1i Nb,~' LAKE COUNTYI 'Y Ofike Telephone No. 1. Ctv Editors Residence Telephone No. 145-L. Libertyvilie Exchange. ,Ibrad at the 13ostoffIre at. Liberty ville. Ill., as Second llaas Mail Matter. iglpted Weelutî .dei-rt'sing Rates Made Known on Application. *IBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE. ...................................... Edito 10. C. SMITH ... ..... ............... ......Manager MIhY L. HUBEARD................ ... ........ ..... . . City Editor Charman Clarke, ot the supervisora is a man ot Judicial tem perment vailleshould make a mot excellent presiding officer for the board. Me look$ &Md acta like a chalrman. Attr al, Judglng troif the ZVon election, the lndepender.ts dldn't Gerry- mldler the cty se bàd againt Voliva ater al, for, if they hacl, ha couldn't have wesm thres warda, out of flVt. It goes te show that Voliva atili han SOME fflowera ln ZVon. It la Intsreting te note in connection with the Supreme court declalon -ue ln the famnasLordReed came, that mecetly. following hie return trom 11ilw York. Attorney Ase Beaubien fled a deed whereby he la ahown te be * h« .wner et the 120acre farm ear Adtioch, which was lnvolved ln the suit l arm lo werth about 812,00. One hall et $12000 la $6,000. The rallroad menas home et Highland Park la expanding each year and -lm **me te gain'more support and recognition trem railircad men. It la a de- eàa'vlnq and mont worthy lnstituticn in whose interesta Supt. 'Keefe ha& toll- sd lncesantlyy.' There was a lime when the home did flot arrounit te mach but jhat trne la past. We Agree With' Her We repr;nl ttce following reAs item, belleving it certains Sound logis and because it coffcurs in deas expressed In an editorlal in this columnn a few iliys arco: -Baltimore, Mdi, April 20-Mrs. Alexander Preston. Baltimore Society lader and ardent anti-suffragiat, dotant belleve ln the unwritten law ef the ma, 'Wornen and chldren first.' -A man is a more valuable membar et a community and of a nation thatn le a womnan,' she sald today. 'l believe Lni looklng at the thign a cold!* "'Why should a man lîke Major Butt have to de with the Tita.vîc ti nomv an immigrant woman? 1 'Preaident Charles M. aya ef the Grand Trunk Railroad was, by the #an of the aurvival of the fittest, the ablet man ef the thouuands who work for billsra. Amy one cf those theusands ot men was worth more thari a we;nan. 1. "'Colonel Aster was a man ot power. 1 believe that every man on that biset who dled dd what he thought bet. They are herees in evsry- sense cf ~ thpword. Trhey regarded obedience to the unwritten law of tthc sea to bc ther I But the i1mw i.wrorg."' Planing Trees 't. The Seseme Club cemmttee le dolng a geod work this sezsen by aeelc 1',jh1ýlntsre@t Waukegan adulta and chldren in the planting of trees and '~ éin an effort te make the cty look beautîtul and keep up a feature of tê» icviBWacvle pride whtch helpsaiment more than anythlng eIse ln making a attractive. YThe comttee haalready met hearty reapense trom the public but the cemmtte. declares there la ample opportunlty le do even more whlle »~4pr@@çný plantlng tssaon la here. 'ucommittee urgoI people te look over thelr promises and cee js tckç they have on hand and replenlat It where necessary and, where a SaenIon la needed in the wfy et trlmmlng trac@, ahrubs, etc., to DO IT àiifýW.C»re ahouid be axerclsed In aselectlng the soif used ln plantîng trees and ln tact that la onsetfteesentials te success.1 And, when trees and ahrubs are placed in the greund, one muet not for- %'VM tMthey need food mast as much as a humain belnd. . n tact, when they are fW* ~paed ln the ground, they should be nurtured caretully and-watched dally. tilS trois space la one cf the wort thînga a cty cari allow te came over it. %tVpiàhpnonw ha@ a fins growth ln thîs line and everything possible shou Id ho tt"w te pevent any retrogratioii. ~'Dust Péoof Roads and Driveways T1arvis applied bot and as coat of fine g svel or crusbed atoue aprinkled ou inakes a solid bed on esurfa~,c etirely dntst prooif. GSs t ie and soi ll wear for a i ong time. Also grmvoi roofing W ork Guaranteed. PETER BAKER LAIKE FOREST, ILL. Have-just retcît cil there spîing Ihue of melîsu.t oxfords and mon -, <di qeshote. Watch Our Show Window Weare the o111Y store' itntowitlîat carlies the celebrated Kkosed Krotch Union Suits White Cat Brand Tise Newb1slil Per Comort$1600juto $2.50 ::;aîîent WTe are agenits for the Royal aiîd 'inter- -national made-to - îseas tire lothing. <)vet' 1000 namplea to iseleet froîî. 1iit Gtîaranteed. A fuit uine of mon's hosiery. SCHANCK DOCK LIBERTYVILLE., ILL NOMINATES) AS PIUSIDENTIAL ELECTON PROM T.ENTH. MR. WILDER, HIEAD OF LOCAL TANNERY. 1S CI4OSEN AS ONE 0F NATIONAL DELEGATES. For thse tirast time ln Its hIstory LaIe. CHABAMAN ,W1111880F NEW OR-' 'GANIZATION PECLARES BT MAS NO ULTÉRIOR MOTIVE. lsAYS THERE lB NoTHING POLITI. CAL OR ALONG PROMIBITION LINES IN THE MOVE., county le to hsave a prosidential elect- 1 egardi .ng thé meeting lu the Illi- or Attorney Benjam In Miller of Lib- noie Abstract Companys office Thura- ertyville having iséen nominatedl to day evenlng (reiérred to ln laut ové- tis position et tise, ongressional nlng's SUN aoveu' whici tisere was convention hlait at aveuawood» on ,,orectrfoity as te its resi purtlicié W. F. Weias, temporary cisairman of Wednesday, AprIl 17. Tise bono'la tise meetinsg. nien aaitéd for a state- consideréd One or thie greatiet tisat ment, bei tisis to say. today: ccidbae ee bstwé uonMr This la not-' e secret organîzation, Millet and tisis county. Thé only time'. It lean organisation nisicis bas sasits before nisen tise county bsa receiveti cisié sud only objecI. Ian enforce. any notice of thîs soft . w L 1896 3 ment and tise commercial and moral neifare of tise clty; ta brlng tise peo- wben, Judge Charles Wiitney wua a Pie ofthtie city into cloner touais niti national delegate to tise convention tiseir public affaira: to promote bar. lus Minneapolisa mony amoasa aitisens, ratiser tbaxs dis mt. Miller was eleated witisout a cord, and,. ne*Ing for Wauk"eg contnt a th Tenit o th sPlndiienhenefit. It la not for the pur-pose f doreement given by thé Lake -cont geti g aydnofrruugay [n .'s. ~ i'. ,,5 ~ body for office. SaB fat aeig1a=cou~ thse delegates ta tihe êongreaoouW convention were named. He waa un' oppoaed for thse honor and waa electéd by acclamation. r. Millet lonce of the leadias las yers of Lake county. He was assis-t tant states attorney of ttise couaty tronm 1904 ta 1909 and aecretuffey of the bouse naval comnittee during the three sessions front 1905 ta 1907. lite 1i, prestdeu of tise Fitat National batik at Lîbertyville and président o!' the Lake County Télephone company. le hias also been préuident of the i board of éducation af Libertyvllle for the least tiree years. A Chicago newspsper this mornlng n reporting thse convention made thse ifAlowing reference ta tihe Tentis dis- tit: Tentis Dstrict-james Pease and J. W'ie.were chosen as lelegates to he iiîîîional convention at Bennett Ilai, %\ii'n avenîue sud East Rave.s W nol Park in the alterncon. Charles SPet and V EanEIteit were named as a!îc'-sales lBenjamn :Mtiiller of Li- i;erty%;Pt l-,,as aned far preidentlal elector. Il e cli egates wei'e ist1 ed fer Rooseî It in resolutions whlcb conimended Uis cardidftcy. The reso- lotions ludAëd nrecommendatien t bat the national convention malte thse Retolican vote cast In a district the basis af representation In tise na- tional convention. This recommenda- tion ii In Une wlth the mavenuent te ('it doitn the repirésentation of thse Southern tatés. Tiiere aensa to hé a number of peo- ple who do not understand mast how thc elector casta is vote for presi- dent. Soute thlnk that be le instructed t-vote for a certain candidate but thi sti le t the tact. Thé detegates fra)m ctis cangressional district are lu- structed ta voté for a certain candi- date and do their beat to nomînate hlm t the convention. This will bé hed in Chicago néxt lune. %Ilr. iMiller as elector will nat mix In tis at aIl. Atter tlselî rsieedentiel éction which wlbe beld met Novembér, 'Nr. MUler wltl beorne a membér oi thé Eléctor- ai colleke at Washington and wili caUt a vote for tIhe succeauful Républican candidate for président, wisosoever lie may be. cerne& 1 amrnont a candidate for state'e attom'ey, and bave no Inten- tions of ".ng tour yeats isence. This la not a prohibition organizatlOll. Tl la an ea'gaeizatlon of citîzens Inclined to wror-k'nitisthé commlesioéts lhl tiseiu' efforts for thé ctya ad-v.ena- ment. Zrisere was notiing secret about It nether was tbei'e an:-'intentions ai making it edret-meetings plauned at the court bouse can iardly lie caîl- ed secret. Mora4lty and Businsess. If moriIty tu business leade te bankruptey, It ceaaee te be moraiity. The art of niaingwatches Ha& boen marching ahpad steadily for ypars. Watcebeé have more braie anud pill putintýo teir makiu3gto day than ever- And etill Ilievr se getîlif cbeapey aJl tse wbile-whili le rather strange. If rau would flkt to Item just how far the wateb m'slicg art has ad- vu'd. tîuim Is th- place ta corne l. If yon viti tu ied ont bow cluuP aL really r,-lialle vratch eau be soBd visit this store. Our watch ,tot k-coxtalîs .ALL that thse art of1 warvl m aking bas ta aBfer. And we willingly place our fime et your dleposaL. A. HUSS JEWELER Libertyville, - - Illinoi& ~ 1912 Chalmers "30" Ili - ihlu qr UlrSca $1500 FulIy Equippe When the Chalmers '90" was first announced ii 190,x, it was ait- 1nowiedged the gueatest motor car value ever offered the public. Each year since, by inereased value at the saine price, the 1180" lias maintain- td this reputationi. lu its 1912 form, tise thalmers "30" le refned aud iuuîroved aud îuîiy eîîuîppe until its value in I'lut,,î, lu prie le efilI muore reuarkoble than! e,r lefreý Lestyvear tise ar sold ifor $1750 equirpéd ithl magueto. mise lampa, top and windshield Think of it this year--reflned and improved ln évery pae- mille way, witis thorougbly ventiilted foredoat bodiez, inside castrai. megneto, gas and ail lampa. Pet-0.Lite tank, Clîalmnrg mbiaiaittop and automatic wladibeld-for $15»1. Can votn conceire o! greater motar car value than thia? Thèse cars are non on diea!Y le ur Paleeroome. Redut Von libetter cai and get ion, delisrery date ottled non? Chalsuer "30" Feredow Poeuy Tonnse, $1100 nelodinzîsue o. Pres-0-Ute tank.rulmes, o aismupe. M,,, eîossbielO, vemiLl]etedtoredSrs,. 'ser sumd Scol. BROSS M. TAYLOIR êUBIERTYVULEILL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF waa exceptionally isard presaed but OPtImistic. and bis accounodating friendas gladiy entered loto chseck It. lng achemes. Indeed, It wea Ruggles' unfortunata habit et taillng to have ln bis bank tise sumas requlred ta meet tise face value of thse chsecka eseued by friends that cauaed muspiclon and force.d loto bankruplcy and the "woods.- vallable fat. veat or ItiuIhnt! revk bY A lu17 lu th$ circuit Onrt tedai. Y The-jury nwu Inatiueta8 by Jtsdge Char)«. Wl»tney te retpmu a verdict ln thge plaintlte favoe. . I A. year ago Mr. Stevens puvcbased tise jarm propprty nisicb nwu boind' "norked" by Carey and is . .Ploies.' Carey held . Jeaeon tha prepertY.1 Wben Siteveheaanoght ta ejeat hlm from tise premisma. Carey, It la allet- .fbers ..7 *. unom, MW 1 ter teud 4 vacdlptrauSt.v.neLa- ver. The faim propoi'ty lin a fan milea *est of Rislmuît! jmrk. Ail He Nad te De wît*, 1m -And! yenatuailY eonaetëd tlu a gonavue ruE for oelleer Ceeaesat Csttm5>nl. LI1aequienset.1 1 M"P* , flfl. w«IU A0- M4U ..Md dBsdea it huofevet be qdaugfsli ,8herburus, biln., ci Friday, April 19, 191.2. Ia l.8j7 abs came %a thia conujn it ber parents and settled near Elmubur-t, 111-, niere aiso waa united lD marriege ta Henry' Schult oftise lse aplace lu the year- 1848. -. They moved lu Ela township, thia counn.u-1le1866' wberé tbey llved utIl the deatis0ai ir. 8chulto IDi 1898, eltat çs-iab lime AMr@. Schultz bamade ber home wtth ber daugbtarr, Mis. Gruspe la Mdinéâota. To them nere hbmr on teîhildren, §ve donsanad §ve daugistere, six ai whom eurvive, four havlog diad ln cbuiîthood. Thou eurilvlnt are.: Ai. Fred Thin, - Her M e. er.yGrupe, Bisabuen, Mlina.; lire. John B. Baller, DeePlinee; William of Glmasr, Louis at Palatinesudm lierau ofo Libertyville. Beaide thes tisere are tweety-tbree grandahillireu and Pleven grmîtgrandcblldren ta mouna bter dsath. - The i'emalas nere ehlpped ta Palatine Nody hrl éu eid ai the Germin ulbranchuch t Fir-lid with interment ln the cemetery aet that place. FAILURE AT MIGHLAND PARK (CONTevNeUBDFDOU PAGE aNIa) We Have a Stock of Mify ...to Select Froni. Oeil ini and Talk it Over. S13HANCK BRos. Tbe OumneneCow Hobhiguaranteed ta stop auj con Irou kicking. or Y-,i imay returu tile RSameand let yonIl et s1.50 '1rY uelt eweek. 'c-28-0;I I WHAT JOSH BILNGS SÂID Life Insurance for somet indescribabte reason, iii the onie great îîec'eu*ity that mon do not purchase as they provide for other wat, but await having their needs urged upou them through the personal visit of the Agent. So rare ie the instance of a citizen of the United States applying for insurance direct that a person doing so, by the very act, puts himsesf under su@picion and is made the subject of the cloeeMt scrutiny to detect the moral or physical selection he le expected at once of wanting to exercise against the coxnpany. Josh Billinge hnmoroaly satirized the galf-selected auiîîicant for life insurance- 1 'I kum ta thé conclusion that life ws a so unsartin thtst the onu' way for me taetKaud a fait chance with 9ther folks was ta get nsy lifé ingnred, se 1 kalled on thé agent of tihe Garden Augel Inaurance Company, and anewered the following questions which wore put ta me over the top of a pair of epèttactes by a slick aId fllow nith as gray a hesd oie hisu as was evar owned: Atc yu a muail o' feusait? il se state how long yu have ben so. Ilad yus a fatlsér or mother? If se, whicls5 Are van ènbject ta fit@, and if so, do yu have more tîars one st a tinlé? Wiiat je yaur preaise fitsng wate? Did your ever have any ancetars, and if a, lîow mucis? Dus vu have auy nightmares? Are yen narried or single, or areyu a bahelor? hlave yn ever comnmttesuicide? If so, how mnny time aîd how rancb did it affect yu? After anewering thune quetionL. tîke a man, ins the affir-mative, lihu alick, littié fat aId feller, withgold spectacles on, eai] 1 nas inuued fat life, aud probably would remnain so fer yéars. I thanked him and esiled and retired. 6 Mauîy an applicant leas favored with the sense of humor that Josh Bîl- lings irresponsibly displayed, complicates the work of the agent by takinig uni- brage at the medical examiner or at the action upon hi@ application la soliciting additional information froin the home office. Lt! e insurance is for the healthy. -those who are vieil in mmmd, body and view of life, and theBe people ceau only get insurauce when by beiDg so quallfied they n8cccssarily feel toast in need. o! ItL ANY MAN ELIGIBLE FOR tLIF! INSURANCE MIAS IN PlAT VERV ELIGIBILIITY A LARGE ASSCTI ABILITY Té commAND LIFE-INSURANCE PROTECTION AT TI1j SMALL OLJTLAY Or THE! PRIEMIUM. ANY OTlI!R BUSINESS iCAN 13ETT!R AFFoRD TO WAITr., wRiTe TO VOUR MICI16AN MUTUAL tIF! AGENT TrO-DAY. -Toit TINME TO ACT 1S NOW. TO-MORROW MAY BC EVERLASTINGLY 100 LATC. - Youro truly JOHN HODGE, DISTICT MANAGER. (W" chtia pace next, and suooeeding wpMiý. A .line muage voe7 11.) 'Iii, . *,-, -' -,~ -r-1f~11w STEER SYTRAIGRIT ta Wm. Làyock & Co.IyJiibave BY auto nee, ropoirba or otherwlae. ellto koô*our ts.eneee and t at-i tend to It-a etaim inade good by ever.vr jo.4aae o banda. Efen Il josi don't noemiour service. lday. drop uun anybowo. Welcne WM. Leyc«,k CO. ISTAVER BUGG(IES i ARE OOOD BUOGIESI 5j. smITM PHONE 458 J. r* 1< L 1~ *1 'f. .élv 1