III. C>JPON ýtqý ul' fdepende*f and Sècure one of our A Rtghet Up.to.tbc-filnuteLa~o Saving, Housse Cleanidg Machine RE TAIL V$&UE4q$10.50' You cannot get the dust and dlrt out ot your.car- pets and your home with- out the aid of' a vacuum ~~IiYi~~QOI Cleaner. It takes as long to dust as it does'tô:gweep. Do not sweégO tfie 4uùt li the aîr-'and al over every- thing ini the room. Use the -NATIONAL VACUUM CLEA ÊNI.Rand'gd falilthe 'ust ini the Cati j G UARANT- M- I i (À We guara*%e y~ cuum clean*«to6 and wIll rMe chârge any defective li Worýcmanshl % of one year froM. ét- pu rchase. m qu <.4.. dl k sud R Page a Wight ouly 43/4 zuds, aàd cu be oper- ated wut es t ti r l e thand. heigÏht ft workus B&tf&CtoriY.. Ras a stronger suction than other Clean- mr and gets not only the. SUÊZACIB dirt, but also the. dfritha is DI îâd'IUNEATH tiie Èoor covrZlg Thlnk how the. wear and teaof your fur- niture and curtains will be save hy\ýnot hav- _______________________________________________________________________ g- ing dust in your carpets. Uoe -this Oleaner 'and have a sanitary homne. It takes only ONE person to handie this' machié, and it às eaaier to op"rte than any othar Cleaiier. un eidoaoporate it. -mý t.1t remb t"u Aoi lu , ýt. liu. *yo i is Y.m un. hô $r.N . $ I - ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ __ TI Lk~Count npnW i 4.-wm lu ÀPr 1r» i Department LITYVLlS, t LLINOIS 0~ty ~b1taIn TVI~ ~FA"EAR through TH1E W-EKLY N PE EN %f b6 I 8