CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 16

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LA r! IlTI TE1<E~ lDX £ 1912. EASTER SLE 0F SPRING A- Saturday is the last day of our Grand Easter Opening and it will be a memorable one, not only because of the lavish display of beautiful new styles, but on accaunt of the many splendid values which each depatfcment aiô the store offers. Our stocks have neyer been as large and cornplete as this season; neyer have we shown such ;an exhaustive selection of the new modes. Almost everyone who has seen ourshowing compliments us The Latest Hfair Dress Ail thc newest t g< in hait shown iour hlaîr goodIs de- seconîd floor. t nment oif ifs f kind in Waukegan. - ~. Our goode are t.hor- - ~ oughly guaranteed. ben made of the ~ 'j7 ~finert. sottest and Miost select qusilties TItE GABV CLUSTER 'Iis la a Most 9tY1115h and popular hair dress; te chaster conista.Qt 201 care- .1-- - . .,inuITa lte cresent shape. fts 1 40 TRANEFORMATlONS8-'î.ade of sort, naturai wavyI iair. 24 Inches long., Ail go compietely around thre head. For lades witi tin hi Itls ' on the beauty and style of' aur garments. Therei seems t6 be a style-dis- tinction to them that captivates the eye--compells attention. This distinction may be accrcdited to their practicabillty of design, the attractive- ness of materials, and the superb manner ini which they art taîloied. The special prices we have made should lend a strong encouragement for you to buy your spriyig apparel. here to-morrow. Dainfyv NeNw Styles il, Linge rie WaNsts foi, Easter af 98C 10 $5.00 Modish New St: Womens "Red Cross" Shoes Yomîr fet tfil eiijoy everlasting on fort iii Red Cross Stîoüs a~dn ý (I1' have t<) saritiet stYle eiher, for the inod- eîs are deeidedty snappy Our Spring slîoNing of Red l Cross styles is 110w (oilh 1let e. 1 5he illustration at right shows onthe fi poîiar new lied Cross oxfords.' It's a prar-fival iiodel wiftî pleîîtv of stylle«and indi vidua.ity; îomes in run-metal, patent anid Russia tan,35 per pair..................... o Children's New Pumups ,At We can take caie of fthe littie 41 ,1 -e Of coni- fwo de and Las, tan, to 02.50 INFANTS' ONE.STRAP SANvA-.1- w lhitfi Sbuck. canva. patens and tan leathers, fl Bizes 1 to 5,.pir î. ......... 0 Charming Suits at $15.O-lf i'ou are planning on l)ayiiig $15.00 for vour Eastcr suit you'll get better value for vour money here than at any other pilace in town. There is practically no lîrnt to flic varietv of styles t() choose froin; mie, two and threve hutton Voats, sonie nifl sitle effevt, elegaiit- c Iv t ailored of fiue serges, anid attractive novvtie, ; values at the price ......................... Hlands.4me Suits il $22.50.-Tlîis seteetion eînbraes strictly high class garments, strikingly tailore<I (f exep- French and storyn serges, whip cords aud rabh novelty, sîîîTtings; plain tailored and triînîîed styes 2.5 Smart Spring Dresses at $995--Yoti'd have a lmard ht iiedupîlit-a - i u g th e s e d t- -c s a t e v e il $ 1 5 ( K ),, 1f o i . t hie v'y a r e v e îa x-19 stîtrial valties :ît .tte prive advertised. Mai i I' v ltrett ' v odels, inade of Freneli serge in ail leadiiîg colois, cleg-aîtly trimîîîed with satin, hi'aid, biuttonis... Pretty New Dresse% at $15.O-Tlhe styvle, niaeriail and W0111, nia] îsl li )(of fliese (tresses gi ve tlîeiii the aiw~i)ar:iv< of itii te liect froî ineiret.hAsendes, 1.00 01n0dil tliile ropi in fie Fitrsergseî dviitvo eftvl frimiiie(t....................... 5 - Jaunty Spring Coats at $9.95-'«lhese cîrvat s are *Jt t 1< v ta il îred of alif w ol Seriges in thfI9 5 lat (st S1 îritng mii dels, large coltar iiid lonig9 revers, rare valuies at.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beautiful Spring Coats at $15.O-These garint iiitvei affraced îîîîich attention be'atiscetftlîeir spit n<lîid stY h 'Fhvare nmade of*serges, mwhip corits anîd n '% cît a (s Sir îtittlv riîîuiidotlitrs etf plainî design, 1 .0 * îîîrule ausat .................... 50 yleé in Spring Footwear rI,~,~,cr~\Women"s Low ýhoes $2.50 H $2.50 is flie prie that appeals to niany a %vonîani; iii faet, man' of thîe very best <luessers îicver pay mîore for a loîr shoe. We 've got the silnartest line of exfords mi- piiiiitis at fuis pîricecthat 'vou have eveir seen, anid, hesides, they're the inost reîniarkable values you lhave evelr beeiî offeîed. Tilîiv coieiin dul teaflier, vici- kid, patent and Russia tani, laed f -niîd button, aIl sizes,,pair....2 ý Men's Oxfords at $3.50 Men wvho knoxv good valu@,, read- ili acknowlIedgc fthe superior qUai- itv' of our shîoes at $3.50. Our show- imîg of new Spriug styles at this price is wondcrfntly large anîd cm- braces an alinost iinlùnited num- ber of smiart, ncw nioels in bof h oxfords and sboes. Tan and ail de-( sired blaek teathers, un- 3,30' equalled values, pair .. eleat a -. --o t__________in_______________________Coulure....___________________ Hosiery, Handk'fs, Ribbon, Neckwear We show' a vcry beautiful boot silk tiose at 50(c, las a liste top auiý foot, blaek and Moors. Att silk hiose xith liste foot af, pair $1.00, and still other qualifies af $1.50 and $200. Women' Mer cerized Lisle Hose- Btack, fSJwthite aîîdco Lors, higli silk finish, fine tlîread, qluiali îaty, pws air------------------------...25c HANOKERCHIEFS 10eFiNne HANOKERCHEFS AT 25e - hwa andkerchiefs, scalloped Extra fine wheer Swime band- kerchiefe. :adntily embmrold, or iemgtitched edges'. daintily otirers of prure Ilnen wltir bad ernbroidered. excepitonal ÂOc ernwoideretiGe values t, each ......corners:eZ eCL .........--- £aster heckwear at 50c - We're shoviiîg a sî,eall assortinent tif îew Spîiiig neekwear at 50(-, svalues that you woîîtd scarcelv ex pect to fiîîd priveod at Sti low a figure. Ilvued arc I rish t'rnhroidered jab ot s, lae collarài, (aility fisehus, floral effeefs 50C etc ........... 0f ler Neckwear prieed upwai'd fo $2.50. Taffeta Ribbon at 17c-6 inch hcavv juality taffeta rîhbon, espeeciatty desra- ble for liait' bîws, coitica ini a eoiîpîcte range of eolor- ings, *25e grade at17 Pancy Ribbons- For hair boxvs aîîd ýastes. iîiluding Di esdens, -mloires and 25 St rip.s, yard.. Boys, Suits for Easter $4.95 is the price at which you '11l ind a handsome seleetioti of bue~s' smart Eàasteîr suits-values that~ aîrÈ wifhout a eoîiparisoni for fthc money. They're all hand tailored gar- Iments, niannish ini style Iand of flic choicest Spring fabries, iu blues, tans, grays anîd trowns; kome have two Ipars of 4A Itrousers...1 Don't Forget Gloves The refined la4y . uises as inucli care in flic selectioti of ber - ,lovtts as iniehoosing aiiv otlier article of apparel. We are the (ilove lleadquiajPrsI of Wauîkegan; we car-1 rx' flic best niakes and fit voit perfectly. 1 Pewny %I Carrt l 114Gloves There i. Do better glove made0 tiumthte Pewny and Carret kid Elove. The. muet soleet gî.Sdes or leetirer are ued in their cotistruction sud tirey fit thre irand perfectly cerne In b>aek, whitead auit eading colors. two cias, P.air 61.00, $1.50 and 0". KAVSER 84LK AND LISLE QLOVES- 16 button Kayser ilJk gloves. back. white and colorsaiet pair ...... 01.00 Kayser abortailk gloYes. pair Oc and 75o 16 button Kayoer Iliai gloves, pair OM Kayser short Mlse fgioves, pair 26e and 50e WASHABILE DOESKIN GLOVES-The most practi- cal street glove made, sort and veivetty, .0 16 buttoIr iength si $3.011. 2 elaup at .....10 Choose Your New Spring Corset liere No article is more necessarýy to yOlir grood appearance tlîaî a corset, for it's flic fouîudation over which flic gracefuît hues of yotir.ncwv gown întist be brouglit out. Ahl the latest modela in fthc leading miates of coirsets are represeiited at the Globe. WARNER CORSETS $1.00 TO '83.00-No corset le better cnown or better >lked tItan tire Warner. It la for women o every bud and cames In coutillad batisrte. A'cooforta, ble, durýble, rust-Proof corset.,01.00 te 83.00.j NEMO CORSETS 03.00 te 05.00-Tire Noe corset ta eseo-.( Wsly deaigneti for stout women, tbough ladies of medium ' ad Maender bulld eu wear h ta equaiiy good advantag. Made of fineet quabiles of coutil andl batiste,03.00te 05.0 C/B CORSETS 0.00 to 03X*0-Tire C/B Corset le a favorite with many women becariee it combine& style, comfort &Ard durabillîty. Made for womel of rmediumr and slender bulld. $1.00 ta 03.00. GOSSARD CORSETS $3.50 ta 010.00--Tire lady wiia wants a reai luxury In tire way of a coreet atouid buy a Gossard. for it po"s~es al tje good quaUitles oDe could destre. Mads for woiàlen of every biuld and estieiity desirabie for stout woDlef, laces In front, 03.50 te 010.00 KASO CORSETS 01.00 te 250-Tire <ajo la a corset tiret may aivaje ire relied upon for style, ýoînfart andS dura- 4l4ity.- It la carefuiiy boned ad made of fine qiailtios of batiste and coutil, 01.W tae0P.50. Easter Suits, Dresses and Coats Gorgeous Display of Chic Spring ilats on Sale To-morrow W eue looking foi, a grand rush ini oîîr millineiv parlor totuiorrow-. lt's the fliclst day lîctirre Easter'anid uost Woincu ant to have their ncliw sprmlg biat foi Eastei Sîîîîd:îYul --L We're cavfor Yoii ail. YU 1 Ithliuk sUtut wlieii voiltSec îwlit a lW- wildrng display of triînîned bats. a]*(, 011 di5Ilay here. Stv'1ei 111ust~ ~e'rv Con1(ejibit shape, large anîd sîia11, designed i n aevordane with the latest informationi froin Paris. Special Values in Popular Priced Bats Our trimmeînrs have been l>isv as becs nîaking up a speeial eollection of lhats te sdil at $3.75, $4.95 )and 7.5(). [f 's 'eaU v sur- prisîng whlat l)ealititil inodels thev haive tîîrued ont ;It these prices. Eavh bat is a distinctivesye ot wo alike and pat- terned after Iighier pricee reatioiis. The,{ trimnnîngs are verv cf- *feetiv'e andl the woî'kînnnship ofthte liest eliaracter. $3ý.75, $4.95 and $7.50 We fit the botter grades of corseto. -s Riftr'gtitL J Imm wwmý OI bp 1 Mddmk I I F. J. oui eticithi 1cr lit on th, Sr. ilite dl gIl l ut ,i i si t, Et 1cti: i t o th 10hi eiiiii ' 1h Viie i liit n, ils plani aM. ire s thes daur brld bena hom Wi big byt oui lie bas e'I ton hi# 4- 1 1 -.t .-[«tAnc.e tu makinz the coiffure &wéMýf 1 - .1- ý - ý, ý.. . . ý ........... . im. ý£ ê îi

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