.ÀAX -E 3OIJNTY IN'DEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEÈKLY SUN PART MW LATEST-The officiai rctasrn compilsi sate today, show th9t SpellmAi' dofed Cadoe edcptt. lmegcsscrmil beeft ttCadmor. liaid dfetci lila, r officiai fi*urccshow thc vote for Splimen larget.I Cotrmry to th. avrage predliction, WoUs put up their ba'.dest possible bat tIse resait ai thse Dry and Wet flgbt and tise saine may bo sai of thoe voe ould b.e eceeoincly close Tues- Dry*'. Al day long busses d car- day. tb. Wot.e sncceeied la piling ni> rtages vere busy makiing their va, to thc sae majo'.ty ot 675 and au a ro- and frein tie polilng places carrying -milt thse sloons will romnain another voters. ft la te tels tact that the large LIBERT-YVILLE, ILL., FRIDAYAPRILI, 5 1912. CRUS1IED TO DEATII UNDER FAST TRAIN ON ST. PAUL R. R. vo7 yearm at toast. The Wet maporlty vole polled yesteruiw la due for des- vos prcically the Ramne as t vas îlte lie tact tiat 210a'. 300 men who James Fox, cf Cileaga, vas etruck bar Yomas go vhen the figit put up voted lasI turne vers not borseth y bath ides vas practîcaily the saine total vole poIîed vas cnosiersly and Instantly kiled by a fa t tralu m ths Umie. The Wes declare that larger tlalet ime. The vote this ou the Chicago, NiMîvaukes & lW. ici bave not lest la strengh, des- ime shows tîsat the total vote pliei Paul raliroad. oe mile souti et Deer- pile, the fact tbat ther majority tva iy the Drys tues tinie exeoedd tIkst jeld et 10 o'clock Tues-Aay ulght. resu agovas nearly 1100 as tbey etfiaut tins by 236 votes. Tva yeas Fox vas respondlng to a fie larin My that veverai bhursi Wet votes ago ltse Wets cariled every precinct fit turne came frein men einpleyed la thistwahî but Ibis tinie the cail et the yards cf the Alils Brick t the naval statio vbo bave sAce iry. auc=edila l a tnng la two ofcompaay vien lie met hiesdeath. mofcd away. isb precin'ts ti 'rgt and Thîrd. Wien Fox iearned tiat one ofthle *Tb Dys cdputupsnc estrn- Forih c 'Oe barns aItie brick yard vas burnlng. l.&s luit tus time and It looked so One of lie surliriseti came vien the se l Ile a evil Ightallthewayfouytb yard. hilchInlcludes the fi rat lie rusied troin ils boardlng bouse onsb lke n eei flhi il he ayand second preclucts. vent Wet by vitieut hile coat *or bat. He tcoka Lrouht tIsa there voie iev vbo ex- a majorlty ef une vote. Titss yad short cul 10 lie yards by vay ofthle petai the large maloity roliei bas always been consldered a st'.ong railinad tracks. ieIl mangled bsody by' the Wts. The. Wets voeors t s o cDieesAjdas ocee as touai by members cf the train confident lbls year eas tbey vers tva te fthe ry edWefJsThe Tild vsicr pfelcris a sud msY ear thatn. ilevet dry by a vote of 213 10. 166; tie He lias beers empioyed at the brick preldhciga loYand arsthat At ldSecond vend veut Wel iy a vole of yards as a 'biirner for lie liait tîrce voe hocioe cd bsttie voli390 le 217; lie Fitti warrd vent Wet monthsi. iesvife sud tva chilirsu ot be sure of vlctory until after the hy a vote of 17 .1 to 54 telie1'rsl yard vere apprized ot bis suddrn deati votem hai beau counted. Wet by453 tw 278: the Fitti278 tclbits moruîng. TIer la no question but thet the 102. The Inquest vas held over the ns mains tille morning. Tnoroe vas unable te fini a person vio vit. LOOKELIKEENGEL ARD.ne Red Pcx'g dealli. The romnaine viii ina crccont issue. the Aatiocb Neya alzei ni) the congressional situation as follava:1 "George W. Paullîn of Evanston bas entered the race as congresaman trou thu.district against George Edainni Pousa,iti the endorseint cf th ogaistin f h cao.Tat asno scuedwhn r.Engehad cp C AT1OLIC CIIURCII te surrenw dira long coveoisiea to anothler. A I"1PlT W . TIs Neye mgt bave sdded lbat the "anotlier" vould ho tVIr. Engel- ÀT N YVIVPORT VYILLI. bard, for. sising upthelb. orai> on bebveen Feus and Paullin alnong thiA' ova frisais, thesa hlans et paver lieu .bolutely la the Engçehiard camp. IIFtI~Pçl~1Jl THEN AND NOW. Th'Ie campaiga managers of candidate Maffuflan, viesee ate dis pèftO. Sastor A. J. Oison, have been trylng to use a slogan: 'Be for a Lake 09101Wbaa.WLa bact. that It lb. chilot andpractcaliy the only argu- Bit ihey are nslag ln the campalga to deteat Oion-for, l la a cain P@Ige viornechiai abject la Oions deteat ratiier than MacOffn'a ssuccoci. Nov, the inlresting thlng la counectlon vti Ibir sbentlng te'. Lake amut? at this Unie, la tbat the main babers of lacGuffin are the very 19àe contyMéo.Wh, vie ovyeara ago. vben Charles Whitney cof Labo cOuty cainpslgned for judge ln comnpetitona iti Judge Wrgt ef Belvi- dore, Boe connly. voesout verklng bord agaluel Whitney AND FOR Jilc Wrght. Tioy iLda'ttlhlnk of loyeity te Lake county thon, did tber? And Labo county assied a cir.cuit juige fer vonse and fan longe'. tiaffl t nov ieois a sateesenater. Wby this change cf heart eftiose cempaîgnes' Will M.%arufrla aie a iotter state sentor tien Whitney vas the logical man for circuit jud" vhea b. uppoeeitee Bonne Connty man as be vas afler Juige Wflgbtc dotb? Juige Wngt's deat i ddat male Witney any botter MM far Inge. di Il? Would ticce saine men vie bai supportei Jîîdge Vilght (Bone connty) ove'. Charles Whitney (Lake county). have aup- Posted Wright egala biai be been a candidate againat NMr. Whitney tkalagb tie non-interterence of bils un fartunate death? ia other vords. these men nový yeing fer Lake connty recognition la *ae sonate vrent on particuier about a Lake couuty man ton judge vien they tougt Charles Whtney and fougit hlm lard-ani Whitney vas a SIRONO Iike connty iman at that tIns. be vas andIolaof judicial mind, &WIiiY. sud teiaperment. Yet tiiese very MaeGOnl campaigners dida't caro about It-tici oppocod un bord even tieugli le vai Lako countys fore- mont citisen visa-bai long chrisied the judgeshilp and viose frisais had long bapsi te vouli ho lven It even vitbont' a ftgbt. And, to get a .. figlt froni bis cyn ccualy -fellove-vol. Il vas a migbty sigit verse tIssu te quibble over a tbing as far reaioved froin the people as a state sestarahip. Yes, lbese mca ieugbt Lake county' for the judgeship and tbouglt notbîng of t; nov tbey'ro yelling: 'Ho for Lake couty-bo for IlacGffln bocause ho's a Lake counly min." Tiey nt only villlngly for- si letohir action atblat ime, but aIea tiey charge tiat. tirougi the isal they maie vllb Sinrtiof tiey are booting hlm for la Lake county RE8F- RBNMTATIVIO and nover saylag a word aient the Lake connty roprosen- ttive canilates-thein viole zeal las for Maffufla andSbhu'tlef--tiid thata ail. FA2BMRB FOR OLSON. l la a dnstted tect tisaI Soatar A. J. OIson asail tic foriners of thi etirte.cossntlem wth him, noë as a unît, but se a big umJorty. Para.'.. arte i cld of men tisat dont' forgel visen s public officiai DCES TMINGB for Vwsm. Mr. Olcon'm wore'l aalusmitise luberoulla tust law and Nem a"ft te »we butterIsse lafl sco Abt tise dary buter would ha ln far grcatot< dclsd, $Und@ oOuI oonqspcuouly before cvcry formser. Praetbcally fl tarris» or imilevec tuberceln teting oft ostle la sccecary, fruitfid, but le an expei. sip lury-for the farmne'. tir. Oison fouglltihe masaure andi vos on@ of the fadais wiikh lled it. lad Ia becoase c law thie horde o Lake oospty would have taen seauglilel' ed aigitanid loft. The farmner woeld have Isceat laser by huny tisoccand doki8; tihe oonssamcrs, even ln Wauklean, woeld have taon lasr.t euogei the bje rise on tid'le ot mlIk whlcte voli have reulti. Oie.. oplsoed tliii. lll-SiurIA5if made Iellee awasmagatnat I itbu eeeriy -feughtî lt-oai Iried t aisubtltste anotherli <0(M) wlici, haditI beiMse a law. wosald have been @von worse tissa tic oac OIson heiped de- lt. ,Therefore, le Il any wondcr liaitich farinersaund tie mliIk consumecra or* FOR OLSON? A BIG D1TCH (7) Atbongh very lttis bas been sait! puilicly it ls a vollE may acfet thtabgditch tc, connoct thse Wimtte dtch vith Waukegau sud tise laie* shore tavhie lias been discussed by the mlllonaîres ai 14ie onty for orne tin. A canal ot thîs kindvoSld moan a couaty bond linoe lutta the millionsansd voli bunisu the wbole ccunty for year& &mU to0àIsep ot a ev rich ment vie naturally vant a inuln thc senate yho vèl faver thora. They beleve Marouflan le the man to "purt this ove1' ad tsat la yby they ara supporting bim. Thse amali farmer, theoupan o meret. means, and the poor mia are for Oison because tbcy kncw ]ds la ate udyl I bka aer tbir Juteront». What we need An public lite te meebusIne smon sud lesu lavysa. Toc n aiiy lave or today cr0elvir 01 oncied bylay1 mfrausi iii lavyers, san cted by loysia 0 le ébltie ouino =Buieus a culi 'not posatbly inov 110vta t*dut bi wuaaasvthout emploj'ng a lawyer ta Interpret thesawlivfar bIse, Wh. umalll7 recives a avWyeua tee for bis sorvices. "!turct la asy an, tllas tliaI bburse te thc busînea.of!tis, eo*ty t. iittl at tb vo Save ton-o14*y avers- lu the lust scsmulo!ait O pom *Wl « llai IM* tisa «Wlybuanse u.0 M" anaboul& 1e cleolc. The nev St. Patrînke cbnrch et Newport. jusl sait et Wedsvcrth. la ïo replace the li churcb 'a'bch vas deeltroyed by lins ou Dec. 8. vili be compieted iy Haster Bunday se liat the eborele Eeter services tiat have issu arranged calie held very effectively. Thse furuiture. Iacludlig the îews. sitars and slaliiary are lie. li;g inslalled nov and yl lie ln place by next SaturdaY iyaght. The ntelor decorations are te ho very lisautîtul. The vood vonk to- getie'. viti lie pews are te lie flnlsb- ed lu dark ville thse Ibres sitars vIl ho finiseed lawhilte enamel. Rsv. Fathen Foley la lie prIesain charge of the pariai. The vork of! estlng the nsv churcli vas tartei accu ater the finsvhilci destnoysd tic dcli rch sud bas been rushed te a apeedy coin- pletion. For thse lst lac mentes the ,aiis sud rooif have be-eu n place and n Ibis ratier biarren room the mein. hors out he parlishie-Id thiAi-worship. iens vers no pes>and ne chairs and vien lie vorsiîuene vers not kussllag tiey vere obliged to stand. A speclAs service has bies aranged for Haute'. vien the cbuch i viii officiaily epenedi The final mass yl be lieli et 8 oclock ln lie morning vlth lie bîgi mass et 10 oclock. At the laIe mss tiers vAl lie pecillmut- sic. Peter's mass lu G. viii ho Sung. The splendid choir of tweuty trainei voîces wvicla >unier lie direction cf Prof. Tar. bas lissa practicing tho music for Ivo veeks. At the tienedlctien follovlug the lae mass Bordîsîs O. Salutarla snd the Atui Engo vilIliso Sung. The party that vas te have been held ou St. Patric's day vas pont- ponsi and vAl be held ou April 12. If promises lu ho a vo'.y eujoyable af- fair. ENGELHARD STANDS FOR THE PEOPLE. Candidate George P. Engelhard today sent bulletins t~o votera of the district containing some interesting facta about the. Congressional situation. One of the important items is Mr. Engelhard's platformi in which lie plainly tells the votera what he stands for. His platform follows: WHAT I STAND FOR A Goverimiînt b)V and for 1UEN, niit li and for MONEY. The suîpî-îîiîaiy of huinan righits ovex' prîp- erty' rigbts. Resistaîive totii te foîrcs of special privilege. Unceasuuîg %aîfai-e oîpolitical corruption ini its cvery fornii. DÔwnwaî-d tariff revision on data hy govî'rn- ment expei'ts. Stringent regulationa in the iîîterest of al interstate moiiopclies. Amnnwiîeît of tiie Shermian aîtititist act prohiblitive' of wrii îgfiil nîonopoly aînd iînposing penalties foi- jeittu crimes of mt)nhipol3'. A monetaîx sYsteîn under fiull goveî'rnent control for tlo wage-earner and "asmali business" no less than for- thle banks and "big business." Conservatiîîii of tiie national propert ini land-, mines, fîiiîsts aund water-power fui- the benefit iippin to fiii tt'whole people. Eleetionî of t' îitî'd States seîuttirs hy direet populitr vote. Direct plii îa ri(*s, the initiative, referendum and recail as agerwAies in seeîîring a free, true and deliberate expressionu of the popular will. An Arm «î%-aîîî N avy adequi4te for the na- tional defeîîsP, buît with arbitratlon ever in the foreground. Measures 11îîinîotjve of the physieal wvlfare of the people. Enforeî'niiiî of the lawv against dishionest or dangerous fooîîs anîd drugs and its arnendnsent to iusure greater efficiency against falsely-labeled medicines. Measuî'es pli te<ive of the lives, health and injury..comipeîisitiîhl rights of employes in shops and faetories. 11I'm firet of ail for the.mnu who liai te work for a livin.g." -~n., 'n L-%TL t'. T TNl A b T-bU THE CIRcufCUI IEEKHIP. It is an encouraging symptoin in this age of embede- ment ain public officiais te find one office at least that ba beau dahonstrated te be honestly conducted. When the county audit of the county officer's bocks wau ordered by the county board, friends of the. several couaty offcera were juat a trigle nervous over the outcome of the audit, after the most searching examination by the auditora employed by the county board, U. O. Brockway'a books of office were found to be absolutely correct. ]Public auditors, stimulated by the desire fer furtiier eanloyment usuaily find a " shortage"1 if possible, but tley could&-àdno fault with Mr. Brockwey's beoks andhe wau gven an"O1 . K." by tliem. It speaks volumes in Mr. Brockway's favor in bis present campalgu for renomina- tien. The. people o! the country are manfesting their ap- prval o! is officiai conduct by rallyng to has support, net aycores, but by hundreds. HLis office lias i during bis terra of office thus far earnied in exces8 o! expenses over $18,000 whicli is a saving te the punerai funds of the county for punerai county use in paymeuto! bils. During lis terza in office, twelve years this coming December (not twenty years as lia been prastently mis- stated> the patrons ef the office have =een ourteoualy treated and in the language o! a letter written by a frlend of a would be opponent 1"no man can truthfully speak dia- paringly as a man or public servant." Let's reward 4n lioneet officiai by the stamp o! ap- proval o! bis conduct. But this is a bit o! gratuitous advice, for everything points to bis nomination and re-election by a roualng ma- lorlty froin eacli and every voting precinct in the county. TOWN 0F WAUKEQAN. OFFICIAL FIGURES TOWN EI.EOTION APRIL 2nd, 1912. Amàitant supervisors elected: Meyer, Emmons, Welch, Republicans; Speilman Broecker, Dez»ocrat. Town clerk: George Hutchinson, unopposed for re-election. Né opposition to Bernard Kratan for comi"soner orEdward Spaulding, trustee. Precints- 1 Wet ................. 128 Dry ..... . ... 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10OTotal 156 166 148 242 171 303 145 107 243 1809 114 213 102 115 54 147 128 48 45 11341 Cadxnore............ 155 106 169 117 141 Samison ...........~ 82 72 91 100 109 Emnons............ 176 130 196 115 152 Welch........ 217 151 190 125 171 Meyer........ 202 144 205 125 163 Spellinan............ 128 164 136 101 136 Broecker............ 121 90 139 116 153 Kukar.............. 39 48 69 61 85 giater............... 25 19 73 15 37 Assessor- Dunn ............235 186 248 141 178 melody ............ 54 87 74 106 Coilector itaw ............ 241 197 287 146 209 - 60 76 77 112 1088 777 1145 1389 1304 MI1 1116 853 224 87 172 95 78 190 70 93 182 82 100 56 66 1464 52 136 893 68 68 1584 43 147 905 'MRS. SCOTT DURAND'S POLITICÂL LETTER TO THIE FARMEIM TO THIE PARMERS. Not sAuce the Clvii war- bas oun lUnited States iad suehiIssues cf lm- portence îîesentei te it as at the preseut time. The Benlouanesa of thse bituallon cen flot he overestiinated. even fron an optinlstic standpoint. It las note question of the Itepublican or tbe Demcrat-it la one. of simple rlgbt and wrong-the people versu3 specMal prlvilege and cerrnpt poltica machlnecy. The farinera constîtute the back houe of our repubic, and Itlais o psse,îtiaI loday that lhe fariner scanns bîmself wi tite preseut poili- Ancal sîtualion, la onde'. te set qulckiy and forcily, as IL vas ln 1776 or 1v1,wen lie piow vas laid aide and crins taken up lu défense of p'.iisc- pie. The fariner cannet aftord to remein in Ignorance of these political questions. for tbey nvoive bis every success and pnsperlty. A new president ls te i. elected lu NZovembr-wîlI tiat prosidegt e hoie chioce of thie macrty cf the peuple of theme United Sitates, er viii ho ho an appointée of tbe politîca.l bosses? IL la net only absauni. It la outrageons. that the peeple eft tus p& Public haveflot the cîsolce between the Party nomînees sndn voles la the séection ofthtese nommnes,. tî bl VOL. XX.-NO. 27. or iiunsoy's Magazine. the article: "('atchlng up with Roosevelt." partiCil %ariy noting the actievemelits of the Roosevelt administ*ration. lhon lot thffu cerefuiiy remember that the present prouldent has utteriy falled t InlMM the pledges whieb be made An the liat national campaiga. and whlch ver. meade in bis beheif la the Republican platform of 1908. Farinera-do yon know that one of Preaidont Toi tls first acta wuate. confer with Senator Aldrich,. and even with Cannon bimseif thon tbyOW bis Influence ln favoeto the re elect ion of the "stand-pOt czar," as sposk- or?, Now where did Mr. Taft. la bis tIrst message. recommend down*st rovielou of the tarif., which he had ied the people te beliove bo wouid *4 . ln thier bebaif. But wol ôbbyists, worsted lobbylis, obbyios for cott« manufacturerasud 811k manufàicturers. rubber mon and steel mu. At le tjuoted, thronged the secret heqrings of the tariff caucus ln Senator Alduicles committe. rSmi witb Taft flrmiy at.fillatlflg-sinill Wonder thon tiattb Infamous tariff blill wu not vetaod bY the iiredtdeit and At ac thsMe this very met that the nation ai large tout &U falth inii'r. Pafm bI he bas never besa able to regain. The Preaidentu dorms of av his WIaona speech, decisztng the. bil te bo the boat tariff bill ever PU"& added Insult to iajury, whlcbta.n people bas never torgiven bin for. ' Do net forget thab at the behest of Aldrich, Mî. Tait riîd the Incoine ts, to wbicbhehobad coin iitted blinelf in tsecMuA. s isoinher the. BaIUngBr-Plncliot eoetrOvercY nhlCb 0calmlnated Armb.- covery that President Taft tiad ordiered thse AttorneyOcasnrsl to aS his opinion la the. <haVIS case, sn as ta make it atitusr thet t bad bes% ton weeks before Mir. Wickersbam actiillY wrOtVt. Dose sucb a 6sot o taie a in Int a second teru as prestIOlit? Do net forget bow the railroad ill, U It camne froinsteag rallroad preaidents and the office of thte attorney-Cm"en W sanction of tbe presîdent. Prosident Taft, bas elther througb weakam, ignoramec1*lt tion. alied himself wtb the most dangérous clouient la o.0ev o§W«&' business worid. It le lnteresting, ta, follow tàc lino o deatt0m weaves in and out frein the ýpresidont ta WWall strest-to o ,p b of spoclal prlvilege-to lhe pelitical bosss or mon aen for i cf the battel. It Is lnteresting. wbenL desirous of dispacing ofa pointes. to see that ne cogiiy caed for as vice-pr«esiéct of noj» Morgan benks ln New York, as l In t cle uofChles D .-Noton, wI U was reiieved by the president a&ti'. bts faux pas li that rcmsarkabl te an Iowa congreseman, saylng ln et fect that tinamacti as the pcapW Indorsed the progressives. Mfr. Taf t would give thein back the patroneu.. Tbe ptrosidents judgement la appointmuenl.s lhsbeen vorse ibanle fertunate. Take Charles R, Crano as ambassador ta, China. Au i1l.adyls chelce-but worse teste, lu an absoluteiy Inexcusable mner of 1cd Mr. Crane. Lok again et the alinost fatal ciror ho was atoutt ta ak the successor le Chief Justice Han-ian. The prealdent bas aknw, self oniy a lawyer, and a poor preBîdeiit. He bas therougbly d ed thse latter. T The varions departinents cf the governinent show sorions la* oversight on the part of the prosîdent. As a feriner Weil kaovc, t» sucoiess of a fari n utbe production of the crops and lb. ralsing of tb. Stô* dependa upen the man at the boum. 0f wbat Importance, tien. that a îm dent, ai the hosd of Ibis great repubslic. be a man strong la bis copviotAw# --sond iln judgement.' keen ln pro neption, andi WIth bis oye ami iaM. ovor upon eaci spoke of the great w beel of lhe governinent macblUW5yý, The farinera sbould be pratlc ularly concened la rtse, deO~ state of the depantinont of agriculture. It la a dIggrace to th* n~ sac Secretary Wilson sbould bave been relievai. long ago by thearecjc LMr. Taft bas utteriy Ignored the weifare of rt k«re ls n every vag, .I ln bis urgent pies.and stubbcr filgbt *dr Canadlan. recîprocity, mnapc bis 1.1ngera tthle Amerlean fariner lu bebaîf of lie manufacturera. The presidont's Inane reiaark: "I love jndges and 1 love courts- tbey are mv Ideals un erti. that typlfy tiiet wo ahail meet aftervaMuj1% beaven under a Just (lad," rensinds onse o the oid-time hyma, "J vont ho an angel. and wlth the angeias tand." ! Taft bas fought popular control of the courts, cnnsistently refuoâ* te sîga the Artzona slatehood bill until the recali of jndges vas cliiiAat« froin the state conatitutiou. On the judicilrecali Mr. Roosevelt propos* a check upon thse prosont bâtiImited and final power cf courts of ule sert tu declar lava unconstitutional. Ho WOULD NOT B.ECÂLL TUE. .IUDGES. Ho vould "ROCÂLL THE DECISION." Farinera, buy Colliers for Pcb- rus.ry 2Ath, and read the. article by Cari finyder on "Justice vs. Tecbalcaiity," and decide viiether Tkl or Roosevelt bas showa the greater wîsidom. Tafts appointnient of the nov commerce court. whlch ln 18 of MW 24 cags sustaîned the ralîroade or granted Injunctîcas allainsi thse n- state commerce commission, la te ho greatly consured. 1»k aithecPoe, sonne] of the court. wlth mon 11ke former Commisioner Knapp szul jn Archbold as lis guiding spirits. To suin up the achlevoinents 0of oz-President Roosevelt snd th* flemm of the present administraio. can Uic tarmer or any coeaftaor ta pormli the politlcal bosses. ln espîte of the vishos of the people of tboc. UnIt@i States, te egaîn place President Tait as the. Republican nomme.? It lathe duty of evory bancs t and tair-minded man or womnan We urge that the presidential proforenee primarles ho given the people and do net he perouaded that Itla toc late. There ls turne, oven tIntthe day 4t the nomination to demand that the pooples ceboicc ho the tmly thom. Arrange mass meetings snd public speaklng. Put evert pressure to bei that 111s privilege ho given tie pan pie An cominon justice and hociec?. In the present campaiga It le of greet or importanice iban the elîccion of t*6 nominse. But euld this rlgbt lie dealed thie people and Taft again ade IAb Republcan uominee, and sbould tbe Derocrats ho fortunate enough é Wise eneugi .to elect Governor Wilsaoi as thoîr choice. then forggt part? linos and elect Wlsn-a mian second oniy to Roosevelt la bis degift that "Government of tbe people, by thle people aad fr0 lb. people. cil not perieh froin thus earth.' MEtS. SCOTT DIYRAND. YU, WHO? Ws bea a good deai of sliautlng about "Lake county having an or&IMt zation" la this !,aclffln senatoril campaigu. let us se! Haat Lake county a Republican couaty conimittee! Wamnt thîs COUMW tee elected (one frein oaci preclnct ln the. county) te look after Or coffl politîcai affaire? And was there one meniho f thus committee (electew thq people, mind you) vie vas consldered ln the deiivery of Lake cfW ta lb. Suiurtleft-Covey-NMacýGuffln conîbination? There van not. And were the seven men wbo attendesi tus Initial meeting ctOI by thc Ropublican votera of Lake ceunty ta rmesent thein la tsM t~ WVhy this unintentîonal sllgbt to the Republicen onty eemuiAttc? t because an organisation ls ne orgaisationi unloas lIt'a"ourt"? Be constisteat gentlemen! Wbo la thue "proninent" polîtlan Who vîli block 6" o" iuw . Slatien et Sprinsfieldl And con ho @el cway wAth lt OEORGE P. ENGELI IARD. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. BIGIEIT PAGES. 1 1