CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1912, p. 3

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t P o#a"$ "aird".,bar 'Mu@.A. 3. «dbli scempasied iMra. AustIo lavaigeilu auferlng sitb *à attact of qulusî.1 D)avid PulIqus vwu releted at the, S01 metIng Surdy nîghf. uns Vualer sud Nina (of aiovlated ire. 1). Frasier o'er its. HollaglscliofPlesant Prairie, Ig vlltlug ber son Owuey tis s-tek. lire. C. liOre vslted friands aud ru. mrltveg lu Waukegan Wedneoduj sud Thnroday. ClisseUcOeGumof A toc i vletd et ,tbe MoGnire homns [at seek. Reçieuter ilis basket aolai et tbe Ilekary clooýdây ugbt, liay ard. Ladies brnug du faCogse s-luli e eer'ed. Laure sshman i fines more the community la add.ed1 bjy aliootlug ofc théima year old Laura Oushmss by ber liroiber Arnold mald -slave. IMondai worslg ab 8.80 ' -cck es lapa s uptt4 on, - wnape to go ta mbuol, Arnoldplced up tha gqa near et bond s-hIdieb odld- sot kuoir s-aslaaded sud è,Mailug bt blaaetbat lirebut lie ceiwd bi sa tepiano pulied tbe trlggev Idialuuesof ebotentered the.chlld'a1 t05B WiOS, tMIN - i ,. iI - - 4 1 9 : moils.1 i Oritra Taken for sJob Work Advertlang Rate@ On Application The Warreu Oeunitery AuSalatlon vîli meet s-lth Mr@. M. F. 8ebryver on Wdnesdy iuornlng, bMay lot. Haine Wright lanDot asus-ail at tha Bluter flOg,- as lu Chcaguouan@day laçt se« sud purcliased a pair of 1bornes. Mns.BIet. Paire la vl.itlng Miss Alma& Bosfor a es- dafi. 1 Jamnes Elbhnry swu on@ ofthe let on the Titanic., lie d epeut the witter lu ICuglad vlaltlurelative« lublie formel borne. goe havai a s-ifs and fo. chlldnm Urq. Cora Studer le @pouding a les- s-l it lier at. kMr. Staden'. neow houma ai G=i-e hnesrng com- pletion. 1 Mu. li a ast ira. 8. J. Hook wers lu on ese uPndî 10 aie their ftiler 7olin, sho vas aenlouly ljured Iiy belng tbnos-n f roui a haras. W. T. Badgett. liember Coleman Poel Nu. 5W0 Ut. Vernon [Il. @ayu e lisaâ lnu botbered vltlibis. dey. Thilr aion s-ai lnsgular and cansad muei dictrua, s-lvh a contant dui1 draWgu pain lu my liaek. Ater tatlug vooy Kld.ey Pilla my kiiueye bave beau retored ta normal action aud the pain* dlapelhed 1 recaumend thWu to my fWimde aud fellos- couiradeç." For a"e by aIl Druggiots. $10000 to $400OO.00 lýWe are offerlug to you.for you inimediate aceep I tance frqm the new issj.e voted on Febrnary 27tlà 15,000 dollars worth of our 7 peiî cent. bearing p re- ferred stock whichlias proved to be far greater than we expected-ahowinig a gain Of 078r -52 per Ceilt. Ouîr tatement jsàued February 23rd, Shows yoI]. LIABLIîTîE $I, :6.7 A s sE~4 2,21 G IN.-Z.... 'lT le ilcreage being madle to builil another large plant- moierri and u-to.-dlate a WVc have more orders thi-n we eau filil-Let vour iri(ney earn ail it's worth-Earn 7 per (cent. or more iot considering the increased valne of pour stock-NWe appreviate thi -nîuall as weil as the large -For furtlîer information, sie any of ilie foilow ing direetors.1e J. E. î'IEREI)l'I'l WVM. NbEWTON R. P. !CIINAEBELE WM. Ji C'ARR le L .(IltUlSEN% Don- Omo, The ,the oung y or sev- andi mys-, %Ion- a lit- s bas dues- ,hch y the à for a bad lîeand li. 50- that ibas I lika »Iclce r mo- nome- g s-o- , opa i oise f the gay g so- elI or 4f the tangl- y the mCt ta - an on we of mot. TE of on- Lake Thus Ra5 ou n esi- bis. idan ester, le ae- ;race s of an te paita were r the >d the i vies- 'ugers )fflcr p the boat bèxcit- Ç-the i s-ens n ave- were o had .getable Co. Ramnbow Mfg. Co. 7 PEGURACNT 7 andl Cumîulative 1referredI Stock, sestured1-v ili asset, landl, plant, lîuîillitigs and nmach îî,ery of the iCompany; also l'y an insuranî-e policy on tho life of the Secretary anui lreaaurer of the Company, payable to tihe('îxnpariy, tlis iii ng it one of te afest, tuosi Baîbsantial and consri a ive securi- tipsiin je posible for au invîeîtor to pîtrebace OVer tWo hundredper cent protection, aud an :ssîred contint of stock than ibis Company bhm îlâceillon tiij issue of $'25000o pre.ferred stock, and no betten prot autiomi coîld be taken, or asked for by an inve,tur who seekesgafe)ly' ti the matter of hie investment, with good returnne0on hle mouey. T'his stock la now being î,ffered at par. Siot.ou per share, as a local investiment (alihougli for sale to ail in- veqtofs). We do not expsct such an inve4tmneuî witb the. cond iNtns surroàndinit iis one, ehould lie on the mîarket auy lenLtih of tinte. Firet corne, tiret gerved, i'3 Our Motto. We knos- the soliiity of thie; enterprise, and recoin- mend to our investing frieudesud lientele, the purehase of this stock. The plant ta riglit heme in our miasi; lias a national reputation and high.elase business rating; je non- servaislv inanaged, and bas an earning capicity f ar in axces of its ixed charges, s-bicb consiat only of ibis issue of preferr. d stock. We can satisfy the inost ekeptical invetor of the safety of hie purcliase. We invite an early application for shares. They aise going fast, and weleel assured that no investor can purchase a seven per cent. investmetit with substanîlal assets, a live, growing business, as weil as an insurance policy covering the entire issue of prsferred stock to proîect bis inveiment, withont great difficlty. This ia csnîinly a genuina Bous-Fide investmt in l every partienlar, a bore ne uatry aud a chance ta inveat your funda in a legiti- mate buiness. COKE ÂAD BE OONVINdED; Get beneath the Rainbow, View the bright rffl of its ,, future. Stock for sale s-hile h lass, ai par SUOo.0o per share, oeven rr cent. guarmnteed. A. R. SCIINAEBELE & COMPANY LIOCRTYVILLE, ILL. I - L. H. Goulsan, s-ho racently gradusted [rom a votenary colileailu hiengl, al eatabllehed an office at the Gardînlar barn@u. lMr. Coulson la s biglit aud cap- able Young man, earuait and enihunaas tic lu lis s-ork sud sbould have the sup- port ô# ibose lunaed of agood vtsnary. 8. L. Cafield s-as lu Ciago on buli- nias Eaday. Barry Ric le laon the alck lst. Dr. J. M. Palmer reelvad vord Iass s-sek of the deaili of his [ailier wbo died At hie bçmea t Mluton Junetion lait Frldày. He bad beau lu pon healtli for som~e hune. The fuserai s-as beld at Milton Jonction Monday.' Service@se nziSunday avanng as îhes Episcopal miaslon ai 7:45. Suli ject "Repentance and Faili," Everybody lavlted. 11 lire. A. A. MacMillan aud Mns. Wilia; MiacMlillan s-are gusate of rends at Libertyville lionday. ClarnuesMiler s-B@ the oue tu s-inthe box of candî St the Rexali Drug atone faut Satnnday svening., We utilîl gve ticket@ vitb every 10 cent purebas ata oun fontain s-hîi e titieu ion vo a box of caudi Saturday eveiug if you are the lucky ona. Tbe@ilexall Drug Store. Mn. aud Mns. Pater Tbomsaonubei their infant sou Tnaeday. Tbe Laby s-as horu Saturday. John Longébaugli trousse-ted businesso ai Lake Villa Saturday. Dr. L. Coulean tsmated lnsjneee iu Libentyville Wadueeday. Wa bavesa full inBueni ipald lugs bats, gloves and balle. Nouan@reter. Tha Ilxail Drug Store, rayolake. En. and lire. 1. A. FanIon viitiieIir on Leo, sud famlly Tueedav at (mmnes. lire. F. C. Wilhur aceonîpsnied M. sud Mns. Lewsleh1Waukegeîî Suudav aftrroon lu thelr uMachine aumi rsturued Mondsy. L. Y. Sîkai transated business iu Chcago Wedneeday. 1Bart Once o! Antloch, s-as a pleaciaut cailler bers Wedn3eaday. John Morse and *Ife »peunt Tnesday in Chicago. Mr@. Chas. MaoFarlane sud daughter «I Chilcago, are atoppiug ai tbe Round Lake botel for a fo evesks. [us@pîte of the cold braazepF. C. Wlbnr insiste on s-.ang bis airas- lai. Mn. sud Mne. J. M. Palmer aitended the fanerai of Dr. Palmere@[ailier ai M ilion Junctlan Mouda. . fi s-se tated lu tant wseks items lu Round Lakre niws. iat t5e Round lahe hail isarn bet the Gnsylake tean7to 1. The facto as the Grayalake trn stais Vis alasev er la viltlug lier saut la (ihicgo. Iine of Vers Si ver are soi-ny te lisar s tinluthe hosptal lit s-ltb typboid fever. (Nliss Tessie Cliurdy in staying wttb ber aunt, lire. Hogan. Friendi of Mrs. Peter Lux are vary sorry te bear o abs s erouoiy iii with typboid lever. Miss Eddy je spendlug a few days ai L. A. Starre aie Waukegsn. Mira. Bon Surin o! Lake Foregi la viit. iug relatives bers: Heury DeWolf epent Sauday lu War- reuton. Fred Doolittile made bis trip Ibrongli biera lionday. Mies EIais Brewer lias reiurned alter visitlng relatives in Chicago. oMlsa C. E. (Jelling la spending a tes- days lu Wankegau. Nella Hogas la ou the Sick liet. lma Laura -Lux gave a ebower on ~aturday eveing for Mies Nllie Dloyle s-ho s-I llie married April 24 at St. Joeepli's cbunrb, Wsdas-ortlî. M iss Doyie bas many friends blie awbho extend congratulation@. Weduedav Aprîl 17, oeenred the ia r- nage nof llasClama Johinson st itis home of ber parents bers. Mr@. B. C. Amnaeutertiled the Ladies Aid eoclety Wsduesday. Lasy-yen.lcb vislted relatives bers Suuday. Warren Hol pent Suuday wiîb bis family ln Waîîkeaî MdiesMargaretMEcKay, s deelgniug tien le that a pIck no nlue Ment UnitoiTmRadnhdth ifrue art t s-h bLeen stsyiug ai thes RimqesRound Lake to P6Y bal but çm-uid fi TmIsniuls b inuet Wlld Cottage aht guesi of Mr. sud MEréi. id enongli o! Round Laie tm.mîîmi toi play bave bis colt cnt quite bad y. wt Ellil, lfi llondav for a is-mi wek'mansd 110 gamle s-aiplayed. n ,ihdv_____ vhit ith b ler brother Mai Savannah, il. Ithe -mirepondant s-as ii.îlmmm John Hos-e la ab.- toiloie around again. J M A 11<ý% K S Ensi G il Lingat, ughb epenti scaverai Schaal E1ectmne Up TU DATE days sith r,-atives berm. reiuruing o tO timrusv R. W. Chiurchi lfe(1 ber boren ai hi-ago Tiuesday. semîioml direcion lait Saturmliîmcmi- <ei Ladies and Gients Taior James wh. liventmlmig1li Jams ilmmmr, -h, -eu îmm~n u înaimnsvoe.Probalîli tii cgri-atiesi Suits Made to Order iLs Titanic, vailuies-cil known iiîbr utvoers s-are omt iai baie tlîe imimiîv. Hel,- s a bîiîber o mî t n eat aa enlîflol e,ti(m, lir -fDý s-are, FIRST CLASS riT iiLARANTE Wlait Iluiapi iof uie.udmuitmdly due to ibe dl.liiaimnsd ALSOCLE.ANING, DYEING M1r nd Nî Ins .1 1) ,fers are speud- u-ingiirlla eu i foi. iIithe A.ND ALTEIJNG ing a f,-w«vs i tb SIrto.J.ff,-ri- sster,serlîmiol the past Sasson. N M . a l- Mire. Srhii.-. Tlîcy r,urnel soin,.1I ner, %-ho ban made tIe i -ol i o mmm -Gragslake, - Illinois mîiilhis Iau., mm i i.abmmîus snd s iii Ian t diretr-.tnr. sas flot fa lailmn1 not eiurîî timrs. liavingolu mme intoi ui the Office sltbougb abe sal,î Y..i ilir Imelciwmii MNr. sud Nrei. G suy friands to rmn. Shi I-- fole ilie [tRichardson ai Clianuri Lake. paît ysar worked liard [min thi e -di ofithe Jaslon Renm-haii bas iurnîbssemil h-John school, eiug progressivet-1 rwdnmml o Clritîs lions,.aumi lot in Haîîîesvîie of bave the sebool non on mm .,.rinci. Nns. Emma Wiikenison and Mamie Chnis- pals unden ules sud iregmîaii î- ai ail riait. gîod garmaIs bould lie il, 1The-fait Mies An1rsu o Keuela, a ibatie,.is progresive, ailt.,],.îtmmn sd viîeaitin rensi.u 1r-m.iiKiieb, lateresieilunthe lbuilding 11; if a sgocd vîsmîng nicue bee. Chool evitelli, made bler îlm-iv fiend@ J. W. iiîlilugq of 5Aedmî-, N t)--. spent mime nu1ire aro f o -r - -election. s feîv dave s-ib bis sou Mlton, retinru- Hiwv r tbey fueliLiat ttomrney ing rilu lit bn Tunday. Chun-Imil is l aiu1oleiigre--ive ides fr. aud Sire Wm. Turner of Artiocliasd educaiion sud s-lului m ii lime work @peit Suîiday et the hone ut their aithlthebe ,si Intereot ifmi i,-ilie-ool. daiîghier,lIns. Hans Geldeu. Tlîire iii no esort wk.ý n (.Iîîi au Cheser (okerof Lncaiter,%Vis, t bave s townsbilp higb rliim-i l-ne vimieil risum be@ ths w-.sud b,.puesof the bLet m, bollml , mtmlie risiemi nienle brs imîs -.-eî. onnty and we fe-i that tii,- suîggestio~ns hire. 'iVm . Ellis spent fnesduy snd ibat Mnw. PaInmen bas tri--Il liard to bnîmîg Wuemln,.sday lu Chicango. into naliiy will umin ijim-lope in oun W. F lamLchlan omil Chicaiemi, tran - chool sud that h M i] mom mn1,i-realizeml iae-ied business hpee Iedrie@daýi- i iy ibosa ln pas-en tioît ii mm oly Ma, tmm Isucomtuily rmn a mci l i il pruamnsd Jees Longabaugli trausRacied Itminuese regulatioses auimlmon i,umii-ss îminiii-llial lu Chicageo Tuesday.ithe mme as any mlie uiiii,- institution. Notice to Dairyrnen to aset inlukipimigit mcoolluns-ara TIi- Wscmnsi Cmndnae Mik (n- W. believe the Dairymnen of Ibis psny wîll Le resmlv iî, reeire îmailua viciniiy who bave beau supplylng milk their tin.îysiake, Illinois, fae-i,îy May for the ciîy consureion for mneny lai. 19i12, sud vMilipsy faîiim~ll pure. Yesrs have been cooing, aeratîng, ! nd den sid uiau Nfoid 'muv nîik otherwise carng for i sndilis sur- deie.dai tiie fatrionp $120 lier rountdings so as lu produis a good buindreil poiond. grade of milk snd should have no J'nyp it forMin Ev îik iikcl bl M ad@ trouble ln producing a satistactory Jue , , 192. amii tiîer,-iiii,-r ailtuit quality for condemsing purpos. iNoi-ý eveeived-inug au.i m-leuilirinoniiiiiil ami îihstandiing reports ibat may have Le poil] forn othie 1sialiii ýof îhesbeencrcuIaiedtocomîary.i Thorefore fuil,,îwîng monîib pleage considen Ibmse isuggesions ofly Patrons deainuug aivati -i-e miiiibeir as belng irteuded lo bs lelpfiî. mîlk mcounu wili[lie aiim mi maei Our a sn iii kislu tuea on the liStb ilýky utM-ay tii- Comipany ynan service iiriii..t imu as e niatise xii issuesa ri-nier umtie 1,1 msrynien paserible if neîî etahu pic, ha wlihi lai] orJun. The comupaiv -c,il ir in îmt-nmire adî pie Limaftr i Ml1.,daii inJ nud assures ail l -u-t mnd moilmi- aum un-esibeeafu- Il 1m tii mimne tet L.i mirm-lane îmii ii, I8îl1aici-ýh ,moîtb ram su tiît pati.r in y U5 . ii t,-ii iit- Irý1e-- daymeiniadvajîi- Inun ie Imforite m-iiingUiEX il k w bimi use nîmi m-i-ml m-mm;mly The sociabli-timthat as îo be îii,-a(in coolemi or stroined, aitîsoemnt mandl îmeted Fidsy evmniug loii m.l mmîionvilutil milk. esurmot lie sm-et,-d as it tei niitor Tsdi . .i i.iaiii -pliil toudeusing îurpîîem-. Tedyvtii,.l-l3.E(rto Patromn@'caris alter liing euiîi1ied aicrime aud euîmîm-ai tmsait Oesnlg, thes fatorY s-Illie tliorimughrltsueS riTheconçriïLti mm %itmiii venyorie ja sud terilized, îvbiî-b silsave ranchiaotîetîiî,i-miii.n tss bard sudd iîmugr,eable labo.î for aoui teissa s-oien toue te 4 rrls aChas--l»siit lpant of! issiweek Patrons ehonld attend il, reinv-ig sitb ,thfriands n lmuaiee eau covere ani] tuning ibeir eau-m up aide down on mi rack of corne, kind as J. R. Corrsne its il lut-agie vîisior ml, soon as poieltser thiinreiîîurn si) Satunday. that tbey wiliL e tboroughiy drsiued Sebool meetimmg immîsvml off verv quietiy sud aerated.1 Patrons are remîietad î, examine canasWin. Melville lm,iimg i- ci--ted. sud cnvers, sud-if not properiy ciesued Eugene cbosa.îmîîi "iili corne spent ta report the sains. AIs-sym rince cana wltb pure couul Bonday Ilu slim s-ater betiene siraiuing milk loto thein. The commuriitî Mvus limrriedil ti îar Milk çale. trainae, etc.. aliould ha of thlisdesîl if 1litti i,- iuelman girl; acalded wit b lolîug wster. ilion dmed boili nigbt aud iorninît. The family bave trii,. eyîpatby o! tha PLease uise every possible rare to eammunity. previeut flihmot ail kiwis suterng mlk liMre. Allen lilxoimivssthe recîpient of a psu whils iitiii- i [ lt le çery important that mllk nhouId birtbday card Pihoirr alusit Suuday. lie reutoved tua a ilean. as-eet, saniîary place îmindisieiy alten milking aud IAMiesCn poehle; 58 rtlO ii)degreas preferreul. it A caretul mother willl ni .give lier leals11.o vsny iîmrtant État morninges child a mediins sithont knos-ing it la inllk should Bt Le iieS wth nigh's p unecnane no or,1îiso ansd fbas beal- milk utnîlî coolad ta tha tempsnature aof Iug sud curative muliiiew. Sncb a nlght milk. Pleace ear lu ud ihat sanedicine la Folei s Housy and Taer ltîtle ie voted ta eaolîug mlk, bath IConipournd tan croup, s-bnoplug cougli. alght sud monning la lime profitably branehutia, sud ail affections of thes sitet, ni s-aiated. ibrost. chaci sudlanuge. Best sud Cana of mli s-hile lun transît tu, faetony calmai for children sud gros-n pernons. aéould hae overad s-lîh a ecnvai ttoi Cotalus no upiase. For sale by al prevsnt nuIt frtamfraezing luns-Inter and Drugglsîs. Farmers À nulier Imthem-esent potale*tu lir. K. Bras-ar ln honor of lber 751h M lra à« bi rtbday. ievral 'lays wltli rlatve. s las~, Mrà Tho.Vanerwlije ntetaDin vMrs. Norman Adams o[Chloego Zéq"' Corempan. V Cago.s-I l ntraiig sted rii Frlday until Tuenda~ i*3té compay lro Cbic~olier brother, E. A. liarinu. Richard Shea w as e!î.eîd echool di rsec tor Saturday inight, H. C. tmeq bah Er. and Mr@. R. Pantal returned bom resignedg Sunday having @peut the wintr W tb Cham. ned. ad .C Ae en otheir dangliter et Chicago Lawn. the Lak8 ilbing Monday nîih. Plin Cleveland of Chicago, @Pontufl day with the home folk@. _j Ilobeti o! Winthrop £[.;bol. [ ROSECRANS J sent the week end s-itb i s pareélS 1 - he.e. This eommunity s-as greatly ïhoeked Misel[nez Pollock or Chicago, avent tw, st the sad accident that remihtd in the weelk end wib ber mother, Mr@s. Jubs deaili of littie Laura Buschnian oun olok Mondy mrnig.Ueo. White lis the dntcli messie aMs John Strahan and Peter (ileason were NIr. Preston'& family bava the momies. Waukegau visoitore Saturday. Judge N. à. Welch and Spencer Welch Mrn. Sarah Dodela visiting relatives of Chbicago, wera Rosecrans visitors on lu th'@ viciulty. Suuday. David Young ban heen laid op several Kars Gellen ban beau vlalting friene daY9 but at present la @omne better. lu Waukagau the point eek. 1 . M. Whiî lost a valuable borpa lira. E. S. Faulkner and daugliter Saturday with loe-kjas-. Bertha, wena lu Milwaukee Saturday. Mrs. J. A. Stranit sîtended the funerai Mi@@ Dolly Peuder and Wm. Rut! veors of lier #inter, Mr@. Elizabeth Gethain of married iu St. Patrick'& eburcli Apnil 17., Northi Dakota. Saturday at Warît's Mn. and Mr@. Chas. Edwards 0f Corner@ near Pleasant Prairie. Russell, speut Suuday with T. Edwarda. Lv. (W.SaIYmNI officiated at IVO o tu_____ .fnerals the paet vesk lu the vwlinlty of L GA ~ ~ ' ' A son, Donald Safford. arrvad April Mr. and lMr@.(George Wedge of Autiocli. l7tb at thiehorne of Mr. and Mns. Ralpb. wers vijeitors ai the Gouyo home last L. Wbeaîon at Wbeaton, 111. lMme week. Wbeaton la the daughter of RLv. and Master Haines Wright le on thes gain Mlr@. A. W. gafford. St present. Tha Leap l'par social finir] Friday vas Mise Marion Edie is ou the eiek liet. a decided sueme. The ladies wers Dot Mrs Thayer of Watik.egau, aud Miss, a!raid to bld on the baekstq. Amy Flood. oft(jurnep, epent Mouday Dou't forg'et tha Dîxie Jubiles Singer*. witl lir. Jaes.Saturdâ,, April 27. J. C. James. wbo lias been in the'CE.tpc ri2,"TeHm liospital the plaist ecen aceke iil isionE. t Deoplc. Ap i , "ue Hone tyéhoid lever s-as removeil %Vednesdsy eM iinsotMis De Bterile'aer. ta bis sister's home on the West 8Suie. ssve- isCreBtr edr Nlnsg. Paine s eeudiug ibis week s îîb The Ladies' AId SoceiY s-ill sai MieAlma Rose. Tbursday afternoon, May 2ad lu the lCeter Crokor cçf Lancaster, W s., iscbîrcli parlor. Supuer s-ill lie aerved by visiing nienl.M»e. %v. 6. Thorn snd Mr. Deamen. Cone n. T#lk ov.rsud seour niodel Thisib te year to boy @sios. Botter milo. Bcatever. LinERTYVîLLi Li ani ScIl' ETVllLELIBE C.The it to.c.d-2 proposition ever offered. c.80, Attenltion! One percheron and two Suffolk Punch Stollions are ofleçed for service et the breeders option 6y llawthorn !armn, Liberttiville, Ill. These horses have' prove n themselves in everjj way a choice droit herse sire. Marre sent to tfIe Iarm wilI 6e carefully taken care of and posture free of charge, and if led grâilut a reasonable charge wiII 6e mode. We wiIU net 6e respensible for kss or, accident. Ail who want to take odvantage of this opportunity to breed to the Great Champion should visit us ot once. We ofler for service Registered Suffolk Punch Stallion first prize wiooer and grand champion at the Inter Live Stock Show, Chicago 1911. West"id Chieltain No. 315, roaled May 1906, Sire Ormond No. 235, Dans Mignonette No. 99. We olfer for service Registered Percheron Stailion Ion Noe. 81402, color gragj, Sire Bruie No. 63045, Dam Iroquois No. 61873. !foed March 2. 1908. We o! Ietu for service Registered Suffolk Punch Stalion Imported Sept. 1910. tlgperian No. 31630 in Vol XVII, foaled 1908. Sire.,Sotl Sotian No. 2653, Dam Daisq No. 4398. Will tstand by instirance $15 to secure mare in foal, fee payable when mare is known to be in foal. Mares tried or bred once wilI be held for the Bea- son's fee jîut a#3 if bred by the seasoii. H AWTHORN ANDREW EFINGER. Supt. Prairie View, Illinois FARM R. F. Dé) No. 1 IThe Meredith rlower I - and VW he Mon~ oune ade. lave la 11obi 10ey 1t ilws? %

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