CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1912, p. 4

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EPENDENT NflNDS -VEIN BOVS AIlD Teepbone No. 145L.'0O COPPER POLICE, Siid('las@ Iail Mater INDIAN GUIDE TELLS OF oISCOV. THREZ YOUNG MEN ON ROLLER ERY IN A LETTER WRITTEN SKATES A«J8T POLICEMAN de uwnouAlîiielin. BUT A FEW DAYS AGO. IN MAKINO AN ARRE.ST. rRICLY I ADVNCI THE YOUNG MEN CLAI M TO HAVE 'RITLVN OVACECOPPER WAS FOUNO UV FEDER-, BEEN ORIVEN PROM SIDE- .Edtor AL BIOLOGISTS RECENTLY; WALK BY MAN WITH KNIFE .... - ..... Eitr LAND SOARES IN VALUE. ....Manage r ..... City Editor After an excltirrtr clase o!fInle ni-dco r are h se, 1 0f ou.ireka, ln whl<-btht Pee otrng men on pe letîoîg te Flambteau Rivet. near' roler akaLteti aîd a poirce officer parti- l'ove. liVi., niai miake anceViaule- ciiated, AtguttKarte nums arreateil truite- lndependently ricît. !t a honte on Sotllt" ica street l"rýidiy afternoon Aibin H-. Seifert, wstrre bu ivas fiitrd iidde-n uway in rtIL" i*a;*t street, recels ed a post1 the îsernent behiîîd abrckciine' Beaut tut b'ossois and velvet lawns de mot jibe -itllthîe rais meatner thîs section lias bad during the past feis days. il acta-slirke Oclober. Bankers cannot agret csrhh tIre merchants wnto ns i litaI lthe banks should remain open Sulurday evenirfga and afiernoans. They insist that Wau- kegan people havent so mucli mont>' but liaI thhy can gel il in b>' noon on Saturdays. So far as we're conicernied, we guesci they't s rrght. Senator Oson ha shown furîher inerest In Lake Count>' b> backlng up ite Woodmen in their fight in the State senate for the anli-raise rate Iaw which ls known as the Donahue bitl. C. T. Heydecker. who was right On -he ground, givea Mr. Oison unquaiified praise in moîl emphatic terrns for hi. part in pushmng tht measure along. The Mlwsaukece girl isho dared te ride clear 10 Waukegan on the handie- bars of her lover;ç molorcycle, in te eopement of Salurda>'. deserves te bee happy. Taking a chance of taI sort is lîke going through fire te ,iwin her zwelhearl. She deserves happinest ant frequenl pleasure trips. Wonder if .. as, u t a.- - - -*5 on, tentes ois as he mas orevieus î-,rd fri OitanIt lutaitguide w ho habit it 'r,îcse- ibs wigwsamr oitthe tttsof the Flamtbeauitie, near tir nlet-efbracres of lanîd recetl aî'îuîred hi 'tIr.Sefert. The îtosî cr, :infox ed '.\rc. Se-ifert tii ,t a rien s citi o!fs aluable miterai lîud le foiînd aieitg the Flaibeau r;%er b., federai biologists. The sein w as forn d lu the lanîd adjoînhtg tbtt orsned ît),'Mr. Seife-rt. That te sein transgresses bthe landt of -Mr. Seife-rt la the belle! of the In- dian gide. Stinias' iighî 'Nir. Sefert iii leave W auke-gan for northern WlsconFin. He-î mill sîend four neeka îrsUting or i, land ,MIr. Seifert acqiiredtIhe tîtie o!fte landtîîhre-e teats ago. He fias ere'cîed The three young mîen t.ho afiied Pol- ice Officer Chirles Holmstein make 2ite capture: Wiltiarn Prindie. , '(;oti aie-toc. ('citaGustafson. ciL Xi rion street. Frink WJllliams, 112tifrowisng ave- une. Atcordn o 0te sýocof the lbrec 4oc s boIdt athe i li ie ta loti Frlday li-,it hiey mre sktitng doisn Marion street whcn Karî>e tires. a knlfe on hem andt ordered the-ni frorn off the sldewalk, The boys tookt t their heels. One isent dowu on Mtarkiet street a here ho enllnted t fie- sersvices of Pol- ice Officer Holmeste-ri'ihe Finfauder %as locale-t on Fort fi Iticas treet at r'ý o'cloek and a fîoltîttase folowed. W'îe-i arrested lire iinirînder had ta ke-n refuge lu thb la fîrîctîeîo f an to Saiturday, or, wîil1the second passertger aboard the handlebars be 100 much r a log raila on the batiks o! the Flaîn- enîlty hoîîse. lie rs bcm_, fie-Id at te of tsk orhimte-au river asolfias spent tiso rnoinths 1>0ieli'estation penrig an iinestiga- cf lsk orhim ~e,îria SttmnîIer on thie land. Preqiient- tien. The report of Comnmissionier Orvis on the isater isortis and cemelery 1lienîsento tia re iînd Iseao! a rueMsatelininî Ile llte" ra-fîisred shows that 1the adoption of a SYSTEM ln boh departmentehea. e..t. th- litnsin,..eladl erho rle kt thniue erfi Ctly te really mmatie money off both. In glancing over his report one cannet î' .aa onnerbs fsst aî- k to the raid ttoi elernt a heip but concede that the showing l8 mosl excelent, provngthlat careful Ls uiirhsmf n ail kt ntesdNakýledneýhN handlng of these departments i. a business undertakinq and a source of reve-r imdotfrtre ek erPwýinzdanakie nue if looket after as a private business should be looked aller. The reportla el. tire neareot raiîroa t atonhol intresin. Yu toud -ii t!W is ,i1, ltîtated about ARE VICTIMS 0F FORGERY On fatreofth eprtwhchlawot ntiin i teamount of mon- tlii rîr fie milfe., f:om 'O r SeferI's T.Artur >Simn -oiiiittlo' ey sîvedthtrough use of tescoal ai the water morts foliowing the operaîlon liii "e'llse't-f ndIi es1 ie-r î rriîofsihorailil iii i ,itkt-ofn of the new pump, also tie graduai reduction of the test per gallon of water for rius lr ieyrgadtesr- te rfsila iii pumping liat habeen brought about in tht plans as a resait of cartous haes of lite lantgie Ioi re-ff teîrii doii ancoo eî oseadhr changes and improvemnerts as well as the carefut hundling of the riidw.aco1 i iie hi Waerpan y h egner nchre n hsassistants. Tic cot perenttir slfier, lie bas Irai eied and ra'nnies t isriilîi lntis for one watrplantby tc engneer chage anphraretrai ciethIe groîîîd. until hée- b otf Xn'erica's large-I it eti'iit aiers. gallon of water has been greatly reducent the total consumptien of ceai has ktiovrs e ri]andi mark,. Thfis noreitrtn rur,-ttla. i bien cul down material>' and gencrat recuts are mot sattsfrctury. The camne TVie orritciîf te riie-fn of:lr iircleda XvSiîitoi- i* true aI 1the cemneter>'. There la mone>' on hand titere ishereas i used to be IlepervidaiN. : i'niitrtth rrrîablviî teter.iSeifert: ire Io delire-r aalet0fbookasli ru thal th cty owed trolley for lils maintananice. Both branches ni Mr. Orvîs' de a rr h i1 --sit ete i etinfo i partment therefore have marie a splendid shesaing turing hilsfirst year as ils Fi- ml ia kn'1t i il ix tanine r n r ecr rrrtir rrlr head, a fiel whci MUST BE ADMITTED miether one ugrees wth Mr. Orvrsert r',î1frî"e t'cieee1 n-a trtr.tro n t rtleet'- ' poitically, personally or otherwise. And thuIs viatae bbc u .c - anirs more in îo,,t li.e '--u bte ,at soit ssfîo'.î r .a sbscrfi 'it for Ihan anyhing-to havi RESULTS. 'cailrivei sndn ote an ire-'irri teiî-iig eatîr' i o<fîtls iniet- 'Ti-at Waukegan s lv have AEIG 5TIME on Jiy 3rd anda 'cliS pitnty SETN OTOPI N t'r'ua,'aeitet errîrrr ';.,rE r¶a 'r PISlO N ortt i t. 'a ljer( I 11 poe 0 ovldenced by the. enthtisrasr- iready bc tig shown O zcone wt'o are r-.vtiig * plana for the ccfetratron. And the success of the cel..bration is further -ssureci be' ause cf the fuel filt the womnen of Vurukegan, in every case miiere they have been askdb bi1e jcirîed in heartrly to matie the affa r a succena '«heir ad ila!ewa~ysr.eedndO Io maic such th.ngs success'ul and thev are hac.ttng up the mým n finet shape *rarady; in fact, are advanrcg ri',na îshich are piroing vaiu,.hie and vauiicl wilI help make the celebratecn this year a,red-Ietter affair inite ctys histor>' The generaf feeling is that Waukcgan this year slîouid make its ceebra tien one of unusual features. of unusual proportions and of the kind whrch wll.gve people ne reason 10 go lsewhere to spend the Fcurth. The plan n ow se 10 have a home-coming celebralion. Ihat is, try and gel m any former residents t0 make it a pont tb be here WEONESDAY AND TWURSDAY, July 3rd and 4h. as is possible. To do ths.Il i Up 10 every "aident havng frenda or relatives living in other ctes who Lied to lîve here, t urge upon lhem the importance of being litre these days anid reet their lorrner acquaintances. it la planned te have the 3rd the home-comirif dcay and possibly à big receptbon for former residenîs wilI be piarnied fer te arm-ory on the evening of that day. The suggestion sounds good. But. t0 matie ita succens, every resdent 'muat co-operate and gel w crduIci hose isho may bc A ncllned 10 make plans tu corne 10 the celebration. The commitînes are vvorkinq hard but ohers flot on cc-nittees cn do ienuch towvards ading various featurea and, for once. tlseems that ail Waukin igan achould join In carryrng out idleas suggealed by the coliiOitteS and matie the celebration one which will go ta-en imb histo'>' as THE EtCG CELEBRA- TION IN WAUI<EGAN'S HISTORY. DIES IN . CHICAGO; ANDREW J. DENISON. PROPRIE- TOR 0F BIG COFFEE HOUSE, DIED AFTER SHORT ILLNESS terday airit l ire i ttti a-, .lt. S-11f sire-et, t lia, ti au-r ho1ifit i u Mir leriisri ii. 'a i- adir \aj r- t-an re j t. ,f td t i rI'- ý1r knos ig I.ti )r , li' Ieru o Il,. ,î- teittie-ui ir, t, gui mcilir . ttr r' gid aa i lî<îît11,a;1t11 oîr îitrialiv yearitint titi" it titi' noticel'tic nesa in ttiru( t îi ~ r. tvrî.. w hle ARREST ATTORNEY ,]i,,-' tter, i -iffo Iloic *- E d -A rrti ,arsIn Sn..îh. , puîshr - r tan î'artrraîand a ui i oîhor, i t'.hoîir' te n iifligit- e I~ii ld ar k. iiias "eteil Tliirsîia v or ,ii n 'Oeon the --th <or\oi,r c. ,je, :.;' zing on the adeiualki 1 ' .Il crOo risonr for a terrir ýir :t ' .1-aý- tOi ' furi ti- À le ir i rire" . 1' A. Z.mmte-r' 'i. la m e r, ccni- it i di ttrrdi, 11101, findi r i aîned e , îd r ia- ;liiiarrr,' t:il N.rt. r i-brn 'andi ir t m gtilt of tnrîrriagtî er inIlie ,- ýi , ,tc-', i- e ticof thitl ieree. fenet' i ilrIoiae Djtritl E. H. CORLETT C, A. FREDERICKS Corlett & Fredericks DEALERS IN Fsincv Mmmzt s andl(roerips 1O SEND 100 DIELEGAT[S Phone 30 100 LAKE COLINTY MEN ARE TO ATTEND SUNDAY SOHOOL ON. VENTION AT ELGIN, MAY 29 h MEN WILL MAKE TRIP F ROMTh HERE TO ELGIN IN BUSSES N AUOMOB 2Oth Century idr 111., -îttu Cash Store X t ' aT c au ir -r's IlOîrr a!. le iiti r ,1i- ' r %- Il, or 12 rl Itl, t'O f 'nia- rt, ir c li made- seii.iil1n , ' l't l\, t'it 1r ., X,',r t t for iis iiî'er li i t r' ' tI tt 'i t i i a t raîtîtr"îî'd r purchating tJ i' it ti . l' ' ' t i I l , ï, it i r ssc for bî, tt t -t, j' t- fi ia.toru- tester. ' ' f ' i t.ttlu rli ua,- h At th.,îti o i 'i' r ro il \\aril ag, 1.àî i-e ofthe Iroliutl<tl rf tit' i , >itrtle . 't ua1-t-tIhîtr effle bouses in tlu'et ,t'i t . irel.a i'tr' hI- ex. -, Dsong is r-ttc Ir liev;'tI . . t tr., ', i îrfa i - nia. 'h Ived viftti hta îarî'ritc ir , - Ii ri i, hit r e.t-etl efoif- _Niai "tb. in- ster of First street antlNi Il z'.î.'rî r.t ' t. î 'iitai, - o ' î-ttir.ri a n 'rbIS psoperty fa boa- enra-ctr 'r'i!I 'ten ".il 'rr'-iIif r,- -r, ît ser ,'K lans P. 'W eiss. tin t rttI, . , 'îr tiliI., tril raîn Ail Are Ours.. - teiti iii,), it i-t, trr' t f W@ lamet the hotility of clrcam - .iilPr "i * %T'ittan tiii gliliji.and lhe elusve nature Of OP- 'Rle-i ,e-ot ee l liiatr Illr.i yortuaity. but if w. am-e ithe stretea -t 'sI l, .rrftiti Itttiet t 'el 'r ale of TIwe ailcis-umazleare -ousgaI nui TIre master cf.tlght Living ls keYed te hi&issurroundings andsilii..&Bithse Leave Ilt10 o r goqe opn te the sy snd sir. Study Motler--î really tlin yon'd ho iloumsef, lay fl-m hold on thre deep happier If you marriet a man mho hadl ferms o! angelhood, tb. folded bisa, lois noney' Daugbter--aDon't mors-y. Mm of belssbansd bld them co ni other; ha ahi have lest In a very ~lhI -pot t Ore -!ostai Traniscrlt. LIBERTY-VILLE, ILLINOIS Are showing 1000 &amples of the f inest ail wool goods. Ready ta be made to, measure by thue Royal Tailors, and Inter. national Tailoring Co. Cail in and select your goodeandic leave your meas- ure. ' Fit guaranteed....:.. .... We have received somne swell shoes for Young men-button and Iace--in tan or black.............. E. W. PARKHURS1, SCHANCK DLOCIC - Libertyvmle, lOP Notice . IHURED IN RUNAWAY SUOD TCRYOTAL. LAKg As 1 ama Dot golog lo move to Motana Mrs 4Tcéplse Oleon. 34 ye.a o oH 1214 ZdwaId 8chuttz, El Yeffl Of! £S. i amn prepared ta do &Il kindu of tearning Lenox avenue Wauketan wasa injur- disappeared frora his home. at OfYetai Lake laut week Wednesday a.nd on on short notice. J. E. BaznD, Liberty. ed %Mooday at Madison and LaSalle Monday hie dead body wus feund li VIll., iiiý Phone 158W. .d.f treets. Chicago, when a runaway the wooa a short distance southeail _________________________ horse daehed along 111e stroot. Hoer of that village. He land corne tehie left aria mas lacerated and the left death by a whot trom hie owfl ray!- v et, evideotly flred wlth suicidal In, aide of ber head was eut and ohe rnay tn aiso have sustaiued Internai Injuries.'it mas evident thse young man had She was taken te the Chicago Fer-and been dead several days, as bie face IEye hopital. Mîra, E. lAuden of' çwjj. ei0Omd marks asIif the crame bad caewsIjrdettesm eplcked hlm. The cause of the suicide la go mai en uredhvatbthe aaloverne and mas taken 4o the samne boRpital. fsai d1 aebenalv ! A cene froin -Tha- irl tand The Steini[ed." The art of making watches H1çs, I-c n an ling ahenîstteadily fortarm h nsV ia inca-ontebranma anal mkii pue io thleir iiaking tii tas than cie-r Ar : mii llI tbilr zt g titnic i leiper aIl t ýiii. iit i dtaratiler ni age, If -jt t i t,, Oa a' i i -ti t t boh fair tbite wat-fi matilrt w li. ai vanl'e.l, hib it 4 1eliaoei em i, If Yîîîîi% n li ttl, titdlt 1 -' tsf' I i-a r.-tsvir r-ftie1 s aý i- u ), o d is ti iiatître- blti ue I f t.miri, AkLg , 00cýr. r is lt.i,ti A. HUSS Libertyville, --Illinois STBER STRAIGHT t Wrnî. LaycOrk & Co. If Votn have ac, auto e ned. tepairinit or otiîerwibe. We Clai]to kiiow out bumlies andtda10at- tend ta t-a ciaImi iade gond hy every job icavilig our bianda. Es-en If vou douit nt-cd aiUr ervreo toda.t droiî iu anyiiow. Wtehoiie Wm. Laycock Co. Agents For MOLINE MOTOR CAMS LibertyvMle, 111. PHONFES.R.slsnts IZL Sb" Li4324 Did You Cet the Caif? 'llim tor th4tî at a at trsn smo ogetaa df that ]id gotten ouit of tte tît liu a short t t boyrtrie nd xctediv toliii v.tht- caf lid s.taî ipededthe io z-"F h uil was rkei.tegarit-i inied the- cirickeîîîukilli- i th e attit- wer e nt h ofthel-a rzeekille i- *-Hold on- yelc-d thea farnier, Il old on'.i)id you geit the- calf -'I dîi' answt-red the s4urdy yoîîxig man. I'heii ilevet' îîîiuîd tlim eî Jong aÀ you did what voil were sent to do. Lt is ali right if yoii got the -alf. A îîd so it got-s. If you -o aliter anivtliug. gtt it regardlle-î- of co11se(- quences. Ev erytlîiîg wiIl coiie ont (0. K. if you - i-t the caif. Resuilts===Actual Present, Real Live Resuits Count t i~s iot liard work. It is not what uuay lappein, or inight liapi I. 1)11) OU GElTUTIE CALF 'JOHN HOI)GFI liti account with i3î IIX TsIrrî i.Lîiv IN>l Co~ii '. 1911- 191-1. To allotmesut o' ut-w liîsiuieqs tr h4- writteuî tlîîring yens uIt. ,'iillll 111111 By amouîît w ritten froin Octt. 31. 'Il to May it, 1912...... .. .. Bal. dut- to bt- writteu betweeiu May' 1, and Oet. 31, 1912. ý,3i8.28 O(This agency wiii more than double tht- ailotment for the year.) An¶j Other Business Can Better Aflord to Wait. Write to Your Michigan Mutuel Life Agent To-Deaj SEE OUR NEW CONTINUOUS MONT.ULY INCOME POLICY AND OUR /TWXINTY PAYMENT LIFE OPTION. COMPANY ISSUES ALL STAND- 'ARD POLICY CONTRACTS. ITS POLICIES WHICHI ARE ISSUED AT LOW RATES. CONTAIN MANY PRIVILEGES. Yourg truiy JO0H N *We have oet the mark at a quarter of a million. H0ODG E DISTRICT MANAGER. lU ,.. .. '"'a' " - '-. "-t'- '55,fr eiafncttt. t LAKE COUNTY INDI Onlece0.le1.oe No C Edito s Residence Entered eatthi , îi'î- t Ll.r iieI.. Is~s d l es-f' .rîr.îilz.liatste lia UUBSOIRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YEAR STI W. J. SMITH.... F. G. SMITH RAY L. HUBARD . FE 11I)A 1 ~AV 2A, 1Vl "I STAVER BUGGIES ARE OOOD BUaGiES We Have a Stock of Fifty Select From. Cali in and Talk it Over. IF.IT s SCLIANCK'S IT'S lithOS nu 1- - . ýM 1 V..

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