CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 May 1912, p. 39

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UlAE fflUNT L11DFPNlN'y1R1lt 'fI1' - -L b,-J.IJL. -7eý AT FOX LA GaoUiéSteel Lacnch Goes Down Whie PâÀ~isgPassiiàg Ftom Hotel 4%-o Anoth- ritCassag*tbe, Worst Fatality that Fol Lake Has Evet Recotded-Vain Searcli Mde Fot Bodies (Specil to the Independent.) Fox L.ake, May 9, (Specal)--Seven V N FAD 1D fis .. Ue.drowned ln Fox Lake aiSdIE.dN FlRERI.<S Ik~oI.lck lut night wlen a gesoline lliW*laItnch went down ln a gale N UD I TH Fi » iw e t fth e P rty w r : I C U E ) I u 6O9SO11GE RUSSELL, 36 yeare oid. Lt ABILITY LA'W -AHN, aged 19. " LHANSEN. JACK HOFER. MANY WHO ARE NOT AWARE 0F LOUIS SRU8CHI<E. FACT NOW FOND THEMSELVES The other two mombers were Chi- UNDER PROVISIONS 0F LAW oqffl5 ns ndthoir nomes i.r. nt kaewn .tAis morsfilcaaut the laies. 111~11l, Hahn and Miss Hansen, tie Fox Lake people, the ot,.e, CONSTERNATION FEuT HERE M"r from Chicago. Russel was a Ivy al etIngelide. IlseY had set eut ln a launch frr LOCAL EMPLOVERS HAVE BEEN " 1LIWnott otel, lntendlng t< be BETWEEN TWO PIRES AND oMeeY-ed over tue ii.Bsn'Vlew botel HAD, DIFFICULTV DECIDING 10r au evenIng Party. Thebotels are_______ bilet twe nÊles epat. Shortly aftt S le nOcb stated out guesta or the. A specles ot pente bas slezed eni- 14$pioott Actai eard ecreams. Pioî-es ln Waukegan and etiier cdUe i w. bo bead the crès ran down in the stat, aWho are just awakenlng Intbe ~b baendcoeuld dlatInguilsl.Ih teetn !tierlaIiyud ça:s fgr b.lp. pour bours laer nothe, h xeto hi iblt ne #AUgb"d ye4ý been bewa r the boat the new worldng meula' compensalIon, 114MQueeerchldng parties ba.i atour- st. whicb went into eltect May 1. e 'JOe lae. ,They find thttli order to proteet '11%* boat was ot steel construction teilvs he mutb srà a~1therefÔre. If it tlpped wIUi the~ =in uL It it weui . andýganst damnage tu emjloyes and iliat tJ 1eengin. in it would lkeIy 1l11- the kw bas resuited inu kbilty in- V&M n ane oftthe victima. At aDy surnce rates beng raised frona 100 V,$b% eithougiitéoe i lage t e I t 1000 per cenit by the rompeules euoilttu la p locate the boat or thte takîng such Insurance. o«%no traesof them Scutil b. Farmers And Bulders Affected. *ýfd. '1h. eearch was. contlntued te- As a regult ot a beai of abarm and ~7. consternation lin _Yaig le the a*190 NOiiOdy Anas (the cause of the se- frein unployers througbout the. tato. 9110ip, b<~ut taetait that peihape tbe T'Iousandgetfthei -are only beglnnlng bo~W POig a leak. The. ecreasus to apprecîste ttue exilent ta abi htis 1111101101 b i the victimes es tbey feut measure affects them. ft affects not 4wpslVes. j»ng down wene sncb only the mnanufacturers and laundry- nus .ceui doubt thiey were in men, but ais e ti.farira. 1'ie '.Ide ,s but be<Ore PeOPle on at are liabl, e nenployes for iity ther aid. tie crie« Injuries rsoelved frein tarin machin- i& 1Udda-tii, Waters lias euveloi.ed ery. lb. '50W9ii. -Evec, insu Wh.o butins ia hou" e os 111e terribbe accident, coenlng Prc- ide, hmselU hable te the 4<rma o er tà«a117,be(Ore the. Sommer seuo a n 1 ast. The. contracter lae uppoed (o oa.cre&We a sensation about the pay te compensation te lnjured en- #OMS ea4lie shiores et Fox Lake, ployes. but h(iuld lies tat t do e t*i 2waYmýed wtiexlm t lneauut becomues a lien agsls b A4 elaiVOfettilte victime wlie lworerty. The onl.v way the buflMer qPUMt to ÙIP l bute the boffles. can avold thiIs la te secure frein the, ,iJgSOSEibmwas f reinOhîrago, bltcetractor a hbond aufflcleutiy large Lipî,ncotfbota tulecuver aut lablity fer Inixtq i Rate$ Ràipod!' by Con pa.9,* M T T CEFEVER lors aga&Jnat le by cletJnm- ~w'u~uiahave ra,1sed their iaies froin $2 te $16 0 99 CA IRIER dollars per $100 ot payroUl. Some ot the ther lIns et Insuranceebave ge I 'EL61N EPIDEMIC ayDvdRmo th bueu f ______________ aber and stattstic-s thore are tholî- sartds of peope lu the utete under the $TATE HOSPITAL DOCTOIS AD- law Who do flot kîýèw tha tbey w<ld DRESU GIVES CLEW TO TV- lbe affecteil by it. PHèO MV&TERYV. teal eperators.cotrcti! actory owners and laundprYTuen clahu ttia.t PHYSICIANS' CLUB3 HEARS HOW the exhe>rbitant rates whloh tbey muet 15 WERE CONTAMINA-rEr pay for Ineurance ahi Iincrease th@ cost et operatlon to snob a figure. as FROM WELL PERSON te b4 almogt prohibitive. Tb.y findf tartllug revelatlons3 made by Dr. bowever. that if they reJeot the . kw L.,Q <pbb)y, a membter Oftihe Flgin ubêY ]Ose their standing In court lui bOlosilStaff, ln an address hetore case an action lg hrought by .naploy. ~tU.UWs Ptiysclans' club bu., sUirted es. (onsequesttly Most have riiogen "MOStl= oo meug doc tor over the llablty 1gw astthe leseer et two WkAl Or fDot aabcillue carrier" i cils. »0 0SOO lbcuof typbeId i lgin.k Br. Gdbby decIared that fien ag- tPuà AM e o i talmd ANS AB tOrwe±d e so et tedsîwiith .r.0N A 1AB E phi ul virulent form, but tnet s RESULT 0F'FIGHT 0_89illile te ilne.. fremil. Tbe pres-__ a"e.oftone "buellus carrier" Precill, "aen guo gt Ite a fight near t he $a*ad'im Oeie sng the.patients, ,cr bris e t HW es t &Mntgit andi oystuIîy staspeti eut wttb dfficulty. as a resus one eft tiem w« slsabb.d. -Proquent lecalizatten et dise. ver-I Both have lisen placed unsier arr'est 1h. feare et physiciens. Improper anld alît le bronglit to Waukegan thus ttiiltaton and Impure aster were net afternoon. ODWeY the direct cause of affliction. é OI& wlwèjse ae made tod.>' that jMm. al-en suknson, 103 Yeurs old, 10 m", t0e.ming wlth 110lUosa etG the eldest persan lu the. Ity or coun- *Ibdh b"111. perhape causedtihe ty, le qulte 111 at ber home on But- -e trick Street. Méet!-ilre 15 The Most Re markable Clothing14 Sale Of The Seasonà We Bought the Surplus 0 t- of An P ~ Eastern Nakher at an Éiowmoes ltduction One of the leading clothes makers of Rochester, N.Y., sent us a message last week stating that ' he had a surplus stock of about 500 s'uits on hand that lie wotld sedi us at practi- v cally our own figure. After a lit tic dlckering with liim we closed a dca! for the purchase of the ebtire lot, paying him a price that scarccly covered the cost of production. He was perfectly willing to make this sacrifice, howeer, for it was a ~ ~case of needing the money worsc than'the suits. This im- mense purchase enables us to inaugurate a sale that breaks ail past records for money-sêvêng. It should mire- the * ~blood run fa.0ter in every thoughtftîI, economnical man for .~-*** .it's a very infrequent thing to be able to savequch abig uamount of money on a higli class suit àt this time of the ..~ '~'¶year. To use a common expression, the saving you'll gain at this sale is like getting money from homne.' These Suits Are Dividçd,,Into Three Lots We '.1 t .î dolI, ssor-teîl tlîvegarmeî'lt.S întC' thî ee ditîuî. t lots-, aiIIdi itte 10 li i iiSt .111( t vawi. iacli cotîqIM)Oi t-uîîts thlat air' woî-th ialinîîst a tlîiîd îtiox*(*tbii the î.tive akeda Boy's Shoes Durable shoes for young inen-the famous Walton niake; construvted oif satin saif leather of exeeptionally good grade, hitieher style, al soli dsizes 1 to 7, railr $1.50, sises 81/, to 131/.,,, 11 pair ... . . . . . B I Shqp-Strongly cosed qof- satin caif leather,-bluchdistyl1e, sizes 1 to; 6,' orditnaiilv sold for' $lk5 ale p1)i-e, 1(0 pair----------..100 Sprini Suis ai $6.85 In tliis lot xuîl fiiît gai1-11îî'iitst-t tat MUI, 0<uîtliaiilv sold afi Sitri-iIîglv tNv'll I f vetviuts, ini attî'aotive Iîv'tv lpatternîs in gra y a iîd tani, als(l lle 8ser-g e s, s al1e prie Nbby Sais ai $10.75 Y<nî'Il la' slrl)nlsC(lat the vlegant suiats in- t ionî att $10.75. Niîart twvi and three btitton nîimi<els, ini the latest votloriiigs, nmade osf de- penîdable ili(o v et tN ina t c r iai1s, al1F;o bine serges, Buy Your Doy's Suit Now 'BOYS' SU TS AT $1.95-Parents who wlsh to ecenomlze on the*r boys sjs-ing suit ehould not he-iltate in take asivantage eft ta efflet. Thee suis' are made et caselmere3, cheviots, wor*teds and fancy double breasted styles, izes 31 to 17 y-ears, cuits that 19 are wurth double the moue> ; sale liWse. ...... BOYS' SU TS 83.95-Splendidly' nmade eft attractive durable ne- veliy materlals. aise bloc a-et- ges, double bressted styles, aise Noutork and Russiait blouses. soe have 2 paIrs of trousers. vii (0 sud 80.00 va7u773.95 at ................... BOYS' SIJITS $3.95 - elrtctlty high cl"a& germnt&, mannlsb la appearance, b5ead abouider effecta in double breasted &Bd Noifok styles, bIne serges. nia. tors, worsteds, stc., e oo sMd 9 ÔO duits, ages 7 te o 17, Kt...... ..... ....193J BOYS' WASH SUITS-Mlade lu the Butler ilrwiu d Rugssan BlouLe styles ot ins qualitli nsu finisted sultfhg, whuite sud colora,$1-95 suits in sizes 21½ te 6 ut .... . - Douglas- Shoe for N'en if you'utant ca sliot' that ou i-an t clv hîîy a D)ouglas, foîr it poses's ctail of these features. It is mnade froni only the most select grades of leather and is sold on a, ver lte. argin of profit W. show a complets. lins oft14q new aityleik',In black and tn leethers, in both -sheis and Oxfords, button sud laee. An us- 3 SLA -u.nally attractive lin.etf tyles la ,hown si UJ~ MESSTURDY WORK SHOES $1.79-These sehoe Ors made to gîve long vervice and. ordiluarlly seiI toc 4 -2.50 PCain udeer-okin andl box tait lesiher wlth guarautaed oak soles, bhwacksdtan, guar- 17 anteed seItattbroughout, sale price, aîr ...17 ISpecial 1Offers lmTrousers li MEN'S TROUSERS S1J.- MEN'S TROU)SERS *2.85- In seMiland ful Peg atyla, Titig- lot Includea regular Made et caa5lnlerea andi $l.50-stid 84.00 values, made. womtseda iu noat Atr4pçs. ef hîgi grade materilasil 12.00 values ca*hnm and et---------------..1.35 werstedt ..... 2.8 M ENS HOSE-In,. grs>' sud taucy, regular Price 1tc. pi . ........................ 6*c aighCiaussssls.63 Elegant spring and sulmmer s Ilit S, foir min and vouîîg îivî o)f ail fastes, beatîti- fuIte tailored f r oîîni the' licwestîiv't materials, sîîits that are wortlî $20.(M) in e ve r y r es1eVf your choive Boy's IBlouses The Motiier@' IffIen% brand, made of gingbams, pervales and m a d r a P, 50c sellerm, Bae Tcé........38c BOYS» Kn.e l'ants for 38e Knickerbocker style, ini fane y mixtures- aud piain binte .ergeu sites 8 tel1?, 50e vaines ut..... 8cI BOYS' CAPU-%fade lu the golf »jbape of attractive noveltles spd 1e Plain coloe, 25c caps St ....I s HIen's Dress Shirts,69c A large selection of drems shirts eunbracîng values that ordinarily mêll atil1 and $1.50, lu nest @tripe etl'ects, cuifs stlached, cerne have attached collai-s,-* sale lime ................. ......... . SHIRTS AT 35c-Plalo sud plalted shIrtsimade ot geod quallty percale, llght grotind wlth etrîîue effects, 50ocand 7rie- val lies, alti sIzes, 35 Chaire........ WORK SHIRT--Made of bluebilîl chaffiblrays, gng- bamsinsudý' lack sateens, rut foul size sud bave deuble stltched searns. sud F"rencb t9lledcue 50c sud .75c"iei 3 at .. . . .. . *. t S3ayeo« Underwear AT 17c Mes ebstbriggaun AT 38r, Mens qitr fine bat- shirts snd dra*ere. lui @cru. briegan ghirts sud drawers geod quelity, reguler 36o ln bIne sud ecru, 50c sellera values B» . et, car. ierment.... .. .1c Meut . ......... 3C EVERWEAR H0"E-W, are excln.viv agents lu Waeuke- gen ter the. famous Evewear Hosiery. A box et sIx paIr. la guarauteed for 6 menthe' wear. 'r >ol&- VOLA u LU MBEF OFF%~ COUNT' Ho Ina. 1,110 gari.laie 's The j,, wereaili - Waukeg: ofr the s 1n ., terý lhe cbe lutren, lh Cc Th(- at-el, bo1 tei v ll There tIl,-agali A tes, Magie. Step wal offthie boat lu -!,fBot l'y lth'e tluick SI l Mile( rier sh- art errnol anid the sent oi wird cei u'c<oooer The Q forfit, NI mît- F rode- sIl î',e wlne to wiltlji to attesu we.-e dru cago bar lhe Qulc îerday ie out lu sl signlo A Send the. me# stev ,sa ( the. ves learu th; able bei: Captain thbe Ors ing rcou the lite-. Quici. et Then bel twenty-t< Mile gal tied üp a ed the t * Stormn. owner 0o One fiait' in the 12 At day out for I for tbelr tte .bu e lus1velb venture amut ty-Two

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