CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Apr 1912, p. 8

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SNews of Wd Ana We Nar64 $hore L bert a o0 ivo SEI 1 wthhohewil i xeent to tteg fcil1 I R'W a F M IN" cb4«*oub utiti t* ik 00 San coin theattitudenofghe t w d sem that such a moire woldbeha !AYO A4ÇOHE -- MS 'lu.sJOHN m. SiMP$ot( DMO 8ATUR. UNOfFICIA 1.FIGURE8 QN A^MOT- aSNE TOOK 118RFUGE IN COURT AYONR A TER O MMTIV - At the meeting for next Wednesday DAY MIGHT kb8WLiTt E OF A ANT 8ÙPEFVIOR TwiSTEIIRE. , OUSE 114ANO MAN WAITED ON u FU Y10 SfNES E OSTIE morning the commissioners will lookPA LY1 TOEUT STfENM . CORNER POR 2 HOURI.NUAC C N L.W SID AGAST over the plans for the new Central,.... MOTH ER OF R lSq, Pr«ED W, BUCK C S87,C00OMPNYMACHIN- ORAl ire station and. will prepare to call MR. SIMPSON MARCHED WlTe OPPiciAL, RETuRN MIEN ILATE A Young womfan, dresed in the PASSEO IIAWAY POLLOWIMG , M F0,0 NMAHN for bide., • SHERMAN -TO 8EE A TOOK IN THE A TE CANVA e sighth or fashion, was attacked at THREEWEEILLNE., RY IN Ã$00EL LAUNDRY. retting le evidelon fhe PATCNiPOTNTyTTE ER&S"tWIMG CHANGE. 30 e ndsvie t lisallgedmade iPIRST TAKEIN W H TYPHOID_ WORK ON REPAtRING THE BUILD-. ,111 te ouf i wllnot include the TO MAÀKE LAST PAYRIENT John M. Simpson, 70 years old, the eral att.mpt. te wresther pocket BUT LATER IT DEVELOPED ING WAS STARTED THIS M'ORN- falWig of the Hostcesetothe $1,000 0 AREPiR 50 tlep-t f Ity ar,'".nand 1sklrtuI s onton a t o th nfyr ook fonthbedTheha n t oTOPfUMNA.tN,-OMAYeOtE-M 06Uit Wmuching as dcided at nthe '-- .toe1Zvs tb Glaerai Sherman ed that Cadmcre (Rep.) bhadibeen elect Iew no meting last n'DIgh swentO he N H . N 8 UN n is famousmarchfrom Atlanta, ed assistant supervisor over Timny The Young woman lwas walking to Mrs. James S. Walsh, 192 Liberty Teisrnecmaycryn n snge adfer omisines ok HE TI AOUT STUtND(Ga.,) to the*sea, diedathbis homne, 113 Spelman. ohlclppr banwrsMdsnsre o h ot tet ida :5ti onn t urane one cmainery t telMn- erydeidd tad o te uetin. OVER WATER DEPARTMENT First street Saturday night at 9 oclock edtiw eu n h rt rs seo onyiteta : 30 o'clock her home following a three weekra' el laundry companysdjudged the loss Clarence W, Diver took WILL BE OUT OF DEBT.- as the resuit of a Iligt strokre ok bnthe UNlatein the afteroonte this tafternoon, when the man jumpedsineth rtatowhcw baeMndyfeno.TeMde tan ti hat tho endalo 810aon licese inaKhoruhe ft*ree showed that Spellman hadt obtained frirabehtind a vestibule and grabbed typlhold fever, but which, last week, laundry Company awas awarded the full 4 eityshouldbe raied to 1,000.ars had net been good, but glnce 1111 votes to Cadmore's 1088, there- bar about the vaet. developed Into typhold pneumonie- premilum o 750o h ahn 810 en lon n hie stand, however. HYPOCHLORITE OF LIME TO SE the stroke a few wentes ago there hadl fore SPeilmad asrerv themn e eteOd Screaming at the top of her luinga, Since Saturday MNrs. Walsh's00conditeonacry.- oe te myorandtheothe thee om ANTOERAT OM ETE be agaua u pretil e cline. er,hth h iber Denocrat elected, whothe woman wrestled from the grasp of had been regarded as precarious. All The insurance company, of wnich melisies ook h e tand rta h i- ATE PR OyEE. fr Simpsothad livedtheasitcten secured 1116 votes. her assailant and took refuge ln. one Monday it was feared sheo could notMessrs. Durst & Schwartz are agenkâ, eeseshul b llwe t rmanarso bhich liad been spent ln When the SUN discovered the errer of the corridors at the court house. win the battle-.fixed the loss on the building at 13,000 W'10henre It lsaet the $500 mark. Waukegan. in the unofficial figures, au coulþared The assailant, witnesses claim, took Mrs. Walslh had livedl in Wauikegan Bath claimes have been allowed and- COmnagioner Diver asserted that he Within the next few days the city It ls doirbtful ls there ls a man living with the officiai figures, about30 a stand at the corner of Washington a nme fyas aigmvdhr eteetwl emd hswe.. hadln pIckte ot atranduonfsveneep1 mkei st he wel the orkedlthrh as e isnettoatthavn lskir. theqhange.w amade in the balance and Cr ney stretshwhere he remain- frominlcHenry where the famnily had The total loss sustained by the own- ditis i th stte, he izeof hich and with the making of this payment mishes He enlisted when thetwar first of the editiqn, showing that Spellman ldfrn lytoler. .vdmn yas1h asfrel1eao h uidn nl h fdl are similar to that of Waukegan and the water works àlepartment will have broke oút and served until the very hiadt won over Cadmore; a further dis.. The attack was witnesised by sev- Sieloran)Howar andihtr ariréolaudrysor ilbiadng hanfeNldeat had written them toe nd out what fi- been freed of &alldebt. -This announce- end. He took part in practically every crepancy was discovered today, but eal of th etenogaphrrndh outcrrdi ahlndry otyyars ag1o.c- AW o e e n e s t h e s a l o o n s a r e p a y i n g t h r e ie n t w a s m a d e t i s m o ni n g a t t h e I m p o r t a n t h a t l e o f t h e m w r . H i s r e c o l - l t 1 0 .c l o c k C e r k H I c i n s o nr ah o u s e . t h e u g r l s n h e s c o rt he o u s e Bur e d l n ie hf r t e aa n ,r s . a , l h W o rk- o n ep a rng t hso n l x d i n gb e The replied 'to' his letters were aS e1tyV i .meting yCmisinr-yo fteb iswsv vidt t , iahieuce that lte official claVimrv they b nevertethoughtll of callteinon on leavesnedthreetheohildren as follows: lthougtuis gan this morning. It is expesed thàtteill Dg e ]DenowS. us-50 yaheepa e tan a 1,lat friends. H-e was particularly proud vote was: Spellman, 1111; Cadmnoreteplc o ep A., of Ritchey, Ili., AM. 7 Fred W. the 1odelllaun dry company will heo 1ïhs St Lous-500. . yer the dparmen wasin ebtof the fact that he was with Sherman 10"8. . One of the youing ladies who wIt- 1Buick, and Edward R.. of Wauikegan. al oruewr ntelulig Rockt Island--$600. t the extent of $18,000. When the city undier the command of the.famous The official vote on the flye high nessed rthe attack siaid: "I believe PuneralThursdauat 2 oclock romlon r aboutilayn1 - $ 0 .w i t h i n - -- f e w d a y s , -p a fý e -,o v e r t o t h e G e n e r a l K i l p a t r i k w h e ni t h h i s t o i c m n w a s : t e m n t o g t t . o a ä - n t e h d e u i l i a w o , R v Peoia-600 um cmpay $,50, lss$30 whch rh asbs meetoth, sa.Welch-1389. her way te the court house to pay her MoHne-$1000. deucted fer the paintigofte BeieshsWie r. Simpson lealves hieyer--.304. 1 %cHenry of Chicago to officiate. Cultivate a personal pride ln your gin-$1,000. pump, tis b.Ig n dtn l aetetolwngciden0.Arhr he-Emns14.taxes. The woman, I believe, was an Friends are requested to omit the abilIty to wrIte want ade THAT AC- S&eAtr50.eecaelled.Iadtint this county superintendent of schools of 'Spellman-1111L acquaintance, or else the. womn lowers. COMPLISH T15INGS Gbbm$00.nearly $7,000 has been expended for Lake couinty Agnes, teacher ln the Broecker-1116. wol etil aecle o polic fe ale-$1000. Permanent imlrovements. In addition Chicago public schools; Mirs. Latto of It has been generally concedled a l ertin bv cle orv De lies$,0-current improvement have been made, Chicago and John of Waukegan. day Wednesday that Cadmore hadlpoecin Menouh-$,00.from rtime to timie. In the face of all The funeral was held this afternoon won out and Cadmore himself took the Beýlvidere-$1,000. this a balance of $2,000 will be left at 2 o'clock; a short service being heldi figures as first returned by the clerks BODY OF AGED MAN PONFER .inthewatr dparmen th 1s ofat he ous atwhih Rv. eore. as correct. In fact, Cadmore lige oth- LAKE SHORE-HAD BEEN BUR- ocele$100~next May. Ginnis presided. The interment took ers, already hadl started making plans IED U.NDER SNOW WEEKS Gives Credit to Allen. place at the Lake M.%ound cemetery in for things he planned doing On the Joliet-31,000. This showing ls considered an un- Zion City. board of supervisora.Thboyfanudetfdmn, DDauro00.uua one and reflects credit en Comn- 'he reai error in the first returns Tebd fa ndniidmn Aarea-5,00. mssinerOrvis hratr oevr BTAY ame as result of the clerks of the believed to be that of Williamn Strong, Faibunry--$4,800 sy ta Egneer W. J. Allen of the John 31àipo a >r nteeeto iigotTedy that Spell- who mysteriously drisappeared from 0 He Eays that the fact that the seven water works is the man to whom 17th day of April, 1841, ln County man had 0 an e e i hm in ths itamoth ag, muh credit must be given. Mr. Allen Tyrone, Ireland. lHe carne to this precinct. Te 11.vts etr h wasi fouen yesrday a imette. The hae cigswr ltdota admh ays, superintended the water country when a lad about eight years ed that there were "79 votes to Spel.wsfudytea tWimt.Th àidiates that the majority of cities works ln sucht an efficient manner of ëge; the family home was in Dela. mnan's credit, that ls, Clerk Hutchin- body has been buried under a snow 0 4- elor a license in excess of $ý50. that he has succeeded ln salving the ware until a short time before the 'on's; tally sheet today showed 79. banik for many weeks. Herman Wal- 0 Ili MUd that. ln Fairbury where the city over $5,000 during the tast Sum- breaking out of. the war. Since the How the clerks gave out 29,t at ntesfudtebyashrdstne in 4,80 hatthenuberetmer alone. One big saving wasi n close of the war his home has been now -known but Cadmore says t , I m werethe ort shoe cannel0 n is$,0thttenmeofthe matter of coal which, since Mr. ln Lake couinty-Lake Forest and in face of t4e situation, he will sask for r vle ienthsoecae 0C « siOns is1 restriCted to four. Allen ,became chief engineer at the Benton and WaLukegan. For four years a recanvass- of at least the sixth pre- enters the lake. It was of a man of gMyor Bdinger declared that ln his water works, has cost the city 40 he wans his towns representative on cinct.Thcers'fgesaginoubtwn60nd7yasol.O Q@d t 14 be bette ont te ceipts less on a ton than the kind the county board. . Tuesday and the officia §gures aisoe h oleo imteaese- ofeth 1,000tiense for a >ibar uebefo veore ghiyl eresltsha eHemarried May 31, 1866, to Annie varyoff ie tr sp ctt -nwe intoacranhsdety.Abdywouethrhedt tteheqeinof st He ai td that h epebe vMay Test te Water e i ted ugut 9, 1862 in Steph- 169 whereas the clerks gave the press During the past few days the beach OF WHAT FUEL i'o BUY thbiyhdvtdt ave the sa- omissione Orvis reportedt to the enson êOunty, and was mustered into representatives the figures of 1-49. ln the ineighborhood of Waukegan has Will not be puzzledl very long. There are just a few simiiepe rult- to rerain and that ln his opinion con, that the work of Installing the United States service at camp Ful. At any rate, te mter was nicel been paroled by Waukeganites. The follow, which will enable anyonne to Intelligently slolve the, problemo. areman ofthesaoonkep- ypohl rteofIletramn t llheren aler Rtofo mllptemberG , 1862, titetedpSpetiman this morning gave harbor has been dragged ln the hopes The most Important is the number of beat unita you l>uy with every q Whocould not afford to pay more- is prOgressing raml n ilbn ent Illinois olunteerG, 92nt egto him officia reognition of his election of fInding the body. All to ne aval. dlaryupe.Coeoorofeertephnadweilcnice na$50a ea.He sald that tmEvanston prof. serve three years. The regiment was over Cadmore The only clue the relatives of the miss you that usnl-e you are burning OUR COAL your heat units are i>nnissioner Atterbery pointed out Lewis who 1s in charge of the hypo assigned·to 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division Ing man have reeived in weeks, waiq otn o oomc oe. tbmtbte saloons In Milwaukee are reg- tretment -ls cpnducting daily analy. Cavalry Corps, Army of the Cumber- , LEASES HIGLEY STORF that received this morning when they 0011) o o uhmny las Wel as ln Any City in the aie of the vater as purified by the land and in August 1863, the regiment FakE yro h yrCokwr die httebd fa gd 60nyand yet the saloons keepers hoter eteminehe tetent basB.gaemounted Infantry3rd Cval andditCopawvais in Waukegan man had been found at Wilmette. • T Oe LI D rO . gaybu $50 yar icns. H sidbee ued.Hesugess ha itwoldDivsin.Higley for hie large double store buitd A party of Waukeganites left this Hm ub r C ae 1ould be in favor of incr«esng the be a good plan if some- simple ap: Comrade Simpson participated i n nGense street for a term of city late thtis aftronovewhe Weneof benir wagons to$250 or paratus could be purchased here, to oiver sIxty battles and skirmishes in- ers isprps eigtoenun bdysUetspsteime te UN dtde 4500 Ayear as he said that the ma-rmibetween $25 andb$30 gmatber lude Ftuk , e eand FrankinuCAteladies'c o&store.Thisnot heard from the party. According Lietvle l fsaloonlicense as hesaidbea inthcoma.Hemsid al de rofe t te afute Bk nrlgeBuzzard a R t , Re' ocudin by the SioCloak and Suit Ashthe description o ce boyfur i p ~ ~ ~ ~ ai Waa€e h eplfri hi aethese testsand in viewofske Reierle j k eekfAtlat, The flirm which Mr. Oye r resents sallt cost and the beneficial results Jonesboro, Flint River, Georgia, Macon has storesb in Iowa and aot.H - .0mmisioner Dietmeyer and Commis that would follow he thainks that the Millidgeville, Buckhead Creek, Bava. announced it as hie Inten tiont hle Ione Orvis both took the stand that plan should be adopted. na, Barnwell, Aitken, Waynesboro, hors at once andhmi rent yha-@ the Iincreasilig of the saloon license OteMter Csuse, lumbia, SouthCarotins verasoCha omreau weilas hepermnn e _I #teelf would have no effect on reg- Commissioner Diver Inqulred If it bill and Hillsboro, North Carolina. The 1 ork of installing the fixtures ýý"ltW the saloons and they contend- was the wish of the connell for him HewsodtahduyinMyndfnshgsn the store will beo ed that It is reglation and not t- t rce oavriefrbd o and June, 1865 at Concord, N. C., and started at once go that tlhe format ereued llense that the pol f ti ew Central fire station. It was tlnaltywaon rably dischargred, July opening may comne on April 20. With 4 <rese 11ene tatthepepleofdecided, that the council will hold an 8, 186t. At Chicago en acount et the a fine large store Mr. OyOr says he the'city sant. Informai! mee‡png..Wednesday morn- close of t.he war. purposes to Inalke the store one of the 141ow1ing the concil meeting May- Ing at which the plans will be takifD He gained Waukegan Poi~l Ne. $74, livest and most progressive li the OrBidinger and Commissioner :Diver up te see if they fili the requirements. Departmnt of Illinois, August 14, 1894 states had a warm discussion On the matterIforthey do the atk noupavertsing innd 0 Vit»e to stcomm1and. but eiter uccededin haning The physicians have requested tne ad11. the views of the other. Mir. Diver use of the couplct] chamber for next Ofsin botesfie9eve2i.te announced that he purposes to have Mengl>y night at which they wish te Owar:xCapt hes vwra ie in the th* Corporation counsel draft an ordi bahl m'gto discuss;reuest as Battle of thV Wildernass Thomas at hea f ciy haAntietam, Robert and George In the Mance calling for A license of $1,000 grneâytecu tatte of Washingtob; David in Waquke- He leaves a widow and four chil- a m r hislo %,tbrom have their homes inMOO CA 0018 YOU W booRneeSd useful litsf trd*y, Avril6,agean7Going Here is the Famous Chalmers 130" years, 11 months, and 20 days. F lyE up e - o 1 0 "Ptmoney in thy purse" by sel• to MOVee Chatham Famnning M ilk --thro.4 a 'To twe,- --s rei. . mm t.t .Wmanaao atm of the too-mffny ttn== ou own. Value Ts the irst t geanue dO aUtmOi0 t slfora tmodium Remember that in seleoting a liodne, aur h ia eu uooiet Bframdu Van Brunt and Hoosier one,°'themns*,"o-eu rcai as , .. ip r..tad..a .iei a 51, ~~~~wired for electrielty• ZwC= q t has » oORMOrO Widél o an anW •iler Dr& and Seedm ~If it is not wired, yoncan't have ma Rememb Orti"acor aï a gree fln »l0a the only absoluteolysafe light; your o i wHh o" dc»do lo €excet "atit has wife can't, ant the oet of a i amera De&m and Janesville Plows faige tie0oe IIth dal. 7enmaf•• to e°'°"* ing of the sewing Uphine; eshe cant eat ea r caold o $150iag rou in the moders thet en-eo a amstp dWndshied.tthsya BudiongDisc Harrows fnes-&Il the h••°t t' - Ibo i re' n andt Ong ~~~~~~~~~~~eves the atmosobemioi the roomn --31rToètrng Ca'rhruhyvniae øMnr ou niecnr °o te °,,wibot t " 2 • --r- m ot, gs.1mp4l, re* Lit taaks aMd. %sho selt out when therelasno laundrue pséless ; 0" N ( gand -ansidtc w P TSto lbe hadl. - """""" ,dierwe _4 M 1rib "clais W4" ar e c""7 g the ] gMIS 01""410**"' n view Of ucwà ae Bat sedsa prie hefcs r l FROM mne leptse oprent apa--tand mc . Ve askyou to »eethese ears At -CHANCKSMoney CaM Bay g.Wr...." .. a ...t-m.-s 3... at oce Our exaumntonsamrehresa ad WsOMeit IT'S I y ay opstes |||-'|||c"e" ehOOD °"" gond"O° r ws'Sm 0' a'is"- ca PHYSIC OICK YAI Now That' on al v eathe and th rubbist ed abW tng up bere tk this, warm the go to ame ealthi Thes the mi eners yerds Ing to Can" a that b which If they Inor vuits. la deal andid over 1 that C proveq servin much than The Ciean day o ways that od a one and As the il la fel readi aside whic1 stain appe for 1 0 louij.,-x'U4

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