*TaeFour UMauhegaii Wel~Ip %un Tho formai offer of the electric railroad is exactly ,hat the SUN said the officiais had informed city officiais vebally they would make as a ftnal proposition. It's now &bout reached the point where it is up to voters to decide whether the offer of $20,000 cash (and pay up the assess- ments) is adequate in return for a fifty year franchise. The question to decide it: Is the grant worth more than the apount offered and if it is, can it be obtained and who fr-om? City officials are in a receptive mood and willmng to listen to ail suggestions. Possibly those north shore towns who pose as so much botter than Waukegan, North Chicago and Highwood are, uiiderneath, just about the same as the others. It's just be- gimiing to crop out-consequently a movement to protect young people in the aristocratic towns is under way. May- b. clear dowxi underneath there is more imniorality in those towns than in Waukegan and the thers-the only difference that in one.case it 's more open than in the others Waukegan voters are now asked to vote for a $20,00 bond issue on June 3rd, for the purpose of raising money -to build an addition to the McAlister school. The school is crowded beyond capacty now and as that is one of the fastest growing sections in the city,,the requirements for school children must be met. Delays in accomodating the school children is one of the .worst things thatcan hit a city. Waukegan cannot do too much for its childrên. With the Zion marshal refusing to arrést smokers on suggestions from the mayor, it looks as if the Voliva alder- men who insist on interpreting the ordinance aa legai, will bave their hands full. The sanctioning of smoking by the administration by declining to arrest smokers puts mat- ters, in a rather awkward light. e RE AD IiiAVERTSMNTq rem mbe tht w hae h e.g ny for M e p."Ease" and ' Americatf Boy" sboes. TIIESIi LîTTERS prove they are worth invetlgatlng. Imd he N& 12..Ch olesd ut. ensd Foysl kuwtht the sle "..." apontia 51. Th- ~e 0.1y ppw eI..tiis ,,orii I Ni> we Il i. 'h-,F,, u, tsreii, fenthNai 1 v, dNo othie.1 verfit nie1a soi1 viv ti,- itii.i Ni n ,iih ti, Mens t-e P-,, fi -'y 1id 0-.,- .1eiid bave itiui1). K iiliARTY. Bluff. t11 'Ty ii. ..'n' h-enand Ot N>U i.-Yea -n îIiî M I1- BEAVI'R. "Mna h- ionare Wli.t tlsN.11r .tii j5liiifieL.C. FUNK. 'I irla- in-nsd iher i-e.ail hi-y "As "aiigSn E- seand ii tis ls-s ari ht i FI ",is igit nes-,Ili fleIukln, 1lU h- tw. p 'onilf m u- . ii '1 ia, srstn ..ars Mn A Siasc ,sih s -,ki o îîeî,- îs r -ýh-v ic .nii, li lfesly ~rcd fr. jJAMES BRNINW table,. If nst.wn UIned.ith= -5 sd b.,., ltli Ni L N . 1 -n iuiiI a iii diito yOU ef,%. fs.stsy.rffgul. etalJ CI' I NLRGAN. .d I Ti, Miis Lis ,tii ' .ers Min-luc j itf-iio lis uioN-- Il. A MCARIY. IflDi "KS' sud "AMÉRICAN Bor'"ch.c.se -,.ased tw i-eny -i.l hU~~tl5t -fp4e.,5 euSssud-tnelth- suase nly 5ed a..side-vethat tbsp m GOD chOwrth OedUsir4 elu (anest tisasyoua s.d su sey-disy pai. Cul Oui Uhi5r Coupon I I Copons4$3.45 *Coupons of Consecutive Dates> wll entitle youýto one of the SNATIONAL VACUUM GLEANERS a.dveised in previous issues LAKE COITNI! J1 PENT, PRmÀAY, MAY 24, 1912. J s- - - .<:<îi - ÀWonder'u1 List of Bar ans For To- Morrow Agein We Say:- Take Tour PICk Qof'$ ~any $22.50 to $25.00 Novelty Suit -'or Coat In Stockand PayUs ORly Ibisheavy reduction bas resulted in unusual activity in oui' rcady-to-wear section, Sfor it's a saving of sufficient size to prove of more than com mon interest. Notwithstand- b ing the large number of these suits and coats that we bave already sold, there Iu stili an enormous selection left. Tbey art the nobbiest styles of tbe sea son, individual in design, and superbly tailored of the choicest novelty materials, $1 5.00, . Suits &Bd Coats at $9.95 This is another splendid offer. We're giving you your choicqý of our 15.00 and 18.00 lines of novolty coats and plain serge suitB. 'You'l find nany beautiful styles inclucled, ail (of which are of the latest spring designs and tailored in a very careful inanner $9.95 %h CHILDREN'S DRESSES--Every uoîher wbo bas seen th eae (roiiiiis bas expr"eed intant admiiraîtion for tbeir so oe and beaîîth. Tiîey are made In a nom ber ot modela ot fine ginghains anîd percales, souno wth reversîtîle fronts. low priced 19 Dainty Voile Dresse, 9.95ý We were fortunate in securing these chirmiug dresses at a price much un- dei regular, and that accounts for this tiplendid offer. There are about balf a dozen styles included, made of very fine white voile; waist trimnîed witlî fine tucks, 'withi yoke of real Irish crochet lace, $9.951 WOMEN'S WASH DRESSS-TheEe dresses were dî'iiigned for ûltiier street or bouse wear. The styles embîirace soite exceptionatlly clever Ideasi. Corne lai gîngliains in iirpes. chiecks and plaids, large collar of White pique, others otfjplain har- -2.98 inonizing naterial.. . . .. . . . . . .. This Hat Sale Beats Them Al Yoîîl uîîx îî rtlîîuk tlat sîtli Iîîauîtjhîl liats as are in- S i n-i ilhis eoil let 1(11, îîiî lt-sîîlî roi.î'the îîîîîîhst sîîîî <of $2.luit t1lah is 'c e fave a xiîl-'ih~large Thle slîapes titi'of xariedl si les andid lsîgiis, ini ahi vo-il ili îi îed iîin îîîv î'hî1ariî- Il t îîalîil' x vit h u-îblui h' thîîweus andîh îial lie. 'I'liv-îe is sea-lîI * v a uii-l( IhIlat kîî 't Nrt do>uleth 1 pice 1.......t..li . 2,98 1 Embroidery, Ribbon, Bags, Neck'ear Corset Cover Embroidery - Vni aie gettiiîg tlîis file cor'set elîxel enîhbrîudery foi. eoiîsi<lial Y less t hîall , 1 1 z lar pit-v. I t Nas a nufv tuesSupu telk an mbuii lt at 24 b lig tiseouit. 18 luches N% taini- suîok, swxiss anîd î'aîîbî'iv M ltaut iful new' patterîs, a-ad. . 29c Dreaden Ribbon - 701 piees of Drcsden il)- boniinj- tt' iî ost beauti- fi 1attcu'uis antd color- iligs youi etîn imragine, 4, 5 andîif; jiches xiee25c, an 04 ulities 5 H'and 'Raga A large'hloh of biaud bags, inade if goat seal leathet', in var- iuiîs iiibby shapes, sonie le.atiier lined, $2.() is wiiat thîe'yv regulai'ly seli four, speial pr'ive, d'iie . 1. 19 CHILDREN'S U N ER. N'ECKWEAR-A lot of neck' WEAR --?bildreu'a gauze wear Iucluding Irish crochet short leeve. hlgh ueck vests and ankie or ucose Jabots and bowu, very daluty lengîli pants, ~and eomunonly soid garment...... 42c ut :5c. choice .... 19C ______________________________________________________________________________________ S GLOVES -Women ilk snd Hlse gloves, Kay.e make. black, white and colors, double tipe, srPerlal at, pair ... 45cL WE MAKE ALTERATIONS FREE 0F CHARGE Why Not Try This New 1C.B. Model M There are a host of wolnen weariiîg tilis Iîew model and tlîey are ai l s1îeakiîîg W81l of it, too, for it posgesses so nany sîîlenifd foattîres. To hegiti with, it sîîcessfîîflly develojses the îrlier style huies: secondly, it lits so Perfee'tly that it causes n ii comnfort, anîd tiîird, tice excellent wearthat it gives nakes it ail exceptional value. it is mediîum long witlî a higlu bîîst anîd adapted for wouuen of average huild. CoîieM i'coutil with 4 attached sip- 15 lxrters, double boiîed 15 cIp;e~ Hair Goods Specials We guarantee ali our hair goods te be right in .tyle, price and quality. 0TRI1PLE SWITCIIES $295. --k Ieauiifiil tripjle switcb. 24 tnches long, welgbt 1% ounces, made of soit lustrons quallty of! I man bair, aIt coloret except gray, .9 $3t.50 value at ............... .) CLUSTER PUFFS $1.98-A SerY at. tractive nusekly, tmiade of a sujierior grade of humnan bair;noft îpiable foundation, 2teta tiila rge ~l puisateciil pcd .. . . .79 TRANSFORMATIONS- For uornen viiib tbis bair tbe transformation us almont a necessity In making thle correct coiffure. Tiiese are mnade ot 14 Incb natural sanitrV haîr ln a good asrsortiment of ubladea, fils trom ear te ear. 2.50. -New Summer Wash Materials Tissue and Silk Novelties l)ainty waslh fai hiics foir coo l siinher dresses, siîowx îini abli'ît tweîît ' fivetferent Styles in tîîp s, î'îesaîld laids. Theic olorings are N ail i fîl anîd th u li~îtY XsitOllh~oIt anid slîeeî, 27 inoîlieis %vide, pe ivt'd ..........................25ck IRISH AND FRENCH LINETTES-The Ideal «um- nier sash tab)rie for dresses. As sbeer as the finest0 jiearl ine law, linen finish, attractive conventional ..d loaldeSInl min ue witb borderÀ effectu, a yard.......................... 19C Terry Cloth-36 inehi white terry cloth, ttlierwise kînowni as Ratine; very ppiIar for- Siiîmnîer xvear, yard ... 0 Dress Gingham- A spMeial Saturday offer of ont' reguilar lV)1/.ic dress ging- liains iii veiecks, itri'ies anti coini iatioîî plidst, fast (Ive, pr 1 0 'c y ard ... Voiles-4O inîch flne silk *nishied voile, pure white, beautiful fo r dresses a n d waists, splendid '29c ;1uality at,22 Soft isilk flnished vo0il e, white grounids 'vith st ripes of black, lavender and blue, tisually 8elîs at 25, spcilat, i9 Readyr.tq-Wear Specials gngbarn and percale. taped edges, epci rie.................... .............19C WOMEN'I PONGEE SHIRTS-Mercerlzed, corne in white tan and blacir oft turn-over collar, 98C pocket ad attaebed cuff ......s... CMILDRENI8 COATS-in tovelties and serges, large collar, ages 2 ýo 14 .......2.98 0 CHPLDREN'S RAIN CAPES-WItlu hood made of rubberized ram cloth. ages 6 ta l 14, ai.................................. 1*48 WAUKEGAN'S lSeT ANâ S IGOEST STORE. 4~ fi i ~îOiic>i~. White Canvas Shoes, 2.,95 The strong deiuîaiid for white canvas 4lîoes rîîakes this special offer one of iioteworthy importance. The styleb are iwat and attractive and the caîî vas is of aclose fille weave; Goodlyear weft, with or without tips; cinn only sodat 3.50,29 special price...2 9 CHILDREN'S OXFORDS lu liaient. guinmtal and \ il e a (anci, ieru i ultonti 150strap and Colonial O N k ,,ohîd ti Iouîgiîout, izaii 9 lu 2 sorth doublle 008i prieb pIair....... 1.50 Men's Shoes A Special Offer Meii'shligli and low sh0es, in huitton & lace styles, sinart new lasts, highi toos and short vamnps; gun inetai and Russia tait leathers; 3.50 valiies at, Nq pair ..........2 9 LITTLE BOYS' SHOES-TliIu la witbout a doubt the bouït value thatlibas Cicr bheti ottered lu boys' shoeki for the money The si> les are very niannisb in aripearance; made o urt n etal and Russilin tan leathers, Goodyear welt. sizes MY t,ît. ai ............................. . $ 2 Women's MuslinuGowns, 69c Datint5 V neck styles, made frorn a select quaity of. cambric, trimmed wtb rtbbon-ruu em- 69 broidery, $100 values a .....................69 WOMEN'S DRAWERS-Made from a fine quaiity of camnhrii', finisbed ai bottom wth fine, ql tuckusud wide embrolderY, 35c ellers at .. 9 CHILOREN'S COMBIINATION SUIT8-.Sornothing new in the way of cblidre'e unuder-apparel. Nlcely made ot softtmuzlilu ad trirnued wth ( etobroldery, 49c aud ........................29C mm«wwý i