LAKE CoUJNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WVEEKLY SUN __ VOL. 20.-NO. 34. TWELVIE PAGS LIBERITVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FPRIDAY MAY 17, 1912. ONE TO KIGHT $1.50O PER YEAR iN ADVANCR LUMBER SCHOONER IN DISTRESS OFF WAUKEOAN WITH SAILS TORN TO SHREOS NUCH DAMAGE IN COUHTY OOUNTY SWEPT BY 70-MILE AN HOUR GALE FROM THE NO RT HEAST LWiC i ts cans Ses tom 11110 shiredx; Ilsitîbr imuner iiv1Jarnes Magie. of t W"aro aa 1lîtrieti aitot on the htori tt O5(ul watet o01I .akc M i-h i cati late iSat'îrtlay afîernoon. Fishormen Sight Boat. The trî-r ita-i s oftheliite lutwr ,u the storn. Harbonmst.r NiGk Lar- sen, Robert and Clitott Spoor. Thuom- as Kirhner and Asisotant Àglt-keep- er Teweg worked six boucs Sunday menng asiting boat OWflerg lu dis- troum..Several ornai! buldings along the iake front were underndined. 'Witout doubt the worst storm n i years,' siaid Nick Lareen, as he etooil with a goutheaster pulled blard down over hiseee, taiking to w SUN re-C porter at 6 c'elock Sunday mnorning. "Tt wil!! aite the eombined efforts of every obtainahie mani 10 ae the Bew- er pipe f romi being wrecked by float- irtg debriis and wreo,,kage,' lie sait! as lie started out on lte stol 1 waelied pier. The storm which swel over Wvau- kegan and Lakte counte on Saturday1 n1lht and &Nl day Sttnday was one 0f1 the wtret the c-lIv lus een ln soi", t ime and was thie more dîsagreeshie noreh s-bd The change ln seather rame -as a ci-mpiete sjrprise as l had et-»n g- caI~<onceedsithat s-tii-E wetther was herie to *ta) but an.yoriec lto uvoild have offered lito bt that te raîn soutti change to snos. soîtd flot fiase foîînd a taker. E'". ACCUSES EEKER OWNER OF CRASTREE OAIRV AT LAKE BLUFF FILES SERIOUS CHARGE IN WASHINGTON. CONDEIIED CATTLE SOLD DAiRV WOMAN CHARGES INSPEC-i TORS CONDEMN!D HER COWS BUT PACKERS SOLD MEAT MIallttui ai-t 1 iý-itiuo u. ex Sert e -Jot uni- tha sencre tof a' ctit.tlia( itta 1tu le (e u rs anti goe-tu t c at - t i - i rie-t -t j, t i' srs i ie i - ~îe i-il i-iiti sh-il Mris, Sentt I utý randt 0f Lalie Ittut b e-c a tI i -t ýit-îîtîîux ',, n o t i l s at i tii f ln. s-e-ie siglited b>' tire- l1she'irtmutan e1 , e r w uw.nin ,iâi' hwAliu ee f - Nitutee-,ttalt1Io-lo k SttltA %Il tethre- i-Ilstbe reports ietc- nirubte*- tus ArîIl rNleeIna r--r o lutr-a i-taistu ixti rtm t! thu-t trees anti smuali oifftiîllings -a 4,u Fi t, i u-rai mn-ier tuf %r - h.tre lue-erillibanclouiut ii fron? t.rt I i- ard. lte tuttibetn iti- lut,-f 1 , mciii andttl - itili, ttieti d the- iti-ut vites-aae-ne lîreukIutc oui t hi-e riI ange-t tuees itO Iti iov I Otin aumai: i t otin ait ic-c cît ite Itutieu if tts- ut ui-I it ît' i utiotii-r ati truislore-ttî- i-rrucr of;randî aie-trie- Siatic,;çIarittit- ti-ilf ucu- hre un oftur-iite-r.. ? tch i-t - ijO55 C ri- a, T ,, t1ulNW est t-tre-tt Joliri %Ia>rartl. tîtsk i r u esfforti i t iliei- fainîtiti.i aîrx itle wsel-I Titi- siot iii, r t -i- a nt ait tha- potice station. - i-a- Iailtre-e ,îrt--ttii rîtf c-s oui-ui te i- int titi- lroite-ito? t, .-tu -t ail;,ta t te sittidemtidotas ila t aiua1i-u ile ne-ca-u-rý ir aa nrîsai fi-nt1itenorî-csu t-aipli- trcc un lis tac-k iarrt luf In aditionti.,Ituiraut, tclls lots fron hýnoirhas i t o t atioîun several rci-ports tj_ i 1w . ;: iti-- gos c-ntt Coulti Not Battle Waves Th(- lVanuican ttigurnieit'-tiîoîul ten i-ciet tîtat te tri-isin, ln 5.t~iitoi, relit I-i lleeke-r 10 coude-mn Ft-cl boitte-sITihi-hants a-e, ltied fO ic nir-tes *idIl unfatt it e- ,-lue-niaitdilhtwtiu hi-i ai iial ij Ns efot ilir ule-r ri10-t iIIiig fci ri-r liai lînoiten downtu i-i pe,-itcu nd ast iscd for A rlitotur& lepttere(l te ronr r, 1 rlaittiphue anticieutric île-tiuurs<w t ,rrhottae-. c-us ,hvit IhtIcs hadl hias~.tit'-n a fol bars tutt 50 iin ti a,)n-tstances tîl e scrîu- touti lues . ttt--lron le-r fuin haetle auttail ll. 1 is lie-n qiîtu- hOtriip!e-d. iBotb oipirailuîl etmoi0-- 'Ple-ie- ssnet a boutIthîe- arlior S mýrai steteiin*vof pogesie tffcintstfgliteba-'-Orniteîuuls hase ttmnen t,) sort lias eîl - sN-s.l)uratîtithat site- Ias he-cî li-u-s-sin aificett ir-n-ti 0 atevor. anS su! eet te damage - n RFnrrond a)- uitnPst and i laite tIi- saInsItte lOi-m. ptre-S as marnnas Possible 'Phe- sait -sdcr>ne-c s-t ShI éSans B r"the ntion of se-aira exista in île1 S)V A tes miles toe te- iturteuttli- ntry.Ten ,Prîze Cows.Condemnned. tIsl, ue- hAlauluer schooner. Quick FrTirs lrose.%fý'>ui-anti i-auges tiat Nieeker Ste-ps-aa s'.tanding- -'ru-ad> to ake I Fermer. Sui thefer Lses a- teItasieti te r-oui-i put lune out0fl Illauaiithl i- -rm-c e-tteiusine-si t lti .îettsfrotu the-, liitif ithe -as ras le abu- Inothe;der- leît-losers as a result of(lue bori Indigres incalý sh fliiner- rmf2rnet nl>haý shdssilfthicago sic' k tai-iL uonde-mned lenl e!, lotit schooners uere ji-keS du10oit epn,(ý,mirahdbe i)te- itte- tortottilet ChIa-sectThe admiii ljbe lw onlvteste-t freqi-it ie viterinariane- (iik St(ji ignale-S for a tue- altttut t he 4rrtiugleofoatibi- rhu-sIte. Ilnutat thexortie-ced heurt IilleS. tie a mile- off Itue noril of ilie ('liaagol rtidsIi! dela> the-pltune tsite .ent uletu cecei--tus 1 itutr e- i-sec short!> aflen I otilock Suîdas rtn tatn fpatadteij1r o nwn afterooui taîutin (ancs irtati trore- for aui- ast a siel, asdtilltii~ patat 0 tosîe - t oiUpan hre Crad1lic fat-nu-i s lîcîrtît onuiertuhIluas athrit-s ati lre-s otuisybeen ronde-omeS anîd the i-tatao? thre lîfe-saNis isatinn i--1i tere-potîps-t the-un for fond ment ountin s ife-boat and aftt- r re aLueoeiaaen-rtSiat- Nsrl-febasroî-ur>'n s art i-eut ou lite ItIn- Ntirtoriî to lie I fertentuou liai-us oror ecuns aniVotlutriti- i-i-tion o!eos e-ino-o oitoorers asslelance. eetpat fte onv adficlis e ith tle iteresîs have- charges TheQujk Seplalen ît1 Iiuit,,r!ftrni-i-e- tin sus ite-that ts- nain ThuQuci Se-l ldu i ti lint1-rantldtonicame au a se-iy inoîtporiitne- h md b ersons. onie-agaînat forIfiowe-c 'l stabrook-Si e-s etnte.the-otirertof te souial pronuhnencc o? LI niir cumîuailt> -le ft ilsni-nilnee- -TIrs. Sc-ott Iluranti anti Artitur Muse- Mii-Frîda>' nîght andi fou txso da>s Effects int Waukegan. et- rodte- sit the ettrni irisi n before Natke-tan sufeeS pInni-ialtsfi-onu t c vîinttnter stornu t-anvssIl riai ue sanS sîorur. un addition to tle Muet Erplain Charges. uo ittjn a Mile- Ofth(e- hit'aeo Irar hultauluI- toum If itrees anti shedsa ilitrer Influence- uas lirouglilte10 tur laptain ('h-la Nerdruum fearetij signaeuer- toril bouesigo brab-r1nr --tt- 11c -i-tiebi-- to altelnpî an entrant-e- Ana-bora se-i-e"tloms owrîvand ti ilspiracuical-nese b> itavîne- tu> aluable prize cat-~ s-e-e-dropped ant forflise- hours tire-Il. imposeitule toi- people- 10 uaIt l eondemned anti teetroyeS or else- QaltuSttu -a-sS i tre uruîiraboutl lie stre-e-tuithe-meat s-as tîscased anti s apsa-1 iv s--ce-hung wsaIes, wlilcliullîmatel>' Coul me-n asse-rt lthWif (lie>s-are e eielh i ie oeum-lI ase wypart etf Itécane-o, OPen- abile tesupinplte de-mandefofulaetraiheAm pnad ê/P fil, seanus le mary Places andti lt Ilît uIoltrequit-e aIi easî îs-o ot- ttaen wu@- tldtote apublic, hi-cati-ne-S te inkitsip anti ci-e-. tht-e-e-tays to fil all or'te rs as mary " Ilhuer evenI, tIr. Meeiter lias a, <'apln Citailes Carlans or t-be ChI-ie- ofle- sho ha>sailos-eSteir fires tlair-y serious condition o? affaira toil i-seo lai-bor Iife.,avIne- tation aie-lte-Si eo onItlssaven ethe foîîy o! such act explaîn. Tire charges s-e-ie fi!e- b>'1 the Qulcit Ste-p et 10:30 o'cîock y ut anti lave builîtte-m agnin. Heasy me-utet le Invitation ofte- menthe-rs terda>' moraIne-. Wlth bigsci-e-w le put clluing tht a baillicodisrit me t s ftise committee- anti un>'purtuose s-as1 out in aIttaheoal as e li-ass- tire- ise- ece more been put On and Waukegan rimrirl>'tebi pput a stop t(0tlite sigal ! slat'es Tui. peuple es' tue-y are nos propred eS abuse-o In tire meal Insptection service1 sg al opest rc'scltru 0tirahe "I do net Ie-sttooel an>' more Sentitueaorvs-e e-o dos-n' s-1,aPouctit of tul>' If neceesa->' mille In Chi-ago ant i sllIconfine my- tire mee-aplioned i-al of te Qui-k Firemen Suifer. self te irei-etnepize cattle 'Plie- Ste-tus crptain as (tha liteboal ne-are-il 'Ple- me-mseraca01te St-e de-pat- ieas->'losa rearltine- froithtie t a te- vesiel. ment penitata stand thue graest dis- tu y fiitui andthetti bille-r sartare thel Tthe-ite-save-i-sretur-ne-titue allure toeiomtots on se-touant of the lealr>'con- r hek bswgdaistm 1 learr 1mta Do large- tue-s were aval]- dition cf thte -r-oof or thte-central lire havaeireen ver>' disre-artanlng. 1 i slU abi leec&tae «et ls6siippine-st-ike, station. Tire roc? le In sucS lied con- rot deseend t10 aocityard met-ots' teb CflpW5n Robe-i-I Young, manager Of dilion lhat t-be rain sitiprl>' pers trosiete se-aInsI 1fr. Meeltar In te- t-be Ciet Laite-. 'osine-anS Wnacit- dos-n upo (lie bede of tire me-n ans ilk uitirianessusait Mcs.Durand tb a4 ine- <xm5any, volunteere1d andS s-l maitesil pciIe for tbam te aIe-oit, ie-ored FrIta>'. tlitIle-evers as bis cres- se-ntte teh 'le-y have- trIe-sinearci>'evet->' de-vice Quiet Stop In thse tue- T. T. Motford. t0e ge-t as-a>' othee (ue-Sofort but SPECIAL GRAND 'Ple-ilbee-n a ttIe- of five iheure s-ituhbave f aileS. Tirea>' hartnos- ha>eU Y ESO Iwelity-font s-ave. and & e oty-fiv saetibitlne-ver>- se-lous!>'Of eracl- J R ESO mile gale-. Thle Quick Ste-p wsufinal!>' iutg tenta over t-le- be-te. Another Plan -- lied lp etaite foot of Randoîpli treet. sue-gesteS is t-bat the>' plae thaîr SPECIAL TERM 0F COURT TO BE1 S~ Be ig Loua. bdsa eue on top of arotitai- The mat- HELO 9V REQUEST 0F THE 'PiefIsitormnof tWakegar attife-le-rIbas cesse-S 0te- s ajoke- have-ver,' BAR ASSOCIATION. e-S t-hie-e-sonls, b>'reasor of te-antilit seenstitrtiraIest thle cily sia.m Thi-r nets s-er.rendeie-siuse-- conîtdo --ouIli ee 10rapsir tieroofci ÀAspe-cia! itession of Ilie- erend Jury mu 5sIltinI h oac-ele- If au> o!offt ti rtallon of tire ceunt>' of Laite- -Il ire- bIdenm nt e-ats eetI ldrtay anti Setuctie> are ID JlI>'A special te-rauof tii. circuit _"')Ecoere-d, aocording 10 Clbiton Spoor, TAY TO BURIN SIGNS court shlia it elli at- te-close of tho es-rer oethue- flairtu-, lPour Brothters. Frita>' nie-SI persons stlemptesi t0 emiesofthue grand Jury, One- fair-in i it our <site-soe!ne-la hum lwo more o« tae Voive slgnt. Amuortie-rfocrte-spacial session s-Ii inthe b.laieeboaerds, In Zion City'. h. Issue Ibties-e-e-k, t le saisi At deybi-elc Ioda>'te- flaisarain et Pire s -as di-cveue-d et th ig- lamorDanfortHu. allagati ilayer co! out for titeir fie-une- re-id. te uni-ch board east <of tiseNorbstter oI- hie -if.,ws-lU ho t-t-ed Suringe- ispe-c-1 -for titeir nets. The-i- fa.llure tu rtIat ioen andi aise tise-One oppeOlte thoeen 'li esslion of tisa circuit court. A te the lbarbor b>' 4 o'cieck paro, o00- efflË toes.iIn décis Case (ei'UOflex.-oumbe Of le-asImportent oees-ln lusiren>'Mjdmidoe fissrmasth tine-nlie-sithe SÜiretoffe mih of h. trie-sithes ne-te-cm. te>' s-ie rOI .ucmsat In tiiekr thte- ie-r het ie-e-n hure-s.VUtle.. Jutdos Whiney cellea espeur- localte tisiP- . -l og I thnn e-p on theIUM&wmU Mi~ l aI term thue Is-eral>or mure persons loa 1h. Shernn of bWaosrIud nd kenth daflinarregted ion criminel chargea surine- amomuat p xbu<>IIIIM L d - tedsd hh»ie ai. V a* ltre-e menthes-il!lie be-Id e-- ail ttté tlau-ehni>'b. mpu1111fd ho the MUmilOclolier betore- Ibe>'cmaienter abonu h.- >lÉ& SEU I 1 OW onlybody recovereti uî,taothe is- DROFS DEAD ON en tDe I tht f Nretanelhe&n V11 e r e'lta thet 0f mca labetnII I RIILROAD TRAIN ol urr-over the bodiesln the bigl il fh :ah rsu i e tK N J~ J i WILLIAM E. LAKIE FORMERLY 0F fl IIIIflilitainis madse titat the il WAUCONDA, DIED 6UDDENLYn,1g i. dragging will ino 'e WAUCONDA, 01W SUDDELV AT_'UA biift: pintil e\eryone ofthe: bodies FO n ' lA iK WIEON TRAIN. ,'i fît iru MR. LAKE WAS A MEMBER 0F ___ d ht . iiiîuoii hote], tld of the ONEOF HE ILIIII KNWN IIr*c î-wcdluig thre tiagedy.I ONE0FTHE DU KNWN STEEL LAUNCH GOES OOWN ai ai nie oser in one of NEIGHBORING COUNTV IS ONE OF FAMILIES 0F ,AKE COUNTV i ~ rig , romt ingleside and r1 WHILE PASSING PROM ONE m oj t t - elit lime for dinner.1 FIRST TO APPLV FOR FUND Willim E. ~ke, ortu-ri à w i1,1 a iot slal> cc ai-o anti titn-n WlanE.Lkfoa a Il HOTEL TO ANOTHER itna iLt 9011oing crogS thre OFFERED IN CHICAGO. iknçîs n tieident of Laites corner, î ii ; c, oeI. ri- NI aiic-onda, dled of lisart dî-c-anî-on ianît t Ti,- Mii-I Iolan o uho a rload trains near Ileloit,1h,, ,cn hIIWl-nii)ila hehtl Saturray morning, followini- a iitRECOYER BODIES OF YICTINS sÏo$iîi ll,îi i nioi ae:uehotLAKE IIASH'T ACTED YE ta his sioter, Mrm. E. FI We iii of I hiisiîaiîîlaind 1 oinseýlled agalnst 102 T'mion street, thlis lx w ho i ____teir n, îi lic ti rp, as ithe- laite ail ý,rII,.II 11 ather. hme .al a 1-n n kd'the isases 1 rrilialy II t erbore ier i LARGE FISH NET IS USED IN EF- were i-lier iliitiii1 all cicr seen, CHICAGO FIRM GIVES THOLISAND the Elgcin ('ourler. Itheora hi-oie F.iT woillnotie .Iri. Lakeiel iesitied lierr-p i FORT TO LOCATE MEMBERS tilt t-ila-ile in thr rnicittionl,boss DOLLARS TO FIRST HUNDRED da.i li met t BeoltIo ýi-i fril F PRTYesir, andil ai ii.\li s llinsilitht (la li set 1 Beoîtto a riiiîi-~ F PRTYhi-ni. tlbesal] i- i il i teîotic p1cr COUNTIES APPLYING. îitre-nding ta go ta Afton fia he-, rgel u iin a- t.. i.lto lIais andatithen reirtarototlî ei-litileTl ittivîsoîlidiii t- ii i ut___ of buail>Ilung sister. I ,hâd ',,l -tn From Daily, May 9.ili rougîtiiat1r Ili,,trîla litin sx 'iigonC rani ndtttiti- w nil silild(i Iii -i iitrong RKau- coutl'IIîlhave a detoon- rtiînit o lIe- ran ii rlia i h Seven people acre drowned i Fiaii-, at, itIi-eias a]i-S i tit h ()ni Ih iii-tratiîîii trm and ugrit tItraI expert hi-t Impie, Mtrs. Mary Kelt-I, tof lic lake aI 8:30 o'clocit Wednieday nlght a t ortie loiti -hic Itirtetitoward id im li een a steel gasoline launcit went Ittintiait tce iii ii;a -t tirae the liom-e of ia s iauld dwn in a gale of wind wIiclhswept lt von iabouttlialfil iî it, of hi aitl I.1Piîstn, leader lut the moire silios flnt the- place, wtii ->Iuds the laite. The tact tIatthe ltIlle îtrI îg 1tol oto sciiti tatheik.1 t1 nm ttîlhliîs uo t-%erq!he was deed. boat was g,-eully overloaded ie sup- tir, aid -j try for hit titi- to10 i1 lrirti-it of flte Kanoe toanîy P1ari- Ttîoiîa- Welcitof itistIscii-a -;i poseti to have caueed it ta capsîze Ili6vbsa, ua it- s ltu-e.inas ieiutai , s in-litu-e, oday put hIKase suont to -tanesville, . ltI i o ýri-tiabout haîf a mile from eshore. The e ,si- -aI titre-s. andI then îhel-tt iie bld for $1.000 ofthtie $100, tht- luot-.oathis City tlt t, --body of Miss Mabel H-ansen, lte onîy titi- i -mtht set ut sitiind Il-herdtt îîî lnîdîsedyb s lu a, Afui-r services lin , -,womtan in thie party, was toumrd float- froni thec icti .Roeilia-k uîd cointîatie tft Chicago, to tii-,,o'loch- at the \\;- t s huas îng on the surface of the laite at 8 Iai s-lpose s'-e creauti-ilds ai t i ý-o il-trliiiî-î ainonge tire frt 100 i;silcrtaklng parlors thée b1,,lI_ oclock t h e norming. The other bo-d- nn-lthrie hItal raîstect. Thi-t t%ri-i i-oties in the se-si antimitdle west taI--n b tran toNeogt i tut itai- en ail of tIi-ni ilgittini- aliline- for same. ta,,nhvtai a egi. i t es have mot yet been recovered lo- li Ilith ttno lîreath tti rail lt.-v illaîesullle, 111. The mamies af the victime as known ittît aituin, 1 i at a br r a olw:itailcat-terda, fottîtid n the SI far as known, Lalie county, ai- -eERGmas btinttuilcrnif1";l leslttatha ,» hotigîtcontigilous 10ta ,oikcotinty, fiti-merly a le-ai--er but C GERUSSELL, 36 yars lîîla-engd 1lIte fsitt lesît atongll ter -t learemlorrbom M ELHANSEN. h i ssI te i p llleti J H un ovi-hiete larg1 e cmadenapicaton farmini- lie w-as a nmeitti f I -rJ.H'a ra",hsntvrmdaple itap te best bzobsn famni',, \,i- JACK HERBERT. oil cui a ritrar i-ast- hiarIse the nalme ta gel uoî0f lte $1,000 furde offered 1 otia. tfili orne latel s - n a-tiut LOUIS B RUSCHKE. o u,it iiater, anti a book Inscriliedta 10'Ouilles desiclng ta eistabuIIh u& Trîtîla, 111i GEORGE HUHN, 19 years aid. ilithtthe nattieof Nabel tHansen.'ci _____MICHAEL__ KLUNDER. Two Chîldi-en Survive- Victlm stations. Liltily thie farinera'caco. _____________ MICAEL 'ir- \al ll anseî i uas Ithe dangh-idatiion v.ill tailleadvantage-of the of- Titiv hat set ontrilua laîttittfrottiter of Mu anti trs. C L. (elhtirti fer suhiot s-hile no doubt conceiffl LAKE VILLA MASS the LlihtlIncatî loti-I. blondin Io0lx, of 4f;41 &Austin a-venute, (hîtago. Site ttothad-ie1 aia-iet ME~I~ ÀSLCESS -co-i-e-S ove-r ta te 1BayVie-w hotel tiad blen iraIIfor saine tite and atout1,- uhotae îerea eavete wbé MEETING À SUCCESS cet"" th~Ilre weeks sago sentbt ite Fox os,'îrhlesi tpwM for an esenlng party. The- btlus are 1îaki-resort.Mnfr. latisen haîl wrlt- uilibe- of e-ceat boent euf ountm TWO LOAL E DLI abo &u t two mlles spart. Shor-tis aftt hi honte aistiritie- ier parents titat whlcti availttîeel4Bves of te offei'. THE MAIN SPECMES OF EVE- er thre launih start-d oui giteats of tire sIre woald relîlco ne-st sce-k' The' NING; SO NHSAM Lippircot botel hboardl creants. flrst neof lier death cameb lte New Campaign Started. foi-ni 0f a lM, eleplione message.'Plie-donation was malle St t1b i. a - 'Pli~~Te boa1ts-as abo-ut balf a m l lnmediiutele lion ireefîlt o tr stane eotishe National CouDtnd]i et ANOTHER MEETING TO SE HELO train sh-ore a i tistilnte ant i utfirst nes M'tr. Colbtrntefailler, lf o SOON AT WHICH FINAL PLANS tueOflte about flitc boli e c Inulineti Fox latte- Grain Exclianges. s-hioi liïe Inaugnm- i LB AE P atiktht imsnpeyajk. Aitordine- ta Ilrs Coltiirti, Ntrs. ted sa-aniteien 10 promote scie-nt114 WIL BETAKN U. tthtris tat l uasnueclua Jlie dnser hall be-en lsing-ut her hoine. agriculture hy couantias over the Uni- sI-oever ltes ras ilown te te suharf 4c44 Aitsttinaseuefor several hi-ara ttdS4Ie-s. The mss meeting hil1,1 li LakI-V'ti torne liVtîls.distance atvai- wiere iha ic lue-ciiseîîîraîed fi-oilier lias- li. WVed. nIeht ln 1e ict fth"- the i-ails toi- hell iiehearti more bandt Titere areno strngs t-te off«r. ne-e ownlup sasa i~ ii-t iisttî-11 Alattt husas t ocesen Ta- Huhn nls Blamned. Any countys-bich de-monsîcates ont- ]y 200 peolein tatend ýi- NiAttoIothterescue or te-, bout. 'Phe-calis mani Itlin. isho ]bmtbis life- sit itls fichent lulerest Is elilible, and thei ne-y l ame-s (G. of-i x uittnanti for belp, nuade lnfreciietutls, lastasi rassene-ers, la rharged ssth takini lte ltrst hîtndred of auch ounties s-hici F'rank T. Fous-Ici formerii of iieie, for about n1e-en mintutes and te-no-riste bout ont alter he h.-uitehen1 apîis- s-il! recelve $1,000 eacl. If là*e werepresentandspoe Frnk ll as sill Thi Mues he blie i-nodt! bat lbe sas rlskingthue lises jtundi5 teexpendesta tohue atistactiou seaprsntat so-c I-autHaitll sat-it.Ttsiusslte eifof those on hourd1 Ion, Preeldient of th,- village of Laite ta t te-People- in the launeh Le-pt 'ticthue! l otta, a ecitmof 0ne oflte 1oflte iolora It wa ibe- Incree.sed to Villa presided oi-r Ile aneeting. Muabsiese the waler as long as possible, scIrma of titi accident. jays Htitn a fîîll million doltlars airallable for I l w as ur ish d , t e oys -b n ialtn e- a te -i-ne c bai le for Ife. Ils - e ss',a ore-l 10 ndii e h m t 0join te ! ioda co intiee. li s-efribs itteby adlai-lu len ite eleoroià§ly prote-st e- E o C- ot thre AlIe-8aie -t tii-ai l te tîne titei-eeeue îatîibch eacitedti iat .the boat usas taci-ros-dedi Rot, Epert frEeach County. lte toint frt-mwhich tite crie-sliaiti ta sas s tite atillîlonaI 2 etea cr The- plan lnbhifaf is t0 place aul Splendid progip-o sas c-erted aI ouehere wusuico boat In aie-ht. toi, lte oiher tiasqercers teitrîttetithe, agricîultuural expert in e-sdi county. k lite r 2eeting na-t lues havI ?titi- n sScores o? Peopile turneS o0t1 S_ to as- tiotilm i li lt!fil hesînd ius cuita- seuil te bis daty ta slady local condi-- necasu-y20 sina tiesbaiesg -n 1t niesecbat fi ot- 1 luinarng a ata.saithe liens andtieto uiegeot plans for scies.- securesi for titi- tieition, stlrrin latînciles scoaresi the e-ntire laite btit ilti iai-iy lte enrire parts ai-rosadii- maagementî for tlhe purpoet or sPeecues e ore dlelisuýr-edtih re- spesit wtfirout success. Firiy this morning the laite, .Eamination oflte craft obtaining a laitger yieîd of bélIer 9MA ers fle- e eeninti Ini uiich thte lie-te-Lady ofNM is Hanse aitsa bnd aitosed it ta bcan ordinary ros- boat Per acre titan Is now liarveate eaily o lte neus township s-as ex_ loablng en tire soi-face oftbHe laite luit -tih a gasoline e-inee-lad be-en H -l ita eea drro en-ulai te-aiiplai-ed tefui-niait motive pow-er., ewl c sgnrlavWo iulened. T'Me- erte-,t thuls lr- ier i-Iohlng Is iteileved ta have Seven menhers o!thue- partyin 1fr i-ulttrirlmattecre. orgaljase ta,. va1Iold. arîpportleiar, cludIne- Huhm.gotbtethe boatHRo- mects' club$, arrange terni exhlbltl% The plan ofte Iliople 1l a t aite Thre boat ahict iigsired ln hue ter- Ils, seeine- tiat it sanit almost ta thaendr-prt îl iesho uhe twele scillril tran Aon, hrfeenrible trageti> sas nnerely aausalsteel s-alec une, refusei nd(o gel in. hescSitothr tromAntich &d oe trm Grnt t '«Room FortOn. MMior.,' tifs ln leacitin e lerudiments or aà- fommthenetio nipn e imgrcait (olanni-it t Iboitbe-en tîsesifor mailn - Conte on 1IatiRtîs, liere's als-syericulttre ton lie n-wtosahir t e-re-dam-tripes(oa(lie various liotels teai-ouect recru for one more, tihe hoatman la 'Plie $1.000 ift sil! fnot lie suftfi<ui e-s ltaI 1 s-il! iton be-tuncir easier launiry. It s-as seldom or neyer sedqioted as sayire-. for the people b inter terrtory affec- 1 ar asn-r si -uinsn Rottik.retusedt0ai-cce-pt lte ivita, IlIs exleted tsiHuai lite saiary oc » e-e t<t (8egrsa itwsknw ion. expert s-il!libe-$25000 aoue. T1%9oou. etevote. Anoter meeting la e b ha t It s-as too asmaltor itis pttr- For ton minutes atter leasing lte(les are expeced te re.ise the. l&ino helti Jure 8. pose. landungthue cbtag-chug ofth(le mater and tle icy shlave- 10 show ttieir ea'. hasot niglut te (icgo peoyple are andi (ha laugirter of (lie oc-cuantts Of la ottI elie te o JUOGEMENT UN PAUPER CASES saiolta10have calleti Iutitoup on th th le-boat coultilibe art.flest othsboe-hyw Twopaipe cseswee ear L th tlepon ad ake bi i hewold Bout Fille WIth Water. re-ceiva(be-jr Pro ratasitar0of lte o at cor casesinw-re isad it ee-pioeat uei u tlewu t itla beltevet the- emali boat s-e-e-b-donuationi oont cur St u îhci aJ tig- lit <iiw ath- 1-1 lnlubis boat. eol dos-n by thue moterandthetia Un uiito fFnc ment wau rendered ini eacit One was Ituln reepondeti. takine- Russe-lls-it ausual nuimber of pasue-neers, illetiJraîto ?Fni te case 0 thue- peoitle sgainet AtIt'- hlm, Wlien thev ariived at (ha laite wits-ater ltaI los-ed ove-r(ie aides 'Tle Jurlisdicton over tire iund r ney ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t Erne al orevtrfrW! ui noneiHettcaapol iulte movusme-ni ofls occupante. s-ith lte cr i-o.mprovement cessnit. neyErestGal, onervto fo Wl- uh fu l he hiago popl w Polîc Expert Swlmmer. tee o? the Counrcil of Gratin Excbaaaae liam Ventre, an insaine- person ln s-hii Huat ilIsboat s-as ony suppoeed to It lis believed t-bal Potricks-ho s-as Ec onywl eetleonaf a Jusgemant o? $400 a- ret-ne.Th Ple holdti ouir people huit ln apite of this an expert swinmier andi lad s-arnthe Esc out'stIslc l w n otte-r vies thsecasue acta-met lthe eetste- fact thre se-ie-n got ln. laite on tliree- occasionss-as thue- vie- 1 tekile charge of affaire wiihln t-le of redBernd n wicha Jdgmnt hisfilbeleve tahar be tien of anotiter taseneer In (lie boat counnîyanti ralse lie addlttonal frmbe. of $3red Be-retid s-Iinde- csient Ti sbleei1 ise nte-s-h roal ue ohmendHpe- JiP. Meson esd otiter progremuci-ve o? 225wasretirre-i bliotitoese ponsible- for te fatal olcdent for vante-t hliî swhîing ta shore W ietfrmiera ot thse counîy have beela- lte- people have bee- at te poor ta-m in ls overcros-ded condition ltle ire friende auge-rt ut s Impassible ÏHaI ha sseerl years s-iitotbt payîrg for titeir lied taflite lîttIe boat s-as not able s-as triine-Santi-r thes other cîrcuni- tarestedi n. an agicultural expert ft bioardi aniIode-me-. As a racuit, lte ta stand the aciîon ofte s-nd whirih stances. some tinte andi a te-w weeks aga> Mvl pPoperty s-hich te-(vo tuen os-ns-il! matiete laite cadrer rougi.t,'hare MAS. JOHN CARFIEL O0F LONG ment whic.h resnîtesiln a de-monutre- lie bsed Iladtteir tupport. s-e-ce air comparîmenîs ln lte boat LAKE DIED APTER SHORT ILL-G but (luese s-ould nrot bavaelieen suffi- NESS; BURIAL SUNDAV. lion faimu and agricultural expert for' FIL BIL FR NJUCTIN ie-I 1 atatîn itabol .1 l s.ld Wor cecusidWautean rldyof I-lcounty spoke be-fore- le. FaLE B IIL FOIa>Il A Ull for 'iet santh otI os-. Wr eal agnFIa Couimercial club ln an effort ta aroume GalnaIll, My I.-Abil fo a& These-sncb focrte other lbodies wi ( ha de-nuse- ofIra. John ('ar-SIsli, of Intcres aniong lte farinera o? M Injunctions-as fileS ln lte circuit cirriM dor al day Tt lis saIsi Ilat If1 Long Laite-, Ill., bette-r inow- n bnortli- connly. court lucre toda>' î, es -arin lte Mod-'thig talla titat dynalinite- wiIl lie e-x- eruIlîlinois as "Gnandia Carfielti of aen Woodfmen oArmorean .d île ex- plode.Ti Ple- laite at ltae point wlere Long Laite - Macon ie Greatly Pleased, ecuiv ofIe-ia ro Icrmaie-11 lte aurth -ct ds- sasabotwor Thle funeralws-hI e- ielti troai thle Wben infos-metof lte Se-amra le ecutive fficertsfrOm inceffliingIls tbe auneh wnt fie-Ids rbosttencey Long laiteencSun-ong cakedonationk titIson mornifle-nIgbyY1h. rates for lite Insbus-fice 1 tieurmibers ln or tfity feet de-ap. ils>' stet-noor. accordanee s-wuth the-provisions ot a The terrIble accident, udmne- prasc- Mis. Tarie-Id baselie-n a reelde-t o f ('ourler J, P. 2tison isali cesolution adopteti at tire- Epectli con-*tl-aIly bl-orethue Sommer oesison taLe eounli' forl.the âotalxiy yeu', "I iadn't expecteal ta hoabale te Recently mita cele-brati liber eighty- gel an expert for titis court>' 0 90011. vesullosuof t-ha ortier be-Idi in i hlo open, crealeti a sensation aboutIthe cellhtbirthdlay eiiniirr-y, Her bus-1 houelit it would latte a coniederabie la January, lake ai dtire shores of FtOX Lake bandi diad lwo yearese-o. Sidra Car- ',Me bi!elle-e-ees titat lte Sutliou ta- today s-ai-ueS -it anious frindesfield, ber son, served l wo te-ms as a lime 1e arorise Interest stiffIc401nhlY koon liy ltae onanizallon sslin Viola- andi relatives of Ilhe vitimnts w- uPervlaoufroni the Long Lakte dis- entone-lte tararc.1TTlCeet lu* tion orlits constitution. souglil ta help locate tire bodies. tulot. ofi Guy Philllpm presidenrt el. K.1011t P. K. Bunker, Iaymaster et lte plant CeounI Farmera' instlltute ribt oIl Tise annulitex sale- la DMsot bie A bigfias net s-s djagged "a u Of t he- CO=nPrOducts ReSsine - and s- s-lJIput lne 09 tajrtesi on May 24, M taeldln the Fox Ile-'Ihtmnday oere-ainInan et- Pan>'. spiune a cousiton hig trie-ndse onnty. We wiIII le bel tl0à* - SUN Sin-rday. It begins ,M jTJNE tort 10 cemOcr-lte iodies of six tof WeldO0"y nie-ht s-ber ihoelippesi ffer le open 10 luiS stg* 0ln geou 24 ~ ~ l ttho'lci e . Uperlsoi' lhe-,," ell - ersnsdroimed Wen- £s-el to KeidcSe ands e dtdetito llte West. W. s-W .eot X34 Kia, il 24 t 9eclckday il t -len anapte asuIga. le IUMIS Morgaret Cra»ey, s& popular e rSom of the court lieuse. s-Ruentthe>' were ridine-, capdtei.le& , nugba woimu- 'Phe sedding look ty's bld ln aS«# di011111" -- * - s -