INVENTOR 0F NEIW 'WINDOIW DE VICE DEVICE 18 ONE WHICH PREVENTS, DIRECT DRAFT OF AIR FROM ENTERING A ROOM KEEPS OUJT TE RAIN C. F.' SCHNEIDER GETS PATENT ON DEVICE WHICO4 HE WORKED OUT IN BUT ONE DAY C. P. Schneider, a North alde baker, re.ceived Word Saturday lrom lVashlng ton that hlai te b granted a patent on a devîce for windows whlch lie sî,b nitted nome littie tirne azo. At (Le Present tinte Mr. Ochneider la negoîlat Ing for the sale of hie devine, several different concerna having made hlm, offert. The device la onte vblch aiiows a window te lie opened without caualng, a direct drat of air. l itatonermite! iÏr wa' fntereed t Once.,The resui was that the plans andi model ver. ment to Washington and on Baturday ,Ir. Schneider rocelvedl word tbat lie miglit begin the manufacture of the de vice as sourn as lie pleaaed. When asked as t wliether or flot lie liail onsldpred (the Proposition of saiitaturing the new deviceit, Mr Schneider deeiared that lie la 5 mnu(t) otcaliled wittî bIs business6 at the tresent t1inet (at lie prféra to disptose or hi, îpaient antd may,ali icexpeetn te have flot the sligitest trouble In au doing. NIr, Schneider In steakidng oftirhe tîtatter derlared that fitotek hit lit a day te work ouît hiH ic'.sfi otdel. Ini th(li t lplace lie Iihouglit inerely of fixing up) a devîce for Itis cati homte btut arterwards Le decltled te svek a place for It on the market. LITTI-E DOING IN ZION Jo the hune etf'-Oniit t 300 criisaders unîler tlie lcatiermltîîi cf EIder John M1. RcYal or Mion Ciy mnarched tle LCiook lectrical t(ett Itan3s plant ai 7 O'clock Wediiemday morning where they spent three qtîar ters of an heur ln aong and tirayer. -God hase serîy ou their suais, I as tlite trayer ot one cf (he crîteaderm of a windea beng opened in a ariv1 for the fotir Cok Electrîtai cîotn i ing ranstorm without danger of vateî acriînen ahi jiitîtîiel Ironith((e h1.G enterIng the mot. Tiioae who have Citiago and Northt Western train. ses Mr. lineider'o device aasert Itui înotle the îofour wiirkîîun.lteatl ,ls the beat et the sort theY ever hase 1-d lîy heir siperîntenet, Frantk . OSp.. l ait, a lkîd liitieir a trbu. Thet E"Prlnuarily the device islm ilenîleil b acre brantied ats ttnii iots, et, etc ibe installed in bouses Jutt Ielng lii, i :)bi u 'iii lw>of tt t tecriiadet s as Itle% -Althougli it may he placed in old ralsüd thier bats lanusalutation to Lie b ouses almost as easily, Ttilà;arrang %iseiceme tendered t((ln ed In sucli a manner that the alI of The Cook Feicitri<al cemîtait s' lm the aindea pullsa bck front the win ed eîîeratiltns at 7:?0 thiR mornifle (10w tself snd the etîrrent of air,;Toînorrow ttîey wili tart suri t S atrikine againatth(le obstruction rannîl' o'eittttI. enter directly. bu t umt cornte ln ai Anticipate Demontratton rIigt angles..In a bomne or office (hils A repiorter roiti one cf theii lai-g.'sl 19 desirabie and lt dees net render one ililia9o neaaîialuertt tîetît the nitthi ho hiable te Contrart a coid. In sehool at iort City. In bis îaik wth a SUN1 roornts i la pointeti out (Lai Il prevents reirescntatis'e ioday lie saîd: "There te crtains from flapplng whirl i.aIjahIM(te souitetitine dtîîîg (n Zon City %nYS Proves more or iess annoying te toitîght or lomorow morning, Thet te puiplia. One. of its best features , -tiîsders lisse beti îietified te tus Im seen ln a rainstorm as one cani beave a wiîidow open sithout fear Ihat (liewaster wili enter the rooo, anti perhapsapoil s valuable rua. The idea camne te Mr. Sîlneidet very suddeniy a few nîenths ago and lie proceeded te work ont a lttie nîod eL Thetfinit two did nouisait i, bt thplu tiird looked ail rigit satdl li settîred a laîger model at thie l)om pliant. Ie auitited thua (o a adIl known attorney ln Chicago and the lat semblse at tieC (onk plant at an early heur th aftiernoon antd i telies e tiiere aIlIIte trouble. Takes Homes in Waukegan. For theie oaL tari île emiioyeg ut the tCook lettrit ai iaititiany bave gis- eniii tittheir humesisn(s(Iicago anti bas e tîos dt' oiiWatkegait snd \'inth rop larhtir '1 heL narnhit tiumoesteii itîto titi' WhitehI>ose cnul (n te mal T. ARIl! (W1'flWPV ~ WRTfl AV A P'PTT; 9R 4(119 "~' s.'...' ~ A L550 -& AT ZDON TONIlIT, OVERSEER VOLIVA PROMISES SOMETHING A LITTLE BETTER THAN ANYTHîNG IN PAST WILL "RIP" THINGS HARD, On page seven of this issue, tiver ~.eer Volîva of lion C'ity carrnes a verV siitationai advertlientutli ialth he adrniles a 'sîteclIaliimeeting foi men only who are over 19 years 0(1" tliti eveniug rit 7:45 wben he promhis(,- I delser aitn tprtant atitress "in tehhii li e ailgîte a tcahlîîg anti:i mier ileqsiexptealre ofrtheo nparralled piti Itai s liait y andt th every cf tiiep 50 tailes I ndependents, - their crImes uo coverlng a îeriod of more titan Ilîree years" The tdtertisuecnrt (tontainse tome "scathing" referenceq. referenies a hich iel'y a'otld flot lie riîliw üeie i n an asrle in Waukega acre t t iet frrthe act that tht' aar tarpI. ii ion lt ,o btIte« that one iat ter a'iStit onesitie tays.(lieochier contel hit atirse. Thus, the a'av te gel ati t lis te read 'uoliva'ti ronîscs cf trUit- t hlng 'scatlitng,' and. If 3 ou l(Se 'i s<uIing>*remai-klî. Ithe tiai e te Iear itin t"lion taberniacle thl eti,.tinn at 7. 1.- TO INSTALL A NEW LIGIIT MIRE 'Iate rial for a nea' acetelytte gag ligbl te hieinstalieul on the breakwater lias atrîed i %aukegan. The ea gali liglit, walunla o et liatest de- sign, ailbe instailed by a governtent exptert next woek. ITw iseght le gitan tnteeil te hurn three montis aithouti attititites h is of te est ciii manu faî'tred FOR SALE-4Sak lamiter, (niltdtîîg a ft housaitoi att tI ' ft t t fitridge îltiîk, and a lmo f iinder tongues, seul t1tetogi s anti reacheut Aioso 'ex h tu rs etft e m ornine A large nuinher trai iiiaui cf sawdust t'iione Wîk take ilie electicincars to titeir aci k. tan 9327 I l.99-2t Es P.uMiNSER ,& CG. 1 10 S. Gocsse St., Wadogaoe Will put their entire stock of $20000G.00 of Men's, Women's and Children's High 't Grade Shoes and Oxfords on the Market at a greatly reduced price. The store is SUB S closed and will remain so until Wednes.. and te-arrange this immense stock. This is a chance of a life-time, it being a tate and cold season, we must raise $ 15,000 in 10 days, regardless of our loss, which is your gain. Bçlow we w-dl quote a few prices Men's Shoes and Ladies Shoes and Oxfords .Oxfords S$5 and $6 values, - $3.87, $3.50 and $4 values, $2.87 I $4 and $4.50 values, $2.97 3.00 values,2147, 237,1.97 $3 and $3.50 values, $2.50 values - - $1.87 $2.87, $2.67, $2.47 Broken LUnes in Oxfords, Broken lines in Working Shacs, wiete at. ..... 7 hietelat9cwhile they last .........97c Remember Wednesday!1 Free! Freell Freefl! May 1 We will give a pair of Ladies' Ox. Bring this with yau and compare fards FREE ta the first lady over prices. Goods exchanged or maney 18 visiting aur store wham they'l1 fit refunded. Ask ta sce them.I I 9& Co* ga durlng this Sale Several of our great men have dled recently- llow are you feeling? Phone 1352 M 119 N. Genesee Street OFFICIAL LIST?]REAL ertvIlle. W.D .00 EBTATE TR.AXSFERS April 23,191l~2-W.W rrert Funiho, ) ella G. Sherwood, part of ot2! I liam BroB Bub. Antiocli W ..$,5 t Lake Co. Titis & Trust Co., lienry Turner & wlfe et al to Allsrtt Abstracto of Titi.. Titien Ouaranteed. Krahn. 80 acren in sections 9 and lit. Matojf', .empI. Didg. Phions 4. Autocli township, W. L1, 1 F. S. Faulkiner and aife te C. W.t Niary 3toeller and hushand to Moire Wagner, lot 21 (40 acres) se'ctionf;, ,11Ih Flower and Vegetatile <oiiil)anv, itenton township, %V. D, $401,11 ea. t 28-t chains lots 6, llotk t, !,,h F A Sheeks and wile to F.G. Zahnle, F. C. Seidel ta Co. I'The flouse of Better Clothes.'l -q Wpeti liait f elt 9, 'tlocit il, Exntoor The police have been asked te make aid,, ighitland an,. W. t. $800. an effort io locae John Paul, egeti J. E. ;iasrtu A. J.NleGavick, 21 and a reaidant of imobtah, Wto dis. twc lois it Rectijont!', Libertyv'iile appeared Saturday evelng. Panl township, . W'., $2. drew Lis money at one of the Kenosha J. E. î'ia utx itMary A. 'tieiloy, factorise on Saturday and paeked u Xfi aires in Iticitii 10, Litertyvilie ail of his ciothes and toek them vlth townîsip. W. D., $1. hlm. The poltce belièe that Paunl Jeo Griffith ant i aie te George lias deserted bis wtt., but goins of Shearer. lot 7 hlockt F, (loli's ub Lake Lis friande Il possile that hs Forest, W. D. $2,150. nMay have met with foui play. 0 Great purbu This wonderful bargain event gave q and stili gives the woman a chance - to save money. Why pay more i6 when you can buy for les&. '. '/A Gala"xy 1of3BIq Bar'alas Women's Fins Quality M ýç$.in Gowns 38ce Womsn's Nlghtgowms Made up in good quality mus- lin, V or high neck styles, lace trimmed, ribbon run, and in fact they are a 75c garmnent to-morrow ont,3 6 Black Serge Skirts Black serge skirta, made inil This lot of suits embraces whlpîcor.s l tans and grays, they are al wool, strlctlyý tailored suits, made ln exact, cpies f foreign models; they have ~ 9 sold right along for $18 and __ $20. This Purchase Sale 7 ý Price of only ............. A Wond rfi lBargaîn hiGeaS These Iow priced coats are çjuaraiitéed satisfactory. They corneln ail weaves, materials and colorlngs, made la the lakst styles by the forernost rnak- ers, positively worth $18.00, .ý. for to-rnorrow, at ......... ý SweII Lawn WaDiste A handsome collection of lawn waists, most of them just came in. They have part shirred sleeves and are sheer andi fine. Were neyer known to seli under $1.00 for 59 tomorrow . ... . ..... Mwaat.elaf Wallor-ad waloia Grand effects in tailored waists. They are so pretty that we will not be able ta supply the wants of every woman, so corne in earlyand get your choice99 for .......................99 $398 the season 's latest' fashion - are our actual '$598 skirts, <j.11 tomorrow at ......... Beauifa'l Lino of Wth DrUtn Fine lins of washable di...s They are in blues, light col- ors, b" anad wbIt;vy 75 of them. Don't fail to bs on time and get one of tese $200 garments 1 tomorrow for .......... It Makes a Lot of Difference to LIER The klnd of a sulit you wear-She's quick to notice the Style and lndividualily of your clothes. Better Get a Seidel Standard Kuppenheimner Made suit today. She'il tell you, you are the best dressed man in town-"Worth while lsn't it." Every FoId, Every Seamn is Right-$10. up to $25. In our Hat Department you wlIi flnd ail the smart styles of the season; All good coiers; sflSppy thinqs for spring, 1.50 up to 5.00 P» P.ËIDINGER-(* 110 3o. Genes"e Street Open Eveningi LBB UC B BU WMMv y1) iM iAim, . mrwTv rmnpinmÈNT,. imiDAY. APRM 26. 4912. ý i