CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Apr 1912, p. 7

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ÂPrnL 5, ]5fl2. prtIl FOR SALE-Leke aonty taris, land MdWodnd Mode r -Fr frhulfOlm vmedeo m LAmsL4vaY*LlbLibe FOR SALE-Neeri>w Wmode&Me»"D raolut oume on eOur tomes. P"l SIIC. Notîly p.s»nte if deelrd. DYMoitD & Avert. c28ti FOR PbALE-75 boubeloe F»rly Ohio miel potaboeu. -OC411or wiO for pries. Od batngFO)tatOeeat $1570 pet buebei qant up. Bg Jc ilour, $6.05 per barrel- ttige-s& Humif Mgallon mIl eau., $241; in lot-e S dtrzten $220, vîtbont lettofis Kaî.tn' & MefCAitI, Russtsll, I IL. 27-2 FO SALE-New îtru, -to-date eren Towin houut, lut 5012Î8. tor Lcc neuAi-r-, Ilil uruoneasy ternu-. Inqulire ofl -. . tumi, Lit-tvîtle, FOR SALE-F nil blorî)dî'd aiidrrgit*tred Poland (Chiina ows anrd îite. Bet (il breding and inîidvidltality. l'riopd ro esil. Lberty Villa Stock rdrm. W. J. POL, rretN , .E. (1.'rzxuT. . Poii.v foretan. Nc.18-tf FOR SOALE- -lolstriu bulle fulIl blood aud regîst.'ed jat farier. sprieese 825 audî' up, fhum standard tire. sud hred out tof -e-Il bru- i1gb produciîrg dams. Sortie ready for se-rie, conte roungteis o' great promise. Ritember tlie bullis hall yckr berd. Liberty Villa Ft,ek Faim, Hl. J. PlOILEforeman .N, E. GATZERIT. IPhone J7SW1. r-I Iltf rOR SALE-fl roolm honse. ail modlern tmprov»eiet, antd lot. Inquire W. J Fl'i'iVr..rsrreet ltwee. rî,Hrrdwa> and Uurlbutt Cuiàr>. PhIone 1331 t. (:-21-tf FOR 5ALE-%*ke 4-yr-old drIver, a-el broke-t double andl ingle and oneu- :1-- old, botb tînt of Lady ii1 iiiundroi ~. natet i"re; 44Uo inwe arly Victor potatopsaand moinectilce laIs otatoëm, also Single Cnrb Bri-n Luglîtrîn eg \~ for mttng. 75rV1i.egge. ýllî retw any eall and Msee' o tr arite. C. J. p-25-4 - FOR SA^.E-Gfood -rouo bouhansd lot wlth bassmnent. elertrk. light; U9-îoow boums and barn 24x36, 2 lots, on lale bave citt wator lit sprlng. H..a FaAqE. Lake Zurich, 111. c-25-ti __-w.- I FOR SALE-i Percheron stallioti. o 33092, wiît l11100; ans draft cuit, y.ars, bruke tr work. Appir ta L. A. LSA iLrbetyviie, fI i .1.2. % c-27-2 FOR SALE-Three inch a-cil machine antitoahe fur ale chuap.Caloratddrcsm Loi, Hsmuozu, laiueiwille, 111. p 2- FOR SALE-About 2000 white and br oak feuce poste; aloo lot of gtood prtatomefort-eeti and patiig, tuitEt'K Bitos, Litertyvil. hne217. C-28- FOR SALE-if room bouse and lot ail modern nîprovemen tg, lot 1O001150, oit Milwaukee avenue sOutît of Elttrie dr'I.<t. Itîquire 61 R. L. Ocnoiver, Likertyvillls c-28-tf M CENTS il P5 OR 8AL..ý~QuutiSy ood cdean Ibarie$yUwm of l.Bueuuu, Iat RokWelr, JIL bom2811W- j. I -2ÉI-2 FOR'SL.-1àabpou> eud gqua fiSALtig*-101160xcisor moto, aptl-r' bota'.paue lly equlppati. L Au~au. UharW luD.,a. D. FOR 4~1P-às~'cii&bout ivo aoem 1% ~ cfi2ketyvllc.Parti. ie M gse or> mfull artlcular a".aée#1M enuoit" ILWmàza. p-27-2 I~~~~~R Ller>ile.D e27t PARMe FOR RENT.NT. 1 bave a fv vel'> gooti farine for reft for 1912 runnnng f rom 70 acres to 300 acres antd all me te statIons. R. B. IIXON, Gurmme, HI. 61-tf. D&W. FOR RENT-l' le offices ini the Schncmk building. 8er. tIreii t 2841 Fr Ziz UtTH i SCitK. FOR RENT-f)ltts- otusehltuti tre-t 1;ijuire-ofrut àAtL MLi'srLibeityvuhle, 1 . c-I 1-tf + .WANT ED + WANTED-Owners of faim bargains apymrere leta-eti ChIcago and %ihl-. wauksi. f0 list sarne-, 1 can get you resuits If yoîî realy want ýo gel]. R. 0. Dixoq,. (ines, Ill,* 61-tf. D&W. WANTED-G4irl for g.nera honsr-ork. luquire ht LaIte County National flanrk c-28-tl WANTED-l)ressmaklng or plain oe- iug t ir tiet vAes rr.-csmatr; wrll go out by eh- dîiy. Misse En'.rAiCaS. ars of9 Mr@. L-Lrn tr ideriIibcrrty. ville. P-29-1 WANTED-l no pirulre ri Hoîtein' pows 'reei Matuor lune Photo Lake For-&.t 79511 Arîir. Prairie Vi.w, III, 1'rrkmiîîre Faim B C PrîLIrLÂsE. WANTED-Situationaas -amunter hb e-xpeienced mian. Afldreitur Y lttEl'RN IOExr oMfCe P-27-3 WANT-iounig ladieg with corne edueAtio)n for tt-pirorie- perators ut Liberty vîlli. aud othi r exohaugre@. Apply tü Chef Opraîrîr, LaIts Contity Tele phîîme Co-i rtyvill. II. r-27-cf WANTED-î;'ood girl for licieral bouse- wî,rk. Inquire J. S. HT ATT, Lberty- ville. Phone 10902, e 27-tf WANTEO-Glrl or middle aged waînan for general houesu-îrk. NATHANp ,JATZEIiT, Lltrrtyvill@. Phone 278 Wl c-27-tf WANTEO-Situatiîn b> a praetir-al lrelîab!e Married nmanon ltu. Appîs at tdis offic-e. c-27-tf TH-E MOLLAR BARBER COLLEGE af, Chicago. INI, a-alt ite cir e earn barbu-r triade. Tîs> oftu-i pleudid ivutemsnts anti a short terndi miîtes. 'flhe> mai Iree a heautitul iitaliigie antiagel l our ruaduer sit i ftor ît, p>26-2 WANTED-M an tri a-rrk on tarm to tale Camo of firuriý-8y. Nait-othe-r than gaont cluan lrr<lîîtrirîns mani nestiappli-. fnquire- af At-iitT ItADLOtF, Liberty- dUol, Ill. ------ p-26-2' WANTEO-tioît guIflfour ligit hou,.- work. inqutre at thîs office. P-.3 t-FOR SALE-Lau& in ms,îre ul' ITC1IJE U drui,rrou aMtilwaukee fin-true- sutitf!+ rutu tre EI-.trie depot. Wt-ratiswer mains laid. R. E. Oeaiaimretvil. Fie lurance, Itouse- ientiug, collec c--ý2 1tIans, lbans neoatatu-it b> Dxsraau & FOR SALE-FIull blooniRhodate Islandti2-t lted eRRI5 for haiehing. Rtose and ingle --- oi----- t-mm1 4c petrugg tir $3.501 for 100 eggs I POSITION WANTECD - (:8li Or autdre8A Jo114 MCCANN, Liberty- ________________ ville. Route 2. c 28-2 ....~ FOR SALE-22 bushels gioti meed barley >lfie ram fouI seed. WX. GOSSat, nITiUATION WANTED-By farmner witI lifs tittie experiemee in grenersi farmîne; satalîfamnil>. Atidrees Lileity- ville, Ili., R. D. 1. bu , 57 fB. Magill for U. S. Senaior quiefly wyod anti ote for edean Politien "The voter@ of Ilinoils have tihe anti boneat govemmet. His priuelpal grâeset opportumity ince thé civil lam blas en to gt tire mesage orithé var te selet the right in for tire progrsseîve movement te tire people. Unted States senate lu SWbator Bug To thu -oar poel eStao S flgl," aye ils Joliet Daily Nems. uinbeasoflsvtfrLomt Thssentimt oale @o heIng expreesetaluthéUntedi Statesemat@anti wiio au veryaVrgttly amerthe strate aha OPpoedteLY. Aberinan beaume of bit poeelar lterstfrom thé fact fIat tf or tehéIepeuiciouAllen bill sud blé linsufrt Urne lu Illinois le a tria of rs.ctlOusr> attitude. Senstor' liagli amhtre 0b. made ibte-en the Dm-r appemis astihe mna of the heur. hueau geeve ani tbe taudptipiforces vithin his record i l Ieai d i prlnciples san îl euîla at>_ e bsrsîs ouild.-Dixon Baily Telegraph. 1u e. t n progressive republîcan tv-t »nature hersa electeti te the United àvl Blaes entte. MEN WANTEB, Smbtor Hui S. lagill. theéipro, $100 te $150 a Month RglrSlr gnumeve candidate for Uniterd StatesRgle alr 'sunator, la cngaged lu a etats-wîde In AutomobIle Work. canvase. - Elie campelgu epperals to thdose a-bd waish tu am a change lu Tiserw"'li ho300,000 automobIlei pissent me-îlots and a roture ta reel r 14repreentative governmneut, andtite matie tirîs year, visich means thon eaectmeui oh constructivs e lslaîloniuse o f gooiJobs. W. tesch *01 that a-i not ouI> ire met to îlbe busi- Of an> 5Us te be Cbanfgur, Autom tiesieete l@ ut te lths people aî! bile Bugigeers. Repairmen al au veil. lgo hse not oni> île mollir ou.!tmenl. We give personalpractieui13 tionsement offIe Roosevet anti La, struction bY mail, mantAixanpqwte. Follette rpubîînans oI the caie, buitfer' 01W gratduatsTit, catunleaâ II ble catîdidacv has been a-ami>ycern- ligt veelca. go that fyon ca MU mendeti b> toveruor Jolum, GMUrkj$100plaMa. Writ* C7 -to qr g Pflulot anti thers of national 16, - 'leseustp e mda e- e «. Job .I 1u his campalgu, senator Mi:m l. Uunmeih Coi1 ',st llp muills bean gettlng close te the e p 6 VM *W uPf t elama luoan-ue îlI'l IF 8vÔUe? eNaSne mIiOcbftre, tbo ho a o euoipolitisions but vhp' er«. k~ 04 Thi eiimsgtl*lan ticket von ever the. progreselve ticket viti the. excep- tion of imetstant superviser. Supervi- tor H. M. Prior, of thse Progressive ticket, being-v.-electeti on that ticket, there belng twe asistant superviIono elected. Mr. Priai's <oleague Wil- liam Sweeuey, who van onthsan ticket for asslstalit supervIsai- vas de- feated ber Anrew Walsh. The. vote felliov: Assistent Supervisr-H. m. Prior, 666 1 i01 Bemube, 460; i Andrew WalshM. 58William See«ney, 439, Cltk-DEMMOel PaMrr403; WII lIsse Steele, Jr. U89; Albert Lai-son, 293. Asseeerrý.J=m. H. Duffy, 579! and Thomaes Morton, 488. ClIieOo-WlJlta Obee, 655; Fred Commsmiuarliet distrit-JoIn lywevg, 658; Fraak Stupe>, 397; diotiee-Blmer skdebor.. 60r7; 0 S. Gkeb, 432. VERNON. OuPervor-AifrOd G. Masther. 161. Town Clark-C. C. Gerbert,, 148. Amaeor - George N. Wetdner, 112; Frank Weiand. 73. 'Colector - Henry WIldner, p15; Cheste A. Wolf, 67. Commissmer of iHghwy-Ban le> T. Focte, 144. , aon Ochool Trustee--Canulus J isn 146. Constahîe-Jlue Hoetteinan 148. ACTUAL STARLVATION NO OMJ*U TO DOUET A Statemeit o01'l'acta Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guarantee linuediate and positive relief to alil guevefron) conotipationi. ID every eaumerboen Our reniedv flm ut do this w. wilk rMgril the muotry paid! ne for It. Théa Ym*Ienk statemen ç of facto and w are*at you tu eubtantiate tbmnst ont ri*k. RuzaIl Ordlu ae taten just 111e . adyare pa IUulrl prompt and agrmeabie leabc"le, uay b. taken at aoir sime, dey or eliht; do flot tenu dlarrboea uea 54 rlping, exceseive loomnme, gr oWbe ndeirable efleets. Tbey hâve a wq ild but poitive Mt" a pou Sb* Olganswith wbleb they cOnie fa cobtaul. .flrently acting Me & raoulatire tanin upon the reied .aueculremoothie bowel, thue over comiagweakummmad mlng to reetore the bowelm Io momevigorouseand heathy actiulty. RexailiOrderilmeare uneurpaable and ideai for hUset of ebildren. old folle anti delkiAb* Poreons. We Cananot too bighly reeooiuend them totaail sufferer froniSay> fortu of constipation and iteattendant.vlm. That why ws back our fath s4bar witb dur promige of money bacIf ltIi do trot give entire eatisfaction. Tbres aime: 12 tt.blete. 10 (-ents; 86 tableS.., 25 cents; 801 tabletA, 50 centt. Remember you ititi rîbtaic Repzail Reutedlme ln Llbrtyvîllr- onît a, our store-The Rexaîl Store.Ilrt & ftii.Lbertyvlle. Ili. W D ORHDoctors to Meet Aipril l5th i FOR THE LEC.'SLAutit.O' WADSW)RTH 1 1 . 1Thorniltu F. G riham Isla h . P Thre Lake C<cutr' Me'dîri -t rrocett- isi There ilI lean Latre trit ut t n iiWr.ei an on ,prjlIr,, at 1 FAflMiERltcandidate ttc-ci thie 4ltI%ý ' TScia-itlîal ier tvvie.ilEîutr-rish@ h re- n-rcr iiibe 1-ru-- . 'ileI cPtit;,)Iinatloni Monda, niglit, Apri! if, SnM ' iu etd hsho- oi -e:î .nlrlted -.m HapkLes orc-hetra. Everytiorl>inv itri. as yet !)nît crilc1;cuisir'. QO'a f6w i .h - Dr. J. C. Folûi-, dry b gîcian. wîul ý A joyous Easter to ail, pi-esent a paper oct the srr't ct of the- Mr.niMs . 5iîtiApu ud typliolt te-ver ituation inci W'aukpgcirr , ~~ an do .Wne ýu u yTediscusIon wll e tarîtd bl.,Dr. '~ ~& lu Milw-aukee. B ereg of l-lghland Park after w ht-h Up TO [)ATF- biabeanti Ethel Dietmeyer ,iited a tltere w111 be reeommfndaionai sug- lew daye lu Chic-agotitis a-tek. geeted and Waked of. ~t o a m lu Mrs. r ly Qin0 Ciuo a ltlgc«rte davoate ail of hie.lime to the Pathr Foey, ea.lih et the. clty wil ho told b> Dr. SUits Mae to Ordar W. BaPn of Ratine, called in Watie. P. C. KigbrL There will be discug- FtRST CASriURl15 wortb dutida,. aIe,. on tifss abject hy Dis. Barker M « LA IG li. J. Kerrlgguansudtmigîter of anti Watteron. bAPI-90 n fo tire &ND A Waulegau. vlmiied rtelatives herefiunday. pTuelmeting v laî be înv open t he A Dd.T RM « The mati> frieads utof MilsLui, vho Gasae bas heauii for the paat dise mouthe 50559Ctoioi .S _ ere very glati tu luow he le able toaitIl 1,1559 ___i nU.S up anti hope fo sse him out @coo. 'Nw Yor-k. March 2.-There are r Ili. ad Mo. m.Pénickvistedat15,016,669 (atheuInc iithe .United Thm. anlie. Wmd. Fnikulie tSteL..propar, eccrding te thse 1912 Tho.' Stauge Sunaof 'enney'w OfficIal Oathollc idre. RuIf entertaincti rompanv froîln Directory," vhlch la authority aiso for Rondout ons day laNt ire- the followlng etauiso: Joe auners nd ifePpen Suday A year ago the 10atholle population inote Sunes nt if peîtSnd of the country w« 14,61S,761,wvile lu ~ ~ ~ ~ e YIectc eu are ago lituns 10,976,757, show- The R. N. A. miii give s dane Mîruday lng an Inersase of 4,088,812 for the de- evnn.APt-l tothe lrowe hall, cade. Twenty years ago Catholrcs H.nkeubld Orchetra froîi UbCicago a-ii nitmbersd 9,615,185, showlng tdat a-li- furnish mueic, lu twe-nty yeavs the CathoItc itopui-. The sa-ehurhi e prgîesiîre rpitlion bas nearly douhled. Masses will be ire-d Sunday et 8 anti 1,9 mtul rreel .S 10 ottlock. Tir-e are 17,491 Cathoîtc priesfsin thre- cilted States and 1.1939 Ctîr-rl. FactAbot Idigotitio an Th OiestSwichmu, o. he iviioncirihEs, Oftmincir 9,236 have reslient Indieeton ad _______________Tha ldeI Swîghîn ot io Duisin Irlest'.. re other t1,83being mission Its Relief That Should Thins le %VC.îet 224Sr. Fpruie- ,;t , chrirch"c. The dire-ctory aise shows Inere Y uAUCTION SALE. QuittiII 111,r hi t l'am-i lt-ii [rIr 4:1 yrars ttint there lire It tArrhbishops. 2 Titi- lîcuvt Y u icte gzde-edeti5 dtutt i ittr iry- ire- ernplr .rvIIthii '. UtFi. &Q2, 'yl"lutatr Arc hlrlabcry,, 97 Bisbnî.,rch- ing 1i i i t-lat pulic lit'tr. ct ri t Irît liesai. "T'onItauit \i'iicgavee ti Atbotto antiL-, .hlr'itts ite Urion. Ait i.utgb iitr]ig--rî nul andi dycpe-pcîtn lit 1 t iI~uiles sauti f hii rt. kidnevlrcrrculd%,iti- tndý trt. dlitpair, Fur-herriio-,t'. lie are- S i t.e'.itclr- tii-tu îitvari t ,trat juote iir iit rilaN- rprîl 12. 1,.)12; ciit i l, Ilg i i t ah tt i r rîrI i ttrliic as tri he a-i h 1.1ti; rtrt'ut lie aritfs thoroueirb nIyuIlr.turl t irir (,isanio- ~d 1 Wtrrr k h e îru-li i u, rit-ert trlaur uî î lusrt e in sthol,2- bore vor.m iee -tt r iaotmiitirtn t-t i cioice yoi àeon ilr , '*1I.inergunnr; trin kig crc-11 le- tf anti 01 acttcentrc'cr for grirl- 'l re 1I e- i - hi turf liot r-rt un> t htg tt-eI' nu ut-e armn, in ail stagr am iIlcc, r<, lt-e - rrll-rîn- i siili, niir i .1 trut i aho tb a dplie- t-ywii f a thtitrobl% rli ulailrîl ,_o Irrtcrr'Iitendance- of . i7t Thc' rare il:ii 1111 te anrdt tir iug ly '-el M m r t iit - ;1v 3etanrig Hlstein hitI. tir.- i.i t li : l t -- Fursae1. i t rgI s285 orirbaît asylîni. -carîn g fi r 47.l i' I Itîlr inf torugrîv.M rn rt till- e-t rll, at 1301)- -111i il lr i tr{r-tto,-t ' r ri 't orpirang -t8ti lcuîculs-a n t'.r slckh î res li I tr rcr4r n tushelm e a ti t fit- trýi ti WI. T. Erslgot t. 'ltr lr.cI' loîiarir lt ot relinrg Itbu ch Iliirer cri) letrm -ttge-ctrv grti-cuur gîr0 l I- roiIct-cri uir lalîte fiou,îura, at-t i r,01 Ilt e-t, 1ti . 11. it LI. 'tr c hools. orphan amy iunîi, cri'r .i ce-ilinz anrlid-tr rn oo , br-atre Criuie lot s. ,(uai ertît» I ut rg irîrc Irurl iii lbis L i-N '1 utci c lgaat ihccaicli it dries flot air-ct Mii f il"]]. uW.A. Fl it . t! rlic. t t - tit tttrl-1rtiltur a ,Iti l l i 'Ii . on5, the- gracid total o!of Oittrg tee iI r The hettthrg tir lo lm ta it ',rirsu-I 11K uurrFL, AUCIlioh'nrr i2.-r (Irli.trtu'rn., ith -h ci ru-ait ltruntîgtdrCaiot cre airt -î ta digest aciy grîrutfoodt.I, cuidagnzadrCtoi re'iis ot WSe- belle-vu-W, e.-i&irelie-te d pe-PIia pait n it, IYbark lt 5r i a'iiig t' iii>140049. %Ve 1leSOIconidet o ths f,-itba Folowng e alis oftli biths i Kit-ey lilis iyuthic-mys hI e tnt-I'lllinis art showci te have II174 n We It c tniirht ittuftt hrmm- Polnin ea lt hI. rrirrl r-rr'ltî I tutral rrI. i:;ot.I tire Pains jtoia guarantie- aul ro prîrc tgisi. 9 inp' Y tire-Lake- carîuty us reporte-r! isI-diPit pP-Iedi t rt.-orto iriie Ir eirn tut oir iu-die- t r..- of alr-ot tir-trt o-un r oclan-n duricig the fiat thrc- imo' clîr. of trie-udr. ant i cilititiiv d F Ior îtîn-- - wiil use- t. a hor ut tiot oifrctly satiptclire- hear: 1luy al I)rnggi.ti- sîltî ther r-suile wtichirfitprcîdue-c. Vit-MaIle FeiîuT.t-Tl.No.1 MeEArri r IirIi.crl'et exact no prormis-es, at n ut flo oine'undi iJanuacn . ...39 .. 72 ite .Vgi,1tstfý, an> obigtitrn wiîi.tce-pr. iurlî.irui Ft rar . au .wud itirse-vu-rt-trikt-i- r'arluho andl îîîg ouiltiie faire. et. arIcutatecI rigtit t 21rirh . ..3872Ç4,Lnkitine-> trru lîttbi iht hturd cnt Folev he anti co» reluf ti n t btoluld bie- mufti- ,rh ......7 ý 5- K.due-v 1îlic irund be-gicr tai g fi le-ri rienlt aliruranue of the ,gi-nuinecems o rît u~ Tire re-markahtie tact llî,î -hbows op SIc îta>s 'Th it bo rdetî-morrde oseirîî oie-r. inorit piomînscit l8 that c tial of niarked i ilc roire-lt tina it iiiînr'rlîîîte-Ny M'e ast eelr onu- tcuble-rvlln irthe-te bitrtha tire. aas nocoul colorer!i ordereu- re u-ant i uirirw ctiri ne-l[ undigîtton utr ctuuu-pctuua in au> ltrin tu j uiltibu. ifIo esiowi lit 97<f tire anti raillirii-îi r tîîr-rn Iici ,come tuouru siois anîl bu> a box -faI atirs esa-re bortInlu illtiris..56 infl' or trte- y le P Rexaîl i31i"TW'aurlrt. Talle tire-at the- United NfSte. and 141 rn-orne-tîilricse boiic uleadi ivtre rra reallirnauiler.trial, toreigtt country>. 0f tire titO't.'ra112 i.K lit-1 0 t-tt t ,ut uu-corduti i t itretititri. Tiîeî. if n ere- boctiIn Illinois, eqtr~n i-iUi ted ,(u rg. 111 - iNm 1art fit-cff'en sivtir tprai matiëâlu.u, coîîue ta usaucl getyou itr v States andi 132 lu somàciIA ton vacouin r-m> bl1rrranit i irisack. mut-b ii btar-il Ttire are- m-e-c pleasaut t ta6t tr.ty. i-nId wthler at-ru' ilitrot iirtearatld- tlte3 ai csrtu uthlie irirritaàble ttontat-it 13tla'le 1-u ii irel a tîloiniarfi'cite 1 tir tecgtlrir landtirinnigrrate thre- iger-n-> n. rîra brl-. Soitrnalter i ne- oratuis, aud ta proiute a buathik- î tir o talle F Surit- ilrcy l'Il$I anti natura el rnulac-tionc, tIns leadin ckrrle-e (irrrigar.* CIQYg.Ii I. kciiws trigan t tu irlvtvunrîitra I arn ulagaîc tir Perterttanti ahy- t>digestionu and the value ot FuleýY's.rui1r rtndiTsir i e-fe-t Iealtit and frt-t-,Irit, ~tnr' a-cinijation. Compritraud.s a quick aI,it-e-up11)for lFor-sale bv aul lirîjgictc A 25c. package- îtIt exaîl Dyb~i-pia trouît B- sfi i -.M>II' ttit ihall tier- for Sale or Trade Tablets furnisîtes 15 dayW treaturu-ut. lu branaus trouf. The- r gttitir lei dd Value In GivIng. crdinas- ase-s.tin.,it -îfiriuti pro. IrOt bu-hp him au>, but byIu.rtltrg iioley'a lu glIIng, a man rcecves more-titan FOR SPAN OF MARES dute- a ureluInmire runricie-a Hlons> andtiTam r muiitl t o -tessud tic- more la In propor- langer tratinent. uni icntrdd e isutce-sait.1 rillu-ti im tirîrugir. Wr- sal ivalu-r-p it àI sud depends uonth s-cets et n cthie-bous. r Forsale l> ail Inriggiâts . Uortet tirs worh of the îîug given. 12 Vear old Grade Percheroni Ilo h Peiyo b eorge MacDonald. Safo trouble. Forsud casxes. Ive toiane ta-o fo la uswhich seIl for 5-u' anti $1.00.____ ________ [temember. yau cati obtain Resiall teut' Roosevelt Commentis Magili stuc lu i isecommultir> ont> at Our nîBy0e-orge. ie@ a sbtliy iyIght 30itThese May 'Wed (talor .Jet Blac.k wîit Wiite Star. stor-The ItRalail Sutice. 22 in tEir &c BOI)s. Libertyvill, Ii.have ireenplittii up hure i liliris" Ew.t .faty îîake..2 nF ba luthu-as cîaracterisitiuwuirtsýTbrolre- Mamirne Neiseri. saine-.............19 Roosevet. at a lîînrîe-on Sstu.rtisvnt Etge-te D. Babcock. Chricago-...29 Perfeclly Soitnd anti Ali Right Mi. Wyman' OffiiaI Rcord theisCongres@ bote- in CîniAigri. expesse,-1 Margaret P. Culle-n. saine.-........ 27 i vr epc Jrohn E. W WVuman. adiafo]MIgill, cnddae f oIÎru- Sm it ci Star,@ Jliti . Stee-y. i aoe_ ..... 231 ______ Republican nouiiotn for Gocveiior. esutr santhebu- fr prIore-l ivu.elh .H-ussae......3 For Fnrther Partieulars, Address Usa ~ ~ ~ ~ o e-(ltdSaesAtre i ook reuble ladr.,in tis rtate-. rCOUNT SEVEN" p- 'kouuty in Nrume-ube-r. 1ff05, anti Ire r ey sipliaiizu-titireentiorsemnret teryumr orpie>Ialt ~ 9UI~~ifI5R assuueuthîoi@ 0-il dutieri Dr-ciber 7, oh On yordmarkirlîtît a-titi iulaote-ce-utsF. .». 1 1908. Be iltne-vor belote be-id c a -«orir i : t,.t-t-o in a re1ht froi iatrior <iithe Ru-puluruit-antcket. R c- 'huaitubavrlLebeetivied tat th political Office. ý: o Numb~eyen arnthe lirt igi. J Meeian .F .1 ibryilIl politnuuilofiirtn. lection of Senatr Magil tai thef'uitr-d- lHe has nuis occulrueti the"posititrn oftStates senate vrrail mean ane more-IDurit-, "the man fIrtin tiru- erilttr>l, 1States Attorney ci Crook 'otibtfori senator at 'uarigtoit tlgltiug ftr h-lei'-the 'Dan bo rau tue- electcd.-Vote ta-o Yeaitand elu-n-ncitouttîs.druing ruteresetof tire- fe-rplc for hiu. d-lt wbicb pertuid lire-bas sucure-uta largt-r S.natar Magili, ru lii the <uni> pro. number of ronvctio..p e uar tclan grésmveandiat, ic i:eic-fie-Id fur Uiute-d a-seo evur bt-tire secured inluthst rttii'c. Stfates senatrîr. Il lmr(-onlicted one oaf the NO CHICAGO MAN The figure-s arc-ascfollrra-mo.î remaîkaîrîr- antrîrigus lu tire- Ougît talIre-ad tlt-îîeuilican ttveut jatcoti J.te-n. imIr>-t-a, averec- t oiielbttr î ltr1tt.Stmrtitgtg iis yeur.Tire 'crtntrN ' tmuntitd tr stettoui tin se-e- ... teset lUwsith a ;rlt'nriutlekîslatimêie t (ovéntrmrhip titis tinte. Vote-for Chr,,SLie-t-e-t.,ira. iSI. .norrr -it' rieord at Sptrinite-ld, lic las mlatie J. MvtCaci Davis. "the- coruntry v autl- mteitri pt-r yen, .27eseebes lu neaii3 ercry large- ity initde- dat, radv.îc Chat, OeIelt li.rrtrît.gctie- stiud lu tiil- stirrt-spaceof tour vcitonsipect-tr................r ri1mo h.sira ua sn i nir ae-farniliar to- ______ Joh alt tte-y. ilklriao..,ae-ge niirrr arî> svery ~Vtert-c DEN Il. MILLER. Attomtey m t-pe, Vr .... ... i, 11cil ecapaigtr la.» le-eu s -ilgarutiAdjudication Notice. Jothn E. W. Wryns. tII ýta Nit. 1,I il attakSupon m air-ai çrîim-e-gt-r.atti- etet litc ta s lier, -"e-t ititat te sub li Yt. il masc stt.tecait'uua corruption lu p;rtirranad hiis latfirrri cilerAlelriri'thtît- tat e ftlantis Peri yeart'--------------------1.446 le baeed upon a ituîdatriti of cînstrue- Si. dc(e-sed oil .15tIti lirte couctr Ris electionci oulti iniiurt-ait Itîrestitire palic.iu-s, wmv iapr1e-aI tucomman tioinrri ttl'atlie CXrir. aisat-ec teront an boalu rtot fpbliýtbu- hoideirai the <Coe-urt-ti r nWcitk,'cu anti~~~~~~~~ Ieadîtatcîetpiltaffaire, I senqesrepublicans s a»ec-anti sourid]ant i 9lu < Io itis. ron t-e iti,.tritarof rto - anti an efficient publie servît-e-ii lîlinois. a pratflal colatitnrofithe- prîrle-is af se-at. tu-il sic-n sd rutct- U i-sur vni în ________________ vernmut alti n 'rnut trIe ttate edaîtx uts.r&ti h .51 it.lite ire otal,t niud _____________________________anti nation at tIitie-. Ad-lt :~ouîîtter-r Ieam ust- oi e îak iuiîu 1 L. hl l. riuntcalicr- W7iisconsin silo--Wik-ss I atc r.itui 24 ____________________BE A TRAINED NURSE and Tank Company's WOMAN'S OPPORTUNITV. î1 aiîintlaver of a isa- giving usietirs Amititonis a-oinn desrlans of ire- t lntve, Ilafrendunt and Recaîl, anti teclug thi-r condition sironît take up ta eléet the United States Seators b> ,f LS ave S ios Nurilg as a protfesion. Tire-smaîî a dire-ct votaiesîo Lu omînate anti l aumber of competent nurses make a ltth Prlidu of heUtd e est On The Market constauthyIucceaslng dueni frctheli eltte P drectiveu oaIthe Upepl Ir service. Traiue-t Nurses recelve from Sae >adre rt ttepol r us$18.00 te $2500 a week. soe as hîgi Democrathe candidtate for Repremleta. as $5000, inchudlng tirîb oard. tive lun(leneral Aasembly, thI District. - lThre Rochester Nurse Instituts, vrl] Vote fo r train an> voman te ho a Professious.1 Il Nurse In a reasonabh>. short tîre1I I er ovus home. Reatiror th. e.Id.E- oe h .Fe n 1.1 ~~~pendent cati get tires Information antid ~W.Fen ter Nur elsttute, 104 ochesteri. tlnr'11,pimre pi N. T. - 19, 1912. r s 1- n i. I. i. a b, a, 6 't R w.ý S. AwTfoweNl tIbrtyvilIe, Ifh.sI I1 ioDtsace Phwne- - 11 Pa*m --e a ' W. H.e<'!Studer, SLIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Pufblcan Candidate For lr Nomnination lFor - Countug Survesgor pnfnarks T.edqApril 91 1912 ýIF Ï09 NI 118 YO'1[ BA!v10 HMRR GOING IAST A 58*isck Iligh Carbon ou31«lBeWire feda et30cents a Rod. 1Mstrongest renceMe&.Bargalu inOther Sies. Aimericon Wire ren,<e Companyj To the ]Reipublicar, Voters of LakeôCourty: lui,,1 te u fitt. ,. la' I yl.t it '-t i I . liiit lt- p f-'ai ili . r r rtoand tavlv il t -tit ire il rWt %-it f - r0 il. 14er . s. . j l -îrr i iiiit. àrtP.iiir u.orpt-i (fo ii i ti e. 'huîtlrm h.'Pî,tfillv.y E1âanan W. Colby ROSE COUR RHOD>E ISLAND RED¶Jj EC. hthnehltfrond wa es, atm leu. tlird pullel and flsîe Cn trt ceelw y EITILITY (iCARANT]tED . . G S SPiGI.E COlIS MAK ~ORP INGTON W ~Tho ursudmeit "An Plumo»!s" Rai lnste to-day. 1Eggefrem MWea ofpu," Wiaasra15for $5. . I. ALLEMAN Il Rom Comb 'Rhode 1land Re*l F u'rg'r trou lIainsu-Wrs tu cire-r, In ritel,.int irer s rits tbbon on tien, S .S'F¾UTI N GIAItAN'!IED S. C. Kîmbail Libertyvilis. - llul sin gl9e Comrb White-,eho - t> iltO, aluttîtBT'i,go etO our tiS ti en et Paitritige Piyni tca . --ýConresprutdet.c-e teIIe- M..IL. HALL Libertyville. - - hl ] FOR SALE .. C . ite Orpist" - -- - -- - RHIODE ISLAND RED$ (RtOMsu .Com ExcLs.Y NAy ed. ame beau tiee, ýrod for effl production as wr-il as sbow bIrds. £ggs, 01.50, $2.50 and 06 perls 16 pleane place Ynlur ouiein u dree. t' JO . NSM A lSe-L -té .11 ,fi .11 ------ - -------------- . 1 ilý . 1 4 1 11. . 1. li m il

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