1I~v 'I IIITANlIC ËXEC1FO KNAPP AND REILL TU ENCOIER IC[ METENGINIE[S Nid Beu Warnod of Bergs by Mediators Flrst Hear Ideas of . Another Ship. Ralway Managers. ENGUSH SAILORS STUBORN WANT HIBRER FREIBUT RITS Binder Worlc of Comnes, by Show This la Surmised ta Be Surden of Ent- of Rsentment end 11-Felng- ployer' Pies, f They Muet Grant May Produce Borne Interne. Rais of Wages ta En- tlonal Trouble. gins Drivers. Washngtn, Aril25.By tstIOny New York. April 25.-Alter an ail- given efore the senate special investi.- Unltess wlharcomles PNille, gatina commttee, It vas dellntely es hoUited aes aorin o brii out tabliabed tbat Captain Smith and sey.shttIoee o hentre rny bot ae eral officera cf the Titanic vers ex eteeto h cnrvr.bte p.cug to encouniter lee on their the ralîroada and the engineers, thel Course about 1 e'clock ou the fatal representativese o the raliroade aid IBuda niht fotilnisbed presontini their ide te Thda ist. sbouh uti itéte mediators. tsstimaonY cf Second Offcar Lighteller, wthreresentte aofe raesiln vbo, wben recalled te the tand, "tId Ihterpeettvso al that he hadl been shown a message by roadeanSd It la likely that Commission-. the aptinwhih gve he atiudeer Neill and Judge Knapp vils meet tedcapgtîn, oficesgaeothe ltitude the engineera laie ails attarnoon. sT nit ude b aof e rpH ortd te A sub-committeaetrthe confereuce Tmiteey ohe re outp. Hetoae91cemmittea of railroad managers met thommutte e etd eu th eae T-Mr.Neilliait ftheHotel Manhattan. This tane wuldprbaby b naret tlscommittee was eomposed of J. C. tsul wold robblySe eansi hisStuart, vice president cf the Erte rail- r n ond It vas te be expected rodedcamaetieonree abu l ock.» Hae ninfermed the committned ef alîrcno tecngars A. captain and Ofilcer biurdock. wbo ne- cmiteo alodmngr;A Ilevad hlSt1. eptett.b- H.. Smith, vice presideut and general ever. he admtted. the speed of the nsae tteNvYr eta yez- lesenedandthe ouîy liuen West of Buffalo; H. G. Home, vrassal vaA.u01lk eaisued, ud t geneTa.1-Manage -,Of-ile New York, telteion ha intec. ep i a sateNew lHaven and Hartford ralimnad. sud wtil15 oltteie n to keep rakshrpB.A. Wortblngton. receiver for tihe vatb fr aaliiceuntl dybnak. Wheellng aud Lake liea. Outsiders Thîs vas Use mont Important single %ere nlt admitted te the confereure. devslopmant of a stormy day bfora Tisene vas comment that It bsd thse lnvetigatlng commItte. as fanr-» takes ailt.\ay without thse ralnoad the main purpose et the Iequiry waa managers Seing aSic 80te quaint M. concenned. Both moriluag and aftar- Neill viii> what the railreadas wereI nocen sessions wana marked by a show1.1W&t ocdan wh he elis ngsalonteprtgofudtheEn- pected te gt If thse difficulties wth Ils salor, tstiyln. ad te cin-the engincers are anslcably setticd. lit mtte'e. The vitnasses made littîe cf- vas said on behaîf of thse ralîroads fort te conceal considerable roent- titat tbey had nt consented te "media- ment et the questions of aie commit- tien," but wera "confernieg" vith MIIr. tse, many of which they appaared te Neill. lnstead of Seing satisfled with ltbink utterly purposeleas and beaide n bordcf thne arhItraters, as pro- thse mark. Senateir Smith received Ided for In thse Erdman scl for the many sharp anavens f rom tbe leng- settiement cf disputes btween rail- * libmen, sud the predîction vas made roade sud employes, It vas said! that tht, unlens conditions Imprnvad, thane thse nalrouda wsnted a commission cf vas danger ef serlous lit feeling Seing nine members appointed. White It' engenderai etve aie Peoplae OfUte vas fnt admitted on Seisaif of the two coutiies. Membera of the gnoup ralîroada that tlscy wish to show tlsat of White Star officiais sud ceunsel dý- If thonla te Se an Increnes lu wagon- clarad the suators weuld meet vith for the angineers thene abouid bSana more success. lu ibaîr inquiry If tbey Increase ln freigbt ratas. Chier W. S. secured expert assistance lu ezamInn- Stone aud bis lieuteeants lu the tlsg the Ttani's offilcera. Bnotbenbood of Locomotive Fngînnean Durnu the afttrucon J. Bruce lsmay. ara convinced that ti la b.a the accqmipanied by White Star officiaIs aîîroad Managers are tnying te blng sad cficers of the Ttanic, visited tha about. British embassy ad led twaspar- Afier the cenference iSh the suS- .lstently reported that tbay hSId an- commitce of the ralroad managers terai prMtet agaîst thaîr treatment MY -NNilîl talloed vitb the raportars on athliebuds of the committea. Thia visat h.ansd Judge Knapp beped te se- report vas deuled hy the persona cou- cempliah. cerned. bth t the embassy and. hi Chief Stone Weali net eormmat ou blr. Jssuay. At thaeud of the day. a the report that Sa rnade vaut a large roqentcats maie tbat the salIons vh commission te haudle the question ofi had teatilied Se permittai te ratura lucrescd vagas. horne, but Senator Smith refused te________ grant sncb permission. atiug uPonTH WET R the advies recaived througb the rap-TH E HE reseutatîve of a Toronto paper vbo bui enlistai the Canadsn govenument Illinois-Iucreasglng cloudiness to- la lnvetigatIng the report tbat tba day; showers this afternooii on te- Canadian teamer Moeunt Temple vas l' Ight; warmer lu northprn portion; vilthin sight ef the Titanic visen aba Cearlng and coder tomonrew. saltk. _Te captain of the Mount Tem- Wscensin - Increasîngeloudiiflq pie denlai thîs lu a telegnam te the sud varmer today; probable shovers sonate Committes. tenght Snd temorrnw, codler; mod- omcer-Love et the Titanic tartled erate te hnlsk southerly vinde. al is bearars by daclariug befora the commtia. that Se Sad vaiteit lu THE MARK ETS bis lifeboat until "the drowulug peo- pIe lia thînnai ont" befora going back Chicago Cash Grain Quotatîon.. te pick up suy survivors. 'Ha ex- Chicago, April 24. platuci that It vould bave been sui- Wbeat-No. 2 red. $1.1801-14%,; cide for aitlnluhis Seat to bave gene N. 3 md, $1.0901.13; No. 2 baril vin- back vbite 1.600 Peopla vera trug- ter.,113/0it;No 8 bard vluter, 91109 for their livea lu tise waters $1.09%t@1~.14; No. 1 uorthern spring, uSenut tbe Titanic; that they vould $l.17Fi .20; No 2 nortbern spring. bave swamped bis lifeboat. Heaiase $1.6UL.IS; Ne. 3 sprtig, lO1.. told of rescuas ha made, aud cleared Cor-No. 3, 7g(a79c; No* 3 white up the sterles about thse use et revol- 804@81lc; No. 3 yellov, 79,l0 ,c. vers Sy the Ttanic oScars. Oats-No. 2 white, 58@58%c; No. 3 white, 57',tRfSts; standard. 58@5814c. r~y*p~i~Chicana Live Stock. fOY PCCREW ON STRIKE! Itegaq-Receipta 24,000. Quotatious rged t 17.80@8.87 'Aa eavy butebers, VefUse t te Sli on Liner, Camplainlng $r71.75@7.90 light Sutchers, $7.66@790 of LIts Savlng Facllitiees. beavy packing, and $5.6006.85 geni te - cboice pîga. Southampton, Englani. April 25.- Cattle -Receipta 19,000. Quotations Cemplainiug of the life saving facili- ranged at $8.50@8.76 prime steers. tics On board the liner Olympic, 3M I$.4007.1O choice te prima fi Seat stoltersatnuck just bafo4 e evessers cews. $16.90Q6.90 god te choice Self- lling time. The fireman vho quit ers, $6.4006.75 selectai feeders, $535 *e OlYnspc tate that eue of thein 05.8É fair te good stockera. $7.000@ aemuer PuaSei bis thomb through the 7.50 good te cholce vent calves. cOauasOf!nocf tha collapsible boats Sheep-Recelpte 17.000. Qutatîcus aud therefora tbey decldei- net te take rangeà at $8.5008.75 choica te prime aoy isk. The liuer moeidevuw the Iambs. $ gond te choit. river aud auchorpi.Yearlings, $6750710 gead te choies The trtking d(réinu, utvltbstand- vethers, $53506.75 fair te gend ave.. lui the tact that tbey are liabla teoar- utr 5-etCorm mstiny, are unyleldiug aspd CeamenY. Par lbh. Sic; prruta,83%c; sispported Sby the Officias oeth8e union,.xr firata, Soc; tirets, 29c; daiines. Aller -t2ey laased tisere vaz pande- extra.29c; liita, 26c; packing stock. MltlhsOn the quay. be of the 22% c. JUM 61111sesmaite ha Intoxicai.Lia. Pouîtr. Turk.ys. par lb., 14c, eek$m, -Hand Sais- A large selection of isags iîsehxding valines tlîat regulariy bring $1.50; msade of goat- seai icather and icatîs- t'r Iiincd, 98 vlioice .......- 98 Beautifl - ewear A lot of daintv lhand crochet jabots and lace 1)ows, valîwes tliat are considered special at 25c. C chosce..... 19C Uaderwear Women "s higls neck long sîceve vests .and usnbrella pants., '25e rihbeîl garînents, very priedat 15C HfandIgerchlefs Extra fine sheer swiss han-dkeirchiefS , scal- lt>ped edges anti cli- broi<lcred, othiers are liemstitched,lO rare v'aluies at. -o New Spring Apparel on Sale '1 Styles of Eléc and Distinction Priced for the Laist Day of our Gret Srn Sale at Noteworthy Saving Charmung Dresses at $9.95- Effevtîi c Nobby Coata at $795- Women ,i's, flCw Spring iiodl iin blaek and -white illissts' andi junior.s' Sprissg eoats suitings anîd Freneh serges in ail colors; s1>1C1diffy tailored ils mie of tihe sniart- dresestha Noul behar et tYdves vou have seesi this season; dresestlît w9sl 1whar ni li il <oiiSege 1 .Il to duplkate for less tisais - n ie 'dai t, eo1lar aîîd $15.00, Speeial, dsrisîg this 1revers t îiîîîîîî.(l n vo - sale at ................ tatiirvlt............... 7 -95itiiî Elegant Dresses at $12.5O rllThs<,are tihe latest style's if a Newîî York ssaki'r anti are privùed reîiarkablv low; tmatde of fine .'srgi's ili aiiivoi ors, trsiiiiedil li ii i I 50 st'rge anud terls h ti sale prioe ........12 Modish Spring Coats $18oo-Tise x- t-el leît tailoritîg ini tiiese coats is îîîe(I thioi nîotab le fiai ires. Thst'vare Ibeaui- tifill %. imade- cil ii 1 'v sîîitiîîgs, 1(\- p l-4 Pretty Spring Suits at a Bargain Price Theîe isns'i a Nvonaîi whli -, set n f ht'st suiît s but whiat prot iaîîîis thein tht snisarte-t stN les anîd tile litst vslies ilît ihav i ciel st cii for the imolle v.The v al rv oir tîlsii > iiitIi îîiîxtures41 -8 and rnaîîîiîhsli 81gis, sale piv ............... Wata 98C - A niew Waists at$19 i"î- Dress Bkirts $3.98- seîsetion of duuut:y lingerie . Ie-,r linisscn walîttt, r"t i. il omen's ail wool dresiakirta. valets, lace aud emniîroidery trimomed, aiso tilor smade luton ,madceof good qlillo serge. trimmed. siso plain tallored lin- sls' lle mlri1ri ~ si1115a u u rnec ou walote vitis suIffcolar aud asswliladsilpat tsdendrnmd rufsplendid vmîtes f Q frous, o inettalltl t>Mbi imitons .înd pi>-39 at . . . . . . . . . 8 %,1s ai thelit , sptecl pritce . . . 54 in. Ail Wool Tropical Suiting T oitai suiîtingt is one of th limoî st fa vi-vrd ma- terials of thîs spring andu înakî's beauttili sîîits, drisses anîd skirt s. M"î.e offcriîsg a s1dcîs- (1(îid aiv 54t illt'l1( w ie , treal grt)iliti %vith striîîes or idatk, î-egiîiar piveii 12 $1I50 at, Yard 12 iomorrow mil7W/ilVzness a Ilost of I/o- inen Admiring and Buyi'ng Our Jaunty Trimmed Bats ~Aîîipît pare<id for,î-aîs nas înav comîictomootw il ail wt i k lîîg îiij,îi 111) w st l to j hi'siîwssfor tli- i s tinxtîîî tu l'heTiar e al strikingiy prt't- t', Siî. eis, liolt i \ I li i 15tshîiiî, et every- Isîîdî'i IýSsSl \l at tid ittiv li li i.l io Ic ia hiî po v dlelt o su> )wi oi t tivist cai a îshg îîtw v-rtatiosîs. Tihe î5aîkl s ait t oilo\\i îîg iiisecs are very special. 3.759 4.959 7.50 Women 9s Spring Oxfords 2.50 Te ouli fini at this pice a sciection ot moela that wilI ha a treat te look ai. Plain pompa. eue aud two trap pumpg and lace and butten Oxfords, short vampsansd tees-s-týyles that wiul lend grace and heaoty to thse foot; asown lu gun-metal. vici-kid, Russastaisandsudhck. ail azea .5 pair......................... 25 WOMENIS U-IOES-Smart aprlng style» lunvIite bock. RussiS tan 4 / and ail black leathars. aiszes 2%~ to 6exceptional values. ti,îpar .................. .00 Mens Oxfords if $350 l9 your limit for a pair or shoes or Oxford& thIs 8SPrlng. YOud Setter apend that moneY at the Globe for It will bring you a Setter value than youli get at any other place tu tewe. The varety of tylea ta extremely large and Includes the snapplest modela of the 9eason ln black and tan leathers. button and lace styles ..........3 5 -Towels - ICrash- -1>t SZ ur-Ij uelinen crash, islî toweis, heavy .ag .d absorbent dloub>le thread, quality, bleached, - fiîîged, regular- red, border, ai-j lv sold at 12Y/.c, ways 10c, 10 yard eavIh liimit, per yard 9c 81 B&rjain Basement F00D CHOPPER-Ne I1 Uni. v.ersai lcood Chepper, cisopa al kindsofetmeatsand..o .98 vcgetables . .......7 SUGAR AND CREAMER-Cele0- ni style. clear crystal glass. lire polisbed. sale C pice ......... ..........I15 TUMBLERS-B(tii shaped tum- miers, extra fine leadblewn. pel- labed edes, 6..... 9c for ................ 9 GARDEN SPADE - 1itue steel black, -ahaped bandle, Q speclal ... ...... c SUIT CASE - 24 Inch steel trame. covercd vits uSSier etS sud lined, leather handIe ansd cornera, sale price .................. 98C WALL PAPER-A lot e! vali paiter lncluding odda and euds ln aufficlent quantities for amal rooms. valuas up te 16e.c3 G,.Cart Speclals A cari of spaclous dimensions. atrongly but, tuhular trame. wooden isandle. hait inch rub- lier tire wbeels, uphosterai in bigh grade eatherette lu ail colora, $650 and $7.50 sellersaet ...... 4e39 WAUKEGAN'S *EST AND *IGOEST STORE. Attractive peau-de- cygne silk petticoats, inade of an extra 900d, quality andl finished at bottoui with tuck- sle ie. . romorr'OW i - v u 1 Pl 1. ....B O... Bos Suits Smart Styles at $5.95 Il aîîtstuinîly taîlîireîi garitînts, nîaîuiiish iin Stye vii'îadi' or Service- able' il wotui fabrivs, fuîll îîîilitill'y shiitlders. shape setaiîsiîsg frount; siîits tiiat cauiîsîil e t-î1îalled for thleru95d niotiev, Pi<e..-P7e Specials in Children's Wear Girls' Dreses-Ma ny pretty sty les ar'e showsî in this sceetion oif gîtrls' dîresses at 98c. Tiîcy are matit'ot fast color gingisaîn in new stripes and paidls -ci-v ltîî' 1rived frtisis sait' at-----------..98C GIRLS' SERGE COTs-smart spring styles lu sizet 6 te 14 years. lange cellar, attractively timmedi prtcai .9 very specil ai .........29 UndermuslinOffers PETTICOATS AT nea A large selection ot attractive styles, soeatrimmei with flina vide lace aud othema vith embssol ber tflouning; $1« 50 sellersat ....9 GozN AT Ofc - DRAWERS - Flue Maie frein a reliaSse cambric dravera, fin- quality ot moallu, V- Isheai at ottom viii> neck. yoke tniimai flua toeks, prtced vamy CIIILDfIIEN'S ORAW. ne tecks. 39 sp cial E~RS - <5ood quality valuas at-...29c at------------15c ill. hemtitched GOWNS AT OS-A coleetton ot daluty govus cia0at that regularly seli ton 150 and $2.0, madeWOE' DRA- ef nainsot. lethae vlip-over, V and higls neet WOM- SîxtRa ua.t styles, lace sud embnoidery IR'camhric, vtde ruffle trimmei---------------------------... 98Ca t bottom-.... 3C - calice s - -Glaghans Standard quaiity Staple checked tf dress ealico in apron gingham, bine, gray, reds light and dark a.nd figlit cooi4 ' j olors, 71/2equaI- 10 yard limit, per ity, lijuit of 10 yard ards, per yard 1k iv XtWE the riol yet re Wc th, I bai. Bel cha cas tel 9=Èmcc== 1 1 ýr