Grand Library Table Made of thorongbly seasoued bilrch and finislied in a perfect imitation of mahogany- Haud finished and beautiftilly polished. It has a spacious drawer fitted with brass liaudle anîd a largè lower sheif.- The t4laly v Froncli legs- aro. izerl raml ( ulut tueheavy box adte îu,;teriîad wA %orkniau- È'11 t ru liolt are r icltly I ighl- grd" Tha I I <table i-; bhuilt for èvely d a i-eai yoit îwil I remniber the fi ~alne lug attelr ý oit loùget tt mug ili u. $5050 Artistic Rugs -Yotir choice of a% nutmbicr of >eépecially fine Axmiuster rugi. that ý'e included ln this sale solely be- cause they were takirg up ton îuelh reom. Eaulh eue is made of selee!tedi sýîtock with a good thick pile and arn exceptionally flue finish. Tinere ie -a large variety of artistic designs and the cler effecte are sof t.anîd mellow. Thir3 is a rare opportunity to procure reilly fine ruge at bar- -gain prices. They corne in two slzes as fOllowLs: 36 x72 1 28 x54 inches = $3.25 dé -$2.00 Steel Beds Made of the best .juality Be-sse- !Der steel tupbhng with flush joints, neo Cast 'or moulded chilis beiug used. They have' two inch continuolns poste with J inich vertical fillers seçurely inte3rlocked te the ,Inner aide ef the steel tubing niak- Ing the frame as rigid as thougli the entire frarne were mnade of one piece cf metal. We have this bed on sale ju the poptular Veornis Mar- tin or aii bronze finish otily. A really remarkable value at '"9000 s With our.New Spring !fuçniteure coming in we lind o"rselves overý crowded and Must make room. Tb do this we have gone through o ur stock an6 selected an article'here and theée that we thought would'please yôu and cut theý price right dowo to rock bottoi. Not one of, these articles off lfuriiture tb&èt % e are offkring gou but is a wooderffûl value, et the price and this is igour oppor- tunity to make one dollar, do the work off two.. 'This is just plain business wlth us; we need the room and think. we have made, these sale prîces low enough to insure our getting it. Sale ail next week if the goods fast that long. Laige cloniial 1ro'cker (re Mly ade of teit-eted wo<i(. Ilmasbroad sbaped top patnel, hteavy et ntinîýoiis; bac'k peets. heavy claped iront pccstc4. Fuiii spiIfg box sent uvr' witli the best quality of lld leather. Deep bmâd seat and lit'avy .4haped iaiiie. A very attractive well hiit cliaic- tu two finishes. > Oak = = $7-00 1tahog,-iry =-$6.00 Thoroughly measolied quarter sawed oak rocker with large panel back. Finisbed witln a beautiful polish. The1 seat ieselid and shaped for comfort.i Heavy rockers with a perfect curve.é Heavy Bteam bent armesud nicely1 shaped spindies. TIhi» chair is fatit- lessly put together and canuot warp or pull apart ahd wlll stand constant 1sage. $4n25 Big comfortable rôcker with a deep roeuiy seat that ie as goed to sit iu as it 1ncck-. Alilsolid ni k mwit li n g d'un gIuým fllnch. I I tliabi-onid ncukftl back with a faucy Eshaped wide top panel. 111gb wide aris and large' rockers with a wide mweep. Made for constant use in library, living room or parlor. 1 1$4B50 TU RK1SH ROCKERSoft sui Every home should have at least one Turkih rocker. It is a chair for Iiours of rest and every inch f t uî for solid comfort. The resiliency and sof t sprmngmess wilI bring complete relaxation like no other chair. E-ach one made with a high broadback and deep wide seat. The frame is of ueasoned har4wood strongly built and shaped for comfort. Springs are of highly tempere&l corbon steel overlaid with heavy canvas duck. Chairs are aII carefulIy fiiled and covered with a\ýfine quality of genuine leather.' These are chairs that will give you years of service and always look well. We have three of them on sale in different styles and colora, a ts14 15 oîtl$I Chiffonier Ma dt, of selectedi birch with a handsomi- na:hOgauiy finish. It ie fitted wIth five large, easy ýsiiding drawers aud a largo iwvered mirror. The drawers are ftutu Iwith serviceable Icek8 aii' h-tvy handles. t has a gr-i(ef iii ýIrpentine front that g\4 t a very attractive apjeara nue. Tite iaterial and wu)rkci nshiu are-,bath cf the highje--tit dto. 1ighly polished. A bargaiîi ut $8000' PARLOR 1TABLES In quartered, plain oak. earlY Engllah, birch, mahog- any, maple ail nicely finished and etzery one well macle. A large variety ef styles with round gr square tops lu mission, colonial or French deuigna. Bo manv that we can't quote individual prieos but they mun from. $2.75 to -$6&00 Dresser Selected bircli Mahogany with g beautiful liieter fiuish. This dresser is exceptiolnally Iargè and lias two f ull width, drawers and twosnnall one. The front le attractively curved. The mirror je -of heavy beveled plate and the mirror supports are rigidly fasteîned. Feet are :fftted with easy turaiupg ball beariug castors. This je a great ivalue a the special sale price. .$400 F"PEE SEWING- MACHINE A&nd lest, iu the exoltement of this sale, you forget, let us again Iremind vou of the awarding of one "Theo Pree"l sewlug m*hine to the holder of!'the winning coupon at tht. store ou Saturday, .&prül -27th. If you have not roelved your doupon call and4 get, It and let un exp$ain more !ully. You may' b. the one te receive this. macine, tb* boat made, .bsolutely,free. Libertyville, - ,- - Illinois -Rit u king Taâb1es This sale makes it pqsslble for you te replace worn out 'or out of sty le dlning-room furniture at ~ small cost. 1'heme tables are -made ef selected oak thoroughly kilu dried, carefully f4shioned and thon' beatifull'y ftnighiM' XÂÎÈ on@ strongly made 'with artistlcally slîaped pedestal and c'aived feet. We have three different éizes and styles on sale and every ouo a bar- 10 foot Golden Oak $1 6" Quartered Oak $1 6" Early English Fin. $1 Diing Chair We had tocut throti sets o te nuake room .lu this depa and there is not a set in the1 what you woixld be proud t( in your home. Every one if te stand the wear and tear o day use and yet they are att iu appearance. Set No. 1, Oak Finish, solid seat, 8 panel back Set No. 2, Solid Oak, r4addi seat, 1 wide panel backi Set No. 3, Solid Oak, leather covered catne seat1 0f SçelBeds Ofthe same inaterial a Btructien as those describsu only a li)ýtle ligliter tubiDg as stron'gly made. 'Ihese1 *11 a part Of Our regular et represeut the very best material and manufacture. are ail fitted with smooth bail beariug castors. ever: beautlfully fiulshed and z have yeur choice of white, Martiu or oxodized flinial are specially pnioed for this ;15.00 J350 rs Of theée artmet lot but o have is built of every f tractu veB ibefore They f uorking, ry eue *is rnu ay[ Vernis i.Tbey f isal e at ~17~a ea: L FOR Tbw fetrefi FOR FOR room $22011 FÔR Linen Inqul Mi. FOW Polau bréed goil. FOR anCid and U -out W, G A] il -OR sud V FOR lot sî FOR bnrr P.tat FOR mode. Liber FOR iai»J FOR Rede romb l'a Il, FOR FOR lu lob ai' d E, P. $100 .ad -9-11, men. strua for i The Ray fuùrnitu rè&d ùSto -ir- - - - - - -iw-