CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 May 1912, p. 8

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- . ----.%.- ý. - 'Ie;-x>'* XNews of Waukegan and, tfç ort ShioreX Condemn K R Bridge STATE RAILROAD AND WAREHOUSE COMMISSION SERVES NOTICE ON ELECTRIC UINE THAT ~GENESEE STREET BRIDGE LS UNSAFE. WILL MO10W COMPANY RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT. Tm-o of the inost important dîrvlopuîcîît in coinmction with the Grenesee Street viaduti'tplanms antd the plans of1 the Chicago and M-Nilwaukcc eElecttic Raili'oaîl Coumpanv came Monday, two things which have vital 1bcari-ig ng the ultimate solution of the pcmplexiîig situiatiomn whichi lias ariseni in coninectiomi with thcsc matters. FIRST-The Chicago and Milwaukee Eiectric officiais admit that the State Warehouse and Raliroard Commission bas served formai notice on thie company that lia the railroad's) portion of the Genese. street bridge bas been condemned by the railroad commis- Sion. SECOND-The railroad people formaily noti- - fied the city that the. company stands ready to pay the city TWENTY THOtTSAND DOLLARS CASH and pay up ail paving assessments, etc., which stand out à against the company if the city will in turn give it a N fifty-year franchise, the. understanding being that the r $20,000 is to be used towards the new Genesee Street Via.duct improvement. This offer of the company is d Iat obtusen that two extreil important situa- f tionsarose ondaoic.v and the itv offiiais todavarpe-( -Plexed as thev have not been for soine tinîw. wondcring just what is b;est to do. Receiver Johnson explaincd to citv officiais odvi that he had received notice fronm the state conmmission to the effeet that the railroud portion of theC (enesee street f1 bridge lias been condemined after being carefnilly investi- gatedadg:"foremaycniusrnigisas over thedintructuri sdigi tit N- i] n h -.commission w-ll hold it accountabie for anything that may occur.'k The receiver further stated to the offiiais that ac-k eordingly,. iu face' of the ultimatum from the commission,p the company felt it eould not mucli longer continue to take ~'the chances and adiitted that thcv were even now consid- ering stopping their cars north and south of the bridge. ln taet,.it la understood that the company will îîot continue running cars across it longer than two w6eksc at the onit- ut 'de. It is a further fact of interest that the comipariv no longer runs even two cars across the bridge at the same 'tie, this decision beiDg reached when the conipany foundc that the structure is flot safe, f roin the standpoint of thce state conmmission. lieceiver Johinson is said to have stated that he did flot believe the company would care to continue iiucli longer talring the chances it lias in the past b-y ruiniiig its cars over the unsafe structure, especially in face of thc state ,conuission's ruling.4 Asto Franchise Matter.a In a talk with citv officiais Mondav lleeeivcr JohnsonL 'tsaid h e was prepared to give the citv an ultimiatumi in thet matter of ihe company's position on the Geiiesee Street viàduct matter. Hie said the company 's officiais and cout officers had talked the matter over and they stood ready to give thet eity $2W,000 in cash and pay Up the special assessments ofr -Marion street paving, etc., aggregating about $13,000, the" City Wo use the $20,000 toward the new viaduct fund. This amounit represents just about the total of the public bene- fit feature of the iiniprovement. Taking this ofer of the company as a basis, there is a difference of just about $5,00 between city officiais and the railroad, that is a difference of that amount and what city offiiais wouid be willing to consider and to put up to the people to vote on. It is recalled that the officiais at the very least, ixsisted that the company pay $25,000 cash and take care of its assessmnents. That was the icast that most of the commuissioners would consider at ail. Some wauted even far more. None wouid vote for anything less. But the company camie back mith the couinter proposi- tion which the re-eiver now deciares is final. The com- missioners are uncertain as to.just what is best to do. Sorne feel that thcy should put the companv's offer up to voters Wo vote upon and sec what thev favor. The decision of the rple is final anyway. no matter how the coimnissioners ~' eelabout it. Buitlithere are certain things which the cern- missioners would even approve far enough te submit the ~.question to the voters. Some declare the $20,000 offer is insufficient even to f ake a vote on. Oters hoid that thev woîîld enter no deal with the flfty- year franehise as a consideration, bcing unwiliing to tic tbe!2steets up for that icngth of tirne. 8UiiLY SETEN DY OFFICIER A dianias Peet BSidau soldiez vm buts. qri4 uesol>lua afigut wtdb a àe Yorift pollomon -bu Tâmsiy nuhttTe solder wasraie la dlstrbunoso. n eporcisce the *~ ~~S WskEsiuiMs a pcfiom Sumoe& Te scllantaditO M t««la tise figl* wlki anet Ad &ead vas ce um ouvercy. 'li vu ýmveina wuhbegWf Ibb *mir W» misa MAYNARD MARRIES 1 r Mies Auguta Helen Maynard, theie t dauÙter cf Mr. sud Mmm, IL N. MaWy- nard et 160 North Park avenue, luis1 ciY. and George N. Paldani, a ebani Sit in thie Pt sau-j eu Elrcâ lainer- a tr Of-'e North Oilcgo, voe m mved tu ChICago Saturd.>' ofIra-necm nd r trwned aimost imxnadlatal>' to Wsu- kegams uere tu"se>'vatuVothre t tic>' bsd fittéd Up la the Mu-naU e buildIng. Thé snnoscement cithdnr i moistf cms ua a sulileata tiair lI" bleu&.fr FOI MiS W. P HIGLEY CLAIUS THAT WIFE DIED AS RESUI.T OF ACCIDENT IN CHIICAGO MRS MIGLEY SUSTAINED DROK. EN ARM AS RESULT OF ACCI- DENT THREE YEARS AGO <'lalmlng danagaln the. saiol $10,000, W. P. Higle>' et Wsukegaîi has hrevught suit againe t he Chifag- City Railway comInu>'. charging t2ru a'lvh havlng beau Indirachly reeponsi ie fer lthe deatil of his wita. The damnage suit was called for tria. ln Chicago Monda>' Clarence Divai of Waukegan ta counsal for 'Mr. Hlg ley. Ha la heing amaised ln hie werî by3 an abla attorney' of Chicago . Mrs. Higiay, her husband clemi ilsd ber arm broken when a conducto enrployed by the railway company signaied the motorman te atart th c-ar hetore Mcs. Iiigley hâd gained th, c-ar îîlatforma. It wlll ha recaiied liat the sccr dent bappened ahout three years agi lirs. Iligle>', with ber daugilter. v.s riding tbrougi Cbicago. She had no bean weii and when aie etarted t- attght fr-mthnte car abc iedd nat ste] dosm%- as quickly 55as se might if ahý hadj been ln gooti health. The cor <hictor, It la charged, gave the signa for the car to atart siead and 'Mn Higley was hurled te the pavc-feen She was hir-ried te a Chicago hoE ptal and lâJter was brougilt te, Wau tegaît. She nover ragaiued her heait] aud lingerad a long while hefore ah finailly died. Mrc. Higley claimed the the accident had heen the indirec cause of ber deatil. The damag suit that he bas hrought against th. C'hicago Railway ceiap>Xy wiill b wahcrhed s itil grea-41îtorevt hecaus. Mra. JlIiOeY uneone of he les k-onwn and hast liked s-amen In Wau kegan sud Lake ceunt>'. BIe wa Preniinent ln church and W. C. T. 1 circles. ASKS DAES TO u 1 TUJNE 0F $5,M M WC TOIRRIY3 ELOUIS LARSEN, 0ON 0F PROSPIER. FRIENDS MNELP UR&S. . w.CIL. APPRENTICI S«AMEN4 0F NAVAL NOUS DECORATOR. DRINGS SUIT LETT LOAD BELONGINCS ON TRAININQOSTATIO TO MARON AGAINST ROY R. YEOMAN VANSAT LAKE FOREST MIRE MEMORIAL DAY. -Loui Lai-n, eldest ion of J. H. C. S. DEWEY$ AND A. WATSON AR- MOURS SIENTIONED AS OUESTS 1BATTERY C. POLICEMEN, FIRW.. Larsan, pinter end decerater, bas -SILENT ON AFFAIR. MEN AND FRATERNA L ORDERS broughit suit ln the circuit court of- ALSO TO PARADE. Lakte county for damagesamainitig t-! Mrs. Charles W. Gillett of 2218 )f $6,000 aagWuslIRoy R- Yeoman, charg- prairie avenue, Chicago, nvri, te hos- The soldiera ef the Spanish-Arner- ,nIng alianation of the affections of Hal- an IISe. bs wle.tees at a mldnight moving party et cm war-tlie youngest Amneican war Accordng to the declaratian filed to. ber hugbandis Laire Forest Summer veerane-toek oeabig 1084 off the~ mdaY b>' Claire E. Ed-ww-ds. attorney' for. home fflda>' night. soldiers of the Lakea countY ne» Louis Larsen, Roy' R- Yeoman et Wau- Those attending tha p&rty 5siil dbers of the Grand Armn>'of the Repuil- kegan heoame açquaintati with Mrs. !trs. Gillett in making up eight van. lic Wednesday nigbt. uhen the>' ac- D ouis Larmian ln Jmnuary 1, 1912, when -1 er ha was aummoned te the Larsn erne - 10ds oetlier persoa] bhlonginge and cepted an Invitation ta take cOsuPlate to) Tepuir a aemIng machine. !ri7>ving thean te the vacant David charge ofthte big Memiorial day par- A feu waaks latar, thre declaration Moore bouge on Illinois avenue, tAe " de on "'Y 80. khrgs Mm1usnlf e u-Ffb hc h mrneAlreadti'he officîrs of thre Spenisil- chare,.Mit.Laiianlefiberhua-Forat.whic sh basrenai. Amarican war veterans have made gr- band'a home and board at the rqe i Xe .Gle( e us", agmnst aeteapetc "and cennivence of Roy R. Yeoa-h-l-W.Glet e 0bai.rneet ohaetiapetc Dr The>' Ilvati together ln Chicago as m axi neither hait uer guests. Ha did seamen aIt the naval training station yand w1ife, thie declaralion charges, un- flot aven seuil regrets frein New Yorkr. march lin the parada. Tue hundred le der the assuxned nane of Nlr. and Mr-a. Thie ressn for this was that Mma. and fkfty seamnenl wilI march ln Wau- le Davis. "Gllett te said o he cotampîatîng a kagan on May' 30. The>' will furnisil I - -- -. ---- -- -their onrTt'. S. band, The band wh¶ch -s 't ýp 'n. al it- he it e be be St as IONWOOD BLIND PIfiOiERS ARRESTD SECRETARY QUAYLE'S DÉTECTI- VES MAKE RAIDS IN HIGHWÔOD AND NAIS FOUR MEN. CHAR àES AGAINST HEUSTI18 IS MADE SY LAW & ORDER 0F- FICERS APTER RAID. As uuanhianerd lndiaeSUN Thucada>', ln a sudden reuas'al efthe s'ar on hhlind pige' at Htghweod dehectivea empioyed hy the Lakte wuuty Las' and kr-dec League Thursda>' swoopad dewu on tour placeis where liquor s'as alaged. ho ha soid contrar> ho the lau-. Four men s'ere arreatad and threa of thrn pleaded gult> andj ware flnad b>' Justice Reddick. FeIlou-lng the raids T. R. Qual>'e, aecretar ofethbie liague, made charges againat Village Marsai&Ibert Hui ho, Mayor Saverson declaning Huostis lad klonedge et t-he uelng eoflquor lu Hghruoodl but iud reiselo make arr-as. Heaàaked tuat t-he ma-mial ha ouatei. Higiuned bai had te "tid" plaoid on tigihtl>'for monthi.. Word Goes Out of "Opening Up" Âccording to officiais of the Lau sud Ordar leugue uerd camne tuât tblngs lad opanel rip. Dotoctives ne- portad tuait ta>' lad founfi four plaes whera drinks vira cld suddoclared orgie suscb ou iad beau, icugatt againat hilare vire commaxi. 'cniplaint vu ma". o -m'li Huestis, but socord4ng ta Pr-cudÀent P. D. Evaratt sud Saurtar>' Quayle ot thealengue, ha ref us"I ta aiR. Mir, Severson un tien, notifiad sud thse iIaids wvan made. 'Iboma taken wye: William Hopitineosu, ntasrant pro- prietor, fined $100. John Flannagan.saloon keeper. fine i$100. Pet-er Belli, proprietor of Park ho- tel, final $150. Antan lanconi, case cnutinuel b>' Justce ltaddlck. ChId Found Tondîng Dar. Detectlves Iodla-el tht ln Bali's hot-aI bis il yaAr 010 UOO w«Sacting me hart-onden <or a orowd of twenty mon, mitI>' icidker, uban the ra1w wu mada. Te lnvoihgatom eauployad b>' the Lau and Ordon laagmse aye boongast1à e614M uMouoe égalant "Ilai plu" for two voeus. 1V vue uid eteday tint od r rads e voil <011w. A eLEASANT DoURPRISE A dosemmbenff V té lAdies Ald - c7 f- Ch" eu bueis, 10 ,i mns. P. H, &Mltis or worth V" o4me tWe&naday aftesmooss.Ibos oeut a a et Usa ocm ctadmor fW" isrhqoobste wb Vthe bdil..-h6"bromm Vwi s. Later îney movea 10tuitt55tv5aittdivorce. iN1e., where thily liied aus man sud, wite until the dataet their acrest. Lodked Door Remcved. E Au ataclmat <r ~ was issuedSuh ebstarlea a a locketi deer today by tin. Chartes X ittnet, on ail are said net te haie annoyed Mrs Gît-- tle pmperhy lu whirh Roi. R. Yeoman fat Arising te tie occasion. afes has an intareet. consuîting her attor-ney, ihose naine The defendant iu t bit sensationat itg.n h ir- atcFri suit ls preiably enaeofthîe beet tknown 1e IetrRbr adyt elv yeung menl lu Wauks,ariî. 13%,he p.R er nd ,ermv1 thlla bar-nec.- death oft us father, a few icarS &,'0,! Sandy, at the inuiiutiors of Nirs.I he hecine hoir to a stnali fortune. Ife (i labord as«L pano ad seing a-, lett, attacked the sdoor -eUh a cold chine saleaman in Watrktgan andi La ke hFl countý front the tinie of hi,, faher, S Vile gu-st ilthe Iparty, att of'-aiiniuvigs yuttiwri re dv-mov e Mtiaeg(tfl. itch - wlherquestion direct as te their presence, bc mvedto uskeonNlih., her ,,ere reported toe haMc.anid Itrs. A. lits brother George hoitis large inter- Wato Armour and M~rs. Chartes S. v-st£ ln a g iline angin maîrufactur- e .vofLkFrstt îng institution. Dawe GiettLaiesiForeao erpt Yeoman la a cv-ident oet ltuskegon avnuec Otit ae? t Fornetadne-t today. Whether Mrs. Larsen ta a r-the n,c ofethLe orent anv nrail- aident of that City atut hi't ime ta fl ot tha roanc heNrheaenri known. r1 d Louis Larseans'as marrie<i ln San' Eariy Friday attei-noon lira. Gil- Francisco on Decamber 26, 1908. lt-t drove le hec residence and de- site leat a nuzubar of 1er Immediaheinanded the keys frein the garduer. relatve in tha eartirquake ln San He rcpiie'i tiat %Ir. Gllett had ln- Fraciso afewyeas ao. tr-ued hlm.te)admit n ne cand that Francsco afeu-yaaraastia meinhar ot ticLake Fer-est police WÀUKEIAN TO HAVE OLD haditha ,.keyam. ayrPas"s FSIOD CELEBRATION "11- Gl'vtt-" wish ho get yfr bouse and take thegn over te tthe Waukagaui aid taeiioned caiebra- MO' lc. tien oft he Fourtil Of JUl> titis Year s'ill ha the biggaat celeilmation in the Later she returrted with Baud>', Iu- hishory et the City, according ta ftic dicating the door, ahe set the Laite plans disctîs8ad ThunD"y fight at a Forest car-panter at s'ont. Ha sers, joint meeting in thie City hall hetweatt ha pried the dooc open ai har ocders. thc commiaaionars and represanhati- vas eft hie Fedaration ef Womens Wagons belonging to C. G. Wénban clubls Nothtug la te ha loft undone & Son sud Benjamin Samer-ski then te niaIe the day oeait wtllt90go ok turne In betng hacircd ho the down inhster>' as the gr9,iiest ever. roOr after which tIc>' wcre loadad Tihe tollowing ohairmen ef commit-, tees wcce electei. wIth furniture, obeds et art and par-- Permanent cha rman-,%ayor J. F. sons! helonginga et Mme. Ghet. Bidinger. "The>' are al ightully mine - Publicity-,Con=tiseioner J. J Di-weddlng Prasapta," elle axplainad. ettmeyer.__________ Parade-Major A. V Smilth. iGrunti--ommissioner E. V. Orv- SHOT HOLE THROIJHE BUILDINQ Concesions-Jein Sutherland. Athleltic-Commiioner C. W. DIV- FRANKt BORAK, 0F NORTH CI.I Mr Nusic--Robart M. Ingalis. CAGO DENT DULLET THROUGH Receptin-Frad W. Buck. RESIDENCE OF D. BLANCO. F'rouorks-ttohert Smart. Progrm-Attorney Charles King. Fr~ank BortIt, a cesident of North Deoratou-J . tpba. ttrChicago' a" siutenced te serve lSmo ber>' days in the Laie cmuat>' Jeu for cela- Anothar meeting la ta ha held in brating hie blribday anniverai- in tii council Chambers nînt Tueeda>' a riotous manner. nigit at ubch aaoh cairEmn ulîl an- StMY h ot homplc norma e heie embers of hie commit- Stra' i ot tieaplo tee snd final raminitsiulîl ha dis-m- daim, Borak &hot a bole tirugoh a cus.ed sud decided upon. u5a! la tiheIhome of Davli Blanc. i lffendid Progrms so«u mde ah thie HaevWU arreetad aturday nlght aud meeting leit igit.The pan ethay-placed mb a oeil In the North Chà- Ing tirie diffarat picuies lu diff«eet parts ofthie City' usi djuoused and <'&O lai!- He a&ibeau beld axpison. abandoned because It w» s tit tat an thora until t-bis nonng viehfl I 1th@. City' lu ot large ounugli for s%,,eh as transf«err teta he oeunt>' Iil Ante atrts a ie -an effort. 1at Waukegan. Heaulîl hi lihaysted sidarabla attention va« UsaIo!flire- etTsdymrig ThBlS utinks.It vas decldod tint thse hast residance la on Twent'-gSeond street. Dplace ho give thase fire vonks vould wesvoicf the.tillage. ha ah flectcic park la Vthe ovenlug. ai ih bas benu practiMely declded that lhe celabration vil ba beld tiare pi-ov- îng Itlulapossible ta*sore tihe FifM ANS groundo for the day. Tu- o tb.r lo- cations are Rel0oIla mId. 11»e parade promises to he a geir- geois a aru. TMe plas la Vo cge vor> dlfferîmnt nationallit>' la tir. City o ar- r ange aa it r-Praepmtiug sema lin- portant avent ln the i inou'y cf the pwU~cu!ar country. Prises will ha offered for the bout Scata Prises SIsc ieulîl ha offered Wfe haubt &D- g ~mau and boot mugabing organis- vtion IlU lne. Thisi Ila Wfui lîl bave' the af fe tgohtig mi»n, ecclehes la t a fre a maite on the loues iore. e Ah the Parkt a llaUcnr vIll! ba eret éd wsbieh uWinl hotrned oê 01ta tihe speakerusud *Un oemmutela obaffl cithe vet f d is bout Vo bring ha Y smeapSd u pek r m e liai the Bee 'î b.. ulli also ha ou or mm eb»M I 11»toftoih andc Euydrb the courseset the &W. 1flerhumu m g£M u" ie ha rved, by lie » club& M M=f". i Wasiss chs sud daclug '#iI O i MY uay hi ouao5ss5efraegioWbIMsuet m o f tbe efot du mi 44 blnt r bsha. Wma oo4, Mu ma u moua sur a is «Wtu. 0"mt a reir : - o nt emSab 1èieO55- o MV a ins th born oéba antja . ' 1 e a ltSVewla ha leu b u4sU ruràs e nt. ait-y4dU .4 A PID"1 bieWAI *Wft - UL;E*>or - "W.-edO- wlll accm 'aytesaa l I v er famous Blrooklyn Navay band. Battery C et Waulkegan, will aIse niarch ln Waulsegau Meomoriai day, sau wtHl the Waukegan lire deparhment. police departmert. anti a nîtmler of fraternal erganizatiens.Theile eieo- rial day parade without exception wIll ha the longest parade erer asaemihed ln this City. The Cil war îetcranm. worn down hv vears ot atrite and laitor rcqtîested their Itinic--the S,-Iajilsh-ArSiSan vets-te assume charge of the parade Dar-oratien dsy. In aci-ordance wfth héîlesggoetIan mxade b>' lie SUN sei-oral weeks ago. th* p>olice officers co! Waukegan are te recaive one day off lu every nume. wÀVxNG*TATZ YALUE 0FP MANUFACTURIER$ COM PAREO WITH OTI4ER CITIES OF SMME CLASS As T145. BUT THREE OTHER CITIRO ne. TWEEN l10,M AND a5Ofl Wl-CH ARE AHILAD 0F Us. Wanflan ln value of manufaetnred productu ranitsfourth lu the stile of Illinois ln cities ef 10,000 to 50.000 pop- ulation on the bhuis of the sumarwy for 1909, just l.aued by he United Staites camnue bureau. Ahaad of NVaukegan are only Rock- ford and Noline, aise Joliet. dioago Peoria Springfield and E. St. Louis are rautkad b>' themsaivei. havlng more than 50,000 population. Conntlng then, Wakeg.n ranksasa elghth ln point of value of thbe manu- factured. producti Waukegan lanku foui-h ln cities of 10,000 ho 50,000 population ln point of aggregate capital lnvested ln bu- nie«. Meine. Joliet and RocMord ad this cit>' uhile Elgin, Quincy and Aurora folinu: Figures on Production. Foillowlng are the figures for the ag- gregate value of the mntifacuired Joliet . -- $... .. . .. 8.817.00 Rocikferd ... ....22,266,000 %iollne . .-- . . .. .. ..-21,892,000 Waukegav---------------- 17.092.00 Qutincy . - . .. . ... ,436,000 Elgin .. .. . .. . ,210,0 Foillwing are the figures on caî,i- ions: %Molinc-------------.... 40 R<ts-kford - .. .. .. 2 .412,00 Waukegan ..17,09Q000 Elgin ..I ..... 14 11n', ... - 1191)410 Auvoi-a . . . . . 1l 2.(1 The bigeteit unrease litvalue of iianutactur-d p;etuct front 19(o1 te 1140) te iin Waîtksgay, ahere tire ini- icross,- amtour1tn e o4im1 per cent. Waiikegan bu,, cadithe atate iln th,., laitr tv-ature ancetfthe flics'ti- itoriant induftriat niatters ln the state. High Grade Wire Fence AT MANUFACTURERS COST We are closing out diacontinued styles. A f irat* da" fence. Visit our factory, examine the fence, get our prices and don't delay. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS i a g B Here's a Car for the Doctor -and Other Busy Men This new Chalmars 1130" Roaditer in joui the car for the busy doctor. Lt in light and eoonom- ical to maintain; it i; positively blf-starting; always re&dy for une day or night. Ite 104-inch wheel baie makes it eaRy to handie in city trafflec it in eaiy to control; and it bais pe.d enougb fo? any emergency call. It in otrongly buit tu stand the hatd service a phy- ician requires. It is a Chalmers througb and through, Think of the price, toc $1400 with fulil equip- nment, including Chalmers soif-etàrter, special top, automatic indsh ield, Prest-o-Lite tank, gai and cil lampa, tire inflater and full net of toolu. If you have no car now you need oe. Lt yl enable you to make cO3JB st a distance promptîy -wbîch in good for you ai a dotor, and alo good for your p&tientoa' mhe saine qualities of rellability, epeed economy and cemnfort which makis the Chalmera -30"'Badoter an ideal physian's car make it equally desirablé for any -an to, whom being in the right piace ai the right imua ounta. Contractore, na) estate maen and al cUiers Who have<9mnch ,running around" to do wl Sud ibis car aýprofit&ble inventment. Let us arrange for a demontration. TULEPHONE27 -ROSS M T.YLORJ'nc i i p ri jumdcm wh Put **

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