CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Apr 1912, p. 2

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Yom knlow. me r 00a ha$ stood 1 the test fur over thirty- fivc years and siil te- i mains the Standafrd tonic-food-medicine, used andi reciç,mmended hy the imedical profes- mionthe world over. Em a Ison is, the embodimerit of elements "ha make for good health and atmngtk A1.L DRUGGIMÊ Bd Mlle antd Vernou, .llmns went ta Chicago Tue4day t,, cee ltingling lra,.. lir.and %tri;. Coa. Letit anti family movei ta, Lberty ville %londay wbere they wIll mate their future home. Louis Enigge aif(iris wald Lake, ma@ la towu Monday on bie maldun trip wth his new Fard touring car which be recently purchaseti ai J. R. Knox. eTb@ etertainument given et the Beptist ebureb lait Satnrday evening wayi I.rgely attendeti. The enlire pragram vas fine and i h.hly eppreciated andi the proceeds amont ta a bont $40. C. L. Pratt bai teken the cantreet oi a. Brde ta put in tha haiement and ail esmspt work for hie salool building 'o IIt.A largs forces aititn are nlom st 1Ork andi expeet the building mill be YWsiy for occnpancy by May let. ;I TIe uSv~geeation lait Tuestiay peqve the at uxcitlng for severmi il- () hln tratickets it the field,. C NIs. iktandi Indepindeni vas vi. ul stes ud mtresud la i, b, Kcll O af . B. Matas, Jas. X rmy a(LO.Il.Joute fer t»14> irue isan .H.'Duirnisfor 'eIlêpý EIskthe latber bavt.g une oppositon. Mm 9DIak.abuv* of Danville. NI., etayed at ber smumer cottage bers,&a lew dayulait Wusk. lMrs. £mil Fvairsud danghter Anus vslted relative@ lu Chicago lait Thurs. day and Fuldsy. Our stock boyers bers are very buey of hâte, shlppong out several car loade this week. 1 Phillip Young took a gang of Our young sports tu, Cary for a ride Sunday. Hermen Relier took several ai our city fathers to Crystal Lake and McHenr.v ln hie automobile to look at @OoepumSp. ing Stations but unfortnnately they broke down on the way homne near Alganquin. Aller atiro mile walk on rocky roeds, Pingel's livery teani tram. barrîiWon ires mot whieh brought tbem tact borne et Il P. M. that iglIt. Village election was helti Tupeday. J. D. Fin t wao eléected clark; W m. Buescbh. ing, H. L. Prebl,. anti Aug. Froebllch. trustees. There was anly one ticket in the field. J. Fowler, arnt of the Aptne LileIRAi. Co. of Chicego. wes ficoupleof dat-s this week, workingr witt, Einil Frank the local agent. Mise 5u Puia'dTi ais' P"r uniteti in miarriegue t the home îi Mir. and tirs. J. Witne.v, Mies Prupiasp grantiparents with wbom oh@ bas liveti olncee bildhaod. Mr. Adams le an ni,: richt younfi man who formerly livet ln. Cuba townsuip wtli lime parente but a yeer ego honabt à farm in Wiaeonein c wbere the vaung peogle will make their home. Their meny friend@e hue wishthe ;young couple a proëperous futur,. ' b ilt Montisy itit Itermint At Ilhsas Bail Wittheirusuel eaa froid, aursetir atitelitis broke opn the local base Zlf m 11on Sey santi taltintly copdeetthib1 initial coýawbt ram lte KirkPark lad* ty a mors M 8 to 4.1 The pannant ralsing before theMearn mwu a Most biatiiel cerernony anti mien lae home testa marchit aaro,. tite fisî the eathuslim ai the local fans vmas un. rntraineti. The abecenci oi n flag pais from whieh ta Iloat tIebmblem ai Obeîn con- quusie atind mmatry Iahaîtla lu ir proceedîngs but aur ýver resouncefal manager, Watoan, caileti the officiai gsiskiqper, Bilinski. anti pinaiti thej banting tota hu e Pel i obiecoat. Thte anly bad'feature ai luis arrangement mauit tmany racaiveti stifi necti look- iag up et Il. The garn eletgave te boys e gondi montant anti irilu tiere Iccre corne ernore the 'boys loted goat. Rouie pitcheti the tiret five inrings anti sioweti in hie aid tormu holding the visitons rua- le. DanSler ment in et the dt aio thei clit and didt iuerittiimetli D tiel@iret tryVout. Il mli tete a feiwewrm dayc ta gel the boys going igltt then vretcb theni. Huit hJilwell ant i it,'Hepitu wene ln ta ee IB oi play 1%Vedneýaey lu gel a e furPointers tituy seiti tutiwe have il direct frorn Galà,en titat Jate u»a celetili tuta how! Lord hua I o play 3ti. Left filtièr King miii rrobabîy bave bis e flair tuIlaian to 'hase flies with nuit Snnday. Sunce Meler bas been un the barnes sitop om au eautraces ai impravement lu bis pt.eyIag. Titeenv lie liumm titem outie je caution anti rwvi en s tarte ther le no itoîtbact t, hlm. Cent sey irba thuy plat' Snnday but thene mIl ha iontetbîag doing. - 4'. ~NIL UAyi, A' PàafhNNT i lIN OI~MAOff0,'tALM% X. u0IAIUE.arw tmou-r coN VIC OACY orp PtAVwREft Oeilt E hoau»te the uepinta otapli jum la u elnu ih tthse q- ftcay of, prayer I eal sicotties i ln doniti Ho ai' tht ho ii not. ms a doctorat Medlue as hi gays hi conalders lte practici of mtilcîne as noltling alter tbs* the, science af Hie comrunLation falloir.: 0 Zian City, Illinois., To titi Bdflor aiflte UN: My Dean Bi:- la your Issue af Tueeday, 1Mare thlie 18th, appeauslte cllpplng winiit ias just ýbêeausent te, me. ýurpontlug ta utate furtiter rMY vlewm nlte subJact O! divine iteallng. 1 recogulse i ibis article an boneet anti faix attempt on M otr part la etate my position anti yet auyane restiîug lt e article lu question iroîtîtisu pposu titat 1 ativocatedti he calling ln af a dacior andt he giving of Medicine irbere the sick mere uat be- Ing bealeti ln anemer ta the prayer of fi ath. 1 arn sure yau ilîl do me thte justice a! permltting me te correct titis Impression amaug Your rentiers anti uiyfrientie.- I regard thepraetice of Medilcine as uathlng alter titan the science of guessing. 1 lotk upon lte varions ru- meias ltat doctars have usati titraugunîthie history ai madiclua as onu of lte greateet t u4bngs that has evur curseti thiIs marîi. andtihie laut lhtug I moulti do fer euy slck persan moult bu ta cati ln a doctor sud have Medicine adminîstereti. 1 tit inldeeti etate Ibat mitera prayer mas nat helng ansmereti i moulti take il for grantedti iaI lthe lairs ofGoti lu natura bat been broken anti tat I moult endeavor to 3d ut Uctsheru tite transgression laY anti have II. cor ructeti. But titis d It ual mean ta stop praylng. for my falth tlu prayer tieep- ena avery day. But Godes ways lu groam'isstrNIss Au»aRapa Wualdtofibon r. wmeansga gara or lavender -mon vellganticarrist a, bouquet of lavndper mtesupa. Tht brIdes'. malte vers Miss Martta, ObOsani0ai remumot, 00011eif ithe bride. andtUi LMs ara bjinnhaci. «ho wme aiea, dressai in laventenoaaue llor 'anti canristilbonquet@sf aibte bride* roses ant it bIscarnation-. Irving Wagnsr ai Cicago. itrotber ai lb. bridé mas hait manandi thedoaen moe: Carl Rampl.i, tbgroos's1 bar a Bernant weagner ôfai ukeg th lb bnîdistoasia. POllomîng lthe ceremony a medding rrcePtion anti dinuer mai given st the ,Unlon hall. L-nGrave, {on thbm usi ruetives. At 8l a'clack lit the evenlnig grne's arcitesra ai I>e»Platne. startet the musie for lt.tdancue'.viiclmimont iîeartly anjayei by a e of ai rientis frîom ofar anti ,ean. Luriclt maes oervait aI 12 o','toet andti ucil a late hoesa tlid ter duepent eavlng ail guond ioie' f,,n theic dai,,lCosuple. irisa reeivuti a moui bt-uutifct lot oai arasent. froum heir meny frinituîs Tit,'brida h# a dacgba'r ,f Mnc.anti iYe. AudrewIV agcer of iVactega, andi bau- matieber itoule miiihlier siet'n, tir. Gua. Ziuro iLitonOove, for lthe peit th ree 'arsen,, ite fiasnruade a halge 'irteeafioiindo, Titi. roo.m sidt. gont tif Mn. anti Mn,. J,,hi autpp oh Long Grave, a ler,. bu lasniîLires uteie ahie b,îme.Be i. tuas asan unintlustlmus anti iitigt tYoung man. W,. misi t ta oin aur congratulationts mith tin muany friendl a'isblmhng tbei't A! Mothers Cars A caretul mathen mi l otgive ber chi a mediina wimtant knowing il is p are, conaats Do apiates anti bas huaI- lug anti curative qualities. Such e meticine in FOoeY'@ HBoy anti, Tan Compaundt for croup, mitoophng cougit. bronchilîs, anti ail affections of thea thnoaî, ceet anti lunge. BasI anti @aiest for chiltiren anti grown tpereoa. Cantaîns no apiates. For sale by ail Dru#gaisto. Titis in lte yuar ta 1tay silos. RelIer me LîaîEvv VILLE LrumweCo. The bet propositioîn ever offenat. c-80-2 "ChicagoAA Portland Cernent' lias been subjected to the guality test, in that it lias been on the mar- ket for fourteen years aîid is .ràll -the choice of the pement-user. 'Cbcago AN c«. rnI .716 lest l7at Ca, R. made" HtME LUMWER CO., LibaryvlIL CHAS. HARBAUGH, Ingleside, MI. D T. WEBB Waukegan, IlI NORTH CHICAGO LUMBkR & COAL CO, No.,Chicago. 8.L. Tripp, Prosidelit. R. F. Roua. Vice Prasîdent. Irving E. Payne, Çashier. T11E CITIZENS' BANK * A Cheoking Âccoumt wlth your Home Bank adver- -m beina Prosperous and Progrelsive. W. invite Your patronage for our Nfutual Benefit.. PARTNERS ANOD 1RECTOÇtS: là. IL. Trtpp. R. F. Roua,. Irving E. Payne'. ,Bon M. Mllr. J.1.. Taylor. J. S. Grtdlsy. Panntera' Reipouslbiity Approxlmately $100,000.00. e, Clothes Made New y*m oe abm ibis 1kfim milI dos.e, oriaa.gtbl. fim Nwm mi e'a Tudfls rue. Spudamntilon sivté me*% a mwe s sal be prise aua bir aM the. l b" msWs«!t mii se. cm"eifer TtIOLOMEW Buok Caltir Sul.trw6ra d is Ment CbmiatLaRoss ai Cbkicegoon Tuait» ai ibis reet. Tithe emlag leit maivery p"miatly entenlaiaed Monday eveulng ai tbe boof ai MisLilait Mai Roue. Mm .D. A. aynalsy Wl Saiurtay iun a stan vIil m itit intenta lu Mut ironaga, Win. Rotigen 9au speut a leî tisys titis met mith lei granirnothen, lire. Mary Swran. Thomas Itunieullanti larllyentertineti rlativSg fromu Lake Forest Sunàday. Orlng ta the rnîuna ailr,. Tyler te Lia ipt sens ha, given up tem itappy hurne anti gone bactotarorntng. H. D. W ellevisitedti bis eu t ih ire. E. iD. Dean, A. D. Hapke 'te enjoying a short vaca- tion due ltu tetelipoary losing ai the Cana Pratiucte Ca. et W aukesgan. This i% verY lotunate at Ibis limie as il mateso il passible for lini ta tuvote his entire tince ta lte bail teant. Lev. Cerrn lul Tuectey for Oneitie. I., lte honte oi bis daugitter. lie retunueti today (Fridisy). ,4t,teannave -luýclien Tuestiat thée fùllomin)g ohilcrsmure electeti: truâtce, S. L. Tripp, 0. A. Deneeani, Hermen ZuZesen and H. A. Watson; clect Leftay Kuigge. Thte anli-seloan que@- lion iras voteti met hy a large majorily. The pastel savinge haut has 50 fan mlet mt sucese fer buyauti aipectation anti bide fair ta bucornt a popuier in- sititution mitL ns. Quite a nuniber irom bue attendudth ie Mymtic Wortur entertainumuni atIvIan- itou lest Fniay nigitî andi mure vny eun- thîuiamtic luatem praise. S. L. Tripp mai cailedtot Liburtyvillu FrideY ai ]&et met by te teatb ai bic miotter, MIre. Mary Tripp. Tbe iuinal rFORT IUIL Fred tonvese soiti a fiue wark team ta Chas. Ranght let week. MisesAnna Amana le aI homle egain alter spending several eeuts et Gray&- lake, beini ii at the homne ai ber bister, lire. Paul Tobey. George Walrneley is spentiil a fuir dayi et Amann'a. tiarrieti at LaGrenge, lit., Apr. 9, ('hai. A. Taggarî and tire. Amenda Morrill. Mn., Taggart is the oldest daughter aiftIr. and lins. D. V. WaiI anti bai@rany f rientie in tbis vieinity, ail oi wbom extenti congratulations. SCOOOL NaTES Stars mure givun in spling ta Grecs Baurnn, Ruth 1onnelly, Mildred Davis Rlaymnond Luit, Marlon Bauman and Clare Devis lait week Mid ed )vis, Alvin anti Raymand Boelicher are hack at gecoal. T'he chiltireun fnieited their raphia bas- kets lait Fiday. lien. Tharnean, (iraee Iaumen anti Rult DOnnelly e"eived stars in lauge ane day lait met. Tamnienti anti Racheel Smith, Grae Bananl, Ruth Don3nellY and Mi tireti Peviei reesiveti menitIlips this meuk. The intermedilate grade are drawing andi etudying the Lau. County map Ibis Mmr. C. P. Rsnnac bai for ber guait Mdiss fihuieroa lbertyville,titiswmeut. Mises-a GraesVanBora anti Cana Biergmana vinftéti irlande' ln Elrhnr recenely- The Ladies' Aid society mut aI the home of Mmr. J. H. Rcblerdlng aI 2:810 Wednesday, April 171,b- The remans ofb lire. Siterwin irn brangbt bero for Intrmnent recentiy. Deceausewu raaesideat hee forly yeare aMOI Dr. Sehierding anti H. C. Mathel and famille@ arrîvet borne fraie Caliornia Ibis week. Mmr. Scherdlng mil remain anolber mous l. lire.Lucy Sutherlandi suffereti a strate of apopleîy Uaturday ni ati t&ii not regain co»scousnes. 5he iedit i12 o'clock Tburiday. The.uerai ira betti saturday mrog at 9 atcock by 10:15 train ta oBol. Ocagof, Ber. Robinson afficiatdug. Mies Emma Orabite estertalasti soum-i pany iemChiffgo Sselay. Mis a iay VasPur pent part a1 lait irst ahorne. ises Elizabeth autid Apce Wîrta came ont Frldar ta attend the IMystie Worker The Laieis' Aid met mill Mmn. Jacoby Thnuday. Adamn Titusanad Iamlly Lvlated ai BSary Grabb's liandày. lirem B. C. Payns îpsntiatarday andi Suaday tu Citicag. Mmr. Frank Suiti mai a Wankegsn ?iitar recently. Tite Lake Cocty Tlephoni Ca.ô r pneparing i ta lt treve air phoasula tié place and vlcity. A Ousesfnepr liait. A man cbould not dime, tbïmai gt il a s~xslt>bicans. abs tella bis gomn"litug t*u31 aruqlt u ELl t e dmed. W atiahavW* irse tha mm manbv; "ual hqd hi Theteddtilg aif Alois J. lteuîp ndti _________ ('arrn,.M. Wagner was solptalsi et 1st.. Mlary'e Catholie etimrcit tnt l, ldt4rclv-' The Oldest Switchmsr, on the Division on Tuesdey, A prit If;. 1912. et 10e.,ut 1ev. 0i. N. Otto> perforetithe cerernon.y TblsWiW W C. Iteck. 2248 Sîtruetir M. anti Proi.. Jectttis ai Calago, plevud thi u iumua. IIIv. h., bas been ifor 43 yeare wedding merci, andi sang the nupt-al m thpe.nir,l,,, afthe C. 0. & Q. Ex C,. Mass. Iil. .".Vc.'X,,tet exîs,suriu gave me -The bridt-s gain mas ai whbitem- 1,1vi v i rouble. wth a steady. duit pain broideret i sut narquisette aven ihîle ii mutv bi,,,,inihti ouidti In ainto satin. Sbh. irpmre mitlle ccii anti ealmago~. and atn titiney art,,n was wreeth ofailhlès aithe valiey anti carried i rrêguier. Since,t takig tour b,ttles af a mbitp ivony , bookkand et 1nnFoi.y Kinev Pli- Icmff rep, frtui ail thi liisai1,alley knoît'd lain wite ti,.e raoublé.satîi glediy ciouietti satin ribbtn. She mus attended lety 1ti.ini." Fur @ale by ail Druggiste DEFrLD Mir, anti-lMr». Hellmnnad 'sou ai Wakegan, 1-#*ffueots ai Mn. anti tre. S. P. Haîcison Sunda. Mies taibut Blatiectatit la enjosing a tira mets vacation et borne. Miss Jobie Wotiman speul suveral tiays turinglbtheut lu inWilmette. Mr. anti lre. R. L HEaatine ai E vans- ton, mure lte gueteaiofP. C. Iiiemlustadt anti iarnly lianday. lire. Jacobt Antes eutenh.aineti ber îieter. lire. Dllant ai Chicago. luday. The lecture on "Palestine or tbe Lanti of the tsBibis" miticit ias ta bave haun given samu wets ega mIl bu given aI lte- Preibytarian cbuccb Friday avening. AIl areivitedtotaattend. W. 0. Bunham oi Chic ago, wrai a Derfelti enlier $uuuey. S. P. Hutchison @pent Mantiay lu weukegatn. Miss Beatrica Duffy @peut Seîcrdav anti tuntay et ber home in Wiimoî, Wigeonsin. lire WiiI Gallomay sent severai tiayis I uring ltaet ekin Chîcaga. lins. Wintere, mater ai Auguet WInters, dieti Wutnesday moriig anti mai laid ta reet lunlte Denlelti cemetery Sanday aitennoon. Mn. anti Mrs. C. A. Blig autectaineti Mir. anti lite.Frak Ot aiChicago, Ssinday. Fred'Meyerleft Maudmyfan Feinmunt, ilinnesota, wira, be rîli spendati wmek mt bis brother anti nilativie. il. A. Stryter leaItI et prsseut mitlng. Tha Reading Club met mith Mises Csey N[omýdeynigbt. ' -Thalus ntriimutugivron hy th. M., gi the b.Hoiy Cross cburch lu Denielti ai Antiensou'e hall mai meiliattuadeti Thes hall beit.g filedto ta u utrnoet qaacity. The audieneasaiul pea@set tmfîb lte tira une-e laye. TIi. pro- gramme mai apenuti by MisesViola Graves, mita playegý the aventure. Mies Graveplay@ numarkably meli. Titen came "Six Cup aiofcolalat," a coihegu C efullIof gond bumor, tiisla lhoîed aN Cre No Psy," a sure cure for Ibm blues. The acting oi bath plays mas o! a tigit standard la every respect anti tae great audienice îisbdt iem apprecia- tion Bt lte facs ai theeucanalstar each lay. Th@ girls itw prielaitd mers: any Boita, clamra y ,ga hKregs, Laretta Bre, IMiltieti Love, SophIa Zibais, Leura Kareb sudMartha Karsit. Inspinsti by their accSathe. yaung cllub anti hope ta give acofbir enteriala. meut la the. user iutue. BÂCK GIVU OUT Plenty of LüSr1vU Sd- o Rave This UamP«-tIOc You tex the kidneye-..9ork mathiem- Tiey,- can'i keep ap the continuai *train. 1%9 back givs ou-lt ïshss »d pala; Unnaytroubles oSt la. D ot ltlonger-taské ono kt- auy Pille. Can Libertyvîll.poople-douli tts iollarîngovdsuoe? A. A. MoCaaneII, 40 I8.L-Agar".. Harvard. Id., iay U léon'i ulney lbs belpit me ia matsy uaé 1,ea sirongly necommad thesi. ti bact mau veny Iam &Manti r beaI tape tua' eia gselasti ns. Eykles ai m'lu i aiboni time . 0 uI 4m 1 bnIiave ad no a assar sirman BatisW»as sWautegau Vlitor, Mondsey. Mm. Lins Bolet irai'a Rockefeller coller Tueiday. Mir. &ce Mm. 8. 9. Keadier and famlly vieltetilwltb the lutter'. parents at Noiield Monday oveclng. Mmr. kFrank MItchell spent ieveral days ai tiIs wnek with ber daniat.vbtet Liber- t.vville. - Mie TilI MItchell visîteti relatives at Roger'e Park Satnrday inigbt and Sun. day. lirs M. A. Wa0tnsr andi ebildrpn of î(Grayake 51)-nt Snaday boe. lireo. A. C'. RIchard4 atterdodeti tife- toral etf a relative at Joliet M.onay. MirIl H. A. Knopi la .laaiy improving ai" ra s.'veru ettek ofiuinjiantory 'bU mstiom, 1.. W. K nédlpr and Tei open t Suadey irith:Mr. and Ulre. W. ftay ut Rocte- 1 f .e1ev. p ev. andi Mrâ. E. MVanc dî taeombpenied by Mi*# Pearl Heburtelurn- u d f ront, <hi 'aga Tneodey wIere 1kv. Umhbeîîiatend4ed Ch,. lîie('onfere-n,, ai the Evengeliiml AssoeIation Teir e fnr1ientis wlll be pleaesdi,*I,., f ftb 1 rnturofi Mr. and Mrs- Inbacb toi thie Chance.- Wagnèr-Raupp nature are lu itarmony' î ithte-mnys of prayer. Cititiant cannaI go as titey ptease anti do as titey lIte la lteir ealhng ant iiiktug anti dressing etc.. briugIng on Ilî-itealtit by ignorant anti vicions habits, andt ien expect ta pray titemselve out of -te horrible pît mb mnwici tktey Invariably fitî. Thte tactor referredtitalunttlean- ticle lu nal a medical practIouer, but a man mita lefilgiting mutilcine ustalas I arn. He bellevai ln thte proper care ai lte îlck lu theu may of nursing anti lu te uie o! maler, but ecpeclally la dlean, intelligent habite o! lits ltaI mate tileesse Impassible. 1 hava beau lit sympathy ilh titese 'vîeme for yeare. Titauklng you for yaur caurtesy. Very Siucerely, DANIEL BRYANT. MY VOTE FOR LORIMER BEAT ME--CULLOM. Washington, IApri I O.-"My ivale for Senator Lerimer tiefualeti me. Thal mas the Issue. Noirltat I've Qnised my service, li go borne andi reet. I bave arnutI Il, ant I tarncontent." Sunator Cullom' of Iliim. aiaift 83 yeare aId, tite deanaiolte Uniteti Sates senate, facutIl th ems of bis dufuat by L.awrentce Y. Sherman mt a amîla. ,"I arn retiyte quit. I've beun bure long enougit andth ie people of Illnais tiint se 100. lil go may bact anti ail domu." LAKE VILLA Theu farmere are agein in lte filde. salit blong mmter. MWs.HBrbent Nsl@on anti trs. Loe Twred viitei intente et Ingleelde lait Pniay. On Saday. Apnil 141h aller severaî yeane ai iuffernxn, Jahn Christian tiapant ed Ibis lits ai bis borneuer ilainesyllis FOIR ÂGED PEOPLE S Id Polka ShouI4 ho Carefl in Their SeIcUon of RegulatiyeXodicine W. bays a sale. depeadable anti altegether Ideanl cmsiy ébt a span. 1tlculary ada p ld ta the requIninsate oifg= ppisaitpersonsaiofrsat 00 cm Who aiita cfteram constipa. tion utohr leomel dieordgrs. Ws'ars go oean t itWn ueve tae» tamplslnte and ulvaibeatatesatîiMtiioa tu svany panticuar baiti me lfenhr It Dur pereonal garantmes it sal Ost thsecuser aothlog ffil faille teaeuh- etantiate -aur carn Titis namedy th sellai Bïxai, Ortienlise. RxlQtd.nlienanareeste uaI lte Saady.ate partictlanly prompt ati annmabis la aconamay b. tl tina W»time, day or ZIbt; do pot cuet ti*snm'boa, aussa, pipingt, ieely lolueeior utisr utirsals affecte. They bave a very mit' but r'w«' actin po. tIse orgae ihie Isbs soome la eooa it, pentty asuleg ai *4.cetr suai ai ilstave, thuen . satu*w ait l, id:ta fflore ýThe FREE Day Saturdny, April, 27,-3:00 P. M. The,,FREE Sewing Machine -. Given Away ccThis liberal offer I~ made in pîirsuance of our plan to share our advertising appro- » priation with the people of this vieitalty, thns euabling us to place the merits of this rernarkable sewing machine before you fCO'r y0UT con- sideration. Cail at'our store and seti it denioxîstrated. Wle have diefnihuteti coupo)n@ la every borne. Have yon fIlwet oct anti returneti your coupon txî aur store? If flot, do it noir. dont delay. le order ta bu eligible in the ewarding it le në(eessary that tbe boîier aoflte Coupon be preient irben the nmehine is given eway. If yten have receivet un coupon, an@ wili be vonr@ for Ibvastinir et aur bewing machbine depantmnent. Callauti get Il. The Ray Furniture & Paint Store: LIBERTY VILLE Fn.REE FREE FREE A free trip to the Cros S Ranch atCrystal City, Texas, and return on May 7th. If! feU la s hair you -fidi tisaIara brnag- iag tiseir oamen avec $400 pur accu for tise Sfirit crop sud they mtlli havi a chance ta 'make $100 par sons mare thi. year. Ido eotaik yen ta -... ... .* ake'my ro4ior §pend a cent unultyôur eyes hava verified my very- s tatement. Mr. Taft refuied $18,000 two - . resus aga for hi. crop au 31areand thse purchasn to avivut the cop. W. eau ihow you alfalfa, that hai beau ont trice.sud aimait ready ta eut tise tisird tims. You miii haveanauoppanteeity ta takt tamnu misahave been ithe pionere je-*ia nom rapidty ieltliag country sud rha a am wgrowing rloh,1from comparstively sial trat@ under cultivslion by &id of solen- tiua Iipgtion fro. arteasa relis Undsr mapèrvisuon of Prof. Frederiot W. Maliy, a gav*rrnant expert. Prepara 1ta go rt usninour privaI. cou te the ranoch. For full deasla of thse tnp irrite or oeil ou A N ^l ISN UnSId Stu"ust>epu"ti, PotPo"talS"Ins 'wds 1h s. fS e Par u Eh #FTWETO8AVS~ND~1AWIoffS ~ w M p e M q o u o , w TO P W TU F121NATIAL AU 0 IJ~[TILLE - Mr- e Mr. a di>y mli s=0aai <Mn*.. vire Ci mi"s Wm. soadayf Wankei jame vîyed e thesMi, A lia C. E. Virtuu. Leader. ed tri n leg, Av Curti Muklibu elock 1 j haei »d Mih jT 1 jý

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