CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Apr 1912, p. 4

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OFFICIALater PN CNTSRGAOFFLAKEC CAN OME hîmo.t25 frRIDE but Iai Da WHENSUFEREDILLESS wbersuth"y wons îbs4r fortunîe among the Tb lsed XAi.'h.lîý-rtsig iRates Made Knocn 011 Application. NO INCREA819 IN RATE ON TEN ilHEN 8UFPEREOof ILL.NESS fi,, Ulmhe SUBSCRPTION PRICE, $i,5D PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. RIDE TICKETS -INCREASE. According to a dlstaptcb teO heArerafied t l 0 er ldetuésn Krae Is _____ - - TOI<EFEC WD. SUN traiteMontagne,. lch forecîqmsure wo ocCpléd the tares iDotil Dise yeoses, W. J. SMITH..... .................................... Editor Nocedrthagint1hehoeud iimo mntey n ranord CouLrt %nte F. G. SMITH . . . . . . . . . .Manager The Chicago & Not-Western rail-iDowie's there bas been artait. The idIea. nLaiadCu IIIV L. HS R...... ... .... ................. agyedtr rmailcornpany Weàdnesdajy mrning ' roiiowing dispatcb tells of!ttiîsact- Khe le survird hi aevsnsuneand Orsa do annonnced an Increase ln the rate of' ion:dfatersoson Henrywboevinîrtdd twenty-flvt ride tickets betweeon Wau- (specltIeIl.. stN.t ber iw dsaarh futeu eaio ara m. The w Montagne, Mich., Alîril 16.-On 111 1iîgnbirnar:Fanl c FBII X \1i~ tV).kegan tand Chicago. cuto h ajret a neotstiiug f Lldren yvlle: Fraiand u 0 The Increaaed rate wich cuti;oth aletapyItrsAutn f ÀlV l@ yvse f ______________frite_______________7______________________ orprincipal, theInîortgagese bas en- Uîicktelir, David of C resto ns, Cornmssionrs agee wih theSIlNthat atoect vat 7aoetc ockt aenyered forelosure proceedingi against liou;Wa i 54111dOfutKnt, tOm-a; Jaunef, Comiasnes are wih he UNtha auoita ii l's toexl'ta norning calia fer an additionai ý the Dowîe place, Ben IMacDhuî. ThekMr@. P. 6. Dayton and EdwinofO!Pr littIt sense or they wiil be put undler a sort of a Glencot speed ordinance. cents on eacb twenty-filve ride ticket. H 0 os o0ieêbylv r ur tro a, Ii ndMi.E.E.lotn, I (WhicIi wotildn't be vevy pleasant for anybeiy, flot even the officiais.) But oklTickets o? this dernoyrnuluation haveli, ad inaFlre if soMething wili have to bc donc to protect Uhe public unleas the autoistatem. Tikes9f 01>0 m-hoaio hvewb for a nuuber ut yeors p.t'bamSt atve& use discreton. Possibly the formation of an auto club, wth subseciuent beeunsaldt for the paat teit yeara for formai acion by the club.,mould soive the malter. $1150. Titeae saine tickets drew, naw m-r aatuhofpto pubIe hr 4e riaî fuwnr'bar ove bu _____+ ~~~$11,60 on the Waukegan market ta bs-rcednga l uan1iit1ripp aà the moîliar et a very d.voted t Cici CekBrcwy sfeln ate oo vr h ajrt wihdayi Dowies have non ]est posessions family. lier @evon survlvlug #onest CiruitClek Bockays felig rihe god verlit maort whchof the fast plece of an estate that for- tbough tiey had cotatfrom atar doring ho rolied up in the primary. for it la found tat lie had the largeEt voie of s<ny The bigh price of coai and the ex-,reî -swrî vramlin ha th Pait Iminter to sumit th edII sotiera ,andidate, exccpting, of course, the legialatIve candidates, who secured three tremely bard Winter bas beeu given ratnrne co buarmmillton.- Twn ab vell frtrmmany '.0ers. Mr. Bockway'e total was 3763. In fhls homne towii a iecPsnfrtanceae r~allaihome at Montagne, Ilich., Ilîcîr nioth,'. ier te tbegrave. Mie, where lie was born, lie got ait but 8 votes. n 1900, Mr. Brockway got price. mas tie only Pace that -as asved "lLike hie purty Mcd sm-mtoeusor the aboit 100 more vote et the election than even President McKinley In Latai lfrorn the credilors when the atTairs o!f Ouw r0 dueo lieusameof mother 611 County. He lias a rgit ta teed gratified over hic soiendid showrng. Waukegan ticket brokers are con-* John Alexaunder Dom-te lment be the our morld wîîh wiitemnsand frmgrance. ____ idertng a proposition to rais. tbair Aidth iardabipe o! pioncer ile ehc rat. Lcalticet rokrs avebu-bands of a recaiver. The court Tuled wo rowned queen by a iusbisnd and One thIng sa certain. Tomn Grahams and Senator Ois-n. Lake and Mc- rte.Loal tice rkshaeotat e widow of the deceased tound- eleven ebldren 'and tiers lite ber Mià@* Hienry County, are persenai friends, like each ater and wli work tagether at fore cbarged $1.10 a round trip durIng er o! Zion City sbould bc given pos. 5pýuthirifii service te others. The Opringfleldl just as earnestly as If they came froinlite came covnty. Mr. Oison hast years and today they are conaid- sese f e %acDbui. vote that tor four score and four years ât hams siin his thouhgtfulness for Lake County In the pasi sand beÇause hatlrng a plan ta rmise this rate ta ssio !~bau borne Oouy Messages of kindoe.a sul « them votea of the caunty (iacklng 25) heartiy endorsed hlm for renommea.I î: Ail of Domie's vast holdings in Zion n>ors be huard by the ear bot in the tien. tes flot the kind te forget that consideration. He wili aid Grahamn and I- City, Includlng bis fine borne, bis for- initier heuranmd ouf wili neyer ceses t Grahtam wili work with hi.m even titOugil Shurtieff wiii likeiy continu Ti- eu ride tickets between Wauke- net tp niture, étables and lu fact the m-ble stieOk su long aut menîury rtinainu. flose t every turfi, 'ha Snîtator fromn the Eghth. gan and Chicago are selling for $550. 1 otte ws une ovrtaoth conrts Plannings loîling, étacriticing for ber -,,No increase irate bas been annoiinc,-, tasariafy tbe daims ot creditl:. Had ncîsuîrenlxe neer th onutth<a u-I o ls Charles Lauder, frmnerly of thiiscity, lias betflnil ilf emî'~îo-eon tk4m ! tîsdnmnation If nul beau for te libieraitty î#tbe fas-olva m 'altier lhovs. ,Yars have As m-saexciuaively announced Iluicoartathie bomnein Nlililhgati wouid c rrupou, the loin lbas rithe biiood, the wey et Mnmouth afler but a couple of year' residence Ihere. Vos just con- ho.he Monday issue of the S-'N. The bavle ben atasias e He te , hee go as llt ha nuit keep a good man down and Laider has risen in Monmouth just like he ate 0 te nntiytcktsca n tbeccotfast s Dstudbr 5i-ilesttteiti i gorte lias tithba would have adv.anced lure had lie e-.aned in Lake Ccunty. He l'as the r k ritcsred thirty cents. eetyNr. veadbrotuu, tise baud trenkibilî, iii-fru, m-ms j-on, (liadstour-. liveid in the Montagne Kliss e s t h" 1b1i0i.tire JIU. pas-Pd ing of ar hoder of more titar average ability. A geierai increase off eun i-ts in,îuu managîng te cia' 0ont a rath- Iîrofiîu<îrîeçue iikir. .-imfis- in allinterurfan trenty-ise ride,îîclmi-_ r oexistence. Then meben '.%ra.s. <'îtiee rulinîîrrsjiiDare madaiiiîd 1 ýrpoowo niiiid rbartiîrîr anid îroduc.- reeuits Tite proposed plan cf merging the K. of P. and te Odd FeIloas irI î'slibina'nucd ij'DCteiestee"anrotereko- tsîtioulae, :i1iviuc bad onealer ail, fer, it seems a tbc ethe tact tfsat there -re Ina many fcý;tcrnai o - w81p, , uillcluVi t I*and aa elieved tau hi d>ln, shebmas 1heil1îlutrmuid tihe-deatIîibeiasotru suWedtîrsday. ire:ioved ta a saniýariîîni lu Battle <miant fs iii oriaîd <i a -ir lis. orders In thse cmunt.sorrany in fact thatl t i bard for inie t:) tiri, . NoFurthe Advances. . 1101 i ii ce ýgo dom-n lirtcith li fui vi- 1< cOmmstiiy. reeic. After lier tes osers-the saut lieutr siers up i toluwpiglituther.. dîiwi. l es something like the cburch-if there were a fcm- consoicnt.ans of cnurccher, Tl s n- i :s.e fier triplo it wîft t iiim ,e,îuredî a jsîgeiientI un the l ncnite i n ii~ itîdiiîk trnters-st iLid1e jlintais kecr., or. possibty a litIle keene. and tl'e strutois for- Pi- rd- II ltoi i-ssu titan !i.,,n,, joisc Iosatisfy its Iiis i~for tb, cari' vili(ir giîid tiîuiizits withiîi ii firit- exstnc sod mot be sc hard. Sua wit the frate-vral cîee. i'i i11111 s. ho ride bili and forb h 'iî s. DounirTii' huaaboauto. m- bliu --;0.1i i i a" ilii t r-de tciets bea 't Dlii 1lîîîrhen T'.s s%rundw iii ck Toor.uc '~taîc cnvt e created in the natter of piantln rf't 1' hsn. tr ceî ta dy 150' a telescuttilu- tilmî ,tn o-'<itiui i iy' Ktk ~>,ru ild Ufi - it ,liiii liat lias iivîiartv.l lias enrichi-j anssaruba in Waukegan. And, mwheelite questicn is ufor clscusIecn, il aiu's1'r o t etero -s stei sliere lho la studiitg for the- ninistry o, r s -anu t %vasa iîrmwîsu auîci MSigt sasa te well te do a litV3 talkiuug aboicu people piantir.g more orc;tords iýre sv~il' i- nsfils, hr advans'es ~tieSr.Dsi .isn nthiauli îus- in 1 ill'wrî ha l thain they nom- are îlanting. The apple orchards in Lake County are fast belng brbrTe da-î ýj _rý iug vainiy toaturround herself i lit,-i'conte teluvrgatatilithrilibrI ii vii f t I l'e Pfidt1 ;n-il- . viairban territocg cîti eveti a bandîi il te cavse puis 1laitine, hase Irarrd lrtter, it ixi taien in duipleteçt and ne attert le made ta keep temn up. Titere la no easor fortlils ýtýog h oe fTs u trea om-Jietas -e a evr rd i k fu. 1'usr: t'o zas rar as Watikr erfîti following that nas aI lite bock ioug impoips i unî-tres 'Pur cian fipi.heeaous eopc US V. e s, i'htica d ltarringtonaîsd sali of lier hiisband. Siteliasiazole but ît carnutgise liii.-Sa oiîrs 'igs Muet asl un paýt years. I Wace Loirg Money. held mieettu'gs in Chuicago, but bier ef- liues are rrirPd 1,Y tluis lire' unis as it i hav ' e c"mide a -art-Iiil check of forts bave been met mith Btrikingi drank in the inviguroting file iif iii-lSon! The new saloon ordinance adopted by the Counicît appears ta hecaabas>and It la bettered thatosisexifentii1lti'ou.'iriand i-ila',. I. il Chut sise go"on e, providing the commnissioners enforceit ta te letter as te>.de- i si rllno eted'."urn(a racticaiiy gîvetS n1) the atteuiptt.-.1,ttr,îî. ~ tIlevii ,t,,î hit ta:tinte v-ro unduiltha-, trains wvicl-i iiiiens l tir itention. Thte ordinance la a complete cone lut many osys: hX'ýVitts ber bore nel-i(uhigan gotie lP' od surey provdea te regulation of the saloons, if officiels are desivous' eut 1115 itlit 'assensrptrs carie niayv elum btaZIOn ('ity anîd seek *0a- g i olet.We eao seeain the ordinance a number of fetures mhlch Pen<5 Ph. 'Pliore-tari stheiatse hran"gt iteiiosn ?lt fi trebeundci t Improve te saloon situation linte city '4owever, no ordi- _11n,-,cmue uth-stîîb i~ . for thcre a,-ý ses eral isb avae 04nSa ne malter hose weilldrawn ilcof mucit acco 'ntes ite officiaisfaf- O 5exerbume xustawatsaremained frietea10the teacbing astIIls roviionsn deali.We bliev lit comîssuners !0 continuîe ta meet tbe dernand of ou:r of Dr. Donte. ____ 4A fey ot t rvsosi eal ebleete ritsinrseeîng . eMl WN Osiy have adopted a nese ordinance. tntend enfovcing ilIn te strictest -îu uns" for irai lass serv ie. Wtîeuii i vin v am.We belleve the public and sa!loonkeepers themeielves sliouid co-oper- i's"t b t iossibîle ta do ao v i- FitPaeMasM c e wlb Iem. -.------------ iettcr our prescrit service" au____________ The candisdate -orareturination for (1 Au an Instance otfm-St mu>. bc don ln thte dair>. business b>. keep;nz; MASON WINS NOMINÀÂTEI stbe vlglt k ind a! cows, te terd of W. H. Garden o! Slon Mills, nortit of Me- ' ioay, affords a str-!ing example, sccording tolite Richmond Gazelle. I-is' %W~d o! 22 caies, pure bred and hlgit grade l-oltelns, prodsîced durlng te FORMER WAUKEGAN MAN S x mowm a 4!janssary. 33,806 pounds of miik, m-blet was dellvered aItlité Weiiand CNRESA A ARE0 I 11111ing plant. iringing $1525.41 for te lhirty-one days. Tiis lo an average of. U UHCIPRIL 't»$ pounda per cose for te monlt or dbout ffly poundal per day. Thte bestW U.IeWmdl production for the montit mas 2,318 poundsl and te second best cow prqduoed 2.218 paumelle nn.lanuary and 2244 pounds in December. Il m-hI be Vl'îmE. iasoun. te former \Vau- a loi b theÉe figures taI hie best tom- gave an average of 741V4 pounds per day ,egan tutn mho la m-eh knom-n here,fi $gtise month. Sucit a yleld seese almost Incredible wben te ardlnary i ag-atun i lities hy being named as i*isthe6aveage trd is produclng ton le lwelva pourde par day. However, tifIeumues o ogesa ltwosld ha interesting to geltte fod figures fer Mr. Ga1dne.-'s ie.-d and flnd tt large lu Illinoia, tbe ther beiug M lat liItIcosl 10 produce titis mi. tB. Mi. t'bipperfIeld. ni. Masonvm-s e +I fortuerly C. S. asnalor frorn Illinois.s le bas m~aoy close frieuds here mho v A news sItem ic iod tells of te formai inauguration of dancing in the~ are glad to ein hlm victor lu blà re- Iigh schooi gymnasium for hitgi scitool aludents. At tiret titoughtl Il appears cetn coutest. Titis menans that te m-iIl hmt an Item f simait Importance. Itlel, liowever, onle cflthe most important: te oua' Of Ith to lsportant cOn$reas- vie" Items of te day. It centaine "food for reflecian"; itlal an Important and me"n t large froni this stale and m-ll bold a mxont important Poition aI radical step wiich tas been laken ln Waukegam ntan mhose importane wîll1 not Wahington. show vtsihly, but which m-i in ime, ln our opinion. manifet ilseif lnte 1ilves iu peln do01qte ne- of te aludents mho are nom- able te take advantage ofthlie privilege. istand what a congressman at large Why not basse dancing in thee aciools?- really Is, The SeN inqired and flnds At tiret tbou1itt one ehels againal lite suggestion; il doesn'l seem te the statua of this office as folloies: proper place to hoid dancing parties; echoola are meant for mental educalion, tInîete tiipabersn e boste oren nul éducation of te liteness of ones feel, etc. presedlt:cr's b n proportIcn Io thier BUT -plopulatiou. The cens taken by tbeý I Afler one sops and i te>s.iiui over te malter, lie answers hir-ý gu'meri'i2Ct laenmade every ten yeara. self n thiti%a ma. The dance, if it a tobe eld-and il WILL be iteld because 1Tlisrefore. anis> crease of population yosjng people lîke ýt. because it a a part ohfliteir social ife, wmfot haid il inlcre.szse2 tis number o? memnbens In the bouse ofrepcecrtativea fnom cacb under proper conditions. even IN SOHOOLS; te> coulda'l bc heid le a bettes state. Ater te number o! members place; mith teachers présent t0 art as chaperons, t la even lacter 10 hold tem t i os !rpceltvsbv ln actuel than n somne questionable hall wilhoul chaperons; in tact, mhen one liecii ixeul by te poliulatloti, Il Is the carefully conideva the matter, It sees quite the thinti l do. 1e use tha gym dauty o! the t-îaté. legislature ta divide for dantes. I the olate Int congreseional district,. 1Tht- legisiature o? Ibis tate ln 1901 It m-hi hase a lendiericy 10 alse te standard o!fte dance. A question. dis-lued te state loto 25 congresalon- aile dance COULD NOT 13E HELO n thte seitools wilh teachers present; te a] districts. tact litaIlil lb HELO IN A SCHOOL aI once raîsea the standard othlie eveel Coder te lasI cevuas o! 1910, te above te average pane. il s somelhîng lîke te Paruat Hanse; thte tact taI state o!fIlinois le entled tu tm-eflli an évent îa ta take plate in htat hall ai once standard, it l proot seven meinheril o? the bousnonei e tht iIlaisaarespectable aRfa v ieevery may..At te same ime, were te saine i nttve.Alite tediiate of IbI state basfaedldvdeHeta1 c lae o! young people promoting Pariait House events 10 try ta itold avents ln -Into îsrenlY-aeven dittriOtt, Ibis state oea4in éller hall&sin the city, te eventa mouid not assume te standard lhey tu. Iburefore, entitled to send lm-o mass do. Il la te PLACE te oaste is ield as mii as te PEOPLE who pro-'- momiters o! couerespiman at large mho "bileIl whicb counits. *Sc, mitite higit sciool-it is becaulse IT 18 A CITY are voted for and elecled b>' the vote $01400L Iliat sucit an affair aI once assumes a standard abat-e an ordlnary of th@, full state, b leietsaturei aboulA base re îroportIoned tise eate dancea hall. mbt twenly-seven districts,* and tie Ilu tact, nomIthaite, mater is up, te thougitt arises: Why mlot openl congreseunen at large are tharefore, tise sciools for social gaterings of yaung people <wheter tudenîs or mot) necesisry sethaltite tate Of Ili- and milow ai wto cureate,.tlatatend tae gateings. It mould bave a tandency nois can be represented in lie lme te provida an amusement for yonng people which m-uid be beyond eproacit. Proportion as te otiter stales o! lie lit nigit provide A floNw i Dance@ moul met necestarlly bc te main Union. $Wljm-Thte Attorney General bas mimd that Ides of suais op.sî-âchOaosthffllngs; allier tealurés coutld anCd would b. thaugit congresaien at large are staleeffi- of. #Va s mater on mhou Ibeegli can he well spent.ces i.> hope luv. u in ithout havlug lirstIj position ou tle lîtn.ary ballot. Fiatl îonitiou ia c orth ci esnumore thati bas leen estimai cd. The gýreat mass o? te voters o? "luth parties 1,00w be- fore goitîg te thc poils for 'sbom they wish to cote for presidlent, senator, aud governor. Iielow those offices tite first matn ounlte ballot I.o Most likeiy, to gt-t tiht- votes o! aine men osit o! t-n Il lias been demonstrated In Ibis campig by thte nomination o! every caniudate on the RepubUican dtate, ticket frorn govertuor dom-o, wbOse naines appeared first on the ballot. Tralned t0 Use Ro1h Manda. The childrenofo Japan are trai ,ned sU ambideaters, using both bande sqnaiiy sut-ll The art of making watches Sa@ bt-en marcîing abead steadily for yper. Watebeus base more bralpa' and akliipullinto their makînglo dayi than user. AndAealbi iey are IptIinu ciampen ahi lhem-iuie-whici ielaratier traga. It on wrould like lu learb just bsom- fan Ihe watci maklne art ha@ ad- vance, tbis je the viace la eotae lu. Il yoo m-taito lfnd oI um- owchmP a rsallvrelilble atiLh eau lis gelA visit Ibis store. Our matcb stock conlains ALL liat the art of matcb maklng bas lo oufer. AnAdm-s wiliingly piaà ounr lime at your dimposam. A. HUSS- JEWELER àadsdo wà@ ale. Tbi i l ltwi trvram V sàr 4 1mW the lx«04VÇ co nome furlb anoaiier msasn -fa argar couapss the abuse tributsle a W a p»Ity. Wtbdrawn s rott u pe k.i; the. s.W. L .Wilpîîe. Putr >ot ptitlivela any. tBpiàklng of lisi Firs W. E. oburci of LhhrÎVYUW1bwh i bcing deai lie Aposl. s"id" otllclted at ths e rslueebeid MOadai, ç=11e 0 Mydeparture isa t baud.- Apî'l Ir)-, et O'clock P. lu- Mter, the rhe word lransiatad .departusre *&s eue servites. boid froni lie homeutofFmae îsed by amMàrefor ioinx tiaesabffle maid Tu-pp, bar aident son Ibsu-nîontei emaine Ifting i atchor. BI@ body bail vm-r. borne lu lia beautlful cemetery ai ichoreilhuaina lsthé littie borbor 0ut l a my, Ipl. eartbly lire. ,but daalh war about lta________ onth lhie dlotnd1.bissout saI out nut oborise& u. Ibm- farrow fle THE EVANSTON VOTE. lons seaso. A luie harbor @buttlu utwt%.n sgries, etchoing rQîis, but mheu hatoî ceater, andl tie sit itan îmd lera ls the vots ce congrees in Bi- wu eta open hoiindissa @ea, tIaIllfe auloil, lie bomne of-Engsilbata, and o"s book tlu larger lite buttoerrte ita aullin, Mr. Foss beiug a littla out o1 own cboracier witb It. Wheo tlsîbody te vanalon section, lni Chicago prop- rap# trouainte joal th. lutter ilaIsot iageA hy It. Death sipioly closes an: probation and fixse charileter. mbal FuSas......... ................ 1291 se are m-ewselhbefraser, soa etial the Paullin.............18 ls sill be growlng la Ibat cbaractena Engelbard---------------------..874 ltartllng thoughts lu hlm msslit a ase..............7 surtinU, Joyouu. houaits a luii swiha -----------------7 boro a m-uelhy Ilile. We ama drasrlng loseard lia svening. Saine axe morlng Ail Me I-ad tla 9a With Il tom-ard a glorlous soestt beesuse Christ .Ad you actuaili conseltlite lot se la lieu> thé hope ot giory. Ifoun theortIc? Cnaay siados esepea m»d tii louAs tof aven- Tour mifs nnfo re'"Cnaei la gathér. What m-ii lIa smelting? C.rtainll not. I -soqhiiled-". WUIiyon ateh up thse choral sanîg of -- - Trools you will soon need Chatham FannngM Ln Van Brunt and Hooisier.. DrIlla and Seeders Deere and Janesville Plows Bud long Disc Harrows IF IT S FROM SUcHANCK SCIiANCKS IT' S 000DBRS Y' PAYMENT LIFE 'PTION POLICY PREMIUM RATES AND OPTIONS Issued by the OId Michigan Mutual Lif e Insuramnce Company, founded in 1867 N7 ÀGIL AT ISSUE 20) 21 22 2,1 2i 28 21 30 .12 33 f34 3, 393 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 .U 55 ANNUAL PREMIUM T r FOR TWENTY VEARS $31 22 fl44 317 ;4f2 54 32 9it 33 27 33 i63 34 107 314 5-2 :15 114 35 60 36 21 ;W M 17 :17 -Im 38 361 39 24 40 14 41 13 42 lx- 43 33 44 W' 45 86 47 28 48 70 50 22 51 82 531 52 5 5 24 57 055 58 90 60 Sf1 62 81 614 86 67 01 1OPTIONS AT END 0F0 TWEPNTY YBARS UPON SURRENDER CASH AS BELOW f;124 401 4128 80) 633 ff0 W19 40) 645 00I i - . -'t 665 40 6172 6(1 (;,'ï1 401 40i340 712 1)1 724 10 737 40) 751 6o1 7017 204 784 801 802 I80 8)22 (10 843 60 866 60) Sb!1 0( 017 2de 9)44 410 974 00) 1004 40 1086 40 1070 40 1104 80 1141 00 1178 00 1216 (;0 1256 20 1297 20 1840 20 WTHOUT SURRENDER. A PAU-UP POLICY OF $1,000.00 AND CASH AS BELOW $214 37 210 il 20-5918 202 59) I198 72 1ii4 MO( 1942 (X)i 189 14 lm., 81 1131 42 183 iII 185 45 189 107 1914 5M3 2001 4' 2o7 97 216 68 227 36 'M 45 25 a3 7 268 53 2 85 76( '1014 10 f24 17 3146 39 36l) 20 31M402 4191 87 447 56 47(; 48 507 02 589 72 Under this Policy Contract the Insured ia Guaranteed Everytliiig--- There ila Nothing Esimated APNY OTtI!R BUSINESS, CAN BETTER AF FORD TO WAIT. Write to your Niôhigan Kutual Life Agent To-day. Yours trul$, JOHN HODG, DISTRICT MANAGER. (watoh tbis spaoo next and,.ucoeeding we"a A liv. e ssge very #nsu&) IUb.rtyviile - - .. , T.FI"" - '1'. M77 -t, el '¶1 v f. + * * * * * * * if if * * * * * * * * e * iii il * ê e - Umm'~ 'e %Ji a

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