttiePig Pine Harna i .11k . . . . . . . ... . . -... . . . C ymaukfuürt ..............9c ;Poubk aump............9c LiÀvorSsa=............e Susîer Susag l1u e .. .. .. .. .. ..8 c igù Bcon ...... 121/ c CU»d aMs ............13c Good Luck BU Pork Rout... R -- ..... Pork Chop . ..............0 7 Ibo. Spare Ria, short ----- 2Me Park Sauge ................. Oc PorkKl4gnoye ................ 5c Kette lendred Lard ..........lic0 Benelees Pork Roast ............ide- Reguar par Ris ............ O Sa~lt Prk p...................lic LA»B Fancy Hind Quarter Canadian Kutton-----------------lic. 11 Fore Quarter Boulidown Lamb-..e8 Lamb Stew .................. M Lamb Choepa ................. lic VEAL Extra Fancy Home Grown Hind Quarter ................1lie Fore Quarter .......... 8el Veal Chopa ........... lic Veal Slow ... .. . .. . .. .. . ..l Veal Kidney Rosat .........lic ne, 2 pounda. ........ oov resdChickeiia atI Wholosaeice . abc uan~~w o! Waukgas . r, Arthur L y the hlglh est4i 111,WICI OW511 hg It ti ieo oleeller. bits. iLare I k Ma b#uba l DE ulM m~.aof ure and the %ioses ~lonstand Arbutus cq.*mp R. 14t. of A.. iie peit Sleep, on beloved, sleP Sand takç SBeslîle Johnson of Waîkegn-mourn six yeurs. 'lThe blghedt cefies'in tti thy rest, hUW144the loss of a faithtui .ad devoted wife local camv-and always filled the. Po- l.ay dawn they head upon the ULJIVR ad i ncibe.tion ln a falthlail and capable man- j saviorso broet. baa ln poor ner and bar sudden dea4h wili bej Veld bewiutJOS healtb ail M'iter and eagly lu N.iarch deeply felt among the 1RflyàI Neigli loved the bouet, On Thursday, Mareh 28, 1912. at the iich deveiopedl the heurt failure that Cemetery association, wherc she waa eight. d nit,90 family honte ln Ournee occurred the I resuited Ini ber deatb. The tuserai su, well beioved. and ln lier own home_______ death of Mrs. Edwin Il. Johinson. 1 was held -on Siunday, afternoon, ut 2 commimsty, where eh@ wfta eVer doing The Lake Ct'fly Law and Ordr (I.ara Elizabeth ilatte@on was IJOri1 oclock [romn the'boise and at 2 o'clock for thoe ln seed of eympatby or aid Lkague, à reforai organisation backed Jas. 28, 1881. in Minneapolis, Miina. ' rouithe cn<h tev. (ieorge N- Tr'1iydeatb 10v eaahsiinszmark. by wealthy sorti shore men, hai un- wbere ber early lite pasaed. O~n! t0&ot Waukeglln officlatiog. Tead ldom la a death paore keeflly dertaken a cempaigo for leglolativo Joue 12, 1882. ahle wva uîitt-d Ilu r- cinurcii Va filleal t0 the ultonoat witlh felt than lu Ihat of sur beloyed triend action ta create a flve.mfe prohibition niage to Edwin H. Johnson, who witlh sorrowing frionýs ana with theo iany land seighbor. nn aousd military and naval roser- flve daughters. Mrs. Wiiiam R. Dalziel boauîifqi flor-al tributea îuetltleul to The remnsu were laid ta rest ln the ""îoe nc îioi. ______ Miace are gettinu 20 ver>' common place that most Mirhe acle: a are Iooking around for new jobsi W MIEN BEIJER CLOIPIES are up for consideration, you nqttira-uy t.4Ipk of the Seidel quality and service. It's the -repu- tation we 've earried In the last »0 years ln Retalling B3etter Clothes. Style. Quallity and Service ln Every Garment and Our Guarantee b ack etlit .11 A splendid showlng for this Easter week $10 up Io $25 Everything in Men 's Furnislngs for faser Phone 1352-M 119 Gieneste St. F. C. Seidoi d Co. The House of BMetr Cloihes John FL. Keardon For Circuit Clerli Bo far as Mr. Brockway 's "Record" la concernad, àl discloses no more than the law of this Mtate compel s ay Circuit Clerk to do, and what ho cals "S.8vinp b oTai Payera" is not0ngmo e u a than the net earnlngs of the. office, and m be:turneod over to Lake County viee It properly belongs. - As to my fitness for the. office I seek, I bave referred, and do now refer, witbout permission, to the Judges of the Courts, and to every member of the Lake Oo -tv w wiP whom I have the honor to b. personuily acqualted. '1b. the Judges of the Courts in their letter endorslng my oppe- nent do flot say that 1 amn not fit or capable. My opponent and is friends are ugn that »s unman ahould b.e eected te office. If Mr. Brocwai C.:fýedsare correct in thiieu position now, WKYDG MR. BROOK WÂY RUN PO£ OFFICE TwEuýrs FOUR YTRS AGO WREN BE W» TET A ToIrm MAN, WHEW HE W» DEPEÂTED 7019bruCG 8 PERIWI'ENDENT 0F SOHOOLS? ISNT THM T ÂEOF YOUNG lMUN? 18 IT NOT AIO TEEA« 0F RULE BT THE PEOPLE? 1 raise no q. ge against my ionent and wlI net condescend te sa.y og against hbou»ue is bair is gray. I began work in 1896 as a stenographer and ryeffl* in the iaW oMfce of Judge Whrtney and W. C. Upton, ra- Nmained with that firm until they dimslved partnership lu ,~1903, and have been vîtilMx. Upton ever since. I wisb Wo ask yen, lMr. Voter, if you tiiink Il la fair, tha one man should bold public office for al l ime, t thexcl- ir 1 lion of ail chiers? Should a man, after h. bas been elecWq Wo public office, feel liaItihe office bélong to, hlm indivMd- aily; or, should ho, after ho has served a reascible lelgtb of time, b. wllling Wo stop out, say ho has had encugh, thà* the votera for suppcrtlng him, and be willing tW give othis a chance? JOHN jL. RLARDONt lXepublcan Candidate for Clerli of the Circuit Court 10 MUE VOTEPS 0ýf flAXECOUNTY: Inasmuci as My oppgznti ca&i ghlro tihie me- dium of the.Pres a iIMS maagme th laofce cf Circuit Clark la se auperlor liat HEmust be ccntlnuedfi glaice iflie votera dostre, lb. same degre. o! effidlucy con- Mhu.d, comapels me te rescrt te lie same medlum le explain the. true situation as I believe Il teb.. HONE8T NOW, MR. VOTER, in il possible thati tiere in only ONE mai lu Lake County who inlacable te 'properly discbarge the duties of the oMce of Cir cui erkj ýad liat ONE man, lie preet incumbent?1 f&UPPO$IiM Y&BROOK WAT SHOULD DgE e d tonbld), wbal would become cloi aI ofiue? &oud hie CrciO utM ààb.unabble ¶Io business, or vould so.suçccesor b. found nome place, - ome wbee, vie ~oud dacbrgethe dutlea of the offce wilihiesésame de- My ment campaigned Lake County in 1M9 against W= M Regan, tien Circuit Clerk, uulng uasa)M only ýargument tiat sight year, or two t4reI, iWf ion g enough for any man te hold public offce and Tumd in tàe Court Bouse. ]Ky friends maintaS l3 . eg1tyqW*u was long enoughinl 196according te my oppcneirt'aru- ment, wheu io cainpslgnd to unseat Ifr.'Ragm, thiai. s- forhesr g tha wo'uld not bhe ia d ci couaehp thate mont. ebve imdeor amy conthe adi" s Md mo n en eu i. ony .w o ~ r otk lice athema al as t new1d ut .ahcadIdaIe agi tiouem*Sort to "e theistafdadofthei tact1tba hu1 amgo' à ft1 ld e tor1. reasntherIfeldo o keep, biswod a-coienceoti etla*M906 feel iad hve Maehae tecn am zpai re.pct afhm ifo *oM of Kr.a o Iiallndofeavor whéou ar~e - fice otcl sr1 sI l obt hl wk c@ om~i ~ YThe .NJLl.WAUKEtAN LL. ed UA4Sume 5*^rIC#E!5 AC.4E iS *10 IOOCKFORO .IL.L ftncy mil. ifod YVEAL ever rffoived by &ny store ini the Mata, fr.M wh ich Yeu ma msdoct yoir £ASTER HAMS and vEAL at wh.olesale prices.

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