CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1912, p. 10

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Iahegan uIeehtI %un I WIIAT'S THE REAL REASON? Taik af the Prohibitlonls tt launch an "Independent Prohibition" can- didaète for the legisiature ln this district la appareritly almed at Thomas Gra- hsam, the only Lake County candidate who was nomlnated. Truc, he le the Dcmocratic namînee, but he se as square, hanest, able and deserving a min as the Prohbtaonite could place ln the fild and la juit as much entltled ta the Prohibition vote as any candidate the latter might name. Because of the showing of two yeors ago, when Anderson ran for the "Prahibe" and was eiectsd over the Oemocratic norinec, the suggested mave by the 'Prohibe" would mcme a fight an Graham rither than on Shurtleff and Vickers, Republican nomincec, hence, If Lake Caunty sa ta have a representa- Zi#N CJY CAMT~ (Contiinued from Page One) diate setilement of the cases ls îrint- ed herewIlb. By State's Attorney. Hay It please the Court, the purpose ef tIre state in prosecutiug tbese cases bas beau ta bcbng about an observ- ance of tita lava lenMon City, paicu- larly sitb refarence to tite elertion lava. Prior ta Ibis terni of court tIare bave heen two convictions and oe sa- quittai, and thetwIo cases, un vhmch there vert convictions, have beau tek- enta th Ie Appeliate Court, and vben those cases are passed upon hy tht tive ln theHause, the certain way ta dot it emris ta be ta unite on Graham hlgher courts, we hope that the elec- rather than force an uncertainty. tion laws wiii be weil settled, so that + there wlll ha na question as te who la and who la flot entitied te vote. la view of the fart that no coin- plaIns have been madle M my office of OiOOD NEWS,-BUT! aI t vlations of te oe-tion la in ~ athevlatitons c heelection lans t ^Il who read ln the SUN Tuesday that the sugar refinery li'ta resume elelonIeheCt a inadiy operlitions at once, were naturaîly much pleased, but, ln this connection, It vlew of the assurances of Mr. Barues, .5cm. very unfortunate that the rcflnery cannat be started up and RUN PER- for wbom 1 have a great deai of re- MANENTLY. ,0* b spect, that the so-called 'ollva faction This frequent starting and stappîng, stoppinq and starting, isn't the best w lîî respect the election iaws, i wouid thlng ln the world for a town. Tht uncertainty of such a plan causes a trylng lask thre court te ha lenlent with the suspense much of the lime among workmen and business-men. If everybady detendants as- it la my tînderstandin,, anly icnew whether Il wss ta run permanentiy, or close permanentiy, a feeling taI lie purpose ef îrosectillng crimi- of certainty wouid exist, whereas, under the plan obstrved for 5a4ne years iial isses ls nul le cause aîty une te rntsfg certain has been known at any ttme, whether the plans .eould be ape- suffer, but te bring ,.tout a duc ohser- or cloied an the morrow. -Let's hope now that the preaet resumption le 'for lance of the iaw, adbleigta titis has been accomplisthed. 1 would + recomrnend that te court assess aga inst each oftihese tlefentlanîs, on the piea entered, a fille of $10 and coSla, as the fine and cosîs in eacr THIE ZION SITUATION - c1'e wf uOntl ir ii ic C. P. R&RtNIS. *Br Asaltenta af Prosccutlon. 'MsY lt please the court. thep utios. say la behai! o! myseit and co-eounsel. MNr. MacGuffin, that sornethiog over a Year agO, ve ver. reîained hi viRs*. la caliad lteIndependant tiemesat la Zion City ta supervise anrd look attet' the electîons ta bc held ln AprIl et lest year; that ve vera empioyed for tIre purpose of seeîng that a tull and telr electîan vas permîItted; that afler tIret election was tbeld, Il came to oui knovledge that what ve deemed te hc maay violations of the tIectla lea hall taken place. Tirrongil the cour- tesy e!tIhe st.aWs attorney,. we veto perritted to asalet bhmlmuitIre prose- crtion. We vere fuily convînced atter an In- vestigatlon o! the matrer and durIng Ouir rciaîionship witb the Independents -vho werc oam clients- tIret there vas ne Illegal voting on tIre part ot the Independents; If se, It vas vit. eut our knoviedge and witbeut aur consent. 1 cen assure tbe court tIret eut offilc ccntinualiy adviaed tht votiag oftmmcn ut those elections vIra vere qualilfed and nonueother. and vhen names vere presented le us as te vhether tbey were tinalilled or net, ve passed upon ibera the saute as va sbould eny othtr niatter, and not only advisad but Ileit- cd tIret none but Ihose Ihat vere quai!- lied , as tarilse the Indepeadent couccrned, ahould osa> aJsér auy o! the electians occurridL ..t trne. 1 hava heen ai the opinion. persan ally, ail tIre tirna tIra the parties clarged vîthIr llegal soting and those tbal vere Iuformad acainsK, and the cases nov peading u intia court, vert As usual, bofIr factions in Zianiat they arc rjittn tht pose t con- R. J.l)AiiY. the vietînis et others bicher op In au. ilit which has some earmarks af peciptatlng tht most serious situation th.t By Attorney Danes for Defendenits lhority than Ihernacîves, an-& tha- ha@ ever corne ta a climax in tht unfortunate city ai Dowie. One thing la cer- If lue court please. lucre iteter ii-,s nnnyoftihîern didnt have the requisîte tain:, that it sa about tht far btst anti-relîgiaus camrnunity that ce have ever lic.n a totght cn my ta *t itat any litititledge to determine fer themselvem heard of. outhrie defcîtdats nllttese cases a, or a iether or flot tbay acre legally quaIl- If the gaings-an there are semblances of rosi religions fervar and enthu- wailftilly and iitlenîionitli, xu 011d , lied soters. siaim, many Inkewarrn Christians who hear of tht conditions, wiii become state law in %Muing ai Zion City ,sin Wesîealing for the ludepeudenta. frigid on religion, wronsfnlly basing their conclusions tIrat Zionism s tht tx- tey- er-e nul cualiflcd t'ould say' tîtat te Itîiependents ct pasent of religion because originaiîy religion was suppoaediy lts fundamental ilowver, thoera are severai l dfîn- Zion City are flot anxIis, and In fart purpobe and abject. That thre community has falled utteriy in its purpose as danîs in Ihese c:tsps tirat may have the.v lesire tIraIt tepiroBecutiona orlginated by Dowie, la anly toa apparent tu Lake County people. votcd viten îhl-s y re flot legaily qitali betild fiel run rip a large expense on And, tht effort ta iwitch il from a religiaus tawn ta a business proposi- lied te vola, ant ither irom atvie Ilite cotinty of Lake, that lhetr main de- tion, ha. isa met with the expccted eniesa conflicti whose finale nons cm lthey otained uit tîat thîta or nel 1 sire is uboily for lteenrftrcernent oft forasse.and ail can oniy hope that murder wilii fot run rite there before supre- ar n nabie ru Say. lite law, belles-Ing thal it is onet th.e macy of ans faction or tht other la flnally estabîished. Until then wc muet On olterving thlitetornirîg hoalitard atîteunt ofthlie penalr~tytat la adjudg- jali hold aur breaths and aller up prayers, rosi prayers, nat Ziasite prayers, it vas tu cet me ta leueae their aerk ted againsi îhem, butl Ihes or-eneset that the .Aighty wili concillate matters befare any real bîoodshed takes andi serve as jurortIn beo-e cases it eifot-ceitent of thre las, la a bat wiii plae or befare the warrlng parties line up ln resi battie as thre past few days was suggcsted tat te exîtense luaUta, Ireenit a replitior, In tIret îtrtre et any have indlcated might be tht case scon. ceuîtîy igtb h saved and the isl ritltions et the aleclion iaws. asucaeofttIr cases dlsposed ef in a man- ILteieviug tbat tIre îrosecutioua tIns ner that wotiid be satisfaclory lu av, tar lhave accompllshed the purpose for Weil, If Mrs. Dowi4 doesn't ipprave of Volivas suggestion of mavlng avecryboiiy Intarested aud as reprasant- whicb lbey acre saertai and not visb- Dowl's body ta a mausoleumn, ce cannot sec bac Vliva can do it. Thîts aont n ornu ag muto at thlng which cannat be removed from Mr@. Daie-her right ta say what shall Ing Wiibur Genu Voiv'a, I can andiigt u palag muto oî b. d6ne with her huaband'a body. And, judging tramt part relations between w lil say te the couîrt tIrat Ihere îl no against thre county, we agree with tht Mrs. Doaciand Vliva, there lant much chance e ligawyt alatbougbt er Intenîtion of ever ailowing canutse] lu the case, atter at variotns can this pint. Bbc hasnt much reasan ta extecd hlm kindnesses and favori. pany cf bis tolevars itcy iorfn 0a~ te tlkng vidtat iffrn tumamber And, et that, ce do't believe ho wauld condescend toasak many of her. prigbsfleqîpltciyI ttr neadn efinbZo ____________________voîîag at any future aleetion, un lese City, tbat a setîlernent of the cases tbay are antitlad to vote; and I wish, m-a1i ha satiatactory te ail concerned; Webi' Frank Paddock ougbt ta be able ta get &locg the rest of hie lite alec ta add tIraI Mr. Volisa express ave, therefura, stata, as far as vae are on $112,000and even give hle aId uncce, George Paddock, a tew dîmes now lY Stated to me Ibis foranolon tIret tau ctrîted, aa wouid racommînd tha,. and then te rush the "graciera." George is ta rernaîn In the Eait wlth hie bis knowledge ne foliovar o! us haltaetcourt enter sucb finesa ar nophwwho ha&a promniaed ta let hlm ive witIr him-why hould't he con- eser voted at any of their aiccîluns-agrealla t the states attorney. descend ta let hlmIlîve with hlm mter getling $112,000 of tht uncle's monty? ;wban their sole vas quastioned, ex- JOHN D. POPE. Anybody would let îcybody live wlth themn for a sum o! that size. rapt that they ver-a advised lIraIt the PAUL NMACGIJFFIN. +. bai a right t o tt. 1 tee sutre ilitinoieurîber juet coin- iist KIcd. s And naw thre focs) piper saya: I"Commisslaner J. K. Orvs"-which plaint can or wiii ha made against On s country road tva ladies met mecss ta show that they don't aven know thre clty officiais. Wonder cho cas the Voliva faction in Zion City soaifar a farmer vltb a Iell of wOod. Thre the sorest over the mîstake, J. K. or E. V. as illegai vottng la coriccrned and11 ladies vert soclahii InciIned. and one - - 1lîedge rnry word cf honor to he,,t me onthtaleOt.-hirW..gtyktdth And now cornes tht iaddest blow o! ml-the nickel 'growltr" la tu be court lIrat i shall do rny utînoat to- e ood bave you on therisl" "Tis herc's don* mwy wlth In Chicago, for, hereafter, nothlng but dîme 'graciera" wilIIbe Chat ne bast complaint cau ever ha voodea vood," vas the rurt reli.- scld. made againat aniy o! tIre toilowcrs ef Woman's Home Companion. 5ftANCME1S tACIrNL.VA.lnANiROCKF Nloney De you realize that by tadihnget the Chi. 050D. tLL -the ctestfyogr mm. Fancy VeaU bg................ Sugar Oured Ham ..................................... l IRBEI . Bo4l@am Butcher's Rtoat ....... l0e Club Steak ............9c 8gbopt iutPorter. Housak ..12s Flak ték ............yc ËîiýýrSteak.............. 8c Corn Beef ..................... 9c Sliced Ram ..................1l8e Cottage Ramina ..............1lu Little Pig Picmic Hama........1c' eu ,= ... .. ....0e ... ... ... ... ... ...9c - o ah s~age .......... 9 Liver Sausage ................ 8c mprted Suiner Sausage ...... 15c Bo ogna. Sauage .............. 8c ,ugar Cured Back Baeon. ...12 lVc ugr Cured Hama..... .......... .....c...14C Park Ëtoat............ lie 7 1ba. Spare Biba i, r 5 Pli t . .. . .. . .. .... ...A Kettie Rendered Lard .......lie Bonelema Pork Bouit........... ite Pork Tenderloin ......... Sait Park .............* No.,10 Pail Lsard.............. $1.05 - LAME Fancy EInd cQuarter Canadian t moution.................... lie Fore Quarter Southdown Lamb... 8c Lamb Stew .................. O Lamnb Chopa. ................ lic VEAL Calfs Liver....................io1 Hind Quarter ................ Mc Fore = r ...............I VealÈ hp............... lu Veai ..................... se Veal Kldney Boaut............lié CaIf 'a Braîma.................. 8 Country RoU Butterino, 2 poundsa.................... 5 Good Luck Butterine, 2 pounds ....................35e Fancy Dremed Cjdcloemat Wholoale Priçea. HERO 0F WAR INJURED. iContinued tra Page 1.) Durringe reiight Monroe vas delerl- ous and police effîcars wera ststîoned ho rernaiîî ut the institution durrIng tIre catir-e night le erdar te aid lu cariug for thre man. Mtinroe Iras seau a lot o! vers and ha bas spent moest ot hie time traveling In Iis coîreclous mmnts Ire gat REC'D CABLEGRAM FROM LONDON, ENG. Mre. AlvaIr Rogers and Irar sisters, Minses Ilessie and MoIllie Spoolr, ar- rivtd safeiy lund(ou. Eug. Tîîesday atternoon Ntr. Rogers recelved e cable- grarn from Iis vIte reportlag their ar- rival. TIrey viiljein Mr. and %Ira. George Sioor ln a tew days. State o? 1ll1nols, COUnty OtfiLake,s. To Mabel Lenaca and Ail W'hom It May Coaomm~:, Take notiOe tht On lb. lot day of AprIl, A. D. 1912, a petitîon a s flîed hi Wirtze van der Werf and Lam- iuetie van der Werf liteCounir Court of Lake County, for thle adopîtion ot s chîd vIorne fll name la unknown te patîtionere, lbe mother of ssld chhid heing Mabel Lennon. Nov unlens ry on pear vithin tvea- sornething cf the history et hlie lite' ty days etter the date or this notice ani as ked that bis mustera living loi Mra. Frances iHaven, wldaw of the and show cause against suilî pil- tire East b0 neîlfied of hbIs injury. lare E. O. iHaven, ternîerly prseldent cation, the petition shallho ha ken as He took great prîde ln the tact that of the educatlonal board et the Meth- conienged and a decree cf adopt ion he was ane cf the score of men se- odist Eisocopal church, Ila dead atthUce etered. iected by 0Sommander Itobson at the reaidence cf ber daughter', Mrs. C. M. LEW A. lfENDEPR Urne the lerrlrnac was sunk ln the %foc@, at Cbampaign, 111. Other chil. Cierk. barber and the heroism of the men dren are: Dr. A.tC. liaven cf LakeDated AptIl fb, 1912. C-28-3 whe t00k part ln the coul) of the ver Forest, the Rev. F. W. Ilaven of New ha been written Into the histary of York and Nirs. G. F. Draper ot Tokie,-- the nation as ene of the nost noble Tapait. RSAD l'big INDRPENDEPIT sacrifices ever made hy Amrerican ma- rines ln an effort te serve thir country. At the hospital today it la stated tijat the condition et Munroo la veryi seriaus and an effort la being made to get some ef bis relatives ta bits E1ectri. L ight the bedelde. ________________________ . The naine of Mr. Munroe doas not vivors et theoffriai ]lac oncfile nt as apîter on throfficiimaInoretesr r i i g 4 e à;icwn in the officiai reports ot tIhe1 d e t s n A g t navy, but it la passible tirât heowal___ - - coniiecîad with the enterprise and IftI tire ci ('cllier bite t waa emunir lr the barber rit Santiago, un June 3,q Example: The windows of the shops that line, the i 111)5.finest streets in ail cihies. They di3fflay the choic- est goods arranged by artistic window' dressers POLICE WAIT FOR BURGLARS. under a blaze of ii l- avish profuse downpour (Contînued From Page One.) and up-pour and side-pour of eiectric ffght. The temperament is a stoiid one that can resist a Whenever the pressure et air la the giance at the effect. Most folks hait before it. l'artel drops to 17 pounds, an lncad- eseent light iights autornatlcally and Big shops are run on the modem policy of frac- thre puinpa hegîn le work until the onincot.Adherrm ndù us0< e- pressure has been raised to 27 paunde inln ot.Adterte edù s fd c 'rben the piimp stops eutomaticalîy tric light îrom celar to roof is beoeuse it paye -- athe le lectrîrlitabt ln extinigulshed. because il's one ol fthe mos! effetive adverising mediums Il lu lielteverl Ibat air leaked ftram the liarrel lest night und set the pump In known. motion juat as the policeman came qCniee nta setidi ih spret along. Tt was tht sotind o! the0littie osdrdi htapc-lti â t, efc- pumpe Ibat sounded Dire a steel drill. Iy impartial. for ifs attractive effects foflow fi ihe One thing le certain, however-Ibe littie shop just as they dO in the big one. And no Wauikegan police force JO "on thre job' cvery minute anid the thiet wha gets shop-keeper ever faiied Io reap a reward from an away wilb anythlug et any bour of investmnent in iL the day or nigbt must bc pretty airewd. _______________There 's a science o0 lno and indoor Illumination a * WHISTLES OFFER SIDE LINE. tvhicl> our experts pay mucli (Continuedil'romn Page One). Gcainif<>IL And they uil l e ___glad bo confer wi(h gou on tbe blazei short order. Wlth the thie auect. laundrynien a 4-11 cali le tire oaayiyind tbey know aîîything about and they are ail ln at the start and stay until f the finish. l iI lU One of tIre expectett resuits of tib rn i bit of enterpriae of a pair of vorkers li hil la tîlat they wil be tbe wbole lire de-. U W E partmnt of tIre towa and wiii ho hiow iuig tire ahistle et sn mucha tot. 0F NRIEN ILNI READ irHE INDBPENDENT DEVICI DIRE >KEEP! C. F. oc 1 (1. F. rercelvei ton tIra on a de i1ttd Prament uîrg for differen olI'ers. The vlndow a direci o! a vi Iag tiaI entcrlnî Bte Mr la the t Prirni -althoug bouses ed la a the vin enter d riglît ai la desir. h.o ebl roema i1 rte clii lte pli la seen heave i rIrat th antI per The very su 11, pror eh TIr sect red lant. kîjovu i Tn

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