CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Apr 1912, p. 3

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à- miialnd D. l. White sI. tý Mr. and lMrM.Joha-Walfàtou are th' 4d huStaluChicago the put week. guesis o! Wankeg.a relatives ibswek. Kw sud* l-ire SlueÔ A Ie Pie- lLMudsuimm&VaWguer sud TheaWortç vfl,,it.d lB. oni. fok$ huis week. spent sas we.k ," iwith relatives lu Mr. sud aire. W. 0. MlicOre @pont sua. Elgn. day wtb tih. lattero brother, J.S. lDen- letrVge udfmfystn on ait Lffu Lake. the werWgne tr. ferlmer'.alter &t < lrs.J. IR. Donner and i.. . Bounérer w4igo'h ore' itr were Chîcago vIsitue recently. Log0re ue . Mi"a Alice JasniieOiof Brwyn, fil., MIr@. C. Harmou and son ëtanford of *pont thre week end wtb ber parento Mr. Obicage, a0al Fday sud éSatitrday ai an i rs.led, Jamuo. the sanord farm. - Wni. liure.aud Paul Iriffin@pu Ul &yftorlapudnth ' Sonday wth Mr. and Mr@.. Uifla of! lila ber homenfords. apnin h James Anderson o Lakte Forest sur- Mir. adlirm J. Gainer and little son veyed for the new plot to be added is) appeutSouday wlt hTro. Vortz. the sll4lura cemesry on liuuday. .rvleeewilll b.beld ln theb. . Ebeureh Xest A. W. Safford attended the Con- BodA&Y at 2 P.,n. EverIoue wetco-1. trfgailoasi Minl&tere Convention 'a A fauuli! rmunlon waa beld aitire home <Jicg:) this week. of 1Mr. sud lire. Ueurv Rogers a la Wue- A le.p yaar basket social wll b. lveuen s Tbaerody, April Il. ila honor of Mr. lu thé cburch parlor, (onlct) Friday 8ogrs' 75th blrtbday. IMsdame, 0. *voulaz. Boy. brng bsà4ets. Howard, Chas. Esugiriand C. Thomp- C. E. tnp'c. April 21, '-The Christi» -s0ufr-ue br. attlfded. Vrtum.s/'Gal. 0: 1-9. Emut Garrett, UmIssNonil Vaey hbu acceptela posl. Leader. lion as feleouè éoperator at Liberty- The Dxie Jubiles. Blgere ame sehedul. ville. ed te met tlalilbues, Saturday @vn -_________ les, April 29,..T agtMebrClmnPn Cte. Veil@ of Aulloch. formorilyof .T.Bdt, ebrCenaPo CulbrIadaieIas etaa fNo.5W0 Ut. Vernon. NI.. says b. wus MîlIaru.sud l.. da E~~1~w~flona botberad witir iskildneya. "Their eea4.wp, reaataed'tl a iiias.We;apion vasIreaglar aud caaaed much BOO&a oient 1g 10,llO. aielghi0dste o'l cutntdl da eloek tlaq. rslrlsu anchureh i l a ainl5n witha consAtantDuldg Fle Chcag- T@ 900m -valuofr- dny lu nbe yk tysavn e ye and rs.Ed. eil. Cngraulaion . rn iored to normal action aud tir, pain. Newton LeVoy and fsmlly leste ths dispslled i reeommend theni to uey soit:i for Kanmasvllle, Wl.., where tirey frWQe ansd fellow conirade." For Paie k xpoct telive ons& arte. hy aIl Dragglete> sud wife and *tireir aumml t(is lie Suri 0.00 T'o7 I. 1 I.,, ~on theJe___ o tU M 1 U IePruî We are offlering to youq for you im n>diate acî'sp- tance from the IIBw issue Voted oui ebruary 27tfi, 15, 000 dollars worth of our 7 ptr cent. bearing pre- ferred stock which b"t proved ta be far greater tlian we-t expected-showing a gain of o-zer 52 i>per cent. Our statement isesued Fehriiary '2:lrd, sicwr vorn. LiAmiIvrw t-- 1ii. î:6. 7ti 2 2l1 4¶ GAIN ..... "lire inunas eing tmade ti i liId un otite n iarge plant- moderni ud up.oiolrte Wclhave nuore ordrtîr than we eau yourr roney earn ail i's worti~l-Farikr-, pur tenit. oir more ut-t (irsileriDg thre intreaser vauie of Touir .tock-'e -ip)reviatm. titi -mail as sdi as the large-For firtltcr inforinratriri, ste ait:. of te lollowinîg directors. J. E. ýMEREIlTfl Wl!. NEWTO.N 11. P. aUIINAMIELE %VM. Ji tARIt L.. IL. CILUSKN iThe Meredith Flower I . and Vq -getable Co. Rainbow Mfg. Co. PER C E NT 7%eG«UARÂNTEED 7%l and tCtmulative l'referre I Stock, ecured 1y i Il r. landl, pliant, buldirngs and macbînuerv of tht t ornf.any: ar liv an ineranre poiey on the life of the S.-creLtry andl l'reatýurt-c ')f tie Companîy, 1payable Luth t(onipany, tîrus making it one of tire safet. rnost su1îtanti al tund cottervativL seuorri- ies iL i.. poýible for ani iii' etrr toi juri.har. Over two hundredper cent protection, aan artes.,ired onetant îicrvals. .Nuetter safe...uaril ctuld bcth lrown sround it issue of took than this Comnpany lias laoýedt-rn Liiieie of JO i)re fcerred stock, ait(] no better pre, aution vould bu takcri, or anked for by an irvetor who sreke a~yiitr aIru hils invetment, witb good rettîrns on his monev. 'lihl% stock ie now being offered at par S100.00li])etr iliare, as a icotai investiment (although for sale to ail in- vestorm). Wte do flt oxpet suvh an invrr.tinent with t.e cordi tiîîîi; surroundin r tins one, ..louid be un tIhe mrarket any len4tli of ime. Firat corne, tiret served, is our Moti. NWc know thre soliiitv of this enterprise, and recom- mend to orr înve.ting-friendesud cientele, thc purcbase of thie stock. pFi lant is right hiere in our mid@t; bas a nAtionial reputatiori and hi2h-clas business rsting; je non- servateliw srîîgud, and has an earning- capicity far in exces of its fixed charges, wich consi8i ouly of this iseue of prefeerrrd tock. Wte ian satisf y thre nost ske-ptirral investor of the safety of hie purcirase. We invite art arly application for @harem. Thev are going fast, and we feel asurcd thart no investor tan purchame a seven per cent. invstmeut wth substabtial assets, a live, growiug business. ase weli as an insurance policy covering the entiru issue of preferred stock to proteet bis investment, without great difficulty. This is certainly a genuine Bona-Fide juvestuent. in every particular, a 1home indutry and a chance te invest your funde lun a legiti- mate buslnfts. COKE AND BE OONVINCED; Get beneath the Rainbow, View the bright raya of its future. Stock for suie while hItssu, at par $10. 00 per 'share, seven per cent. guarsuteed. A. R. SCIINAEBELE & COMPANY LI&ERTYVILLE, ILL. [.. or Job Wrk Adurtielng Rats On Application tirs. J . Lrrrgaiug i lu ni-eipt if a ctrufilr. î, ti ir iiimagazinues wali ir i-l ilinetrat-d iîy i rrsn Chlrte. i f Chuicagi.. tir ant]i tr- 1),'r. Wei.iiland daitter Lucile. anu lMies Ala Mtluimtre il rt aukegan. icut Sriaday ut titi- ltîîîu- of 8 J. Loitus. Barry Smithtiand a île earerrared frit-nde frein Chiîucgiî rfuiday. Tire liik-t facniirY iutBurlîngtoru was liiinud last 8nnlay uorniug. IL le tiiighit t uas etk hy igiîtirtig ras tutc4 rnrram a teavy tuiderstoritut titat Joliru Clrietian diu-d at hie home ri-ar lRunid "lis ui)uay. erlere lie- irse Leen irviir alit his dauitter, tire. Wikrusî,n Thue funreal was iteld Tnesday at te Congregationsi cîrurlu. tir. Chitian itp1 jumt -î.iiipetedilis set w,înk as tax tolit rtir ahi ,-lu tiie ehibail ieldjfor tire Wlhiet- tirninir leaves Bat us(ttun u i.tttl at Taylor'e iLuke slaptSunday the prrcueigit ire anti ieforme thre lire i'unid be prt otat tariofItrs. b'ilien'e (flue boutsat-re detroyed. Lnckiy tite. ire erasni-ar titelaki- and uotîîrther danuage cas doins Asa Owen of ltîîrrrd Lake, died ut te r fi. Resu i)rnug se ne Flsî .!% iiii Wiili te inn-er piese citi i. tthLit c-anindt eiivv tce. ihcir iii cent 1urcitafflatour t-il i îrtaiu wilýi entities tire ane ln ii ii. urky Liu îther to a box o n di it-tliîrdaî- -g VTe Rexali tiniig St-,ii rlile iirrg Coi. Te iraymake Ceuretrc, ,. t. ail i,î,-t witli trs. J. Totit .. 'iurs- day, Atiril 25. Vietore %itIn, ui C'. Waidman sud faîttîli tîtît iiate Maylry. rWldrnau bir [g i .,to-d a homîîe tiier. They elle. t .iir seli tit-ir (iraysiake prolienil \\,. regret vers mucli tolose tire hui, cli amily frîtur()Ur mîdst. Mir. Hastinice tif Burlinig i a rue ere Tuelsy in thee întrrest ) i l. Itnden- cirîg l'actcr. lite villagpeleictloit pui-ii1,off eeyl quî,t-ythptre-b eilg lraitiii.i- i rp- pit-tion. Tite. rierait or Vu igite- manm uin i un an Ind-iý-iidenl i i n-et ru tipuetion u Gus Schtulrt ie iîe,11g t-e inl voppoeitiîîu. Tlio- leu-cti-d t-nre ). G. Whte, ilent: Lari Thoiiiioii. Ed. [(ruee, (litsSchultz, aileriiit The nexi wiiili- tire t--titru of a scluoo)ldiýetor Satuirilruyt--ig Notice to Dairyxen roundings so as ru produce s good gnilde of milk ard ahouid have no Tlue WigscoueiriCîîudensed Mlk (ilînu- trouble lu pnoduciig a satistactony pan> iiire re rady Lii reeice init rut quality for cevdet-st-g purposes. (Not- tIWer tirkVâyisie, Illinois, fattory %ay 4aithstandiug reports that iray have Jet. 1h1I2, aud ahi pay fur ai lpure. beeuclreulared incoitary Therefona dlean and uaduterated 'MaYilliilk pleseconsider ihese suggestions only delivi-red rt te luctory $120 ilîn as inteuded lo be heipfrjl. hundred pounuds Our owri niiii,î,i(Ctiirs ciii bc et Pi» nient for Nlay it will lit- iiiade your service to ii iit-you as nuecit as June 18, 11)12, and tlureaft-er -1ail nul1 tiosible il ri-euil r-n',mi-ýd uiilinig aurcaîr-nilr irtiiith li cii te coiiipruniv,.î:tunur p1atrnarge le. pard for ou)Lite Ith rii luof tire sud assure@ ail fuît i-st and courti-ou@ fllliBg iuotli treainent. Patrons desinitg aivari,,is oni ieir o(n tIreIiit day o itî fi liii L'irlitîy YORK HOUSE wiliiissue s cirular ittivticeti airv ien Tlere aa I!tuileroto etatirig liice that ii i, il foric. la. Je uiii nnierOt i sud iies titireaftcr wrli loi.ii uniit'naal ibear aur R"rtt -ic i-. E.'r 1ly crcniare utii It fctit iioth t. Saiti lesi t uilii lie, prr-scitedail ent tit patrons rnay îio%'> iii rt %%, rX-iilutsrui dsye lu sdvnue our prilce tfil , -iiîîîrg Mrs. Lr.ouiii, Lut-ii-, lias It-in nionrtlu. tisitlng 'Mr. ait I 'f -i, tait Bi rit- Ifi e Mik wliiî-llias Ftot Liiiri ropi t- Vpasit ek. cirrleil or strar ricd ils(,ut mioi)'r it i tit ted Ni r.sud Mrce iGhW h i ttened t ri. tilk, cannîit le.aiie1itedrus i i. itîtit for ruarniag r u t-îîlIiixiltî.r laFoti t i.ur c idensiag purpoiei-t Sunilay t tht- lit.... ifi A. P. Wi-l., 12h, Patrns'caite after Iliriýr*.iieIi- t Ceter street, uriiiui tire aiton ciii le tiboriiîtritin lu-t-il Mr@ Nifcid I iiitliasehiee viîitrîgj and triiized, alut-u ic i t-ut. riliti. pasi «tîîree mi-- ,wililier daugltir, bard and digneshIýle ifoli te ir..Arcitie Nlu iliv ut Luine. wouten bits tirs Vrilliart ~î-iii . of Chicago, le Patrons sitould attend tii rerrîtîn uig V eau i-avers andl turniiig t1wiit i, ; f i iting iter ciiîtttitl, side dowunun a rat-k of sui, kili As 'Mrnsd Mr.. I t.iliarn sud Irs. soenuas possible lut. r thfiir rliru su)Jerry Barris Fc1î'.ît'ii !rtitiîun iîîu t tîrâ.t tey ccliib, hittorouglly ilraiied tirs Fred Vi rili ciii untertai utiii aud fferatd. Ladites Aid t-t ii it-î ified April 24 Patrons are rnlimefeî i) exaulitl au.s tir. sud Mc.. ,i rn eeMiller toI sud ecivers. arî i flot properiy ceneiChicago, visteý lh.piuteMtr, sud ta report tirýe u. tirs. 0.W. fit-i,uiliiY. Aleaye Fiuse cane aitit pure cîîid W' ' i1.Jr. qicut Sunnay wltlt ester befon- strairuung nlik lrtuî tîreru. Wnre i 1111k pelle, straunene, etc , eliuîiî be bis ietee in Rat-iti salded eitit boiliuug ster, teuri îid tMr, sud Nt... lîarC('nman entîýr-i botnigitt amud iirîîîrug. tained WeV. . il J (te:lneuRet. E£ W. Please use en ery possilte curest. Stai t ist Suttdiiý. prevnt fut 1h îîf ail kîads eutering miiht tr. and Mis Chuit lBat-mn attended titr pail ucitii lrkiuir. funersi of hie rtii . 'rre Sisot aof It ia venx irrportunt titat miik eitouid Chitago, lad 'rliiiiliy. Site wa e a-l b. reurrîvedi La ciii. seweet, i.aritary nikown luie-and iiiai ii. lciibe eorry ru place lmmreîlîatei.e after mlliing sud iear ofht-r deuthi eoolsd et once tir ai lue temp-nsture as__________ posble; 58 tou(JO degrees preferred. It jaîs r-yi iilflantt Litimorniwugs ROSER M - milt shoiid aithi- nied eitb ulgîrte nilJnt 1 cooied to tire temperatîrre oI Titere prea, iig in LLe M. E. ai1 it miik Please bear Ilu mmd that buri-r ei u lutile tint- devotéd ta cooling mk, trathr c t ..du alie c oibagbe. isbt sud moruing le ime prtritably trausierred Ltotiercare, not wasted. F. S. Fauîlkner and Toinu Fraziereei Canao!1 alît wbuiulu ntransit ta factory bei a a ueine wlasi week. .houid- be covered cir a canvas ta'Thbe farmner& are hney nw iWetirtiteir pstent nit ronu feezing lu cinter sud epring wonit. ta asiaL luin eepiug ih cool la5ecarmi A numben ai peuple in tbis viciulty are weatirer. 1 euiferiugeitrlaizrilîi. , W.*irelleve h. Oairymsn of Ihie Jhn ntr ais uld iis big tesu tat Vicinity who have baern supplving milk tir Srzo!hasei for the city cousumpîlon for manyMr ulzoItme. pa*rs have baa cooling. ..rating, acCd Cbarley Bci.acr thiliikebie nievitiir otherwhse a cng for l sud Ilis sur- cycle is &Hai iglit. LAM LAK . C. (Jme. vua sWankp4fanvisiter gaturday.% Mr. sud tirm Edgar s'o4e etertsiued their daugbter, MÉiss Cyntitia VoSe of Evausion, sud Mies (Gertrude Vase sud Amay Flood of fluruee, on Suuday. Miss Vers Phelps of Gu.muee. visiter] ai the Kelier borne a feer days reeeutly. Mie Phitepsexpects to sai for Europe tire latter part of April. Mre. Ames received a box of ludisu River oranges lroin ber mother'e girden lu Florida. Tire egg lîun mas iudeinrrely Posi- Sndoigtii tIre critîcal lnese0 ansW right,. et present wrtiug ie8 condition is improved. Mir. aud lire. Keler andi MisestGertrude lianicour @peut Sunday sAit frieude at Dolpir Chard sud !amiiy of Ciicago, Visited relatives itire the jast o!fLtue week. Mir. sud lire Armstrong of Geruge, Iowa, are vl.itors at te chas. 'irigrt home. ar Sticities o! Laie Villa, bomne o! hi.esMater, tirs. Sam Litwilir.r, busineiss bers Mouday. lent.,lionday umomnIng. Fanerai eras neoutransacted business ber beld aitirhe home Wsdnesday alternuon. J. E. Bîxier bas purcirased a lines uew I ee beiy ct sd rniedcoolrîr emîirhb. hb. had irstalied tii )k we bdlyeut nd ruie e@k. Tire new couler is ranih larger yMtire recuite of belug titan tire old one aud in a btig imiprave- r a bors, witich had never ment to tire appearauce o!ftthe cot. ho feit lu front o! tire borne. The Zoo irsilroad;eompany uuloaded a are very aevere, but hir e arload o! gravel amound tîreir depot rn geiti ng out alite, tir. here ta eitisekwhleb cas grestl ypeeded. I1 zarrier ou route 1. Tire cernent eauluI front if te cerne- [eat son of tirsud lire. tery in. ieng put do wu thie wee k. inson had tire mialortrine to Marriedb 4Re.Poltath it bis arur lu two placee last Luiherau' pre Be eey. Posiiea ir April 10, 1912,1115. Bert ha Schiultz to su oJ Fox Laite, bas pur- Wlalter Reims.. Tbey erili te et home to Il'arY property near te tepr frieud, lu lthele iomeeteud iu BMe wll non mt. be is lanrly the future. so preneut. tMr. Walt aud Service.uelt Boday evenîug at tire ron iborre. Episcopal mila.lon. Service heiglu oireuse sud !amlly vioaited at 7:45. Suirjue "Religion in (or Daily nday. Lîle." Everyqer.ited. oillings apent Sunday in tir.. Wm. EIIi., puerail bueineso man- ager oftbePRomecld Press lo.. sd ber Jorm»and r. w assistant. Mio Olive (Coleman, were iu tratsmcted basines. bere Chricago on dkmWdedy Will Doci.W. tb. papuiar drirggist of ck »d famlly drove oui fromt the Rexall Drue Stor'e at Libertyvîlle, tfeir surrhonie ai Gages ras ber. Suaday. naday. retnrniirg Monday. Win. Elli, editer of tire Searclu Liitht risled ~laIte aiAliorsmagazine, Ila.peudlng a fetit day. lu Osit Jay aud Suuday. î tWe ver *peut tire latter- part of Little James Vrighrt, sounîof Mr. aud itir ~ ~ ~ ~ M. fned iVloW. isWrighr t o p-r qLaits, las be-ri vitbfrindest ilmt, is. very ill eitb pneumninrasd tter cîtut bran su efe. Ralpit Proctor pln-aLlons aud i. lusa tery serions vondi- id Mr. Johnson drove ont ti, Lion 111 ome on tbe weet aide of rihe Grsytake Couderîeing Fatiîory. "Y- hici wrll opusen l Mac 1-t, lin.e au llros. have reutetl a îttage lirteretinu noticei tube daîi %uwin-t a is t ie of thte laite tu tMr. and issqti. e andi fauuily. tir. Prerice %Ir sud Mrs. Wm. i1rltr iin fir tite St. Paul railroad. cLniagi. vleitoredre'î, of Ciiago, vii e ttt- ' i iaicoeýuin i ii nc Aliril 21. is im h'ugwrut il] readinec ai VTe, Wornran'e Club mttniii i Mr-.[1 iang fwto to î o3 ii leni) uforM. Ptluw.r tire eseit îttrilt liii i ylot. t------- 3unîer sn-, w- Lt-,i îîvu te Sears Chicago. vers suru. ' f Liberty- ie'. 'e. ee lun caiied ou o? Wauke- o. Kapple a Chicago an opera- HICKORY. B. El. Âmes of Chîcago, vinited rels- tîtesaend friende bers Suuday. tire. Rari Ederarde of Foreet Park. le vieirlng relatives andl friende livre trie week. Joe Marin of Hetiron. ,.eis irîng ber sister, '%rr. Autin tiruttge, titis wa.ek. tir, sud N'rreW. IluntFr tif .i.tiocit, rîited tbe luttenr'@itler M re. Picklesi, Surîday. J. Soreuson use a Ciicagît pruseerier tionday. Ceo. Edwardesud son Warrrenî wcre iu Varikegan Satrîrdsy. MIr. sud tirs. 0. 1IHollvuhaclu vîited at tire Austin Savage home Suridayi Mir. sud Mrs. Alfred Pedersori isitfA 1 tir, aud irs. C. Paîrisen Srilay. Mir. sud tire. Frank Kennedy vieited ai the IËd. Miartin home at Mlituru Snnday. Almondj Webb of Waukewau, wae a mong Hlickory relatives Suuday. Titere wi! ire a basket social at the Hickory churcb lMay Srd, for the irenehit of tbe Hickory sebool. A progrsm erili be given sud ladies, are requeated toi briug basket@. Cofe e w! ireoeerved. RUSSSLL tire. Ed. Revss lîl enterlalutire Mouud Reet oemetery socliety sud ao tire Ladies Aid socity ou WednedaY afternoon, April 24. A cordial Invita- tion i@ exteuded toalal lntereeted. Item- biers are requered tri be preeeut. tire.F. P. 8iver speut fast weekitu relative4 iu Waukîgarr. A. C. Corr as a Kenosha viiter on Satnrday. 0' Sprio oerJs Wei Ne-roib oeol a1 h boadbenprenecpio. ROUND LK Mrs. Everett Cuite8r of Lake Villa., visited ber daregbter, Mr@. Atwell, 01% Tbursday. phil Flarv returned [rom the hospîts) Friay nigbt. ýlem Lydia Litviler of L.ake Villa, la. spendîie a cojuple oif weeks at Rod.II%. WjlI loidor, wife and orlepent Suai day t i pring Grdve. J0.- Davis and wlf.e@Peuit Saturday and Sunday Bt Lake Forest. Te firit 1lal game eras playedgenday Vy Graysilake and Round Lake/Score I~ to -d iu favi>! o! Round Laike. (]eo. Fenderson and a partv of friands from Chieago sPent Sunday at bis home bere. .1 Kreteýhmer and sAle of Wankegan, spent Sua'da ' vut 1- Hvnde.'@. Mfr@.lituph i* pet raturday with ber @iter Btit raniLevile. As Owen died Monday at 10:30oef a stroke of Paralysie. Burw ntl ai(rys. laie. lire. Forton and daughter of Chicago, attended Mr. Owen@ funeral. lilas ladge Pianne8til and Abet Flarey were unlted in miarris"e nt.r oclock Tnesdsy elternoori, Fatber Ser- Rer officiotlng. The-y le! t for Cbicago Tuesday eveniug where tbey expecit t maie their future home. Mr@. tG.c,,Mr. t n.. ,ver acre 111 1tlarried. et ILarge, (rn Tnesday, id again. Kenosha sturday. A&pnil 9, at tire Metiodi.rt parsonage by daugitter Tite appliiauts fuir inailcarriers took 1itev.i oui. Lesmuri, tMr@. Amenda oiurci ~ tir zrti ie 1 Lier il itrmorrili snd Charles Tsggartt'Ms tis.Mevli h. rtuu.11î-îe[rmTagiart ie tire oly son of the lite ltee bers. ei i liiwasl.ete. hrn roiTaggant. Ex-mayor o! Rtocitford, and a ber i@itin ilwakee 1 i1uominent iawyer there for yesre. lira. Nirg. Allen Iixincontinues nery sicit. , tu-il iii i. el i nown iu ibis vieiitY; K -S tirs. LI.. I. onnirer e hi-t-r aiii. siteielte oldeet dangiter ofidr, sud Tite iauy frioude rtf nr.. -Mary M4 à lre iD.V. 'rait. Tley eril maie etiri ilea ilii e îiieascd Lu heur titatse h..las bouwrein istirange, fii., ebere 1Mr. Tailor ~e.v1 tonîloiter brite Irou [lie Taggart is extenslvcly cngaged lu tire der beri wli h a oeil inthe(-Iur(-i o ,oi buina&. Their many f riend extnd Friîdny cc..inu, Aprîl *26. Everylioidv 'ougrâtuiationm. .iTFED iInn ted. YEING ______ GRAND OPENING G Itlueiii'nuLove an eeeunrutrdel Oyen's Cluak & Suit Co. open* Sot. si. in.Taetlve.tirr sanîLîe L.i'riio.i urdiy, April 20, 10F>-107 North Genece IliosCoi c-30-2 Street, Wawkhegsn. Farmers Attein t 11 One percheron and two Suffolk Punch Stallions are ollered for service at the breeders option bg Ilawlhorn farm, Libertq0ile, fil. These horses have proven themselves in evenj way a choice draft horse sire. Mares sent to the larm wiII 6e care[ulIg taken care of and pasture free of charge, and if led grain, a reasonable charge wiII 6e made. We wiII not 6e responsible for Ioss or accident. Ail who want to take advantage of this opportunity to breed to thme Great Champion sh<'uld visit us at once. We of fer [or service Regustered Suffolk Punch Stallion first prize winner and grand champion at the Inter Live Stock Show, Chicago 19 11. WesMslde Chieltain No. 315, foaled Mayj 1906, Sire Ormond Nt~o. 235, Dam Mignonette No. 99. We olfer for service 'Registered Percheron Stallio.n Ion No. 811402.' color gray, Sire Bruie No. 63045.. Dam Iroquois No. 6 1873. 1foaled March 2, 1908. We offer for service Reqistered Suffolk Punch Stallion Imported Sept. 1910. Ilgperian No. 31630 in Vol XVII. !oaled 1908. Sirý 'Smith Sotian No. 2653, Dam Daisyj No. 4398. -WiIl stand by irtsurattce $ Ir to sectire mare .in foal, fee payable when mare is known to be itn foal. Mares tried or bred once Vill. be held for the sea. son's fee juret as if bred hy the season'. HAWTHORN ANDREW EFINGER. Supt. Prairie View, Illinois FARM R. F. D. No. 1 %Ir. Hawkius, care taker of! aummer home bac rturued to Meecre. Harri@ sud, Beait % moned to Waukegau on jury TI Mir. and SMn. Carl Sebirecitof ville, smpent Suaday ai lMr. Suer Earl Henry of Taylor Grove tii vicliniy Mouday., Bilas Wright of Libertyville fi lende bers Friday. NIr, sud lire. Date Carîson,c gan. wereeviitors aitte Oeo homne over Buuday. .%lis@ Vernie Reifer i.. lu a hospital erbere lite uriderweet tion for appeudicitis. 1b Harrîs is able to lie &roui NI r, and Mrp. 1). T. Webt. sud L.ucile a~Me Ada Miti fA~ ~ ~~m aueafaleIniendsl1 J. MAIR1 UP Tu DATE Ladies and Gents' Sits Made to Ord FIRST î1.ASS Fvr(î i. IIA ALSO CLEÂNING, DI AND ALTERIN9 1 - til

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