CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 3

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Mr ]Éü ___________________________________ a I h Vlsiéd Prsde"-a et lhé ssn. PM i ie .. M. Mysescf "lova, mvd abis aMW houaeswitc spoict 'ram Wm rn.iimta last west. jJ. SI DnmanýTretnrneit huom the tapitalIn 1icogolmsI 1, tvitré hé àba eu Cfor la.IW»I" îneét. Mr. Dennan t. l.provlug raplii>but it viii bu ouatimeabeforeblm viii gsi&roundt. Mna. C. ll.Denan returnéit home tat iruetfrou eflao vb@ hm atbeau for ture. wee Mr. asu Mmlir W B. Stewart roerneal home Frida> fs'oiu Cilforn-ia vbers lb.. apeattlb. vlisr. Tloo ltberua Sanda> cechocl yu ai-. an Mse .iiauiei od> Mcm lag, &prt 7. A Cordial inritlIpu le .zeaded %0 ail. M.JO sleMa"9ths taru rous vish ber couoie, MIL Tesiter. 14o TaylorO(TaMslle. AL, bavons "Ma ves itr anatbu.h BU . Ù. Thoma and A. IL baie roturneit = tou OrqPen. flmT WOUeilplsse iwmnkIoa. edao Wbigishoub au Olu la boumvWla wgstig slcag sAla> éd bas »«»Munwaed romCh"ago t Min A»1t. MeCudie of waukdgan wIa l .k msoivI tIihe ous fok». Mine Helou Milord of W boton 0c111s99, Whs a. I., le home for ber vaicaticu. JO* Dodo la spendlng a veet vîlli tfiesbdtu Chicago. Mr. ait Mro. W. J. Whiteof otAniocb, W bave aoveitbock ta Mlburn, heu oit Miss Vida Jamison of Lbehrtyvilllé. spei aturda> anditSonda> with the homkfaits Tbe Ladini' Aid eocity batS tbaiir reaa nio unibi> meetingç Thur»dtay. April 4. A lenteneOuppsn vas servait. C. E, topie, Aprit 7, -Tb@. Kint of bite Wu éhaih WshbWe boitLirai.' bots 16: 19-1. (REster eanserat.on misai. log.) marget enmoç.leadr. *Chicago AA *Portland..Cernent has been subjected to the qual:ty test, in that it has been on the mar- ket for fouerteen yçars and is stili the choice of the cernent-user. M UE I ld7le BthW7aCan DeMae" HOMIE LUMBER CO, LiI4ertyville, 111. CHAS.,HARBAUGH, 1ilgieside, 111. D T. WEBB, Waukcgan, lu. NORTH CHICAGO LUMBER & COAL CO, No. Chicago, Rainbow Mfg. Co. 7l/,ÔUÂ]RÂNTEED7Z and C(umulativ re ferpiStockseccure aîl ii'acets, land, plant, b.uidings andul racinery of theC.ompaaîy; aiea hy on insurarie policyon aheitlife ()f the Secratary oaid Treaurer rf helot impaniy, pcLyabluatua thu'Coumpany, thas înaking ~it oneeof ttea cafost, Mut sulutantial andulcouservative secocon lies au. je possible for au invesit.otpurchase. Over twe hundepr cent protection, ad an aseured constant increa. cobctta-ri afe-guarri coald bu tlîrown orouanonissue <f stock than this Company bac placeitio iis issu(! of $21 5,000 jrt-frred stock, and no btter preatoation cotild buho iît, or asked for by on n'tvetor vho seets cafty in the mtter of hic investment, with gond raturais on is money. 'Tbis staîl isienav being offcred at par $100.00 per s hare, as a ioeut iîîvestrnent (although for cale ta ail in- vetors).* We do not expet cuch on inveslment wjîh tLe conditions surroundinu! thie one, ahold be on the market anylengtb of toua. Firýt orne, first .erVed, i. aur Ilotto. We kaov the solidity of ibis entarprisa, and recorn- usendt0 our i aaveting ,fri ends and clientele,.- the purchace of thie stock. The pIaht ie rigbt bera in oui midt; hma national reputation anid high-claee business rating; je con- s.rvately managod, and bhs an earning dapicity for in'excece of iii flxed charges, vbhicb conejet only cf'ibis isse of preferred stock. Wa con @atisf y ithemot septiual inr-eeior cf the cafety of bis purchase. %V. invite an early application for thar. Tbey -aïe going fast, and vs fuel assurad ihat no inveetar con purchaste a caven perceent. investrnent with subtantial assoIs, a live, gicwing business, as well as on Insurance policy coverinfg the ontire Issue of. praferreit stock ta proteet bis invesiment,, vithout gret difficulty. Thisis 'te rtaînly a gsndkine Rans-Fide iniestmeai. in, svsry 'partioular, a borne îndnstry and a chae to inveet your funds iu a legiti- mats business, 001« AND BE CONVD(OE1; Got bene«th theo Rabow, Viow the biight raya et ils future. Stouk for slé vhile it lute, ai par $ 100.00 per chars, seven per cent guaranteed. AR. SC FE& COMPANY Y', APRI-L 5, 1912. 1 . 1s. t. --isa -- ~ Ift1i;#e4 =.= l eont1t TAiLé. Génsle RiO nt ogb rar eu pnt poer obad vaut it r ilvest unt atof twekwttl Mr. andt Niràq. tGuay eifniayér are nival> ttlad in thair nev bomue. Mir. antdlire. Guy Simon@ are the )ond parents of o baby girl. Warren Holland and lire Ellen Ho!- and vrers inWaukea on an ulinaca viday. Mante Young visitait relatives hare Mr. and MN.. Ear B anar> are nîcel> e1usd lu thei ncv borné. Fre Wsadt fait a yaloable bois alut Mm. Jute Botes ut Reedeburg, W le.. vislllng relative. bers. Mir. Johnson vbo bas soit bis faim, viii irve a male, and mov. ta, Zion City. Thas Bltdleombisba! l as hal! ver> nali attendamc on account of Lad Mies Ruthi Ravtins visiteit relatives iere Sonda>. Eitvard Embble lait for Dakota faut eà ire. lAna Wiafusre bas uoveit loto the Amés cottage. Laud otJimmis tratki anditEddie Leabie bava gone ta Dkota for the gommer.. etbâ,aud t iartoor Faulkner vere home 0,5f Bande#. J. D. Maerrai aUj M. A. Boao vr Wanhgaa vicIonslai West; BiU"I Oliver vileit I rendp ln Konc- D. IL Faulkner auidfanioait Mba jeanp st Sandav ai heNorthrop UmbRuahlamBinu va uWanoega Thao. Fraier ad wis spent Sonday vih OloM Fralsr. hsvea ebesene' tournamsnut ai J. D> Mriage lait lday. Bt. Facikuer çaptursd tlb msa Mr. IHeur> sud fami> a&pnt Sonda> WMO W. J. Oliver. Quarts!>muia> il ba bldiluh d. M m., eharebus .Apri! 7.- .VAUDYI Mi,. (horgs Wibur le reported a Utile5 bitter ai pissant. Mr. Pt.rson la .sttled on the. R. C. Unwole laina, so anghbore are «WateOchave tiorabock agalu. ,,Roy Stoder le ruablmg tb. building cf hi ev ou one.. Mis. IrennsLaban le visitlng lu Northt Loup, Neb. Fou R ea-A govaI toam oi vel bruke colste tupull op oit tances..Terme reasonabls. fWerence. 1). R. Manser. [auire ai b. R. Mller. To Whom Il May Coecern Ail those oriterlng ciothes tbiosh or antan the name oflitrauman & Co., wilt be mesasucei for mame ony Munday avelug tu May lotet aIArigtouî butai, .taÇ,kgau anémit veries viii ha mnade la accordonce vib agréarnent . B. b MdcAvor. -. P-27-2 LMU VILLA 1ý Fiant Gouges la bas> vtth bis bw*, saa in oui nelghhoubood. Bert Gallgsr sudt b.d Tveed p ' Toséiaayaftéracan cialng a a iut,'1 Oinali> shooting hlm lu the strt Cd Antloch. F. L. (laligar vieltet Gurm u..abM- nées lasi Soatuada>. Ws bamm that the dotg shôt tu laISS va the prajieri> 1 ari osoue., Fort Bil. LJ ltav. J. Austin Wini prsachhbie Smm sermon nsxt Suna., Apil '1h aGstB babakervesoCommence aise Uh sharp.P Dç»studSynsof Gryolake Io Lbý Mmeim or] omilTh Lk County Tlephone Company 1 ba arranged for a oPeci~ service tor orl. Takén for, Joi Work Advertislng nette On Application receiving retorDs of the pri ary election à met tbe Town Bail, Tueday evening. PIc ______________________________________________________Saturne of the Stote, Cougeuisînai, . Thon ul Baté hail lit th@ A"th& Viils vho lo atténding enatoriol and CoontY Primal. iie fiu bal ibr .lOu Rmer echuoil i Madhon, la apendieig ber Eues- received by specil i ira and pastel trainFi Nodyr, IWbt, Api . Mouele b7ter Cm 0eaihome. tMme to ine. Hap$egoreb@«mi. EveîybodyI lfvitl' jeu. Lon gîa ranoacteid buginees» We snggewt Ibat ocoma of the citiséis Bal Mms.Choa. tapple anid Mms.Paul iWieflO lS>WOOd i arrange to bave the band cone ont an à Avey @pmuti sat Wedueedi lth f riends Mre.L'Walt, aoeompaiad by ber that occasion and entertain the audience gol ai Lubertyille d=à tere, vficed ai Cicao Wed- vhlie vaitlng for returnh. Everybody F Mme. J.W. Seblamer @pont Saturday învîted. soi Mad sandar ln hittêgo. Win. Maeson t,.lbcted busiesineel BEN Et. MILLER, Preeldent. MmreWsguevof 43enea, le ho-r iait- Chicago Wedne.' _____ lng ber sEu Mdfiaml...Our Sdn b»obla vil!ho opaned for i. Wlaaifed Coombe of Oak Park, the atiee on PAster Sunai. You Wi Libertyvilie Township Election visi t rigeda aMd rltiveu boire the go% a bill w» IIemy tan cent par. Quit. a ively liane was had at the bui pat vek. Cham. ai Our fsmutaiuwhich sel"a«bible Lib*rvlWe'towvn epscion Tneday,T yen ta one émus. on a pound box of Word renslved ram Roy Waters tram chocoltas. hlbk viii b. iven awa> pinelpicontenta bolng for aupervisor et Cas.'. Cam.. reports t hob.bus hm ,,« a velg.Teitx and tai collectei. A iotal voie of 6383ras the«Mo m sa aiask dfiapeadkti5 Md SL.g <re»Drag o. mut of vhich B. B. Eger, ispobtican N wiii doubtice bave tu andergoso oper. resled869 and W. E.Miller, democrat, her loo.. j. p. 8Iwumebas pnrchaaed a uew 259. Eiger'. majorit vas 110. ThéE Mb ~s~. ~Ford ranaboni vbfrb bs ii inn out enire Repabla ticket vas electeil, tbe in gaa b . h R d.part1msnt -froum tié. cty thlut0thie wvu. renaît of wlbv wli beo ndln detail onf v Mmtahe lbmuSa.> uivlhsaimti. ii b Tued>,9uIX lirs H." etkeruad O ontApril! le. SuOak" electian Satuiday, -i Mpsot Satna> aadbad *oula auke- Âth Uton qllnitentýrdy ad fude laWaue- A car vhs.!mmactiiio fmpony I vil s.!! ai publie aution for cauh, di u. . iii local. ei the syndicata lactary t$ Saturday, April 18, 1912, ai 2:80 p. m.à e Wm, Blle. iditor of thé OSecbg mi, etof o ntpois tona b ag ret0 parchaend aa.mdri4ing hrs.91 f O.n the peieékons h agie tlevlad of Round Lake, lial, Monday. Oae. Coow»b.aMd Frank Barvel! of Lynchi propeity on School treet la tbe 1 Oak Park spnt a portion of thoir vaca- village of Llhaityville, lot 6 and tb. Mr. and Mis. A. J. Appt. and daugbter tion ai è6«« Lk. honting. Their saut half of lot 7, apnrozlmateoly 100 vboes summler hat» la I Graylata, btnnî!ng days wve. sortaned by the font front, together yuLh a bain, 24z24,L retntI>eturnsnd froan a ibrea menthes deatb of a a dle It.gliait setter bunt ftatei t beron. vminluCaliforisi. ing finiw vhb b.onged to Norman O. E. Cm'aI7tULL, Eleactor of th) i W alrCir&,teeo iAticCab. rter of George. estote of Margairet Lynch. c-28.2 I tranuacted busiessbesSatorda> . Eveiybody levited te the MfacOuffn_____________ho___ J. P. Mors. rnatad bu@iea inlu ali> and Barbecue ai Libertyvilie J sREel Chicagol Mondal. Town al al, gol@IY niglit, Sffating, ag jeaiobLbir rturned font vet f rotte Adg ni fasln. odr 'veco U.M. andt M s. J. W, Farre!l epent Tuas-. biistip froan GermanY, is mothairé- ____W_____ day at Troceéi, Win. s r tunniux vlt bihlm. L. W. Wakefield bas purcbased the ge Fred Çordea and famil> have movidTownl Election Steveug fallimt veiet of (Ournée. M leto thé fiat aboy the Pester tlaavk- 'lie town lection Tueeiiuy. A pril.2nd, The Bowman Bottling plaut begep hb emitit @hop. paoseit very quieti> there beiiîno 0con- business Monda> wth about 300 cons ' Mr. andt Mr. Alle Kapplé and mon oif et exceps foi callectar. J, hin Manou of milt. Pr, Laboe Villa, vece guoste of Ed. *Kapplea1hinir electaitavoir Geo. Adonne. The en. D B. Jackson of La lie Feonet, vos a nh and family Sunday. tiire votes bin> coat for ea("'r"ne being vi@itai here Tueeday, aiso J. M.- Swoyer ku U<ngrseman (eo. Edmunit Fume ol!- 120 tei 116. Tbehoatear ottivrseeected of Wankegân.k ai od n friands bere Manday. are, as folove: A. W. Harvy. "i@esorau Hari> Ricb. towva riAthliur Long' HuIliteri; have lucan getting a goodi> ae The Repptîsii.-n rall> at the opera scebool ,rusténe, j. Rocker, ami rieu uie- lot of ducke along the river bore the Tc bouse Monday eveîing vaa weii ioner. liat vee.ln attendait. _______ _Tbeflutteruai i rs. El. Jobnsion was al blod Mciullîî vh leatandngbcid Sundu.> utarnoon at them home and th ucbooi at iloinere tGrove je home au a Pbi Aciecharrie. vacation. 1 illiiil!ai publicauction î ru April 11, S.hooi commentait Monday alter a 0 lHarold Clevelandt attendait a banquet at m> farinetwa miles <'oct r(if rayelake weate vacation. Tburoday evening giveui ta bis clame to ail af my tari machin'rv andf stok. Thé igb voter o! the pact weak floodt-He the farlty of the Illinois Selioni aof Ail of my bomtsehald good s %vi[ iloibe e h aetnoi h ilgi ol Pbarmacy. éaid. Terme sîrictiy 'adhi. the cale aetasnemenah sithe vlge i Sm W(. bave a fév Easter dyas andt naval- sUtaat 1 'clock P. m. cssa ac strel ties Ict. lant forgt 10 tatare RItCEARE) MARîI, irurprietor, B. B. Dixo-vsonte s!ct lit fast home ta the tIdlié.Tbe Raxali Store, p28.1 iueoe ek Drue Diait o. Mark Neville of Wankeagan figb Notice! FR E Scbool, in huma on bis vacation. On o robanut A I th, 1:112, Ivi Elizabeth Kubai spant Satordoy cipk1lll anitSona> t br hme n lanba. pen a veterlnt;r> office ut (ardafr John Bnveiliwova aChicago visiteir and uady at br hme n Iaube. otel, Graysiobe. 111. The patronage of Saturiy I. A. Bargé, ad son Elmér ai Wantc- tbonse'vo moly require the CQCVieés (Pl a P. Dykes opent a faw dayc in Chicago gare, visitéit here this vasa. 1 vetrinarion lé reepeccfuib eoiited. reconîiy. NIrm. luit ai Fax Lotie, visitait triends c-27.3 Sctri. Jobands Converge, Wattia Converse iera Il ed noady. L.H.CatLso, N" Vertuorian. and son Eari, axpet ta leava thiâ eeé il for Montona. Misn Annie Amane quIta ie t ut thé R07LND I Tha sM RUSSELL homneoai er iter. Mrs. Paul Tobey aitA Tieodare in vers' hai cunulttîrn Graylate. - the vretin years. The mail rurrnriura Mr andit t ire dBumann viitad Tuoea illi haun £mater douve nt are hoving coniderabh]l ex<'perie. i Ctaotleit.' ata tAmianlDe qhall Monday aveaing, Aî,riliH. 1p1-atires l hvg h atrpr f0 iW. J. and B. [. Melville vwî.re ln foct veat. 0 F. J. Bruce frotte Groylate. op-cnt St. iKénoaba Saturuluy tiiu -..liir uîtluei, Mien Ena,,tiapent a few days tbe tiret urday night andt Sundai at Claveao c'e thé, report ber duing Weuu'y. 1, the yack vith Mm,. JosephibVogt. Frontkitiar' tcf t Sundai niarnine for MrbCraeetSnt~wtîbr Henry Freundt of lcHanr>, épent last ,ernant,' Ill., ta i NI nir. Flarys motrPartelle. veet at WiiAane lira. Barrtt, wis e r I>II. leon Wigtmon bas renteit a.portion tire. Wil!! lildor le ick with lirs. E. P. Siver une a Waukegun if his farime tu P. Hobenadle, the canniaag toruilitis. visitai on Suinda i hlntymon. >* Edie ickrehaui f Apair Mie. L. M. Ituuiner trentiequilte lMr. andtlrm. Oussié Tavnmend, vho sendiug a Fack with is brotherEm Il pooni. av bauliig i ot Bai hv a ndt wife. MiesnMtri hu reeaveic fin o ber movad bock ta thirfaume. m Martin Thelen ila ending this wset ick apeil and hale reumad ber dtioc as witb relatives at Spniaag Grave. ebraan Ada White wae ad Libertyville voler lire. A. (.,Curris eîuurt Wodneeday otF Toeday. 1kE.M. Metealle unt î;iîrnee. Deck Clevelandt and Seita itluer were J. R. Corneis, 1 LuForrio anai Wiil married in Chicago hatiirday. retumnheng Melville were in Ciucago Suaday an cit ta Round L.ake Tuiivuo wheirp tliey businée. wiera welcoid ithi n 'pans und cona- lr.Cos tu]t oto ae ctî gratulatilii. Mm. Chae. irtpr f atwe ne rom St. hompital wbere lie enltci te taMis. L. M. Boiiuu trenSturda>. Mllre. Phil Flary and F FrelatrY wircbirtbda postul.-t iiurI c oya n Suter Chirago vitellinrs Wed[nesdlov day. Site rut-Piud ixt.-ne benutitul Clîetar Hîr nmnuha tuuie-dirig corda fur a uhicli s -wac very iauchaj the pat week %ville his tuandîrrreiits uit pleaset. X Valu. Will Murray ti iirl rirîilt' have mruvud Clora Molidor te cuntthe scru r bu t, lothe fin, bot 1for the premect. Lillion Eftiuger vue a 'i ot caller There lmeta teurbariuinlutaia. Tuesduy. There wiît ple îîiiiuhuîng nert Suilus Titere <iii bean Eusiler hllI ut thacveing, Eater. Eîurybody le iorli- town hall. Lihertyvitie. tireii utsr aih' InvitedIl, r. oin(. Stecnda ciolat Mondas' ight, Apri! uS. Music b, 10:30) o. ni. autentai. Blapke'o orchestra. Ever.liuly inv-ied. DA- R NDE HICKOY. iTo the Voters cf this, the Mir. andt Mia.Harry Tilioteran visitait Kidney Diseasos. Are Too Et thS tralD trt talatr ohlr.FitvSn Dangereus fer Liberty- of the Stateof Illinois: Jaee Ba Dnneait, ba o ha ai n nthe ville People te Neglect (iermnan-Amernian ho@pitai for oaitamber Ater having rscaived resqueste an oi vesto emsrturnad te hic bomne much Tegetdlgro!kde rahlenacoraement frottedemocrats in aimait f mprovéd and its emany fi rîcds are lea îhetty g,-t finit beli. elra e aa township l inti, district, 1 gave pssaiédta lîcor tha goodd noei. sfaa eugi'~tîm eili tha matter vsay carahalinavstigatin and eufere reugnv- hem -Bait nthave decideit ta bacoane a candidate for Harvey Taylor aif(lénoa .untian, le gradually unîdu.riiinited. Bactache, îsieotvssuet10Ii y§iting friande hava thie veet. beoitache, nervouîenel]amenons, morei- viiiof i esnatassxpsed aj t Lth Mise Marn Pedaeeiattendait" a nomluiiiboui.rinstry >iOubles, draps.> d'noatc rmre aLehdai vaddietg i Racina Frido>. gravel anit Brialit'c leasme. flloirArl 92 Allait Mondaybgnmakfr tlu krid me. Hel a, îx~ iu~ Bolisviag tiat the saporiance and Edirrds and>. ,.~o kînaye Hep tbe kidne>'e witb knovledge whuchlIacqufred dorin:tthe tureiable andt @ale rerneit, Doan'1 Mr. an~d ire. Fiank Edwarde are Kidney Pille, vblcb bas cuisit people long ternutof furteen yoses 1 seived as experteit bonie Frite> ai thie yack. .î.hî boie in tiislocatit> a muber of ths couati Buard af Clarénce Bristol le vorilng foAr j Suis.J.F. lrsrufeLake RIverty,, Rîgin Pedersenfil., soye: 1"1 vas la punir bealttfoi a oste lBo Hard of Review. leffler lif Mmr. Dnnning andtsein Guy, vho vere long tima andt did neot kaov miti as metsrvauirpemtépei.i ai thé Chriltansen borne hava gane bock tite atter. I suffeaitconouemrbly tran t srvs sl . skt thepeopeso tChcg.backaebe andt paie luinmy aides ad,1stsdistrict ién eMte, adat ai Mie@Barara ber spnt Slla stneyer ftoiable ta attendt ta my bouse-. auaU d »lapbc f&W41 oi Mis Babar Ebît pan Bada>ai oit. Tii. leasi exert4c tiret me ad on sehepeno e lapuble eisilfta Hikory._______mv sireati and ensrg.,k&%, As I boldthe d.fic ta =elsctsdm t.. A Mthr"sOaeOtto ishard about DoMes'. 2My Plill,e, flaice olou aeer belso vW" I IBuymng àPowder fiFor tItis is tebakmng bat'iîtg bIer," is igtcesoace diielightfutyapptttia-ig ging and vhoiesome. gRememben. Calumnet la modcrate la puice E-iigiettîInlaqualil. Ask yooi gmccifoir ICalumel. On a e a aubtitotu. n h ev bottllng plant. Dr. Levin caltait an friands ber» Mon. 1>y. Miss Mabet bevin heprout pommse. raof a new pou> and buggy. .1 Obltuary. i loyd C. M"icf vashain asar Gaines, Lake county, Ill., Auguet 9, 1892 and lied Féb. 21, 1912, ai thé age 01 ainateen yeors. six months ondtdwetv. oaye. Re diait&ai the Jano UcAlilser hospîtal. as tha e Muit of an aoccîta wblch accurreit Féb. 13, 1912. Be vas grodoate of thé Goriasa high ecbotcof te cises of 1910. Floyd vas o greot lover of home. arents, brother anitPster, >lvo>c émnIaI and tinithearlait. sobar oant oudtlataland S -_-k whm best lava it hm ioât. Why oné mbu uaesa,0 yong and it ib uchbhrighi rospecte betora him ehoulit ha enatcheit a.> in this maumer, la more Ibrin the nanan mind econ civé, bot He aluné nove vha notes the. "sparrowo fali" and irba doeth aIl thinge mail. but ancp day, cometiana ve'll uuidarstond. 'o Hlm mho ile inSulite lin viedoni andt lve me humbi> soI)lat, noving that ai thinge mort together for gond ta thse hao lare (lad, mbo are collait .cr'ordirig ta hid porpose. -Tiere ila aer, virose Dame id deuiti. Anid urith bh ic le ékeén. He rep. tirs irerded grain et a bréatir, And thea lovais btirgow batween. Shaîl 1 hava naugit tiret hi lair' saltir ie.' -Have nauuht but théeireardeit greln? iiuiugh tire ireliath ftires flairers 19 varét t IIIl gire <heu , l aieiragain.* He gau'éd at tire lovea ivtrteartul 5>55. He kissad thir.drupilig leavas tstfor tiers d of tParadife He oud the. It9 sesvées. ilyLr rseed 01 thèse 1Iloets 9$Y.' TiaIepar eeid ead siled: ai.tok.icior tir a rtr are tiré> Whére Hée<vis oece a child. iii .11 ellbloom Ini ialds of litait, Transpiaced hY xnY taré. And aitteupon hi eir garmanti vwhite. 'lhree serad hIo-ùmaliri a. Athe moi ther gavÇ ln teaOn d pea.n Tire âovai, sire MOR dId love; Sire tew e ..s hauitlid tire, ail aile Oh, dat lu ruaItY, flot blawratir, Tira Raper cameé tirt daY; 'Twa a a,.uugét viltitithree rariatr, 'n udteufieldshé 000 a.aboe. And Look heI LongiswilO" CarS ot Thanko AVe desira ta axprers ouraincereihants to the mon> tuit friande irbo hélpe Inf c.)a n> aya înoaur grot rraw. To the singere anit thasa mba funaisbéd ithe tueautilnai 1hial trihote8 me are Indeait grateini. To eah ome va itesice lle's béat hleatnîge anid euch tindaies as va have récaivei. Mat. AND Mate. EcuErE METNA;LF AND) THOMAS E. GRAHAM. Ie th, only FARNIER candidate toi the lagislature ftram ibis district,.111e reçord of tourtuan years on the board of cupervicors of Lake countY, lR p1rof of bie abllt), ant iuntegrlty. He vi!! apuareciate yoor vota andt support. v 2t IN"g!po;0 $1 0O -4- o $19000.! We are off ering to you for you immediate accep., tance from the new issue voted on February 2Ttb, 15,000 dollars worth of our 7 per cent. bearing pe-, ferred stock which bas proved to be far greater th"'i we expected-showing a gain of o7er 52 per cent. Ouîr statement im~ued February 28rd, shows 7OUa, LIABLîî.TîlcS $16, 136-76 ASSET ... 21,211-79 GAIx ....._Î5,075.03 '[he iacreaee being mode ta baild another large plan- mnoudern and IVu bava more ondeathon, vae au fili-Let your mener ear ai hit's vorh-Earn '7 per cent, or more not conidcring lbàt jneruated valua of your tok-We opprociate the small os me» as the large-For further information, ses ony o! thte folloving directors. J. E. MEREDITH WM. NEWTON R. P. SCHN#AEBELE WM. B. CARR L. R. CLATJSEN T.he Meredith FIQwer and Vei i. I c Y.4e nc c~J~ i. a' a' a'

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