CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 May 1912, p. 1

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'IN ýPENDE DE WEECLYSUN LIBMtYVlLLE,, LAKE COUNTY, MItLIOS, FBIIDAY MAY 3,1912. i. rn-c *ZION ARFA-RE 1168OODIESII>ENIS Mon anid Women Hurt, inConflict UIiODFEÀI IE FIENI> Be~u ~TgedOver Smoking in Zn IEMRHLl r'h .1 I. ~TRACE THE! OR GIN OF THE Poice Charge V/o1iva Crusaders. Rah hnpae h'rlvdoe _______________terrorjzpd thé, restients of the village for two weelcs, lighwood m'en stay up B inigiLîf and protect their îroperty wth y Cracked, heads, torn bats, coata and bruised eyes, i gren. ;noses, jaws, etc., as a resuit of the turbulent situation be- The residents of thie irosperous rtween the Voffa and anti-Voliva faction, marked one of itte village to the ffuh of WatHie- the clirnaxes to the conteet for control of the cty foU1owing 11adtir itfend. are afraid ta retire a clash betwdKn the forces Monday night at 5 o'clock. Chi- a iltwthout "oitsalde' police pro- cago morning papers carnied columnu articles telling et the 'teco weks th riot and foaus that fatalities might occur to"y caused Park bote] has beetn threatened wlth every Chicago newupaper and press association to send- destruction by lire. monandphoogaphrs o Zontusmorungwhre d y night last the volinteer lire campd aaltig dvelomens. hief. was ruiimoued tIo thie Park Whle te rot f Mnday nghtwasthewort tat as hotel twlce ta exttxnguisb lire. The ye e eo e i h i nfg t Le re h tev n w e building t a eared, was "flre , t se cond it o s m y d v l p be o e m t e s a e fi i l y a j s e . worlr or an ncend ary. Th eions by I As aresit o Moday' clshfourmen twoof hemlire anounted ta $500. Thie building e eninj ere e as owned by Samuel Schwartz of Wau- eiders, were selul njrd w er lcduder ar- kegan, and s valued at upwards of rut &ad lscores of men and women received minoir Injuries. 11,00.Il ha. been rented ta a num- "a . cnteet vas thie mont. brutal y et recorded in ZMon. ber of laborlng men. Women seen to fail from thie blows of deputies and A storc building en Hlglswnod ave- wozkîc nes, d the. platform and wlre feîcing erected near nue, thie îroîerty of William Welch. the. Ook electric plant last Friday' was torn up by the. anti- searris for the aleged tire flend. Volia fationbrother of Edward Welch of Wauke- Volia faum.gais, was guttesl by lire onue nlght asét .swgt U OBwt seniouuly iujured were: wepli. Tihe loes amounled to approxL RISHLOPI J OIEPE, iured from blow on head aid re- mately $250, S moud Ue hom In carrnage. The Goldstein store building on * LBINONELOfI rendered unconsclous by head and Highwood avenue was threateued p bloalth destruct ion by lire last We-ues- à ELD R hiuredday night. The lire was put ont after LD Rijrdabout ear aid face. valiant worî by the depairtment witb 13ýýiYïl , JHN, evety e old, lnjur.d by blow onfloge of over $200 1ta the onr back of head and taken home unconsclous. A swtchman'a shanty. thie property Thome arrested aid Mid at thie police station were of the Chicago & Nrthweatern rail- Isaac E. Miii aid Dunstan Thorpe. Tron o<cpandt fthesant y nr-. Miii and Thorpe were released late lust îight on $250 rnwly escaped belng crema1"ed alîre. bail each, A. J. Paxton, a Voliva adhereiit, was the bonds- The roof or the shanty burned off be- mn inl both ceues. fore lie escaped train tbe framne struOt The. cases were called thLs morning before Justice ure. Bellows, but Attorney Forby, for Volîva, asked for a Extra police protection bas been chafge to Justice Schwartz of Wiithrop Harbor. The. Pire Marshal Iluestis bias been uin- cases corne up tonight at 8 o'clock. luicressfui In hi, attempta ta lear thie Story of Monday 't Riot. ori gin of any one ire. Shortlv l)efore 5 o'cloelk Mondav cveîiinig 200 in and Althougli only a ruimor, Nlooday woiieuundi~ he cacrsip f EderF.M. lorl mr1 ldnight il was reported that empty ail Wolleilluier he ladeshi ofEldý*i-F. . RN aiia c11>ana bad been round In a woods throiugh the streets of Zion to their nîeeting plat-e adjoin- southeat of thsevilîlage. ire Mar- ing tihe Coo, electrie plant. shal Ituestfs and his nmen are not Pirat HymnnIs Signal for Fight. îeavîng onue stone unturned In thelr Acting mider orders froni Mayor Miller', Chief of Po- searcli for thie aI eged lire fiend. lieIHoover, Nvith a seore of (11?1lt ies also mnarched tii the iluîeetini place., hb first soflg vas the signal foi action. i 1 tc ,r ao n Hhe- t isese 'ýoitdChif ove.R. l.ah. wIIRIIN treewith. us,5'. was the defianee of the Volivaites. NUI -"At 'emi, men," commna nded Chief Hloover. CLASS ADOPTION AND SCHOOL OF The attacking party, cnforced by the workmen, head- INSTRUCTION HELD THURS- c(l for the fence that enclosed the temporary platfornsi. The DAY, MANV ATTENDED. wires were eut. Soule of the Volivaites'fled, others re- mained to figlit, while stili others calndy read their Bibles. Wa ukesan and Lake County camps uf But the free use of clubs by Chef Hoover and lis men t "RYal Neigihors Tbursday afternoon soonhadits ffet. he to hndre. wre oute frma'd t enîng entertalned state and dis- soonhad ts efeet Thetwo imdrd wee roted roî r officers at their school of lnstruc- their meeting place and headed towards the main part of tioenrand ela"@ adoption in Waukegan. town. Ever camp n tise cOunty was well rep. Plans for future warfare on the "tobacco users" were resented. n ail about 225 beng prenent. laid ixniediately by Voliva. Bis constituents, responding The scisool of instruction was heldinb 9 h fterno.n n thie Blornberg and Wets to the pealing of the immense bell, gathered in.Zion Home ,al. Supreme Manager Miss Alice 01111. auditorium. land etfIlVanston. instructed memberse o "lWe won't stop," said Voliva angrily. "That landiBth degree team In Aber and secret werk. ours and we are not going to permit our propert)ý and the Sh.wig by tAi varlous teamo and coin- laws to be violated and Zion turned into a pigsty. " wspresented witisa hsid.ome hoquet The city administration, which La in the hands of the et lbiowers. â1nti-Voliva faction, was ,re-enforced by Sheriff Elmer te l.oseios wa.AOfelf ad idats.nlg Green., Shortly after the affray Sherif Green, with four The worlc was conductedlby Waukegan drill team. Thse obligation was adminis- deputies-Clinton Green, E. J. Griffun, Albert Berry and tered by Mms. GAililand. Amont thea dis- Earl Ferrv-arnived in Zion and looked over the situation, tinguinhed officer: prenant were: Mr&. returning hm fe ighewsntnee.soir of Cook and Lake countes; mms {Zion City, Aprl 30. -- A repetition ý)f last night's riot .îeniteiéClîom cf o Evanston, district was averted at 7 o'clock this morning only when th e Voliva ""uty1 Mrs MaryTiedale and Mm. crusaders, after a futile effort to march to the Cook plant, th- work ln tise bail ail repaïfed te thse turned back toward the. city and abandoned their rmornling. montewere sered. Theball waa beu- meeting which Veliva announced last evening would b. *glly decurated. heldas UUà.Tise deplorable teture of thée «eunn The. forces marched towards the. Cook plant. At the fwrom thus district, sustaied ab"d f51 Northwestern tracks, OCief Hoover had bis deputies lined te ot@pn As se epped fromi ber Up with orders net to allOw the crusaders to cross the front steps ns iscuiated thse dis- n ad tel torward. laniig piu bus tracks. . Hoover stepped foirward and addressed Adrmn at houlder. iShe vas obigea to ]BuU aid "obine, coÈ s4b i the Voliva faction. " gYeu. omta plsiclan. go foran knoowisn <0éNVIul< ON PAGE six) sever. on... AINff r EI iZION WAR ELDER I^ARWOOO TAKEN AS CLIMAX TO RELIG IQUS GATNERING Fromsiffldays Paper. The fIret à~n lth e Zion religieus warefar« t.ok pîaee this morning at 9 o'clock when Eider E. E. Harwood of Cinicinnati Wise arrested by' Marthai ON£ TO EIGHT SURITS IN' HON, C. T. HEYOECKER GAVESI MUCH CREOIT To OLSON, MR.1 $1i. ;o PER YEAR iN ADVANCL. ýAT THE RECENT PRIMARIES MR.' ANDERSON WAS BEATEN BN' AFTER ESCAPINGI FROM POOR- ABOUT ONE HUNDRED VOTES FeRM CONVICTED HORSE th user fu n t-5 e esingims oc1 SHURTLEFF AND VICKERS II THIEI- GOES TO GURNEE - te the Coe.apiqyeu when they were XIiion1ý1'ýncliciit was made rlîat geing te the faOctey ta work. He was ls b . Xdersori of Lake Forest Ila tae:Itotieenrhai' g ndtk .T, HEYDECKER RETURNS to ma .an frIi lcaa ieu TOLE FOUR HORSES THERE e othe poices tation where hetasue j cicp eîreut tic' et. NIr. A ern,. was continud untIl Monday ight. 1 as r bei eeintisI e' ~htrn TAie charge against li-arworil w as eCAUGHTonUES(,NprAhibACINE thal of holding Ia street 'illatnzin tend WAUKEGAN DELEGATE RETURN. ik I liî.i iiuwvas p;îaeI lîefor0IAGTTEDA TRCN ed to crtate a public dist ;rlan e. ED LAST NIGHTrANNOUNCE8 the rii he:a il, F!i tirtiof thlat AND THE FOUR HORSES Asbewa bin huId ontI l o Iit, te,,1iranil, toi i t . WiERE RECOVERIED der Aie wdss being in tl< .îao' t IMPORTANT MEETIN4G. lite Oas î;ereated b, a aml!in ijoî,itv.' rtc and continuel! beatiîc lime as thie Soine are ai the n iî .aIi 0' er Ithe new prialar iwIr h iiI lei (Froin Tuesday's Delly) singera e ntinsqed their . o:i. The Te State Seiator Albert J. Oison imptossible. for Nîr, Aîîlersoîî to rîla After a daring escape frein thse hîer inaily made hinri sir 101 , tiut, ind Represertatiies Shutrlet!, lion after thte lirimnres i,!t th;s relort!cuunty poor farm et LAiertyville O-n as Aie departed*for the- io;îku-aion, C. T. . of cî kr, iieî.gaigives adei tayhRe)[fMnyNç Cre,40yrso, thie singera sang Ioidr anidliore mach of the creilit o! 1ire big victory (<Brînis alîo savs Abat 'h uitOf? ho about IWO menthe ago VMe ai. entliusiaolticaliy. won by the Insuîrgent 'loodmen n tise thie Iaw bas been gane jn*oVer-,clint-, restcd near Lake Villa In Lake, céueý Thie eciel aise had tî-î1 b0 hOtof legislature this sec-k. Mir. leydecker fiilly.H asA sPl--a- tl ortstete esadwi' lilder Royal], Who "Sa :ri 'barge Of Iras a delegate ta Sprlnglield, sent for Mr .Anderson t0 gel his eitlOn; sentence was mde as Iight as-'»" the singer. and it siirlear' d thpv acre there ta lotby for the ietjl.:' signed by men wbo did not \ ie at bie because of hie Ilînest, was,4a ta arret bhlm aise. le lii- asîteul if Accordin , ta 5M. îeydeckoc tlîtAie prixoscies. 1jrested at Racine today for the Î#4 0 1 ll lie would promise ta hýîlJ no fîrther tbree relresentatives frnm tiAs dis Tle following article s tii'. îitted thett of four ho rtes a ut O i'ie »i meeting8 but lie declii'.l Au make trAct ork" d ite bernes for lA ill,lby the Prohibition organizttlon abich'lime. Mondy night. Sirif, a promise. Iater, isosuxer, lie was sud did luch toward secîîring ils pas-I1l akn .fr nesn hsgn eRcn n ii b ý rtae.sage. "TAie dry Republieanas living in he' Carter bock with hlm. The. th.ft' MotWarranta Out. TAie Donahue hill, whlch prohibitsieîglîth senatoriai district wIll rîn flot discovered until about livo ew* t: The tensit7 Of tise sitî 511011 1I un- fraternal ornurs train lucreasiug rateslon.Jus. E. Anderson of Lake I"oresltAis morning. . t 0k but, ,a l chauged. 17f' tacttAie arir-Fî of Har- of iusurance prior 10 Jan. 1, 1915. hasas an independent utIddtEe fr tAie time ta arouse th: whoi. comllistoit)l Wood bas cassed t 10tir-corne more ben refertd 1a the !o-mmiîîee ot tAile r hlietftAie genecal ssemîîî' and get severialrmed m en t ma M Etrained. Thei feeling ofreritgionis ri,, cisole, wliere it wIlt be discussed bY Twenty men ofthie eigbtis district niet autosa rcin &r hqlef aIr>' Atuer.r bitter tisan il, as tester tAie seniate commitîeé and nrdeced t0ain(CAilcago receuîly sud canvassed thse' Aked for Worlc. day. One thousand Votil a rllowers tAie Ibird reading ou la>'8 t a 2 o'clock 1sltat aio An regard btabtrowIng theiri Carter. wbo dlaimis ne relatn n have pramised to galber rit e CokIn tAie afieýrnoon. suprI a'eetePobto a- atedm oe eoo h plan et thi eveing o pry an ..enator Oison la very enthusiaistic, ddale. They corucluded Ihat sAuce lnme, afler Ails escape frein te= sAng te tise empieyes - he largeat sud feela confident that tise bil vAlU Meyer s nultirell'knn An the dis-I1fotri Monday, msade hiAs way a previolîs gatherlng uaiiîbî-red about pas by a two-tbirds vote," sait! Mc. trîct that they ,oIld not rallv tAie cooîntr>' 10 Crnee,. Early, In * - 300. , l la said tiat severai more Warrants Heydecker t0 a SUN represenitati,. dry Republicans ta bis standard and Ievenîng lie sto9sped et theé L . are eut for Siret Of îîroiîîuent VolA- today. elert humr. Anderson made a good; Wakefield fortu just west ofet Aoe va people and thse seiîsî'îonal Ster>' Seiatar Oison believes tise bil vil dean record in lAie legilîture and Heiý cireuiated tissaiternoon that a var- oAt trsoJ 1i. t 4 euInAnse o.vnbtbees u ranI migb.t b. issed azalnst Vliva g nofrennJl oe rg to ou ty Optou. In t uanltappéar strong eneusgh tol> 04M charging blm vRih lctiug troublé » Tise bill centaine a provision tMAI tast primar>' centeét, tise Shurîléf work Mcr. Wakefield di.d net bs 'orderteg thse street meeting beld. Tise thse rates fldotted et Chicago vili net combinatton drew Jacso an Sd Cové>' Carter thensu ked fec théeq lndependentssclaire.thAt tAie tact that go Ili to frce untjilJais. 15, 1915. lsst6,tise 4ligistebspUt nOPthse dry -te. upedlng lhe nIaisE lu the nte arie, - hat othe municipal c 0nà,i a! ebead calmp monta June 1. 1914, belleving tisat since Jackson and wu -gr "ted. Wwn Rt. . ntalaethe muniipalceonal fsud ménsbers of tAie Society wil have Ceve>' badl formerA>' uleod for cnunty etbl.ariar>lsa intereeting Case Up an apportunît>' la diseoseansd deter- option tisat a portion efthtie dry éle-. hé duscovesréd ttlat tisrs.e orisd Judge Whitnsey vIii bc calied upon mine tapon tAie.increane An rates, ment would net understand that tise hll been etleu. A fev, ta decide, as ta, isetiier or nIt a aigu The bill aise providee that no n. dry voté wnvas 1 Ae cancentratéd On later Ails neigbbos., Thomas. board eau Injure a mans business crêase ef rates ai go Ato force until Anderson. ny isAs method thé>' suc- lougli. called hA, Op on the Theiain 1abr gf Zion (tornvieyWil- saathave been submnitled (b>' ref. ddI eteigtedyvt.adrpre htabrs lamn br of Mctonaan t W o as taterendusu) ta tue memiserahip etfAthé ceede usatrn iedy vt.adrpnÎ a inontionee nset ad b oiad TAie soclet>' and receive a majority vote et Notwitisstandiug this ruse et tisépplA- stalen front hlm. haig ustbe her esrhtedacr otie sîTethse members vntlng on tAie questions iclaus Andersen losI b>' a ver>' fac- -( S.if frain M. Paliry's office lu Zion. ofthtAe ncreàséet rates. row margalu brf ce e akgava The board s tweuty fret long and Tise president and secretary ni th about six or seven bigAs. Tise Actera Lake County Woadcraft Protective as. "ovseetdtv er g ytiied and Ilie harnied te tise Aunomeue cases are elgbteen Aclies -long scialion have sent nul a notice o1 about 6,000 votes and at the lest villi armed deputies. Healai» bétg lac o autebak-gond. tAie meeting of tise asaociatlon toc oezi, prlmary received about 9,000 vOtesl. ti th policé lu ail tes vni beiség akon hide a îlova:Tuesday, April 30, ait il a'clack An Cie 5cniae oosdb herdu fft atsad wta TheOsODY IeaUT a olo'aV DOW Gc'aysialtçe. ai viicb tisthe fuî eil cniaesid1e b h aiu !lt mlsadask.d th=,u -SCODRE131T At LOWR TRN reports of tise Elgin meeting andIlltie Auti-fSionul League for tise lover bu on thé bootntfoi tise tisief A LOW DOWN 500UNDELLOW-A action of tAie legialature wIlAie pré- bouse ofthtAe generai assemhly vere tAie iorses. AERO THA N 1)('O. YE LOWR sented. t As hopéd thAt ail the dele-, nominated alitbte.Apriprimary. If ERTHAN A DO;- ESLOWER A A gates and ail thse members who coui the8e candidates are elected An No- Several of Mc. Wakéfieids n THANA DG-LOER ffl_ Alors whno vned automobiles SKUNK-WOUIlI )S'MOKE IN ZIo-N posaibly arrange wilA attend Ibis meet- veito on> pinwl oIrîgi erdl aepr uts hs CIT-11ing. brcut pinwl otruI erdt aepr nteca Mr.~~~~~~~ Plans toc tAie fture protection ni tAie iecislatare Ati 1913 as easy as aanognzdhtacnwsl Fr iabry decarîes that 'the aigu W'oodcrnît viA] be presented and cou- resoltlon 10 obey tAie 18wlas passéd an OMgn d0 utsauvsl strs ni> a strife andl Ibat il la inJurlu 0Of course eacAi end received a bou- lat a salonî keepers' association. OuI>O' 0e et the machines geint dleusnss e sstht. b triquel of cabbages. oanions, radiahes etc 7 oe aeruledl A ach direction. Y Tise feeling n ZSont(At>' muAI cous luI- Si7a.votestareaas bsndodla taudbouse of Near lthe Spaulding Corners, uj Thefelig n io Ctygtllru s ome bonquet of roses as well. reilcesentativea ta makte a bilA effet- West et Waukégan. twvaoetté higli. Volivas cruisaders are dolng Thie jokes were gond and incl uded Ive.TAie senato isa safeîy dlm, already. . eeton id evérytising n thur tpower t0 drive tle amung olisers: . 11h couitt> option, éver>' couriî nt>' lun ie t fn ê employes of tAie ook plant out of the By Mss Wet-Do you know wbatPoionbngta hyqM r cil>'. Tise>' pray that Ibis ma>' be donc' wlll Aappen ta Lorlier when Ae dies? tAie State, xrbabîy, except Pen na positindbig a th é>'dii nese b>'a dvIn juccneulor n n>' asNo? Weii, bhelAs o crooked that tbey and Cooki. vould Join the dry columun.esA>adthbo.tîe cdé --o long as t ta lone. ýt es an>' chances. A111 a Exciteneit on Thursda>'. aî ts 5,ehmadswlA InluLaite cnunly tiser, ar 7 dry tnwn- 'stan wbo bled heendivn WAIS thse targ-iand 'muaI turbutent It h rud ships, viz: Benlon, Newport, Warren. ,,i toia" demonstratlonî h ti igedI n thie "hala 11>'Miss Ruee-I met A. K. Bavés, Shields, Deeclieid., Premont and Cba pne astd two mep nateit .a ve'o Zo.~lî ,putun~ tAie Englishman, hecaaod thal theé1Y. Cu a.j asdIW e na eu, tisceata excbanged between the VoIlaaS 1g saaII tkngtig e- Tise Avo tronget et townshipé,îgM oale oe.Ti ussi folovérssu lI, iiîpedess.zio Ut>' indlng hlm of a sicipéd stick et Waukegan aud LUbertyville. TAie to-I1 reeîi possible tisaI Carter bid an ». Thuediêa>'and tît tlotit pa critisitaion. ycandy. I aaid il waa tAe ie nd Oaitli vt maiorliles An tisefe twa towu- c Thureat. bu tta hue grt delsitnaion. tcand>' that made anybodi>'mjck vho sa sA 0.Tédyvt nBuo omplIce. th btAi 0 eredth-KI,migtehiae devoftried te lilck IL il At.. h r vt n tCaugist In Racin.. thed10 m as pruoi- gt haveoodiseI. B>' Mca.Nturpb>y-1 catîglt a big tovnshlp alone lassufficient t0a vec- Tse taan e titir As tensad I-u-lis Alu the barbor. Justice Waler Tay. daine the vêt majori>' An bath Wou- As 80o1n as the calA fo er sisa lenoe la predird by botb aud.,, uIess e lor sav t-he saidli lvas a BAP1,181,kegon and Liburtyvil. CeunI>'ofp- srcevdARanets noI ts'ti 10 declared fiais, asited wvAI>' as go caIîed a ti n ould malre Laite count>' dry b>' «Iegel bus>' and zsona " i:'s e oowers are eaerly urgin ngBateltsod é aepBedu.lifteertait- a t éat1,000 votes,.h os Tti oomIo ie Ivdeptedta"ehurge," cnk i ng il train tise vater. "The friands of Anderson Inlenil te This euded the chaiseand fie -dlNeWq . Th ! lienens e unAilFcrîankcoB. B>'Mcrs.SmitAI-Do you knav visat u paIgru aplgi n r ,sIt Cokowerofte vCookaite cric on-Clarence Divec catis bis vite? He pu pSvgru aoag n r érhing partie, vensrel~&g tey mu et u tevo. ttucuare nee210 C all er 'revénge' Ievenge? Wby<cnfident fiat thé> e ca l]>'enotiglishartneff et tinse requnldt pe>'.. oue os lise c urhit ouer60end does liecaiu hecrevenge. Recause %lie dry Reutublicans and Prohlbltionists 3 tMf steared tea, «Ww* i vipe tuesu out. lagsw evé inlmaIn the legialatur.' eitGéi oa'Seag Vtiénen tolloAera or Vliva yeslerday y> Miss Wes-Tom Nevham ta a S-rf re oa ol-dt isear'iy cauaed tise var ut mont and prayer hird, Why la hé a ird? Recause bia opinioni that Carterila DA"su 0 i te turn lotaon0e a violence vhen five visen liégets home late nlglts, bie SWAN CON TESTS ELECTION IhinaksatlieI . 51.514b. caoaýut t. of thesu seized Iwtan gIs. empîova.s un vite makes hum 'quail', tué electricai shaps. aud began berat1ng B>' Miss Ruéehý-Mrs. More>', thé Thedore Swan ef Rocksefeller Biled an as>iium ft té cimila"»iass. no tuerutcvota vl envstav con éciei ciebeyrncd 'an élection content vils Ceunt>' Judge saysa t Ibécauge et ils ami COU- epenly gmoked tot'acco. hec pttpis. WAiy? Recausé is, la a Pér"L. Persans toda>'. Thé suispoen- dition t voeu barily>'ho rigbt t e Five huodred Ziauists vere Ilned upt "'dear teacber." as Issued et thé direction et Judge proecute hi. andl fiat b. le ton dan. In Front of tise CanAishops uý.en BAnnie B>' Mrs.Smit-Do s'eu knov Amy snswr ae eunbeonVru mnt a a . _Wp Osiiehan ands Aie Regan. Ccek émpby- 10 lAvé t0 bé 100 sears nid? RanI eatrasvre uad trayéIon.Pho uIS arniiste bau. aI e lar sa. Wi es emérged. Five Zion vumen stantets die. Btra' n'1.h a r.tdiee' i a nas tor lthe girls. Frigitened. lise>'started Tisé iiosiitg featuré Of tise shov, tisé Swan cdaimstisaI lie vas ligally JecIet ofpity blecous.etofbis physicai te mun, but thie voman caught tbemn. singing ut Soutberu meloils, Miss deteatéd bécausé a majonity etftisé and mental condition. t vs. tisSa "TYOU are flot ladies or Yeu vould notiWelt and McIr. Murpises', snging tise yack vils men hbo smake.' one sald. vergsa as a duel and the cirele joinIng neén visa veted for ieî opponent d14 fiat led te bisi being sent te lbe pee* "'O on. thèse men are as good au ans' n thé chorus.,vas eue of thé boat nat write bis name an the ballet, but tar. of youcs.'" retocted Miss Cailalmen. numberi. Tiseir volets hiended vl piacéd prined hlaes théréan. A mans -Tes, sud If you dont quit stIcklng and tise nId airs hît fie iglit spot b>'tise namne of ACýgge va.vitr fr on .w.on Curtaies. your noses n our business vé vil ii îP vîi théheaudience. your faces.' 'Joined An MiI« Bgn. Jack Brndérlck iunlhi@ sketch vas, tise olfce et tovo clerk. Swan vas lb eues is ere a pair et eugW One et the vomen %book MisaniRegans alva>'s. ciéver and made a bit- Beli defeateil b> four votés,.muet do for amother »"uenMaMdbu, Ib>' théesdrll. aie nearl>' falnted. Itean- Marshall vho appeareii An skints ana «0________ etoS ,n-vornlantise Mudig tý 1 ires Miss Catahan scneamed for hsiP. A seened lite a perfect Iris lady, 1usd s u - e Yteut viilb.s-voeu u III ,body' o! police forcili>' 4me.théeZMontise paut veli anid ecarnlidblreugi tisé A Good Cause,0ai "evacrasa, tie v r vemen bockIt nto theise ak. - mprsonatien n a elr-dtahle mauner. AAie sehool banchersa .t Lugaa.&a Uod Or 1171,1160 sud.»I f0 ..A ban of ehewiig au. vi" YeSterdayWe véda golng tasmy tisaI soeépar-baepiciat* wttaadfSthlaretmd r issued by Voiva. Me dsctaced il va sosns tisosiglt Bob vwu a rosi lady hv Oeo liolgt Ifr i~s.a ad Sf a> àdiagusting habit and tisat isaetter mn>' but the tact la b.on.eded a shaive erno. ulithse educa±onal suthoritiés. Omh f OldfI insaý > veman found chewing Cur e wul ieb. seevidenlly nebedy mistool i hm lon. Wltk SLen0did loyal*th lb.lttis pupil lie liteécurtaIne bmctt K hllalidboifere thse cisurch ceuncil and vla- er filan a minutes or se. mestanding s rthlis hios an me as. 0spii .Osl 04 ad ý orouéily dm11 ilti. Tise vbele show vas ver>' goedl Iahem not ta g«4. va.-,j"nni trosl s.caiP. A -il )V04- 2e.;-NO. 32. I 'TS ANDEION TO 14AKE POL M RUN FOR LESISLAIURE'r LC Nn ANNOUNCEMENT MADE TODAN' fl THAT HE WILL BE CANDIDATE I ON INDEP ENDENT TICKET. 1O SU

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