LAK 0 U-------------- UmmAY 4,191. - Mr and Mr@. Roy' Hughes of Chiago ,isftad the latter@ mother, Mrp. M. Spaflord rscentiy. Mr. and Mdrp. Mead of (ivayolake, were Milibura viitors Tbureday. The Waterbury bcbool clused F riday clevelnd teacber. YMisses Florence Andercîn and Nable Smith iof Lake Forest, spent Snnîlay wth Mr. and %Mr*. %. 1. Sicaart. lie Eaitern Star Cliaprer Tîî-lyand gaerpt. Rn. rmiiet ee ev wlth friendu lunIlaukegan. Sctot Letîîy liai vuuiuseie.lLis anew home. The cidren iof Erneet Shepliardpon,, have thie scarlet lever. Mr. Cole tif Zion City, transmacted bîusi- nes.s ila illibura Monday. Mirs. J. A. Strang. Miss Lut-y Sî,atlîrd and tire§. W. G. Thoms were 'Vnkegtin vatr recently. Bey. and Mr@. A. W. Sattiîrd i..t Mua- day for a visit ai Elgin and WVieatun Eugene scrang and sOnU rWaukegau, âpqpt Suaday vrith relatives. C. E. Tople May' 26 "lmsioaary Pro- " ep in Aia." Acte 13: 1-37: 14: 19.-27. .cY Spafflîrd, Leader. RUSSELL TeLadie' Aid suclt>' wiii meet witli tMiwue.witli ber daughter. Mr. aîîd Mrs. H. Siter art(] on îof Kenosha, @peut Sanday as 1. L Sred tir. and tire John Sonner epent Sua day witbtirs . bM. Donner. Miss Anna Hanoen rlo"sd lier Ciird terniof u b- sinîîi athe Nortli ccÈi,,,,,it a ;icnic on Frida>', May' 17. C'(land Nellië and Myrtie (,irriâ sprat hi unda>' at their respectilue hujîv A. C. ihrrim atid daughltmr iaura cýrt- Clicagovsist:ire une dlamat ave-J, Biarbara <'laëte epeit part oftmeae. .k with tricidin luMiaukt.. SLANDER CASE JUNE 3 e'Thse tmnoui Itt.I o',i.. det t-aise ilîl r, i ull i fr t iali Ilundat. Jurtîc :h, T a.n-' 55 S t tfot- tr itl i fes mon b, uuin, mî i-n Mr- l)tia nii rarîtc aJi,.ts ia]: i hadIi nin ltiil ut,- it - Th Ins rim oe îe r t ia- aii, $1t1t u,>lthec secoind. and .î, r i- ttmrd Lune ttî. Eddie "lbe bas retarned trom North Dakota. Mrp. C. Gi. >Nrthrope and lMrp. E. S. Faulkner were in Milwaukee on Satur. day. Mrs. John Gelea of Waukegan, vislted trieade ber lait week. E. 8. Faulkner ha@ sold bic ltrin to Mr. (lriswold of Zion and will niove ai once_ tiro. Aimoad Webb of Waukeuan, mfent part ot )ait week et the home or T uta Fratier. Mirs, Chauncey Nellls vislted witb Kate Gelleu flapiwe.k. bi" Mini. 'Carey uf Waukegau3, @peut Sunday with the borne foikâ. Jeanie Woeh and Ruth Hanlon visited 1¶aîîkfgaa la"twe. WARRE Menioruai day ezerclees wil ic lieid n Warren cemeter? Sunday tMay :)i;, et 2 P. M. A uod proigrat wiiili t'O ad and an Invitationu in extendcd to ail. The annual mneting ot the Warren CeinetfrY Assciatior wil be led with tirq. Elsie 1-liot, %Wednesday afternuon, Ju ne 5. Nir. and Mirs. AE. Read are reîoii-ing over the arrivai ot a son iuru Mav 17. Rtoy S tuder ie quite iii wth apî,eudi- eltie. 1 tus Bemsie Tuctei of iOklahoma, le / -il spending a tel, da>-s sitp Mies Cura L. J. Wlck». parenta and mister, Ilat, siiyd. and tainily touk a trip along tbe Nortth tir. . lcinlii etrnd t, PaiieShure fast Sonde>'in Leunied new ee wiere sfic wai calleil b>' tIe iek- )eadauo iems anti death of ber iather, tir. Saxter. MdiossSusie Whitehead eaq th ii.-gest tir. and tirs. lufla lu @vent Suada>'ottMr. and Mrs. Angust Raneoti of u al ît trs. Hawkias 'utok Hunse. Lake Sonda>'. A large terret waa iuund runung at large lail Sanda>' whicli sas catîtireed HICKORY. b>' John Longàlaiug aud returneil M,mC ota Edwards returrndi-lboune Monda>' tu tî rîgbtfi n erîî Saîtirday afte-r spending a feue das J. P. Sherman anîd lariîîv vîiit-d wltb itiends in Ciuîgo. triendc at MWaukegaa Sutîday. tir. H. P. Pedersen is usa the clck lie.tVinîîPester and F lu).ltattt-rslîaîi tire, Eari Edwards ofi Foresit Pari., s drove up ir,,m Aîiura sSîndav îin the vîcting lier harents, tir. and tirs, i).fil .tiseGlilde aut,,înoilîe viîîcîMAr.l'ester1 i4 Wcbb rýecnuls-puru-hacei. 1 n. ace-uut ofît1tli-bail ssatber the isu---------.. ir- -M-I.- - 1 -a eS- okilrra)dY(nI) iil P -e out tr nn wiif , ,.h -,cpenSunias athtreuoelier Fast.--' ý ranlit theîît-- ,,n.eill r e'-t-urt il.- -li tn e ,'iu, iiti iU[ ij-iijN ac lie r iii theci Tur.- av, M :i .teul i b laiernu1toli, - nr- tir u-tîker c ti,e1 -,e-atiin ast secek anid -- ,-,fo. uiiti Ir tiît kîud aaseistais laihsiierunliHt wbu- b ,-e tdiiLrvritrduring uit t-. t li-ceas 'ment- Asli.ti ParYw t-erdpide Tur.dyViea>' ih B"'-t vi.. crf îidîn, i il-s. îtit A. îîîî s'iFvi LWil Observe Day 1'il eu fit] - la>' auglit liu Iiont (îllbic Mt adI r lli-. lVtui.E t-i ii . l '-uratii l>ay sellie tlttiu ly (il, i<îtliai 5.1 ,rccîi liil g.uîd tnît W I t~b.,,in tertai ne- t1hr Lc lullo Iv tMr ani i ter. i ,.-.Ce cd l Lîery le. anc usI e aud î u M r. PuilIeil s,uuîl I ia',e nan . n lux w ets o,0-r 'I,-Ir , iru I lu Margzaret ,lKav ai, INi - T lic,£ 1 IipiL sevil in Ltîre dy, aî e ran s su:le miii- eOUIbh pleaaul brtiIdaî.% . Henty Preîî,-te au,l ul tr I-', eiuiiant,îve tsi er,- i tl e D R. L. . CUIl lie nir aan ecanswl ni E w rsil iedn a f%-d y h,, drive lt-imi Pourîtirt -tv- W c - u Stt,dIarvJl i ai ton, Suiîdua-~-oetîi îî-s tlui lte'ilun i g lile ails ns îeaiga tv lisait, almIe, Mr anid tirs. Frank, A ilire' It-l T hlalterua titi.i,- n i ti- ari i rl ifu igt- iiun -ri -r I, l,îa-îI Nlunday nigbti ,t 1, VETERINARIAN sutii-eerpci it ý,t-I tie ean it a tri tan i :uc, r î, t n - ..îhupefranchise. it i - ý- -jtil, aI _________________ Ir Ma--Moe - e fR g, tL li -îir, I lacu t i'uuîiavtifh lît an-ifnirt. m t r '-yt-:th. L'akie uuntyFinîe il, %I., i -::1 Mou . Mt-uierFl igh o fod ogarcha E. art- r, b,. il e-n nentl uuday nigb t -t. tle fbtar i î i --i Eu rsuiî' t n td -cîlu lrîît F. J Tai or îl tr- ;, l l I., 'laugt-uintirte ltanb eii .t i Office at Gardinier Hotel e IIiîl!0t C LIVt the C2. & Ni. E. R. R, I.rai) ai uL- i h- -t--î Gli- ai-a, ed thî utin uc tida u fiu >-iti tlier home um, iligha ooî llTi>'. tual gîilorl inir lo ii Cîîa> eh ii florrstkt ugi tk,> rIl i t -c ar. P o e 53flIa uic te oomi Besîde.. a smîoue iii ~ ~ ~ r- il uiu a ,einta rJ Pîhigh a Jl*-e i a %<bil <I Eastern Star Ldg t ri n lle ti-ru N'l ý-tîhiee daugliters, MisesY, -eNMannu tlurn..d tii lier hlu, itic î s husluiap;îure iilis. peftv (l Pîgiw o B1ru11u1Fn-)t;litMa Fl lit-tii Suriuayu n-g n]bc.iiotisci,,liuît,îei Ti:e1 I. ati-tn'-Iti uoft, - -i ntrrv R Y L K L IN I 1-se a n ud Iturfgarct.ail of ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Pliîc notice lu heteby 'given ltai Oie Siuscriflet, Adminîstratrix of the estute of Iharle>' H. Hendee, deceased, iil it tend the Coont>' Court of Lake Iotuîu, ut a terni thereof to ha hoid. tii atihle- Couîrt flouse In Wankegan, il, -<id ('ouitls, on the firt tfonday' of .Aîmiît, lie-ut. 1912, alin and where ail lierions bai ig cvine againat maid - ctaie ut-e notllled and tequected to t-iet r lie saine nu said Court for ad- liEIE\ 1L. WI-EELOCK, Admuilstratrix. l uukîgal, Ilîlinois, Muay 20, 1912. May 24-31 Jne 7 RAINBOW MEC. 00. STOCK THE5 STOCK FOR YOU TO BUY Capital stock $100,000. $75,000 common. $25,000 Prelerred. Par value $100 per share, preferred stock payj= ing 7 per cent per annum. A !ew Real Reasons whyj Rainbow Marnu[acturing CompanyJ Preferr'ed stock is the Stock to bu!J. 1 . Because we have $40.000 in real assets. 2. Because we have prote cted il with a $25,000 lite nsurance pi) loc!I. 3. Because the Company has an earning capacit!J of30 per cents. 4. Because it *s- redpeemabie In 1922 ai $110 per share. 'J BUTLER BROTHERS Ni îi ) tîmmtî sq.AI Lout j,t-1 t li A>> la>'21, 191,2 htimbto- tllgiî Seat Sire: ou the l7llîi u. su rite roi,. ai.iingTouu t,, lutte- fît l mti ittici s ii t i-t alil et - un It <l Butera urderet on tiay tîrd, huitir, tai iii.pruselît wa ttl ses bat- t- as let r-eu. ilsiii'.î,ii-s tir notie. mit wis t-n i ias tta iîiîmlt sstn l seard lîy tacts t t t r it. lIlui rt i îi t rateu - as ouiî Just a few copies of tho original orclers as they corne in dailv to - the Co hlpany. A. FIELDING & BRO. llauil-Ws'îu , lvu. -iý hi lîîuf.t -ll- Biol î N. ., t1ruilV, l12 4 u, Slu tan Ft-tmuvî, n, Cal s lia Sua-n.s <iiiui t a i t 2 (illu-,,îN,,1. WNoJ ILLINOIS DUSTER COMPANY 4, r -i l 412 m i i i -tl it t lw J w Ftin iîss N taic!%>,ud l t htv yllu sc i ii-te hitir-t e fies diîiî.,u eacli of Ili aiî,,-t- et/s etnibiii&ciit.. ti1 urgut ît ders ws are lî<ldîug for avail stc -Ft ý1 ý1a se'.on, 111 iz-ec. K î,ilî u - i "In a ttntu D nion auJ ci1. l'y Kindît- iitiu-litar f,ti vimut t,'. ad oljj,,. e - g. t lii -c s r truls', Xts BUtTLEiR BRiOTHE RS, tUly- ils J. J.Rezny I. I IoSPiýrýt A. R. Schnaebele & Company Fiscal Agent Libertyville, 11ýniS -j / 1 i - -ýý c~c~ Mr&, Raymond of Vulo, cient several dayo of lait weekni ttib ler dauglittr, Mir. Chas. Kapple. John Lawrence ut Lilertsviile, mpent Sunday with B. J. Lotus ai(d tainiiy. Mr@. Straubart of Chi-agio, eçivut Sunday with lier daughter, Mi , Joëecj, Seblousser and tamily. Chas. Kapple badl thee iîetrtuin tii buse 015e iof bis grey liiîros l ast weel, withlo îckjaw, wbîihbroi.> up hie Bie> tearu. Mrp W i. Elis and Miss Olive Colent were Chicago vimitors Wednenday. Editor Newlouoee .Ili li(e the i fiqi of the (irayolake Tinîeiii the .biîî Book store building lîetweeîî J-, Petercîîrt's and Jocibeitoip baker-v.He- liai alsu borîglit theie iepaper bustiness iron [). (G. White wbîcb buminesh.lii. l take the Juni, let, au wbiub tili,,bl The cemetery suciety willi meet with Nire. E. B. Newsiile, Friday, Mkay :il Everybo<ly invîted. Jege l'ongalianglitransacted bus ut-se In Ublragzd Tueeday. Tueeday eveaing to a course dinner ~ ~ .. wlic j sidb> tiuecwlo 'nw tîîe WADSWORTH. iGURNR ligs of .zrysÂake u h ue ve evd lray -oa. Tuediung allseîcbeuîiulli.rtvd Lcu Lux penit a 1-se -ai-. at M' au-, Mr. and tirs. C. M, Brown retulmed wl th ajide b luisue. svîii-h mLun,.a s iryudtis eLfonluaaStrd Phiono 11 Pleeeîng effeet The sark f huýt tigî,îe cyat înec.iîmiiiaaauraeveaiug. wasdoe y he raslklodg.A tirs. Jointi,0-l. of cli, , i îriM i Mr..J W. Gray visited friend in Adveriihing FRtes On App iîcsîîon prugrati hart l,cu latiil<lbut it t-elt)g N, iBroni !l'Ie-aavîr t %îî. il-Jte %auikpgan Sattirday,. Sir 'er Bro.. are bui i lac ziihi.Id itg nht- ubvrt le W idmen Friday evenlng. e graduate troni several su4 Iknown ,tue r. iitliieycr rcs(li o c \re.t ' t w, ltaretickets %vere sold. celbould and roîleges ot the icuet.lic- bas 1 TAYLOR GROVE. tirs. Wm BHuil anud I.-îrge et aýt Ir. 1,W. lirai-lier c vimiting ber rentei tbe 'Mat la the bm,- -ifiMiss Weck ln Milseaukesý Wilur on Weeîerdid PIa. e JohniTuttl ii htpiigihi,' uit,- l , bre. sesterý. Bsert Braclier at Libertyvlie. »Hart Suver anîd tanîîlî Ilxof îî 1 tIr. ..Burr and waiele t ictIi -dtat- for!Nias Gelvil. w s-.n l oraF IL client Surnda> at IV. y, adliîFi ru. F'rlav t-, 'Mr. and tirs.A. Read, Nsew York City' where tir. lirr a Il goi1Witbys. tr ee uslla ,--iI ui bookkepr erefoptcilbore.- for tiLallC lrîc, i-uetuit rliiltdieî teerto tc at civ. vu toNur.te. lak eneraiedbe C anning Co. triutîsheai.tau, 1t,..r.t,rts >graini- i . gctting along nîceîv. ln-:hi oni iicagîi las week. Nran r.Abr doîîîg nlcely aîîdu-on, s îî. aii Jgro n 1 hElimer lu rry us build ,ng a ne iv larmi 1 IU-io,l muer nd Royîal N 'iglibors mEet i w-g ee.guest'i fMrti ,.l MNi fast.i iss Kuiel ietnîeyer cpu-Ut Sutia ntandaya tt.'tbovn an-I el vlng. Wîai Ellis Sandas' v.Mc.r. ,-i, :-hie The Ladies' Aid soi ît ,ý t Iî Ni rs. iollie . t Flîar,C ' v lira- -elted a position attorney' for the lNorîbss '-t. ri t ilirid. G. A. ieborrie last 'l i i.snli e Irts. Mciers i' at lier citîaie foir t vit tfi t(j v îîaîî ltit'jio. If truu are looklng lot - f~t iii(t-r was a gond atîeuulan- eurtiî,r.tiN lt-I vî biaio uh raiera sto-p la tii ý se . i, l- î-i, vt-e tir. floem utflrayi cake. is l-.i r 'is, u, .u a etîndli vt ns ut Tîinedas nC aoo u tue ouipqlieo. The Bezail St ,rý,- 'rutc;Stra eln io. Niý o1 u a eirp onatnN]ý 1uýa'v Co ,, -Willi C .1 W g b tn ta,,îof Ilra 'vmlak.. sas ber. li rt-l Shermîan ot Wliiîîit.Ni.- -rt- Fricade utftirs.Joint l.r"vli are rt-m Ialler F:ilcy seas a Cty,r hi-t. u e cl i nîg up riue iit- nerane -itigfriende. t', ht-ar iof ber se-nous c iidtî,u. Mi..Tucciiai :i, ,u ei-iniilg Thelea le taking etare ut1lier. 'Mr. and:î tr. le,, Bartietti clint Bat- 1- ed HI,,,, iiîînured lits' and "Ife D G Whte <rove tu, M ak. tzair, i ,lÀt'ViCiii t a ti ia >Flauders'oe" uua Mr. and Aire. H. C. Auttes visitc:l ileir ut- la.,in iiaikegau. baiitv- ast useci ugltigI iagîl C'arlyle lruce seas ti 1- t t onaunit Sun)da>'__________ a ripe wa lii- leadi!mg un anial. t'usinecSe wedae8lay. - tre Johin (ielilng vs îted bers Wed-'l- A ESLX J~" i. Allen anud J. P. Sli ia: i , i, d. 1 GA ESLKEYOK OSES Kenîclia Tneadav n laNr S - iti M, DclI ina-u ppnt Sunda>' in Cliîagu. i. adtr 'uLe lLletsIe Next Snuiaav le tleiorial and Motbers Ford. Nr n r. a p i Llpt-l' tir. F.-ningaI bicg-,i -t..îl 1te Thecre wili lie servi,-e at the Roseirane c;Plent Sturday atternii.n wi ti rs IlaS n t-hurt-fi -Alilcone ont. tr.. Feing oft Chiecago Suday vîw.James. I1tirs. Auîgusta Carnien bas retarneri tir. ire, ver Sudaynow Bru. tiitir aunit .lWtrt lraci,-r, a trot i Flrîda and le elsiting ber sonbers.. Mrs Wm. Edwards of NI ,îtai. Nrs SarahiSliea visited relaticeshlere baby boyi. F riav. Niai17.MistîrhytPladpiPa.s vieit.-d ripatis lir. e ni.-Iinn.t Weck.Mm upyoPhldpaP.,e Mir. ad titi lave I îîrlsuîn otfIaukevisîtînIc aI ilie Wlaield l'ael borne. Tire uuî,îing Pictare ph- i t1 , inGs tiouse calicd oui trîieda liste lasI gai,, vieted tetati, ceslbore Suinîay. îtro ie Jî rieî n e g-, lt-e Tneséday eve:, ca:.1' Ut-lstal>rerg amtdii oado.vîntAu lien utprofkecMr@. vsied lcqir Sndaber atte fRokWlr vsdw erSidy ated,.Ht-tr>' ieWoif lbas ai-cc1îned a position bi. sun Freilt-otiFrida> . iiA nirn rotît, ers bhave receired hIn tir. and Mire. E. B Sherri:ai: and I'ir&. in Iatukegan tir. andr- l. î.-irge Kaîçîle set-v.itations to Ilie grauluating exercise. of Ea-îun Sta banqet L r. l --lo tirsJohnStralan clent bureiey Wai.ega stsîîirii5aîiriîa Nelsoni,(A Neaortfordato idMCc. Wv.[lge o hiaouai,,dItl i r@ reies lre. la pn hrdyWueard il o trlar,cet it Ai lier-triends 40e eli@hlier sucess on cieuineaties iiu. Dlpl iar fCiao ,,tFi.%lites iuruiey. jh Lintus liai addi-d Mr.-ui stiu Ntand tirs. fieo, Lcwinspent Su nday it rin- er.A llug and Piiay sow ent thirongb wî:rk iboard tu hie lountta i r a- 4laus eîi th tlt 'ester at Pleamant i'rairie. Nelson,n %olsiibovutleflot-vion î lieeast Sunda>'alternoun on the Way (ii î,ucinep. City' uver Sunda>' - 1 t W'ankean truin Kenoeba. fi at- Ilise lRuth lawkinq @petit Muada>' Tie iadîe8e Aid soi ity M,1 le et wsel ratted ciîutderabie attention. Jt8t te-ivei a nese 1 r, - uu:airc eveuîing settirelatives ber'. NMrc. Wlli Sa> der, Tbursiiau afernoun Lacî inîla>'wae decislin da3 ai our' and ptînante for tfcie1'! !, Jne(Ihi iuchîsxeousn he______n roa Contiie in and pie themi 1h.- liîcxaîîJn ll. -,iiii i ,iia l lnel apo Store-Dru,->'Drug Co. Card of Thanks Mies. Ses-le utof iiste Itl.,-troui andl thtee lu>'letter. - -ý; .1 -iý 1 t, - -. i LMR COUNTY INDBPB»ENT, FRIDAY, MAY 24,191--l.