CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Apr 1912, p. 7

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F1 o R RNIlOR SALE-B roan houes, M tenbad. JORNi PET£aRso,. Lib.rty' HOUSE FOR RENT-lnqncre mx KouagKi, Libertyv - p-h1>3-1 I - FOR RENT-Oroculm -bouse. 'bl-ar-ant FOR SALE-i broe mare, weibFO RETar bosan erl 1800 ounds; i broya mare, welght FacreN t arcî 2 iesandont h u 1200; I grsy coach boise. weigbt 1150. arent.0 g. inquir% uiles A,. . t of -"pla osLiim.LIbert> ville, 111. Wreti.J(ur,0 HRF T1ý blAs, fiiit& il. R 1. 1). 2. P one -------f------ - ,-.3 0-rf _ FOR SALE-NejirlY new nmodern seucui FROFO ET route bouse tic ea*%-tenus. l'rre, Fa few FR Rgodlamefo f2200. M,,utblç payusento il deeird.1hv e v dfrefr t~e28t YIrc ASI.ut for 1912 runnIng troum 70 acres ý 1 to300 acres andi ail close to stations. FOR SALE-New td"i, P-at' R. B. DIXON, seven rouler boUN4e,. ~e I. 6 ! & Lincoln Ave. Wili ,.ome n 'ten, _____________________ ln<îuire 0 (ol , . L Io itîtartsiiie - -- -- Ili. c.2d-tf çRRENT-Fîrîe otitrus iuthe 8chaoclk _______________ bîtlditqt Sec chei.. FOR SALE-Fou blooded aud reniotered c2-f Ktýiii0ý-jN. Polanti China soivs aîd gîlts. l.tu1FR11T1Hou n roi t.r breeding and inidividuality. Prierdf FOR ure of [MiL .. on sst.burti seIiý Liherty Villa Stock Farp" ltur e o. B. J. ertyIltf POu.'., lregma[. N. E. OÀATZP5RT. r - c., FOR RENT-(;ocd email hoir- a.uu FO ~ * ,, garder)*7rit? lir îîîonth.W. IL.AiýL, ani op,.frutti standard tires anad brd'-WANTED out o viei brd 'îgb producing datait. &am# rady fur servicp, coute yioungulero WANTED-i)ruernaking aud plain sw cl gréat promiAe. Renernber the- Luit .m ing. lnuîure ri u lk. MIAI, Fir" t hall your lird. Liberty Villa St.lê tr4-t V30: Farim. fB. 3.l'osiLv toreiliali. N F 0arasrPhoe 28V.1. l"~tt WANTED..Owners of tarinbargaians ... ---;aywitere iteteen Chicago and Mii-i '.OR SALE-9 ronin bouse, ail mod.-ru açaukee to liat sanie wlit me. 1 cais Improvemente, and lot. linité %'.W. get ycu resulis if you really want to, U, tusg, E.Firitotreet htete lroad way! and Hurlbtt Ca rt. Phone I '01 1 oeil. c. 21 ti R B. lion. Gurnce, Ill,. 61 tf. D&W. FOR SALE-8 room lanus -and lot aili WANTEO-YOI.nglads witlI corne modem improvemnene, lot 1OtIxiSO, ou j ducaetion for teleirpii operatori att idilwaukse amvenue a..tb of Electri lLibrtyvileadotiuiexrbiauge. ATpiy depot in quire aofSB. E. Osîuns,im, Itu Chluf Oprator, Lake tCounty Tel1 Lbertyvilie c-28-tf phoue (3u. Lbertyvilile. tIl. c27t FOR SALE-Lodts in Oâborie Pub. WANftD-4i!rl or niiddle aired woinan division un Iiilwiwaîk.eavenu.- , w.uth of for genleral bu1,nsteWork .NATHAN the Ekutrie deiot. M'ater and ,eaer I4À1XERT, Lb.-rtyvil!e. Phone 27StWI mnains laid. K. E.U5OIINEi. , u.rtv FOR SALE-Baàrds p ring wbeat i-ej ire ingurance, lions.- i'ting. coller- terman millet seed. No loclmed. (J.Ï" tions, lbans negOtiat-d by DymONn & IiEN(juEo, Libercyville. Pions 278.12. rm. -8 ,,,.29-t.f A BARGAIN-In Ponitry feueing for a sbort tctme onîr. 18 wires, 48 lnch.* FOR SALE-Brown mare, harnuess and igb. Ginrh scai. :lo -p.-.rod. 20wvîmes, buggy, $«'b- Muet b. soid tuo psy board 58 incite higb, filinch sday, 3& pt-rumd. bill. LÀDDi'c Llvery, Lbertyville. Aok for othu'r largaing, AMaciuÀs C-SO-cf WiRE I'snaE Co'. lib.tvviiie. c.31-2 BE A TRAiNEO NURSE womANs oppoRrUN iTV. - Ambtions vomen desirioua of bel ceirIn their condition chaud ake uP Nnralng as a profession. The smal number of competent nurses alsea .oistantly Increasisg taumamit for thelr service. Traineti Nurses receive !romý $1800 la $26.00 a week.ý soins aibigit as $50.00, Includlng their board, The Rochester Nurse luatitute vilI t train any woman la b. a Presos N urse lis a reaioisably shorimal her cen home. Recaeru of te Inde.1 'pendent eaus gel free Information and Instructions ity vrlting to te Roches.. ter Nurses Instiute, 10«4 Rochester, MEN WANTED. $100 to $150 à Montis Reguhar Salamyl In Autooboile Work. Tisere vii b. 300,000 automobiles matie thîs !eSa. vsichin eastison santis of gond jobs. W. leacis mes of auj age te he Chauffeurs. Autoumo- bile Finglneers, Repalrmen anti Baies- men. W. gîve persoisci practical In- etiuction isy mail, andi obtka l atisî tor our graduits. Ton eau learn la elgist veeki. no tisat you COn ill a $100 place. Write ltiday for our tisé leusons'anti W recdy for a job Ibis Summter. Compelent belp suppîbeti ovuers sud garugs.-Rochester Auto- mobile Scisool, Churci S treet. Roches- ter, N. Y. 1084. ighway Notice Publd< Lafing of Coistuaci Notice Ilaiemby glvec tish& ie ul b. reesîveti by tise untiorelgued Colmmis- gloilrs off lighsvs3rsof tb. towvnship oi Llbertyvîlle la tise ouaiy 0t Lske anti BIais of linoi, on tis ebt day of Mas' 1912, for $be Umdiu;aiofseveral rom$e. Tboo evlblgta bti on sans. *11l meet et tise affne ot thse tovu eer j, outh. blo,. dote.etnas(9) 'clock le *tise nsoring, procds f roim tisereto 2"u',w ocseeof lb. several rmadàtis eW TisaI ties amne ill las let ly contrant by public letting 10 lie l9weet reeponsl- bLbleisitder. ou. lI à..' et Igit 'aif coalruïcte. Tise aln"I*nt anti linti of vorksta ladone vyul De deeIgatse1t tbe. Nase of Ilttlitg. Thse oris obte eomplotedlotg toe otract. Tise @sW = 8840s 01 ol gIaj rve tbe rlet ta rs4sut amy sud aIl t~5.if les tét u ltahie iest lterssta gt5 owzwbî ta do. th'A P&W eatLliert'villie tiis 24tidsu Apt lois,. L avs Meport of. Condition ofthtie [MKL COINI AJONI lmBiN Ai LIhi-rsilie lu thei- ataci ol liuoib. asthe~ 'close out ualneaa. Ali M19 112. REilOURCE&tS Loan. ansd ttisenm.. ..5eu Oveedrcf".. ec ancisdscu'reu 5ti Ouiet tBoaué L. bsec-ue Potal i a-les ronceltw Bonda. SecuitàUe. ete ..... . . 5. 45m BEDnu*boufe. furituri and f sisires05w.0 Duie reunSta- anssii svage B.fand s. suliers. Tnt . ýcrnusîuanduc Salugasak-.........U Du foieS. stuc uU e t .su .s.a . ... 4-s lt-ts o cmiie- N±.o,l laalo.. JeIck.ols iPse. cnrenc'1.,Nickela ? aud (cent.........»r 111 l'Avîni Muni- eiev'l Ia i I-i-gel tenderniîes lisse>36,618-W >iedeuition fndiciiitt' VS8.Tisas- Total............. .......... 5»54.786.16 Capital Stock pali la...............58 ie500 Tares 48d...........mln Nadonai Bank NteWaSsani- a.lii Dlvldm* s uapald .... ..... S'S 1lndve0 u.bM Ilcec n di4 S Nap5>4 Oefflsd OfecIks..... ...........77s Po" Mi avingi uenuosh.... à TuiSel.......... ........... Stase o! ULiacIs. Connty 09Lak.. 1. C. F. Wughi. Csue.1ohtà.b r ie- aolesnly war Utis te aboye enS la tusttaiSe Sa as y knwledge sud belbet. C. Y. WRIGHT. CsMsier. buhusribecl anti soai-s tabefers me liig ilN I y oAmurll.1M2 la r Ia&A. STAPLES. Notry Public. Eirr(W-Âums: e. AMWNIOiT. C. a. GSLLOWAT. PAUL ÀAOlU VIN. Oiectors. A» n Bgilshmuis. and a Welahman dlsuttng ina vas thse best living. tie elchman s-acn "Tisere la arris noble isaueekeeplng Ia Wales tisat I bave kuovnabuove a dama coksemployed t on ae vol' ding dinner." "A,'," anilveredti h. Inlugiahman, IaI vai iseauseever! man loastet iebis avuCieOee Ativîe teLswyeru To a counnel arguing before hlm at Olksaweil (Bug.) caontys court, Judg. Udge rerarisedti:"Lot me 1.81 Pm a 5 5107of a euse la vici at OannUl1 apMsesvsdore. , ustic 1 4 ad uselaMy sugesi àa' a0s ý4thlDkUg vas D01ot " - soasevea *Its4Mr. UIl ONouer i. - ~ ' NONÉ'REOEIVS. PQ , O AL ~ 4 SM wite M r UsueL Ploue 267L2. FOR SALETop bu,, 2 55515d buggy. F'oRSit-Ho Mdnt Int on dcisooi beyP&Ma-besvi nope anti tva >gV-oSéetetnovue tiseMargaret Lyncis Mo2mé oisa eo. MW. D. M.Iqureof1ucgKEL, ýF m L b t r l .p 0 . 8 M j n s , P .P «a1 . 2 FOR UALE-About4 orôdoçen Wil 4 ++ + Wjmàdotts beos. luqubre Rosaàce F08 LENT tr.cmule, dandi un. tekcîcDg laîr.ccr tldneie. ta nry unr Iloxalil-911" flair Tonie. We vent tti-n. ta usesit reguarly- aa&y outi tbmee bottie, bave bai-n uset- andi if it dues nai eraducati denîdruif, elesae anti retrehe calap, hîgiten tise bairlanis route snd grov n-a hair, w. wilI return every cent paîi us for thae remedy for titi- mers a@king. Thers le 150formalitjy expectati anti vs exact no obligation tmum lb. user chatever. We are ectabliaiti-t right ber.- in Uhertyville. ant i nake chia tuiler vits a fuil undetainding Ihar aur busines suases entlrsly di-psnds upun Ibe sort of treatment vs accord On.' eustomsrse andiv. vogli not tare make thse above oller aau ie sers poeîtively certain tisat vs coulti suboanatlate Êfinlu very 'Pomember. you can obtain Rexal Remndiesla ue i@communnty only srt aur store.-Tb@ e 1.alBStars. DECKEN Boan, Libertyvills. 111, Marrlage tAsde Eazy. Grain& Green, Scollaud. b-cam. fa mous for ils celebratlon of irregniar marriates. For mauy jear tise aver- age number vas Byve hundred. Thse ç'emoay cosistet OulY o! an admis- %On. , iefofe vitnesses, hy 1he couple tisaI tise'y vre huabanti andi ite, Ibisa belng sufiiclent to coutilute a 'raUdt mantsge. Aller this teesoficaling tuuetlonary (for many jears a biok., smltii>. logether vlth Ivo wtnessss vigiie thel.marriage'certificae. Prlnllng I sChina, if reports are la be relieti on, tise, à" the .art cf printingtu aChina "8,4 jean&go" it vas block pnlnting& bowever, Ibong i il 'i. id tisat tise lad somellsing very 1k movable lYPe la thse Middtle etf1the teutI cOutui. Thar* may be nase doubt n as t t,4z uet parietibt Ierse neDoroom qu*d»mtqg tise tact lIai. for EsABY . M b î - Ù w "M 1, lu - i Oamty on tue 250 usMonduy in tue moiiu; 01 Juge neit. ale S upciai bail and piea' to said action, iudgitient viiili e -i-teri agaluet jan in iav,,r of tite said plalîîtiff. andi the property actacbed oold to satisiy the esme with coist, 1,1:\, A. Bun .Cierk. Wauktegan, Illîrîcs.Aprii 6, 1912. BEN RH MILLERIli a tiff's attorney. c-294 Wisconsin Silo- =àd Tank Company's Stave SiIo's But On The\ MRar.ket W.* S. MMA Libert-yvil Long DIstane ~éi9yspiac EXPENDIcTiUKS Loana aantinlvestunente, Tocnsbhip Funda ..................................... $ 100 (c Diâtributeti anti put lu Credit ot t)Jtrictmc........................................2-187 99 lonipeusation ut Treaslumer.................. . .................................. ltsc cc Incidentais of Trusters anti Treamure............................................. NiCO Cash on bandi April lot, 1912, beluuging to Principal oh Townsip Funti.. 300îtt Ou 'Total.......................................................................$Ti 1 TOJWNSHIP TREASUREIt IN ACCUJNT WI'iH tCbHO<>h III8TRICTS HEcE>PTS Balane on band April lot, 1911 .....7 ...................... .. 51561DI)5 Froin distributio.n ot Truatees ........._............ ............... 287 go Special District Taxas............................................................ 3526 89 Ilairoati Taxes ................................................................... 9(15 28 Back Taxe........................................................................ 1474 Bai@s Beool Properly, Store....................................................... 50O Treasurers of atisar Townshsip@e............................................. 166 46 Tuition Fe ....................................................................... 1000O Total Balance anti iceipte....................................... 010260 76 EXPCNDITUsES District No. 4-J...... .............. ................. 8 52 54 .District No. 76U .... * ........ ......... »***«....... *** -«..............142 84 District No. 92U... ............................................................... 84697 District No. 923.... ................................................. ............... 6 22 Dstricit No. 93.......................... ............... ....4.............. District No. 94U6 .... ......................................................... 409258 District No. 957...........................................................2198i District NÇo. 968.....................................................9B 4 Dsrict Nu. 99 ................................................ ,,*,*»............ 492083 Dstrict No. 88..................................... .................9387 OR#NE Total Expenditures ................................................ 8 7,5 45 B"sucs. on isandi Apru lolt, 1912 ............................................... 5509 31 IInisTotal Expendituree, bans anti Balance .................... 8 .... 10260 I isereiscertifs' ibe fono~ng Report 10 la correct, according ta IMs test of ville ià R a. isuoietige anti iellet. P. J. amam~i, Treair' kt Oore teanti subecribed bisoa,. me. t 51du'ot &pul A. Do. lu,- e- .U.~g LA~.OOUNY J2DEPEDENT AYAPRIL 26, 1912. 'PAUL1MIWM WADE % VII des NollModern. TheS XM y -d USe .20, The bales affl astO.r C.ihStephani, ta M.H. .ransîer b' ortbthserly 12 rade lot9. ad41O TM WNS -stilIouesd foi. tlek dacuments vas Chas Koartge, Lansing .......29 f h i B USUse J 1ta3Nortb West addition, Wauké". HIGHLAND PARK FOR SECOND patented la 180? by a govemument cl.rk Helen Haasa, Zion City ....... 14 WD$1 TM ISDAMAGE SUIT Vis by the naips Cf 0. W. McOI1 li. Tnt it Denle J. Crawley, Milwaukee ... 30 Lake Con T gLgcTRIC RAILROAD. vas not cn e,,fr th. Romans used arL(iaperenBy 3AbtatoTn-d taRolh p 2mlsar dévirce 2,0M0 ears 5<0 and the Cha P.Carae, ilwaukee .....12 Masoue Tsmpieitlîî. 16 acres lns nottileant aefn 1SPELLMAN VS ShOGAN ESTATE Modern allipliallie Wes a recurre,: Edith Scituiz, Came 259. Lîbertyvilie township. W. D, $rr( CALLOWSFRAL IONY .OF lion. a. - Schiz Maike......... .... .5John Griffith and vlfetn ug Gatu. Gave a B'OF $10. Chas .Hnz iwue .... 3Arl1,11. Swift, 49 acres lnnorUtk t <oa* _____________Alice G. Gavin. saine............ 20 Netta E. Lombard, lo Mary E.Cl section 7, Deerfielti township.W.f Folowlg deiheaton hic lit. "TE bgget p! versa gîen Thos. D. Alleu, Pittaiturg......... 30 lette, lot 3, (Ex WVest tour feet>, Park ad tain o'toekWednsdayaftenoln-altr liMy eIle b;betiwe by ymaym WeestfailCamena.nV.«.21erW' V.21Barers'n. WDu$1.1 Barringssy an.wlW tD .$U motil 7 o'clock Thursday moruing, the thmaiste ohn .Gates lu Paris."sufid John L. Wuuderie, Chicago .... 45 Rose Schmitz ta 1, . J. Schmitz, lot! I), tîc l.ots 31 ta 38, block 3, jury in the Lundi case brought u a an lu l tis od a aI * egainlr. Msrgirete Zîmmermati, 'Mil waukes 36 lu a tws reouttscin31"u.WVnegn .n i In un a!t$.500.Oaîssselaty -Titis hap. Louis 0. Peterson, S. Miliwaukee . .26 Deerfieldtowtanship. Q C. si f).i Jsepht Van Dam and vifeteWas verdict allavlng damaieslu the peusti abotit tes 1or Uelve. years 5<0 Bessle 1M. Momblean, Nllllwaukee.. ..24 jWilliam Hancoek, and cifete 1John rso iniyC..lt4 bo -1 entrtauet 0fabot JcephS Mleoeiiiwauee ...27Mnrray, 21/4 acres lu vet one hait sec-:liardera suit.LaIe Foret. W D. $1. Paul Lund, a H ig hlian di Park resi- dozen of u n a àînver ai the Rltz ha- Rose M arq arc2t, sa ie .. . . .26 ti eon 5, East A n'iori t wnshi . W . 1) C N. Ilnrnd a nid vifte an J . E. M c. dent, brought uit againt the-receiv- tel, antid h d thtillle Pivae tuing Wyman L . Melyin, Racine .... 231 Cîrdv, art uortiteasi oie-fourth se' ers of the now defunct Chicago & room on the. rlght as you go toward RoeAIuesie .....1 MilanseEletre airoa cmpuythte restaurant- Befove te, meal Tas EIrFvouan i.3 ing Randall t0 Florenre t. Sied-tielin20, i.ibertx ville townsipî. W. »l Miwue li RdodcmayInDIsheti Gates calieti for Olivier, the E .JhnoF.Shitvdan I.11 n for $10.000 damages a year ago. Ste ieaiva.e.JonneerdderrrdPrk tract of land lis sectiors 4 ani $375. met Mnuy ecama h ad ed atr Jh ee i ucd'%argaret Miller, Iligitiand ak'.-' Walikegani townsip. Q. C. $1. Estsie cof Thomcas rrrn de lnur, t dms t h lbndatligettlug 1h11 man's ifoute rigit. Fiavien A. Niurgiy, loctreal, Van hl MCron(e of thse electrir lune. when ho Isas i "Oliver,' h. nid. 'hres a lilp goe Ida Hllmans, Ripon, Wls........... 5 liairiet E, Jones te .1. R. Jones lot ceîssed) ta Converse Slarbie, lotux, strucit by an electric car on a cross thiInfr 1d4, hmB î~ ît h .~ lock 1, Vitinus addition to Antl- Maritîs & Converse suit, is section *à ing at 'Higlitand Park. 1,000 franc note <$200). 1 loi Cote@ (ýctein Bronsaine.......... 2, i 1Gaî owstp ed$ Thte Lundi case was callei for trial itc was tachais, andt hat 'P wa pil. John W. Willianms, Jr. Oak Park ...25 F. t)f5WoOdy-an i cite ;0 Jospîci Annsa Dietureyer, te Jeni T. Yagar, Monday aiternoon andth ie Jury retir iii11ttiigs for thse re- ,'liqbut hi-Mne. tnia, ie ~ irolk.cJc, tial-t cf laid in n<rîCirast eat 58 feet nortit 100 teet lot 10, block ed ta te jury room al-3 aoclock yes. gilesseti ha knew wh- it-î dcnn I.Rseta ane..... : terday. The Jury votedta toallow dame-Anw u ppSrt, iiago ........... Ol'fîtW. clin..D.ikga ow 14$250sfeon).tdtoWa. agea smon aller they retiredti în Ieir Aun Rojcrr. samlk Seboga ..... iiI P?(. t Ir 'd u W. t) 0230 box, but titey argued ail niglît as te - in . t' . olilshbain_... 1J lir. \l P l g Is iii fr trt uc- IrC.OPeepsci ncr- te asemunt of damnages titey itouti DEN Il. MILLER, . irus1 .1n nu t iffis'r'c... m..... h ojr ilina riCi i re Iand (piey, cleen of ceuntor, aiiow. On e or two meusiers fouglt t iein e uAttachoeîtou(I dic it;..........2 1)rti. ~ r 11.'i i; îhj ra niirsdu fteSetr against aioclng damcages, te te oes rci'ISnîoc sai..........28 rw o I'.n nitled (.as Elecirfial roinpany of of 115.500. tri.o tLNi~Erîdru Parlrrk'îl, clv ................! . t ar; :t t ort i. r11 5Auirons. crsthfclliidruiELi h er Spelimnan Case Caifèd. .iKIE COitXTY i . )e Dekîli, sanie;I..,..c...ri .,r7'.rI, 11. il)' Irnilsthe roim.,ltat lte, ID Ille- Coînty Court cf 1i ,k-.1 iI[iir~t r.irnr o1g , iac........36 r oodo iLak lzi l r'liit, \V. ,, lîtili lBaIcr groirp of financiers cere Tito case of M rs. Aina Stielînrain- OfIliJunci-ferra 1912. itar. t.ngr 55crag .. .S ibiledc,.t oi uclcii. o ie ccccu fii Waikegan vi l te John lîrogan estate Tic.,Libertyvillé Lu,tiri, r nMt r.rralsin . tIbrlIel ai;i, to .'-0iain orte ici.s f i sas allti on rialrras irs S;ell riirltioi V- -*~p' ' ~la1c ruWalter tastan. \lilwarclo...... :22 iT. ltledge, lot '11, llci. lisvein çcOmIrirY ier rcnc ch o I liiiient. 1)cmanid ilr. rlr Tillte <Castli, some .................lic)Ierges cbu trn .ctioi , c.rî.ili'rlont;'chigeleitl Isu B- ma et t oîc aiîisnoiii. Notce is iereby givel t. 1 l r,Juirt GeorgeIl -Brown, tLake Forest "S,. ,sit Q c'.$700. er rrowc or any crowd of financiers ta aînîroximale lv 81 3Tite bill1915 tarr.v J Shleeler tita i t Ir' i e for serrvice-s ro,!rd lririr the- titreen~it tas belsin sued ,,ut i, i1, rue , (1 rIil.Francils, <rayslast .c'-le, i ..T. Rittliccge and uii ie Ir.1 E. \Val sn(f the - utcrholders or unv gvoîip o! site olDc sutd ai nurs, ervior 1 ire tic.- Irk utIfte CouLnî 1I rt if n cci îian '.cl'-,Kemesh .... are e t a o 8lcciRcs stocliho!der-s 'of lte Western UnIiet fucv t aki- at ttic,' sa , l!Ire solci INlyrtIe Buoh.sine .................ý1 su .0 insection, l, ,aianti Rieririr campa.ny, ite adt deact of Jolis trrrgan .She wa5', show c- f i~îrLtîe ~ ~ l< 1 Cî osstlsarn. t'ontehodro±eWsenls ed $.,0 by Johîn Itroganin isbis twili. crp'loration andi agaiiitiI,. * 'hue ,cri c.y . -tcr, Z.on Ciy...2 - .1. I tokole ý,b w ýnui $10 a Month Alimony. 1ycsn, the @saitiHarry Ji. r 1t, r iT , Bertha M.' o î.saine ..-21 Sager1tai oc.i cîc ed coupany han offeret hie stock and, Mr.SphaSan fLietvil Snde wet-iv )miishs ccon idereti offering his stock t,> \tr Sîcha itnt f îicrtvliee tcde tven te clir', idr ortit 63!1, bec lot 6, T. J. Siiiith's Itelsî~ae epeo was ailoweti $Ilita ceek alimrony troin ,ucteit iecte. i i.h- hiril oisdSitb. in nrtitwest onefourtit secito:lithInulBkrpoeort C, sPrth;IsexcuSe.(vitîcit Sriiri uy rliIrcubKeepi'çc Huhby Peatefui. r alter crocti of financiers." lir.-loci 'ial' iat n Iltg- heic eturned-tsy said ish.'ifvt . ut,oi t..% Titer,. . .rrtcical reriods in a 1-', West Autiocit townsaiplî. Q . $ ('harles Whitiicry titis mornlng. Tht .iioltbesn lu ,cct'- orrlf., H solirito'-'s fecs acre aiso ordeveti pay- Kieiker's subdivision ,fcpatici icie ii.- î:raci .. ý',ü n lier itushen C. ti.Smitb ta Dai3y SîcanzIcr, et taI ed ly lie jucîge Witen Siank vs ioîl s af1f ec"niic,(ckDiP99cressi,.c.m', lt ,ani exnrtt 3ig e),bnd.ticcusaladng-rru us epesie ccvi, up 4 oti, ane ,Iostot*f O0eil I.' tsrecrna home tl e lite T..J.Sniitt', sc rit. hQC. Il . t ,, cuitber Ilaricr een (Ilmres »4 tliid taI he lust lcac is vite $10 a lb.- Thîrd'Principal Meri iiii Lai.e 'lenIIn i t, mcvtlng he eliai5l- Estale cf James 1. Bromn. decearcfl. I la.rnid antfr an week talicriony Ile atampet te floor 1ilocnnty, lliniasand winiich i ro ] y fce are roit S;e5îig of the tca , ~Nu-lie J. (onverse', 401 ocirslissec- a cu iu tce andi mutto-veci mcny u nurare Jcdge bcri returne& "eaid diîca. iccciféull age)gr rriy 0r abistrarteti; ln tl its ,n 24, acd 40 50v-s tlic urtion .r Whte )Ileytl i ii cifnSiCcounty.' c. venlug bhe i isc iaîiy tîvetiand lis-' Witcne iicllelybldhlmiha he Nov-, nunei ou iii- oIlarl vvJ.cllned co hec--9s. 5At bthîdires it!G rant township. Q. V..111.000. vossld titrow hlm nri ilif Irirefuset i Sic'ir [shall persnaily I, . jtl".ar la wiae co leavc 'sur ane as manit as Estate of S. J. NSiiriy, dtieeseci. RîVAirles. ta i'9 te moue' Befor* ite left ietore the ouuty Conrt crfi ,clrl ci-ti, 1<"Wity do se fil ~musicians ope". therocribose itnt greî topa cc lts'liutayotb ilSIi n îccrrci possible; don" wor-y fhlm: minister ta 1' ..anti Ma1ry SlrVraiylot to le bolden aIWaukeitcîi. r-îîl Cirntct;cv quet1y andtipeasantiy ta bis cants. il, block 9i, Northt Chicago. fDed tipa*gngy ! nstm n tha ro- te aliiniy. fis vite iroîicittsuit ocu the.-2nd Moday ilc il,.ý îcî,îcîb ;f Thefils m'Illunon rs tier surhi $170 -, men he getlema n wthknv,reat fradivorce six monthe aga, chargisg Jin.s seat, give specisi aitand ila ccctactfui tienti.eisc.tinti "Richard vili 8hl i r u t' u tn etea lhCrasat for a ~April hin-L. B.i civt seevhande hcUid.t c'vuelty. Tie divorce case sill be saîi action, jndigmunt sili t,,' eiiieretdha himeet! again" HrchBliyltcI1 , ioIt3 . nove g1nerourt svard am ecbanins* itar iy uig WlleynatOritr.aansth.,î,u nfarot t.1ccirîruite, Lhbertyvilie, W. D., 5.h75. ishcu,'ent lt1.rcc e are toward sank antia ytesaionemwth lcc rI cidt>Citas Lephue and cifte 0GuBtaV Sois-' oUr satsi tt sme ît ccec Mrs. E. Aurrev cof Elgin, fil., leuttered nenberg, lot 1, block 4, Icenox soit BALD IIEADS NOT WANTED IVauki-gan. 1Lgw A. Il.iCc.(lemk. wii cerere backarbe, headache sud Nortit Chicago, W. D., $1 15,1. - j-- __ Bs,.H Mî im, Ajril t 1912 kiduey troutrcbleeri.ah.- ieard of F'cdey Georgla B. Jones andict sicbandta 1tOi Out ait ft,.uccIcg lu boy your cre«. ILM sul. Pliîtit s Sîrcv Kidue v t'il, and legan taking titi-. J. B. Stetchens. lot 15,itiOck 3, Mvt- I orn. lDO it nocm. S'e Ln:Tsî. Bald.nas is oo Genvallyr21 4 Site slay "The tiret hottus madu' sucit a tains sui, Waukegau, Q. C. $1. LtiiuLýa C..c1<. Bade sto Gnrlymark r it iprovement chut 1 iminedlaceiv Mary A. Gartinier ta W,. A. <Verdi -_________________ Conadered a Sign of ordereti more andtieun cw entirrly weil nier, lot 9 -and east 3 ft of lot 8, tblock Advanced Âge OBSN IM. MILLER. Atlla-s- a nd ran btcui-sly ve-outmendtitii-e . raysiake, Q. C.A 1I. ____ Males in Atacitment For cale by ail Druggibrs. Mary Swansou.e!5o W. J. Cumings, a A ui-eide erat rc- ncib.,. SITATE OF I.' [L Sm, part o!fiblock B, Hightlandi Park, Warî P U TR ALAitE Cornicresondps uo .. kegan. Q. C., $1. an ecualc-iarice euh one.- lcle.d alb à,PCrvy vrsWen n iet lx a heaitity hiad o ut i,ii--sus.- baiduess lu Intecoutii 'oumt o ,acl uko ,îc. Orin-o f the Bath Tovol. Eeîs\trenativtet CAe is too genî.mally accepted a@aàndication Ili . June trn, 1912. A tovel manufacturer 'fouaid that anfer, lot 1, itlock 7, Wreisi's atiti. oftage: Marly large corporations have J. D. Sunlil vs. liarry .1. Sheer in bis machinery was mot vorkiug igitt Highland Park, W. D., $1.250. establi-lbeti an air ienit and refuse ta attaclment. lirscîcil 5*19c1 00) andti ctIhis toweis cere sufferîng aApi2219.ROS£C Mi tale inuoer .3 ylau of aie as iea- Notice is ie'iy gcrvc-u t,, voiu, tice sacd vaal tangllng of te titreatis. Whil pi 2,11.sO EC M sr obay.3' cPbliiedeipstsmn as beJ. Shiedflnac rt ics offic adjnstlng the machine lha use Cou .0 VE. Johnson la J. W . Johnson 120 RH-ODE ISLAND REIW uuabl 65glî ag, ofbid eati t ratpeoprl eCerko l-tcut cnt of ai lte iainageti tovels to dry bisabanda.ares in section 3, East Antiocit ta n- ERia for btchini frism ùMu5* uf th.-y wili foilcîw our fdTice and w a ept Vonty of Lakce nt ilicosuit cilthie sait HO fOiud IfPle&atngly absorbent, and shltt W. D. $1. I uithlrd irciiefosrcsassisfiteoekerail, our 'cil-r. %% e have a renîedy Iluat ce J. D. &hell and i c.cccs iti e tate oftfroin the IJesa ta ailcb Ibat gava risc Josepit Deiiaye andtifita1James FFiiTILITY OuAP.ÂÇT"I pobiciueiy gu4rauh..t tgrole heur cn you. lte nid Bac vs J. iti-cicr for On.-W&& hors-te bath towel and afor- Kennedy, soutt 60 ft lots 9 anti 10, R. S. TRIGOS any beati. unflee te moofs oct ri. itir Hlundred Tbirty Ic, lanv. be.ides intere. tuise ta te patenlee. block 15, Wrlgbt's adiditions, Liberty- Phone 146LUbuvil.S. are eutirely deed, te fcllicle. ecIrsididrecteti ta tite Sii ofcm ati Counrit o ville. W. D. $1200. andi the sentiulias beonie jgIareol und iexecute, vliichîsid rit 16bas iieun 8siiy. W.mievaut lpie îetcc Il tiis returjsed by sai i inieiff executet Ilb ____________________ _____________ memedy ntounr miek, witc hé,ice ctinc't evylng on luet lives, ci block tco) cf F.r und.rtandingtitat uniesîd~sxcl H. Kuebker'iceulsiî'scccn of part of titi ANNUAL' STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION, RECEIPTS AND ehtWclaire itii ii.and igisels sarca- erlis haitl o sf .' twtv- o ne in EXPENDITURES .SINGE CO]B BLACK -g faction in ererv respectci. chall mut-e township 4-4 nti,tic angr 11il i'of c cnbpac i.tcclne c letesurroTcsicN.4,iug o O RP INGTO N S ni ochargea fîom the.-redy n--c curiing the Third Pviinsl MecIpi(iUijn Lakie 0ft.- ThaadDsrit gds yfleteurro:owth N.4,Rag N. R P 1 "A-N ures Gov tlie riai. County, Illlirncd ml ic-h vrît has lc.10, hiai- County.Ililinois, Fiscal Year euding 4lcri L1, 1912. Thlaist5ane, t -dAU. PusLmsq Wi- kîoc exaeti, chat ive are îciliing tsien retumned 'saicl cefundant îîct foulid Tii WNSIIIP TREAStRE IN 15ACCOUNT WIT[i SCIIOL TRUSTEE' "g exslae-a. ys.u 1 E, *0.00 M about and cit thismiSer tcac'k ofounr ln tel teounltfyris'Volerslafo oui-mnt y nrd o isn co ut o,crr-dy SIesier ueai lcrsi al -athepe Ca@& au pi lt 11 rnipaarv .l, EITcvnsfaion0OOJ R Lu~ajan*e ouati- et u hi.aeit.-mu sccii, dubt Neo, niess oniy ch.- s fr ait n[lai-y j s, 111 P iialTwshi ui............. lis0f .actia asauee t6 au artuai teet. befare the Lounite(Crt cf said Counlis hand Sales, Iist.rst. Towvnship Fond............................................ 167 29 Libertyvuille, We venteivevy 00cm ils y îlrWito ontbi- firet day ccf tls-cisttern ibtereoc. icucinCounty Soporiitendent.. ................... .................... .... 521.) 30 us suffering troî naiy u-aAlc or bair ta lie iolden ut Wacutegan l in e, ______________ HRose Comb Rhode Isnd Red# l'"sut, f ar i ne ,Wi. i-uer,. lat. I n ii,!d. 1-, suiaris ubbon oen,u liES'IlfiLOOD LtNXS i 5,ATISFACT'I )N GOARANTjD S.C. Kimbali vmo EOc.S FMR HATCHINO FR088 Single Comb White Llegç ' That are bed for aise, »_q gu hase t effer C tew iUigs Our 890 pen ni Part-a S.C. White o. LRacine, Wau e suWi 8 Price $a, $3 ar nLOht 183 luNa it, roultr'i Te W ~ LtBMW5YVîtà %~y rodee w~lI5~ Wê 11 Apauctionas Weill E.ggsSe-ou "*" c-r - 'i (t *FOR SALE-Illu room cttageanli a blg barn »d a gond wel sud cisti, lot 45 leet ide and 150 long lnayomis iùke. Inquirs H. H. Hz, a.liberty- ville. P-80.2 FOR SALE-Lake eounty tarms, land laInioniens, ¶exààsu d l'oiid DymoNI>& AsTInN. C.2t4.tf1 ING ti À tILL ry tS dies 1AR us . 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 11

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