4 LAE CUNT IDPENDN y WAUKEGAN WEEKLYSU VOL. 0.-N. 31.TWUL e PÂES LMB4ITYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIB. FRIDAY APRIL 26, 1912. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50, PER YEAR iN ADVANCE sottienient with county Cerk--Con. IlEU Y>DE O TITANIC he liasi;lved as a ci 11, for t weiit3,JgIIjo rad, »o'oks, Krechner ilve yeare.,uu u seUflment wth Circuit Clr-or ieceali a relativ e diod, i. a, eneon. Meyer (7), Wplch hl.110,11, mu I Settlement with Sherif! - WIsbGURNER A ASOEO Conrad, Gens..PSSN1RSWH LSTHIME Ig rank Paddock, bis neîîhtý,.uri n Roontionh - Emmons, ConradPsEGES H OS I niIC I ition h e rcroild iîîoflmor$2--,T !f Counfty Aid on Bridges- Stratton, O S U frest oison f. waBII. Simone.DJ EF EO L AE OTnlF0 bliii~ o oe~ o IIEô U <hilier-ea rcKliebnrltei Oterw ho wrc. et, f ouitbly____ er. (W). According te, the published lestof ibis arranîgenment startetl a i iocr"'rling êIIMLAO PRK SUPRVION Judges of Electlon-Broecker, Em- EDWARO MILLER 0F HIGHLAND the eteerage paseerigers on the il. SETTLEMENT IN FAMOUS CASE tT, h;ve a onsoîator pîuolîedAT DEPATSJAMS ELC Liena-Smon. !iather. Prier. PARK COMMITS SUICIDE; PIRES ftdstae1îtncjetgvn COMPELS HlM -x DIVIDE liial i Fddc I r igt ie clar- RSEL MNA ONN DEFEATS JAME WELCH Ucenn-Simons. Maei out today, (Thuraday), James Ela- RVDT BE EYSA 15 TO 10 ton. emmne. ('Claixs-Ferry, Strat- BULLET IroTu MIS BRAIN. bury, 50 years Old. a wcalthy WITH RELATIVES j il ,iiittO If this had been done PRVO O E EYSA ton. ellanes I 1 ira ouil îrvaidar,. 'he agrýe.ne:u bh- Printing-<lttenden, Goo Walsh. ____farmer living juet West of Gir -r rr and i- inrii îrIrbýaid the Purchasing - Maeher, Ferry. Ed- met and acrose the. road f rom the I foriîr \ IrIiCI ne%îcr ba,. bren allorred THOUGHT GUN WAS EMPTY HAIES COIIITTEES -ards. ulic-grKnSI OUT 0F WORK FOR DAYS Or. Foley tarin, was onecof the IGETS $11 2,500 AS HISSHARE!L0 na:ila ui ,Tht i. t ien lie diî'd, Public uliesEeKng pi-passengere drowied. Mr. Es-iË4 sirr ni 'i r, erjiraili man. bury ha& ived near Gurnee four Ili hi. esit¼'tt.i ~gii BOY AIMEO GUN PLAYF'ULLY AND P'rblir f"11,11 gAu(iting I"-tit yasadwsWelkoný1 NUMBER OF COMMITTEES IN- g Kr Ch- thîdyyeara an waINwA POOL; I~N. CHICAGO RECLUSE TO MAKEte rn. PULLEO TRIGGER AS SISTER CREASED THIS SESSION ner, Blrooks, flroecket. CRS A OIO NAPO ail over the county. He s'.ent to Tuýo Hcarînigs Held, A NFON FHM PROM 19 TO 25. Itla noticed that Maether la made OF BLOOD BY MIS YOUNG .WIFE England lset PaIl te isit bts HOME WlTH NEPHEW IN T'lie fli rtittg iri :1r Wal ANI ROTOFH Pr s-charman of the mot Imîportanît corn-OTW CHILOREN. cidodhm n a eun T. M. Clarke of Highland Park milice on the board, tie purcrhaig ADT Oing t hdoodhie mad fWSS ciiren THE FUTURE kegan anid Mw. )Igîlt 0o,1'\,!ittnî pervior frof-nt iieorield Sa,. Tluday committee. The coantt.foaetrom-t ts jf m fvech dcci.r it c'foer-irr tlt i hithrit;.tî wt albeo h wtren de accIdnt happned Hîtr eali e iM.as 4ilong 1lut of *didii tkeoçs i, ~ elected chairman ort tue supervisers mittces, anoîher Importat commîttee, lkýslyifdeflc3 c voled lry a nmans i- famlly have Mot yet been aporied Watertowni, N. Y., April 23-Und ircls ru, uritîîti llr-jaltdi'aciet bs (od lmr ul bilily 10e iroltnie worl,, addedonue more' of hie fats. he terme of the Paddock gttiCe odd. acdnstts (ody axer James G. Weicb of Neiwport, by le headed by Brooks. The ptthec build- longh]!setoorsuicidcath green ete.nGorePa liard llgbilithe rase wr'tt lbe 311k iaorning at t:2i) oclock, when ar a vteo! ~ i) ii AI mmbes x- ng leanthe iporan coitltte erridr lngSent'Twc Letterre Hc,. aheiarreementd n a dis Geingettil t aldixsbmaiî. ninea onr-old daîîg'hter c oepln AnonSornsn.of lnbro wlhl'~crairclaiman Trxrda ioîaiig, vhmn Fdward \411-' The following tso r-t. trîti-endosk and hîs nephew, Frank Paddock,. Later the case nias t0z, io tiiV -r Conradi lshmaîx, who resîdes ona 1-labor ses prsen. îe laslc in The ommttu on aIe adpte- th- o. aighland Il'lkcaretý1ri, ettd ton oied ln Waukegau îti l ii Nstands, and the former **rmmxn'gyrlr r..r r.- Ui Harorwrniprsan. le l sik ieThlo ivas onrshotaopandte enastI . -_- lied. The six new oemeters of the saute rulie s atctyear exr-olîing a is eartbli rareer bh3 ilHog acr roteia eee WtWtron hr *j ake isoi e3lîter3 rrbliidt' 1v kftri lRslldwa Blleved nsteant- board were dully seated. es- changes. one of! whjch l h ihave ballot rnoebi lirin ar hefs lioghre. erEgwtr hom he utre. H tneheouit le ry biteîng Iait, tns:r c it - Anl. h bywx ly A close contest liedIbetn waged for daiv meetinrgs t 1ho'clek, inst'-ad Miiller, wlio rûendes wsxth lits wife and i Egand Frankin thewhfmu here. Ht epe, slthe jmalte ilgrriaran tont idigwt htg some day., especially ail day today Of 9:1j0 and the total cýrmteittees word Irro cîxidren ut 810 Oak etreet, Hligh- April 9, 1912. three-sixteenths of the personal and beex made for another triali îiîi bT)e gun bleonged to a twenfy- between friends of the two candidates increaced ln order 10 labo rare Of the land Park, iras fund lylng in a I,001 First National Bank, Waukegan, Il.: three.eights of the i-taI property, his as to baie s'arted tbis week. The >oar-old brother. The older lirothoe. r rr ntnti h frtinomI alt 1 lifileiof llood 1î is s ife. Thc, lifelesir forinm WiII s.lI ..the Tenth. Will land in shtare amoantlng in ail to $112,500. settîrnient puut a costoti ti, latawr- ue arflt ove the was talion was axxlythng certain as The prlmary electiol xtneiewalo 3 ing in ten besirle is wife when New Vork City on or about the Six- 1 B s bcxe h retnrned 10 the bon»e teo the resuit. But one balot vias were allowed. areragîng about $91 for! sIte airtoko . suicide Je a -0-n îeeth of April. The foregoitig d4upatch recoireri by $2#00N FAILURE aller awhunntlng etpedltion but Sund"~ taken as il was later declared a formai eacli precinct. ef WVllilani Stteele, a jîloneer rosident James Eisbury. the SI'N today caste anu ntrd 1i! AT HIOULAND PARK ira,.t-be exce-ption. ballot. On motion of xrcoks the builîding o! th cil3. LETTER TO CHAS. CHEEVER. erent light on the1Paddockjci as lI1Artoldivesiras iaonately fond 09 Foijowng hi@ pleoslon, K'bairinan t comnitte s Iote lil, rîi tb the! Mille r, ii lm feartd, lest courage, Boroughbridge, Near Edgewater, indicates tule diefeat o! Frank Paddock. irearmes and aitliough ho bad nevoi C'ait~~ 'Drig n~~~r~ eas Nrt Sceeotr,îemater of wlien beormas anabie tîo HeIeîe IEgad e liadit een giron the entice estatol ANorth8.h1912.eniolinthegpt $vrde the ne.uitnelident1îHIGHLAND PARK COLONisTs BITE rrliot off the gun he deigbted tirapla r? 1 have been a superviser, thlure bave sgtx c.rnrrtwt h oi este fIf o i leadcu besaedîfrneofoiinbtty. M.Bok ere htteOddren. I-elihs bbrn out eTfs'nrl, it lasMr.Chast .heever, Waukegan, Il: errirg tatIf bisuk, .Georgeo ad- SES OF WEALTH-. Rbooting. The facît-bhal the gun »Tes pernsoaîl>. iehae nerof oadninbt ed- ntract. a tlye pear affair, expired li said, sinrie the carpenters' strike was If you want me to corne home tend dock. wero uectareri inconîpetont, that before liait been left loaded ln tbh Ing agalnst av ase a any br x eptn -e l uly. 1902. and the coanty bas paid lIt called in Chcago a few weeks ago. me a ticket. Al well. lie would loue oierything and v.oîld CAREER AS ENTERTAINER AT bouse made the parents willing $Or ch ainstcanemucli rePontbulte rate udcotmnc xrre readinriec Hs e l stknown ln Highland Park James Eisbury. have tu ebate eqaaflr with other rels- MORRAINE SMOOTHED WAY TO hlm to do this. utmos triedlinv. Theerecilieo liate nosauyeephie home forkl wma 1y4The following lelter nas recetcd thes aftir the rlrath o! George, hre de- ALLEGED CHECK KITINO. This mornlng lbefore going to stho« n and 1 shah put forth every effort t aeg e otatdI ute flli sre Dr. John L. Taylor, coroner lsCnmclnrCalhrrrrbnedeYbacl Iestteetofrd- -thereblîdren were playing togetheti. the office fsatisfact-ortîr. If I have azy Ju t o! tecmnitehaigfLaite county, willi lreelde ovrorthe "bout ApriI 10 or 12: by the orher relatives. This gîtes Edwin Duslîn ftuggles. flie dasling Arnold icked up the goal. Tlwougo i fallings. i shaîl beg your Indulgence power Io aet.Iena 1î e ntlinquest wblcb wilIlieho elli ln Higli- Bournemouth, England. hîm as hie r'. ble share, conasidorable andl caplivating bond iroker wbo the open door lie could sec a&SUISt aid ak pour earnet support. The Tunemtigte dore ni lanrd Park at 9 oclock this evenîng. March 29th. more Ilian otue-bal! o! the original e-ý promised te increase the riches of the statue on thbe piano. t additon otsix cw menliea neca Anlnter1tanmtblnnle onnecion ae realir wcretake 10 te Pror Der Chef:eIarn endHighlaandatParkh iraciared set toiams {igband Prk1scial et bs gon a I cal bitthatttatue."li r- "%Iate, the readiutment of t-le coni- wît h nku fÇhI., lreUdelkn aalsmelweeliynew on,,(postal) bearing a pcture of The fact that th,, original agreement bock t-o nature-milklng cows and that sadplyul.ad, -e ret Initee. Terear no lbee cm-ofte s urrervisor. le bis a l nersinh tll i heautailibhe nay f brl. apoltceman. This scenery la 2 or 3 lctween himsel! and hie oncle stands, sort o! lbing on an unprelent-iousrre thaxthegpl a l ad, hey erdeiif bern on ach ommitee nd ech mrlu Wif Gid't Har Sot. miles from the laie of Wight in or- ixdicateB tbat George Paddock wililet Libertyviiie--and b ad hie Id sas- thig.At thnwloadrcd, b ued 510* ber oncac comttceandeac mcl ubIlci Y, bis iack o! vanity, etc. Vlienl Wf Od' Ha S . sett.ît ea aIovely place. 1 arn îiunk. continue te reeeive bis weekly allow. soclat-es Do longer speak asetbey pacu ltîle salter. Illewie Ignorant of t»a ber bua a chirmanahlp. We mut in- 1h U srdfraiîtr that Impossible as Itutay seem, M1ro. cUreasefo apituI haeI como lavngittee n he10orf nctoh$5.JumembPadokersby costhe valocommIttee' emibes ughlieho inuin the. paper ta connec- Miller did]flot bear the ftali iot - ng ! Isveg tgînd n he Othcfanc o!$25 Jao wy Pddok iasli3 fact that thle gun was loaded. on te vrios cmmitee."lion sithbibrrrelection as chairnan otf Miler hsd a .22 calibre ruS le whlcb haprîl. i fi ouwîI ell SpingbY deorteide gtxlmr e t elaetnwrufi-r ltdenlarey somilnthie menionbedfaîly rau le front of ilas If te &IVg4 Conrad movcd t-at a committee of tîxe board, Iis surîrriclng reply wae lie succeed-edlIn emugglln 1 ledvi10iha im. Ils eil Horn 00Notbbicso I io eclland rxThhaetbrearfomlllte achnargbseun. hefetchrg ! *5 ii s Oe le ame tareîsetheraes nd ecive: hm itloutbi wlc lelg aareo!are the cmre, Vours truly, It wae doubîless doncseat tbe reqlue '.Moraine botet colony who onvy 'Rug, eîtruck ber le the liack o! lbe ha.& report Friday. Commitîe named: 'I' havent a picture-l bhavent had the tact. Soin0 ime after sie went MJnmee EPontry. a! hin eme sh omera.wbo bas urg e s e wsonceairfeciteonclhocalleu-cmltl latetghrsuî Brooks. M.eyer, Ferry, Eger, Conrad. one taken since 1874 and 1 don't-know t-o sloop be placeri bis bead nnder teIb eBe Mc Gt P ot Cth.hle1 mae isbone m.the yniceW.openarteisnce owbeis ndied lnstantly. Conrad moved committees naned te wbere that onoeW-."lied clothes and wrapping smohr ci. 0ir o h ie. ofolg.W BMrin lowtbbs Sacly had the gun exploded thos look over primary judgcs-clerka buil. lrged to bave a picturetalion tht t-ebled ciothes over the monde 0of the doulit butlb.rt lue laines Elsdb!iury, Orvit Expected ît, broîber. Samuel J. Jr.. wax nickcd ta Arnîold ran te 1h15 lster'asbide Mi Commilt-ce namerî: Edwerde, Ficke, J. a cut miglit liemade, Mr. Clar-ke gun, pîaced it agaînet is bead. Tben whoee notre allýii-rs ti the liet of -I bsd lien given toernderstand the extent o!f8$35000 (t-o eay nothing trî dt-o gel ber te sPeak te him. Tbés, G. Welcli. Newport. Later the board dccllned witb thanks, oxplaintng t-bat he reached dow.n and Prlîed the trg- tlioseidrowned. is tIhe samne man who fiat an effort was on tolto effect a about the $10000) whlch theîr mot-ber, lte knowledge came t-O bale.wBr voted t-at escli judge and clerk lie be dieliked ul blcity ln newiupapore. ger. The clatbing aborut the guti mu!- r mieut ire-t of Grrnee. I-is siTe etmn ith PadccseadM .HtteAMri,.tib'tot-da ncynhoure Iot* attsed$10Tanther wrk rteryetc lid to rpar-.so ucbIba Sîs. il.I ad licen anxious- about fils fate e£1r therefore Iflmlune great surprrise te ard the brokere enioymenll, yester- dead cnuyn g. lure luPaeteInt tiarm alday 0fr- 1 wr ria et.ferdîdet-epor t g do îet n qltcsnc eiebeauleMih trrile'Mil.m tat nc aseleentba benda heid ba rrdltr, recosiersnxaraiewcie is arnt. l*9_ da.frddntba tadseto ut er but- wbo bal been hoIlngagainët pat lyrahd, tonyE .Ing telrs agrslnst- the broker. ratte ht wn hryngtO .g After rail raIl, Conrad movcd t-bat STVN IE OTU NC uncoueclous of t-be tragedy wlb hbadhp ateribn had tld n rractlcirllraonedofthattorne ys Rgge E V roonr.nrpty -Iv klf Lus, ridAroi H. C. W. Meyer act as tomporary chair boxeatdlY irsd. bn sne opthaer btanul hd îed ort nrvis, bo laeonge Pockbeoforthyso Rîrggîcs c pî n'tthe mb h trrxicî Ir ied biaufacr n id ll th,, man and an informei secret ballot was CS AANS LLGD MEZ e ewae horrov.' strieken ai thcedota tberf ilseat reived brsitet w isin- olnte . seenvpro e d eieplofIbat Iborefis rst sxHet taken an chlinian. declared formai AEAANTALEE ME-siglit .hihtc b ller gaze.riaai tricmaeer ra e pot seed-30ad anse-arn r Beeo rylk u onKîasmoio !tlwlg heshw- ZLER WILL BE CALLED FOR mar________ne pttblished i the Chicago papers ings in Watortoîii, N.Y, afler reaulrprs sescf$toanidI s umaiondr.buteeledo! Gat thaeMw o ing h otine bad 15 nd Vl. TIL ETTERM. t 0 onng Ee hnsh a lting the St-'NS excusire dlsparcb front mtinr h euiutonta dt-ied umtrrndbtolardIe- Iec bu0 cot Careb. 1 ndTVI h e $- , ADDITIONFO sure. She ban re eii ed a lelter a fcw Watertown. leIlrrng o! tire uew turc deliate 10 le salisfleti appro4çmate__________ cass heee o!fIthe People 0f the St-at-e AHfM days ago telling lrer that lic wai ge- of affaira. Ile said that Il was the $2w00.0aueeanivleg The board adjourned te Fnlday et -e.Ashiel G. Stevetns, alleged embez- RÂILR ENS IUthe idgt-osaifo ite rt- ho ltinol rt-mlsîtement fintbait rreacbed hlm. Rgeer whe eattaMA CALL SPECtIÂLh iamebis conMmîtteee. - tne n-ltb etbi ! -eTEDRCOSTK TP Othat- it-wau tnitiirrJames Elqlitui efr t etl b rcMoto o rt.b an having vins o!uwelaitr eTI OFC 'lairmen Clarke lea alumber-coal h a rmc , h e-nhvu iln fwat.H l.circuit court 'lis Judge Charles Wbit- ERECT A BIG ADDITION TO THtE Wbo as d erurIv a_______ eay.AN mierchant et- Hghland Park, where honeyFIEH HLN PAK OM That- if postuil was tbe 1.a rHdWunsesRay took pains la cultivate the frtendslilp CONTINUANCE HAS BEEN ORN. bas lved effce 1880. Be euccccded Y IEHGLNDPR'OE cniymn l ldcae yaps r. Orvîs admîtteri Ibal hh allftko! Samuxel K.Martin, Jr, and made ED LEMON DANFORTH, CMARê -, George Field, coonsel for Mr. Stev- _ennoccuancemac, te utrdacaledsbg a post - Alexander Rober'tsona, wbo wax, aisoSiel motion for a contînuance Ibis card wicb Cotniussioner Carl Alter-e ecacs,"wrr ndbsgtl t o tuchea" occasionally and in EU WITM MURPER OF WIFE ENLAGEMNT F HOE NCEebcry received froîn rtr. Eleliury a ew ail bis witxueaes ready te leave fer due fimie movedte t a 11111e cottage Clanke ls one at t-e taunicl business mrlg ITDBYTEICESD deye ago. In the peut card lie an-Vaetw arra 0atn the near liy and bireti a mald. INSISTS THAT COLORED HM' me o te oad.boee-,a t- wrk Two Important- stte oses (bave NUMBER 0F INMATES. ecunced t-batul ire sgolng te sailIfor trial. He eays that nowhli ntcnds Hiaetcrceeo! friende Inecraser ayid SHOULD HAVE SPEEDY TRIAL. ci-. e man of judgement-. cee Who -il t-he circuit- court. The 'cage egainst At a meeting o! thebloard o! direct-breonAuutitThat tb ame teeffitostil lie tie heurcdaPsieli ou ddhtwat nl onRttIe WLC ORPEET malte e conservet-ive business bead ta eninDao'h lec udrr n !tb oefrAe n lie day on wlicb the il-!ated Titanic ta h fOt 0stl b aeetmoved Into the pietly bouse eoft-!i. th har. iseecio Wa e era-weontld un t- l te e mudteri oroate Hmefo bel d ibe hoed salled. o! courtl4as been cacceseful. Sev- Nettie L. R. Jones, and the heusebold The raose oft-be People o! t-be ta the boar. Hia elction wa general wax coninued util the eLîvtdr Here MadMenVbelda. thraome aiysIaga HlieManydYbeswasraadatseâgeretînuehosacs Incsee roionst-osSiereRregteversusRoLemonsuDecTort-b.nf colorced.eda 0g- Iy satisfacto0iy even aniong those mcm- o! court Friday. It was repcrted t- Highland Park, Frlday atternoon plains Mr. Elsbni-y rasided on a large t-bat if possible a settlemnt would lie gles bad eve.rîl' hlnu else ln keetingecd murderer o! bis sufe, basn1b$« bei-% sho voter Tar bis opoinent for day tbat Ralpb J. Dellytale satton- for a huge addition te the home wete farm snd bad! ived ln t-be cunty foi- rcacbed wblch wauîd once and for ail sit-l the number o! servante except continued unt-il the next terni Of t"i' non. bas auglt againit- Wm HO ncy, would petition Judge Whitney discussed and arrangementsa made for aver tblrty years He made t-ree or sottie the Iong-drawn cut litigatton. automobiles, rd. as one o! bis vie- Cii-colt court liy order cf Judge ChW. sluld make one of the beat- Chairnieui anMonda te cal a pecial terni o! t-beraieing o! $60000 taeliuild the f tnt rps t Waakcgan ncarly cvery Aeked as ta wlat he oonsldened the tme expeiedn,:he dida t nced eny leis Whiltney. thb.board bas ever lad. court- in July. structure. iee. Hc le a irottter-in-lew of Ed- reason for dropîulng t-be case. Mr-. Or- beceuse al of bis friands bain one or James G. Welcb. t-be WaukOMan 11- Clasman T. M. Clarke O t-be super -_________t__ visons Trtday nanaed bis commIttee. Thse addition wîlIlueo balît on the w ard Mcody o! the South Side. vise ald tliat t-is plan miglit bave more. and everybody wae gladti en- torncy appotnted by the court ter 4W 'Tley are showe belaw. Tlure ame .&IderlOflMay Coftlt south aide o! thre building and iIl lhe Mn..Sllebury badlt-bebhappy facullt been declded apon for severai reasona tertain -Rug and t-licpolîled Mrs. end t-be aliegcd murdered, ln bis 113 twent-y-ive commit-t-ea Iis t-mme Acordng te reporte, st-at-e Itepre. u&firt-le amle pattern as the prissent Making money easily, but sau unfor- butt-bat Ilsas prolialily donc t-o save 'Rug." The officiai records show t-bat-er t- t-be court Tan a cont-inuaSce. a" & gainst aieeteen previolsY. duxe ta sentative JoieAndeson of Lake Forest' structure, and vill accomodate 109 tunate Inhie lixvetuients. HO sas frrther cota:bicliup teothe present- MrS. Jone, the landlady, le deslrou e lue lielt hail tme t-o prePere b», t-le proandfono i nw , emter. nl lbet tnetterrein oi oemn aywoamnwwi-cnIee oeay weit-hy adtm aebenvr ha fcolctiqg $1081.29 on tbe louse. caae. The court beld ltat thse ltep r ~the uiprbo ar s mnam e. sMteyeÜ oe nto ! ickers af Melenry. Ing fan e chance to gainecntrance la bie Tiends are of t-be opinion that- hc Costa Franx = M.00.Owen Bilîl teMotel.lied t-be saine niglut-as the-lue len fram Froenit anid one trom WaaIke- Report-aram Lake Farest- are to the t-le home- travelled in t-be t-Ird cabin cmplut A conservative eciat-Ilte places tlb. O! course evcrybody sho tea ny- In azry civil came, ào gmeused te ci gan, and t-vamonra flind Wlcb, Ot effect t-bat- Anderson@ T-ends ln tliat- Itla ,plaened that t-be building vîli because lio did nt fllke t-a mix sit-icet t-ot-be defendanl lI the case et- lody et Higbland Park paticipetes ttine. la stitiEbis Posit1ion t r pront- tbeeea anWonefo Wauew-city are scekieg to get- lfnit-o enter a be complet-ed sanie tumethia year. Al- t-be bine llood arlst-ccracy that lio $20.000. up tethep roent time and ta le the bope and et-ber social autare t-be mat-or, Jndge Whitneey &aid th" pN oi- th cvpotrt and"' fo r uemnl Ont because tlue final vote sluawed 1is84y e provision luS--been malde fti vould ied in the Second and iet have re-trIed thc case wotald have cost et- The Moraine, and then tate t-urn ho fait duty bound tae9-t the je- an". .givNeattortaunainefor eeig- icnt betb lybt-ao th ie raising of t-be amout. $12.000, cabin. He wssut- a good old-fasb- sevenai tbousand dollars more.Foi- about ln being t-be oet-. The luotel endant- all asaltance leasmucir as Ibd nate which Io WIICI. Thse committacs:votes. This t-eyfigure la close eosgh oeit b is aalredy available. ioeed fermer mcd dtd net car. t- o let-hie reason be sauBts -at- Friank Pad- management bas a lttle bill o! $199.42 attorney vas nat reeivngay r County Fann-Brooka.Chittendee, Zor thre Lake caunty man t-o deMand a The afficcre elected wvcs-cU . P.upon hie mett-le ml the ie ae hbc1dock,wnepbew, George Paddock proli- ta celleet rain Ruggles for 'refregh- 1pebse fon bis vank. Coun-y Frnl ud eng- s, Fer. recount- as t-bey Tlot lueomglt cutl of !Foit Dode. lai.wue r*lct-- vould bave been oblilgd t-e hadbâieoalily wuld bave been wllIng t-e male mente" and pontage stanips. Raipia J. Dedy issethat- DasaToe ry, inions.Ae snsPi. Pt-dov t-le niaJorlt-y and even vin out ed pi-cident; Warren S. Stone, oet ravelled le one of tas at-ber cabile., sein. sort o! a settlenient long e. Mow Ruggles Branched Out. hnuld haff as Ietial. Ofr. D