CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 May 1912, p. 3

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LÂK~OQU!TY ID~PNDEN, ~IAYMAY 3, 1912. f IDomngs sujd Ssymngs oDf ChmMa OrtrsTaenfor Job WOrk Advtrtielng Rati 6 On Application YOXK HOMB 4~seilZZ]Service at the. churchbobgin net Mr. and tMr. Frauk Yole of $oetos. gudai at 10;30 Inteet0I l O'giock. WW, spet Sturday andti sindas with Ve.wva a larg eattendafies at thé VU& Y%"'$ mober. Mii. Rot Strang.I Lalise' Aid ab Mii. Fred Wotb'e mtý M. and' Mr@. Crawford of Russell, Wvdua.. vlitad Mr. and Mr@. John Chope. satîn- )lmii.Barumable o! Oleago, Who bas day and illenday. berna ,ieting bere the pait week bas. Engoue tmag of Wankegan, visitadit etnud ta ber bain.. hie brother the pat week. Mir. Wlnlied. Fuel, ,Who hbou en Miss Anale MCrdiis of Waukegau, speadng the pnt thmee veeks vltb ber oen% the veek endi witb the borne 1foi daugbtaw lornSe ln Racine, retnwned Ufr. ad lMre. Tbornas Griffa aend MÉ borne Mondar. lire. Fin-.i le not enjoy. Danesof Waukegan, vlited fr05 I g>o bual tiiaipisent. Saturdar outil Monday *witthe is cGeuW anilot la n e rtabdlng bis mother. "l"iis. Ur. mdl krs. Fnire son hrotuIndiana Bas Adamo aof Chicagoa Lava, vas a *Put S10iiY vitb thes. Mlbupa viitor atardsy andi Suaday. SOeboot duretarselet1 la tho 01< Mss. Serah Dotig lat TuesdY fer the ioUie: J. L. RuinaWilBa 0B, baes er uion, ise. Ve* Keiper. la Iboeaié aal In the ovstlo Cblcago. ,Ira l"dipé,. Martin Olsen, Jack Mn. Borae of Grayalae, ,1ited ber600t daubter. i. Warren Raak. the ifatMUn. Cbaviey Wavei and tinnahte r e 0f thi e k vitibaiberparenté, Ur. and lie. FK.P. The cburcb vua p.W d Bturdy Blanbad. *yflig tu bear the Dxi. JubtilestuInge. ies Blanche Bbephorti of Chicgo, MIà Cam. Mante and uepbev Lowri. avant Bnnday lh ber &jeter, Mrs. Hrry Wiiea, aus expectei home rans Gonîti. Wbetonlit., tbla eek. lie. %Mary Havkionsspeut lut Wed.ý Besr. A. W.Uslordatt«end tde feralueetay vilb ber brother andti vifs.Ur. et a frisaid i Bovrnvlhle Storlay. aBnd Mis. Doailap. Mis. Dulap le a 1 ulster of Mr, Elebnry, vbo vas drovueti Unr. TIllatoilreturned frirns Kenosba teTitne uetympatby la frît for G0n, Aneront n vsekForecethein 1*1 fbeirsd bereavement. Andersondo e o and eeMis Flrnce William Boîdritge and Mr@. Ira caner on aW aeFret. ee iiuuHoldridge visitai their cousin. 'Mr. enlira Wdaetiny f ooittie at rejîilake laot Sunday andi Misa Lors Gilbert anti fi tendi of Fort Manday. Efil, attendedth ie concert. l i. las Broeksoiu anti fenily are severai Young peule ran Bnlsl, viltiug ber tuother at Diainonti Lake.@ WW. ated. t heAi ico ,ncer. tnat .......... - The Contisncing factory openeti up Wedueetay ma dvertiseti andoerreraI farmner@ brougbt u tbeir milt. It le hellevedt tereilii h a steatir increee as the mUl a' trike wh ilebeiug agitated ad vbklu viliiundoubtedly came. viii bave a tendeu,-y to mute rnany of the farinera chenge anti sendtut the latary. Miauy neres cf peashave lîeen pianueti for the cang factory ani everytbing le banug put la readinees et tLe InctorY to bandie tbsm.' Mr. Roesmiler anti fnrily bave rented the Matin boum.6 Wrn. prisr a"d famnly are movlung imt the ptarkort fiât whlch was recently veateel by Mr. Centwey anti lamily. M. anti Mis. Jasée Barr bave reuteti th@ w@t it ln the Straug building. Mfr. Burr le book teeper at the Hoeheuudle Canning factory. Dr. E. V. Harvey la bnsy putting hie fiât lu readinésetu rout. John Hook le ahle ta be ýut on the mili route agtain. Several frais berO attendedthetusbig Many fesivai anti dance etlitounti Lake, Wednesday eveningl, May let. Services neit SuudnY eveninp5 ut the Epiecopal Miein, service beîon et 745. sanî,. Reentaacend itiFrli' Every-. neatme LU .ru MisesAuguta Pàdâm@ epent iunuaày iMthl anigcrwîh a siedasIvti eveniag. vitb ber munt, Uîs. C. Butterâl t iceltuigcrwhc a eiee n nvtd Thereillbaehuehnwtingrevios I.birtxld et %by Bert Grice lest week. There viii be acburcb niee te preMr.ue iZibrdyvflle. unîtBiantistetter, GraycaksPoPu- ta communion avices Suaday, helti Bt Mise Etitb lyen viaiteti let wet ll rpneibtM. aZt (aI0lai drmnand îrap playir î.Lsoi. ut au the cburcbtlatuiday ut 2 p. n. tbe utMie.Fd ~Carktt ninse Gages Lake, bas oiti hie fatata0Oeu.entertalometsît aB~urlingt,î:i Tueeîlay Z. . opeMa 5 ~be bnsians ibntKilu ut te iearun ~Ceveland. . sveutng; Vedue.dnyevelîîiniz ut tle 0.iEtuse, MJohn 5,l"The-18. ient a lsertvlualebors lthe ii. n ýjEau Loftns spent Saturtiny e'snîng Round Lake danc and SturdiayeveDit g Wbtee, leader.1. l I algoý aiabehos es ee. 1anti Suuday uith friendulat Lake Marie, hi viii play at Foi Lake. WhiteSeader.Oea. Clevelndi hbas purchaseti e uew M is. Fleming o! Chicago. i. lere on a FOX LAKE The ecaRUvnlStSEnL er nstt Ford fouri paeeeugeî tonning car. Iew da.vs visitai. .>dLî FOX AKEThe ors wid Ptrm n'Yat"4vipted L. H. Coulson. veberinarien who A gouti crowd attentird the irthdey tii section an Fiiduy, dsmahsbiiing lii. recently oPcued "P an allies here le Mi. Weber the haniter u 1nrdLk panty anti woodso..wdiîiîg of Mr. andiChse io.bving plenty al calis which shows the bas Munter] the Fleming cottag, Mr@. H. J. Witte'@ Sýpturday cveniug. A The socety. ut Mir@. Reras on 1 letneed of a good veterinarian. Hie brother Jae Longabaugb transe. t-I lugines grand ime was reporteti Weduesdv cas nut larugey atîsistird. Ray le aasting hlm. lu Chicago Wetinesdny. Mr. iPeterm, vhoo. belt hamlies lss Nlre . 6.A. iver epent part uf lat Arîthie Mote lbasaccepted a poition Haroldi Clevelandi, wviii j iioyeti ut feiling for the psbfeem veeks, Isît veet in Milwaugee wîtb Ler tiangiter ut tise eletrical store wbicb le about ta the ding atone bas fié ret year Moaday for Elgin wher e ha iii ha there. be ipened up hy tbe Public Service Ca. at the Illinois uivprsitîý witb an place!unader tue cars of a phyaicun. MisiS. e. Brou-e epet a couple ohf Sire. Les anti deugbter, Mr@. Wm. Ellis everage standing of hetter ilian 90 on Mri. H. W. Kîtichen li t ait Saturdey daye vitb M re. iireelpy, who IL, veriYand Mie@ Olive Coleimau atteudeti the the 3eure vwort Lu phaîma,-:% forCorreetionvillle, Ila, va Lerea se wailt ict. . Ibeatraet Chicago tant Fritiay eveinit,- epentiaslow monthe viitàng rlatives. Wili Meville wae na Chicago vieitor an eeing John Drev in "The Single Man" Card of Thanks lira. Juin finis rsiuuned ta ber hbomne Sundy. plaed. 1 wish ta express my tbanl.e to those Ibi wek ftsspating mînt luLes li. eilryant dagh.-îaccîneniîi The eCoudres Bras, have reutedth te wbo se klndly helpeti me duriîug ly lit., aniang relative, ana friands. i My rtie Coule bains on Sunday. alie roome ebave the drirngsore and hîsbaud's long ilîinees ant iniii aying bhum Jas Miler wam a Chcago viîlor i. Mervillasé people enteiteinetivl onhîrai o uiest et e.H ÂII iL Friday. jcompeany on Sunntiy. Itns. R. U(L 5furrie enteiteiucd ber I GAGE'S KE'W R T J. A. Shanks. Lewi-tsurg. lad., euioye-dj sisier. Mie. L. J. Sicum fronu Neede, a viil ran ie randchiîlren. Bth Wl.. lest week. MieGraham was e Wautegan visiter Jas. Calabanu-ea@ a Chicago Cii(ri bati @pvers iole andl eoîgbedu t night. ___________ atui .Ti,eetny. Tib@ Medicine piî.siribcîl filedt tastop1 tii cougbing Mo lMr. Suante touktihe A Postal Card WiII Biing Yeu Mises Maron Edic bas racavereti bain Chai. fichliiker i vîetig frienîlain inatier luto hie uîwn bande anti suys. brrcu nipsta.Oiao '- gat a Lttis oh bolev'p Hi.ney anti A re siiille ti)py o!four tinerent berrét An aI8po icego, a hier c ano. Cîiatibcrett h Tan Couipounti anti alter n few doses tuagAzians, nti ouretiecii maney sethe they weurtae leep anti lept througbt Friley traiisactitig businet-s lfor R. J. Sihal prenhispe a nl iwll oîpen a blact. the night without cougliing.* Foi saàle Maaznez sOli.i Atitirse Tuý-lAx- uuîu mltbs@hop there Ciii by ail Onggigts MueiuCanton, 0. p- 3 Fe 2-3tbs odhofr e i.Kue uvnoe eefo vbo lite. i 0<1 v -o I i o o o 'I I _____________________ h J. E. MEREDITH & CO. Do you wish to seli that property? Do you wish te rouit that house? Do you wish to borrow money? Do you wish to boan money? Do you wish to invest in good securities? If you do, go to J. E.- Meredith and Co., lst you property and state you wants in private. Alilbusiness wil be carried on strictly confident- il and you will have the services of a firît clas office. FIRE INSURANCE-The North-western National of Milwaukee, that welI kno"t Co, The Co;neordia of Mlwaukee, and -the New Jersy Uniderwriters are ail represented thére. LIFE INSURANCE-The Illinois Lif e. { ACCIDENT-The North American, and other *ood compaqys are anl represented ther.. If advertising and, boosting wilseili your propertyr we cando it., Cal aound, apddnuate our office a homo mand resting place for you. We Winl be glad teo»0 you.- J. E, MWedith. & Co. REAL ESTATE, lSUfl»ÇE NVESTMENTS Geo. CleannofaiRotand Late. lit.W. seaure antisans of iOakPark, si)-ut Satuiti1ay ut is hein bere. Mia olph Ubard andl lauily are @;ending the week u-th relatives. Tiie Geaera Club apenucti ay l-t. Cheter Cioter retuînedtu t bis hoine ut Lancaster. %Vis., Tueeiiay alter a veets viil with riande. Mr. and Mms Morion lie uadugli- ter Miltirat, (AtOnt Park, elient SunduY witb M. anti Sire. Even. Lawrence. Murm. Date reaiuing to seînd tuea week. Waukegan ant i liremie o n the fui- antit faita. MieJulia iluddli, his eniployed ini Chicago, le honie f- a lau- weets visit with ber parents, Mr. anti Mmr. T. Rutit. John Thomamnullaîily bave maveti on the faim a!f lrs. Henry MeCeun. Mie. John Sbcridiia s returneti Iran Chicago, where ahi ires calleti bY the IlI. naseêianti death b- sl,. on-n-law- Davidi Gibbons lii. culdhie hurm brie ana vili nove IiiW'isuteglin soon ehre he viii mnate bic lutulre lhomne. lDr. Kiussmark ant i utle qè Cicego, hMichael Kelly h[OIC lly rcvarsa frili" n..nt iSatnitiuvanti Suuday et thair F is reent iliniese. jobs tlêvelant of Long Lake. caileti on friende boe Tuestiay. J. James, the veather profit man 0f Autioeb. transatteti mnines bers Tneeday. James Siieran sd anmnlyý drove tu Trevor, Wis., lu thair nov Ford machine Sundal. , Editon Wm. Srntb of Waukegaiu, pald libis office a call Tuemaia. Jas Turner yl returu 4o tbe Naval training sebool Fiday vberie Lebas ascptoti a position sstenographer. Clemeit Whitrnore le spendiug hie vractii vtb bis granduiothor, Mii Eizsabeth Witmare. Drugglét Holisia of Waukefan, vas a pTemat cler bers Tnssdar. Oso. Clevelandi reeeatly solti bis corner block at Round Lake ta lie Round Lae bank. Dr. Tabot o! Lake Villa, vas bers Tueeday. fieverai front ot of tovns attendedtheii Ml4"qnlâtng boe Tuestiy. ls Bamberger of Chicana, vas a gusot of T. A. Resynolds over ëuntiay. Mr. andi lis. O'Lsary bave returneti te !WW*1'ssnmer cottage acroas the laite. Attorney Miller of Lake Ville, tran. sa-ted business bere Tunotiy. L. Y. Sut,, bas purchaseti a new 1912 I ro FORT HIL P. Dykep le working for Luek Bras. Alvin Kîmbaîl oh Wauconda, visitet Clifiord Banu-elil st Sunday anti Mon. day. Mmre. eh ail is epent Saiurday and Sundey witb ber mother, Mis. E. RiiilrtiCon et IRoundi Lake. Mr. Shant cffithe central part uf the state is visiting bis deugbter, Mim Ad Rowling. Mie Jabe Cori versce iu t uauonda sta3 ng sith Wattiî Coînveree n hie -eue ic baviug the îaaun i lier baudi treeteti lY LDr. IMcornîîîk aIfilit place. Jûlînnie tienwell une a rent Chicagco vii tir. (rae laumnu.Mltireti Ovic, iltili molli Wili Hogan le improving. Mas Melville Io visiting triende ber@. Frienda of Mr@. John Greeiy are sorry to beur that her condition remalus the "aie witb no imnprovement. Ornu Hawkinm and farnily open$ SUD- day with hi@ mother. Mire. T. A. Hogan attended the wed- ding of a cousin Wodueeday. Mr@. Julia Reardon le quite poorly. Heuery DsWoIf epent the tiret of the wsek in Waukegan. Frej Lesbie je doing cernent work for Lea Lux. A number frotu bers attended the Browe secool entertainment Friday night. The wiud blev Mr. Chasses silo over. Dra..Young and Lewin are kspt quite buey bers. Fred Dooittle gras tbrough bers last week. Vion City le trying for a nsew post- master aud hopse to get botter service soon. Mises NSelis und lens Eddy are at homes for a tinis. GRNER Mises Bmes Straug le-homne from Chicago for a few veeks. Mr@. H. F. ýiver of Russell, @peut lut Wednesday at Dr. Young'@. Hngh McCanu wbo accidentiy ehot i.ffsif in the arn tÊtue ago le getting afoug nîcely, altbougb be wîll likely be unabîs tause bis eranfer severai weekâ. A4 natuber of our -Royal Neighbors attended the big meeting lu W'aukegan Thureday svenîng. The Woodmen gave a dance thls Fnl. daýy evening ut their bail. The play givèn by the bigh sctiooi pupile Friday ecçeng was a succees lu srery way A large crowd attended and the parte were ail weii rendered witbout anyexception. Ater the play refresbm[ents were served andi alter tovelve o'clock a dance gras given by oms of the young peuple not conuscted with the higb echool, they baving prerlousir rented the hall for the latter partoaItbeuight. Theproceedsarnnt. sd to$65 ani ll ha neet for expeuses of graduation andi the annual pienie at the lite. R. B. Dison was in Chicago on business lest Friday. R. B. Straug will soon commeuced the erection of a uew bouse for Gesorge Batliett of Wadsworth. The Gurate W. . T. U. wili hoîd an orphanage meeting Wednesday morning, May 8, with Mr@. and Mies Shepard. A due dinner wili ha beld at 12 m. AHL are r quested to attend. J. MARKS UP TU DATE* Ladies and Gents Tailor Suits Made to Order FII1ST C'LASS FIT GUIAq'EEL) ALSO CLEANING, DYEING ANI> ALTEPMNG Grayslake. lllinoasl'! DII PLNS AUAJ 0F HKTIC I The students of the Gurnea Hlgh school gave a succesaful play Fritiay evenlng. Several from Waukegan at- tentiet. The members of the castp showed selll. The cast for the play: Miss Maude De Smythe. The Sweet Gri-Verna D. aYoung. Mrs. DeSmythe, ber mothier-Evelyn B. Hautord. Mr. DeSmythe. ber father-J. Rapli ael Kelley. Mr. Jack Hamiîlton, ber beau-Leslie J. McClurs. Miss Matilda Hoppenhoer, ber auntt -Marion A, Edf.t Misa Valeria Reynolds, ber dearest1 frienti-MInufle M. Reevee. Madarn Sateens. heie dresemaker- Dorathy 1. -Marsh. Madain Rantum, ber elucut1i6n teaeb- er-Eunlce C. Bouti. Professor Grindein, principal ot Onri nee Hlgh achool-Van Nesa Young. 'I. Chines. Buihus, flarft-Leshfe C. Haines. Katherine. the mald-Ru4iy Uh Strang. Dril-Primary Pupils. Epllogue-Mir. and Nirs. Jack Ham-ni lton. HICKORY. Miss Frieda Erb af Chicago, le speuding the week with Mri. Ausin SevEe. Miss Cora Edwartie epeut Friday and Saturdey lu Weukegeu. Mrs. 0. L. Hollenbsck returned, from the city Fridey. Ruth andi Pauline Pullen rlelted ithel r aunt.Nancy Frezier aioerp Bunday. Rev. Steiner was entertaiued at tte Wilson inigbains over Suntiay. Miss Evelyn Edwards of Waukegeu, was home aver Sunntay. Mie. D. B. Webb, wbo bas be u Chi7a«o the paet week, returneti homeà 8aturdav.1 Lillian Streed of Waukegan, visited1 Mfre. Wilson King Suutiay.2 Sunday 4ecool Sundey at 10 o'clock followed by preaeblug. Stereopticon viewe wiliI be gîven Sunday nigbt. Everyone corne. itemember the basket social at the cburch for the benefit of the echool, Friday uigbt.LMay Srti. Ladies please bring baskets. Cutse wili be serveti. Mir. anti Mrq. F'rank Edwards are maviug jta their borne et Autlocb, Mr. Edwartis baving accepteti a position lu the new store there. put Awsy Des#îsIr. Flght 111e s gond soldien. sud If thon sornetirnes feu tbraugb fraiitY. tae, again greater streng kthan ben, trustins lu My more iýdant graco. -Thoas aKemPIR. A. T. itittuler, 26i Fulton Place, Canton, suys heavy work weakeued hie kilueys anti caused i hm trouble anti vîffering. '*Finally 1 took Fole.y Kidupy Pilleend mw Ifeel likeauew men. My bledder action le normual anti retuler. i have no nmore dizzy ep.'lls and 1 feet as nuih like work as 1 diti'-10 yearie ago. Thim leaail due ta Foley Kidney Pille whivh 1 gladly recammenti." For sale by ail )rtiggîiÉ. Electric Uight thé Moost uifyfug Of Ail Artificiai Uîghts-, je not the oniy ativantage of the Buse Wired f«r Elecky fan the usanual servia, plum in incladed The Washi.g Iaçkiî, -that assumes tii heavieut of honsehold labo"o The Vacum Ceier Xjtbout wbich absolUI4. clesaing le impossible The Electk Irou *tisat tiansfers a taek troué the bot kîtahen ta the pomîsi And nnany otiienappliancea aUt operated with atrifiingoàamount of unirent are available.- WE WiRE BOUSES AT COST, 24 MONTMI TO AY --- N0 INTEEESTr TIhe expense is lowy Wil suite is aving Ilic tiîiltings apoudingt a few dny. on his farin îhere. s'-as in spelling net ueeL ____ peinteti. A numbar îf l il, rs in ibis vicînity Earl. Claia anti Milihd istiuî e re Eh. Harins anti farnily enî Mi. anti nie taking thîir milta the Bowawnn absent ouîn na. MIrs. Edigar Vose sera Wankeitan viellais Bras. bottliîg planit ut humner. Raymond Ilotteber, George Thomsoin, Saturday. G(li ueunînand tht lnîiomnne.lmy 0 Did .jou receive that dividend check [of the 7 GOQU NEWS reeeiveti seuls lu geagrapibv one day lest * per cent interest Which the Meredith flower NO ÂUE O DUB ueet. O0 NOCAS T OUT Many Libertyville Readers W r pann0iirt oislao eetab eCompany has been arome? yard, plent fuswer seetis anti set out 0 Ilf not are ijou flot going to get in on the nèxt one,' A Statement of Facts Backed Have Heard It and Pro- treas anti hushes ttc\t Fridey utternoan. 0> which will be bigger and, better-You know vus by a Strong Garntefited Thereby Herbert lievis is aur usaew clool b h tc rm n hr o10a "God ew tavlsfat, sd hedirectuir. 0 can uthsoc [rm ne hreolS t WVa guarautee inmetilate anti positive 'osnds e au-c Ilravfl hast:' ne __________ten dollars each, and gou con make gous *wm reliaI ta ail enferers tram laconstufeaiptation. pqmns-ut sgo o nan avugsdpat lu every case where a eeyfit oLbry ie oglîîti toleain atLKVIA0 pamns utesg dinnyavo dprt do Ibis wa su-lu retuiti the inaney paîti prompt relieIfte î;atbin thir ranch., usort.Ties Iet taannt0a Many alunie, w0ak. anti aching baBPk 5(l.). Cîîrkill o! ingîeîle, viited frîeudtis ments--And gou are sure of the 7 per cet- hecto anti ws went you ta substentiete m, no o"'e i allCday.> Another good thing too is the directors will boy then t our rnet. aestn utuPille. TLîoiîic uiîlepon thousantie of ut this pIncal rSîaay Rezali Orderiiesar te u lk people are telliiic tus gond newsoh their 04car Surcuson anti Lewis Wllamns oustcon 0dasoieadpago7pe enudy, are particuularlY prombpt antier oulnce u-îîlîtte ilt Quaker ttenety., werae xelcisîlug Opecir's boisa lest Su n ageeble in avtion, iuay he tatou aDitBers lsti ulîie' worth resding: a inngtemdngh o i.0 ct- avoftisewsueSm I2 S any tîltîs. day -,or uigbt; d t eauee a rs.ueSophia I'alnatier,402 S. Oak St.,datbnngIi dnibthl inet- aeoftuénwisesote$ 20 tiaubous husa gipug ecesIewanse "', 111, a.ts: "About ibie dau-nworth leit, whlch w'll5 0.5 ld er denL. e diroeanes or athaintiseir ae 1 goiuushîtberssihy a dui, Hughli 'a Wl,.of SOn stars sni mexi te loosenAfM4 oru o! ( uunesaiseilffprovileiFu 0 months, to build those oew bouses, for rome They bau"e a vry mili but pqif,,Ibe nggng a-beii05temalhny acio uontu ircnswib hib he bctani ouiially 1 bati sharp ashs0sul leepcei which is going to make it the finest plant in this acameolu poiîthcu. apauwtiy aicîlutas Ivwiagices my vains. My bead acheti Sinmon tialiger oh Round Lake, u-usa a cin euatr onitporn theaxetiacanitierauly andl 1 was subjecita caenter in ibis viiuity Satnrtiay. .0 section ol the countr-If go. have wneg that là agninu ve o a i la -ethe laedattecteoo dizzineee. LernilaiDoues cmiug rsl aest, anî aîîîn ta ers Kitiney Pille;, i egar i raruse anti thae<0 fot earning 7 per cent. or bettes, just oeil ag Of thein hou-aIe t, ur uand aud iet et resuits eers cii satisfactary Ibut i Naturel Longlng. 0> ate visto oev. ubn hatyprocuceti a lurther supfl.y. Bae long ux Toucannot expeet the worklîng * the directors up, and theg willl e glad to colt on ar uenpesaletiinr runlle ws en ttirey remnonetclasses ta osee iuxury, voaith anti 0 qou. and show gosi the greatest moneg maker in Rexifoel otiareullîs 8@bl iran y ten aui asL mc anti Ideal for îLe use oI chiltinen, aid htroi heultb. i andvi1s othen 't>eaise vidth ialngiug fora shbe.. foisanti telue. ensn.bscuotte elt.1avieo r epeLake county. 100 bigb - precouinani te nt ah ilarly efictedto itgve Doan'is INàdney suffererg ron i%) ut fim eI constipation tra. aud ltsattendant evile. Thats vhby we For sale byallealons. Price5Oente.s:W-I havbe 18ligeîy S th rrs hactaurfe&h l thin lthouiproiseFoater-Miliuru Ca., Buffalo. Nov York reuat iomi bav aa uf'r ad pais * IIIPfthin 1I of ieoney back If they do ot give entiresleaetsfrthe Unitedi States. um isye tu lamsautieranui îîoâenI 1t Iiw i cens486 abet, 2 cnt; 8 tblis. , n ther. 322 bwiciî nîways mat me lu a w0ait uoaîi.O 50 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i cat eebr y8c bnni ow ever. alter uamtng Folsy * GREEN NOUSE M 1L J. F. N!RElIix pMtwT so e- T "I K Sore. Du aui t a t vnite vint a dea TH T AC- apdimis.' F eom yalme lst., NEW YORK< INTERESTS UNDI. WRITE CHICAGO & MIL.WAU. KEE$4,000 BOND ISUR. AIM TO RUN'TRAINS TI4ROUQU CITY ON ELEVATEDAN00VRIt INTERURBAN TO INDIANA. It Le ontierstoati that tue Natl0"WýY Cty bank of New Yorkt andiM. -W Halsey & company bave uadoerwIliw ten $4.500.0"0 first mortgage bond# ti ý- the Cihcago & Muliwaukee Relctrie al- roati. This le the first step ln thE r, habilitation of the propenty. Tii. proceeds af the sale of bonde viii bu useti ta retire tbe oid Issue of $1t- 000,000 first mortgages 5s wblch am& ture dt 1919 et 105, and ta psy off about $1.500,000 or recelvers' certif. eates. Tbe balance wîli h. useel as vorking capital. Iu a street ralway thens axé saine ambitious plane ahêae for tbu Chicago and Mlwvaukee EleOqc. It h# the Intention ultimately te bave tihe roati aperateti by Intereste ln the. Chi- cago Elevsted railways. It inpr" pasedti iat the Milwaukee lin. 5hM1 enter the city over the N'orthwettera Elevated on the north andi delliver Its cars at Sixty-tlrt street aver the south aide levateti. Frotn the latter point tbe trafic wlll be carrie t t South 1sendIn d. FARNELL WILL. FILED. The willi ofthe lats Mrs. lueret Cooley Faîwell. wife ut John V. VbrM. well, the mIllonaire Lake Fareeter, wee filed In the Lake connty court tp- day. The petition for prohate vie filed andi the bearing set for May 20 et 10 o'cloclt In the rnorning. M»;s Ferweil tilet on April 6 at ber haine ln Leke Forest. The contente of the vili vii l otle, madie public untîl atter the besetaf. It le nndsrstood, howeven. that 11, dis- poses of an estate valued at approni- rnateiy $90.000 Ln twenty bequeutak Dust Proof Roads and Driveways Tarvia applied hot and a coat of fine gravel or crushed stane 9-prinikîst on makes a soid bd ou surfacue etirely dust proof. Uostâli ttie ani w il wear for a long trne. Also gravel rouf îng. W rk ( aranteed. PETER BAKER PHONE 468 J. LAKEfoàr-SIr, ILL. ý 1 1 .,f Iv« ý, 6- -, i. ý

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