CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Apr 1912, p. 4

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l'il <2YŽ~'L "r-r. âpuALPAPER OF tLAKECI Lo4er m .usa. Office Telellctw No- 1 City Editor'> Itesidence Ttlephone No. 145-L. -tic * %-!]~v:lce sehange. The fiet and main requireflient of the'n 1111111tered ut thfi%, lotoiflre ai ].uh~il), ,1..a eon 'ac alMatter. Pariâian boulevardier te la stove pl~ you ean ses more tove pipes lituone -bloc -,ui the boulevards than you wiil PI blumed Weekly. Advi'tio1g Rat- Made Known on Application. des in six mot@on 8 rftates«treet. A gO: it SUBSC.RiPTION PRICE. $1.FO PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. tipped Cigarette and a mustache, tirtaiy bc twît-d and dirawn outL tu a ueedie edife bi - '_- omanex; a Prite AiborI cat, ltting nu W.4 J. SMTH.................................. ....... Editor 'aou 1 t taheia wait, as il a coret th Ili. G. SMIlTH.................................... ........... ngrthree o àes&uu enial ha beld Wu tid tM RAY L. HUBEARrLý... ........ .......... .......... .... .......................bIt a), dittu overcoaf. patent Cr, lteEatrtPer o:r:oes and parl gray leggins and R ____________________________________________________n liglit cane finish off this tiroiesa M loiterer. Ail atfernoun anddhllitof the In FRZIDAY,ýý lIIL 12, 1912. uiglit (nîy ubservation« endied at midw nigli: or earlier) lie either orometedes ai -1- - oiteilufronit ut a cale wth a glas th of wine or absinthe before ita. fi o i THE PRIMARY FIGHT. one objec in litesemais ru lie tu ogie or PE flirtow th aIl -tefemnalem paesing. lu b Now that the primary is past, the SUN believes that Iuàieriea b. wotiîd get a 100 @ laps tirw men who have been opposed in interests of various candi, Punte every day1; tier however fihe v a*.ea for some time ShoUld forget differences and "get or @vneueetita l ir due, anid tey Y( and e bliev th Th camaig )ls ca't all ther eesbehave ither, si logothr" andwe beleveethywwii aTheecmpaîgnhasr with ut. u biien marked by mixupsiniiafiliations such as has neyer irbs Pari@ian viomhau woul berdly hi IbWu seeon before. Friends have been arrayed against each naoasunNnp to Our Amerîcau standard di 0f middleeliglt or more i Mhron one candidate a.nd with each other on others. In uolt onlbel, ber sienderneso semas Lu ive W 4ù way, the campaign hian beena most unusual one, be- moei for the pressaIt style of tiglit hl a ~fitting iskirt. and jacekets. You imay la Soap.s of it, it will go down into history as anexceptionalý imagine yon batsveena bobble sirts; II «'mtiot ini this particular feature. inue e~ eremtiler, hubard (i yor rculectongousback We are glad to be able to say that, ail during the cam- fr enough) in1 coLnpari@on Lu tbe ai L hspaper lias conducted a clean, honefit contest; we Parisian modelio When fuller modela 0 .wotiat g in vogue again, tbiee wilI hoa al t an tereot to the use of dirt andi mud-we cunderf lb'cît in" the nphlultery 9 nkdon facts to bear our arguments for and against c-tn- ,gi,.ntltlcl,yo eir t eascerestieatiri Ididates and, no matter what t he outcome on the candidates ! otilxiii aryvtietinte 1day fi ive refrre, wearesatsfid wih wat e di.. n fct lt. cfferaitotia delictate rose leal w pefere, w ar stisiedwih w at e id.In ac, ~'ak if nature bas been wofk et wben one emerges from a campaign with as dlean skirts as ofanit: alter ni.niiail a ieli suilet for I this paper has, t is indeed 1 -atif.yi-ng, no matter what the; "les Tey ain lydep k n e forw th esa rul.On several occasions we had opportunityto îu clireli ntda eep arm ni. uî,r liis mnatter which we "turned dowtî because we desired toi , ,e i the [tue dela Paix cr in a reatlyA 1 malle.. ltglt at a Mngeî.thley e"Ie, mi keep dlean in the fîghts w.e waged. .A.fd even now, dsit , h ,,nl' 11 er ffileý; ith iuiti@' ri the fact that others threw a few pecks of rnud, we are pg] r thee1'smr wayir ron.' oav îi th, l We did rG' .follow the plan. i,thetir. I leir Phet, 't ai r "Nt reniiàoI - - _____________i ,arr,v. ihextretie)3' lci4C tîps,n + , x e,,,'1, IîgliFr i,, ndoitney t Voters and citizens generally are glad the p o',exlreg,l ugIyý No ,woîîder ft are over and they can s ettie back to routine life. iiiVraivî, î,,ilGruayteUýrutal, t ________________li-, bp.itikitg î-eh aider aid aite fii -h Cie.g Llaî, tiO i. Ieh esb on s jl,and $5,000 per year-No wonder there's a scrap on1 for- toUt î1q, to liirti,'tir orhurtteeiiears oif Juge tihot ý.-ks nd b lle legs, ,tate's attcrney; who wouldn't be willing to take the job. , iii Veht rua stors o lt .'hi,. hi te vi,' - ft h,, t l. sîncli o Sorne votera could nlot understand just why they coulé, , ha'. i~îî~2tt~rive~ gtvote any ballot they wished, Republican, Democratic, rîî,;s. .,'Thon balil tîtirt - Prohiibitionlst or Socialist. They fail to remexaber t -t1~'." . ~~a y daefre the primary law, the parties held their caucusses on 2etX ,io i.'~tr.5)tsimenseIl '$mparte days i.nd.then they neyer though of trying to .tlisiitt eîo.-fOour depart. V4q inal th cacuses mnt fsîtr, ik..'' i,,arche, Lowre ail the aucussee 'l'îeî, t.. IBut thedr wîinow phsiialiit't toîanti their interoir r.'blte lm er ,dtling arratigtieit NtlcilIli.'acdimgrae. at n LIIIeî 0F dared orbk hmfridugn nte tir af, rettcaî iusîesa bouse. E ON HRO OF Iiulaxi et lig liquors. Nu.'ii ,otteetled i gh witiî ail e1 ASSAILT AND BÀTTERY Hale's, It le said, strack fis ite a l'itdm of trnr,,laidis. coveritig ten or hlow, aid afree-for all melee folowed. 1twelitiillert tf the tiiie'valkt and rnnniug 1 ~ ~~~~ the___ fi wlîile Wtngtb oh the butildinig, oflen Hales7 aceived fao deeop atehes onl iobo'sitg r lcdl rîtn ..ItiN MA-ES 0F WINTHROP HAR. bis forehcad ln the fiztht. îe<If t ae toire aind talete 'place'.'of the b~noAlB A9 RgSTED AND PLACEO is aife had a potato kifie en htrr iîgratt in e,,.Maie rclko l IN LAKE OiJ(NTY 4AIL. hapd during the flgbt. ovîretais anid urpIe fave, lady elet Hale wa thra'nltit a eli It 11lit ,jackeils and larm and gloves ebhiver al Hale-wdayhrta the acellfilah uitr wue repellitig the' ;f*]L;S IT 18 ALLEGED, STRUCK ake county jolil tbf s imrnin,,. HIý' ni4er eaditig alitarks of the. bargaiti t; WIFE AND LATFTER PROCEE DED bond bais been hixed ai $21110 hv ,pc- bunit. el ý-, - - o lice Maenletrateand.tH.Gerchns rfo --' TO-USE A KNIFE. lieWirigitaer. Siiecndth (erats o niwlt ertainI tiylrt y love thleir wuien Win'top Hrbor if the tlii'iry lit trua. LIat wlio ..inC. Hales, a prnmhnentt resi- He wilh b,' given a hearing on iovets fils Chld cha@tîseýs it. you cao Cee 4bt o Winthrop Harbor, was arrest- Thurgday evening. April 18 utt 8,w,,nwiti ld and v.oung, pui lierîvy ta lte hour Monday nlght on an o'clock. Four Wlntbrop Ilarb'r 1y tcdeIad cartit tr p*tll tileula harnpse. i'e ~t ndbttr care Jrfei1dmehave been subpoenaed asvvt lg. whiîle tt, lie or and master pushest .zw Ide~ vifs nmasses. Hales bas made Winthrop, irtîlioneIt,'haid; wome'awork on rail- 7fte. Hales àllegeB that ber haba.nt Harbor his borne for many niônths. rte eary t.' hîiîd aad have similar , *0m ed tou hie home late !ttonday He was ftrnerly a resident of ZIon "wYjo., )itii, itse fronm. md aosea berbanaes as ut~. Thte pubictu10let roulas are ini charge i6et ad abued he hecaue 8heLîty.Of ioawuad are rua ila amanner SPIECIMEN BALLOT village or iibertqville, Lake Countg, Illinois flection to be held on Tuesdaq, the 1 6th da!J of April, 19 12 iE )People's Party F or '.illige ci' l. (ORLErr iFor Trutes C. IL. BOY ES J. R. 1)OLIENINAIER A. FAULKNER (F,0- irc is, ()Citizeuîs' Party IFor \ ilige Clirin F1or 'T'usl-rees EL w- IIL Fort Pliét'i tl.t: i J. ~.W. BUIL ER w- Fote 'itstct' Fer.t te flan l'Ior Pol ie'nî FOR A FIVE TIIOUSANI), FIVE HUNDREI> [$5.5001 BOINI>1)iSSUE TO BUILL) A VILI.AGE44 HALL AGAINST A FIVE .THOUSAND), IIIVE HIJNDRED [85,500] BOND ISSUE TO BUILD A VILLAGE HALL il& ' »Pl- chance idole lîub *a*re ofut * work; this la coaaoe- on wiî b er boueework wilr keep ber1 lirid uccnphsd and gires lier a silim tance to attend suffragette meetings. i Nohody cari accuse the French uf bhling ýrude Or overalmneitive tnora»ly. The tggffltive books eil hblted in ail the I aok etàll@, the pletures,, not only nude lit froqei1îely otaaetie, the inscription-- nm public Lîuilditgm, thte iiighiiiy esabtl. unis of tbdetii.n,,tdainee on the. noat 'frequeuted- ioul.'carlsdo do ot .ratte a rple îlft,,ppotiitiîin The Zenaîme 1 f arsou tht Montmartrs or ilptbof FoPuhorge salter tidniàcht 1 did not car-' to tee and tonlîl nar.descrîlie. if 1 hîad seea it. -ut the exhibitionîs glî at the beat teatres re ynd art> tbing peratittad la Annerica in lthe loweet Burlesque performances. Tht. tiret datlu Parie being caSher thred lu the. afteraeann,, I welit to a matinee, ut a klnd cf a 8mnudeville theatre-uit)lthe hnemt ni tue boulevards. The usuai nmatines crowds:* uoung girls wllbnîtt eilcorle, îmiddle &We and old couples, el.'î'r nmen made p the. audience. I1,'ouil aaderstand but a word bers atîl there ut tht. diq!onguo, but tht' ge.tace@ were un. ii@takabis. The enîd oftIhé firet mcl ,am genuiuely parisien, ait old gray bairsd couple soit la froînt oh me; the old ldy aasiud vîîîlently agitated. 1 bouglit she wanted bier busband tu lave ths show. Imagine MY surprise wben abe fturned partlv eruîd antd ehowed me that wbat i consldered objactlutswaa oui v laugliter and njoy- ment. In tht' pet tnet the ieading lady tors une ut ttimost efuaininsr toilettes hbav1erpti see; Itu'tît' ,,tlr actreesesm rere costumed la the .'ariv styles uf thé. fg leaf perlcd. Thé 4second iglit Irt îtoua le ,hinig tîttîedy thea'tre tt e-.. iecwc'sritten iv a iieutiber (ilthel,'I- 'tIt.tiadernY lai] broîtigbt ,îut rrî iialt b ii clatià. iiejalle, a,, o i le1 l i- il the. Vnlred Stat'e *IlîecItîttt- I- tihit sit -g fThl r-se fL- ,ý t..- uai. t in 'ail rend Frt'iii-b. ;f 1ît t lderstartd -a-hitiI. i th US. T h, ' ilti Ut. tut.e and yll ilAejoyd tli t.î1 ,i iti'..l v tldi 1 l.'ft at i1:eOtlitti' the11,1ofîe4 fiîîld fe; tins Moultîin Fo th.- ht f - t nac go nntIfi l i sr. t. aondt'r ow.ein' -at-<tntrtte :ltnitl Fro.ei moral>.. tî taI,% iin turr ,oulidp.r us pari tarnîcîl ti-and ii ii trierstandlards are as tnt- ,,art as t i.i pole&. T1heri'le tie uptIinîciz ' tir Parisians ean give ltm8ile'nils atnd sltadn', n and lcat a'. wlthm it i mi i rytiluneau, tliat1 ig in tpi r r,-ett miirait -o<in . , Tint. portiousie r.'air tIl burte ry i iiti fates deliciotie ardid c'pir nit nî'ý,I daintîl ' v sd apletnzirigly. ifl« îu are tn a lnurry, don't try to riîfp.'r; .ve.ry dieu il- tnnksd to yoîr îtrtier Ual;' ciin von cat urry n,îiiir staiter rutc ct,<î. The. Eroethnîîaii lookr; at hn,, ineal as a sort of il, reliutj,,nsrire- -; vlib lients and drinkîs vrrv paririgly, he wil 1)ut la an hosir r.îaor hrrard t hait uver hIe eveniniz eilN, useto give vniri hhand irneint orter ant,,nee the walterwon't order thl'leh tili >ou lavllfni'.hed your sou, nr r irhr the inýti.ctili the fiait is aeiriYcîu 'an eit before your glas(il wiîte tir as matit honreaynu hike; test ali,,]kilt am itiu'h time as yîir.ifeei lite. The prie except st the more rennuvrîn'd r.',taurantà aie. very eheoa-. eseniîifl] have to PiTehaseabtortl.' ,f air,, t ,sncati get on. forël to 10 -(-nt-) arnd gice a 10% Up.Tiips are ta in.(e'aar. .'îil în Eà lum eerbody that ido'si l,,1w walii ,rvi, for yort bas t i gAt a jîr tîr'litercill for.-drnnking purvpl iladtioîfn tlb ragrîlar charge. Even on i t,l.iree ar a 7. centime oîr 5 pfennig pic't 1 tt î i cents) will tauie tht. diffi.renc'.' htwr'ee negîseet wsid great attention. Paris bas another tt.ature a,,rtliv Invitation hv Our Atîterican ritîrs. tii w'anerfil ceanine ofutailier treefm rwith the emjabasiâ On the ail. 11, NN.' York landometimes wben lbhe inott strikles thom la Chicago) tbey etînpltyt systera cf dry sa'seping thiat is wors Ifian useles.filers thé efreefs ai' tlfrîhed'an.! thet, cEt t y rmachninîes a ieast oncre a uîay, if nul ,îfteinr. Th nrroat'et. ertiokedesi. , cutf ttb. tv sitreets are always as cheain as n boulevards.'The saine im trac ,tf lt large ti,'rna itiities. e.peiitly in Ieri tha streete always loch lite pcliabt. l l ty ac't letter I olli gille a li, parliculare about ma i ribliugmthrotig Paris ali NVersailles. Sut.' lee. tni l av fro t i tragsbîîrg, Heideiberig. Nuet hierg, Mirt tietn. IBerlin, Iresderu antd th Sa% un i itîerîatid aind have entag Trinccî lilriband to tir.'()lt n'Y tiiv cci, Ys TOIor vula O <tace 'wa eii -uz tiyvllle. Board ut commIs- ',t1,WM lms utln vlits et) Igass t i ta rIs Mo i ulîn Tavet.. st) tow stlpnfUbett-It f Li.t.nint 0 L It " il lie ln. ,,nl g gr ave]- 0 t mai ~&mtin 0,te teiînl. itT rrt. ls thlttg 52 . Oe1 vta f s o e s O H g i s ttet-oi.-II' i en . E lre r es li gr e- - 71) W t Au't ut raid0 andaidg0e ïmone re- 'il 0. . Smith. uOtt itre -.i.. 10t esiei a ti.LOS ........t1" au54 ' il J u. ,'Ituec, cura, ser 300 bridges muney. eledan s.iles' ' , i Preai buyd1% con. 0set% leson 10 $%id lit........................... Seto du toanîlasbrits------le Levltrsaà.balance thereotutexpt.ndeii 4773 91 -' I B. L. Davis. C'lm. service an Ami af lîabiites andetermltneitare . inains bridgte.-.-.-..22 00 estimalled a%..... ......... .iet10,)ct. We ili Marn. hallatecrave]...- 10 J. H. Lruanay. n Coimtsslrirs '0 MA. M. tey, 11. frev - 24 t.'. M Suvaa. ~. u30M0. E.Lester. neiifgasi.21 E L. Dvis h Hliéwys gseJ. .E. Bond.bilding aruvsl- ... - ta980 90 (IueBup.haiSa grave] M 70 Huw asin Wagau ExpEIiuRI)80' 1 CeaSvtra aln revel - - t45lM Mrea 28 J. [t. Muliollând, oubl an od@..870 500 " ma0. A.Hata. sDrealuga ravel M t-, _28 iMstPestec& t5on. repairng e a35 '30 Ohms. Tretlletowrîlilsa rondais 00a ia Apritus4CItes. ler. socsping r 1ai 8teW '30 Brumai Bros.. bal. un brdge.. - 80 t 24 C. Eamitburîintgbrt.. 7 0 "80 Ir. X. Séldam, baafing Crevel.. i51ta 24 Mfiiael Wlff. m p, rng roacis 'ai 76 s80hrt NatfBatik. relsutates- il là 24 Luertyslile Liir. C'o.. îeWc e 30 lph Roma, auiiagCreel-. 4800U i Teil V- Der Wordg. .P'uttinug lan iIf .itau iîiiiggivl. 40 t clilttc.............. .i 30 7M M. Sny&damcueuon 5q50 ë ~m May zi ) os. nout T'era ni' *8ruais1300 Nov. 27 J. Yg aondi. tisuatta vel 4% i b-t i'yvili r. le ..i.. 1 2a 20 m ii l woltor dla<ii ti taiO " 27Sosl.b.L.,mtrl- 24 19 Wm. Bravo rapitindati, s3a00 27 LtiiggvllsLbr.Coi. pIaIt.- -i604I gg Toms M rxàtrredatt ei' 2 lt eer. halisC reel - ...20460 iL ert' r---.-.-............... )1O1 ' 7 a iadBottse, ork ou rosid 29 Sld Me ker, soraitg ruas.. 250 ..................-----560 leLIeConu itnIdePeDdOni.22J.W.Cooper. cuatlatilaeles-. i O00 ~ trittis............t59 27 Jchu Syda. enrIt on roai. -775 20c Copea Mgrvl 67 00 Dec. 26 Oscar tiarbonssu. hOuu a24s.Ftoi ers rsrosnd 13 () gravel .......... ........ti360 Joute J. B. tfmotidilà 1ley bics ' e W. M. studer, survslng es, tcu -i ............. .. 80'rosai.... . . ..... .. - 175 1John= syeta tuo-n tbuti. '25M. Pete &Song,,. tu lino bit'dge......... .....i2 50 graiers----------------- 100 liW. H. Sttder. lasiiaor tocs28B. ME- lt.epter ok on rosai-...2 70 ine bridge ...................Si'W 26 fB. W . eh ltalienim ervcls f y. 20 C. id. wtfct)x sorstttg riala. 40II) nutont nic rendt- --- -- .----4 le 2le j. w. Mees anscping fndraid 0t)0t 26 BT. raita, servtie fylng ual 'i.Liertsvilie Cio.. sistecisl 3 ec rond.a.------- .- ---4 ta rond aithcridge.. .... .....0 8 '26 E AlA' cectrvce tirt cout 2it t'Oser) liye. ituca Mitti -- ne. rasi-----------------...i5t . tesan 21 d.iya.. ...... .... Il1175 1912 Iiittf srlc . .... ............ 199 SI4 ' V Lake C .s T,,-tiryr C,.. Crevel t, W Fertiere. catrae o 3 . .N 24ys-- - -2njai 1 eta t eie ............ g20 29 Pauittulibe. ti gin rsel 42N)t -. I l, f.sner .etatlttlr'u24 titiMurray. butteseer4tel 10l,. îî ýbf,, a ., .î.----------meWta, a28 Wm,' aisihatiflig geraiet. -tt . (' i'. t.sseiir. 81,uhs,'.' I.... . . lai >,a >Mendier.aling grest - W,.4 'aH r . îtiii,ic 'e 7r 5 Inti yl'.il 7,. ..... ici tt ' .1 .s ie l r l ('u., ,~ I, t t...' Eleria .....n.'.. ntrist S 40 tnt., il 75" - - - j m t a Sr. 29 Ft'B. Sardti.cnnt,.-n '. t ....... < ,,lm M7.-îe ~ Marriage Licenses inmnNît t7,,e. ..e.... .... Robert E. stnider, MilIw:,îkre ...21 I 'i l.nt hltmn ur.'elNi IMatildu Hansen. saine. ......I S ..-i . .. .. George M'alter, mlliatiet .... ,8 I t 'aha . aCitt. Crs. e Il it -<., ..... ~. w7 faaBrltum.'r. tate.------------. ott Peadngîei'jil. Fralk W.M'. igb, itan-ne-----------.2 l ilitli.ttilflt ti'.e".V Njargaret H. GillLs. oatch- Nu. 13, ~~ 1 uAria Irelle (-oodWa lae. .....e-7 1 S-uealît î, n AlbrtrKowlsk, ai. Iokef ,'-t 1 ....... jscpl t od. eth Susati J. Buski, Itondout-----------.18 l tîiIeL,-c j, lu il3h61l anaiford B. lBaum. Milwatikte - ...2: Ilýt.tiIa .iuili t on' Ruth H-. ifari4ch, same-------------. 19 Ibyerige ettntirni t .......t_ 'm Theodore W. Lowry, ' ..2 1 IiIv iti In, ,ýali st.i'.t %Ildred NM. Victor, saute.----------t)2 't .t isait . stirgIiv r 'oiisI larryl A. Cotuger, Fort Sheridan. ..24 It - t, 'rî. hSSlig gr'il .... 55 iN Annanda lsanson, W'aukegan-.....!ý tI -- I, auD Ii t nlegravee]..... 42 ;t, 'i2 c-rk.iiîlt' i'... h7 a'.-Wm. G. RoLbert.Paris. Tw., i. ns. 27 2t. W IFltkenaerhasier sel IN. otu H. PilftIli. iia!it ru eret- ha t EDella P. Hardy, Union tira... Wi's.23j Si IetEî ilhut>i- t.' Ir i r)iCt :7 'a otaitiyeeana-s .a ateri.t ;eutMax Itarteif, Mtilwsaukee . .....--ý ai WiMeer tatatL :: te'. ý~I Rse Seifert, saine...........0 0 ueCo). Grae) Co,1. cavef. i. am it 10- ta et na~ en on ir, ['t a sie e ilie 'th ',h r6 BEN Ml. MILLER, Attoneny Notice ini Attachment STATI. OF Ii,iîaotSý5 LAKE ('(UNTY .- -S la the Contty Coturt ut Lake touaty, Ili., Jane terM 1112 The Lihertyvilie Lumbpr Company, a corporatioù ýs. Hr; J. Sheer in attaclitient. Demand $22j500. Notice is ltereb; Igivea to you, the eaid Harry J. Sheeler that a Writ Att adi' ment bas btan oued out in the office of the Clerk uft t h oua ty Court oh eaid Cont; of Lake at tht. suit oftheit saiti The Iiertyvitle Lumber Gimpan;, a corporation and againsît lie emtale uf you, th.e .aid flarry J. Sbeeler fur Two flandrt.d Twentytlve dollars, besides lalere8f, dlrected ta the Shriff e aid (S;unly ta excale. wlîlch stid wrif bas lista refurned b; sald Sherifi excuted lit levyhng on lot tliree in bloc~k two of F, Fil Kuebkera anbdlvluiou.of part of the north hall qf section tweoty-utte in lownislip 44 tiorth, range il eat of tht. Third Principal Meridiau in Lake Uounty, Illinois and whircb cnt bas alo been rsturngd 'said defendant not fonud in My coutity." Now, unIs yoa. tht' sid Harry J. Sheeler @hall pero a!Iy hoarnd appear befure the' tJounty Out îof sait] Countj un the iret day of the' next ter t tereoot, ta o b oiden at Wautfgaa la eaid Oouu'ty ou the 2nd Monda; itt the monfh o4 Jane neeit, give special baitl ad pisailu sald artion, judgmmetb ,silîl te 'ati5 seain o in 10favur uf the' saId]plaitIf and th. property 'atlaehed soIdt] o SaLt; ythe same wqth costes. A at DES,, Cerk. Waukegan. Illinois. Aprîl 6, 1912. Bf Ji . ILLM ,Plaignt-Iri AttOrney. - rîi./t iunatioCow Hobî,le îeguaranteed o top auy cow froni kiekilg. or yofl jay return tbe Paine and get yoiir ,tiey bock. Can o on and off in 8 ajt. For sale at the Cou nty Farm ý$1.50. Try one for a week. c-28-tt The art of making watches Ham ,' Iletinarchîingralwtad etpadily for year4.Wtl, ii'in. rîi aliti Mk iiputul ito (' f wir iiîg lu day .Aud F.'ii th,'v are gtIing ilýae alil .i, il,'- wlii(,,i .rat ler st rail gi'. If Vl vout w,,I,1k,' to 1-111-n jusI boa far th-- ,aa lh making art bam ad- v ai wedt lm F Ile iiave tal.1 ti t If vol] irislt, to îid out Iloîw chratl a r,*aliv r.hijidëwati, u, be ,,cl O ur r atvrh tock ,î ,n tà,îlim s ., fliittt at f a e ia g la@o Ad %ewilig ypla.' ou iiat .A. HUSS JEWELER Libertyville, -- Illinois TWENTY' PAYMENT LIFE OPTION POLICY Issued by the Old Michigan Mutual Lif e Insurance Company, founded in 1867 î o»>B [S 118 A UIiNTItACT of lnsurance ctverint' thie obole periît1 tf lie payaile iii twe-ty aninual premniame. The amoîtut of th. poltcy wlii hoe paid in tht. event of1 the. death (il the insarenl occcrring at an;ttiin i'hlli'the 1ioliey i. la force. At the end cf the twentietb year from date of hI.' ptlice, if tht. whtle twenty îremiums hanve been paid stn -there le tic indpliteslnemes lu te Coimpany un acrourt of tht, poltv, ltma; la.' sîrreundered and the sum :of fwentç premiames paiS ..lIl le returatd t,> the ilasîrenl b; the. Cotmpany for ettnh encrender and tht. coitrait wili b e cancsltd. Il at the litas and tînder the. conditions abote rnentnoned. the itisuri',]dtes toit desire trosur'reîtder. biui prifers to bats the, insurance continue<t., It wouI. withont any anthon on bis part, bfcuentu a puid.ap non.participatitig polie; fer the fuîll aaîouat inourtd an,] in addition tht'reo wilb' place,] te bis .'redit the sanim namedin the. polley a.silien dite blai, chilu atnount nia; lie tirasca in cash aI any tinne upîta lie reqnest uni] receipt f r came. EXTENI)ED IN URANCE. Shou.ld deanl t b made in the payment of an; premium àffer the third, policy wfll antomatically hoe extended for the' period ludiecated in tht. table ,'ndorped upon the policy. If j>e vglue necesmary to purcbaa-e this extenqlon is miore Chan eufifcien to carry tht. lasarance tO the end of the tweutty years troiu date of the, poiicy, ths exces wilhlho u8ed f0 purchase additions[ endow. ment insurance, payabte amI; ai the end uft weaty vt'arn if tht. i[îitreil b4 t1inliving. Ttais ,'xlinded inqarance les ul-Jet tu ail trie,' oTiditions ofta he polIey .'iept as lu thi, payîaetît tn prentiat and tie rigli: f0 ioane and urrmnde.r valties#. PAID-l1P. INSUIt&NCE tOr srtin ldthne înitred 1ref,'r, lie nta; lisgivltng wr rt tnn iitit-e fît thie fCmipaniy a'i th nieîî'ntaft lr tiie, fîîrt h îr any sulaequeint jremnîlln îsdui.'anîdunapan,]have tht' f( )r a fra-titnal part o et! Isstîiirtitred îsi'able at ileain; ltt siiind the. tuieur.'tl sîrvure the tnrent y viar perbidliewiJI ehl have tu h,îa tredit the tîaiî-l lrtirante ant i t1na.(n dhil,,r er,'ie lcr ia cash endownîiendtîcsP ,'d ona tue îilicy. CASSH SURRtEN'IEI VALUFS. 'Aller titret annuai premiamm have hecen paltl. the p1tlivy May ho s,îrreîidered aîtfus enîl ,f any pîîlif'y ear for tint en. tora',]cash value. Foar ail yt.ars afts'r tbe wr'ntietli, whieh are tnt endureed upontirte 1olle-y, tht' sur. reader valut. ehaîl not ho les titan the full re.serve ut thîs poli.'; aerurding to the Miigan standard of vaination. LOAN AGREEMENT. The îaollcy coatains a lilhral bian agre-ement, wlîerehv tht' ineured may obtain a boan ut 5 per cent. at aay tinte aller the pFiympnt uf thiree annual prernlnme Tt. surrender vatue.s endorsed tîpon Ibis plnicy are even iInbe'aithan requireit b; tte ia-sof Miciieigan. Under this Policy Contract the Insured is Guaranteed Everything.s-There is Nothing Estimated ANY OTIIER BUSINESS CAN BETTER AëF ORD TO WAIT. Write to your Michigan Mutual Life Agent To-day. Yours trLily JOHN HODGE,' - DISTRIuCTMANAGER. (Watoh this space next and uoceding weeks. A live message every issue.) n 'g + * 0 * ~ if * * * * 'i q T S. <t (tV NyP El El El e d-z- 4 >eý ý VILLACE CLERK

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